The Ultimate Guide to


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 1

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Siddharth Rajsekar | India's Leading Digital Coach

About The Author

Siddharth Rajsekar

Founder - Internet Lifestyle Hub

Siddharth Rajsekar aka Sidz is the founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub, one of the world’s largest communities for coaches, trainers, teachers, and experts with over 10,000 members.

As an acclaimed lifestyle entrepreneur and international speaker, Siddharth has trained over 200,000 people in the last 10 years. Recognized as one of India’s leading andsought-after “info-marketing” specialists, Siddharth has worked closely with renowned International experts like Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy,and Jack Canfield.

After running many multi-million-dollar online campaigns for companies and helping people make money online in the last 10 years, Siddharth has developed and perfected the Freedom Business Model. The Freedom Business Model focuses on helping people take their expertise online and building a super-profitable digital coaching business, without an office or employees.

His mission is to reform the education and employment system by building a new breed of Digital Leaders, based on the core principles of humanity and simplicity and by enhancing one’s social skills, happiness, and overall productivity.

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He is the author of this book, “You Can Coach” which decodes all the steps for experts to successfully PLAN, LAUNCH, and GROW a digital coaching business to six figures a month.

Wearing multiple hats, Siddharth is a husband of a loving wife, a father of 2 boys, a minimalist, futurist, spiritualist, a YouTuber who has published over 300 videos, as well as a podcast host!

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Do you want to know how to set up the ultimate home studio for digital coaching? I'm going to be getting into all the areas like the audio setup, video setup, lighting setup, studio monitors, the headphones you should choose. I’ll discuss the best editing software available and even the type of apps on your phone that are useful for your coaching business. 

When you have decided to take the plunge and create a video-based online course, you may initially be overwhelmed, but this is the best way to proceed. I’ll even cover the way your room should be set up and the acoustics. I speak from experience; believe me, the benefits of having a home recording studio setup will overcome every concern and constraint that you have. 

Besides saving you the overhead of renting a commercial studio, having a home studio is all about flexibility and having the freedom to work as per your own schedule.  It takes a little bit of time and money, but once you have built your home studio, you have everything you need to start creating online courses.

As a digital entrepreneur, you can record your personal expertise on video and teach people whatever you know.  Soon you can create and sell a course.
Most courses will take between 2-3 hours to make and supplies a lifetime of earnings.
Videos, webinars, and podcasts increase student engagement, which in turn helps boost achievement. Your students will have the flexibility to pause, rewind, or skip through your content. They can have class discussions or review particular areas.
The more you can create opportunities for human connection, the better experience it will be for your students. Always remember to put yourself in your audience’s shoes.
A critical next step is to make the process of creating videos as easy and efficient for you as possible.
Setting up a simple home or office studio can go a long way toward ensuring that you stop procrastinating and take action on your plans.

For a digital coach to be effective, the most important quality is the ability to communicate well. You have a wealth of information to share and you need to do it in a way that exudes credibility and authority. Your students need to see your core competence and to achieve that you should be able to explain ideas clearly. 

The flexibility, ease of use, convenience, and reliability that come with having a studio of your own is unmatched. It’s not only simple but practical too.

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Why is it important for me
to have a home studio?

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Nowadays, anyone can coach anybody as long as they understand their core niche and how to sell using the different tools that are currently available. 

I feel influence is about connecting with people and you can reach a massive number of new viewers who wish to learn, be inspired, or be entertained with videos and podcasts. YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google.

Think about the difference a world-class video/podcast/webinar will make to your coaching business:

It will influence purchasing decisions
Give the audience the information they need.
Rank higher in search engines
Increase traffic to your website.
Attract more backlinks.
Increase conversions.
Increase revenue.
Potentially a huge return on investment (ROI) through many channels.

You can convert a livestream into a permanent video lesson.  Next, you can take all or parts of the content you capture with video and convert it into blog posts, eBooks, podcasts, and a range of other formats.

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Digital course material has to have a professional look. A high-quality video shows your viewers that you're capable of creating persuasive content. They will react positively and trust a coach who approaches teaching professionally from start to finish. 

If you can change the way people learn and the way people teach, then you can transform the world.


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While it may sound daunting at first, creating a home or office studio doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are five components, camera, audio, computer, editing software, and additional equipment for your home studio.

It is possible to create a video on your phone but it doesn’t necessarily leave your students with the impression of professionalism. Think of it this way, you could easily take a selfie and use it for a publicity shot but when you get an excellent headshot, you look like a true professional and are more likely to leave a lasting positive impression. 

So exactly the same is true for content recorded in a studio versus an impromptu shoot anywhere else. Having said that, I will give you another example. Setting up a world-class studio is like buying a car. There is a balance to be struck between intended purpose and your budget, personal taste and preferences.  In regards to your home studio, you need to be smart about your choices.

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As I said earlier there are a few main components for a home studio:

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Your recording space where you are setting up your recording gear should be as quiet and “dead” of a space as possible. A small room with limited exposure to outside sounds and lots of sound absorbing material is ideal.

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Your microphone captures the vibration of your voice and transfers it to electrical impulses, which are then transferred to a digital signal that is recorded by your computer, tablet, or other recording device. Make sure you are buying from a reputable brand and read reviews.

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A sound card internal or external that converts the signal. Small and simple ones or large and complex to which multiple inputs connect. If you are just recording your voice, you only need one channel, which means, keep it small and simple.

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There are plenty of options out there to help you edit and convert to different file types, ie. mp3/wav, and adjust basic recording levels etc. It comes down to finding a format you like.

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A good desktop or laptop.

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Mic Stand

Make sure you check the max extension if you place it on the floor. Another option is table top.

Optional Items: 

Studio Speakers: If you want to take your headphones off and monitor your audio. 

Shock Mount: Keeps your microphone from picking up vibrations from the desk or floor you have your stand mounted on. Some Microphones include this. 

A Pop Filter: Keep those p’s from popping. 

Cables and Adapters: It all depends on what equipment you are going with. There is always an adapter for whatever you need.

Most importantly, you don’t need to buy everything simultaneously and spend a lot of money on the priciest equipment that will drain your bank account. Start simple and with fewer pieces, and build this up slowly as you gain more experience and recording skills. 

So if you're starting, my recommendation is to pick up the freedom trainer kit from The freedom trainer kit is the most economical thing for all your equipment, from sound to lighting. So you'll actually save a lot of costs on the initial setup. If you want to make your life much easier, just go to If you go to our internet lifestyle hub shop, I have something called a freedom trainer kit that will speed up your process of sharing your knowledge with millions.

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters...

Is your content and what you’re saying authentic?
Is it believable and honest?
Show a bit of your personality in your content.
Put yourself in your students’ shoes.
If you were learning the same topic, what would you like to learn in a video?

If you focus on that, you will be on the way to creating world-class videos from your own home studio.


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The lucky thing for me is I've been a sound engineer, so I know what professional sound is,  compared to commercial audio. I studied sound engineering in 2001, and I've done a lot of work analyzing all kinds of gear. I have many friends in this whole audio space, and many of my friends are making music for films and ads and multiple things. So my number one priority, even while I was working at my job before I had my workspace and setting it up in a beautiful way so I could create stuff. Previously I used to produce music, but now I'm making a lot of content like webinars, business podcasts and videos. We need clear, crisp sound; we are here to create a home studio, not to record award-winning music tracks. 

As digital coaches, we will mainly use our home studio to do our live webinars perfectly, to record podcasts and videos. You must have the basic elements in place so that you can start to put out some excellent quality content.

So the first version of my home studio was a PC, a sound card, and a microphone to record my vocals. What I've seen is most people, especially in the Indian digital coaching space, don't pay heed to the audio part. They get fancy cameras, but they have a reverberation or echo from the room that messes up the quality of that entire video with the echo. Remember that your audio quality needs to complement your video. Even if you record high-quality cinema 4K footage, you’re going to have trouble keeping your viewers interested if the audio is terrible. Built-in laptop or camera microphones usually have bad audio quality. They cannot record or eliminate ambient sounds effectively, so a good microphone is the second most important tool for making Youtube videos.

Microphones:  I'm a big advocate of high-quality audio first, and for this you need a really good microphone. Most cameras come with an attached mic, but USB microphones have become the standard for better sound quality. These types of mics are popular for their ease of use and sound quality, together with their versatility and affordability. So first I'm going to talk about microphones. The cheapest options usually plug directly into your camera, which can be a problem if you like to move around as you teach. For videos where you’re sitting still, you can pick up a good quality noise-canceling lavalier relatively cheaply.  If you want more freedom to move, a wireless one will be necessary.

There are two kinds of microphones: dynamic microphones and condenser microphones.

You can directly plug in a dynamic microphone, and then you don't need any power source for you to record; it instantly picks up the sound. It's mainly used for a live setup, like a live performance and stuffing and anything that's more portable. 

Condenser microphones need a USB source or some kind of a power source.  Condenser microphones are more sensitive than dynamic microphones in terms of picking up sound. Mics are further divided into different categories based on how they pick up the sound. An omnidirectional mic picks up sound patterns from all directions and is most suited for capturing background sound. 

You need to choose a cardioid microphone that doesn't pick up sound from the other side of the microphone. It only picks up sound from the front; something like a heart-shape on the microphone close to where you are speaking into the microphone. 

Lapel Microphone: A lavalier mic is also wireless and can be discreetly clipped onto your clothes or belt. It comes in a set that includes the transmitter, to which the lapel is connected, and the receiver, which can pick up the signal from the transmitter even from great distances. It’s beneficial if you’re filming outside or standing a short distance from your phone. If you get a splitter, you can have two microphones for doing interviews. Don’t attach a lavalier microphone too close to your head. You’ll be surprised by how much it picks up. 

Shotgun Microphones: There's another microphone type called the shotgun microphone, which they use for television. They're mounted on a camera so even though somebody is really far away, it is going to be like a shotgun pointing at that person, and it'll pick up the audio of that person. Shotgun microphones are a popular, high-quality option for video recording with a small, professional camera. They’re made with shock mounts that help reduce noise that comes from mechanical vibrations around the mic. It can focus on capturing clear sounds and vocals directly in front of it. It doesn’t pick up many ambient sounds on the sides and behind the mic even when recording outdoors. You also have a Fingers microphone if you have two people speaking or doing interviews on both sides of the microphone; to record backing vocals, I would use a figure-of-eight mic.

This mic is a true all-rounder. That's the one I'm using. It's one of the best microphones that uniquely captures your instrument or voice with clarity. Truly amazing studio-quality sound. You may need a microphone stand. 

So as far as the microphone stands are concerned, I'm using a tabletop stand. So if you just go to Amazon and search for just look up podcasts, tabletop, mic stands, you'll find so many of these options.

Bulffs Scissor Arm Stand

This is a professional recording microphone stand suspension scissor arm for dynamic and condenser mics. The microphone stand connects to the table on which I place my laptop. Some of you would have seen my setup on my YouTube channel. I can move this microphone up and down forward and backward for my camera. 

Some people prefer a stand where the microphone is not visible, and they have a shotgun microphone or something pointing from the top. If you just follow what I'm doing here, it will be awesome. 

If you're too far away from the camera to get good audio, a boom pole setup lets you get closer to the microphone so that the audio sounds really crisp and clean. Unlike the camera, the mic on your smartphone isn’t cut for recording educational video.

If you want to make your life much easier, just go to If you go to our internet lifestyle hub shop, I have something called a freedom trainer kit, where you don't need to buy the sound card, XLR cable or microphone separately. 

The trainer kit comes with a microphone connected to the scissor arm stand, and it has a cable built-in; just connect it directly into your laptop USB connection, and you’re good to go. That's an excellent way to start without really investing heavily into audio gear. 

Sound Card: Now, the second thing you need to have is a sound card, which is something that helps you capture the sound and connect it straight into your system. If you look at the market for sound cards, the quality will vary depending on the brand, model, and pricing. Still, generally speaking, internal sound cards tend to offer better audio quality than external sound cards. An external sound card is a box that you connect to a computer to add audio ports. 

However, external solutions are easier to install and are much more portable to be easily used on multiple devices. An external sound card is a helpful piece of equipment for computers and offices. It has so many functions and can turn any average computer into a total home-theater audio solution. 

An audio interface is an external soundcard. These days most of them connect to a computer via a USB connection. However, it is worth double-checking this as some use other connection types such as thunderbolt. The audio interface will allow you to plug in an external microphone, a good quality microphone. How do you connect your camera to your laptop?  For that, you need to get an HDMI cable. There are different kinds of sound card types, based on how many inputs you need. You will need more inputs for a band, but you just need one for a home studio set up for your voice. And maybe you need another line input for something else you want to record.  You may want to have probably two microphones set up. That’s all that you would need for a home studio setup. So the sound card that I'm using right now is the

Audient iD4 Soundcard.

This provides the best in its class sound quality to make sure you hear every nuance, every detail of your audio, letting you hear your mix more accurately. 

I also have another backup by the same company, which has another model called

Audient Evo 4 Soundcard

This is designed to deliver ultra- low noise and low distortions for your recordings.The Audient EVO 4 is a compact and portable audio interface that provides two-channel recording, popular with music producers and podcasters, voice-over, streaming, and video creators. They have two versions, and I have bought these at home in two of my different systems. I use an Audient iD4, which is a USB sound card. And I use another one, which is called EVO4, which is another sound card. Evo has a USB-C port, and Audient iD4 has a regular USB port.

The way that you've got to connect them is all of these sound cards are USB powered. Usually, the camera will have an HDMI out. It'll either be a mini HDMI or a regular HDMI. You can decide to pick that cable up and just search on Amazon for HDMI video capture. I think it's called Etzin video capture. It looks like a USB stick, but that's what you connect your camera into that particular health stream HDMI video capture. You have HDMI video capture go into your USB port and just plug it in, and that's it. You don't need to do anything else. You just open up your zoom and whether it's your DSLR or a mirrorless camera, that will start showing as one of the cameras on zoom. 

If you're doing a zoom webinar, you want to do any kind of recording. So as soon as a video set up is concerned, you need to have a camera, you'd have a camera stand, a ring light, a video cable, HDMI to mini HDMI. You need to have a USB cable going out of the sound card into your laptop or workstation that you're using, and you'll need to connect a microphone to the sound card.

Microphones have different kinds of cables. Get the cable specifically called the XLR cable. So an XLR to XLR is a cable, which is usually used, goes from the microphone into the sound card and the sound card is then connected to your laptop. 

The sound card usually will have a powering up option. If it's a condenser microphone, it will need 48 volts to power up the particular mic. So the cable that I'm using is an XLR to XLR cable. Some microphones operate with a quarter-inch cable, so you have a quarter-inch connector that goes into your sound card, which is mainly like the guitar and the line inputs. They use those kinds of cables. If you're brand new in this, if some of these topics or concepts are going over your head, just understand that you need an XLR to XLR  cable.

How to sound better when recording:

Use a pop filter made of metal or nylon mesh and act as a plosive shield for microphones.
Place your mouth a little away from the mic.
Tilt the mic slightly off-axis.
Hold a pencil over your lips. (It eliminates pops)
Use editing software.


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Having been in this industry for such a long time, I can sense even the slightest disturbance or echo in a room. A typical trouble point is an echo that can come from large rooms, empty apartments, or clearing furniture out of a room to create a home studio setup. Luckily, a very simple solution is to use pillows, rugs, couches, and all things fluffy to absorb sound. I The quality of audio depends a lot on the room. If you can have a sofa in the room or anything that absorbs sound and cushioning that will improve the quality, you won't be able to share that much of an echo. So especially we're going to be creating courses and products and things like that, just be mindful of it. Sometimes what ends up happening is if you're using a basic headset and there's too much room echo, and the sound is just not professional. You should minimize the echo audio quality and the room reverberation. It's as easy as throwing some cushions around the lights. A well-designed room can be the difference between smooth sailing and major headaches down the road. 

The room should be as dead as possible. When I say dead, it means people should only be able to hear your voice. There should not be any reflection on the walls. In everyday life, you forget how much noise is actually around you.  But once you hear it through a microphone, all that noise is magnified 100x. If you can listen to reverberation in the room, that means that it's not much soundproofing over that. 

So a few tips that I can give you to make sure that the room is soundproof. The first thing is to do a clap test and see if you can hear the echo in the room. 

If there is a lot of echo in the room, the first thing you can do is add curtains to the windows. That's a sound absorber. You can put on a tiny little sofa in the room if you want, like a couch. So that, that also absorbs the sound. You can add a carpet under where you sit. So you can put even a larger size carpet across the room so that there are lots of sound absorbers. And let's say you’re just recording audio; you can even put like two pillows right next to you, you'll get some excellent quality audio.

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Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 23

If you're going to be shooting a video, you can't do that. Still, you can have some cushions and pillows on the side, as long as it is not visible on the camera viewfinder; just make sure that you have some absorption material on the side. So these few tips here, and that will, will help you make sure that there's not much reverb. My wife and I cut an album in 2009. I recorded all the vocal tracks sitting in our bedroom because the bed was dead. A lot of sound absorption was happening. We just connected the laptop. And you know, each of us stood, and we sang, that's it.

I mean, we didn't need to go to a studio with soundproofing walls and stuff like that. If you ask me, you can do a lot sitting at home. In order to cut down on those reverberations, you can use different acoustic treatment tools like foam panels or even rubber feet underneath your speakers. Even the most basic bedroom setup can benefit from some acoustic treatment. Sound absorption treatment improves the sound quality you experience by cutting back on the reflections that combine with the signal from your speakers. Once you’ve chosen a room, it’s time to prepare it for the project ahead.

A few pointers; keep your speakers away from the wall. If you have monitors that have specific acoustic materials; you can even go to this website called or on Amazon, just search for acoustic padding materials for the room. And you'll find a whole bunch of options. 

Logitech ClearChat  H390 is a great microphone headset for YouTube video making as it is super easy to use and provides clear, crisp sound. 

Another great USB microphone is the Audio-Technica AT2020USB Plus. This condenser microphone doesn’t need a pre-amp and allows self-monitoring and volume control. It also offers mix control to allow you to blend your microphone audio with pre-recorded audio. It also has an extended frequency response that makes it ideal for recording vocals for podcasting and home recording. 

So microphone, I'm using a Lewitt LCT 440 Pure sound card. I'm using an Audient EVO 4 as my recording software, and I have a GarageBand music creation studio as I’m using a Mac. If you’re using a PC, you can use Adobe Audition, or you can use Audacity. You can pick up any one of these two, and both are cool and have a very easy-to-use interface. It looks perfect even on your desk. 

We use it on a studio boom pole kit, and that kit comes from DVEStore. It's on Amazon, or you can get it directly from them. It's excellent; you get the cable and the boom pole, which helps our audio sound good. Even with a wide-angle lens sitting on that couch, you’re typically too far away from the camera to get good audio. That boom pole setup lets you get closer to the microphone so that the audio sounds crisp and clean.

The first worthwhile investment would be to invest in good-quality headphones. So the Apple headset is what I usually recommend for people who just want to record their voice without any microphone. Way back, when I was recording my courses for the first time, I used a basic Apple headset to record the whole thing. It was a Rs. 2000 headset, and the quality was superb. I know that investing in higher quality microphones will be much better, but the pickup was perfect when I recorded my entire course using a simple Apple headset.  Later, when I ran it through my software, cleaned up the background sound, and boosted the volume, it was close to a pro audio microphone recording. So when it comes to sound, my first recommendation to you here is just going to an Apple store, pick up a headset, and if you're able to connect your headset to your laptop, that itself will be decent quality sound for picking up your voice. 

I listen to a lot of stuff on headphones; I also like to have a tabletop monitor, or studio monitor, that gives you an accurate sound where you hear all the frequencies. If you don't have a big budget while upgrading your home studio, you can look at the KRK as a good option.

KRK Rokit 5 Studio Monitors

Rokit self powered speakers are very good with accurate smooth sound and work well for mixing. Amazing sound, sound quality. I think that's in the range of, I believe, Rs.30,000. 

If you want to notch up and move to the next level, there's a company called

Dynaudio LYD 5 Studio Monitors

The LYD 5 is Dynaudio's premium small-format near-field monitor. With its low volume precision, LYD is the perfect fit for smaller setups and home studios. 

I'm currently using the Dynaudio LYD 8, which is an eight-inch speaker. It's a monitor you can use for any kind of monitoring and mixing. When I edit my videos, that’s what I use. However, when you're just starting, you can use a basic speaker like Creative.

In the studio, my headphones are critical for me because I wear headphones when I'm listening to myself speak, and I do a lot of mixing on headphones. So before you go into updating and upgrading yourself with the studio monitors. If you want to monitor good quality sound, the model that I would recommend is

Audio Technica ATH MX-50 Headphones

These headphones are praised by top audio engineers and pro audio reviewers. It delivers exceptional clarity and contours around the ears for excellent sound isolation in loud environments yet delivers durability and comfort. 

I've mixed a lot of music on this. And then later, I also ended up using

Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO

These headphones have an extremely lightweight diaphragm for superb impulse performance and excellent sound reproduction when you are notching up to the next level. It's a pretty expensive one, but it does a great job in terms of what I'm looking for. You don't have to go into pro audio gear unless you really want to geek yourself out. You can just go with Audio Technica ATH MX 50, which is less than Rs.15,000

An easier option is to check out the Freedom Trainer Kit where you don't need to have the sound card. You don't need to have the XLR cable. You don't need to have to buy a separate microphone. The trainer kit has an all-in-one. So that's a good way to start without really investing heavily into audio gear. If you're just starting right now, I would recommend you start at the freedom trainer kit because it comes with a microphone connected to the scissor arm stand, and it has a cable built-in.  Just connect it directly into your laptop USB connection.

The Home Office's Freedom Trainer Kit is for just about anyone working in front of a webcam.

>> A 10" Ring Light with -High-quality SMD LED lamps & stable color temperature. -Smartphone mount & hot-shoe adapter. - Intensity control, 3- Color temperature control & Power button. 

>> A USB Condenser Microphone with -USB output -Durable Arm set -The Double Pop Filter -Scissor arm stand, studio-grade shock mount, double pop filter, 9.84' USB cable, bonus tripod stand 

>> A Wi-Fi Router UPS -Made in India -Power backup up to 4hrs -Inbuilt lithium battery 25WH with smart charging electronics for long life -Plug and Play: 20secs connection and simple to replace battery 

>> A customisable sublimation mug - Printed with your logo


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Choosing the correct type of camera can make an enormous difference in the outcome of your video. For events and news, good camcorders are better; audio is more manageable, and they’re easier to pick up and start shooting. When it comes to video making, there are different models. Some people prefer Canon, and some prefer Nikon. There are so many options. If you go on YouTube, we'll get even more confused. It's perfect if you're shooting by yourself, good face tracking, auto-focus during the video. 

A mirrorless camera is like a DSLR, but it doesn’t have a mirror. You can see the image on the main live view screen. It’s smaller and lighter than DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are best if you’re interested in getting that film-like image quality, high-quality stills as well as video. 

Then, When it comes to your video setup, initially you can use a basic

Logitech  C922 Webcam.

Logitech Web Camera is specifically designed and optimized for professional quality video streaming and allows you to integrate your live image and any background It has two built-in mics to capture your voice in rich stereo audio.

When you want to have some good quality recording videos. That's a perfect model. And there's one more called Logitech C 930, which are perfect webcams for you to start with. In fact, in all my initial courses, I recorded using that 1080p with 4k streaming. Some people prefer Canon to Nikon. There are so many options. If you go on YouTube, you'll get even more confused. But since our use is not outdoors, it's all indoors, the stationary cameras are best.  The dual-pixel that the 70D and the 80D have, also the T5i and the T6i, all Canon cameras, is really good for content creators and for making YouTube videos. 

But since digital coaching is all indoor shooting, the first step was moving from Logitech to Canon.So I was using a Canon 200D.  I think Rs. 50,000. You also get a DSLR camera for like Rs. 25,000. So if you're, if you're brand new, start with Logitech, but if you'd like to upgrade yourself a little bit but you don't have a very big budget. You can go for anything under Rs.25,000- Rs.30,000 in the $500-$600 range, a Canon DSLR camera, which you can connect straight into your laptop and use as your webcam.

Canon 200D DSLR Camera

It has autofocus technology that makes it the preferred camera for live events with a smooth and precise finish like a camcorder, complete with superb image quality. 

Our primary shooter camera is a Canon 70D which delivers a superb video with a DSLR camera. I love that camera because of the excellent auto-focus that it has. I love the shallow focus and the great quality images I can get from the DSLR. The lenses that we use, we usually shoot mainly on a wide-angle lens, the Canon 10-18. The Canon EF-S 10-18mm IS lens is good for shooting landscapes, architecture photography, groups of people, and interior spaces where you have limited spaces. The 10-18mm will give you great depth of field at almost all apertures and will focus quietly, making it great for shooting video too.

We use a 24 mm, and sometimes the 50 mm for B roll, and we use all STM lenses because STM is a Stepper Motor Technology. That makes them really good for auto-focus and for B roll shots and for just creating different effects. What I noticed is that Canon is fantastic for photography. The camera stand I'm using right now is called a

DigiTek Camera Tripod

The camera fits snugly on it. There’s another one called a GorillaPod. This mount has flexible legs that you can wrap around any surface to film, or it can stand on its legs. This is really helpful for positioning your camera at the perfect angle and can hold up to 5 kg of weight.

Sony A7M3 Mirrorless Camera

This camera has outstanding imaging capability and high-speed performance contained in a compact body and gives you the power, precision and flexibility to capture once-in-a-lifetime moments just as you like. It is by far the best camera that I've ever used. You can see in my videos and webinars, the background gets blurred and the focus is on me and my eyes. I love the lens. I think it costs around Rs.1.5 lakhs. It's on the higher end of the spectrum and you don't need to go for that immediately.

It’s by far the best camera that I've ever used. My camera is just sitting in one place. So for that kind of use, the kind of depth that I'm able to bring out with my Sony A7M3 is beautiful and bright. You can notice in all my videos and webinars, when I choose, the background gets blurred and the focus is on me and my eyes. I love the lens. I think it costs around Rs.1.5 lakhs.  And again, I checked out with a few experts in this domain, people who do a lot more videos than I do right now and they recommended using a Sony A7M3. There's no doubt, and I can visually see the difference 

You can pick up an Elgato cam link, take the HDMI out from your camera, plug it into your USB turtle, convert through the converter. When you open up your Zoom or any of your meetings. The high-definition camera will act as a webcam that's of very good quality.

How to make the most of your camera set up:

Frame it right: In videos where you don’t need to show your whole body, you’re visible from your head to your waist, and usually behind a desk. These are called “talking head” videos. This is perfect for any instructor that doesn’t need to demonstrate any movements that would require the whole body to be visible in the frame. I recommend this kind of setup if you have a small space, like a small home office, because they don’t require a lot of space to film.
A full-body video set-up is similar to the one above, except the camera is positioned further away so that your entire body is visible in the frame. This kind of set-up is perfect for fitness instructors such as yoga or pilates teachers, who need their entire body to be visible.
If you need to record yourself doing something with your hands, like cooking or teaching people how to draw, the top-down setup is your best option.

Position it right: It might feel natural to sit right in the center of a frame, but it may not actually be the best option. For those showing products or adding text overlays to their videos, it might make more sense to sit off to one side.
Always avoid sitting too close to the camera. Your audience shouldn’t feel that you’re uncomfortably close, on the other side of the screen.
Blur the background: Increasing the distance between the subject and background can help achieve this. When the camera focuses on the subject’s face, it will focus less on things farther away. Good cameras have this feature of blurring the background and thus highlighting the face. Another option is to adjust the camera’s lens. Changing the aperture changes how much of a scene the camera catches. The lower the aperture number, the smaller part of the scene that’s in focus. In a nutshell, add distance and shoot in a lower aperture.
When you use more light, the video quality will look a whole lot better. You can manage without buying studio lights by shooting in natural light, sunlight is great.
Practice: You may feel awkward during your first few videos, but the only way to make it better is simply to practice a lot. If you have a script, write it in a conversational tone. You may also want to consider using a teleprompter. I  personally speak from memory and have all the points in my mind, sometimes that’s just not possible.


Now let's come to the lighting setup. Even with a professional-quality camera and a great background, your educational video will look amateur without good lighting. Overhead lights cast shadows on your face and make a video look dim and dingy. Always try to shoot video in a room with good natural light, and always face the light source so bright lights behind you don’t wash you out. Try to avoid having direct sunlight shining on you. It will make you squint, and it is too harsh to look good on video. 

LED or fluorescent bulbs typically produce less heat than incandescent bulbs. Another option would be “soft lights,” which sometimes cost less, consume less power, and are more flattering. A single soft light can be great for close-up shots. You can add lights to illuminate the background or other parts of the scene, as needed. 

When I position myself, I like to make sure there's plenty of light hitting my face. I still see many coaches who record their videos with light at the back of them and no focus on their faces. As a result, their faces look dark and unattractive. You need to first sit in a way where you have more natural light hitting your face, preferably with a window in front of you. If you don’t have great natural light, you’ll need to invest in some equipment for your home video studio. Once you’ve got your lighting gear, experiment with the best position on camera. Light at 45 degrees to your subject on either side is the simplest set up to keep light evenly across your face and avoid shadows. 

I happen to have a balcony behind me and to ensure that my face is not darkened because of the light at the back, I have bought the

DigiTek Ring Light.

This light has adopted the newest technology to emit more soft light with 3 colors lighting mode: white, warm yellow and warm white. LED bulbs give you an outstanding look. Each lighting mode has 10 adjustable brightness to choose, which is right on my face. I can choose different color tones; during the daytime, I use a white tone; during the evening time, I use a yellow sepia tone, so it also looks very good when it's hitting my face. So I have a lighting option with this ring and I can change the color tone from white light to a softer tone, making it even more like a yellow kind of light. And it has the option to change the colors. So based on what kind of flavor I want,  I would keep it white light in the mornings and in the evening I would put two yellow lights and I can decide on that.

Recently I also picked up a few background lights, you may have seen them on YouTube channel videos; these different kinds of colored lights in the background that add a funky touch of color. They are portable and fun to use

Nanlite Pavo Tube - RGB Lights

The Nanlite PavoTube II 6C RGB LED Tubes is an amazingly portable versatile lighting fixture that features 0 to 100% dimming with maximum illumination as well as a full spectrum RGB and pre-programmed special lighting effects.

So RGB is red, green and blue and you can create millions of combinations.  I use these in webinars; I have a couple of these tubes and I just turn on different colors. I just chose which color I wanted to be in the background. I have a dual-color tone. And so the reason I have two tubes is on one side, I will lose one contrast in color, on the other side, another contrast in color at the back of me. It creates that kind of depth in my videos.

How to look more confident on camera. 

The way you appear in your professional videos, the way you carry yourself on camera has an enormous impact on how professional your content looks. Appearing nervous, fidgety, or uncomfortable on camera will distract viewers.

Fortunately, this is something you can improve with practice. If you weren’t born with great camera presence, here are a few of the main things to focus on when you film yourself.
Use calm, open body language.
Stand up straight – poor posture is immediately obvious on camera. Keep your shoulders back and your muscles relaxed.
Take deep breaths. Don’t cross your arms, since this makes you look closed-off.
Smile, especially at the beginning of your video. It makes a huge difference in how friendly you seem.
Slow down slightly when you talk, and make an effort to enunciate clearly. Speak from your diaphragm rather than your throat.
If you feel jittery, try using props to keep your hands occupied.
Writing on a whiteboard, for instance, can give you something to focus on besides the camera.


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 35

Your computer is the beating heart of your home recording studio. When you’re starting, it’s perfectly okay to use the laptop or desktop you already own. Chances are it’s already powerful enough to run most commercial software and plugins. If you need to buy, start by picking up a reliable computer, which will serve as the backbone for your home studio. Look for something fast, with decent storage, and capable of quickly processing the audio you’re recording. When setting up a home studio from scratch, the computer is the most significant expenditure by far.

Ideally, you want the fastest one you can afford.
Everyone already has a computer of some sort.
All computers are fast enough to at least get you started.
So in the beginning, regardless of your budget, I recommend using what you have for now.

I've been a Mac user since the year  2005. So I've been at Microsoft for about 15 years or even more. And I would never go back to Windows, but having said that, I'll give you some Windows options. And again, for any kind of production work there's no doubt that Mac beats Windows, especially when it comes to security and updates and everything else. It's so simple. The way that the vision of Apple itself is so simple. It is so simple and easy to get things done. I'm able to visually see the waveforms I can add to my plug-ins. Everything is so clean and neat to use video editing.

Whether you pick a Mac or PC depends on your needs, OS comfort, and budget constraints.

Macbook Pro Workstation

You can get more done with up to 20 hours of battery life. The newer 8-core CPU delivers up to 2.8x faster performance to fly through workflows quicker than ever. It has been the go-to choice for video, audio, and other creative applications, but now desktop and laptop PCs can make for excellent options as long as you pick the right specs.

Then, you need to decide on a desktop or laptop computer. Opting for a desktop can save you money if you build the machine yourself. But if mobility is important to you then buy a laptop to make videos or podcasts wherever you go. 

The most important things to consider when choosing a good studio computer are its CPU, RAM, storage, I/O (inputs and outputs), and fan volume. There has to be enough power and hard drive space to store and process many files and plugins. 

CPU, RAM, and storage all play a role in how much you can store, your libraries and plugins, and how much you can run in a session simultaneously. 

If you’re using a laptop, it is a good idea to use an Apple MacBook Pro. Yes, you could use a Windows PC; it is more common for home studios to use Apple equipment. It doesn‘t have to be the latest model. Desktops are often used in professional recording studios because they are faster and easier to update. Still, laptops are becoming more popular nowadays and a good choice for digital coaches who travel often. 

If you’re trying to work out what specifications you would need for your computer, get an idea of how much you can spend, then look at the tools you can afford. 

A good recommendation would be to go with a computer with these specs as a minimum: 

- 8GB Ram
- Intel Core i5 or i7
- 256GB Storage minimum. 

There will be plenty of second-hand options available that match up. They are also usually much cheaper, and it is easier to find a second-hand or refurbished PC. 

Don’t wait for perfection—practice with what you have and improve over time.

Setting up a home recording studio takes some planning but is extremely rewarding once put into place. You’ll notice that the items listed above are just the bare minimum and that there is a vast amount of other equipment you can add to enhance your home studio further. 

If you’re setting up a home studio, you’ll need to go for smaller equipment, which also tends to be cheaper. Jumbo-sized equipment doesn’t make sense in a home environment, so try to keep everything minimized. 

Save content on an external hard drive. 

Videos are massive files too. Some programs, including Screenflow, capture the whole project as one file. Other programs create a series of source files, project files, and even rendering files. All are massive. Invest in an external hard drive to make this a little easier. 

When buying an external hard drive, it might be a good idea to look for quality. Working with video, opt for at least 500GB of space, or 1TB+. 

Also, check out transfer rates, meaning how long it takes to stream data to and from the computer. If you are saving and transporting big files, it’s essential to know that a 1.8GB movie transferring at .05MB/sec will take hours but only a few minutes at 25MB/sec. Compress videos after exporting them in HD.

The better the video resolution, the bigger the file, and thus the better the connection needs to be to watch, stream, or download the video in a reasonable amount of time. 

We can’t control the internet speeds of our viewers, but we can do our best with what we can control. Export videos in the highest quality possible, then compress them. 

By implementing these DIY home video recording setups and tips, creators can create high-quality content that delights their viewers. 

You don’t need the most expensive equipment to create great online content, just a drive fuelled by passion and a willingness to learn new things.

Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 37


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 38

I'll break it into Mac software and Windows software, Now coming to the software for audio

Garageband (Mac): This comes with the Mac and is easy to use and get things done.GarageBand is a free music production app that comes preinstalled with most Apple devices. It's pretty powerful too.   I'm able to visually see the waveforms, I can add my plug-ins. Everything is so clean and neat to use in the video editing phase. You can use it if you want to like up your game a little bit more.  But for a normal home production podcast or video GarageBand is more than enough. You don't need anything beyond this, I mean, pretty much you will not need it unless you're doing music production. Apple also offers its own paid music production tool called Logic Pro X. The two apps look very similar on first viewing, but Logic Pro X has a lot more under the hood. It’s used by music producers, movie producers, and such.

Screenflow (Mac): This is a great tool to help you  start creating your own stunning videos. It has styles and templates and lets you create professional animations and freehand annotation. I use it for most of my recording and editing on a Mac. I use ScreenFlow which is really cool software because it allows you to record the screen as well as your video, but you have to manually do all the editing work if you want to do any kind of screen switches and things like that. And I also use Ecamm Live.  I can have options where I'm looking into the screen and speaking, looking into the camera and speaking, I can have options when I share my screen and my video goes to the top.  I can do multiple things,  I can share PPTs, I can share mind maps. I can basically switch screens. The beauty of Ecamm Live is that it allows you to stream live on Facebook, on YouTube, on multiple platforms. And it also allows you to record videos within Ecamm itself. So when I connect my high-end, mirrorless camera into my system, using the Elgato Cam Link the software automatically picks it up.

That's why right now, all my courses are edited on  Ecamm Live itself. And the best part is I don't have to process and render that video once it is recorded it is done and dusted. Now, even if you've been seeing all my YouTube videos, I caught everything in one single take on Ecamm Live, and put it up into Google drive. And then I have my team who does all the editing work and uploads it on YouTube because I have a whole system that has been set up on that. Now, the other thing you can use is Adobe Premier for Mac, Windows, and mobile at a reasonable price tag per month if you’re doing lots of videos. It’s the most versatile option in this list and fairly robust if you’re just starting out.

Now, the other thing you can use is Adobe Premier for Mac, Windows, and mobile at a reasonable price tag per month if you’re doing lots of videos. It’s the most versatile option in this list and fairly robust if you’re just starting out.

You can check out Adobe audition for recording audio.
Adobe Audition (PC): Adobe Audition is a toolset that’s perfect for editing, mixing, recording and restoring audio. It is well suited for industry-standard work in music, interviews, and video Audacity works well for hobbyists and podcasters who need a simple setup.

Audacity (PC): Audacity is a free software that has been developed by volunteers and is also good for recording your audio. The last piece of your home video production puzzle is editing. From free to pricey, there are many editing software options available. Perhaps the most popular free option, especially amongst Mac users, is Apple’s own iMovie. If you want more bells and whistles, you can upgrade to Final Cut Pro. Whichever editing option you choose, consider that editing can be a long process. Make some space in your video studio setup where you can comfortably sit and edit for long periods of time.

The second option for Windows, I would recommend is Camtasia by Techsmith. If you're a PC or a Windows user

Camtasia (PC): Record your screen and edit videos with a powerful, yet easy-to-use video editor to create professional-looking videos. It is a simple, all-in-one video editing and screen recording software program built with beginners in mind. Camtasia will enable you to create professional training videos quickly and efficiently. It is available for both Windows and Mac and is a simple tool that’s easy to pick up. It’s fairly versatile and can do screen recordings. 

Camtasia is a little bit more expensive. It's more like a one-time fee one-time payment, but that's a good alternative, comparable to what ScreenFlow is for a Mac.

There are many good video editing options available at various price points, but HitFilm is one of the best values for the money. Here’s a rundown of some popular editing software options in order of free to most expensive. 

Both Final Cut Pro and iMovie are editing systems for Mac that can be relied on and provide a simple way for people to begin their editing journey. There is no doubt that iMovie is but a more basic platform than Final Cut Pro, iMovie is free. You can always upgrade to Final Cut Pro X when you feel you are ready. 

Windows 10 includes Video Editor, which has video creation and editing tools that tell your story with music, text, motion, and 3D effects. Video Editor is the successor to Movie Maker on Windows 10, with a focus on easy-to-use creative tools. HitFilm is available at several price levels for both PC and Mac. At the highest end, the versatility and features are geared toward filmmakers. 

You’ll also need software to create thumbnail graphics for your videos and YouTube channel art. Try Canva’s free version as it has the sizes, guidelines, and templates you’ll need to create these graphics.


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 39

A big part of content production involves sitting in a chair for hours on end. Whether you’re conducting a webinar or shooting a reel, a great studio chair is an excellent investment for any coach looking to make their space more comfortable as a creative zone. 

Over time, you can feel the difference between budget chairs and expensive chairs in your shoulders, your neck, and your lower back. You also might be dealing with poor acoustics and soundproofing can help treat this. In your home studio, the first piece of soundproofing you might want to invest in is a reflection filter. This is a sound shield that attaches to a microphone stand, acting as a portable vocal booth. This should help prevent any poor acoustics from the room from affecting the sound.

After this, it is a good idea to look at foam pads that can attach to your wall. This will help reduce acoustic ambience in the room and the more you get, the better treated your room will be. 

As you build your home video studio, you’ll need a few more pieces to complete your equipment. Make sure that you have an extra set of batteries because if you're doing a lot of video work, I noticed my video time is probably one or two hours with the way that I'm going. I do like one full webinar and one whole battery spare, so I have like two batteries that I keep recharging.

BACKGROUND: The background of your video matters. A backdrop can screen off your home from view, adding privacy and eliminating distractions, and can also help set the tone of your video. A professional backdrop: A green screen opens up a whole new world of opportunity. However, a classic grey or white backdrop also looks professional. Avoid backgrounds that are too busy, as complex patterns or details can be distracting for your viewers, leading to less successful learning outcomes. 

You can buy full backdrop rigs or opt for muslin backdrops plus an adjustable stand. You get different backdrops to suit your video style, from plain black and white, wood or brick effect. If space is an issue a pull-up screen is useful. 

Basic backdrops are usually muslin (either pure cotton or polyester) or paper. Both are cheap and easy to set up. Some videographers prefer paper because it doesn’t wrinkle. Cloth can get creased, but if the camera is held further away it doesn’t show.  The most expensive backdrops are canvases, which are heavy and have to be carefully stored because creases are difficult to get out. For most amateurs, muslin or paper backdrops are the cheapest and easiest options. Then lastly is the set and the background itself. Work with what you have, you may prefer to be sitting at your desk in most of your videos. Just avoid sitting too close to a wall and add some interest. 

You can add some background aesthetics with cushions and plants or even posters. I have my personal logo positioned in the right-hand corner. 

The background elements, colors, and the depth of field in those shots gives a really nice, cool effect for tying the whole set together. Use another camera for the B roll shots. Once you have a set, you can experiment with different shooting positions, depending on how close or far away you are from it. 

Diffusion papers also soften the light to a proper level of brightness. In case studio lights are the lighting of choice, be sure to shut out natural light as much as possible. 

Sound panels: Buying and installing a few sound panels to muffle extra noise might be a good option for those wishing for higher sound quality.


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 40

If you're on a shoestring budget right now and you don't have much to spend, I will give you some options that you can start with. Smartphone cameras have customizable features that are more than sufficient for a start-up home studio. The latest smartphones have excellent cameras. Anything from the iPhone 6 and similar Samsung models will be of adequate quality to use for video. If you're on an iOS device, I would highly recommend using  Spark Camera (iOS)

Spark Camera is the easiest way to make videos on your iPhone. You can capture, edit and share your videos with just a few taps.It's a beautiful app that allows you to record small snippet videos and within one minute of duration.

If you're an Android user, you can use Quik (iOS & Android)

Quik is a free photography and video editing app from GoPro. It's notable for providing a ton of features, comparable to a desktop photo or video editor, in a slick-looking and reasonably-fast app. It plays nice with other apps, and works well whether it's photos, videos or both you want to focus on. 

And if you want to let go a little bit longer, there's another app called InShot, which is excellent. InShot (iOS & Android) 

InShot is a powerful HD Video Editor and Photo Editor with professional features. Add music, transition effects, text, emoji and filters, blur background 

You can add stickers, edit your videos, and add text into it. You can do multiple things, or you don't have to depend on any kind of video editing software. 

When you consider that people spend hours watching smartphone footage, you realize that your phone is good enough to start with. You don’t need professional quality equipment to shoot video at a quality level that will work for your initial educational products.


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 41

Today YouTube has grown into such a vast dimension that you can find tutorials, reviews, videos, music videos, skits, etc. It has content so massive that there is enough variety to satisfy the entertainment needs of anyone. 

You all know that YouTube is very popular, but you don’t know that as per the latest statistics more than 1 billion people around the globe use YouTube — i.e. one-third of people on the Internet.

If you do analysis on the basis of user behavior, you will come to figures like this: 

YouTubers watch 6 billion hours of videos every month. 
YouTubers watch 4 billion videos every single day.
YouTubers upload 300 hours of video every minute.

Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 42

After you have attained some technical expertise and are ready to post your videos regularly, you need to work out a strategy for building your brand on YouTube. 

Get clarity on these aspects first:

Ideally, you wanWhat do you want your channel to achieve on YouTube? Answer this from a viewer's perspective. Identify what they will gain from your content, and deliver that value as often as possible.t the fastest one you can afford.
Who is your target audience? Think about age range, gender, and other demographics. What is your potential audience interested in? You need to know who's going to watch your videos and what they like.
Why should people watch your content? Just think: There are millions of channels out there. How are you going to distinguish your content from everybody else? You need to have something unique to offer.
How are you going to deliver this content? Will you post daily, weekly, or somewhere in between? What time of the day will you publish videos? To answer these questions, think about when your audience is most likely to watch YouTube, as well as how often. A college student and a typical homemaker have very different schedules and habits.


Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 43

1. Digital Coach Blueprint 
11 Part Video Course

2. Digital Coach Masterclass 
Register For Live Session 

3. Freedom Budget Blueprint 
One-Page Business Plan

4. Freedom Bundle
Join The Community

5. FourPercent
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Top Notch Consultant Training

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9. Bluehost
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10. ConvertKit
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11. GetResponse
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12. Flodesk
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13. Demio
Webinar System 

14. WebinarJam
Webinar System 

15. EverWebinar
Automated Webinar System

16. Teachable
Learning Management System 

17. Calendly
Appointment System 

18. ClickFunnels
Funnel Building System 

19. ClickMagick
Link Tracking System

20. Zapier
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21. MightyNetworks
Private Network Platform 

22. Instamojo
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23. Razorpay
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24. Stripe
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25. PayPal
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26. CollectChat
Website Chatbot System 

27. ManyChat
Facebook ChatBot 

28. Vimeo Private
Video Hosting 

29. Wistia Private
Video Hosting 

30. Digital Market
Freelance Marketplace 

31. eCamm Live
Video Streaming 

32. ScreenFlow
Video Editing Tool (Mac) 

33. Camtasia
Video Editing Tool (Windows)

34. Mindnode
Mind Mapping Tool (Mac) 

35. Garageband
Audio Editing Tool (Mac) 

36. UseProof
Social Proof Tool

37. Telegram
Messenger Chat 

38. Mint Personal
Finance Tool 

39. YNAB Personal
Finance Tool 

40. Attract IO eBook
Creation Tool 

41. Zoom
Webinar & Meeting Tool 

42. Canva
Image Editing Tool 

43. InShot
Video Editing App 

44. Typeform
Survey Forms

Disclaimer: Some of the links are my affiliate links. I make a commission if you decide to purchase them


Siddharth Rajsekar | India's Leading Digital Coach

Your audience is juggling a pretty full plate. So in a way, you are fighting for attention. Be clear about the purpose of your video or podcast from the start and center it around content that will help them be the best they can be. Speak from the heart 

For example, when recording your lessons or talking to the camera, try speaking from memory rather than reading a script. This can make a massive difference for your listeners. Even though the quality of the learning material is the same, even if you occasionally fumble, you will build trust and a connection with your audience faster. 

Another thing to try is to share some facts about yourself. By being open about your life and what makes you unique as an instructor, you’ll infuse your personality into your content and help humanize the relationship you have with your online students. 

A final thing to try is putting your face on camera. Mind maps and other visual aids are fine, but your students would like to see your face through the learning journey. Set up a simple background and film yourself. When you are walking through many points on a screen, show your face now and again to add some interest to the content.

During a podcast, distill the message down to a few essential points, so that everyone gets the gist of the talk. Drawing on real-life examples that tie in with universal experiences is a great way to get the message across. 

I hope you found this Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Home Studio useful. 

If you're still not a part of my community, I would highly recommend that you go to so that you can join the community, which is one of the fastest growing communities in the world for coaches, trainers, speakers, experts, teachers, anyone who has knowledge, who wants to monetize and digitize knowledge and take it up to the next step to be a digital coach. If you're already a part of my community, I just want to tell you that this is the beginning of your journey as a digital coach. More power to you, keep inspiring!

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Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 44

    68 replies to "Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar"

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 45 Manjunath Karad

      The information is ready to use covering all the step by step process for home studio set up. This is just perfect !!????

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 46 Himanshu Huria

      Good to see.
      Actually needed resources are shared.
      Thank’s Sidz for your dedication as always.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 47 Sam J

      Wow ,, amazing inputs I got from this guide .. I already have home studio at my place .. but realized that many things I have to do to improve that …
      Thanks for sharing this Sidz .. I will have my HomeStudio 2.0 soon with all your inputs !!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 48 Jai

      Great one. The resources you share are very useful.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 49 Shaanti Modaali

      Whatever you do Sidz, you do it with a bang. A wholehearted approach and a giver to the core. MPTY

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 50 Sampada Yennuwar

      I was wondering about what are the things needed to get my home setup done, and this pdf guide came to my rescue. Super simple, I was making it complicated in my head!! Thank you Sidz:)

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 51 Sumesh VM

      Awesome. This is really valuable. Nothing left .Great

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 52 Nitin Narkhede

      Precise and point shooter content . It canot be more clear than this

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 53 Yashasri

      Very helpful guide for beginners. Thank you Sidz

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 54 JP YOGA WELLNESS COACH

      i am yoga wellness coach and i am very happy to share that, without any delay, i have implemented the inputs given by sid. got my freedom trainer kit and it really impacted me to reach and get the good reviews from VVIPS who showed up unexpectedly in my webinars

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 55 Val

      This is just awesome.

      Extremely helpful to all the beginners as well as for pros.

      Thank you Sidz for sharing.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 56 Benhur Rao

      Invaluable tips and pointers for all those who want to make their videos world class.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 57 Nandeep VJ

      This is such a fantastic guide, with cool recommendations! Thanks a lot Sidz!
      I refer to this whenever I need and it’s really helpful.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 58 Naveen SK

      This is very very informative and helpful..

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 59 Karthikeyan SR

      Sidz .,
      Thanks for giving a complete clarity on Home Studio Setup
      It was the thing i have searched for quite a long time and didn’t find the full clarity on this.
      This Ultimate Guide Helps a Lot .

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 60 Twinkle Lalwani

      This is mind blowing. You have covered Everything I needed to know. Even if someone follows 10% of idea to built our home studio, we gonna rock in digital world for sure. Thank you so much Sidz for always serving us with the best. Gratitude.
      #ilh #deeplearner

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 61 anup malavia

      This is an awesome guide for anyone wanting to know about how to get started in their journey to Digital Entrepreneurship. The Home Studio guide is a handy resource, with a genuine research undertaken by the Digital GURU. I am a part of this community and I can share that my experience has been fantabulous ! It really matters that you invest in the right thing and this guide really helps you do that.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 62 Manoj Gupta

      This is a simply mind-blowing set-up. In one place, I can see all the required details starting from set-up to instruments, to the tools and software..this is simply superb!

      Ah! I could do this and replicate it for my home office, but I know this is gonna take time, but truely inspired and motivated!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 63 Maneesha Bhat

      Thank you for sharing this guide.

      Great help Sid!!

      Have bought most of the products that you have recommended and I can feel the difference.

      Thanks a ton!!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 64 Manissh Ahuuja

      It’s INCREDIBLE how Siddharth manages to give so much value in every guide that he releases. This one is a masterpiece in its own right. Tools, gadgets, setup, softwares, this one has it all.

      As a part of the ILH Community, I can only say, Sidz always manages to inspire, teach, and help us keep growing and following this guide is definitely an invaluable resource for me to up my content creation game.

      Thank you for sharing this Siddharth.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 65 Yogitha Ramamoorthy

      Fantastic tips Sid.
      I think this is one of the most potent pdf I have come across to set up a home studio.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 66 Sofia

      Wow! That’s a one-stop shop for anything I need for a home studio setup. I would love to ramp up my game 🙂
      As a Career Coach, I underestimated the need to be a high-tech in-home studio. But after I implemented a few of your suggestions to start with, I now know what changes it brought to my clients.
      Thank you Sidz for this guide.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 67 Renjini Narendranath

      Wow awesome list of super tools Sidz. I am using at least 5 of these tools – so happy to note that I am on the right track.
      Your pointers on how to become camera confident are a big takeaway for me!
      Thank you for the GInormous article – This in itself can be a coursebook for digital marketing students, affiliate marketing enthusiasts
      and socialmedia influencers !!!!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 68 archana girish chhatre

      It’s a super useful guide that will help you set up your home studio with the best quality equipment explored and used by Sidz himself. They are products in line with the values that Sidz promotes in his community – the Internet Lifestyle Hub, to be a world-class leader with world-class products.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 69 Milind Joshi

      super awesome guide. Liked the structure and only the relevant points to start & grow a digital business.
      Clutter-free and will help anybody to stay away from overwhelmed situations about required tools on freedom journey using digital coaching methods. Thank you for putting it together and sharing.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 70 Gowtham

      Very detailed. Nothing left out. As always I can see how much effort has gone into something that you offer out Sidz.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 71 janardan Kar


    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 72 Chandra

      Wow looking fabulous. I wish I too had something like these. I will write in my goal book

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 73 wilfred Fernandes

      This resource is so awesome. it has covered all details & it is truly empowering. Thank you Sidz for putting this together for us. God Bless you always.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 74 Anurag Sinha

      The best part of this guide is that it shows various options depending upon your budget. I have personally tried the gadgets recommended by Sidz and it makes a lot of difference in the output.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 75 Kantigiri Goswami

      Step by step guidance is excellent.
      I loved the way it has been listed and given the hyperlinks so that I can readily access them and learn about specific point.

      KR Goswami
      Psychologist, best Selling Author &
      Defence Recruitment Trainer

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 76 Deepmala Singh

      Thankyou so Much Sid for this amazing guide on how to create my home – studio. So much of detailed guidance from you , specially on all the gadgets & tools . Working on creating my personal home studio now. Thanks again.

      Deepmala Singh


    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 77 Gnan Kumar

      The website is really awesome with eye catching pop ups and attractive fonts and colors. But could have been great if it can have menu drop down menu kind of thing at the top itself instead of a lengthy single page that takes time to scroll down all the way..

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 78 Dr Ramesh C Raina

      Digital Coaching home Studio is well designed. it will help aspirants to easily understand the whole gamut of the digital coaching business in an easy way. It covers all the three pillars of digital coaching business I) Niche identification ii) course creation iii) tools and systems

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 79 PRAKHAR KULSHRESTHA

      Gone are the days, where you go to your studio to record videos for your social media, courses, pre-events. Now is the time to get started with equipments at your home. This guide is so helpful i setting up studio at home. I myself have set up the studio at my home, and it gives freedom to shoot/record videos/webinars etc. as per my time. No need to go to studio. I can shoot videos anytime.. The equipments discussed in this guide are really awesome to setup a brand new world class home studio. Thanks to sidz..

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 80 Srinivas T R

      Amazing Guide and truly world class. This is must read guide for all Coaches, Trainers. The Tools shared are awesome. Thanks for sharing the Ultimate Guide. Cheers Sidz for the great guide.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 81 Srinivasa Rao D

      Excellent Guide @sidz. This Guide is MUST for Aspiring Digital Coaches to become World Class Digital Coach with World-Class Studio.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 83 Shobhit Kumar

      The community is awesome, the next level step.

      Hope in for FREE webinar to experience yourself.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 85 Ajit Parwate

      Great info for home worldclass studio. Nice information on each aspect.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 86 Sankash

      Wow! Such a holistic Guide for a home studio. I’m definitely going to apply a lot of stuff you’ve shared! Thank you for creating such an amazing Guide.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 87 ketan gawand

      Amazing Stuff

      Many aspiring knowledgable knowledge givers are struggling to set up their home studio

      this is an in-depth guide


    • Sidz,

      Really i am overwhelmed to see this ultimate guide, if this is followed then obviously we will be achieving all our goals in due course of time.

      Also, I recommend new ones here to just follow the guide, join the course and transform yourselves in your niche.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 89 Raja N

      As the Name Suggests, The Ultimate Guide for setting up the home office to a very professional level.

      All in 1 Guide for everyone who can implement them if they are a digital coaching business.
      All are tried and tested and reduce a good amount of time if you go ahead and implement according to your budget.

      My Sincere Gratitude to Sidz for sharing this valuable information to get started

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 90 Jai Kataria

      This is awesome stuff! Can’t ask for anything more in this space. Each area has been so deeply thought of an covered so as to provide complete guidance and support. Thank you Sidz for this awesome gift!!!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 91 Gaurav Gandhi

      Superb!! Thanks Siddharth

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 92 Paresh Desai

      Thanks sidz for the wonderful tips. Super Useful !

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 93 rajendra singh

      thanks for giving the value able input for the digital setup….

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 95 Rohini Gupta

      Super awesome information for setting up the home studio and why it’s important! A super A-Z guide for the topic! It has been great learning the tech side Sidz! Would recommend anyone starting out to go through your webinar!
      More power to you!

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 97 Siva S

      Excellent stuff. Helpful for setting up of home studio.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 99 Sathish kalluri

      Awesome Sidz. Great piece of content at one go.
      Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 101 J VINITHA

      WOW.. Superb.. Really worthy reading… Its a fantastic guide to whoever wants to set up home studio…

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 102 Karan Rawat

      I was so worried about setting up the things. but with SID’s guidance, clarity on tools, And the ILH community and the regular calls sorted lot of inhibitions. Also, I have goal to get some more of these things and a much better home studio. So Working towards it and will surely achieve it. Thanks Sid, ILH, Diamond members, moderators.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 103 Devika Rankhambe

      thank you Sidz for constantly providing very useful,practical information on newest, cutting edge , valuable information viz; home studio set up(in this article)????????????
      more power to you????, we look forward for more updates, stay tuned ..! ☺️????????????

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 105 Raja Rajeswari

      Important Points observed myself
      1.What r the Components need to focus while setup a Home Studio.
      2.How to fix the Audio Components in the Room.
      3.Ultimately Room Setup s a KEY.
      4.CAMERA for Best Appearance.
      5.Invest in Best COMPUTER.
      6.Last But one s keep an Keen EYE on EDITING Part.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 107 Samridha Saxena

      Wow… Again an awesome guide by Sidz.

      All the peculiarities of a home studio have been perfectly captured in this guide. It’s detailed & to the point. Really helpful for setting up DIY Home Studio. Just loved it.

      Thanks, Sidz.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 109 Anupama Singh

      I set up my home studio using Sidz recommendations! Highly recommended.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 111 Archana Paul

      Hi Siddharth ji,
      A well organize on studio with pdf. Thank you so much for helping me and taking care of each step to grow in my mission. And also thanks for sharing this in a wonderful way.

    • Home Studio | The #1 Ultimate Guide To Setup Up A Digital Coaching Home Studio | Siddharth Rajsekar 112 Amarnath Yadav


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