Hey there, freedom seeker! You might think the path to becoming a crorepati involves flaunting a lavish lifestyle, a million followers on Instagram, and endless TikTok dances. But guess what? Some of the richest people you’ll never hear about are quietly crushing it in the digital space. Yes, you heard that right—there's an underground network of "Invisible Crorepatis" who are making it big without all the noise. And if that sounds like the kind of stealth wealth you're interested in, then you've landed in the right spot.

In this episode of the Freedom Business Podcast, I dive deep into the world of the Invisible Crorepati Strategy—a way to build wealth so discreetly that even your nosy neighbor won't suspect a thing. Now, you might be wondering, how can you make a fortune without being the center of attention? Well, here’s the thing: some of my top 100 students have collectively raked in over 500 crores in revenue, and guess what? They’re not influencers. They’re not bragging on social media, and they certainly aren’t sharing #RichLife posts from their latest luxury yacht trip. They’re quietly raking in the big bucks, under the radar, living the kind of life that most fame-chasers can only dream of.

You see, I used to be like that too—flashing my revenue numbers and basking in the glow of likes and shares. But then I had an epiphany: What’s the point? Does it really matter? I shifted my focus from flaunting my own success to showcasing the success of my students. And that’s when everything changed. In my community, it’s not about me—it’s about them. About you. About creating a silent yet powerful impact. That’s the heart of the Invisible Crorepati Strategy, and trust me, it’s the real deal.

So, if you’re ready to take notes, let’s start with the first step: mastering the art of stealth wealth. Picture this: while everyone else is busy chasing vanity metrics like likes, shares, and comments, the Invisible Crorepati is focused on value creation. That’s right—providing real value that changes lives, without the need for constant validation from social media. It’s about putting your energy into helping others succeed, rather than obsessing over your own follower count. Remember, likes don’t pay the bills, and a flashy Instagram feed won’t secure your financial freedom. But value? That’s what builds long-term wealth.

And here’s the kicker: most of these wealth builders are reinvesting their profits back into their businesses or community experiences, not on superficial luxuries like a new sports car or a fancy watch. Sure, they might drive a nice car, but you won’t see it plastered all over their feeds. Why? Because they know that the real flex is quiet success—where your bank account grows while your lifestyle stays simple. That’s stealth wealth in action. It’s about living well, not living loud.

Now, let’s talk about building a low-key, high-impact online presence. This isn’t about being everywhere, doing everything, and being everyone’s go-to guru. Nope. It’s about being a sniper—focused, precise, and deliberate. These stealthy crorepatis specialize in micro-niches; they know exactly who they serve and how they help them. They’re not trying to be the jack-of-all-trades but the master of one. Think about it like this: a neurosurgeon makes far more than a general practitioner, even though the latter is more popular. In the same way, a specialist digital coach can command higher prices and deeper loyalty than someone who’s just another face in the crowd.

Take, for example, a student of mine—a video sales specialist who’s absolutely crushing it without needing to shout about it. You won’t find her name on any “Top Influencers” list, but she’s raking in the dough, quietly transforming her clients' businesses one video at a time. She’s the epitome of the Invisible Crorepati—focused, under the radar, but incredibly effective. That’s the power of niche positioning and why I always tell my students to go deep, not wide. Master one thing, do it better than anyone else, and watch as the clients flock to you—even if nobody else knows your name.

But how do you scale this quiet success? Well, that’s where the Quiet Scaling Framework comes in. Think of it as the ultimate stealth mode for business growth. Instead of blasting your brand all over the internet, you target your audience with precision through paid ads. Forget about appealing to the masses; focus on the few who really need what you offer. And then there’s the magic of evergreen content. You don’t need a million views; you just need the right eyes on your work. I have videos on YouTube with just a few thousand views, but those views translate into paying clients because they’re highly targeted. It’s not about being a media sensation; it’s about being a solution provider. That’s the Invisible Crorepati way.

The final piece of the puzzle? Building a loyal, paying community. A place where your value is recognized and rewarded by people who truly appreciate your work. Not by the random follower who double-taps on your Instagram post, but by dedicated clients who see the real value in what you bring to the table. Imagine having 100 people in a high-ticket mastermind, each paying three lakhs a year. That’s three crores without spending a dime on ads. That’s freedom. That’s impact. And it all happens without the need to be in the spotlight.

So, if you’re tired of chasing likes and looking for a way to build wealth without all the noise, the Invisible Crorepati Strategy is your golden ticket. It’s about doing the work, making the impact, and quietly reaping the rewards. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Your success is measured by the results you create, not by the applause you get.

Are you ready to start your journey to becoming an Invisible Crorepati? Dive deeper into this strategy and join the quiet revolution. Let’s build something incredible—together, under the radar, but with undeniable impact. If you're not already in my community, go to FreedomBusinessModel.com, register for my next webinar, and let's make this happen. If you're already a part of the tribe, step it up to the next level, and let’s master this together. Here's to your success—the quiet, powerful, and profitable kind.

Stay tuned, stay awesome, and remember: wealth whispers, and so should you. Let’s go make some noise by not making any noise at all!

siddharth rajsekar

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Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    208 replies to "The Invisible Crorepati Strategy: How to Build Wealth Quietly and Under the Radar"

    • Parinitaa Garg


      1. Shift focus from flaunting my own success to showcasing the success of my students. It’s not about me—it’s about them.
      2. Creating a silent but powerful impact
      3. Invisible Crorepati is focused on value creation: putting your energy into helping others succeed
      4. Real flex is quiet success—where your bank account grows while your lifestyle stays simple
      5. Be a sniper—focused, precise, and deliberate: specialise in micro-niches: be the master of one
      6. Master one thing, do it better than anyone else, and watch as the clients flock to you
      7. Forget about appealing to the masses; focus on the few who really need what you offer
      8. Be a solution Provider
      9. Build a loyal, paying community without being in the spotlight
      10. Do the work, create impact and reap big rewards
      11. Success is measured by the results you create, not by the applause you get

    • Sangeeta

      It appeals to me to be an invisible Crorepati, stealth wealth, one step at a time. Message to market has to be deeper. Without offending anybody. A mountain to climb, when people react to my posts but do not comment. No comments, no furthering of engagement. Looks small, but lets see

    • NithyaElayaraja

      1. The Invisible Crorepati Strategy is about quietly building wealth by focusing on real value, mastering a specific niche, and making an impact without chasing social media fame.
      2. It’s about success that doesn’t need to be flashy, where you grow your business and wealth under the radar.
      3. Your approach to be freedom is without needing to be in the spotlight.

    • Savitha SR

      Invisible Crorepatis Concept
      Focus on Students not on me
      Master the Art of Stelth Wealth
      Stop chasing the Vanity things that dont matter
      1.Its abuot Value Creation b helping ohers get results
      2.Re-invest in to business,Community not on the non-essential things
      3.Ehphasize on your Students Success
      More you showcase the other people’s success
      build a low key but high imact
      Being a micro niche specialist
      One Webinar – One Problem – One Market – One Product – Go Deep not Wide
      Once you perfected, automate everything
      Implement the quite scaling framework
      Do targeted using paid ads
      Do evergreen long content – Long tailed Keyword
      Laser pointed evergreen content
      Build Loyal Paid Community that will be paying you higher price

    • Bhavya

      1. Master the art of stealth wealth –
      a. Value creation v/s vanity metrics – cannot create value through vanity, you can create value through your customer getting results.
      b. Reinvest profits back into business
      c. Emphasize on student success
      2. Build a low key but high impact presence.
      a. Focus to become a specialist in a micro niche
      b. One webinar, one problem, one product, one market
      c. Automate the hell out of this
      3. Implement the Quiet Scaling Framework
      a. Use targeted paid ads
      b. Build evergreen long-tail content
      c. Build a loyal paying community

    • Peter John

      the Invisible Crorepati Strategy is your golden ticket. It’s about doing the work, making the impact, and quietly reaping the rewards.

    • Pooja Borse






    • Devendra Dubey

      Lifestyle of True Freedom is in being Invisible Crorepati
      Value Creation (for getting results for others) v/s Vanity Matrix (Showing what you have achieved)

      Core Philosophy:
      Stop Chasing the Vanity Matrix
      Invest back in your own Business
      Showcase the success of your students Not yourself

    • Sridhar Pallia

      Stealth wealth
      Wealth is not about vanity metrics
      Reinvesting significant back into the progress elements
      Emphasize on the success stories
      Build a low key and high impact
      Be a micro niche specialist
      Implement the quiet selling framework
      Laser sharp targeting

    • Manasi S

      Here is what I have learned: 1) Mastering the art of stealth wealth, – its about creating values
      – Reinvesting the profits in the business
      – Emphasizing on students’ success – your success will grow
      2) Build a low key but high Impact
      – Being a micro niche specialist
      – One webinar – one targeted market – one problem – one product
      3) To implement the quiet scaling framework
      – Target using paid ads
      – Long tail content
      – Build a loyal paying community

    • Dr. Hema Gulati

      1) Master the art of stealth wealth
      Focused on value creation.
      reinvesting their profits back into their businesses or community experiences
      2) Low-key, high-impact online presence:
      Focused, precise, and deliberate: specialize in micro-niches.One webinar, one problem, one target market, long-tail content
      Implementing quite scaling frame work: Building a loyal, paying community
      3) Success is measured by the results you create, not by the applause you get.

    • Bhawna Agrawal

      1.mastering the art of stealth wealth

      2. reinvest in the business and providing more value
      3. emphasising student growth

      the more you showcase other peoples success

      build a low key but high impact presence in social media

      being a micro niche specialist

      build specialisation (ex neurosurgeon)

      one webinar-one problem-one market-one product

      automated, implement quite scaling business
      target market

      tribe love-value creation-they love you

      nurture them well- launch mastermind

      loved all the learnings

    • Rachel

      🐳🐳 Invisible Corerpati 🐳🐳
      🌿 Master the art of stealth wealth
      🌿 Reinvest in experience of students
      🌿 Create value ✨️
      🌿 Build sucess stories
      🌿 Solve one problem, one webinar, one product
      🌿 Evergreen Content 🌲
      🌿 Build a loyal paying community ✨️🤝

    • Kanick Raj

      3 steps to make crores quietly
      Step-1. Master the art of stealth wealth
      Value creation VS Vanity matrix
      It’s about value creation, helping others to create wealth
      Reinvesting whatever money, you make back in the business than show off
      Focus on your student’s growth, show case other peoples growth

      1.Low key high impact mode – Micro niche specialist
      2. one webinar, one product one market

      Implement – Targeted campaign using ADs
      Longtail content

      Build Loyal paying community

    • Rashida Ansari

      3 steps to build wealth quietly
      Stealth Wealth
      Value Creation vs Vanity Matrix
      Reinvesting into business and community experiences
      Emphasizing on student success

      Build a low keep high impact model
      Micro niche expert
      One webinar, one problem, one market, one product


      To implement quiet framework using paid ads

      Long you tube videos with specialisations
      Evergreen long tailed content

      How to implement
      Long term loyal community

    • Khushboo Sinha

      “Invisible Crorepati” Name is totally “Out of the Box”.
      Master the Art of Stealth Wealth.
      –Create Value by helping others to get result.
      –Reinvesting earned revenue into business. Not into luxurious Items.
      –Reinvest in students success and their growth.
      stop chasing vanity matrix.

      Build a low key net presence.

      become a micro niche specialist.
      Stick to only one thing and master it.

      One should do targeted paid ads.
      Long tailed content on youtube will do customer stickiness.

      these would be your loyal customers.
      Super excited to implement these pointers.

      Superb info.
      Its absolutely mindblowing.

    • Abanibhusan Bera

      My take aways are the notes taken:

       Fame-focussed Influencers vs Freedom-focussed Influencers: Becoming invisible Crorepati w/o any flashing just being famous within community – called the Niche-fame.
       There are many silent crorepatis in Internet Lifestyle Hub Community

      3-Steps of becoming an invisible Crorepati:
      Step 1: Value creation vs Vanity Matrix. It’s about creating value by helping others get results.
      Step 2: Reinvesting the profit back into business & investing in community and not on non-essentials.
      Step 3: Emphasizing students’ success.

      There are many examples of invisible crorepatis in freedombusinessmodel.com

      Build a low key high impact social media presence:
      Step 1: Micro Niche Specialist – narrower the niche more impactful and profitable you can.
      Step 2: Having one Webinar, One Problem, One Market & One Product. Go deep & not wide.
      Step 3: To Implement quiet selling framework
      a. Do Target Marketing using paid Ads
      b. Creating Evergreen Long-tail content Videos; example: massive consumers for news channel but no one buys. Ex. Make money only by teaching Yoga exercise for women vs. Make money by teaching Yoga.
      c. Build a Loyal paying Community. These community members shall be high-ticket members.

       The one secret is selling through Webinar.

    • NKK

      1) Corerepati who do not flash focus on results of your students, without SoMe presence
      2) Step 1 – Master the art of stelt wealth & So not run after Vanity Matrix of wealth. Its VM Vs Stelts Wealth
      3) Reinvest Revenue back into the business
      3) Showcasing Client/ other people success stories
      4) Have a NICHE, Focus on one problem, one market.
      5) Implement the quite market
      6) Build on evergreen long tail content – LASER POINTED

    • Sultan Mahmud

      1. Success Without the Spotlight: You don’t need flashy posts, a million followers, or a luxury lifestyle to be successful. Some of the richest people stay under the radar, building wealth quietly and living simply.

      2. Focus on Real Value: Instead of chasing likes and social media fame, focus on creating value that genuinely helps others. It’s not about showing off; it’s about making a difference in people’s lives.

      3. Reinvest Wisely: Those who follow the Invisible Crorepati Strategy often reinvest their earnings back into their businesses or meaningful experiences, rather than splurging on status symbols. It’s about smart growth, not showing off.

      4. Specialize Deeply: By focusing on a specific niche or skill—like a specialist doctor—you can earn more and build stronger client loyalty. Being a master of one rather than a jack-of-all-trades makes you invaluable.

      5. Grow Quietly but Effectively: Instead of trying to be everywhere and please everyone, use targeted strategies like focused ads and meaningful content that attract the right clients, not just any viewers.

      6. Build a Community of Real Supporters: Creating a loyal group of paying clients who truly value what you offer is more rewarding—and profitable—than having thousands of casual followers. It’s about deep connections, not wide reach.

      7. Measure Success Differently: Success isn’t about public recognition or how many people know your name. It’s about the results you create and the impact you make. Let your work speak for itself.

      8. Join the Quiet Revolution: If you’re tired of chasing social media fame and want a more meaningful path to success, the Invisible Crorepati Strategy offers a refreshing approach. It’s about doing great work, helping others, and building wealth without the noise.

      • Himanshu

        Invisible crorpati

        Focus must be your students

        3 step to build crores

        1. Master the art of stealth wealth:-
        Look at value creation vs vanity matrix

        It’s all about value creation where you are just catalyst not the hero.

        Reinvest your profit back to business and community and community experience

        Emphasizing on your students’ success.

        Build a Loki but high but high impact
        Be a micro niche specialist

        Follow it from day 1

        1 webinar , 1 problem, target 1 market, sell 1 product
        Go deep not wide

        Impliment quiet scalling framework

        – do targeted paid ads ( be lazor focused to bring your targeted market to your webinar )

        – build evergreen long tailed content on SM ( long tailed keywords) that is usefull even after 3-5 years

        Build a loyal paying community
        that will make you invisible crorepati

    • Dr Jagatjit Singh Virk

      Life of Freedom, of Invisible Crorepatis.
      Brilliant results of Wealth Creation
      Master the art of stealth wealth/ Wealth creation or Vanity Matrix
      Create wealth by helping others
      Reinvesting the benefits to more productive
      Students’ Success is the real success. That’s the art of stealth wealth.
      Low key and big Micro Niche, Narrowing down the Niche
      One Webinar, One problem, one market
      Implement the quiet scale framework and Evergreen long-tail keywords.
      A loyal community for a higher value. Specialist

    • Ankita Mehra

      3 Steps for Becoming Invisible Crorepatis:
      1. Master the art of stealth wealth – value creation vs. vanity creators. Become the catalyst of change. No #richlife hashtags
      2. Reinvest in the community (Profit) – Stop spending on non-essentials
      3. Emphasising Student Success – Examples of Students (Showcase your client/member success)

      Build a Low key and high-impact model (Sniper mode)
      # Be a micro niche expert – Business Coach vs. Video Specialist (Narrower you go)
      # Webinar – one webinar, one problem, and one market one product
      #Long tail keyword (Make money online selling yoga courses)
      # Loyal Community – Higher tickets for Masterminds

    • Moksh Chauhan

      Invisible Crorepati strategy
      – crorepati without flashy lifestyle
      – how to build wealth under the radar
      1. value creation vs vanity matrix – it’s about value creation or getting results
      2. reinvesting into the business –
      3. emphasis on student success –
      – being a niche specialist – narrow down your topic
      – 1 webinar 1 problem 1 market selling 1 product
      – quit selling market – paid ads, long tail content on YouTube,

    • Anita Gupta

      Master the arts of Stealth wealth.
      Value creation vs Vanity matrix:
      1. It about value creation and not vanity
      2. Reinvesting money back into business customers and community
      3. Emphasize on your student’s success stories.
      4. Create a low key
      5. Micro niche specialist-Business, sales, video sales specialist
      General Practise may be popular but specialist might not be known.
      1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product
      Once nailed it go deep
      automated webinar happening every single day
      Do targeted paid ads
      Build ever green long tail content-subscribers laser focused. work even after 2-3 years.
      Make money online, make money online by teaching yoga to women.
      Build a loyal paying community. Pay you higher ticket.
      Who love you, care for you, value you.


      The Invisible Crorepati
      3 steps to do that:
      1) Master the Art of Stealth Wealth
      2) Re-invest back to improve your students experience
      3) Emphasize on your Students success

    • sunita yadav

      Putting your energy into helping others succeed, rather than obsessing over your own follower count. focused, precise, and deliberate. focused, under the radar, but incredibly effective. Your success is measured by the results you create, not by the applause you get. stealth wealth in action. It’s about living well, not living loud. such a super key points gives clear vision. INVISIBLE CROREPATI

    • Loretta Sridhar

      The Invisible Crorepati

      Step 1: Stealth Wealth: Value Creation vs Vanity Metrics

      1. Create value by helping others get results.
      2. Reinvest the profits into business or experience of the learners
      3. Emphasis on Students’ Success – Showcase their success, not yours

      Step 2: Low-key but high-impact online Presence

      1. Be a Micro Niche Specialist
      2. One webinar – One problem – One Market – One Product
      3. Automate the webinar

      Step 3: Implement the quiet scaling framework

      1. Targeted Paid Ads
      2. Build evergreen long-tail content. Depth of content is essential
      3. Build a loyal paying community

      Thanks, Sidz Simple and Valuable. I will be an Invisible Crorepati

    • Zarine Ninan

      Narrowing down my topic- one webinar, solving 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product. This allows us to automate and build a loyal paying customer base.

    • Ravi Kumar

      The Invisible Crorepati Strategy

      3 Steps how to build wealth
      #1 – Master the art of stealth wealth –
      Value creation vs Vanity matrix
      – Stop chasing vanity matrix
      – Create value – we cannot create value by vanity creation
      – Reinvesting whatever profit you make
      – Emphasizing on student’s success

      #2 Build low key but high impact social media presence
      – Being a micro niche specialist
      – One webinar and solve one problem, one market, one product
      – Automated webinar – To implement the quite scaling framework – do targeted paid ads, build evergreen long contents
      #3 Build a loyal paying community, nurture them.

    • Trupti Pala

      The Invisible Crorepati Strategy – How to build wealth quietly under the Radar
      Mastering the Art of Stealth Wealth
      Create value by helping others get results
      Reinvest in your business, not on unessential
      Be a Micro Niche Coach
      Target using paid ads

    • Lison Mathew Kuriath

      Fame Focus Influencers
      Freedom Focus Influencers

      1st Step – Master the Wealth of Stealth Wealth

      Value Creations Vs Vanity Matrix

      Reinvesting back to the community

      Emphasizing on your Student Success

      2nd Step – Lop Key but the high impact on Society

      Micro Niche Specialist

      One Webinar, One Problem, One Market and One Product

      Implementing the quest selling framework

      Long tail Keyword, Make money only selling yoga to woman

      Value Creation for the tribe. Create Mastermind.

    • Ashita Agarwal

      Fame focused influencer v/s freedom focused influencer
      Ppl who have silently made crores w/o flashing it have achieved freedom are invisible influencers.
      3 steps on to build wealth quietly
      Master art of stealth wealth : Value creation vs vanity matrix. Understand about value creation. Create value by helping others. Reinvest profits into business and community experiences and not into non essential luxuries. Emphasise on students’ success.
      Build a low key but high impact online presence: being a micro niche specialist. One webinar, one problem, one market, one product. Automate the webinars and implement a quiet scaling framework. Do targeted payrads, make long tailed content.
      Build a loyal paying community: when world doesnt know you but your tribe knows you, that they loved you.

    • Shivangi Datar

      Fabulous episode! Loved the concept of Stealth Wealth! Here are some takeaways…
      1. The Art of Stealth Wealth
      2. One problem, one market, one webinar
      3. Targeted paid ads – only your TG knows u and thats what matters.
      4. Laser focused evergreen long tail content on YT.
      5. Build a loyal community who loves what you do and will buy higher ticket offerings too.

    • Dr. Vishakha Singhania

      Just loved the concept siddharth…Invisible crorepati..not to prove anything to anyone ..just to quietly live the life of abundance! Thank u so much

    • Bharathi Bhaskaran

      Key Concepts:
      Fame-Focused vs. Result-Focused Influencers:

      Fame-focused influencers prioritize vanity metrics like followers, likes, and public visibility.
      Result-focused influencers emphasize real value creation, focusing on student success and tangible outcomes, often building wealth quietly behind the scenes.
      Stealth Wealth:

      Stealth wealth refers to accumulating wealth discreetly, without publicizing it or flaunting it.
      Sidz emphasizes mastering this art by reinvesting profits back into the business, focusing on sustainable growth instead of chasing fame.
      Value Creation Over Vanity Metrics:

      True success comes from providing real value, not from chasing likes and followers.
      Vanity metrics can’t create lasting value. The focus should be on helping your community and ensuring student success.
      Case Study: Farmer Turned YouTuber:

      The story of a farmer who became a YouTuber and made crores highlights how creating niche content and focusing on value can lead to substantial financial success.
      Low-Key Online Presence:

      Building a low-key profile online can help you focus more on deep connections with a narrower audience, creating a more loyal and engaged community.
      Going narrower helps you connect better with the right people, rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
      Step-by-Step Framework:
      One Webinar – One Problem – One Product – One Market:

      Focus on solving one specific problem for your target market through one product, delivered via a webinar.
      Keep it simple and streamlined to maximize your effectiveness.

      Once you have a proven system in place, automate the process to scale up without needing to be involved in every detail.
      Automation enables quiet scaling, where you can grow significantly without making noise or chasing fame.
      Targeted Paid Ads:

      Use targeted paid ads to reach your ideal audience.
      Focus on long-tail content with a high retention rate, ensuring that your content stays relevant and continues to attract your audience over time.
      Evergreen Content:

      Create laser-focused evergreen content that continues to provide value long after it’s published.
      This type of content, combined with strategic use of long-tail and short-tail keywords, can help you scale up effectively.
      Building a Loyal Community:

      Webinar selling is the recommended method for building a community and converting your audience into paying customers.
      Your success comes from the success of your community, so focus on delivering consistent value and helping them achieve their goals.
      Final Thoughts: i AM EXCITED TO BECOME A CROREPATI By focusing on value creation and building a loyal community JUST LIKE YOU

    • sushil

      step 1: master the art of stealth wealth
      not being flashy,create values
      helping others grow

      step 2: low key high impact product

      Build: 1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product
      Use: quiet targeted paid ads
      Use: long tail keyword
      create: value packed videos

      step 3: build a loyal paying community

    • Sampada Yennuwar

      Freedom focused Influencer >>> Fame Focused Influencer
      I don’t want to flash my success and income online!
      Stealth Wealth- its about value creation.
      Reinvesting whatever profits you make back in community experienceover non essentials.
      Build a low key high impact presence on your social platforms-Be a micro niche specialist. Eg. Business coach- Sales expert- Video Sales Specialist.
      This helps you leverage more specialization in your area by narrowing down your topic.
      1 webinar- Solve 1 problem- 1 Target Market- 1 Front end product.
      Go deep. Don’t go wide.
      Implement the QUIET SCALING FRAMEWORK.: Do targeted paid ads.
      Just be known to people who value what you are teaching.
      Focus on long tail content. Eg YT

    • Shiv Dwivedi

      It was a mind-blowing podcast, never thought like that though I wanted to be like this.
      No social media bragging
      Freedom influencer

      Here are my learnings listed step by step

      Step 1-: Master the art of stealth wealth
      Value creation is more important than Vanity Matrix
      Reinvesting profit in business & community
      Emphasize your student’s success

      Step 2-: Build low-key but high-impact
      Be a micro niche specialist
      1 webinar to solve 1 problem 1 market & 1 product – Go deep not wider
      Automate webinar

      Step 3-: Good target to the right audience
      Target using paid ads
      Evergreen long tail content
      Build a loyal paying community

    • Arvind Yadav

      Step 1: Master the Art of Wealth Creation 💰
      Focus on creating value by helping others achieve their goals. 🤝

      Step 2: Reinvest Profits Back into the Company 💼
      Use your earnings to improve the experience and results for your students. 📚

      Step 3: Highlight Student Success Stories 🌟
      Celebrate and share the achievements of your students to showcase real results. 🎓

      Step 4: Narrow Down Your Topics 🎯
      Focus on specific areas where you can make the most impact.

      Step 5: Identify One Problem 🚨
      Pinpoint a key challenge that your audience faces.

      Step 6: Offer One Solution 💡
      Provide a clear and effective solution to that problem.

      Step 7: Target One Market 🎯
      Concentrate your efforts on a specific market that needs your solution.

      Step 8: Implement the QUIET Framework for Paid Ads 📢
      Create effective paid advertisements that attract your target audience.

      Step 9: Create Long-Tail Videos 🎥
      Develop in-depth video content that educates and engages your audience.

      Step 10: Build a Loyal Community 👫
      Foster a strong, supportive community around your brand and mission.

      Step 11: Become a Specialist in Your Field 🏆
      Master your craft and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

      Step 12: Become an “Invisible Crorepati” 🕵️‍♂️💸
      Achieve financial success quietly while making a significant impact.

    • Dr.Ravindra B

      -Stealth Wealth (Fame is what other’s see. Success is what I realize about me.)
      -Value Vs Vanity (create Impact for others, not self)
      -Low Key High Impact ( 1 and refine)
      -Automate (scale & excel)

    • Bala

      The Invisible Crorepati outlines a strategy for achieving financial success while maintaining a low public profile. This approach emphasizes value creation over personal vanity, reinvestment in the community, and student success stories. It also advocates for niche specialization and effective webinar creation. To scale quietly, the framework suggests using targeted paid ads and evergreen long-tail content to build a loyal community. By following these steps, individuals can create a successful business while avoiding the limelight and making a positive impact on the world.

    • Madhu Kodidala

      Top Learning from the Podcast,

      #Micro Niche Speciality

      #Positioning Micro niche.

      #Concentrate more on the student results.

      #Build loyal community.

      #Nurture the community with tangible results of them.

      #Knowing more than about the student what they dont know of them .

      #Concentrate only on the value creation consistently with the crystal clear task oriented mindset.

    • Jansy

      My top learning from this podcast
      1)Master the art of stealth wealth- showcase success stories of people whom you help
      Emphasize on success stories of students
      2)One product, one webinar, one problem
      3)DO targeted paid ads
      build evergreen long tailed content

    • Manisha Sonavadekar

      Step 1:Fame focus Influencers
      Freedom focus Influencers
      Master Stealth wealth
      1.Value creation Vs Vanity matrix Create Value not vanity matrix .You are facilitator ,
      2.Reinvest profits in business , community , experience of community
      3. Emphasizing Success of others or students

      Step 2: Low key high impact online presence
      a. Being a Microniche specialist
      b. One webinar , one problem to solve , one market , one product
      Step 3 :Implement Quiet scaling framework
      a.Do targeted paid ads “
      b.Build loyal paying community

    • Rajdeep Sindhav

      We Learn
      1. Value Creation and Venity Metrix
      2. Low Key & High Impact
      3. Being a Micro Niche Specialist
      4. Implement Quite Scaling Frame Work

    • pooja soni

      Great podcast, master the skill of webinar selling to create great wealth

    • Krishna

      1. master the art of stealth wealth
      a) re-investing the profit into the business
      b) show the students success stories tot he world
      c) stop chasing vanity matrix

      2. Be a micro niche specialist
      3. implement the quiet scaling framework.
      Target people using paid ads.
      this recalls me a saying that: don’t be a philosopher unless you are rich.

    • Bharpur Singh

      Step 1 – Master the art of Stealth Wealth
      – create value by changing values of your community
      – reinvest what all profit you make in community and not on luxary
      – emphasizing on your student success

      Step 2 – Build high imapct online presence
      – being a micro niche specialist
      – 1-webinar 1-market , 1-problem, 1-product
      – automate or implement to scale it

      Step 3 – Build a Loyal Community

    • Reshma Mallya

      My learnings –
      1. You don’t need to be a flashy influencer to succeed. That’s a relief.
      2. Value, value, value is what builds your empire
      3. Webinar selling is the secret sauce

    • Suman Kumar

      Prioritize Student Success: Shift the spotlight from showcasing personal achievements to celebrating the accomplishments of those you mentor. Their success is the true measure of your impact.

      Cultivate Subtle Influence: Aim for a profound yet understated impact—one that speaks volumes without the need for loud proclamations.

      Value-Driven Focus: Channel your energy into empowering others to achieve their goals. Success comes from creating real value in their lives.

      Quiet Prosperity: True success lies in growing your wealth while maintaining a simple, grounded lifestyle. The most powerful flex is silent success.

      Precision and Mastery: Approach your work like a sniper—focused, accurate, and intentional. Master a micro-niche and become unparalleled in that area.

      Excellence in One Area: Specialize in one thing, strive for unmatched expertise, and watch as clients seek you out for your unique skills.

      Niche Focus: Forget about trying to appeal to the masses. Instead, concentrate on serving those who genuinely need what you offer.

      Solution-Oriented Approach: Position yourself as a provider of solutions, addressing the specific needs of your target audience.

      Build a Loyal Community: Create a dedicated, paying community that values your expertise, all while staying out of the limelight.

      Work and Impact: Let your work speak for itself. Focus on creating significant impact, and the rewards will follow.

      Results Over Recognition: Measure your success by the outcomes you generate, not by the recognition you receive.

    • Bhawana Singh

      Build fortune without anyone knowing…wow what a way to look at life…can relate completely… Here are my top learnings:

      *Be a freedom-focused not fame-focused influencer
      *3 steps to build wealth quietly by mastering the art of stealth wealth
      *It is all about value creation (by helping others to get results) not vanity matrix
      *Reinvest business money in your community and member experience not flashing the luxury of your own life
      *Build a low-key high-impact online presence by being a micro niche specialist
      *Solve one webinar, one problem, one market and one product. Go deep not wide.
      *Build a loyal paying community who loves you because you created value

      I am super excited to become an invisible crorepati become financially free and live a quality life with my family.

    • Vijayakumar Murugesan

      Invisible Crorepathi
      • Stealth Wealth
      • Value Creation Vs Vanity Metrics
      • You cant create values thru Vanity Metrics
      • Reinvesting back to Community/Business
      • Master the art of stealth wealth
      • Stop chasing vanity metrics
      • Emphasis on success students
      • Low key and High Impact online creation
      • Being a Micro Niche specialist
      • Eg: GeneralPhysician Vs NeuroSurgeon
      • One Webinar…One Problem…One Target Market….One Product
      • To implement the Quite Scaling Mechanism…..Target Paid Ads…Evergreen Long tail content Videos
      • Buid a Loyal Paying Community…. Tribe Loves You…Loves Community…..Mastermind (Nurturing)

    • Sonam Gulati

      Here’s a summary of the key learnings from the Invisible Crore-pati Model:

      1. Master the Art of Stealth Wealth
      Value Creation vs. Vanity Metrics: Focus on creating genuine value rather than chasing vanity metrics. Avoid spending on materialistic items that don’t contribute to your growth.
      Reinvesting Profits: Instead of splurging on non-essential accessories, reinvest your profits into your business, enhancing community experiences, and focusing on student success.
      Student Success Focus: Prioritize the success of your students, as their achievements will naturally build your credibility and value.
      2. Build a Low-Key but High Online Presence
      Micro Niche Specialist: Position yourself as an expert in a very specific niche. This helps in standing out without needing a loud or flashy presence.
      Narrowed Focus: Concentrate on one topic, offering one webinar that solves one specific problem for one targeted market. This streamlined approach simplifies your efforts and maximizes impact.
      Automated Webinars: Automate your webinars to reach a broader audience without being overtly visible, allowing for a consistent and scalable model.
      3. Implement the Quiet Silent Framework
      Target Market via Ads: Use targeted ads to quietly identify and reach your ideal market, ensuring your message is seen by those who matter.
      Long Videos on YouTube: Create longer, value-driven videos on YouTube to build authority and engage your audience over time.
      Long-Tail Content: Develop long-tail content to build a loyal, paying community. This content approach ensures sustained interest and continuous engagement, fostering deep connections within your audience

    • Geetika Dadwwaani

      Key Takeaways:
      1.Master the art of Stealth wealth- Value creation vs Vanity Matrix. Create value by creating results, reinvesting money on business, customer experience and avoid non essentials, Emphasising on Students results
      2Micro niche: Be narrow in your topic
      3.1 Webinar- 1 problem-1 target market – 1 product to sell at front end
      4.Implementing quiet scaling framework – laser focus on targeting them, target using paid ads, long form content – long tail keyword
      5.Implementing Webinar Selling formula

      Thanks Sidz for valuable points 🙂

    • Sesha Sai

      Invisible Crorepati Podcast – key takeaways:

      * Fame focussed influencers- Vanity Metrics

      * Master the “art of stealth wealth”

      * Value Creation – Focus is on students success than self
      * Invest back into business instead of splurging on luxury

      * Low key high impact online presence – micro niche
      * One market, one product, one webinar – go deep

      * Automate everything possible
      * Quiet scaling framework: ‘evergreen’ long tail content, targeted paid ads., build loyal paying community.

    • Nilesh Sarjare

      Some pointers and takeaways from this podcast:

      Master Stealth Wealth:

      Focus on value creation, not chasing vanity metrics.
      Reinvest in the Business:

      Continuously reinvest earnings back into the business for growth.
      Emphasize Student Results:

      Prioritize and focus on delivering tangible results for students.
      Build High-Impact Online Presence:

      Establish a strong and influential online presence.
      Be a Micro-Niche Specialist:

      Specialize in a highly specific niche to dominate a particular area.
      Follow the Rule of ONE:

      Focus on solving one problem, with one webinar, and one offer.
      Quiet Selling Through Paid Ads:

      Utilize discreet and effective paid ads for marketing.
      Use Long-Tail Keywords:

      Target long-tail keywords to attract the right audience.
      Build a Loyal Paying Community:

      Cultivate a dedicated and paying community around your niche.

    • Jeena Girilal


      Stealth Mode
      Reinvest your Purpose
      Emphasize your Students

      Be in a sniper Mode
      Be a microniche specialist
      Solve one problem, one solution, Go deep………..

      Automated webinar to implement your strategy
      Long tail keyword to create laser focus community

      What a super duper podcast, thankyou Sidz Thankyou for existing

    • Rashmi K

      That is very nicely said about the invisible crorepatis who silently influence society with their own growth.
      3 key takeaways:
      1. Master the Art of stealth wealth
      2. Build a low-key, high-impact online presence
      3. Automate Webinars

      I would love to be in this area. Sidz you know many webinars which i have attended in the past they were all your students. I am ready to skyrocket my life with learnings from this great mentor.
      feel very lucky and proud to be part of this community.

    • Ritu Bhalotia

      It is such a clear and clean idea to be the one you want to be. nothing can be more precise and direct. I love the way each point has been explained. it directly hit the cords. I am all set to follow the same.

    • Harsshad

      “Love this perspective on stealth wealth Sidz!

      🌟 It’s refreshing to see that real success doesn’t require a spotlight. It’s all about creating genuine value and focusing on what truly matters. 💪🏼

      ✨ The Invisible Crorepati Strategy is a game changer for anyone tired of the social media hustle. 🚀💼

      Thank you Sidz.


      Master the art of stealth wealth.

      Wealth is not about vanity metrics.

      Invest back in your own Business.Do targeting using paid ads.

      specialise in micro-niches: be the master of one.

      Build evergreen long-tail content

      Build a loyal community.they ll pay even 3 lakhs per year if u nurture well for few years and launch master mind

    • Parinitaa Garg


      1. Create value not vanity matrix.
      2. Reinvest the profits back into the business not on luxuries
      3. Emphasise and showcase your student’s success
      4. Build a low key high impact online presence
      5. Be a micro-niche specialist
      6. Go narrow and deep not wide
      7. 1 webinar, 1 market, 1 product, 1 problem
      8. Automate everything
      9. Implement quite scaling framework
      10. Do targeted paid ads
      11. Build evergreen long tail content – high retention and conversion -build depth in content
      12. Build a loyal, paying community

      • Syed Mohiuddin

        great Parinitaa, crisp and clear points

    • Shivansh

      Don’t chase vanity matrix but Create Value.

      Find Your micro niche – be specialist of your field like an expert surgeon

      work on long tell content

      build a loyal paying community , implement quite selling framework

    • Tejasvvita Kaamble

      3 steps –
      step 1 – Value creation vs Vanity Matrix, we cant create value creation by doing vanity Matrix, spend money on value addition rather on luxury items, invest money /profit in ur business, when student success it shows your success, that has to be showcase.
      Step 2 – Being a micro coach specialist
      one webinar, one problem, one targeted market and one product
      Step 3 – Create a loyal community, focus on long tail content on youtube where conversion will be high

    • Amit Ghosh

      My Learning from this podcast:
      The idea of an “Invisible Crorepati” really sits with those who realize the power of stealth wealth: it’s not about being seen to be successful, but quietly delivering the value—reinvesting the profits back into the business, thus making it a better place for students in the community. We are micro-niche specialists in student success: low-key yet high-impact. The “One problem, One webinar, One market, One product” mantra has simplified our strategy so that there can be the adoption of a silent but very effective framework of scaling. Targeted paid ads combined with long-tail video content build an audience who know the value proposition we embody. This will be the game-changer in regards to sustainable, meaningful growth.


      1. Master The art of Stelt Wealth-a Its All about Value Creation by helping others create results
      b Reinvest the Profits the back into the business and community
      c emphasize on students success
      2. To Implement quite scaling framework

      a Target using paid Ads
      b Long Form Content Evergreen Build Depth in Content
      c Build a Loyal Community of your Own

    • Amit Bhandari

      Sidz has learnt the art to serve people and in the bargain serve himself. This is the art which has to be masterered if you want to rise. This was highly insightful..
      Take aways – Chase your Niche like a Sniper, Be laser focused and give results

    • Keerthana

      I’ve gained some crucial insights that will guide my journey forward:

      Mastering the Art of Stealth Wealth:

      Value Creation Over Vanity Metrics: I’ve realized the importance of focusing on true value creation rather than getting caught up in vanity metrics. It’s not about proving my success to others but genuinely helping others achieve tangible results. This will be the cornerstone of my approach.
      Reinvesting Profits: I’ve learned the significance of reinvesting profits back into my business rather than spending on non-essential luxuries. This will ensure sustainable growth and a stronger foundation for future success.
      Emphasizing Student Success: The focus will now be on prioritizing the success of those I serve. By ensuring their success, I not only build trust but also create a lasting impact that speaks louder than any superficial achievements.
      Building a Low-Key but High-Impact Online Presence:

      Becoming a Micro-Niche Specialist: I’ve understood the power of specialization. By narrowing my focus to one webinar, one problem, one market, and one product, I can deliver more value and solve specific challenges more effectively.
      Implementing the Quiet Scaling Framework:
      Targeted Paid Ads: I will invest in targeted paid advertising to reach the right audience without unnecessary noise.
      Creating Evergreen Long-Tail Content: I will build content that stands the test of time, providing ongoing value and drawing in those who need it, long after it’s been created.
      Building a Loyal Paying Community: The focus will be on nurturing a community of loyal, paying customers who find real value in what I offer. This community will be the backbone of my business, driving growth and impact.
      Action Plan:

      Shift focus from vanity metrics to value creation, ensuring every effort is aimed at helping others achieve real results.
      Reinvest profits into areas that will grow the business and benefit those I serve, avoiding unnecessary expenses.
      Launch a micro-niche-focused webinar, solve a specific problem, and tailor my product to a targeted market.
      Start quiet scaling by investing in targeted ads, building evergreen content, and nurturing a community of loyal customers.

    • Sanjay Mhatre

      1. Master Stealth Wealth: Fame v/s Freedom Influencers
      (Money Shouts, Wealth Whispers.
      Value Creation v/s Vanity Metrics
      Be a catalyst for someone’s growth
      Reinvest back to business, rather than non-essentials Flashy things
      Emphasize students’ success
      2 Niche Specialization: Low Key & High Impact Online Presence … Micro-niche specialist
      Solve 1 problem with 1 webinar targeting 1 market selling 1 product
      Automate this.
      Targeted with paid ads … evergreen long tail content – retention & conversion very high.
      (eg masses watch news channel for the latest stuff, but no one buys from them)

      3 Quiet Scaling: Build a loyal community – if u nurture ur community for 3-4 years – who u, love u, trust u, result-oriented. Use WSF – Webinar Selling Formula

    • Trrupti A Khan

      I am blessed, aligned for this podcast as I recently refused the opportunity of becoming famous and gaining the popularity on national television and decided to work on my Digital Coaching Business. I remembered you saying stop chasing the shiny objects. My mindset have shifted and I could take that call only because of you Sidz. I simply loved the 3 steps of creating value by helping others, reinvest your profits back in the business and for community experiences and lastly emphasizing on students success. I am a beginner and I am compltely blessed for all the learnings. I will make you proud by being your best student.

    • Rama Kumar

      Dear Sidz,
      Here are my key takeaways:
      – Become a Stealth – Invisible Wealth Creator
      – Vanity Metrics vs Value Creation
      – Create Value by being a Facilitator
      – Improve Customer Experience
      – No need to flash wealth, be a silent wealth creator
      – Showcase Student’ success rather than your success
      – The more you showcase other’s success your success will grow automatically
      1. Being a Micro Niche Specialist – go narrow, be a super specialist
      E.g. Neuro Surgeon
      2. Solve one big problem – one webinar – one target market – stick to one thing
      3. Automate the Sales Process
      – Do targeted Paid Ads
      – Build long tail YT Content
      – Create laser pointed – ever green content
      – Position as a Specialist
      – Large Distribution may not guarantee conversion. People value Specialists
      – Build a Loyal Paying Community
      – You need only super loyal 100 customers to achieve 3Cr+ per annum revenue by adding tremendous value and create transformation for your community

      The aspect of being a Silent Wealth Creator very much resonates with me as I would like to go about my business in a quiet manner while creating a massive impact for my students and customers. Thanks for sharing this Sidz.

      Rama Kumar

    • Prasad Bangera

      Invisible Crorepatis Concept

      Prioritize your students’ success over your own.
      Master the art of building stealth wealth.
      Avoid chasing superficial things that don’t really matter.

      Focus on creating value by helping others achieve their goals.
      Reinvest in your business and community rather than spending on non-essential items.
      Highlight the success of your students more than your own achievements.

      Build a low-profile but high-impact presence.
      Become a micro-niche specialist.
      Focus on one webinar, solving one problem, for one market, with one product—go deep, not wide.
      Once perfected, automate every process.
      Implement a quiet scaling framework.
      Use targeted paid ads effectively.
      Create evergreen, long-form content optimized for long-tail keywords.
      Develop laser-focused, evergreen content.
      Build a loyal, paid community that values your expertise and is willing to pay a premium.

    • Rishabv Gupta

      1. Be a Invisible Crorepati
      2. Reinvest in the business and Keep providing more value to your Community.
      3. Focus on your student Success.

    • Dr Soubam Prem Singh

      5 key points of the Invisible Crorepati Strategy: –
      1. **Focus on Value Creation**: Build wealth by delivering real value and making an impact, rather than seeking social media validation or flaunting success.
      2.**Embrace Stealth Wealth**: Reinvest profits into your business and maintain a low-profile lifestyle. True wealth is about financial growth without the need for public display.
      3. **Specialize in a Niche**: Become an expert in a specific micro-niche to command higher fees and build deeper client loyalty, rather than trying to appeal to a broad audience.
      4. **Use Precision Targeting**: Implement targeted advertising and evergreen content strategies to attract the right clients efficiently, focusing on quality over quantity.
      5. **Build a Loyal Community**: Create a high-ticket, dedicated client base that values your work and supports your business, generating significant revenue with minimal external promotion

    • Hemant Gajbhiye

      My Takeaway from this Podcast:
      1> Mastering the Art of Stealth Wealth
      2> Reinvest in the business rather than spending money on flashy things
      3> Emphasizing on the students’ success rather than focusing on self-success
      4> Focus on one webinar, one product and one market
      5> Narrow down your niche: Be the specialist rather than a general practitioner

    • Suma

      3 steps how to you build wealth quietly
      1. Master the art of stealth wealth
      1.1 Value creation vs Vanity metrics (showing off others where you eat, stay and what kind of car u drive)
      1.2 Invest back to business, community experience etc.
      1.3 Emphasize on student success.
      1.4 The more you showcase your students success, you grow
      2. Build a low-key, high-impact online presence.
      2.1 Narrow down on your niche.
      2.2 I am doing one webinar, solving one problem, one market, selling one product.
      3. Implement the quiet-scaling framework.
      3.1 Do targeted paid ads.
      3.2 Create evergreen long-tailed content.
      3.3 To scale quietly, build a loyal community. Launch a Mastermind group.


      Master the art of stealth wealth.

      value creation vs vanity metrics.

      Invest back in your own Business.Do targeting using paid ads.

      specialise in micro-niches: be the master of one.

      Build evergreen long-tail content

      Build a loyal community.they ll pay even 3 lakhs per year if u nurture well for few years and launch master mind

    • Ravindra Koli

      Great listing to the podcast. some of the great insights as below.

      1. Silently made 1cr online are doing great
      2. Mantra-Focus is not about me, it’s about my students
      3. 3-steps to build wealth
      A) Mastering the wealth
      1. Value creation vs vanity matrix
      2. Reinvest into business
      3. Emphasizing on students
      B) Law key high impact online
      1. Micro niche specialist
      2. One webinar -one problem-one product -one market
      3. Automated webinar
      C) Quite scaling matrix
      1. Target market using paid ads
      2. Build the audience –
      3. Long tail key ward on YouTube-laser focus
      4. Loyal paying community
      D) Through webinar selling formula


      Three Steps for Becoming Invisible Crorepatis:

      1. Master the art of stealth wealth – value creation vs. vanity creators. Become the catalyst of change. No #richlife hashtags

      2. Reinvest in the community (Profit) – Stop spending on non-essentials

      3. Emphasising Student Success – Examples of Students (Showcase your client/member success)

      Build a key and high-impact model (Sniper mode)

      Be a micro niche expert – Business Coach vs. Video Specialist (Narrower you go)

      Webinar – one webinar, one problem, and one market, one product

      Long tail keyword (Make money online selling yoga courses)

      Loyal Community – Higher tickets for Mastermind.

    • Sonia Sharma

      Amazing Insight on Stealth Wealth Creation. Learnt some key points: 1. Difference between Value Creation and Vanity Machine. Its not about me but about the success Im creating for my students. 2. Reinvesting. the profits back in the business and community building. 3. Showcasing and emphasising on student success. 4. Creating a low key, high impact presnece online. This comes from becoming a micro niche specialist. Eg – not about being a business coach but sales coach or better still video sales landing page specialist. The narrower you go , the faster you grow. One Webinar, One Product and One Target Market. 5. Creating a tribe online by building Evergreen long tail content ie depth of content rather than trending topics. eg how to make money online teaching yoga to women, You dont need millions of like and following but your tribe is following you for your quality content. They will be willing to pay you high ticket because they love you and your content.

    • Krishna Rudra

      3 steps strategy for The Invisible Crorepati Strategy
      1. Master the Art of Stealthy wealth
      2. Re Investing the profits
      3. Emphasis of Students Success

      Clear Goal of:
      One webinar a week
      Find one problem
      Target Audience
      One Product

      Long tail content strategy on youtube pays Crores of rupees through invisible crorepati strategy

      Build a Loyal paying community – Master Mind Group

    • Vrajangna Patel

      Always be a value provider.
      The steps to become invisible crorepati are
      1. Mastering the art of stealth wealth
      2. Reinvesting their profits back into their businesses or community experiences.
      3. Specialize in micro niche.
      4. Build loyal paying community.

    • Beena Srivastava

      Value Creation wins by helping others get results
      Reinvest in community for Experience
      Go Micro Niche
      1 product / 1 webinar / 1 problem
      Implementation is the key by Targeted ads

    • Sunny Nagpal

      PURE GOLD as always. Value creation first, 1 webinar, 1 product, 1 target market, 1 loyal community served well, nurtured well and is now ready for bigger results. Showcase the success of students, get student results and remain an invisible crorepati, not bragging on social media, not proving anything to anyone. bye bye non-essentials. Long tail content vs mass news views to get leads and conversions. Happy creating a meaningful online presence. thank you Sidz for giving us joy, fulfillment and road to quality life.

    • Kirti M

      Freedom focused model –
      1. Master the art of stealth wealth
      2. Value Creation
      3. Re-investing profits into business and community experiences
      4. Emphasizing the success of the students
      5. Build a low key, high impact online presence.
      6. One Webinar, one problem, one market, one product.
      7. Automated Webinars saving time and bringing in sales
      8 Quiet Scaling Framework
      9. Laser focused on the target audience
      10. Evergreen Long Tail Content
      11. Build a loyal, paying community

    • nisha motwani

      create value by helping others
      reinvesting on business
      emphasis on student’s success

    • Dr Soni

      My Learning
      Step 1: Value-Driven Impact Over Vanity Metrics
      1. Focus on creating value by helping others achieve real results.
      2. Reinvest your profits into enhancing the business and enriching the learning experiences for your audience.
      3. Prioritize student success—highlight their achievements rather than your own.
      Step 2: Subtle Yet Powerful Online Presence
      1. Position yourself as a micro-niche expert.
      2. Focus on a single webinar that solves one specific problem for one targeted market, offering one signature product.
      3. Automate your webinar for consistent engagement and growth.
      Step 3: Quietly Scale with Purpose
      1. Leverage targeted paid ads for strategic growth.
      2. Develop evergreen, in-depth content that continues to provide value over time.
      3. Cultivate a loyal, paying community that supports and drives your mission forward.

    • Geethanjali Parankusham

      1. The Invisible Carodepati Strategy is about quietly building wealth by focusing on real value, mastering a specific niche, and making an impact without chasing social media fame.
      2. It’s about success that doesn’t need to be flashy, where you grow your business and wealth under the radar.
      3. Your approach to be freedom is without needing to be in the spotlight and building a Loyal paid community

    • Shubham limje

      Stealth Wealth
      Create Value by helping others, not being in spot light.
      Reinvest back in community, not on Luxury things.
      Emphasizing on Students success, Loyal community Pays high ticket.

    • Marri Gopi Srinivas Reddy

      “The concept of a ‘long tail strategy’ in building wealth, as discussed in this episode, really struck a chord with me. Combining this with the ‘stealth wealth’ approach emphasizes the power of patience and discretion. It’s about playing the long game, focusing on sustainable growth rather than quick wins. This strategy not only secures financial stability but also maintains personal privacy and humility. A brilliant discussion that aligns with the philosophy of wealth building that prioritizes long-term success over short-term recognition.”

    • Monalisa Roy


    • Sanjay Banerjee

      Don’t be a shiny object
      Create wealth, spend it wisely and enjoy with family, students and others
      Greatest joy is when our students are achievers in creating wealth
      Be smart, talk less, work more
      Spend money on paid ads and earn a fortune

    • Sayani Das

      Sidz is walking the talk as an Invisible Corerpati!
      My takeaways: Value Creation, Proit back to Biz and Society, Nurture Community.
      1 Webinar 1 Problem 1 Market 1 Product

    • Ritesh Thummar


      1. Make “Value Creation” vs doing “Vanity Matrix”
      2. Re-Invest your income in building and growing business instead of buying liabilities such as home, cars etc.
      3. Emphasise Students Success.

      Helping Others eventually Make you money and growth.

      Low Key, High Impact Formula…..
      1. Being a Micro Niche Coach , narrow down your targeted market. (Don’t be a jack of all, Be a Master)
      2. Focus on Solving a single problem like 1-Webinar, 1-Problem, 1-Market, 1-Product (Don’t go wider, Go Deeper)
      3. Automate – Implement quiet scaling framework by automating your business.

      Last but not the least, Start to build the community, where community member Loves you, Cares you.



    • SRR

      Top takeaways from the podcast:
      1. Focus on results for self and each member of the community, nothing else matters
      2. Riches are in the niches. Invisible crorepatis are most likely the folks who are solving some specific problem for a group of people very effectively and these people are their fans and followers. So there is no need for building social influence or going allover the place on lots of platforms.
      3. Keep doing the same over and again without getting bored. Solve a single problem, for one audience segment and work on doing it even better.

    • life coach

      silently1make money and enjoy freedom
      the three steps success formula – 1 Look at value creation 2 Reinvesting what ever profit you make 3Emphasising students’ success
      being a Micro Niche specialist
      I have a bulb on moment that is one webinar one problem one product
      i used to do different areas for webinar
      i was a wonderful insight

    • Saravanan R

      Very crisp and great wisdom and an eye opener on invisible crorepati .Thank you Sidz

    • Vanshree Agarwal

      Thanks for supporting a non-flashy way of wealth creation and enjoying it and living with it peacefully. Sidz formula will definitely help create more ‘ invisible crorepatis’.

    • Shuvam Das

      Being an Introvert INTJA, this made so much sense to me. I want to travel, give experiences to my family and have freedom to do the things that I am passionate about. As a minimalist artist, I relate to the stealth mode a lot more than a flashy show off lifestyle. Wealth and abundance is totally different from fame and money. Flashy life might suit a lot of individuals but I would rather keep things minimal and connect with people with a purpose. Flashy cars, lifestyle might attract similar minded people, get rich quick with “Me” focused intentions. Rather, I would love to learn how a spiritual city like Mayapur exists where thousands of people from all over the world visits them and we all get a vibe of fulfilment.

      I understand how personal branding is important as well but it can be unique without showing off th wrong things and attracting wrong sort of people in the community.

      Sidz, you are the only mentor I have ever needed.



    • Spandana Reddy Nimmakayala

      We don’t try to prove anything to anyone just place the game silently.
      Step 1 : You need to master the art of stealth wealth
      1. Value Creation vs Vanity metrics – Just be the facilitator
      2. Reinvesting back into the business
      3. Emphasizing the student success
      Step 2:Low-key, high-impact online presence
      1. Micro Niche specialist
      3. Automate the win webinar
      Step 3:Quiet Scaling Framework
      1. Target using paid ads
      2. Do Evergreen and long-tailed Content
      3. Build a loyal paying community. —
      The community loves you.
      Scale only with webinar selling formula

    • krishna bharath

      Deliver value , be a specialist in your microfiche , emphasiser student success over self success. reinvest to improve community experience .

    • Shaji E

      Sidz shared the amazing concept of Invisible crorepati strategy.
      Fame focused influencer vs freedom focused influencer

      Invisible crorepati strategy:

      Focus more on the results of our students rather than on oneself.

      Mastering the art of stealth wealth.
      A. Value creation never happens through vanity matrix, but through the value given and the results I can create for my students.
      B. Master the art of stealth wealth through Student results matter much more. Reinvest a lot back on to your business. and build a low key but a high impact online presence.
      For that..
      i. Be a micro niche specialist.
      ii. Focus on 1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product to sell at the front end for last 6 years.
      iii. Automate your system or implement the quiete scaling framework. and
      A. Do targeted paid campaigns.
      B. Build evergreen long tailed contents.
      C. Build a loyal paying community

      Webinar selling formula is a 2 hour magical frame work which created many silent crorepatis in ILH.

    • Charan Samala

      Invisible Millionaire

      – [ ] Master the Art of Stealth Wealth.
      – [ ] Look at value creation stop chasing vanity metrics.
      – [ ] Reinvesting the profits into the business to improve quality of your business & experience.
      – [ ] Emphasising the students success.
      – [ ] Build a low-key but high impact online presence.
      – [ ] Being a micro niche specialist.
      – [ ] One webinar one problem one product
      – [ ] Implement the quiet scaling frame work.
      – [ ] You don’t have to be popular. You have to be known to people who value you.
      – [ ] Build a loyal paying community.
      – [ ] Help your community in solving their problems.

    • Tanveen

      1. Be a micro niche specialist. no one knows the neuro surgeon as they know general surgeon but neuro surgeon makes more money

      2. Go deep not wide. 1 webinar/ 1 problem to solve / 1 targeted market / 1 product .Low key high impact

      3. targeted paid ads, evergreen Long tail content/laser pointed , loyal paying community

    • Rameshkumar Muthusamy

      Master the art of stealth wealth, create value by creating results
      Reinvest back to wealth, emphasize on students sucess
      Be Microniche specialist


      value vs vanity material
      reinvesting back to the business
      emphasizing student success
      1.narrow down the topic
      2.one webinar-one problem-one-market-one product
      3.automate the business

    • Dr Hema Gupta

      Need to be freedom focused rather than Fame focused.
      1. Create stealth wealth
      – By value creation rather than by vanity Matrix and showing off
      – Reinvest your profits to grow your business/ customers
      – Emphasize on your students successes, that will the greatest growth of your success.
      2. Build a high impact and low key product- by creating microlight and going deep into it, not wide.
      Implement the quiet scaling framework
      3. Build a loyal paying Community and work silently

    • Sweta Gaitonde

      I loved the idea of mastering the stealth wealth by giving value addition

    • Haritosh Srivastav

      Awesome learnings from this podcast inspired me to become an invisible crorepati.
      Here are my notes –
      3 Steps –
      1. Master the Art of Stealth Wealth
      i. Value creation over vanity matrix
      ii. Reinvesting profit back to business
      iii. Emphasizing on Student Success
      2. Being a low-key high-impact online presence
      i. Micro Niche Specialist
      ii. Have one webinar, one problem, one market, one product
      iii. Automate
      3. Implement the Quiet Scaling Framework
      i. Targeted Paid Ads
      ii. Evergreen long-tail content
      iii. Build a loyal paying community

      Thanks & gratitude to Sidz !!!

    • Dhara Sheth

      1. Become freedom-focused influencer
      2. Create value – Do not fall in vanity matrix
      3. Showcase the success of your students
      4. Reinvest into business and client experience and not non-essential luxury
      5. Number of likes/followers on social media does not matter – you might earn crores in your work without having more likes
      6. Niche-fame – your community knows you.
      7. Longform keywords – focused on a microniche
      8. Don’t keep changing niche, once you have cracked it – Go deep, not wide – Micro Niche Coach
      9. Nurture your community – when you give them value, they will be willing to buy high-ticket products
      10. Be invisible crorepati

    • Ram Mohan Ganday

      Superb way of Invisible Crorepati Strategy. Really these days we are seeing a lot of coaches are getting into Vanity matrix and showcasing how they are earning and saying even we can earn the same way by following there footprints, which I believe is only to improve there earnings and community.

      As Siddharth Rajsekhar has rightly mentioned, focus on Value Creation rather than Vanity Matrix and Boasting Earnings which is the most valuable learning. Also Reinvesting the earnings in the Business back will grow our Business to next level.

      Also Focus on Micro Niche rather than Wide Niche.
      Build a great Loyal Community to become crorepati as well for super Value creation for Community.

      Overall great Podcast, giving lot of insights.


      1. Stop vanity matrix rather value creator.
      2. Reinvent profit into business.
      3. Empasis student success
      II. Low key , high impact online model.
      1. Micro niche
      2. One webinar , one product , one market
      3. long tail
      III. Building loyal paying community.

    • J Shankar Ram

      Focussing on Financial Discipline
      • Prioritize savings and investments over lavish spending.
      • Maintain a strict budget and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
      Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation
      • Resist the urge to upgrade your lifestyle as your income increases.
      • Keep expenses in check even as you accumulate wealth.
      Staying Low-Key
      • Don’t flaunt your wealth; avoid luxury brands and conspicuous consumption.
      • Maintain a simple lifestyle to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.
      Keeping a Low Profile
      • Avoid discussing your wealth and financial success openly.
      • Stay humble and grounded, even as your wealth grows.
      Reinvesting Profits
      • Reinvest earnings back into your investments or business rather than spending them.
      • Allow your wealth to grow exponentially through reinvestment.
      Planning for the Long Term
      • Set long-term financial goals and work consistently towards them.
      • Stay patient and avoid the temptation of quick, risky gains.

    • Shivonne Gracias

      3 steps on how do you build wealth under the radar
      1) value creation
      3) reinvest in your business
      3) emphasising on your students success

      1) build a micro niche
      2) one webinar , one problem , one product
      3) implement the quite scaling framework

    • Ruchi Mathur

      I completely relate with the idea of Stealth wealth . The concept of Value creation , going Deep and not wide , Expanding your niche in phases and the idea of serving the customers and focussing on their growth rather than flaunting also relates well with me .

    • Aditi Sen

      Thank you Sidz for this podcast…. clears my mind… a reinforcement why I connect with you and the tribe!!!
      1. Invisible Crorepati – focus on value creation: getting results for others, not flaunting, just enjoying the student’s success
      2. Be a micro-niche expert rather than just a digital coach
      3. Just 1 webinar to sole 1 problem for 1 target market with just 1 product. Go deep not wide.
      4. Once perfected the 1 webinar – automate – quite scaling up –laser focused targeted paid ads, invisible -long tailed YouTube videos.
      5. Build a loyal paid community.. get them their results….

    • Sanjay Srivastava

      Invisible Crorepati strategy’s main premise is that no one knows, while you smile away to the bank 🙂
      – Master the art of Stealth-Wealth
      – Invest your time and energy in ‘Value Creation’ vs ‘Vanity Metrics’
      – Reinvest your wealth’s appropriate portion in your business
      -Emphasise your students’ success
      – Conduct Low Key High Impacts Webinars
      – 1 Webinar =>1 Problem=>1 Market=>1 Product strategy works well.
      – Build ‘Long tail’ Content

    • Purav Bhatt

      1. Fame Focused Influencers – The Flashy Lifestyle, Showcasing their own success

      2. Freedom Focused Influencers – Silently enjoying their journey and impacting lives.

      Concept 1:
      Stealth Wealth –
      a).Create value, no spotlight required.
      b). Invest your profits for improving community experiences.
      c). Showcase students Success Stories
      Build a Low key high impact presence
      a).A micro niche
      b).One Webinar, One Target market, one Product
      c).Quite Scaling Framework
      Targeted Paid Ads
      Evergreen Content
      Loyal Paying Community

    • Subhash Tulsian

      The idea about Being A Silent Crorepati is awesome.

      Few things learnt –
      Be non flashy
      Create Value for your students and Community
      Reinvest your Income into Student and Community Well-Being
      Emphasize on your Student’s success rather than beating own trumpets.
      Have one product, one market, one target, one webinar and you will rock it.
      Be a Micro Niche Influencer
      Laser focussed targeted audience
      Create Evergreen long tail content
      Build a Loyal Paying Community over a long period.

      This was very very insightful.
      Thank you So much Sidz.

    • selma beary

      have a micro specialityniche. 2))create resultsfor students.3)target the right audience4)paid ads5)1webinar,one problem one solution 1market 6)laser focus 7)help students win

    • Dr. Raghu V

      Stealth Wealth
      1.No Vanity, no showoff, No flashing around
      2.Emphasise students success
      3.Focus on microniche
      4.Low key high impact
      5.Implement quite scaling – Paid ad, Video ad, go green, longtale content
      6.Build a loyal community

    • Vidyut V Mhetras

      Low Key – High Impact – 3 STEPS
      1) Micro Niche Specialist- Narrow Topic
      2) 1 Webinar- 1 Target, 1 Market – 1 Product – Go Deep Not Wide
      3) Implement the Quite Scaling Framework
      a. Paid Adverts, Laser Pointed content, Build Long Tail key Words- Make money Online( Short) . How to teach Yoga to women with 2 children. Loyal Community of General Customers- may be super Loyal customers

    • Lakshmi Nanduri

      1. My focus should be around ‘Freedom Focussed’ as compared to ‘Fame Focused’ and silently become an invisible crorepati by making money online – by focusing on the student and students results
      2. The 3 Steps to builid wealth under radar

      3 Steps:
      I. 1 Master the Art of Stealth Wealth – where value creation is key against vanity metrics that doesn’t help except for flambouyancy
      2. Reinvest profits into business and not invest in non-essentials
      3. Emphasize on Student’s results and their successes

      II 1. Build a low key and high impact business model. Be a micro-niche specialist
      2. One webinar, one problem, one target market, one product to sell
      3. Automated webinars later to implement the quiet scaling framework through Targeting paid ads and making evergreen long tail content

      III 1. How to implement the quiet scaling model – build a loyal paying community which will even be ready to pay high ticket mastermind by trusting and investing as coach as I would deliver the value.

    • Mansi Agrawal

      3 Aspects of mastering art of stealth wealth
      * Value creation by helping others get results
      * Reinvesting profits back into business, community experiences
      * Emphasize on your student’s success which will help in emphasizing yours
      – Build a low key but high impact online presence
      – Be a micro niche specialist
      – Implement Quiet scaling framework

    • Syed Mohiuddin

      Master the art of Stealth wealth using value creation, we are facilitator. We need re-invest the profit back to business and to build the community. We need to emphasize on students success, have low key high impact on social media. Focus on one webinar, one target, one market, and sell one product. Build a loyal paying community.

    • Indu Gopalakrishnan

      What ‘I learnt from this wonderful podcast is,

      The wealthier people in internet are not having mass followers. They are invisible crorepathis.

      The people who made silent success are having a more meaningful life of freedom.

      Decoding 3 steps to the silent success or the invisible crorepati strategy.

      step 1. Master the art of stealth wealth.
      The 3 aspects are,
      It involves value creation, not the vanity matrix.
      Reinvesting profit to the business (customer experience) not to gather luxuries.
      Emphasizing on your student success.

      step 2. Maintain a low key high impact internet mode.
      3 elements
      Be a micro niche specialist. (The narrower we go the more valuable it becomes.)
      One webinar, one problem, one target, market one product. (Once nailed the niche dig deep into that don’t go wide)
      Once perfected above things automate.

      Step 3
      Implement the quite scaling framework.
      3 elements
      Target using paid ads.
      Build long tailed content in Youtube. (Have lifelong quality customers, not a mass audience who don’t want to buy from you.)
      Build a loyal paying community (With value addition build a community or tribe that loves you. The sales without paid adds is pure profit.)

    • Hariharan P

      Royal mindset to Select your one Niche, one Goal, one language, solve one Pain, and hard work.

    • omprakash swarna

      key take aways
      01) always focus on adding value to my clients
      02) Reinvest the money gained in gaining knowledge
      03) focus on micro nische

      key actions
      01) Focus on my micro nische
      02) learn how to add value to my clients
      03) focus on scaling adds

    • Prashant

      Stealth wealth can be created only by creating and delivering value for others.

      Don’t focus on the vanity matrix flashy show ups, instead focus on the value matrix the quiet undeniable success

      Ultimate success: quitely build a business and earn money nobody else needs to know about it

    • Swathi Naraparaju

      Lessons learned from this Podcast:
      Mastering the art of Stealth & wealth
      1. Create value by helping your students, don’t be flashy.
      2. Reinvest the money earned back into community, business, and learning.
      3. Emphasize on student’s success.

      Building Wealth quietly under the radar
      1. Be a micro-niche specialist.
      2. One webinar, one problem, one market & one course.
      3. Automate the system after achieving a certain milestone.

      Implement quite marketing
      1. Do targeted paid Ads
      2. Build evergreen long-tail content
      3. Build a loyal community

    • Mallika Murali

      1. Master the art of stealth wealth
      3 elements
      1. Value creation vs vanity metrics
      2. reinvesting into business and community
      3. Emphasizing on student success
      2. Build low key high impact online presence
      3 elements
      1. Micro niche specialist
      2. one problem, one webinar, one market, one product
      3. Once you have mastered, automate
      3. Implement quiet scaling framework
      3 elements
      1. Do targeted paid ads
      2. Build evergreen longtail content
      3. Build a loyal paying community

    • Lovina Gidwani

      Every podcast you share is awesome. What always stands out is the emphasis on creating value, and the need to mindfully deepening the connection and bond with members via quality content.
      Keep transforming lives of members and this is the magic formula of becoming and staying a silent crorepati!

    • Stanly Richard

      1. Master the art of stealth wealth
      2. Reinvesting back to business
      3. Emphasizing student success
      Focus on one webinar, one problem, one market and one product.
      Target paid ads
      Quite scaling framework.
      Build a long paid community.

    • Ashish Modi

      Amazing info.till now i thought if i have huge followers/subscribers then only i can be on way to crorepati…u habe busted that thought of mine..
      1. Mastering the art of stealth wealth quietly
      real wealth can be earned by serving people.
      Dont focus on materialistic success/things

      2.Sniper mode – low key high impact presence
      being a micro niche specialist

      3.Long tail evergreeen videos -conversion is high ,watch rate is high
      if proper value is delivered,

      4.Building a loyal community

    • Samarjit Kumar

      Wow! What a strategy. Actually it may be called a ‘Monk Strategy too’.

      The strategy dwells on how to be value driven, how to be service driven. No tall claims, no flashy representations of oneself. It advises to dive deep into creating unique value through our Micro Niches.

      The suggested startegies are – –
      1) Master the Art of Stealth Wealth.
      2) Build a low key high – impact online presence.
      3) To implement a model of value creation rather, rather than of Vanity Matrix.

    • Chidanand M

      INVISIBLE CROREPATIS – Quote success without any noise, showoff, etc. They lead a simple life quietly. They silently make crores. (1) Master the art of stealth wealth – Value creation vs. vanity matrix, Others should get results, Reinvest back to improve business – emphasizing on student success (2) Low key high impact online presence – Micro niche specialist – one targeted market, one webinar, one product, implement quite scaling, paid ads, YouTube videos, Longtail concept laser pointed one. (3) Build loyal paying community – They pay willingly for high ticket, they trust you, start mastermind, which they buy, as you are a specialist. Ultimately, you are not trying to prove anything to anyone. Silently make lot of money without anyone knowing.

    • Sunil Venkoba Rao Suthrave

      3 steps to build wealth quietly :
      1) Master the Art of Stealth Wealth
      a. Value creation vs Vanity Matrix – It is about value creation by helping others get results. You become catalyst for somebody else’s growth and change
      b. Investing whatever profits that you make back into the business, back into community experiences or back into improve the experience of your customers and not on the non-essential luxuries
      c. Emphasizing on your student success – Showcase other peoples success
      2) Low-key high impact online presence
      a. Being a micro-niche specialist
      b. One targeted market – One product to sell at the front end – One webinar, One Market, One Problem, One Product and One Webinar
      3) Implement the quite scaling framework
      a. Do targeted paid ads – Target using paid ads
      b. Build evergreen long tail content – No need to create something, but be laser focused and content based
      c. Build a loyal paying community – This community is so valuable that they will be willing to pay higher ticket.

      This is truly exciting. Thank you, Sidz for a fantastic podcast.

    • Swetha S

      Learnt Important points-
      1) Silently make crores of Money
      3 steps how you build wealth quietly under a radar.
      a)Master the art of Stealth, Wealth.
      b)Value creation v/s vanity metrics
      Reinvesting whatever profits you make back into system and community,
      3)Emphasizing on students growth and success.
      Build a low key but high impact online presence

      Be a microniche specialist, narrow down the topic.
      Solve one problem, one market, have one product.
      Implement quiet scaling framework.
      Do targeted paid ads, build ever green long content. Build a loyal community

    • Neha Jaiswal

      3 steps to build wealth quietly

      a. Master the art of stealth wealth
      1. Look at value creation vs vanity metrics – It is about value creation by helping others to get results. You are just a facilitator or a catalyst to help them
      2. Reinvesting the profit you make into your business, improving the experiece for your customer and improving your business instead of spending on showcasing luxuries. Even if you use the money for expensive things that you buy, you don’t need to show them off to everyone on social media or in some other way
      3. Emphasise on your student success – Showcase your student’s success instead of yours. The more you showcase the success of the people you have helped, your success will grow too

      b. Build a low key but high impact online presence
      1. Be a micro niche specialist – the narrower we go, its more low key and helps us to build a specialization in that area. Narrow down your topics
      2. Just have 1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market and 1 product – just stick to 1 thing. Go deep into that instead of going wide. This will also help to automate the webinars

      c. Implement the quiet scaling framework
      1. Do targeted paid ads – it’ll attract only people who are interested in your content
      2. Build evergreen long tail content that is going to work for you even for 3,4,5 years
      3. Build a loyal paying community – if the people in your community loves you, they will be ready to pay you for your higher paying content too

    • pranali naik

      Invisible CrorePati-where you are not trying to prove anything to anyone.
      Fame focused influencer Vs Freedom focused influencer-
      Make wealth silently-Master the art of stealth wealth
      – Value creation Vs Vanity Matrix -Its about value creation. stop chasing vanity matrix (showing off success)
      – Reinvesting profit in business
      – emphasizing on student success & Helping others get result, You are not a spotlight
      – Low key high impact online presence- narrower market-General physician vs neuro Surgeon
      One webinar, Solve one problem, One market , One product!, After mastering it have it Automate.
      – Quiet scaling framework
      Targeting lazer focus, Targeted paid ads, you don’t need to be popular, just be known to the people who value what you teach, Evergreen long form content -Long tail keywords, so that you will have quality leads
      -build a loyal paid community

    • Mageshwari Annamalai

      Eye opener, mastering the art of stealth wealth by cutting down the noise and emphasising on show casting results.

    • Ganesh G

      🎯 Key takeaway – Be a Freedom-Focused Influencer, Not a Fame-Focused Influencer

      🛠️ 3 Steps to Master the Art of “Stealth Wealth”:
      💡 Value Creation vs. Vanity Metrics
      🔄 Reinvest Profits Back into Business, Community & Customer Experience
      vs. 💸 Spending on Vanity Showoffs
      🎓 Emphasize Student Success
      ➡️ Post Testimonials on Landing Page

      🔍 Low Key – High Impact Online Presence

      🏆 Micro-Niche Specialist
      🎯 1 Webinar – 1 Problem – 1 Product – 1 Market
      🚀 Implement Quiet Scaling Framework:
      a) 🎯 Targeted Paid Ads
      b) 📈 Evergreen Longtail Content
      c) 🤝 Build a Loyal, Paying Community

    • Nilam Pujara.

      My take away :- 1}. Yes exactly You are making invisible crorepatis Sidz. No Need to show to prove our self that i m great person or rich person. we have to give values to others. 2). Your concept is for better life freedom. We have to be a facilitator and gain community experiance. no luxurious things to show. we have to create others success stories. We have to make heroes not make us hero. Your strategy is very strong that farmers can also earn crore rupees. Your l,earning is building a high i mpact and we also do that. Go deep learning and teaching things, no wide things need. There have been value of teaching, no popularity need. Be a micro niche specialist. target one, problem one, market one, product one, webinar one. thus target first only one thing and you will start everything starts. Thanks Sidz. this is very valuable things for us to be a silent crorepati invisible crorepati.

    • Rajat Katiyar

      What an amazing learning
      Become a silent Crorepati, I don’t have to show off.
      I just need to build Stealth Wealth, keep it low but extremely impactful
      Share quality stuff all the time without creating any fuss.
      become an expert or having a clear micro niche of my science.


      I got a lot of new insights
      1. Stop chasing Vanity Metrics
      2. Focus on Value Creation
      3. Reinvest Into Community to Increase Students’ Experience
      4. Emphasize Success of Your Students
      5. Build a Sniper Niche
      6. Laser Focused Quiet Scaling
      7. Evergreen Long Tailed Content

    • Jayant Gandhi

      The journey towards becoming an “Invisible Crorepati” highlights the importance of subtlety, depth, and authenticity in wealth-building. By prioritizing value creation over vanity, leveraging niche strategies, and embracing anonymity, individuals can not only achieve financial success but also enhance their quality of life. Your commitment to reinventing yourself is a powerful example of how it’s never too late to pursue meaningful change and strive for a better, more fulfilled existence.

    • Upasana Mahadik

      1) Master the Art of STEALTH WEALTH by three things: concentrate on Value Creation by helping others get results, Reinvesting the profits in your business and emphasizing your student’s success.

      2) Build a low key, High Impact online presence by being a SNIPER, being a Micro Niche Specialist, have 1 webinar, solve 1 problem, have 1 market and have 1 brilliant product. And finally automate your perfect formula.

      3) Implement the Quiet Framing Network by targeting the paid ADS, creating long tail evergreen content and build a loyal paying community.

    • Hemanth.Jamisetty

      Invisible crorepatis
      3 Steps
      Master the art of stealth wealth
      Value creation versus vanity matrix –
      Reinvesting back into community and the business
      Emphasising student results
      Niche oriented
      Micro niche specialist
      One webinar – One problem – One market – One product
      Implement the quite
      Targeting using paid ads
      Creating evergreen long tile content
      Build a loyal paying community

    • aisha jauhari

      it’s an eye opening podcast. although i have heard from you many times especially while choosing the niche to find the micro niche but i was still in dilemma, whether to go with only reading or add writing portion also in it. but now i am crystal clear to go with reading only. i want to be just Reading specialist only.
      i want to be silent Crorepati, empathetic, emphasizing on my students . no show off.

    • Nitya (Dhanya) Vijaykumar

      Invisible Crorepati staying under the radar – Mastering the art of Stealth wealth
      Listened twice on 1.5x and absorbed twice as much and deeply!

      1. Focus on creating value and not on vanity metrics
      2. Not about flashing your success but focusing on students’ success
      3. Reinvest profits back into business and community events/experiences
      4. Be a micro niche specialist – low key high impact online presence
      5. One Webinar, ONE problem, ONE market, ONE Product
      6. Go DEEP, not WIDE
      7. Then AUTOMATE
      8. Implement quiet scaling framework – targeted PAID ADS
      9. Build EVERGREEN long tail content – don’t waste time creating new things
      10. Build a LOYAL PAYING community – tribe loves you, you love them and nurture them

      I loved this PODCAST!!!!!! Resonate with it 100% and will implement

    • Aruna

      Thanks Sir, my learnings are believe in value creation and not in vanity matrix,be a catalyst in ones life,show results,reinvest in your business and community improvements,emphasise in your student success,build a low key and high impact online presence,become specialist in one topic,take webinar ,sell one product to target audience and then automate the webinars.you should have loyal followers.aruna

    • Megha Misra

      WoW! Stealth wealth concept is just amazing. Very new perspective , amazing learning.

    • Praphul Garg

      To become an invisible crorepati and achieve quite undeniable success:
      Learn to Create Stealth Wealth – by 1.) Value Creation 2.) Put back into your business to enhance people’s experience 3.)Emphasize students’ success.
      Create a low-key high-impact online presence and be a long-tailed micro-niche expert.
      * One webinar – one problem – one market – one product
      * Automate it
      * Implement quite up-scalling

    • Mr

      1. Shift focus from flaunting my own success to showcasing the success of my students. It’s not about me—it’s about them.
      2. Creating a silent but powerful impact
      3. Invisible Crorepati is focused on value creation: putting your energy into helping others succeed
      4. Real flex is quiet success—where your bank account grows while your lifestyle stays simple
      5. Be a sniper—focused, precise, and deliberate: specialise in micro-niches: be the master of one
      6. Master one thing, do it better than anyone else, and watch as the clients flock to you
      7. Forget about appealing to the masses; focus on the few who really need what you offer
      8. Be a solution Provider
      9. Build a loyal, paying community without being in the spotlight
      10. Do the work, create impact and reap big rewards
      11. Success is measured by the results you create, not by the applause you get

    • Renju

      Awesome Bulbon moments especially that of Creating a Value based Community who is truly those who want to rise and live a life of true Freedom and not those who are here just in and out. ITs all about Values and not Vanity to be an invisible crorepati living a quality life of peace with family and not just work to b famous as I want to be known only to those who really need my help and not the rest by sticking to ur microniche and your loyal community

    • Dr. jayasurian vengilatt PhD

      Great podcast, it narrate aout invisible crorepati.
      How to build wealth quietly?
      With three steps
      I. Master the art of stealth wealth
      II. Build wealth not use totally for only
      III. Emphasis to their student’s success.
      Overall build a loyal community.

    • Gita Ramachandran

      Invisible crorepathis are those who don’t flash their wealth , but make it without making a show off.
      3 steps to build wealth
      A.Master the art Stealth wealth
      1. Value creation vs vanity Matrix
      2. Instead of trying to prove to others about your wealth try to create value for others
      3. Profits are to reinvested for creating more value
      4. Emphasizing on students success
      5. Success stories are all about students who have become successful

      B Be a microniche specialist
      1. The narrower you go , you become a specialist and makes more money as he is a specialist on that niche
      2. Narrow down your topic
      3. Just have 1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market 1 .product. and go deep and Then automate it
      C. Implement the quiet selling framework
      1. Target using paid Ads
      2. Prepare long form Vidoes on You tube
      3. Prepare Long form content which will be retained. Which will make audience come to you to buy your product
      4. Use Long tail key word and prepare Laser pointed ever green content V
      5. Build a loyal paid community : When you build a loyal community , they will

    • Sai Kumar Korrpati

      Master the art of stealth wealth
      Value create, not through Vanity metrix
      Reinvesting in business
      Emphasizing students growth
      Building a Low-key, High-impact online presence
      It’s about being snipper-Focused, precise and deliberate
      Building al loyal paying community

    • Modi Daryani

      Focus on student success & money will be the byproduct to make you “Invisible Crorepatis”, who focus on –
      1. Value creation.
      2. Building a low-key, high-impact online presence
      3. Building a loyal, paying community.

    • Sathish A

      Be in sniper mode – micro niche specialist. Narrow down your niche as much as possible.
      One problem – One solution – One method. 1-1-1

    • Marri Sumalatha Reddy

      1.Master the art of stealth wealth
      I) create value by helping others
      ii) reinvest into the business
      iii) emphasising on student’s success stories
      2. Build a low key and a high impact business
      I) bring a micro niche specialist
      ii) 1webinar- 1 problem -1 market -1 product
      3. To implement the quiet scaling frame work by
      I) do targeted paid ads
      I) build evergreen long tailed content
      iii) build a loyal paying community

    • Sudha Bharathi

      Real freedom is in quietly making crores and leading the life of freedom. You emphasize on constantly creating results for your students.

      3 key steps on how to build your success
      1. Master the Art of Stealth Wealth – do not chase vanity metrics, focus on value creation, reinvest profits back into the business and not on luxury items.

      2. Build a low key and high impact online presence. Be a microniche expert, where your tribe respects you. Focus on One webinar, one problem, one market, one product. Automate.

      3. Implement quietly scaling framework. Do targeted paid Ads. Build evergreen long tail content.

      4. Build a loyal, paying community.

    • Shwetha S

      3 steps of invisible corerpati – Wealth widely:
      Master the art of stealth wealth
      – value creation vs vanity metrics. Stop chasing vanity metrics – create value
      – reinvesting the profit back to businesses or community experience and not on non-essential
      – emphasizing on your student success story
      Build low key but high impact online presence
      – Being the micro niches specialist
      – Targeted market like 1 webinar, 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product
      – Automate – To implement the quite scaling work – do targeted paid ads, build evergreen long tale content
      Build loyal community

    • Dr D Srinivas Rao

      My Biggest lessons learnt in The” Invisible Crorepati Strategy” _ How To Build Wealth Quietly → and under the Radar :

      Focus is on my Student Results.
      10 CR in 3 years.
      ICR in a month

      First Step → Masters Art of “Stealth wealth”
      3 moments →
      value creation Vs Vanity Matrix
      1. Value creation by helping others to get Results. You are catalyst to somebody’s growth.
      2. Rein Vesting profits into Customer Experiences like FBRs
      3. Emphasise → Showcasing → on Student Succes → not mine
      see my personal website for showcasing Student Success → The more you showcase Student results /Succes

      Build a low-key & High impact online presence: →
      1. Niche Specialist: → 3 Examples → Narrow niche helps a lot → Narrow down your Topic
      2. one webinar → one market → one problem → one product →
      – stick to one thing.
      3. Scaling
      people should buy from us online
      longtail content → Attract
      longtail keyword in YouTube→ or goggle.
      3. Build a loyal paying community: →
      Community paying High Ticket. → Raving Fans → yearly Subscription

    • Rajiv Bhatia

      Create Value to your Students
      Make Students Win
      Build Loyal Paying Community
      Implement Quiet Scaling Strategy
      Keep low key and high impact Coach
      Master the art of stealthy Wealth
      Reinvest wealth into business for the success of Students abd create great experience,

    • Kumareshan R

      Really wow!!! continues specking with same wipes of positive vibration till end great.
      what i am learning here, do not worry about your circumstance and do your work with consistency.
      Go with your niche with narrow down and create a course and sell high ticket from low.
      Built your team and projects your team members successes and support to all to become an excellent coach.


      The “Invisible Crorepati Strategy” focuses on achieving wealth and success with a low-key approach. Key takeaways include:

      Stealth Wealth & Value Creation: Prioritize creating value without drawing attention. This allows for sustainable wealth accumulation without external pressures or distractions.

      Reinvesting Profits: Continuously reinvest profits from your business to fuel growth. This compounding effect strengthens your financial base.

      Student Success Focus: Emphasizing the success of your students or clients builds trust and long-term relationships, which in turn drives business growth.

      Low-Key, High-Impact Online Presence: Maintain an online presence that is impactful but not flashy. This strategy helps you attract the right audience without unnecessary noise.

      Micro-Niche Specialization: Specialize in a micro-niche to become the go-to expert, offering a clear and unique value proposition that addresses specific needs.

      One Problem, One Solution: Focus on solving one specific problem through a single webinar, product, and market. This clarity streamlines efforts and maximizes results.

      Quiet Scaling & Community Building: Implement a quiet scaling framework that emphasizes building a community. This creates a strong foundation for growth without the need for aggressive marketing.

      This approach leads to sustainable success by focusing on value, specialization, and community while maintaining a discreet profile.

    • Renju

      Amazing Podcast with such amazing knowledge. Creating a Value based Community who is truly those who want to rise and live a life of true Freedom and not those who are here just in and out. ITs all about Values and not Vanity to be an invisible crorepati living a quality life of peace with family and not just work to b famous as I want to be known only to those who really need my help and not the rest by sticking to ur microniche and your loyal community

    • Gurdeep Kaur Aulakh

      freedom focus influencers and fame focussed influencers live better life than people who flash it on online, focus on your students,How do you built wealth silently ?you stop chasing thinghs which dnt matter.reinvest lots of your profit in the business nt on non -essential .show the success of your students,create value,emphasis on students success.(2)How to build WEALTH QUIETLY?Low key but high key online presence,STEALTH MODE SNIPPER MODE -THREE ELEMENTS -(A)MICRONICHE SPECIALIST (B)-ONE WEBINAR -ONE MARKET -ONE PRODUCT.(C)once u perfected that one product and one market and one webinar AUTOMATE IT. TARGET FOCUS-TARGET PAYING ADS-LONG TAIL CONTENT -RENTENTION RATE IS HIGH -CUSTOMERS ARE RASER FOCUSED- influencers are like new channels built distribution not buying it.built depth on content people are watching it. long tail eg-make money by online selling yoga courses to women. short tail -make money. Ultimate STRADEGYHow do you implement QUITENSCALING FRAMEWORK- BUILD A LOYAL PAID COMMUNITY-TRIBE KNOWS YOU U DID VALUE CREATION YOU HAVE DONE FOR THEM-IF YOU START A MASTERMIND LAUNCHING AT 3 LAKH PER MEMBER- 3CRORE WITHOUT ANY ADS-INVISBLE CROREPATI STRADEGY.

    • Prashant Joshi

      1. Showcasing student’s succes is the takeaway for me; its indeed bulb on moment for me.
      2. To be laser focusesd and keep evoluting consistently.


      Niche,1 problem,1 target.
      c. implements the quiet scale framework.
      Once perfect, 1 webinar, then go to the next step.

      Target in paid aids
      Our content strategy will focus on long tail content, which targets specific, niche topics, and short tail keywords, which are more general and competitive. We will also create evergreen content, which remains relevant and valuable over time.
      Build a loyal community.
      Without flashing around the people and without proving
      anyone to anything.

    • Jeevanchandra Thounaojam

      Stop chasing vanity metrics, create value.
      Reinvest a lot of the profit into the business
      Emphasis on student success
      Build a low-key, high-impact online presence. [specialisation/micro niche]
      1 Webinar, 1 Problem, 1 Market, 1 Product.
      Implement Paid Ad & Evergreen content- long tail keywords

    • Lakshminarayanan

      This podcast shows you a crystal-clear path to monetizing your skills. No need to be a famous person or a big influencer or a big following. Sidz is a university in this domain, and no one can teach it better than him


      Silent Crorepati!
      It’s not a game of vanity matrix or game of showbiz, it’s about creating impact and getting impact!
      The 5 takeaways for me from this golden piece:
      1> Stealth wealth is not about creating vanity matrix, it’s about creating impact which will build our stealth wealth
      2> Targeting narrowed audience who truly need me rather than selling all over
      3> Building a low key high impact online presence
      4> Focusing on one thing, one webinar, one market, one problem
      5> Finally Building a loyal community , giving immense values and helping them to succeed

      Thanks for reminder

    • Manpreet Kaur

      Target your audience, focus on few people who are really need, build a royal paying community,a place where your value is recognised, your journey is measured by your the result you create, very encouraging for creating successful life, meaningful life 🙏🏻

    • Gaurav Singh

      Maintain low key socially and focus on students success story .
      Keep sharping your focus on niche and students outcome
      Do targeted paid ads to attract right kind of tribe and audience
      Do one webinar , one master product and one target market
      Build evergreen products /content to attract users even after long time , long tail keywords.
      Avoid being news channel and creating content everyday,being available and search result for long tail keywords matters

    • Raziya Sultana

      My takeaways from this podcast:
      Master the art of Stealth -Wealth
      Your focus has to be on your students achieving success or results
      3-steps to build wealth – Value creation vs Vanity matrix
      Be the facilitator
      Help students get results 9
      Invest in your business to grow it
      Implement the quite scaling framework – do targeted paid Ads
      -build evergreen long tailed content
      -build a loyal paying community

      Lowkey/high Impact
      Micro Niche specialist
      Go deep – 1 Webinar, 1 problem, 1 market, 1 product
      Automate your webinar

    • Dr Anuthara R

      1. The strategy of invisible Crorepati
      2. Those who made crores silently are living better life than those who show-of their success online.
      3. Better concentrate on the success of our student rather than boosting ourselves online

      3 Steps to build wealth:

      • Master the art of stealth wealth – We cannot create Value through Vanity metrics, but through helping others
      • Re-Invest back the profit into business, community build-up and to improve customer experience and not on unnecessary luxuries
      • Emphasize on our students’ success

      3 Steps to build wealth under the radar :

      • Narrow down the niche
      • One webinar, one problem, one product and one market
      • Implement the quiet scaling network
      o Target by paid ads
      o Build evergreen longtail content
      o Build a loyal paying community

    • soniya saini

      My Key take aways .
      1. Low Key Profile
      2. Value Creation for your students
      3. Reinvesting Back Into business and Community
      4. Be a micro niche specialist
      5. Target Paid Ads
      6. One Webinar , One Problem , One Market , One Product
      7. Build a loyal paying community
      8. Students are your legacies
      9. No Showoff
      10. Quite Scaling Frame Work

    • Dipali Yeldurkar

      Key take aways:
      1. Focus on becoming Greedom focus influencer han Fane focus influencer
      2. Master the art of stealth wealth:
      a. Value creation vs Vanity matrix. Bring Value to your community
      b. Reinvest whatever the profit you get back in your business or in the community and do not reinvest in buying luxuary products
      c. Emphasize on your students welfare
      2. Build a low key but high impact online pressure
      a. Become a micro niche specialist
      One webinar, solve one problem, one market, one product. Stick to one thing at a time
      b. Implement the quiet selling paid woks
      i. Do target using paid ads
      ii. Build a long tail contents
      iii. Build a loyal paying community

    • Neeraj Kumar

      Key Takeaways :

      1. Focus on Value Creation: Prioritize helping others succeed over seeking social media validation. Wealth is built by creating real value, not by chasing vanity metrics.

      2. Stealth Wealth Strategy: Build wealth discreetly by reinvesting profits into the business and community, rather than on superficial luxuries. This approach emphasizes quiet success and long-term financial growth.

      3. Specialize in Micro-Niches: Master a specific area rather than trying to appeal to a broad audience. This focused approach allows for higher impact and deeper client loyalty.

      4. Quiet Scaling Framework: Scale your business by targeting the right audience through paid ads and creating evergreen content that attracts clients without needing mass exposure.

      5. Build a Loyal Community: Create a strong, paying community by focusing on the success of others, and grow your influence and wealth under the radar, rather than in the spotlight.

    • Ravi Ahuja

      Be razor focused on one single product, single webinar, single niche & keep on creating better version continuously.

    • Key Takeaways:
      1. Invisible Crorepatis are focused on creating value for their tribe and not on vanity. The strategy involves 3 steps.
      2. Step#1:- Master Stealth Wealth.
      a. Focus should be on Value creation and not on Vanity metrics (flaunting Super cars, 5* hotel visits, Bank balances, etc.)
      b. Reinvest the earnings back into the business and not on unnecessary things. Create great member experiences through world-class events.
      c. Emphasize and celebrate member’s success (not yours) – Websites, Webinars, Showcases should focus on success of your members.
      2. Step#2 – Low Key, High Impact Social Media Presence:
      a. Micro-niche: ensures your specialization and leads who wants results from your specialization. This may not attract lots of eyeballs; but is guaranteed lead conversion.
      b. Minimalism in what you sell: 1 Problem | 1 Webinar | 1 Product
      c. Automate the process as you Go Deep.
      3. Step#3 – Quiet scaling framework
      a. Use Paid Ads to target the Audience and ensure high quality leads
      b. Focus on Long Tailed Evergreen (high-quality) content (may not get you multiple eye-balls; but will get you customers)
      c. Build loyal community who will follow your process and will upgrade to high ticket products.
      4. The foundation for Webinar Selling Formula is based on the above steps.

    • Bhaswati Banerjee

      1. Be an invisible . Build wealth quietly.
      2.Create value by helping others and focussing on them _ your, students, members, customers & community.
      3. Reinvest back in business not on non – essential things.
      4. Emphasize on your students success. Build on their success.
      5. Be low key high on your impact brand on your presence- even in positioning your personal brand ID
      6. Start with ! webinar, 1 Problem, 1 market, 1 product – go deep not wide
      7. Implement quite scaling – create longtail content. Build a loyal community

    • Rohan Batra

      o Invisible crorepati
       1st step- master the art of stealth wealth- value creation vs vanity measures
       2nd step- Reinvesting profit in the business and community experience and not on non-essential luxuries
       3rd step- focus on student success stories
       Sniper mode vs being everything for everyone- the narrow I go, its low key and helps build specialization
       One webinar, one problem, one market, one product- one webinar then automate the hell of this.
       Step 4- implement the quiet scaling framework- doing targeted paid ads, evergreen long tail contents- right people watching the video eg. how to teach women to make money using
       Implement by building a long term and loyal community-eg. quantum club-


      My top takeaways are
      1. stealth 12th node’s biggest node, which biggest wealth creators are following.
      2. Second, is put back huge amount of money in your business.
      3. 3rd is emphasize yours to the success a lot. because you grow in your students grow.
      4. Be a micro niece specialist. If this have one product, 1 within as 1 target market. And put into automation once it is well set,
      5. then go for paid at targeting.
      6. Then think about long tail Youtube video creation and build loyal communities even in small count. That gives you a recurring revenue.

    • Mritunjai tiwary

      This is an awesome podcast Sid. I got a concrete strategies for my business model. You are so true when you say we didn’t have to really make noise about what we are doing, let’s our success speaks of us. Also learnt how to be the stairs for our students so that they reach to the great platform and we as guru enjoy that victory. Absolutely insane freeing.
      Paise banana nahi hain Paisa kamana hai- unethical vs ethical approach.

      Let’s simplify our strategies to amplify our RESULTS

    • Satish Rao

      3 Step process – Master Stealth wealth
      1. Value creators
      2. Reinvest in business
      3. Showcase your team’s success
      Micro-micro Niche
      Solve 1 problem, 1 webinar, 1 product in frontend
      Perfect the above and then automate
      Quiet scaling – targeted Ads for the right audience
      Specialize for 1 Audience
      Long-tail content which is super niche
      Build your loyal community
      What CLARITY!!!

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