Life is not about going fast. It's about maintaining speed and finishing strong. It's about going far. For that, you need to learn how to slow down. In this episode, I share some practical ways for you to live a more productive and fulfilled life without burning out!
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4 replies to "Why You Need To Slow Down To Go Far"
Hi sidz . Whatever you said for slowdown to go far is mandatory.
I really love the way you took out the experienced thoughts from deep your heart. The one who experienced can only teach anyone. So being in ILH community as diamond I feel proud.
Keep doing sir ..
Thanks sidz
Learning from this Podcast-Break the Patterns which is slowing down and work on those which work for you and evolve.
Slowing Down to Go Far.
There is a Justation Period.
Caterpillar journey
Instagram-Insta- instant everything now
Views of Slow Down to go Far.
The right Environment is the right direction to start
Spirits of Success-Compound interest will achieve with one product
One project -one thing consistently will evolve.
How Fast we should go
Nature reveals something at all times.
What you want in my carrier.
Started to pick up new skills and started new choices.
Always impact people …
Nature works in Cycles…
Slowing down, will actually work more..
Once in a week, Complete Digital Detox
Once in a year , Mind & Body Detox
Once in a day, go drive and connect myself .
Once in a quarter, will take a Vacation
Once in a 2 Hour,will take break
Once in a Month, will take Break.
Give yourself permission to slow down yourself to move fast and far.
Lifestyle choices, to make fast will work while slowing down.
Break the patterns of life,
Break the pattern and define the patterns of life.
think about what patterns will evolve you.
Overall clarity of life
spending in nature
allways Think which patterns are to be work on?
break all these, patterns etc think.
think about which area you need to slow down.
1st -Pattern of Education- Break
2nd -Pattern of entrepreneur-Break
3nd -Pattern of within family-Break
4th- Pattern of comfort zone-Break-Location
5th-Pattern of child education-change
6th-Pattern to change the movies,tv watching -Break seeing only documentaries.
7th-pattern change to delete of apps which is no use.
8th-Free your mind to evolve yourself
Slowing down, consciously at different intervals, giving the greatest gift to yourself.
Momentum will build with slow ..
Just being consistent.
Madhu Kodidala
Eye Opener Insights! Beautifully Explained!
MPTY Sidz!