Do you really think people buy your courses for how much information you are giving them? I’m sorry to say that “more is less”. The more information you give, the lesser the course completion rate.
While the sad truth about the e-Learning space is a 5% course completion rate, I’m experiencing a staggering 46% course completion rate in my courses because I keep them simple and focused.
In this podcast, I go deep into the 5 areas where you can simplify your digital coaching business:
- Simple Business Structure
- Simple Curriculum Framework
- Simple Communication
- Simple Gamification System
- Simple Tech Systems
The more you overcomplicate your business, the lesser results you will be able to get for your students.
And the only reason I have hundreds of Hall of Fame interviews on my YouTube channel is because of the simplicity of my whole process of content delivery.
And by the time you are done with this episode, you will have absolute clarity and conviction to scale up your digital coaching business.
Join my community of 9000+ knowledge givers & experts!
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27 replies to "5 Ways To Simplify Your Knowledge Business For Maximum Impact"
Higher value. Thank you so much… Waiting for more…
Daily watching strangest secret and your podcast.
Thank you????
Very crisp information and pointwise
Podcast Notes
KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
1. Simple business structure
2. Simple curriculum framework – power of 6 steps
3. Simple communication using mindmaps
4. Simple gamification structure – award your students
5. Simple systems
How crisp you can make your courses for people to consume your content will determine the success rate for yourself and for your students.
Biggest Takeaway: LESS IS MORE
‘Keep it simple stupid’
This tag line is very meaningful.
Wow Thanks Bro!!!
I like your simplicity to convey message, i really want to go with this
Dear Sidz
Fantastic KISS
effect is keep it short,
3 to 5 mins for curriculum video,
15mins and more podcast & you tube video.
Many thanks
A timely reminder to KISS.
KISS is Simple. I have done every step in this simple way as per your guidance.
I am still looking for the target concerned parents to join my SIMPLE SOLUTIONS Course to help their children learn difficult concepts joyfully.
Learnt less is more, and make it simple and palatable ????????
You have simplified my journey. This podcast is just for me. I was fighting a battle with dishing out the content. Now it’s a done deal. Yes. K I S S.
Thanks Dhruv!
Hello Sid Sir,
It’s really very helpful for me. I will be very soon in your community.
Thanks a lot.
Superb sir really appreciate its really work for me in my course
Podcast – 5 ways to simplify your knowledge business for maximum impact
Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication in any aspect of life.
Less is more & more is less
The lesser and crisper information you give people are able to more consume and complete and actually get results. People love to buy your results.
KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
1. Simple Business Structure
Keep your business structure really simple…give 3 levels
L-1 Conceptual- 5k
L-2 Implementation course 10k – 20k
L-3 Group coaching/ Certification 50k and above
2. Simple curriculum framework
Convert your course in 6 steps. 6 step into 3 day course or 6 step into 6 week course implementation program. 6 steps are more potent than giving them 10-20-30 steps. Because of simple, people gets results.
3. Simple communication
Create mindmap for content presentation, people are actually integrate in much more easier way. Simplify your communication and prepare them really well, get straight to the point.
4. Simplifying gamification system
Give them implementation and completion awards
Give award for small milestones they achieve
Give big awards for bigger milestone achievements.
It will improve your digital coaching business.
5. Simple tech systems for
Emails, lead generation, convertkit, zoom, use simple easy tools.
Speak less and deliver more goods to make people think on their own to make them do something.
This really made it easy for me to think about putting out the course content in a much simplier way.
Follow the KISS principle and keep the course short and crisp and to the point.
Less is more, do not keep the videos too long and follow the 6 steps formula and focus more on helping people get results.
My life got a new twist and I am very thankful, very appreciative????
It really helps me to design my course and
I like the most is : Gamification System
Thanks Sidz for helping me by these resources.
– Keep it simple
– It is not about the information, it is about implementation. People do not care how much knowledge you have. They buy results, they want to know what to do.
– Simple business structure – the 3 levels.
– Keep it crisp so they can take action faster.
– The 6 step process – convert it into your curriculum.
– Spend more time on creating mindmaps.
– Gamify – that is how you will help people achieve their goals.
– Keep simple systems that will solve the purpose – again do not chase multiple and get overwhelmed.
My take away from this podcast
Simplicity is the ultimate form of soptistication in any aspect of life.
Less is more and more is less
It is not about the information you give, it is about implimentation .
The lesser and crisper information you give people are able to more consume and complete and actually get more results.
People do not care about your knowledge you have ,they wants results they get while buy the contents
KISS – keep it simple stupid
Simple business structure
Really simple give in 3 levels
L1 conventional
L2 Implements
L3 group coaching
Simple curriculum framework
Convert your course in 6 steps
Process and convert it into curriculum
Spend more time on creating Mindmap
Simple communication
Create Mindmap for content presentation. People are integrate in much more easier way, simmplyfy your communication and prepared them really well, get straight to the point.
Simplifying gasification system
Give them implementation and completion awards.
Give awards for small milestones they achive
Give big awards for bigger achievement.
Simple tech system for e mails and lead generation
Speak less and deliver more goods to make people think on their own to make them something
Thanks a ton!
Take Away fro this podcast is “Kiss” Keep it simple Stupid
Awesome, Great Insights! ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.
More is less….
Keep it really simple….
Why simplicity…
LESS IS MORE … Is the key
Direct to the point ….
5 different are where you can simplify ….your digital courses…
Less …crisp …information is needed…
People don’t care about your information .. They care about result ..they are buying result …people buy the better versions of themselves … They feel if they buy your courses they are going improve ….
People want simplicity…
1st…Keep your business structure very simple … Make a 3 level courses .. Just 3 offering …. Make is easier to choose … Help them to minimize confusion ….
Coaching courses…
2nd…Keep your curriculum simple …..
6 step or 3 step ….to achieve any result …
3rd…Keep your communication simple…
Use mindmap….
People are able to integrate …whole concept very clearly…
It’s easy to explain and understand …
Delivery so much simpler ….
4th.. Use gamefication ..
3 step for gamefication
5th…Keep your tools system simple …
Just suggest top tools …
Only important one ….
Its not how long your courses are ….
Its…how crisp it is …
Speak less and Make your student to take action towards their goals ….
#you can coach
I agree
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Simplicity and digital coaching:
Core idea- Simplicity is the ultimate virtue, Simplicity is the brevity of wits. Simple food is easy to digest. Simple path is easy to follow.
So, KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid.
1. keep the business structure simple
2. keep the curriculum simple.
3. Keep the topics simple and straight. Keep delivering them simple.
4. Keep the journey Simple with simple gamification/ certification process.
5. Keep the process and tools needed for the process Simple.
6. 3 levels of courses- 3days, 30 Days, 90 days and 6 steps to achieve them. Show a simple, clear path to the Goal.
People don’t buy knowledge nor sophistication, but a straight path of implementation to solve their problem or get their results.