Did you know that these 3 modes of nature control your life and your business? Just as the 3 primary colours RED, GREEN & BLUE can be made into multiple other colour shades, similarly, there are many thousands of shades of human beings on this planet. Through this podcast, you will be able to self-evaluate your life through the lens of GOODNESS, PASSION, and IGNORANCE.
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15 replies to "Self Evaluate Your Life Through The 3 Modes Of Nature – Goodness, Passion & Ignorance"
“Self Evaluate Your Life Through The 3 Modes Of Nature – Goodness, Passion & Ignorance”
One of the Goal of our Human Life is to transcend these 3 modes & get to a state called “Pure Goodness”, where we can connect with our creator. In every religion, the goal is to “Evolve”.
GOODNESS – Goodness is more expansive and this is the zone where you are creating an impact on a much larger level, which is Uplifting Society.
PASSION – When you have the Passion, you create new things (creativity happens when you are Passionate).
IGNORANCE – Unless there is Night, we will not value for “Day” & vice versa. It is 2 sides of a coin.
*******Every aspect can be divided in these 3 Modes of Nature*******
a. Goodness – Business who are Uplifting Society,
b. Passion – Business who are in the creative zone, like app development companies, creation based companies,
c. Ignorance – Business who are in the destructive zone who are pulling down the Society like manufacturing Alcohol, Drugs, etc. Even though there is a lot of money in this, but this is degrading Society. They are pulling down the consciousness of the society down to the ignorant level.
a. Goodness – Messages which are inspirational, who are providing value so that people can implement it to change their life, who focuses on progressive marketing,
b. Passion – They keep doing different types of creative things, they creatively represent their knowledge in the form of marketing messages they put out,
c. Ignorance – Those who are using negative tactics, who use methods which are destructive, there is core element of destruction in their mind. They want to destroy other people Ideologies.
a. Goodness – Contents which help people move up and uplifting them, the people can see a tangible difference in their life as they consume the content.
b. Passion – Different You Tube Channels who are posting content who are entertaining in nature (though it is not tangible in Values)
c. Ignorance – Mainstream Media, Television, Negative News all comes under Destructive because they are constantly consuming all the dramas and negativity.
a. Goodness – People who are mostly at one place and grounded, having simple living, high thinking. They do not show off their Riches much.
b. Passion – Who are always on the move and they are always trying to create something. People who likes to show off (which car they drive, etc.)
c. Ignorance – When there is always bitching and blaming each others, if you are surrounded in such environment where everything is Negative in Nature. It is not necessary that only Super Rich can live in Goodness lifestyle. There are few Rich and Super Successful People who are living in an atmosphere of Negativity & Toxicity, that’s not the place to be in. This is an Ignorant Lifestyle.
5). MONEY –
a. Goodness – When you are using your money in Prudent way, not really spending money in Toys or Goodies. People who reinvest their money and multiple their money by prudently taking care of the money & also having a Good Lifestyle.
b. Passion – When people spends money for personal pleasure, toys, etc.
c. Ignorance – When people are spending money on self destructive habits.
a. Goodness – Mutual Love & Respect for each other, deep relationship, spiritual connect, multi dimensional.
b. Passion – People who only focus on Love or Lust, focuses on physical external attraction.
c. Ignorance – When you have toxic relationship with people, when you are bashing people down, when you do not have friends.
7). CAREER –
a. Goodness – Careers which are aligned with your true purpose, where you feel that the job is fulfilling your higher goal, beautiful environment, supported by fellow members, the organization is working together on a cause of uplifting Society.
b. Passion – When there is lot of creativity, you are able to express yourself, progressive growth is there.
c. Ignorance – People are working late shifts, not in the positive environment, stuck in the Politics, Lot of Pressure, Unnecessary pressure by superiors, Not in the environment where you can express yourself.
8). FOOD –
a. Goodness – Things which are tasty, good for the body, which makes you healthy, which is also not disturbing your consciousness.
b. Passion – You want to eat Spicy, etc., things which immigrate your tongue and senses.
c. Ignorance – Anything that lowers your consciousness, which is not making you healthy, eating unhealthy food is degrading your health which is ignorance, “Food cooked by People in Low Consciousness Level” also pulls down your consciousness.
a. Goodness – When you give but your left hand does not know what your right hand is giving.
b. Passion – People who love to give money and who like to show off, who wants to put their name everywhere that they are giving money.
c. Ignorance – If somebody is on the road and asks for money, You give him 500 bucks & he goes and drinks Alcohol & Degrades himself. You do not know where the money is going, You feel that you have done a good thing but Charity in the mode of Ignorance where you do not know where it is reaching.
****************************** TRANSCENDENTAL GOODNESS ****************************
Thank you for sharing …. Such an detailed comments
Self evaluate your life in three aspect_ Goodness. Passion & Ignorance .
As per Vaidik like moving from darkness to light.
Pure goodness where we connect with our creator .
Goodness. Passion & Ignorance every aspect can be divided in 3 mode.
1. Business
Goodness_ Uplifting society.
Passion_ Business who are in creative zone .
Ignorance_ Businesses which are in destructive zone, manufacturing drugs and alcohol.
Goodness_ Massages which are inspirational.
Passion_ Doing different creative things .
Ignorance _Those who are using different Tactics.
Goodness_ Contents which help people move up and uplifting them.
Passion_ Different You Tube Channels who are posting content who are entertaining in nature.
Ignorance_ Mainstream Media, Television, Negative News all comes under Destructive.
4. Lifestyle
Goodness_ People who are mostly at one place and grounded, having simple living, high thinking.
Passion_ Who are always on the move and they are always trying to create something. People who likes to show off .
Ignorance_ There are few Rich and Super Successful People who are living in an atmosphere of Negativity & Toxicity, that’s not the place to be in. This is an Ignorant Lifestyle.
Goodness_ When you are using your money in Prudent way, not really spending money in Toys or Goodies.
Passion_ When people spends money for personal pleasure, toys, etc.
Ignorance_ When people are spending money on self destructive habits.
Goodness_ Mutual Love & Respect for each other.
Passion_ People who only focus on Love or Lust, focuses on physical external attraction.
Ignorance_ When you have toxic relationship with people.
Goodness_ Careers which are aligned with your true purpose, where you feel that the job is fulfilling your higher goal.
Passion_ When there is lot of creativity.
Ignorance_ People are working late shifts, not in the positive environment.
Goodness_ Things which are tasty, good for the body, which makes you healthy.
Passion_ You want to eat Spicy. which immigrate your tongue and senses.
Ignorance_ Anything that lowers your consciousness, which is not making you healthy.
Goodness_ When you give but your left hand does not know what your right hand is giving.
Passion_ People who love to give money and who like to show off, who wants to put their name everywhere that they are giving money.
Ignorance_ Do not know weather the money given in charity is for right Couse. where you do not know where it is reaching.
Siddharth thank you so much to post this podcast,
My biggest Takeaways
As per Vedic philosophy the existence which we perceive through 5 senses is very limited and true only for this dimension or realm. So this is ‘Maya’. So the prayer says Take me to the level of consciousness where I see the the “Sat” the satya swaroop of this existence which is omnipotent “Brahma” or energy. So this world is “Asat” false. Hense “Asato ma Sadgamaya”.
Tamasoma jyotirgamaya In the same way tamas= darkness of ignorance. So take me out of this Tamas to the Light of knowledge/experience of consciousness
Mrtyorma amrtam gamaya
Mrutyu means which is destructible. This whole existence has a start and an end. It is finite. So take me to something which never comes to an end or which has no beginning and the end. Means lift my finite consciousness to the level of Infinite consciousness level
So in another words all the three, point to the ultimate goal of MOKSHA, propagated by Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
The Bhagavad-Gita differentiates between those in the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance on the basis of the three modes of Lower Nature (Apara-Prakriti) : Sattva, Rajas and Tamas .
Of these Sattva is light , purity and goodness . Sattva binds man to earthly happiness and to lower knowledge i. e. ( Avidya, Paroksha-jnana ) .
Rajas is the nature of passion, the source of thirst and attachment . It binds man to restless action .
Tamas is born of delusion and darkness of ignorance . It binds man to sleepy dullness and inertia . ( Gita, 14 . 6–8 ).
The modes of nature are never found in their pure unalloyed form in the material world, everything is mixture of them. It’s not possible to make an exam which will clearly identify the different modes because it’s too subtle, but by understanding the stereotypes one can understand the variants.
A person predominantly in the mode of goodness is calm but alert, peaceful but attentive. They are very regulated and controlled, avoiding excessive and harmful behaviour. They forgive easily and seldom take offence. They are helpful people when asked, but don’t always offer the help that’s expected! They are natural embodiments of good qualities like austerity, compassion, cleanliness, and honesty.
People predominantly in the mode of passion are alert but agitated, attentive but easily distracted. They are lively and active with lots of new ideas and always ready to do something often just for fun or for the hell of it. They are helpful people up to a point but can get upset quickly and may hold grudges.
People predominantly in the mode of ignorance are dull. They have trouble focusing on anything that doesn’t offer immediate sense-gratification. They are prone to intoxicants, are lazy, unhelpful and selfish. There are seldom any good qualities found in people who are deep in the mode of ignorance. They are dirty, dishonest, uncaring, self-indulgent and often a little crazy.
Now if you can visualize these three stereotypes then you can imagine what activities they would do, what foods they would eat, what jobs they would have, what games they would play, what clothes they would wear, and so forth, because people are attracted to these things according to the modes of nature that control them.
From Business Perspective
Ignorance – Who spreads Negativity like Method of Destruction, their Ideology hampers the environment of the organisation
Passion – Having a mindset of Creating New Things ,putting some Inspirational Inputs to improve business . More Agile to create more valuable Content.
Goodness- Those who are easily flexible to adapt new ideas ,and ready to improve and upgrade with the recent flair or trend.
Lifestyle –
Best Mantra of life, making it little easy-
Peace, steadiness of mind, confidence, empathy, compassion, service attitude, freedom from anxiety and stress, intelligence and emotional strength improvement, positive thoughts, and many many more changes in behaviour. Be modest, stay calm , love Failure , be down to earth.
Money –
Utilize money for own Self Indulgence like for Upgrade your business and your personal growth . Ultimately knowledge what we will take away when we leave the World. Save money for your Future Generation .Spent Wisely so that you should repent later. Follow Siddharth’s TWCGO Formula.
Ingnorance – late night works , unnecessary pleasure ,politics , employee Incivility
Passion- Progressive Align towards your passion towards your higher goal .
Be confident with what you do, adding values, creating a positive environment, open to accept the criticism and work on the same.
Ignorance- toxic
Passion- Sexual Indulgence
Goodness- Which has true meaning and understanding of love , understanding and spirituality.
Charity –
Ignorance – helping those Communities of people who are related to performing wrong activities
Passion – Showoff, doing something to get recognition
Goodness – As rightly said by Siddharth right hand will not know what what your left hand has given ,inner meaning is help other person and forget , don’t remind him /her that you did something for them . ALWAYS THANK GOD THAT HE CHOOSES YOU TO HELP.
Food –
People in the mode of goodness, however, almost always eat healthy, nutritious food. They may even start their own vegetable garden, cultivate it, and then harvest the yield. By growing one’s own crops, and using the fresh ingredients to make a wholesome meal, a person not only properly nourishes the body, but also eats with an understanding of the energy it took to provide such food, as well as appreciate the miracle of how that food was created.
Such an understanding creates a feeling of joy and fulfillment, as well as uplifts one’s awareness of the deep spiritual connection within all of creation. Both this knowledge and joy compels a person to live a virtuous life.
People in the mode of darkness generally won’t put much time or energy into preparing what they eat. Eating for them is about what’s easiest and satisfies the tongue, with no regard for how the food will affect their body and mind. They feel no sense of gratitude for what they are eating, nor do they strive to achieve any kind of goal. Those in darkness discern no ultimate truth to reality. Closing themselves off from help, they lack the intelligence to become free from the blindfold of ignorance.
The difficulties of life begin when we contemplate a material object we find ourselves attracted to. Overly contemplating such an object, our attachment grows. Strong attachment leads to a powerful longing, which becomes lust. When this lust goes unsatisfied, frustration arises. Frustration transforms into anger, and this anger bewilders us. Intelligence is lost when we become bewildered, and without proper intelligence, delusion takes hold, making it impossible to understand the highest spiritual truths of life.
In this way, the mode of passion and ignorance bind us to the material world by pulling us down a path that leads to forgetfulness of our spiritual identity. In fact, even the mode of goodness can be binding, as it is easy to develop attachment for the worldly knowledge, joy, and wisdom produced by its effect.
If something is nice initially but pales after a while it will be passion.
If something is useless right from the beginning it will be ignorance.
The three modes pervade all aspects of life, be it person, music, action, emotion, food, work, faith, etc. The consciousness and quality of a person’s life is shaped by the modes they choose to associate with. Every person has a side of goodness, a side of passion, and a side of ignorance. Associating with a person or object of a particular mode, cultivates that same mode within us.
Bhagavad Gita explains these things especially the 14th and 18th chapters.
Hi Siddharth,
Beautiful topic and beautifully explained by you. Somehow I felt calling you Siddhartha instead of Sidz today( may be the effect of Satwa Guna in the air😊).
The way you explained the co relation of satwa tamas and Rajo Guna with with business, marketing, content, lifestyle, money, relationship, career, food and specially charity was awesome.
Since it is a topic of interest , I would like to add few points to what you have explained here with your permission.
It is said that like increases like & opposite increases balance.
Hence it is important to identify the bad habits and who or what attracts you to the bad habits and slowly overcome those.
We need to observe
1. The kind of food we feed to our body
2. The kind of thoughts we give to our mind
3. The kind of company we keep
4. The kind of movies/other stuff on social media we feed to our eyes
5. The kind of words we feed to our ears.
To increase the Satwa Guna following habits can help magically over the period of time.
1. Go to bed early & rise early
2. Spend time in nature
3. Slow down in life and focus on quality life
4. Adopt veg. diet/ have food diary
5. Keep your surroundings and body clean
6. Stay away from bad habits
7. Associate with Satwa Guna people more.
Thank you for this enlightened topic and experience. Super like✨
Everything in the world falls under the category of either Goodness, Passion or Ignorance
Self evaluation through this category
Goodness – Creating impact at larger level, up lifting society
Passion – to creative zone
Ignorance – Destructive
a. Goodness – Business who are Uplifting Society,
b. Passion – creative zone, app development companies
c. Ignorance – pulling down the Society like manufacturing Alcohol
a. Goodness – providing value so that people can implement it to change their life
b. Passion – different types of creative things
c. Ignorance –negative tactics, destroy other people Ideologies
a. Goodness – Contents which help people move up and uplifting them
b. Passion – You Tube Channels entertaining in nature
c. Ignorance – Mainstream Media, Television, Negative News
a. Goodness – mostly grounded at one place and , having simple living, high thinking.
b. Passion – always on the move and always trying to create something, showcasing
c. Ignorance – bitching and blaming each others, Negativity & Toxicity are an Ignorant Lifestyle.
5). MONEY –
a. Goodness – money in Prudent way, reinvest their money and multiply money, prudently taking care of the money & also having a Good Lifestyle.
b. Passion – spends money for personal pleasure, toys, etc.
c. Ignorance – self destructive habits
a. Goodness – Mutual Love & Respect for each other, deep relationship, spiritual connections, multi dimensional
b. Passion – Love or Lust, focuses on physical external attraction.
c. Ignorance – toxic relationship with people, bashing people down, do not have friends.
7). CAREER –
a. Goodness – Careers which are aligned with your true purpose, where you feel that the job is fulfilling your higher goal and higher purpose in your life, beautiful environment, supported by fellow members, entire organization is working together on a cause of uplifting Society.
b. Passion – creativity, you are able to express yourself, progressive growth
c. Ignorance –working late shifts, not in the positive environment, stuck in the Politics, Lot of Pressure, Unnecessary pressure by superiors, Not in the environment where you can express yourself.
8). FOOD –
a. Goodness – tasty, good for the body, which makes you healthy and not disturbing your consciousness.
b. Passion – to eat Spicy, things which immigrate your tongue and senses.
c. Ignorance – Anything that lowers your consciousness, which is not making you healthy, eating unhealthy food is degrading your health, Food cooked by People in Low Consciousness Level also pulls down your consciousness.
a. Goodness – Where you giving but your left hand does not know what your right hand is giving, family members even not knows about
b. Passion – who love to give money and who like to show off, who wants to put their name everywhere that they are giving charity
c. Ignorance – If somebody is on the road and asks for money, You give him & he goes and drinks Alcohol & Degrades himself. You do not know where the money is going, You feel that you have done a good thing but Charity in the mode of Ignorance
There is one level above goodness, passion & ignorance, which is transcendental goodness, pure goodness, which is connecting with your creator on a soul level.
When you spiritualize every single activity of yours, this is transcendental goodness.
Look at your lifestyle, are you living only for your family or basic needs, or living a life which is fulfilling your soul
Are you spending money just on goodness, passion, or ignorance, are you also spending money on spiritual causes
Are you offering foods before eating the foods?
Are you giving charity for just to feed more people or make people healthier (surface level stuff) or are you giving in charities that are catering to the health of the soul, not just the material stuff, also on spiritual stuff.
Thanks Siddharth Ji for sharing different perspective of living life
🔥🔥🔥 self evaluate 🔥🔥🔥
Excited for this spiritual touch ….today is Sunday …. Spiritual day
I am so happy to read such detailed post … They are really deep learner …
Core color are red blue green ….. With different ratio mixture different color are formed ….
Similarly ….
Ignorance … Passion and goodness…..
We are mix of these three main aspect …mode of material nature …..
Satav. .. Tamas…… Rajsav….
The goal is to evolve …and transient to spiritual
1⃣…. Let’s evaluate business …
😃Goodness… Uplifting the society ..like knowledge business
😛Passion …. Creative zone …. Like app creation ,technology ….
😶Ignorance …. Destructive zone… Alcohol manufacturer… Etc
2⃣… Let evaluate marketing …
😶Ignorance …are those who are bashing their competitors down …using negative influence… Use method which are destructive …tamas mode of marketing
😛Passion…. Creative marketer …. Keep on innovative …
😃Goodness…. Content those are super value add… Helping people to get actionable steps and changes the life
3⃣… Let evaluate content ….
😶Ignorance …. Main stream media … Film and drama… News … Politics …etc. …which are eating people time
😛Passion …. The content creators … On topic like personal development .. Daily life action … Social experiment… You tuber … Entertaining in nature
😃Goodness… Those content which are improving people life … Helping them uplift … Make a positive change in their life
4⃣..Let evaluate life style
😶ignorance… Always bitching blaming everyone negative in nature. .. Its a tamsic environment
😛Passionate …. Always trying to create something new … They like to show off..😃Goodness…. They love to live minimalistic lifestyle … Less but best .. For them less is more … They never show off … Humble in nature …
5⃣..let’s evaluate money
😶ignorance..if you are spending money in self destructive habits ..thats a tamsic nature …
😛 passion…. Self happiness … Only you matters type…
😃Goodness… Thats means spending your money wisely ..applying TWCGO formula… Regularly giving to charity … And reinvesting in business …and personal development …
6⃣ let’s evaluate relationship
😶ignorance you don’t have lots of friends…
😛Passion … There love is lust ..more physical … External attraction
😃goodness …. Mutual love and respect for each others
7⃣… Let’s evaluate jobs & Career
😶ignorance.. Where you dont like what you do …you are stuck in office politics ..negativity …gossip
😛passion..you get involve in creative work there is a progressive growth…
😃Goodness…. You love what you do ..you feel connected to higher purpose …money does not matter ..impact matters
8⃣ Let’s evaluate food
😶ignorance .. Anything that Lowers your consciousness .. even the person who is cooking food their mental emotional situation also matters… Anything we order online we dont know the mental situation of that person … Even the cooking process of nonveg is also matters
😃 passion … Like fast food ..which taste good. ..but less nutrient …
😛Goodness … Satvic food …which taste good …lots of nutrients …and uplift our consciousness
9⃣..lets evaluate charity
😶ignorance … Where you dont know how your donation is going to get utilize ..you dont trust the person and the organisation ..you are doing charity gor the shake of doing it
😃passion …. You want to do charity… Ans promote it publically … You are doing charity for fame
😛goodness… You trust the organization ..you know how your money is going to get used …. Its for good cause …you are not doing it for fame ….
It was so deep
Self-Evaluate Your Life Through the Goodness, Passion, & Ignorance
This topic is a favorite topic for me and a disclaimer that some part of the text is collected through research. This topic is vast and there might be a lot of books already written on this topic.
Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas (Intelligence, Velocity, and Darkness) – the 3 Gunas of nature – exist as the fundamental laws of physics.
Sattva is pure intelligence
Rajas are Velocity, Acceleration, & Action
Tamas is a State of Rest, Inertia, & Darkness
And all these three states co-exist in Nature in different forms, and it is said that when the universe was created energy got condensed into the matter and settled in these 3 states in millions of forms. Although modern Physics in the western world doesn’t have any theory equivalent to this. Different explanations in Upanishad, Astrology, and Ayurvedic Philosophies explain it well.
Vishnu presides over the Sattva Guna, Brahma presides over the Rajas Guna, and Shiva lords over the Tamas Guna. Vishnu the sustaining force, Brahma the creative force, and Shiva, the destroyer.
Sattva is pure intelligence with no polarity, it is symbolized by the color white. (RED)
Rajas are for fiery transmutation, passion, and attachment, for this it is considered Red. (GREEN)
Tamas for darkness, rest, sleep, inertia, and ignorance (literally being in the dark, not knowing) is the color, Black. (BLUE)
As Sidz explained, RGB gives a better understanding because we see RGB coded in our daily life, in traffic signals, and in many other forms.
Based on the Samkhya philosophy, the gunas arose as the unmanifest turned to the manifest, and consciousness split into two, the ego and the intellect of all conscious beings.
Sattva and Rajas Guna combine to create sensory and motor organs called the Indriyas and karmendriyas of living beings.
Rajas and Tamas Gunas collapsed together to create Tanmatras, the primordial dense elements which further split into Air, Space, Fire, Earth, and Water, the Pancha Mahabhutas, the five great elements.
The Mahabhutas, came together to create the three biological forces called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
They are called the Tridoshas, the basis for all diseases to take root wherever they are out of balance in the Universe, whether in a human body or a plant or an object.
Surprisingly, there are personality types described in Ayurveda, based on Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Sattva is neutral, but Rajas and Tamas have duality and can exist in both states as negative or positive
The Asatoma Sadgamaya mantra finds its roots in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. It is one of the core ancient Shaanti mantras written in Sanskrit.
A Powerful process of transcendence, that comes from the heart of the prayer. One doesn’t have to practice the mantra, but the way law of attraction works is explained through this mantra.
Lyrics :
Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya |
Mrityor Ma Amritamgamaya
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi ||
Meaning :
Oh, Divine One,
Please lead me from the illusions of my world to the eternal truth
Please lead me from darkness to light
Please lead me from death to immortality
Let there be peace, peace, peace!
The basic essence of this mantra is to transcend from Asat (un-truth) to Sat (truth). Many might feel that “the truth” described in this mantra is either vague or exaggerated.
However, the truth mentioned in ancient texts is much more profound. According to Advaita Vedanta, truth is truth if it stands the test of time. The Vedanta suggests that truth should be the same in the past, the present, and the future.
When you imbibe this perspective described by Advaita Vedanta, the mantra gives a much richer meaning.
It means that the reality around us has to be looked at from a much more holistic view. In this visualization, there is unity in all aspects of the universe.
Darkness and light are two sides of the same coin. So are death and immortality, and consciousness and ignorance.
The Asatoma Sadgamaya mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways.
Benefit 1 – Recondition your mind
This is a wonderful chant to re-condition the mind away from negativity, destructive thoughts, or emotions
Benefit 2 – Helps faith
It offers a deep sense of calm and faith during times of chaotic circumstances
Benefit 3 – Uplifts you
It uplifts your consciousness and gives you a richer perspective on life
Benefit 4 – Peace of mind
It invokes a sense of peace within you that not only benefits you but others around you
Benefit 5 – Soothing the soul
This is a soothing chant for souls that are often restless, lonely, or depressed
Benefit 6 – Removes jealousy
The mantra removes ill feelings like greed and jealousy and helps us practice discipline and compassion
More than translations and trying to figure out meanings, it is to understand the perspective on how one can evaluate life and business through the lens of goodness, passion, endurance, and also through different areas in business like marketing, content creation, or life areas like lifestyle, money, relationships, carrier, the food intake, the charity you give.
Thank you Sidz, you made my day. Whenever I read, research, and learn about spiritual content, I have goosebumps and it takes me to a different intellectual state altogether.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
— Self Evaluate your life through the 3 modes of nature – Goodness, Passion & Ignorance —
Everything in this universe either falls under Goodness, Passion, or Ignorance.
One of the Goals of our Human Life is to transcend these 3 modes & get to a state called “Pure Goodness”, where we can connect with our creator. In every religion, the goal is to “Evolve”.
Every aspect in our daily life, that is happening in our surrounding can be segregated into these 3 parameters. i.e: Goodness, Passion & Ignorance. Here are some examples.
a. Goodness – Business who are Uplifting Society,
b. Passion – Businesses that are in the creative zone, like app development companies, creation-based companies,
c. Ignorance – Businesses that are in the destructive zone who are pulling down the Society like manufacturing Alcohol, Drugs, etc. Even though there is a lot of money in this, this is degrading to Society. They are pulling the consciousness of society down to the ignorant level.
a. Goodness – Messages which are inspirational, who are providing value so that people can implement it to change their lives, that focus on progressive marketing,
b. Passion – They keep doing different types of creative things, they creatively represent their knowledge in the form of marketing messages they put out,
c. Ignorance – Those who are using negative tactics, who use methods that are destructive, there is a core element of destruction in their mind. They want to destroy other people’s Ideologies.
a. Goodness – Contents that help people move up and uplift them, the people can see a tangible difference in their life as they consume the content.
b. Passion – Different YouTube Channels that are posting content who are entertaining in nature (though it is not tangible in Value)
c. Ignorance – Mainstream Media, Television, and Negative News all comes under Destructive because they are constantly consuming all the dramas and negativity.
a. Goodness – People who are mostly in one place and grounded, having a simple living, high thinking. They do not show off their Riches much.
b. Passion – Who are always on the move and are always trying to create something. People who like to show off (which car they drive, etc.)
c. Ignorance – When there is always bitching and blaming each other if you are surrounded in such an environment where everything is Negative in Nature. It is not necessary that only Super Rich can live in Goodness lifestyle. There are few Rich and Super Successful People who are living in an atmosphere of Negativity & Toxicity, that’s not the place to be in. This is an Ignorant Lifestyle.
5). MONEY –
a. Goodness – When you are using your money in a Prudent way, not really spending money on Toys or Goodies. People who reinvest their money and multiply their money by prudently taking care of the money & also having a Good Lifestyle.
b. Passion – When people spend money for personal pleasure, toys, etc.
c. Ignorance – When people are spending money on self-destructive habits.
a. Goodness – Mutual Love & Respect for each other, deep relationship, spiritual connection, multi-dimensional.
b. Passion – People who only focus on Love or Lust, focus on physical external attraction.
c. Ignorance – When you have a toxic relationship with people when you are bashing people down when you do not have friends.
7). CAREER –
a. Goodness – Careers that are aligned with your true purpose, where you feel that the job is fulfilling your higher goal, beautiful environment, supported by fellow members, the organization is working together on a cause of uplifting Society.
b. Passion – When there is a lot of creativity, you are able to express yourself, and progressive growth is there.
c. Ignorance – People are working late shifts, not in a positive environment, stuck in the Politics, Lot of Pressure, Unnecessary pressure from superiors, and Not in an environment where you can express yourself.
8). FOOD –
a. Goodness – Things which are tasty, good for the body, which make you healthy, and which is also do not disturb your consciousness.
b. Passion – You want to eat Spicy, etc., things which immigrate your tongue and senses.
c. Ignorance – Anything that lowers your consciousness, which is not making you healthy, eating unhealthy food is degrading your health which is ignorance, “Food cooked by People in Low Consciousness Level” also pulls down your consciousness.
a. Goodness – When you give but your left-hand does not know what your right hand is giving.
b. Passion – People who love to give money and who like to show off, who want to put their name everywhere that they are giving money.
c. Ignorance – If somebody is on the road and asks for money, You give him 500 bucks & he goes and drinks Alcohol & Degrades himself. You do not know where the money is going, You feel that you have done a good thing but Charity is in the mode of Ignorance where you do not know where it is reaching.
Goodness, passion and ignorance.
The analogy of the RGB spectrum makes individuals different as they apply it in life.
Our attempt should be to rise over these and live at a higher plane.
We can see these modes even in business today. Passion are with creators and inventors. Goodness with teachers, doctors, healers, spiritual guides.
Like everything above, it can also be used negatively for self gratification or pulling another down.
It is good to identify all areas of your life and see which zone you fall under.
We all have had an influence that money is evil. It really isn’t, it’s what you do with it.
Charity – goodness
Flashy car – passion
Impulsive buying – ignorance.
This can also add up to the difference between Buying and Spending.
One more gem Sidz. It did give a different perspective to all the things around. But one contradiction arose when you were discussing about charity. Though its a very old saying that while contributing the left hand shouldn’t know what the right hand donates, but sometimes it does become necessary to tell as it might inspire people and motivate them. Like we have heard about so many philanthropists all over the world.
Your section on Taamsic food was like a ‘Bulb ON’ moment.
My learnings:
In the Goodness space: That are uplifting society
Passion space: Creative Zone
Destructive space: Pulling down society eg. Alcohol, drugs
Ignorance : Using negative tactics, bashing competitors
Passion: creatively present their knowledge
Goodness: Value share, inspirational, progressive marketing
Destructive: mainstream media, destructive, negativity
passion: creators, entertaining
Goodness: learning something new
Ignorance: bitching, people negative in nature
Passionate: always trying to create something new, showcasing high value
Goodness: Simple living high thinking
Self destructive
Passion: self indulgence, toys and goodies
Goodness: reinvesting, good life style
Ignorance: toxic relationship, bashing people. don’t have friends
Passion: only focus is on love and lust, external attraction
Goodness: intellectual and mental simulation, multi-dimensional and spiritual connection
Ignorance: late shifts, not surrounding themselves in a positive environment
Passion: lot of creativity, progressive growth
Goodness: aligned with a true purpose, in a beautiful environment
Ignorance: that lowers your consciousness, degrade your health, food cooked by people in low conscious level
Passion: Spicy food
Goodness: Good for the body, healthy, will not disturb your consciousness
Ignorance: money given as charity misused.
Passion: Who show off every where
Goodness: Where left hand doesn’t know what the right hand donated
Connecting with the Creator. How do you do that?
Here is a clue, to be in the expansive state of Goodness. In whatever way we perceive goodness, we can go a level beyond that. All the time. Less of selfishness and more of just for the sake of doing something very selfless.
We evolve in the process. If this has been a journey since childhood, and the contemplation, introspection has been part of the upbringing, then we have constantly evolved, and now we are in a stage where the goodness can not be hidden if it is corrupted.
Because the energy would be conspicuously absent in case of masked values or the values that is hidden behind the veil of goodness. It is a pretty negative description of the state of mind, but one can not escape this layer.Money vibes is in exchange of energy that looks to serve.
So what makes us serve? beyond money, that is. Whether there is any possibility of money visible or not, one gets on with the job. That is where PASSION comes in.
Passion makes one being innovative, ways to try out different things, all with a vibe to serve.
Passion with goodness; there can not be any escape route.
IGNORANCE of self is ascertained if the indicators are failing. One of it is the flow of wealth, abundance, may be.
That is where the Business aspect comes in. The stuck Business is as a result of masked goodness, even if there is huge passion. Can we perceive with PASSION only?
What is Goodness if it is not about a Business which is Uplifting for the Society,
Defining Passion that takes one into the creative zone, over and over again.
Ignorance is about a livelihood without dignity.Even though there is a lot of money in this, but this is degrading Society. They are pulling down the consciousness of the society down to the ignorant level
About Marketing
❣Goodness – Providing value that helps people transform, to take the journey from place A to Place
❣Passion – Knowledge comes simplified to the people who is following the next.
❣ Ignorance – Destroying the existing ideologies which form the basis of the client’s personality
❣Goodness – Which helps the upward journey and is uplifting.
❣Passion – Helping the client visualize the action plan, the process redefined.
❣. Ignorance – Mainstream Media, Television, Negative News all comes under Destructive because they are constantly consuming all the dramas and negativity.
a. Goodness – Grounded people no matter how much they travel on purpose, recharging themselves and people who are around, nobody is an alien, not losing any chance to serve a soul. b. Passion – The mind moves from one creative zone to another. c. Ignorance – Being in the Victim zone of holding others responsible. Which makes you surrounded by negative people, thinking and contemplating in terms of toxicity.
a. Goodness – Spending Money in something worthwhile. Investing money to multiply money. Compounding money to help circulation. Not compromising with a frugal but healthy lifestyle. b. Passion – Spending in Self development and improving oneself. c. Ignorance – When people are spending money on self destructive habits.
a. Goodness – Mutual Love & Respect for each other, deep relationship, spiritual connect, multi dimensional.b. Passion – People who only focus on Love or Lust, focuses on physical external attraction.c. Ignorance – When you have toxic relationship with people, when you are bashing people down, when you do not have friends.
a. Goodness – Find everything in life that is aligned with the true purpose, that makes life fulfilling and taking one towards the higher goal, and creating an uplifting environment. b. Passion – Expression of creativity is important to move others a notch higher including oneself. c. Ignorance – Procrastination, contributing to toxicity, creating stoppage in somebody else’s growth to put oneself in better light, it does not empower another person.
a. Goodness – Eating healthy and green, in a discipline routine, and affordable. b. Passion – Bringing the taste in congruence to health. c. Ignorance – Not knowing what to avoid in food and routine. Be careful about who cooks your food because that also lowers the Consciousness Level
a. Goodness – Not to be boastful about the contribution one does. b. Passion – Giving and contributing towards one or more causes depending upon how much one can give. c. Ignorance – At times we do not know where the money is reaching, responsible charity has to happen or else money may go to unnecessary spending and spread evil like drinking
So where are we leading with being careful with all these? It is to connect with the higher self in a deserving manner. We deserve good if we are in the process of creating, contributing, living, experiencing and helping others towards goodness.
3 modes of material nature_goodness, passion and ignorance
Detail knowledge of modes and their influence in our life revealed in BHAGAVADGITA .
Goal of life _ move from darkness to light and ultimately transcend modes attaining PURE GOODNESS
3 Main colours_Red blue and green and mitures of theses 3 colours make many other colours .
Similarly all people in the world are mitures of thress modes _ goodness, passion and ignorance
There are 4 lac varieties of human species alone on earth
One of goals of human life_ transcend modes and get to pure goodness .
Goodness_expansive ,positive impact and uplifting
Passion_creative , ignorance_destructive
Duality of world_ 2 sides of coin
Business in goodness_ uplifting
Passion_ creating websites , ignorance_destructive
Knowledge business_clarity uplifting society
Marketing_ ignorance_negative tactics, bashing competition
Passionate_different creatives
Goodness_ inspirational , add genuine value
Content_ destructive_negative news etc.
Passionate_ creation
Goodness_ uplifting
Lifestyle_ignorance_ pitching n blaming
Passionate_flashing around
Goodness_ uplifting
Money_self destructive_ignorance
Self indulgence_passion
Prudent way investment mutiplying money
Relation_toxic relation_ignorance
Passionate_only focus on lust
Goodness_ mutual love and respect
Jobs_ ignorance_ lt nt shift , politics , surrounded by negative people
Passionate_ creative
Goodness_ aligned with true purpose of life
Food_ goodness_uplifting spirits healthy juicy
Passion_spicy, invigorating tongue n senses
Ignorance_degrading your consciousness
Charity_ ignorance_destructive
Passion_show off
Goodness _rt hand gives charity but lt hand does not know , neki kar aur bhl jao
PURE GOODNESS_ spiritualize business, content , marketing
Reconnect with soul
Lifestyle_ fulfilling your soul
Money_spend for spiritual cause
Food_spiritualize your food , sanctify your food by offering to SRI SRI RADHA KRISHNA ON THE ALTER
Charity_ participate in charity catering to soul upliftment .
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
In essence, everything is soaked in consciousness.
Every human being is at the core is the holy spirit. What differentiates is their nature – what they think, do, eat, and behave. In Sanskrit it is called as GUNA-Sattwa, Raja, and Tam. This is termed as Goodness, passion and ignorance.
Every aspect of living could be analysed in these categories.
Goodness, it is that which aims at helping others. Selfless help without any base desire.
When it is done with selfish desire or show off, it is passion or Rajasik in nature.
Bad deeds which degrade people or things are Tamasik, born out of ignorance.
The objective is to expand goodness in all actions- food we eat, how we behave, what business we do, how we earn and spend money. the very way we live our life.
The continued goodness transcends to Nirguna State, that is Pure Sattwa. The ultimate state of pure consciousness- estate of bliss.
One needs to be aware of his thoughts, deeds and words and mold them towards Sattwa/goodness to live in serenity.
Good stuff, you have captured good insights!