Do you feel overwhelmed with so much of information? Building an information business is not a walk in the park.

It requires focused and dedicated effort over an extended period of time. And that creates momentum and magic in your business.

In this podcast, I share the steps to beat overwhelm and information overload in a digital coaching business.

Step 1 – Clarity

  • Getting Clear On Your Goal
  • Getting Clear On What You Need To Learn
  • Getting Clear On Your Priorities – Personal & Business
  • Keep Your Mindset Clear
  • Keep Your Physical & Digital Space Clutter-Free

Step 2 – Focus

  • Follow One Mentor
  • Follow One System – Take It To The Finish Line
  • Unsubscribe From Email Lists
  • Stop Binge-Watching Netflix and YouTube
  • Delete All Apps From Your Mobile Phone
  • Access Social Media Only On Your Laptop For 90 Days

Step 3 – Learn

  • Learn Only What’s Important
  • Stop Falling For All The Shiny Objects
  • Follow A Systematic Learning Approach (No Shortcuts)
  • Learn, Do & Teach Simultaneously

Step 4 – Create

  • Create Your Own Strategy
  • Create Your Own Content Plan
  • Create Content
  • Create Courses
  • Create Coaching Frameworks
  • Build Your Digital EcoSystems

Step 5 – Monetise

  • Laser Point Your Marketing To Solve ONE Big Problem
  • Laser Point Your Marketing To A Specific Target Market
  • Learn How To Sell Effectively By Understanding Your Target Market
  • Get Feedback From Customers & Improve Marketing

By implementing these 5 steps, you will be a cut above the rest and will truly be able to make a difference in this world and in your knowledge business.

And by the time you are done with this episode, you will have absolute clarity and conviction to scale up your digital coaching business.

Join my community of 9000+ knowledge givers & experts!

Other Links:

Please subscribe on Apple Podcasts

Join my private V.I.P Group on Facebook

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for in-depth tutorials

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    16 replies to "5 Steps To Beat Overwhelm & Information Overload"

    • Sumiti Walia

      Long term plans ……. every one’s journey is different… very useful

    • Mahathi Gorthi

      Learn what’s important
      Laser point to solve one big problem
      Are my take aways

    • inder jeet Singh ubhi

      In order to get the best results in your knowledge business these five points will get up to the level in which you want to reach

      1. Clearify
      You should clear on your goal, what you want, priorities ( personal and business)
      You should clear your mindset, physical and digital space Clulter free

      2. Focus
      You should follow one mentor and implementer and system and take it to the finished line, then do other things, which you like to do.
      Unsubscribe from e mail list, Netflix and you tube
      Delete all apps from your mobile phone, keep only apps which is relevant.
      Access social media only on your laptop for 90 days

      3. Learn
      Learn only what’s important, do and teach simultaneously
      Follow the systematic Learning approach, no short cut
      There are so many shiny objects which attracts, do not fall on them

      4. Clear

      Clear your own strategy, content plan, content, courses, coaching frame work.
      Build your own ego system

      5. Monetise
      Laser point your marketing to solve one big problem, specific target market.
      Learn how to sell efficiently by understanding your target market
      Get feedback from customer and improve targeting market week ,quarterly, and monthly

    • Mansha Roy

      My Learnings From This Podcast-

      Perturbation is going through positive pressure to bring the positive outcome. If you are feeling overwhelmed if you are feeling information overload that’s perfectly fine. As long as you chanalize your energies in the right environment that’s going to be determine whether you are going to be progressing or you are going to be perishing.

      So here are the 5 Steps To Beat Overwhelmed & Information Overload-

      1. Clarity-
      (i)When you have absolute clarity on your goals like how much income do you want to make or what kind of a lifestyle do you want to live. When you get as clear as possible on your goals then you will automatically know what are the roads that will not lead towards that goal. So most people get overwhelmed by not knowing what they they want in life.

      (ii) To get clear on your goal and know exactly what do you want to learn. Once you know your goal that you want to reach you will automatically know what are the different skills that you need to learn to reach that particular goal.

      (iii) Once you are clear about what do you want to learn then you will start to get clear on your priority. Your personal priority and your business priority.

      (iv) Keep your mindset very clear and keep your mindset very strong.

      (v)Keep your physical and digital space clutter free.

      2. Focus-
      (i) Once you are clear on what do you want to do the next step is to really focus on what has to be done.

      (ii) Follow one mentor for 90days without any distraction.

      (iii) Follow one system to take it to the finish line. Don’t jump into any other trainings or programs until you have finished every single step given to you by the mentor you have decided to follow.

      (iv) Unsubscribe from all the email list. Use to unsubscribe bulk of emails from your mail box.

      (v) Stop binge watching Netflix and YouTube.

      (vi) Delete all apps from your mobile phone which is not required.

      (vii) Delete all social media apps from your phone and access it from your laptop for 90days.

      3. Learn-
      (i) Only learn what’s important. You don’t have to learn everything out there.

      (ii) You should stop following all the shiny objects that’s comes your way and follow the systematic learning approach because there is no shortcuts to this game.

      (iii) Learn, Do , Teach Simultaneously.

      4. Create- Based on what you are learning you have to create multiple things.

      (i) Create your own unique strategy on how you are going out to the market.

      (ii) Create your own content plan what are you going to be posting on podcast and youtube.

      (iii) Create the content.

      (iv) Create your own courses.

      (v) Creating coaching framework on how you can give the best kind of experience for your audience.

      (vi) Build your own ecosystem piece by piece.

      5. Monetise-
      (i) You have to laser point your marketing to solve one big problem.

      (ii) You got to laser point your marketing to specific target market.

      (iii) Learn how to sell effectively by
      understanding your market.

      (iv) Get feedback from your customers and improve your marketing.

      Final Thoughts-

      1. Dealing with overwhelmed is easy when you have to plan.

      2. Make small wins your habit.

      3. Do not get into analysis and paralysis.

      4. Do not get into perfectionism.

      5. Start to build digital empire brick by brick.

      6. Think long term.

      7. Money loves speed.


    • Vedant Menon

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

      Here’s how you beat getting overwhelmed and getting conusmed by information overload ????‍♂️ :
      ???? Inertia kicks in when there is lack of clarity! If you dont have a goal in sight, you wont have the motivation to reach towards anything, and you’ll slack!

      Perturbation – Put yourself through positive pressure to attain a positive outcome????.
      When you indulge yourself in an environment with triggers which pushes you to achieve your goal, you will achieve it, infact, there is no way you cannot!
      It’s good that you are overwhelmed, if tuned the right way it can lead you to take the necessary action.

      5️⃣ Steps to attain that velocity and momentum in 90 days. ⌚

      1) CLARITY ???? : When you have a clear vision of of who you want to be, where you want to be and living what kind of life for yourself, you cqan clearly demarkate the roads which lead to it and those which dont, then all you have to do is pick! On that path you’ll find shops on the side providing you with the necessary required skills, you’ll find for yourself a renewed priority list both on a personal and professional level.

      Clarity not only in thoughts and goals but you must have the right mindset along with a clutter-free digital and physical space. Make your business your biggest time taker and not miniscule things like sitting hours together to delete emails or make your room. Once you make it a daily routine, you’ll see how you spend little to no time on them and most where you really need to , your business.

      2. FOCUS ???? – Thanks to clarity, you’ve set up the game, mood-lighting is set, now all you have to do is focus.
      (i) Stick to one mentor. There are many knowledge holders around the world and each might offer a different perspective and if you go around listening to everyone, your mind will be frozen thanks to the enormity of the information. Surrender to that one Human.

      (ii) Follow the system offered by that mentor to the TEE. Cross that finish line with that mentor+system amalgamation.

      (iii) – One of the most efficient efficiency tools out there to help you bulk unsubscrive from all unwanted email lists. Thanks to this I’m able to maintain not more than 100 mails in my primary inbox.

      (iv) Bust the Binge – Feel like watching something? Watch what your mentor provides you with. Don’t turn to Netflix, TV and video games or any other shiny objects. You can go a step ahead and delete all unwanted apps from your phone, just keep the most needed ones.

      (v) Focus all your energies on Creating as opposed to Consuming and you’ll experience wonders and truly, get rich! Try Pareto’s 80-20 rule with 20% consumption and 80% creation.

      3) LEARN ???? – With this kind of laser focus, your learning ability hits through the roof.
      Go full on to learn only whats important, dont look for shortcuts, they never pan out fruitfully!
      If a learning system is in place, dive into that. As you learn, get into the habit of doing what you learn and most importantly teach someone. My dad always told me, you hear a joke you share it, then you’ll remember it for sure! Kudos to this Golden Triangle of Success.

      4) CREATE ✒ – As you learn, you need to put those learnings with a flavour of your own into creation.

      (i) Start off with a strategy. your own unique one on how you plan to go to market with your business.

      (ii) Create a Content Plan – What material goes into your course, what you want to share on your Podcasts or Youtube or how you want to nurture your community.

      (iii) Then you move into the creating the very course. Without a course, there’s nothing there to offer to your audience.

      (iv) Build you audience, system and community with your own hands, shower them with love and learning. Because when people buy your product, its you who they actually resonate, trust and paid their money for.

      5) MONETIZE ???? – This is one of the main reason we do what we do right?
      (i) Learn to be known for one thing, solve one big problem you think needs a solution of which you have.

      (ii) Focus on one target market, narrow it down so niche that you become a standout in that field and your own marketing becomes much more effective

      (iii) Once your target market is niched down, you can actually see, feel and pin point their pain points and use that to provide them with solutions which change their life.

      (iv) Always keep your ears open for what your customers have to say about your product or service, because receiving constructive feedback goes a long way in helping you improve what you offer to your target market!

      To end, You are on a journey with yourself. Everyone is walking their own paths. Dont compare your journey with others, to each his own. You will get overwhelmed when you watch how others are doing, they most likely have prior expertise or experience which might give them an edge. Dont comapre your first chapter with someone else’s 21st. ????

      Good luck to you and your business.????
      Cheers to a mind free of overthinking, info overload and overwhelming.????

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Sahasha Namdeo

      Super informative article to gain more goal clarity, focus on goals and keeping away distractions, why you need 1 mentor.

      “Never underestimate the power of 1”.

      The real problem is not lack of information but to choose the correct strategical approach to reach to destination.

      Super awesome insight.

      #ilh, #ilhmember

    • Aman Khurana

      Here’s how we beat analysis paralysis! ????

      Inertia kicks in when there is lack of clarity! So we got to keep moving! If we dont have a goal in sight, we wont have the motivation to reach towards anything, and we’ll slack! We’ll be unmotivated and not really move!

      ???? concept – Perturbation – Put yourself through positive pressure to attain a positive outcome. Don’t overdo it. Great method by Blair Singer if anyone wants to look into it. And make sure you don’t affect your self concept.
      When we indulge ourself in an environment with triggers which pushes us to achieve our goals, we will achieve it come what may!
      It’s good that we are overwhelmed, if tuned the right way it can lead us to take the necessary actions!

      5 Steps to attain our goals in 90 days. ????

      1) CLARITY ???? : When we have a clear vision of who we want to be, where we want to be and know what kind of life we want to lead. We can clearly find the road which will lead to it and the ones which won’t, then all we have to do is pick! Pick our niche pick our strategy pick ourselves and get to it! On that path we’ll find distractions and also tool that might help us along the way but since now we do have the roadmap we know which ones are for our best and which ones we should leave behind.

      Clarity not only in thoughts and goals but we must have the right mindset along with a clutter-free digital and physical space. Making our business our biggest focus and all the non essential tasks and chores can be either delegated or given up entirely. Once we make it a daily routine, we’ll see how we spend little to no time on them and most where we really need to , which is ding ding ding ???? you guessed it right! Our Business!

      2. FOCUS ???? – Thanks to clarity, we know now what to do! And now comes the most hardest part! Which is focus!!! Meditation is my personal mantra here! The more I meditate the more I can control my monkey mind and stick to one thing as Sidz also keep saying it’s not whether we can pay attention, it’s about paying focused attention! And we are going to achieve our goals we gotta commit to it!

      i) Sticking to 1 mentor. There are many knowledge holders around the world and each might offer a different perspective and if we go around listening to everyone, our mind will be frozen thanks to the enormity of the information. Surrender to that 1 let them be your guide in all of this craziness.

      ii) FOLLOW THE SYSTEM!!!
      Whatever is the system given by the mentor make sure you religiously follow it and not waiver. Results will come but you gotta have patience.

      iii) Clear that Inbox with – One of the most efficient tool out there to help you bulk unsubscribe from all unwanted email lists. I just used it yesterday and deleted 49 email lists that I was subscribed to for no good reason! Let me know how much clutter you clean!

      iv) Binging is earned – I love binging and I know for a fact I can’t just give it up, just like that. So what I do here is. Rather than taking it completely off the table I earn it. I give myself the permission to bing on 3-4 episode if I have done my dailies and my to-do list for the day! And the idea here is to either take that number down to 2-3 and eventually to 1-2 or use it as a motivator rather than a distractor.

      v)Are you Creating or Consuming? Focusing all our energies on Creating as opposed to Consuming and we’ll experience wonders and truly, get rich! Try Pareto’s 80-20 rule with 20% consumption and 80% creation. And see the magic happen ✨

      3) Life Long Learning ???? – With this kind of laser focus, your learning ability hits through the roof. So grab the nearest book or crank up that ol’ e-book on your phone and get started on that sweet sweet learning!
      Go full on to learn only whats important, dont look for shortcuts, they never really pan out anyway!
      If a learning system is in place, dive into that. As we learn, we get into the habit of doing what we learn and most importantly teach someone. That’s the Golden Triangle! Learn Do Teach! ????

      4) GET in the Habit of CREATING – As we learn, we need to put those learnings with a flavour of your own and transform it into something new with our added experiences. And use that new creation to help others along there own paths.

      i) Start off with a strategy of your own, a unique one on how you plan to go to market with your business.

      ii) Create a Content Plan – What material goes into your course, what you want to share on your Podcasts, Youtube, what goes on your Instagram and so on and so forth. And most importantly how you want to nurture your community.

      iii) Then you move into the creating the said content, firstly the course. Without a course, there’s nothing there to offer to your audience.

      iv) Building our audience, systems and community from the scratch is a fun experience we gotta shower them with love and learning. Because when people buy our product, its basically us who they actually resonate, trust and paid their money for. Gone are the days of Logos people connect with People.

      5) MONETIZE ???? – This is one of the main reason we do what we do right?
      i) Learn to be known for 1 thing, solve 1 big problem! That you think needs a solution which, you guessed it! You have!

      ii) Focus on 1 target market, narrow it down as much as you can, so niche that you become a stand-out in that field and your marketing becomes much more effective. And it’s a blue sea rather than a red ocean!

      iii) Once your target market is niched down, you can actually see, feel and pin point their pain points and use that to provide them with solutions that transform their lives.

      iv) Always keep your ears open for what your customers have to say about your product or service, because receiving constructive feedback goes a long way in helping you improve what you offer to your target market!

      Finally, It is a journey! Dont be in it for the shortcuts it’s a marathon. Everyone is walking their own paths. Dont compare your journey with others, to each his own. You will get overwhelmed when you watch how others are doing, they most likely have prior expertise or experience which might give them an edge. Dont comapre your first chapter with someone else’s 21st. ????

      For whoever who had the patience to read all of that! All the best to you and your multiple businesses may you have multiple streams of income! ????
      And for god sakes just DECIDE! What you wanna do and go after it with all the gusto and bravado you can gather! And go kill it you beautiful person you! ????????????
      Stay safe much peace ✌️

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Poonam Patel

      #ilhfamily #ilh deeplearner

      Clarity – need clarity on your goal. If you do not have clarity on your goal, you do not know where to head.
      Focus – need to be focused on what you want to do. Following one mentor for 90 days, avoid information overload.
      Learn – 20% learning and 80% implementation. Do not keep learning and not applying.. follow learn, do, teach.
      Create – content. plan your curriculum.
      Monetize – that one big problem you want to solve, what is your target audience.

      Build your digital empire brick by brick, celebrate all your small wins
      Do not go for perfectionism, improve on the go.
      It is not a race against anyone, do not compare. It is for you and about you.
      Clear your space – physical, mental, digital.

    • Janardan Kar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      Here the subject dealt with effective clarity is how to overco me ” overwhelm and information overload”. Going deep into the subject matter by objectively synthesizing the spoken content seeped in personal experience over past 6 months what I understand is as follows:
      1. What is overwhelm and information overload –
      while thinking about it many words float in the mind-confusion, analysis paralysis, comparison with others, competition, perfectionism, procrastination, distraction .
      All above things lead to a phenomenon of overwhelm and in formation overload – ie. jamming of the mind to not to at get a clear direction to proceed or proceed in various directions at the same time due to failure to come into a specfic decision, It is due to complex thinking,
      The resultant effect is inaction, wrong actions, delayed action, procrastination and resultant tension in the mind accentuated by comparing with others’ result.
      From my own journey in this field and my long standind experience in my four decades of professional life , I can safely say for a starter it will take some time from few weeks to few months to orient oneself. Anyone coming to the field mostly comes with the intention to do things with his own perception in the matter. He also samples ideas from many sources/ courses and I feel it is normal and the duration of this phase may vary person to person depending on his age, experience and background. A raw hand even does not know the various terminologies used in this digital platform and in a group coaching mode it takes time to seep in those basic terminologies even .
      What I heard from some of the master mentors and subject Gurus while telling their life stories, all of them swam initially sometime in confusion and overwhelm before coming in terms with their clear objective,Vision,Mission,Values,Goal and strategy.
      So I strongly believe getting overwhelmed and information overload is normal provided one understands he is in that phase and persistent in the path and sometime in the tension of getting quick result / money may also aggravates the situation. In that light when Siddharth talks of ” Think long term and build brick by brick , don’t compete but collaborate and create or may be co-create” is perfectly understood.
      Consistency in intension and persistent on goal and activities leading towards goal is the hall mark of steadiness on purpose and can’t make a person frustrated. Temporary overwhelm and information overload may temporarily make one sad but can’t drown the indomitable spirit of passion over purpose. Siddharth often says with aplomb ” long term consistency beats short tem intensity hands down.”
      Only one need to guard himself from the “disease of perfection” as “it is a non-existent black cat in a dark room” and it is futile to search which is non-existent.
      May be people in a destitute monetary condition will try for quick fixes which creates aberrations and that is also understandable and after few false starts and false moves in anxiety of getting quick result to ameliorate their present condition/ situations they will come to the right path and right direction and may be cosmic design wants delayed action but unflinching /stubborn fixity of goal and purpose of it , will take him or her to right path and direction.
      Any researcher knows that the PhD. thesis written after years of hard and smart work does not mention all those false starts and blind alleys ( even under a very efficient and reputed guide and his effective research methodology and tools. Because topic is different and the specificity of problem. But what is very very important without that effective methodology and tools of the master guide you may not be able to reach anywhere and at times his tools and methodology ( which is very very crystal clear to him may overwhelm and become information overload depending upon one’s stage of development but trust will remove those dark clouds may be slowly at times, faith & persistency is the key.

      Once it is clearly understood , which Siddharth says in a very subtle way to be deciphered with deep contemplation then his 5 step methodology will be very easy to understand and follow as it has made complicated things expressed in simple words in step wise manner, which is his USP.
      1 Clarity of purpose,goal, mindset of steadfastness on goal,
      clearing of all physical, mental, digital clutters and adopting conducive environment and and company of engaging energizing people.It is not easy as formation of new habit by breaking the old one needs chunking out small achievable steps(James Clear says ATOMIC HABIT).Transformation is the first and the major mile stone in the journey.
      2 Focus daily on goal with an eye on end goal and chart out the strategy map and plan to go for it on daily basis with proper relaxing and contemplation and course correction on the path. Avoiding Worries and Little Voice mastery will assist in Focus. In other way weaning away Focus from non-productive energy-sink will conserve energy to direct on productive goal.
      3 Lifelong consistent Learning- unlearning – Relearning and applying it and refining it through teaching will improve expertise , give self-confidence and confidence to client to solve the problem and fine tune methodology and process or the context and content both.
      4 Creation of a strategy of Content plan, creating content and courses , coaching/teaching / consulting frame work , Creating and nurturing Tribe and Building a Platform and Digital Ecosystem with a systemic approach with patience and perseverance with a timeline will ensure freedom from overwhelm and overload to greater extent and the whole universe will conspire to make things happen.
      5 Monetize the whole thing by focusing on specific market to solve the unique problem ,
      Understand market through research in target market
      Engage and get feedback from target customer/ client
      Sell with confidence and scale up.
      To sum up CLARITY, COURAGE,CONSISTENCY , PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE – is name of the game to overcome OVERWHELM and INFORMATION OVERLOAD which is bound to come in the journey in several occasions.

    • Varun Kumar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      All-in-One Tools Are The Solution

      All-in-one tools are great for marketing work because they make it easier to work with different clients and projects while still providing the flexibility you need. All-in-one solutions help you save time and help you stay organized because they meet several of your needs at once. With a centralized place where you can do more than one thing, you can organize your work the way you want. Marketing work involves a lot of moving parts, whether it’s with an agency or as a freelancer. The tools you use should be able to keep up.

      -Collaboration and Communication Made Easy

      All-in-one tools make communication and collaboration easier and simpler for everyone. With smoother collaborations, your work will be more effective and it’ll be easier to get client feedback. All-in-one tools save you time and stress by reducing the number of platforms and apps you need to use. By streamlining your workflows, all-in-one tools make it easier for you to focus on projects and clients. Whether you’re part of a marketing agency or working as a freelancer, you know that client communication is what makes the world go around. Some clients only rely on emails while others use Slack or Trello. Fractured communications methods make it hard to share progress and collaborate. 32% of professionals say inadequate or lack of communication is the biggest problem for any project and it’s not hard to see why. Too often, you need several tools for each client. All-in-one tools have more capabilities which means you can do more with just one tool. Below are some examples of classic all-in-one tools and the features they offer their users.

      combines messaging, task boards, notes, Zoom, and Google Drive. Instead of using a few different tools for those, Rock lets you do that in one place. Because Rock has different built-in communication methods, it’s easier to work with clients and external partners. You can also link your Google Drive folders to Rock so everyone can access anything project-related, right from Rock. This prevents information and work from being siloed in inboxes or folders. Your team members will be able to make edits to projects or address feedback so work doesn’t have to slow down when you’re offline.


      Notion is a tool that offers a team wiki for you and collaborators to store information for future reference. Like other all-in-one tools, you can have discussions with clients and your team members without leaving the platform. Both Rock and Notion let you manage your to-do list with task boards; you can update your team members or clients on progress without clogging their inboxes with emails. Since all-in-one tools are more centralized, information is easier to find and keep organized.

      Another all-in-one tool is Coda, which offers teams and freelancers a centralized place to keep their documents and spreadsheets. Instead of being forced to store information across different tools, you can keep all your information where everyone can see it. Coda also has different productivity and project management features within the platform, so you can reduce the number of things you’re juggling.

      -It All Costs Time and Money

      When you’re paying for more tools that should help your productivity, those tools should make your job easier. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case and could end up hurting your bottom line. Nobody wants to spend more money than they need to. However, choosing a cheaper option isn’t always the better option. If something offers more functionality and helps you get more done, it’s worth a slightly larger price tag. With a tool that can do more, you’ll save more time for your projects and clients while simplifying your workload.

      More Things for You to Manage

      Working with a lot of tools means you need to update and monitor communication about your progress in a lot of places. Upkeep sucks up your time and forces you away from what matters. You end up juggling a bunch of apps and programs during just one day. You’re already bombarded with notifications. More of them aren’t helpful. The more you have, the more time you have to spend managing them—in addition to the work that matters.

      -Some use cases for bots

      Adding bots to a conversational platform like Google Chat lets people ask questions, issue commands, and so on without changing context. On its back end, a bot can access other systems, acting as an intermediary to those systems.

      This ability to provide access to a wide range of resources and tools, while maintaining a unified cognitive experience, can provide an excellent framework for many types of applications, including:

    • Rasal kaiman

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      5 steps to increase your momentum in Business :
      Perturbation – Going through positive pressure to bring positive outcome
      Pressure created under right environment
      step 1 : Clarity :
       • Should be Clear on Goal – like exact figure of amount to be earned. Exact life goal which should be achieved.
       • Mindset – Keep your Mindset strong
       • Clutter free – Clear your physical and digital space.

      Step 2 : Focus
       • Follow only one Mentor without any deviations.
       • Follow only one system and take it to the finish line.
      ( Extra Bonus – use UNROLL tool to clean your email ).
       • Stop Binge watching like Netflix.
       • Delete all the apps which is not necessary.
       • Creation is proportional to Money.

      step – 3 : Learn
       • Learn only what is important.
       • Golden Triangle – Learn , Do , Teach.

      Step 4 – Create
       • Create your own strategy , content planner.
       • Create content.
       • Create own courses , coaching frameworks., Digital system.

      Step 5 : Monetize
       • Narrow down to solve only one Big problem.
       • Narrow down your Marketing target to specific demorographic.
       • Get feedback from your customers.
      Summary :
      Have a plan and start working on what you want. Collection of small wins adds up to bigger wins. Think less, Do more. Don’t get into perfectionisim.
      Think Long term . Don’t compare with others, compete with yourself and Start Working now !

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome!Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.

    • Meenu Chaurasiya



      5 STEPS…

      1ST .. CLARITY …


      2ND .. FOCUS


      3RD STEP … LEARN …



      4TH STEP … CREATE …


      5TH STEP … MONETIZE …..










      THANKYOU ….

    • Sudhir Nagle

      5 steps:
      Inertia kicks in when there is lack of clarity
      Perturbation: going through positive pressure created under right environment
      Channelize your energy
      1) Clarity – absolute clarity on your goal – what exactly you need to learn and what skills you need to learn and then becoming clear on your priority
      Keep your mindset strong – clear your digital junk and make it clutter free
      2) Focus : what has to be done – follow one mentor and complete …create more than consume
      3) Learn – laser pointed focus and learn what’s important(follow systematic learning approach only: Freedom path for 60 days)
      Learn do and teach simultaneously
      4) Create your unique strategy and content plan – create your own courses creating coaching framework and build your own ecosystem bit by bit(spending 80% of time in this particular activity)
      5) Monetize your knowledge and bring to a financial step:
      Laser point your efforts to solve a very specific/big problem
      Laser point your marketing to very specific target market – people who are say 30 plus (teachers trainers experts etc.)
      And learn how to sell effectively from understanding your target market.
      Get feedback from customers who have bought your products
      Make small wins your habit and doing multiple small wins
      Think less and do more and don’t be perfectionist and be natural and spontanous
      Digital empire brick by brick – building process
      Think long term

    • Rakshitha CV

      Step 1 : Clarity
      Step 2 : Lazer pointed focus
      Step 3 : clear digital and physical junks
      Step 4 : clear on your priority ( which is best for you)
      Step 5 : having strong and healthy mindset
      Money loves speed, go with the speed by building a momentum
      Build your digital space brick 🧱by brick 🧱

    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      My takeaways interspersed with my thoughts and learnings:

      CLARITY! CLARITY! GOAL clarity! Clarity of mission/vision. Laser pointedness to solve one particular problem for a specific target market, ability to SELL effectively, and building effective feedback mechanisms. All of these will keep us focused and undistracted, away from being drowned in irrelevant information avalanche on online media.

      Perturbation : Going through positive pressure to achieve a positive outcome. This will determine whether we progress or perish.

      Some useful tips:

      1)Think long term
      2)Make small wins a habit
      3)Escape perfectionism – Just keep moving

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