Blair Singer is the world's leading authority in the training industry. In this interview, I get into his mind to understand how he thinks and how he has been able to impact thousands of trainers over the last three decades.

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What you will learn in this podcast?

Who is Blair Singer and how he has been impacting the training industry?
What does it takes to become a world-class trainer?
What are the biggest mistakes trainers and coaches make today?
siddharth rajsekar

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    9 replies to "Inside The Mind Of The Master Of Masters – Blair Singer Interview"

    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      🔥🔥🔥 BLAIR SINGER🔥🔥🔥

      1⃣ What was the environment back then when you started …

      No social media … Marketing was very simple … Slow process …. Marketing was really different ….
      But teaching coaching principle were really same those fundamental were same ….it will be same for 1000 of year ..
      One on one sales …. Preview … Flyer …. Marketing concept were different … You need best copy writer …

      People will shout out in the middle of program … You got to learn how to be calm in that bad situation

      2⃣ when you start to see the program based model growing …and people are getting open to it …

      Its about your micro niche …who are your audience … Combination of both personal development and selling and marketing concept work like magic…

      Does the teacher have authority and integrity … There track record is really high ..they themselves are implementor… Always learning new things …

      3⃣ what makes you out stand ..
      Blair just learn new things … He loves to learn … And learn how to overcome new obstacle …

      Future is for leaders and teachers and trainer …. They are going to bring change in people life …

      Why every time I do webinar … Because in that particular webinar people will say ..I got to do this … This webinar have changed my life ….

      4⃣ when people are not sure about their topic…
      What is the message that’s already in you … What are those stories ..those personal story that change everything about your life … That is your message …

      Something deeper in your story….. Universe are trying to teach us…

      Things you don’t learn and it come back to with higher and higher intensity …and finally you learn that …. Thats your message … That’s your pattern

      5⃣ what do you think the core attribute of world class trainer …..

      Can’t judge book by its cover ….

      Be authentic and real ….
      Willingness to be continuous leaner …..
      Willingness to ask question … Filp the education system around education system ….

      Realize why you are doing what you are doing …. Know it by asking right question

      Also be good at sales…

      6⃣ what do you think why some people fail inspite of getting same training

      People are not able to sell…. They are going to suffer …. If people are not willing to learn the art of sales. …… Have fear of rejection ….

      People who are not ready to work on themselves ….

      7⃣ projection of where coaching industry going in next 5 years

      Platform based model ….
      Community centered model ….
      Courses and group coaching and one on one mentoring all at one platform ….
      Building tribe ….
      Tribe of like minded people ….
      Who are looking for simple solutions to one micro problems…

      8⃣ what was feeling for you ..moving all your courses online ….

      Its requires better trainer to do it online …you got to learn these tools and skill …its not that complicated ….

      #ilhfamily #youcancoach

    • Neeraj Kumar

      “Inside The Mind Of The Master Of Masters – Blair Singer Interview”

      Sidz – You have trained thousands of trainers, what drives you to learn and teach more and more?

      Blair – I always love to learn & share. As I have grown in this business and watched the people, the need for the leaders and teachers is big. I think it is critical, the future of the civilization, the future of this planet, is in the hands of the people that can be great leaders, teachers & facilitators. Otherwise through Climate Change, Through Economics, it will destroy the place. I think it is worthwhile & it gives me a sense of purpose.

      Sidz – Everyone wants to make a difference in this world, the biggest challenge is what do anyone pick as Topic to teach?

      Blair – If you have an urge to do and share with the world, first of all, what is the message in your DNA. Take a look into 6-7 stories of your life which has changed the direction of your life. When I tried to teach in 1983, one of the most successful guy told me that I did not know what I was talking about, I got junked. That really changed my life, it could have forced me to quit but it changed me to how to show myself and what was the message in it. The message for me was “You got to EARN THE RIGHT”. That was a big message for me.
      a. What are the 6-7 stories that changed your direction of life?
      b. What is the message in those stories?
      c. Where did you learn it? Did you learn it in your workplace, at home, in relationships?
      If you ask yourself these questions, there you will find your topic. The Universe tried to teach me “NEVER QUIT”. The topic is right in front of you, the problem is you don’t see it. The story that taught you something, you will get your topic there. You will see a pattern of the same.

      Sidz – What do you think are the core attributes of any trainer?

      Blair – You can not judge a trainer by cover. A certain level of ENERGY, certain FORCE, AUTHENTICITY, they put out to the world, you can pick it up easily in anyone. With that Force & Energy, there comes a willingness to do something, willingness to work on yourself. I think that a World Class trainer is with a Desire to learn.
      “If you are not good at SALES, nobody is going to hear you”. That is a Skill YOU MUST LEARN.

      Sidz – Why do you think Coaches & Trainers fail, in spite of everyone getting the same experience & knowledge?

      Blair – I think the people who fail in the business or quit is because they just don’t get their head around Selling, Marketing, etc. Back in the 80’s & 90’s it was not a big deal but now it is a very big deal. The skillset is important for all of these. Why would any person not want to learn that? There is some personal development issue. We can’t sell, why not. Because I am not good at it. Because you don’t like Rejection. The fact that you do a Webinar & Nobody would show up, or nobody would buy. Rather than finding that Motivating, you find it Discouraging to you. That’s a Personal Development issue which you can change. You choose to do that; depends how badly you want your message to put out into the world. How badly do you want to help other people?
      I think the other reason people fail is “AUTHENTICITY”. They have a hard time getting to the Truth. The ability to tell the Truth, to be Authentic, to be Real, is liberating. The Bible says “The Truth will set you Free”.

      Sidz – Where do you see the Coaching & Training industry moving forward?

      Blair – India has been a country of Spirituality & Growth for Centuries. In 1830, when the British came, they hijacked the Education System & removed the Spirituality from it & replaced it with Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, etc. That’s the system that went forward not only in India, to the whole world. That’s just not relevant anymore.
      The longest lag Industry is Education, 50 years, 5 years, etc. So, this is very slow industry to change. Post COVID 19, it is changing rapidly. If you think the people want out of their life which is wealth, health, happiness, relationships, have a connection, etc. None of these are taught in the school, not even Communication. Things that the people want the most, can’t even get from the school system. School system teaches almost the opposite of those things, they teach co-operation & cheating in school, one way communication between the teacher & the student.
      So now there is a flood of teachers and coaches who teaches things, for that people are paying money to learn things. The future is those big institutions will exist for the people, who teach technical skills, engineering, medicine, law, etc. The pandemic was horrible but it gave some gift, a glimpse of the future what it looks like. People are at home, teaching at home, finding the education that you want rather than going to the sources.

      Sidz – What was your experience in moving all your programs online, are you able to still deliver the impact through Zoom?

      Blair – I was fully confident that I could do it. If you understand the technology, you can do a lot of good stuff nut it requires a good teacher to do that. If you are boring offline, if you get online, you get more boring. When it happened, I was so excited that let’s take that forward. It was rough in the beginning but now it is getting faster & faster. We are creating the same kind of transformation. Few people say that the live online was the better than the live room, because they are at home, they are relaxed.

      Sidz – Lot of people are doing the same topics, what are your views on that & what do you think they cut through the noise?

      Blair – What’s makes someone different is, the methodology which will cut away half of your completion. If you are good at what you do, will lower the competition to 20-30%. From marketing perspective, what is your niche, who are your people, where is your Tribe, is important. If you start shooting video & only 20 people follow you, then start there. There is some Chemistry there, so work there. Don’t get much worry about somebody got 1.5k views on their video & I got 20. Don’t worry about that now, just get better and getting trained on how to do it better, get your energy up, work on yourself.
      By putting your message out consistently, by creating value to people, you will find your niche. There is no shortcut to it.

      Sidz – If you have to start once again, what would you do differently?

      Blair – I don’t think that I would do anything different. I have gone through amazingly catastrophic, amazingly fantastic phase of my life. Catastrophic when I didn’t like it at all, times I thought I would quit, I thought I would never make it, it was incredibly valuable, I would not change any of that. I would assemble a very good marketing team at the beginning. We have a Curriculum as Human Being, we should not have a shortcut on it.
      Some people learn it fast, some people learn it slow, some relearn, that’s what makes us a good teacher.


    • Vinodkumar Desai


      1. What was the environment by that time
      No social media
      Marketing was very simple
      Marketing was really different
      Slow process
      One on one sales
      Marketing concept were different

      People will shout out in the middle of program
      You got to learn how to be calm in that bad situation

      2. when you start to see people are getting open to program based model

      Its about your niche
      who are your audience
      personal development and selling – marketing concept works

      Does the teacher have authority and integrity, There track record is really high, they themselves are implementer, always learning new things???

      3. what makes you out stand
      learn new things, loves to learn and learn how to overcome new obstacle
      Future is for leaders, teachers and trainer

      4. when people are not sure about their topic
      What is the message that’s already in you
      What are those stories
      those personal story that change everything about your life. That is your message

      Things you don’t learn and it come back to with higher and higher intensity and finally you learn that It’s your message It’s your pattern

      5. what do you think the core attribute of world class trainer
      Be authentic and real
      Willingness to be continuous leaner
      Willingness to ask question

      Realize why you are doing what you are doing, Know it by asking right question

      Also be good at sales

      6. what do you think why some people fail inspite of getting same training

      People are not able to sell
      They are going to suffer, If people are not willing to learn the art of sales.
      Have fear of rejection

      People who are not ready to work on themselves

      7. Projection of where coaching industry going in next 5 years

      Platform based model
      Community centered model
      Courses and group coaching and one on one mentoring all at one platform
      Tribe Building

      8. what was feeling moving all your courses online

      better trainer to do it online


    • Debasmita Basu

      Thank you Siddharth for sharing the Interview with Blair Singer writer of Sales Dog ,Team Code of Honor through Podcast.
      It is an amazing learning experience which helped me to find inner core voice.
      Biggest Takeaways-
      From the Interview the knowledge and the learning I acquire.

      Q1. What was the environment like back then?

      Learning from Blair- There was no Social Media, as such when he started in 80’s, there was no such Social Media, and the marketing was very simple, and it was long copy , and a few emails.
      The Marketing was different , it was a very slow process and someone have to be good Copywriter. A basic training is being provided to change the Behaviors,which is really the training was about.,is getting a person to go from Point A to Point B. In short Fundamental Principle Training was imparted.
      I learnt about Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,Tony Robbins .
      Learnt about Robert Kiyosaki and Blair ,little previews for a Money and You Program, and learn the art of how to sell, but it was mostly one to sell, now it has changed a bit.

      Q2 .What were the strategies back in the’80s?

      Learning from Blair Answer- Learning about Tri- Fold Flyers and the Marketing copy.

      Q3. When did you start to see people being more open to programs and things like that? Before that in the personal development world, the big Influence have been Think and Grow Rich and some other book?

      Learning from Blair-
      Should have a clear concept of Niche and the Target Audience.
      He spoke about Marshall, he was the person who believed in the combination of both personal growth and the business of selling and team and marketing. He too spoke about something which is stopping its not only the communication behavior, Marketing behavior or selling behavior issue apart from it Personal Development issues based on prior experience , which is called their little voice. But according from 90’s it began to open up quite a bit.

      Q4. What’s that factor that keeps you in the game?

      Answer learning from Blair- His answer nicely portrayed about Future of our Civilization, according to him the future planet is in the hands of people that can be great leaders , teachers and facilitators .
      Great Learning to teach the World with purpose and direction and love the people whoever you met during the process.

      Q5. If somebody is not clear sure about their niche or topic ,what do you think is the best approach to it according to you?

      Learning – You should have a Urge towards learning, teaching and sharing
      He spoke about Trainers Mastery Program series and Gold Certification. According to him everybody has the teaching capacity within his/her DNA..

      Q6. Social media is the tool to make a difference?

      Important Point- You start worrying about what other people are doing you’re never going to get off square one, that for sure.

      Q7.According to you , if you have to Crystallize it down to the attributes of a World -class trainer from your view, what do you look for?

      Learning from Blair- Certain energies desire willingness to put the energy out, to be Authentic and to be real. Education means to draw out of ,it doesn’t mean to jam into. So the whole idea of Education ,the way we teach it is through a series of questions and fishing all that stuff,is to pull the information from people ,not to manipulate it ,but get then to come to their own discoveries., that requires a lot of accelerated learning and experimental stuff where they can get Bulb on experience.

      Q8. Why do you feel Coaches and Trainers fail in their business despite going through a program, despite everyone getting the same experience and knowledge, why is it some people don’t make it?

      Learning from Blair Answer-
      The reason behind people fail in Authenticity
      Tips to be followed –
      According to Blair -The Holy Bible says Truth will set you free.
      – to able to tell the truth
      -to be Authentic
      -to be real
      – no -holds- barred.

      Q8. Now after Covid everything is changing so fast, According to you ,if you had a crystal ball , where do you see the coaching and training industry moving forward, projecting into the next 5-10 years ? Do you have any vision of that?

      Lesson Learned- He spoke about Dr.Buckminister Fuller , who is one of his mentor, that every Industry is having lag.Lag is the difference vin time between an idea and its implementation. The longest Lag Industry is Education – which needs lots of time and attention, but after Covid -19 – it accelerated quite a bit. He is getting a vision of Home schooling.

      Q9.For building a platform where we can have products , we can have programs, and we can have personal coaching all under one most community – centered approach?
      Highlighted Point-
      If you understand the context ,as long as a trainer knows how to set a context that’s tight enough that you are here .

      Q10.About Competition in the Marketplace?

      Highlighting my Learning-


      Q11. If you had to start scratch from today ,what do you do differently Blair?

      He quoted his Mentor Bucky Fuller – “I wouldn’t rue a thing. I wouldn’t change a thing.”.

      Q12.Tell us about your Gold Certification and who do you think this is ideally for ? What do you look for in a person who is deciding to become a Gold- Certified Member with you?
      Learning- According to him ,the lose who feel that they have got important knowledge and experience to share.Be clear about what they are supposed to do ,the type of person that really loves helping people.


    • Shobhana Pawar

      What a beautiful experience to learn from a legendary himself!

      The more I listen to him the more I believe in goodness and humanity.

      Every word of his is the golden takeaway for me but to summarize my learnings from this interview, I would say:
      “If you have a good heart and desire to help others then do not let the external negativity or your own inner nagging voice kill it. Work on personal development, niche clarity, essential learnings and be willing to put out the knowledge for those who need it. ”

      Thank you Siddharth for sharing this eye opening interview with us.

      Gratitude ✨😊

    • Janardan Kar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      1. Lifelong learning.
      2. Earning the right.
      3. Never quitting
      4. Not pushing knowledge, but extracting it from the client.
      5. Skill to sell is very important
      7. Personal transformation
      8.Acceepting rejection
      9. Knowing why.
      10. The present Education system is not connected to spirituality. There is a great lag in the education system.

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