Planning your business growth for the next 3 months will help you make progress much faster than taking things on a day-to-day ad-hoc basis. In this podcast, I'm going to walk through a simple 3 months business planning exercise you give you better clarity on your next action steps.
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72 replies to "How To Craft A 5-Step Business Plan For Next 3 Months"
Thanks Sidz for sharing this.
My learning’s
1. Revenue goal- How much income you need and allocate expenses for home, recurring expense etc
2. Monthly theme – One month focus on content , one month for creating courses, tribe building, list out top 3 themes for next 3 months.
3. Define what are the top 5 actions you need to take for those themes. Total 15 actions.
4. Get clear on your weekly focus. ( For each month) Total 12 slots for actions
5. Get to work- Remove all distractions . Remove social media apps. Say no to other projects , say no to the people who are not aligned. Put your phone on airplane mode and work on the task for 90 min
Thanks Sushil!
Got New Quarter’s New Clarity for the Mission Crore Club
Awesome, more power to you!
Thankyou so Much sir for Imparting such a wonderful knowledge in a simple way.
You’re welcome Khem!
“How To Craft A 5-Step Business Plan For Next 3 Months”
1). Have to Clear Revenue Goal for next 3 Months – Have a practical numbers for revenue goal for the next 3 months, also have a rough calculation of expenses for 3 months.
2). Need to be Clear on Monthly Theme – Like one month you can focus on Systems, Next month on Teams, Third Month on Content. Similarly you can divide your months on creating courses, improving sales process, automating the systems, Tribe Building, Launching New Ad Campaign, Launching New Ad Traffic Source, etc.
3). Define Top 5 Actions you have to take for each of the Themes (Important Step) – Define top 5 actions for each of your themes for which you have decided to focus on every month. For 3 Months you need to have 15 Actions (5 Actions per Themes for 3 Months).
4). Divide Top 5 Actions in week – Like Month 1, Week 1 – You have to do X Action, Month 1, Week 2 – Y Action, etc. Make a plan the same way for next 3 Months.
5). Get to Work, Remove All Distractions –
a. Remove all Social Media Apps from your phone,
b. Say “No” to all other Projects which are not aligned to your Goals,
c. Say “No” to all the People who are not aligned to your Goals
d. Stay Away from the People who suck your Energy and you don’t feel good to be with (Bottom Feeders)
e. Start Working in Chunks of 90 Minutes Everyday (If you have to do some task, put your phone in Aeroplane Mode, Block out 90 Minutes, Get Stuff Done)
Thanks for these detailed Notes.
Super stuff Neeraj!
🔥🔥🔥how to plan 5 step new business for next quarter 🔥🔥🔥
Its all about the simplicity …and planning what’s more important things right now ….
1⃣Get clear on your revenue goal from your business …. And be clear about money alocation….. Clear in flow the outflow …. For me its 300000 in three months (I have to earn this 300000 for getting into diamond membership and .paying back education loan)
2⃣Decide monthly theme….. Focus on content …. Tribe building … Launching new ads … Write down top three theme for next three month …. For me it next 5 days for mindmap… Live video content … 5 day or 11 days WhatsApp class… Webinar ….
3⃣ Action focus . write down top 5 action for each theme …. Some action are .. Exploring xmind mindmap software already made my first mindmap…. Setting up basic hardware … Practicing doing class in laptop with pentab… Learn to Create reels and long form content …. Learning paid ads art
… Learning to wakeup early😃😃 ….
4⃣ Weekly Action Focus …. Weekly action … For this 5 days create at least 15 more mindmap …..
5⃣ Get to work ….. Remove all distraction …. Say no to all those people who are not align to your goal …. Get stuff done within 90 minutes…..
m grateful …
Nice one Meenu. Btw how do you insert those “numbers in the block” inside the comment section?
As I do type comments from my phone …. These are available in emoji section …. You know lots of section are there starting from smile …before flag section you can find these number … Connect with me over mighty network I will show you ….
Thanks, Meenu. I got it.
Thanks Meenu!
Plan a 3 month expense/income
Run a theme for the business for each month, which is a focus area for your business.
Think what are the top 5 todo for each monthly theme
Slot your action for each week of the 5 todo’s
How does it help? You gain clarity for the quarter.
Avoid bottom feeders and time eating activities during this time.
Work in 90 min chunks.
Super! I hope you’ve got all your numbers in place!
Thank you so much Siddharth, I am really bow down infront of you .It gives me a pure idea of how to Structure the business in coming next Quarter -July, August, September 2022
As mentioned as being an Entrepreneur everyday I am doing lots of struggling and juggling with Clients tantrums.
The Plan of my business at Next Quarter-
Simplicity and Clarity.
5 Steps which I crafted after listening your podcast
1.Clear of Revenue Goal
How much Income I will generate within the coming 3 months-
Expenses – Outflow and Inflow
Income – Rs 3 lakhs per months
Expense – Rs 1.5 Lakhs per month
2. Monthly Theme System
1st Month- Focus on Creating Curriculum, Building Team,Creating Videos , Doing lots of R and D.
2nd Month- Creating Web Page , Creating Landing Page , Focus on Email Marketing, Launching New page or Traffic Source to Generate Organic Leads , Start collecting 100 Questions and take a Challenge to complete 50 Videos and 10 Podcasts, Rand D is must must for my growth.
3rd Month- Webselling , Content remodeling if anything require upload in Teachable and Automate the Business. R and D is always there for my Upgrade.
3. Regular Activities-
– 5 Types of Actions
Month 1 – focus on Curriculum
– Taking lots of notes 📝 from ILH School
– Implementing on my Curriculum
– I will work on technical aspects like the Tools too
– Focus on Budget of the business to grow
2nd Month – Focus on learning to build Web Page
– Focus on learning to building Landing Page
-Focus on Creating Groups in Social Media
– focus to learn how to create FB Ads ,and Ads in other Social media.
– Will work on Instagram Reels to promote the business
– Focus on preparing budget as well.
3rd Month- – Focus on Budget
– Focus to become more Technical
– To upload my Course in Teachable
– learn to do Automation
– Focus on Business Growth of Enterprenuers by conducting Webinars .
4 . Weekly Focus
1 month – 1- Week Rand D
2- Implement on Curriculum
3- Week Focus on Curriculum
4- Curriculum and Rand D and will work on Technical Tools as well
2nd Month – 1 st Week – will work on Building Teams ; Website Building and Landing Page.
2nd Week – Making Videos and will start collecting 100 questions
3rd Week and 4th Week – Will practice providing Webinar to close groups
– Collecting Testimonials and Feedback and any changes require will work on it.
3rd Month – 1st Week and 2nd week – Trial
– Delegating some technical work to the Professionals.Any changes RAnd D Learning will be there
3rd and 4th Week –
– Upload the Course in Teachable and will focus on Automation of the Whole System, Business Meet and focus on reaching Hall of Fame .
5.Get to work – Avoiding Distraction , keeping myself away from people who add no values to my Curriculum. 90 mins daily I will focus on my Studies and Upgrading my goals
very detailed notes. This helps a lot to many. Thanks for this.
Excellent Debasmita!
Thank you Siddharth. This Podcast really help me to have a clarity towards achieving goal. It is really an honor to share with everyone. Thanks Samir as well for the encouragement. MPTY.
5 step Business Plan for next 3 months
-Plan in advance and focus
-Set quarterly goals
-Get Inflow and outflow clarity for next 3 months
-Define top 5 actions for those 3 themes.
-Deside weekly actions for a month.
-Form 12 different weekly slots
-Clarity gives you power.
– Move all distractions. Say no to ideas, people who don’t align with your goals.
– start working on your plan.
To the point notes. keep doing.
Step 1: Clear on Your Income Goal. It should be practical and realistic.
Set Income Goal for 3 months
Work on Expense for 3 months
Step 2: Clear on Your Monthly Theme. Systematically focus on content, marketing (Ads on Social Media), sales webinars for specific months for that particular quarter.
Step 3: Top actions to be taken for above 2 steps. Top 5 actions.
Work on more webinars…
Create and Launch L3 Course for up-selling
Step 4: Weekly Focus.
Month 1 W1, W2 W3, W4
Month 2 W1, W2 W3, W4
Month 3 W1, W2 W3, W4
Step 5: Declutter Yourself with all distraction. Work in 90 mins chunk.
Keep your action and income goals in mind and be realistic to attain the target you set for this quarter from July to Sept.’22.
Awesome Sidz. Amazingly fantastic and crisp knowledge bullet. Very informative and practical. Kudos to your teaching methodology.
Very good Dr.Vishwas!
Crafting a 5_step business plan for next 3 months
Simplicity n clarity_what’s next ? With this i hv built a multi_ million dollar business with only 3 employees and no office
1. Clear on revenue goal for next 3_months
Also clear with expenses for nxt 3 mnths
2.clear on monthly themes
1 mnth_systems
1mnth_teams n processes
3.most important_top 5 actions for these themes
4.get clear on your weekly focus
Mnth 1 _ wk 1 , wk 2 ,wk 3 , wk 4
Clarity gives you power and conviction to move forward
Step 5 _ get to work
Delete all social media apps
Say no to all things and negative people not aligned with your goal
Work in chunk of 90 mts
Upgrade to Diamond membership
Real action happening there !
Nice one Vikram.
Very good Vikram!
Loved doing the 5 steps. Even a 10-minute podcast is filled with lots of action-taking. Love that.
Very nice!
Plan your business in 5 steps for 3 month.
simplicity and clarity is the main aspect.
Revenue goal _As how much income do you need in 3month like July~Sept’22.
Monthly theme _ In knowledge business, your monthly theme for next three month.Q2.
step 3 _what are the top 5 theme for next 3 month.
step4_ get clear in your weekly theme split action plane
if you have done above next quarte is going to be superb.
Step 5_ last step get to work. delete all the social media files .say no to every thing and focus on your goal and task.
above is power of steps
Excellent Praful!
how to plan 5 step new business for next quarter
Its all about the simplicity and planning
1. Get clear on your revenue goal for next 3 months
2. Monthly theme –
– Focus on contents
– Improving sales process
– Tribe building
– Focus on System
– Tweaking the team and processes
– Creating new courses
– Launching new ad campaign
– Launching new traffic source
Choose top 3 themes for major focus
3. Top 5 actions to for each of these themes
* contents – Research, read & write contents on verious social media channels
* Improving sales process – study on organic & inorganic leads creation, visibility, and customer engagement
* Tribe building – New Collaboration and Customer engagement, one to one, webinars
4. Time Slot weekly –
M1W1 – Research, read & write contents, customer engagement
M1W2 – Research, read & write contents, customer engagement
M1W3 – Research, read & write contents, customer engagement
M1W4 – Research, read & write contents, customer engagement
M2W1 – write contents, study on organic & inorganic leads creation, visibility, and customer engagement
M2W2 – write contents, study on organic & inorganic leads creation, visibility, and customer engagement
M2W3 – write contents, Leads generation, visibility, and customer engagement
M2W4 – write contents, Leads generation, visibility, and customer engagement
M3W1 – write contents, Leads generation, visibility, and customer engagement
M3W2 – write contents, Leads generation, visibility, and customer engagement
M3W3 – New Collaboration and Customer engagement, one to one, webinars
M3W4- New Collaboration and Customer engagement, one to one, webinars
5. Get to work, remove all distractions – say no to projects, peoples not aligned to goal
Start working chunks of 90 min everyday complete one task and move to the next task
Many Thanks.
Great Notes and super valuable for reference. Keep posting Vinod.
I love my mentor and super mentor. I want to surround myself with them. That is a burning desire, and I want their plain action plan for all time to come. And when I spend time with them, I want their meditative best. And today is one such day. But of course I love when they elaborate with lot of insights.
Here is my financial goal for -July, August, September 2022
Rs. 1.5 lac per month. this means I shall be HOF by the September 2022 or before. I love the synchronicity of dates, my intention and the amount.
I am already spending on tools.
1. My intention right now – to serve and serve and serve my customers with the pain.
I love my clients. They want something very specific, and something they usually not finding solution to. No example, no youtube, no amount of mindset building is solving their problem.
The problem of growth. So that is my golden opportunity. I intuitively know how they can reach from point a to point B..
And they will be my repeat customers.
So I need to have fewer customers with the result so that the next stream of customers will be automatic.
2. Already paying for the tools. And as soon as I have 30 customers, I can run FB Ads. Start with Rs. 5000- 10000 per month. That will create 100-200 extra leads. at 10% success rate, 10 people will buy my Rs.5999 /- deal. That makes it Rs. 59,990/- about 5X of Revenue.
July – 10 sales of Rs. 5999/- offer
3. Monthly Theme System
1st Month- Offer package for Rs.5999/- conceptual,
Rs. 9999/- for Resume, 5 cover letters,PPT and pictch-deck for them
update the time management ebook
Complete 1 Mindset challenge, Landing page design
25 videos- 25 podcasts
20 Insta reels
Recreate the mindset ebook
2nd Month- Message planning for 1-1 call (Taking help of the 100 questions)
Career growth path. Zeroing down for the desired career Rs. 19,999/-
1000 competency stories – completing the 1000 slides.
upload in teachable.
Rs.1.5 lac for helping them with the stories.
25 videos-25 podcasts
20 insta reels/posts
1 customer 1.5 lac. 20 customers for Rs. 5999/-
3rd Month- Rigorous marketing. 3 customer/month for $2000.
20 customers for Rs. 5999/-
3. Regular Activities-
– 5 Types of Actions
Regular sales Rs.199 – 50
25 videos-25 podcasts
20 insta reels/posts
More frameworks with smaller offers
Regular challenges ( 3 mindset challenges in 3 months)
4 . Weekly Focus
Videos – Thumbnails , & podcast
LinkedIn Articles
1-1 calls
Offer creation
5.Get to work – No distraction. Attending hackathons, Coach calls, regular reading, updating content
Very detailed notes, Sangeeta. Thanks for sharing this. This is helpful to be used as a reference.
Excellent Sangeeta!! truly an honour to have you in our community! MPTY
— How to Craft a 5 step Business plan for next 3 months —
Be Clear with your revenue goal
How much income do you need to achive for your business (In Flow)
Your expenses (Out Flow)
List down the regular activities for the next three months that you are going to focus (Monthly theme)
Define what are the top 5 actions that you are going to take for each of these themes
Get clear on your weekly focus for each month
Get to work
Remove all distractions
Remove all spcial media apps from your phone
Say no to all other projects that are do not allign with your goal
Say no to all the people who are not allign with your goal
Start working in a chunk of 90 minutes
Very good Samir! Thanks for contributing to this thread daily!
Thanks, Siddharth for such valuable topics every day which makes me addicted to listening and grabbing the knowledge from every single topic.
— How to Craft a 5 step Business plan for the next 3 months —
– Be Clear with your revenue goal
–How much income do you need to achieve for your business (In Flow)
–Your expenses (Out Flow)
-List down the regular activities for the next three months that you are going to focus on (Monthly theme)
-Define what are the top 5 actions that you are going to take for each of these themes
-Get clear on your weekly focus for each month
-Get to work
–Remove all distractions
–Remove all special media apps from your phone
–Say no to all other projects that are do not align with your goal
–Say no to all the people who are not align with your goal
–Start working in a chunk of 90 minutes
My Deep Learnings from the podcast –
How to craft a 5 step business plan for next 3 Months ?
I am really grateful to Sidz for giving this clear cut point shooter style information.These are like golden nugets for me.Here is what I learnt deeply 👇
Only Focus on the important things.
clear on your revenue goal get clear on your expenses how much money want to earn in next 3 month.
Total revenue goal -1,50,000 rupees
Total expenses -75,000 rupees
Get clear on your monthly theme month-1 theme -content marketing month-2 theme-self-free webinars & community building
month -3theme -Course creation &sales.
Define what are the top five actions you got to take.
1.English speaking practice speech every single day on YouTube videos your webinars.structuring
5.Work on your community building
Get clear on your weekly focus
each month has four weeks like month 1 week(1,2,3,4)
Like my month number 1 and theme number 1 is content marketing so in the first month there are 4 weeks and each week I have to work on my content marketing skill and so on for the other months and themes.
Clarity gives you the power it’s you the conviction to move forward most entrepreneurs their struggling because they don’t know what to do.
They just like everyday they wake up and think about what to do for today I have no plan
And the final step is here
Remove all distractions
delete all social media apps.
Say no to all the projects that do not aligned with my revenue goals.
say no to all these people who are not aligning with my goals.
There are some people with whom I don’t feel good .They just suck out my energy .I have to
stay away from them for atleast next 3 months.
I will block out 90 minutes and put my phone aeroplane mode and get one task done then move to the next.
That’s how I can hit my revenue goals with much more clarity.btw i am a silver member aspiring to be Diamond.
Thank you so much Sidz for giving me unbelievable clarity in my life.Thank you so much.
Amazing Mahesh!
5 steps business plans for next 3 months.
1)Clear on revenue goal- Clear on inflow and outflow of expenses. Fix the figures of income and expenses for next 3 months.
2) Monthly Theme – Focus on different activities what you have to do in each month. Eg. FOCUS ON System, Creating new courses, Content,Teaching team new processes, Tribe building, creating new ad campaigns, New YouTube ads.
3)Define what top 5 action to be taken.
PPT, New platform for the team to be launched, Design team to do the designing work, etc to take action.
4) Slot down in the weekly basis- Top 5 action you slot down. One month -1 week,2nd month 1week, 3rd month 1 week and so on divide action into 12 weeks.
5) Get to work – Say no to all you are not align with the goal. Start working 90 min chunk then move to the next plan.
Upgrade yourself.
Thank you Sir.
Excellent Trupti!
Thank you Sidz Sir for your wonderful podcast, “5-Steps Business Plan for Next Three Months” which you have summarized in a beautiful manner as under :
1. Clear on your revenue and expenses for the next three months
2. Clear on your monthly themes, one month on systems, one month on team development and next month for content development .
3. Define the five steps one need to take for each of the above themes, 5 actions per themes for 3 months
4. Divide your action in weeks
M-1 , W-1, W-2 , W-3, and W-4
M-2, W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4
M-3 , W-1 W-2 , W-3 and W-4
5. Focus on work and and be away from all destructions like ; removing all social media apps from your system, say no to all other projects and focus on your theme , say no to people who are not aligned to your goals , stay away from people who such away all your energy . Start working every day for at least 90 minutes . Really it is a great challenge to follow these five steps . If followed properly may bring desired fruits in time to come.
Perfect Ramesh! More power to you…
Simple 5 steps to build business for the next months..
Simplicity and clarification for the business
Step 1 need to clear revenue Goals ( July, August and September)
Plan for How much Income do you need from business
Inflow and outflow of the cash..
Plan for the next 3months income and expenses..
Step2: Theme for the months
Step 3: Define what are the top 5 actions that you got to take on the theme..
Step :4 put the actions into week
Plan as Month1 week1 action
Month 1 week 2 action
Month1 week3 action
Month1 week3 action …and so till August schedule the months..(12weeks)
Step5 Get to work and remove all distractions..
Say no to people
Say no to what is irrelevant
Start working in chunks 90mins everyday
Work on planned weeks and execute it..
I have done designing and planning as guided by you Sir
pause and plan
This is really worth planning to execute the plannings and working on it with complete mindset ..
Wants to upgrade for the Diamond membership…..
Thank you
Shanthi Mangilal
Thanks for sharing Shanti!!
How To Craft A 5-Step Business Plan For Next 3 Months
Prioritize things on a monthly and weekly basis
What are the essential elements that you need
1) Get clear on revenue goals
Total Income-3 Months
Total Expense-3 Months
2) Get Clear on the Monthly theme
1st Monthly Theme-Focus on Content Creation
2nd Monthly Theme- Focus on System
3rd Monthly Theme- Focus on Sales and Process automating
3)Define the Top 5 Action
1st Month Theme-Focus on Content Creation- 5 Action
2nd Month Theme-Focus on System- 5 Action
3rd Month Theme- Focus on Sales and Process automating-5 Action
4) Get Clear on Weekly Focus
1st Month Week 1 2nd Month Week 1 3rd Month Week 1
Week 2 Week 2 Week 2
Week 3 Week 3 Week 3
Week 4 Week 4 Week 4
5)Get to work
Remove all distraction
Delete all social media app on phone
Say no to all other projects that do not align with your goals with the revenue goals
Say no to a;; those people who do not align with goals
Start working in 90 min Everday if you have to complete one task jsut block out 90min put your phone on aeroplane mode and just get stuff done in 90min.
Work on the plan.
Thank you 🙏Siddharth these day to day adhoc podcast are giving me so much clarity and focus.
Superb notes taken Vijay!
Wow Sidz!!! Super podcast. As a beginner in your course, its just the dose needed. It has brought super clarity for the next three months.
My notes for today:
Step 1: Estimating Your Income and Expenses for Next 3 Months
Income for Three Months | Expenses of Three Months
Step 2 : Top Three Themes per month
1. Course Building
2. Systems Building
3. Ad Campaigns
Step 3 : Top 5 Actions that You need to Take for these themes
Month 1: (Course Building)
1) Deciding the Courses
2) Naming the Course
3) Categorizing them into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
4) Recording the Courses
5) Finalizing the pricing
Month 2: (Systems Setup)
1) Finalizing the Website
2) LMS
3) Setting up the Community
4) Email Marketing System
5) Managing Traffic System
Month 3: (Ad Campaigns)
1. Creating Ads for different platforms[YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram]
2. Setting up the funnels on each of these platforms
3. Setting Ads Budgets
4. Rehearsing Webinars
5. Launching Webinar Selling
Step 4: Weekly Targets
Month 1:
Week 1: Point 1 to 3
Week 2 to 4 : Point 4
Week 4 : Point 5
Month 2:
Week 1 & 2: Finalizing the Website
Week 2 & 3 : Point 2 and 3
Week 4: Point 4 and Point 5
Month 3:
Week 1: Point 1 to 3
Week 2 & 3: Point 4
Week 5 : Point 5
Points to Remember:
1) Delete all social media apps from your phone
2) Disconnect with all activities that don’t align with your goal
3) Disconnect with all those people who don’t align with your goal
4) Start working in chunks of 90 minutes
Excellent Kapeel! I love your commitment towards the learning here…
5 Step Business Plan
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
Step 1
Revenue Goal – Quarter (July, August, September)
1. Income – Rs 500000/-
2. Expenses – Rs200000/-
Step 2
Monthly Theme – Activities
July – Content (Blog, Video, Podcast) | Facebook Live | Outcome – FB Group 500 Members
August – Webinar | Conversions | Email List | Email Nurturing | Outcome – Email List 5000 Subscribers, 12 Conversions per week
September – Inner Circle – 80-100 Members | Understanding Audience | 121 Calls | Outcome – 60 to 100 – 121Calls
Step 3
Top 5 Actions to be taken for the themes
1. Create Content (Blog, Video & Podcast)
2. Promote Content
3. Go Facebook Live
4. Get few Participants for a 30 day challenge
5. Get Testimonials
6. Running Facebook Ads, Using Google Ads for Traffic to Website
7. Start Doing Webinars – 12 conversions per webinar (12 x 4999 = 59988) x 8 webinars = 8 x 59988 = 479904 Revenue
8. Grow Email List
9. 4 week Email Course for Nurturing
10. Sending One Email per week – VVP
11. Showing up with guests on Facebook Live
12. Getting on to 121 calls
13. Understanding the audience
14. Improving the Course Curriculum
15. Get questions from Inner Circle
Step 4
Get Clear on Weekly Focus
M1W1 – Content
M1W2 – FB Live
M1W3 – 30 Day Challenge
M1W4 – FB Ads
M2W1 – Webinar
M2W2 – Conversions
M2W3 – Email Course
M2W4 – Testimonials
M3W1 – 121 Calls
M3W2 – Conversions
M3W3 – Conversions
M3W4 – Testimonials
Step 5
Get to Work
This exercise is Crazy, Simple, and Mind-Blowing
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Superb Santosh!! I’m sure you will break through and achieve these goals!
#ilh deeplearner
1)revenue goal (income, expense and inflow and outflow)
2)monthly theme (top theme for each month, here atleast for 3)
3)define top actions for each of these themes (15 action plan (5*3))
4) get clear on weekly focus (4 weeks in a month)
5) get to work (say no to all projects, people not aligned with your goal and work in chunks that is 90 minute then move to next step(
Thanks Reema. Keep coming back for more…
Hi Reema, perfect! the key is to keep learning through the journey, these are great insights 🙂
💥 How to Craft a 5 Step Business Plan for Next 3 Months
👉 Plan Income & Expense flow for next three months
(Marketing, Operation, General etc)
👉 Plan Theme for the next three months beside regular activity
Go deep for a Month on one Topic each Month & shuffle for next three Months
(Systems, Team Building, Creating Content, Creating new Course, Improve Sales Process, Automation, Launch New Ads, Tribe building, New Traffic Source)
👉 Curate Top 5 specific actions to complete each monthly theme task (15 task make list)
👉 Get Clear on weekly Focus
Split all above 5 task in small result oriented activities
👉 Remove all distraction & get to work
⚡️Say no to all who are not align to this goal
No to people ❌
No to projects ❌
💡Create a chunk of 90 Minutes & Complete 1 major task of the day. During this put your phone on Aeroplane mode⚡️
Thanks Sidz for giving us this plan. Here is my take aways with my plan.
5 steps business plan Next 3 months
1) Clarity on Revenue – Income n Expenses
Income 100K/month
Expense 30K/month
2) Monthly themes
July – FB Ads
August – One on One Consultation
September – Community
3) Top 5 actions for each theme
▫️FB Ads
1) Create Audiences
2) Catchy one min. video Ad
3) Post knowledge base videos on BPA on my FB Community Group
4) Check performance of my ads
5) Take feedback on ads from new joinees
▫️One on One Consultation
1) Collect background info of prospects
2) Prepare questionnaire
3) Do BPA Assessment
4) Provide solution through email
5) Take follow up
4) Weekly focus
W1 – FB Ad contents
W2 – FB Ad videos
W3 – BPA Knowledge base videos
W4 – BPA Knowledge base videos
W1 – Consultation pitch
W2 – BPA Consultation video
W3 – BPA Assessment
W4 – Send reports with solutions
W1 – Free Master Class for community
W2 – Create challenge for community
W3 – Rewards to achievers
W4 – Approach for 2nd level
5) Get on work – 90 mins. with no Destraction
Thanks Sir for showering your precious knowledge with us.
My Learnings From This Podcast-
Steps 1- Get Clear On Your Revenue Goal- In the next 3 months how much income do you need to bring in your business. Have your inflow and outflow clear.
Step 2- Get Clear On Your Monthly Theme- Decide on what is the theme of the month for example creating new courses, improving the sales process, automating your systems, tribe building etc. List down top 3 themes for each month for the next 3 months.
Step 3- Define what are the top 5 actions that you got to take for each of those months.
Step 4- Get clear on your weekly focus (For each month). Total 12 slots for actions.
Step 5- Get to work, remove all distractions, delete all social media apps from your phones and say no to all other projects and people that do not align with your goals. Start working in chunks of 90 minutes.
This five plan for next three is more of practical approach which will definately give track to travel smoothly. Now implementation is driving point and i will drive through. Thank for insights.
“How To Craft A 5-Step Business Plan For Next 3 Months”
1). Have to Clear Revenue Goal for next 3 Months – Have a practical numbers for revenue goal for the next 3 months, also have a rough calculation of expenses for 3 months.
2). Need to be Clear on Monthly Theme – Like one month you can focus on Systems, Next month on Teams, Third Month on Content. Similarly you can divide your months on creating courses, improving sales process, automating the systems, Tribe Building, Launching New Ad Campaign, Launching New Ad Traffic Source, etc.
3). Define Top 5 Actions you have to take for each of the Themes (Important Step) – Define top 5 actions for each of your themes for which you have decided to focus on every month. For 3 Months you need to have 15 Actions (5 Actions per Themes for 3 Months).
4). Divide Top 5 Actions in week – Like Month 1, Week 1 – You have to do X Action, Month 1, Week 2 – Y Action, etc. Make a plan the same way for next 3 Months.
5). Get to Work, Remove All Distractions –
a. Remove all Social Media Apps from your phone,
b. Say “No” to all other Projects which are not aligned to your Goals,
c. Say “No” to all the People who are not aligned to your Goals
d. Stay Away from the People who suck your Energy and you don’t feel good to be with (Bottom Feeders)
e. Start Working in Chunks of 90 Minutes Everyday (If you have to do some task, put your phone in Aeroplane Mode, Block out 90 Minutes, Get Stuff Done)
Good takeaways!
Pure clarity from your end regarding the 3 months Action plan, Implimentaion is from my end. Thank you sid.
will have to write my revenue goals again & look at them everyday. And yes planning everyday with high productive tasks is important. Distractions are to be minimized specially social media.
Awesome, more power to you!
1month :
5 actions -)
– Do reels
– Create contents
– do research of target market
– post regularly
– take review
– launch pdf
– create leads
– start selling
– landing page
– growth of self
– do 121 session
– start podcasting
– make YouTube videos
– collabs
– automate tools
Good points!
That was a great time management tool.
1. Have started spending on tools.
2. Following Sid’s hackathon to the T. Want to be the freedom finisher.
3. Building all my pages, website, , funnels, courses, etc which is going to be a massive task for me .
4. Implementing, developing connections, setup,
5. Dividing the focus week wise so that I don’t get overwhelmed.
Thank you sid 🤗