Are you curious to know how cultures are created, and more importantly, how they grow and expand? After studying religious movements, political movements, and musical communities, I have drawn quite a few lessons and laid them down in 6 practical steps.
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45 replies to "How Cultures & Communities Are Created"
How cultures and communities are created, 6 Things are :-
1. There has to be a Core Leader.
2. That core has to be with a Message
3. Every culture starts small at the beginning.
4. Through Nurturing with Communities
5. Empower Leaders.
6. When the empowered leaders take it forward.
Thanks Sumesh!
Mission First
Community Second
And Me Third!
Yes! Ananta
*How Cultures & Communities Are Created*
How culture and sub-culture created
1. Gandhi believed that truth (Satya), non-violence (ahimsa), and the Golden Rule were at the core of every religion.
2. Core culture is the underlying value that defines organizational identity through visual culture.
3. How culture is created Rallying
4. Successfully nurturing culture involves complex behaviors, values, systems, and rituals that define an organization.
5. Empower Leaders: the type of organization where policies are determined by the people who are encouraged to make their own decisions to create great customer experiences.
6. Revolution created
Thank you for sharing Ram!
There are six steps. how culture and community are created
# Leader of a powerful core.
# That core has to be developed in core massage.
#Rallying starts and spreads.
# Nurturing happens .
#Empower leader.
#Revolution created .
Few invisible steps are
Intention ,Integrity and mission first community second and me is third factor for any culture and community creation .
Thanks Praful!
What are the elements of a culture or sub-culture?
The 6 steps to take your message and make it into a movement:
How cultures & sub cultures are created?
1. Core Leader: Eg., Mother Teresa : LOVE the golden unwritten rule at the pure core ….
2. Core culture is the underlying value that defines organizational identity through visual culture.
3. How culture is created – through Rallying though starting small;
4. Successfully nurturing culture involves complex behaviours, values, systems, and rituals that define an organization.
5. Empower Leaders: the type of organization where policies are determined by the people who are encouraged to make their own decisions to create great customer experiences.
6. Revolution is created by the loyal people.
Excellent Dhanesh!
How cultures and communities are created?
1. You have to have a pure core that is vibing and resonating beyond you to a market Charismatic Leader with a powerful core. Leaders who start movements are selfless in nature their aspiration is not to be the industry leader.
2. That core has to develop into the core message.
3. Rallying has started. Word of mouth happens. Core culture is formed. Thorugh rallying attraction happens.
4. Leaders emerge from the culture. In nurturing Communities believers come together.
5. Empower Leaders. People who are loyal to the culture come together.
If you look at every leader who wanted to create a revolution they were not the center of the equation.
Once the revolution is started and created the younger generation will join in they wanted be accepted in that culture. The ones who started it will never be wanted to be seen or heard there was just
There is a difference between pure aspiration and their intention was not be the center of attraction the people who started it never want to be seen or heard so intention and integrity are invisible factors.
Blair Singer said
Mission First
Community Second
Me Three
Prabhu Prahalad had never wanted to be the center of attraction
How cultures & communities are Created..
1. Charismatic Leader with very powerful Core
2. Core Message to be articulated & starts spreading in Market
3. Rallying among the believers
4. Nurturing with various methods
5. Empowering the emerging Leaders
6. Revolution actually created & taken forward by emerged leaders
Thanks Maheshwari!
How Cultures & Communities Are
6 Steps
01 : For any culture or sub culture or community to be formed there has to
Core leader .
You need to have a pure core which is
Larger than you.
Charismatic leader.
02 : That core has to develop into a.
Core message.
The core message should have kind of resonance that really resonates with
Everyone else.
03 : Every culture starts small and over
A period of time & the word of 👄
Starts to spread.
The falling is third step.
04 : Through nurturing all these
Believers come together.
05 : You need to empower leaders,
Leaders will emerge people who
Resonate & are loyal to culture
And community is actually being
06 : When the empowered leaders start to go forward. They take the revolution
Good points!
“Mission first, community second and me third”
Which is a great formula.
I think Cultures and Communities are created based on this formula only.
But, now a days the formula is totally reversed. Most of the so called leaders from various cultures and communities are self-centered.
Thank you Sidz!!!
Thanks Yugandhar!
Key Points:
• Charismatic Leader Powerful Core because of the type of experience which triggers his core intention
• Core Message is articulated and resonate with the market
• Which in-turn build a society or community which is match with the frequency of this leader core
• Nurturing Stage which empowers the community with skills, methods, techniques, tools, belief systems, philosophy etc
• Leader Building and Empower the Leadership in the community
• Carry forward the Core intention as revolution with these empowered leaders
#ILH – Learning
• Root of Learning is Seed of Core Intention and Triggering/Pain Point to empower that intention.
• At the end of the day we must be clear and be honest and deep relation with our core to take next step positively
Excellent Ravi!
Biggest Takeaways
1. Core Leaders powerful core- If we have Vision Industrial Leader than the Pure Core larger than you
2.Core has to develop in Core Message
4.Nurturing believers come together.
5.Empower Leader- Loyal to culture will come forward.
6.Revolution created, Empowered Leadersthat taken carried forward
Most important learnings
Our Intentions and integrity should have to be pure.
The Teaching from Blair Singer is more powerful-
Thanks for sharing!
Cultures, Sub cultures and Communities start to get forms
With this 6 steps :
1) core leaders – who start off with vision
2) core message –
3) core culture –
4) Nurturing – Thru communities
5) Empower Leaders
6) Revolution Forward
Thanks Ashvin!
Hey Siddharth sir 🙏 , I was really amazed by the points you have shared in this podcast 🎤 . This is truly a very in-depth concept and Iam glad that you’ve shared this knowledge with us ..
So here are my learnings from the podcast 👇 :
🎪 There are many cultures in this world and each cultures have their own sub-cultures in it .. If we take *Music* as example , In music , We have Carnatic , Hindustani , And now a days technology developed and we have DJ and EDM versions stuff like that .. So each of them has its own culture , its own value .. If we see , Personal development or gaming or biking , it has cultures and communities and yeah each of them had their own influencers and legends .. For example Let’s take Tech culture it has their own influencers like Steve Jobs , Mark Zuckerberg , Satya Nadella , Jeff bezos etc .. Like this many leaders are already there in different cultures …
So there are SIX factors or elements on how a culture or community will be created .. 👇
🦸♂️ The First element , For any culture , Sub-culture or community has to be formed , There has to be the CORE LEADER . A leader with powerful core . For example Mahatma Gandhi had a very powerful core to make India independence through Non violence (Ahimsa) .. That’s his core reason .. Like wise we have to have a hood core that has to resonate beyond you , That has to be larger than what you want to do ..
🔁 Second element is , That particular core what you had , It has to develop into core message . It has to resonate with the people to actually be in a path that you created . For example , One of the greatest speeches that was given Martin Luther King .
🚩 So the third step on how cultures or communities will create is , When the RALLYING starts . Every culture started small , Later on by word of mouth spreading will actually make community bigger . Many of the people have their own rally system for example For a internet marketer the rallying is portrayed by , Taking webinars , Doing podcasts , Creating courses etc ..
📊 The fourth element is NURTURING . Once you start a revolution with a powerful core and you rally it forward , Some of people start resonate with you , And they believe your concept and your big mission , So you got to nurture them through communities . So what happens is , If you have a belief and that belief will be raised through support or through mutual love and respect with fellow community members , Beacuse you’ve nurtured them for a good revolution ..
🤴 The fifth element is you need to empower leaders . So there are some people who are loyal to the culture and community that you’ve created , They will be seen as leaders and the community which you’ve created is no longer stopped but to be continued by further leaders that you are created.
These leaders knew the entire propaganda of your core , Your belief , And they can carry forward the community ..
💫 When the leaders take it forward , The last element , REVOLUTION Is created . Even though the community has been started by individual , The leaders will take it to future , And thus the revolution is created ..
So these are the 6 Magical Steps on how communities / cultures / sub cultures will be created 👍
There are few invisible factors , If you wanna create a culture on your own , 1️⃣ 🧠 Your Intentions or your thoughts .. 2️⃣ The integrity that you possessed .
Mission First 🏆 – Community Second 👨👩👧👦 – Me Third 👨✈️ , So that’s when community grow 📶 ..
Lastly , Thank you Siddharth sir for sharing this wonderful concept of *COMMUNITY CREATION* . Looking forward for concepts like this .. 👍😊
Superb notes!! You’re welcome Adithya!
What i Learnt through today’s Podcast is there are 6 step process to create culture and Commuintiy
1. A Charastmatic Leader with a Core .
There should be a triggering point which brings out a leader who doesnot want others to get suffer or wants others to be benifited . Eg Mahtama Gandhiji had a triggering Point – Africa incident of being thrown out because of being Indian.
2. There Should be a CORE MESSAGE
A leader brings a core message which transforms others Life
Like Mahatma, Gandhi ji had – freedom through Nonviolence
Mother Terrace had – Pure Love and hope for all
The message resonates with others and not with a selfish motive.
3. Every Culture Starts Small and with Rallying
4. every commuinty or culture once needs to be nurtured for more and more results . Like we nurture children once they are born so that grow in to beautiful human being in a same way we need to nurture our comuinities
5. Once it brings that moentum leaders emerge and they make your Message even more core and this is how culture and commuinity is spread
6. Leaders Carry foreward.
With this, even an example of Movie KGF came to my mind.
How KGF -1 in which Rocky (Hero) started with a Small Labour and when he saw the pain of others even entering the mines with his selfish reason he helped many of helpless labours working in KGF and so when he Conquered Those mines each labour wanted to work from their soul and heart for him.
I hope my exampe made a signifiance with 6 factors.
Thanks Priya! Keep coming back for more…
Culture and subculture…..
Take music , personal development … Cycling ,biking …. Anything can be break into main culture and subculture …
6 points ……
Powerful pure core and require a leader …. Core has to be beyond you ….. Core messages ….
Every culture start small …
With word of mouth it expands ….
Nurturing happens …..we all the believers come together form a community … Community follows some code of honor …. They stand together each other ….
Leaders emerges ….. People who believe in the core message they start taking responsibility …and carry forward the core message … Community get empowered …they are the loyal ….
Leader intention ..
Leader integrity ….
Are the key ….
Leaders who started on core message are not the part of main equation …. Leader intention was not to be known for …. Intention has to be make a difference ….
beautiful equation …
Pure heart ..pure intention …make change ….
Example of iskon culture ….
How cultures and communities are created!
1. Music:
Getting exposed to progressive house music: the various cultures, Europeans, Americans, Far East, Middle East, show cultures, and subcultures
Music culture- Carnatic music, Hindustani, and Bollywood have their own cultures
2. Personal development world.
Personal growth and self help: Jack canfield, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, T Harwekar, Dr. Ivin Misner all are big names that started to create and evolve this subculture
Similarly in Racing, Biking or Running Or Swimming there are cultures and subcultures within every community. Each of these communities have their own influencers, their own legends and stories around that legendary experts.
If you are a formula one fan you will talk about how Formula One started, their stories, Senner, the greatest Formula one driver, Louis Hamilton super popular champion, talks about his culture and subculture
There are 6 things that trigger the formation of communities,
1. Charismatic leader with core. For a community to be created, there has to be a leader with a powerful core. Like MK Gandhi, who created the independence movement through, nonviolence. The triggering point for him to build this was the incident in South Africa, when he was thrown out of the train, a fire started in him to get back to his country and start his revolution. There was a powerful core that required a leader. Any culture/movement, whether religious or political, there has to be a leader, Usually these leaders who start the movement, their aspiration is not to be an industry leader. If you aspire to be an industry leader, it is not a pure core, where you are being resonated with the market needs that is beyond you. The idea is you need to have a core that is larger than you
2. Core message: The core has to develop into a core message. The core message need not be represented in words. For example music, the message is to carry forward the style of music / art form. Core message has to be really strong, as in case of Gandhji, it was standing for our freedom, and rights, and freedom through nonviolence.. Core message of mother Theresa was pure love, and giving hope for others. For Martin Luther king it was equality. I have a dream speech was attended by 250 thousand people, that came ans stood in Washington DC, because they believed in what he believed. The core message resonates with the community
3. Stars small and grows rallying: In digital coaching system we can see that it started as a few people started this the culture has been created, momentum has built up, everyone wants to be a coach, become a knowledge giver and build communities. Rallying can be thro webinars, Podcasts, Youtube channel etc
4. Nurturing: The believers come together and a concept like music, art, theatre, sales, start rallying, the followers are getting attracted resonating with the concept and big mission, they need to be nurtured. This nurturing happens through communities, in a way with certain principles, like Code of Honour, Inner circle calls, Monthly Hackathons, Facilitators to help others, Private social networks, helps in raising the belief of members by being with fellow community members. This is similar for religious movements too.
5. As the community is growing, people who resonate and loyal to the culture emerge, and start propagating the culture of the community. As in religion, the religion is carried forward by 2nd, 3rd, 4th parampara leaders, as they get indoorinated into that philosophy and belief system, so propagate the message to the world, and carries forward the culture and community.
6. The revolution: Empowered leaders go forward and take the community forward with them. Thought the community is started by one individual, the community is carried forward by the other other leaders that emerge within the community and making it a revolution
The few invisible factors are intensions, integrity, as people can make out your intention is it coming from a pure space.Leaders who created the message wanted to make a difference in the world. Once a revolution is started, lot of people resonate and want to come and join. If legends have propagated, the next generations want to aspire to become leaders like that, however the original leaders never wanted to be visible. Mentor Blair Singer says, Mission first, community second and me third. If ME comes first, it will dwindle as people can see that its about Me.
Eg. Hare Krishna movement, Sri Prabhupad, revived the old movement to the from and created a revolution, and created a culture and made difference in many lives. The clarity of life come because of such leaders.
I was just wondering, how can you think of this kind of Subject,🙏🙏🙏 this subject gone deep in to my Heart❤. There are are two reasons for this : 1. Your view and Idea about the Leader who starts any moment does not have an Intention to become Hero. By his selfless contribution to the community he become Leader best eg. Basavanna in Karnataka who started the sharana moment in 12th century. Thiruvalluvar in Tamilunadu. They become Leader by folowers choice, not they wanted. What I learned from this is my belief towards “Values” which i am going giving to my menties are thorughly tested to chech my Values are giving values to menties OR just making money.
2 This concept is reflected in all your deliveries. May videos, weekly meetings, webinars and podcasts.
I think this is simply profound method you are using to convert simple man with igniting desire in to great Coach. Hats off to you Sid…. Just be like this forever….
Music is one big culture
There are cultures and subcultures in different spaces. (Music, sports, etc)
6 things that actually create culture, subculture, community
1) Leader with CORE: Example of Mahatma Gandhi had a core. You need to have a pure core larger than you to create an impact.
2) Message: The core message needs to be really strong. Example of Gandhi- peace, Martin Luthar King- Equality.
Resonance of core message with people around
3) Rallying: Digital culture rallying in India. Everything starts small but eventually starts growing
4) Nurturing: Nurturing has to happen for communities. It is done in specified way. Someone who is believer of concept and it needs to be nurture. Philosophy is deep rooted
5) Empower the leaders. People who are loyal will start coming forward. All religious moments are carried by 2,3,4 gen.
6) Revolution is created: Empowered leaders start making it revolution.
Intention and Integrity plays the invisible role.
Every leader who created the revolution never wanted to be leader they wanted to add value to the world.
Blair singer shared.
Mission -1st
Me- 3rd
If this is followed the impact on the world will be even after you are gone. The moment becomes bigger than you.
Example of Hare Krishna moment.
Cultures are created – Elements of Culture –
There are 6 factors to create a great culture
1 – for any culture to be formed – core leader required – core leader with core values – triggering point – fire lit up the leader – powerful core – needs a leader – aspire not to be leader – they aspire to help people and the community – resonate with the people – have pure core large than yourself – charismatic leader
2 – Core message – not necessarily in the form of words – core message needs to be very strong – mother teresa – pure love – Martin Luther – I have a dream speech – belief system
3 – Everybody want to become a coach – rallying – webinars – podcasts – attraction happens
4 – Nurture – believers come together – learners come together – doers come together – nurture people through communities – code of honour – inner circle – Facebook group – YouTube channel – support people – mutual love and respect – tool sets – skill sets
5 – Empower the leaders – people who loyal to culture – help them and support them – leaders emerge
6 – Revolution happens – the leaders you created from your community do the rest – they carry forward
Few invisible factors are also there
Mission First Community Second Me Third
#Suniltams #SunilChaudhary #CBS #CareerBuildingSchool
Great Insights, Sunil.
Great core strength ……….
Key Learning form Podcast:
• Charismatic Leader Powerful Core because of the type of experience which triggers his core intention
• Core Message is articulated and resonate with the market
• Which in-turn build a society or community which is match with the frequency of this leader core
• Nurturing Stage which empowers the community with skills, methods, techniques, tools, belief systems, philosophy etc.
• Leader Building and Empower the Leadership in the community
• Carry forward the Core intention as revolution with these empowered leaders
#ILH – Learning
• Root of Learning is Seed of Core Intention and Triggering/Pain Point to empower that intention.
• At the end of the day we must be clear and be honest and deep relation with our core to take next step positively
Good points!
6 steps of How a culture or community is created:
1) Leader with a powerful core who has a pure core larger than him comes up
2) Core message is very strong which resonates with everyone else
3) Core message spreads- rallying begins
4) Then nurturing starts in the community through various methods- the beliefs need are raised
5) Empowered leaders who resonate & are loyal to the culture will emerge
6) Revolution is taken forward by the emergent leaders
Invisible factors are intentions & integrity.
Mission first, community second & me third & this will sustain the mission even after many many years of the leader having gone.
Amazing podcast once again Sidz….Hats off.
A charismatic leader actively radiates a powerful CORE message that has a scent of a larger collective vision. The authenticity of this CORE message attracts people around it. As the rallying happens, a CULTURE is birthed. To nurture and scale this valuable currency, we need to build a COMMUNITY of supportive and uplifting members. As the community members are empowered, more loyal leaders will emerge who will take it forward. Thus a REVOLUTION is seeded. INTENTIONS are the key. Mission first! Community second! Me third!
Good takeaways!
Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver , and this connection gives rise to a new sense of belonging. – Deepak Chopra
In this sense of belonging, lies the seed of community building.
When you know and respect your Inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don’t belong. – Benjamin Hoff
Thank you Sir for being that giver….
As is said,
Revolution is in your spirit or it is nowhere.
Good takeaways!
Music is one big culture
There are cultures and subcultures in different spaces. (Music, sports, etc)
6 things that actually create culture, subculture, community
1) Leader with CORE: The example of Mahatma Gandhi had a core. You need to have a pure core larger than you to create an impact.
2) Message: The core message needs to be really strong. Examples of Gandhi- peace, Martin Luthar King- Equality.
Resonance of core message with people around
3) Rallying: Digital culture rallying in India. Everything starts small but eventually starts growing
4) Nurturing: Nurturing has to happen for communities. It is done in a specified way. Someone who is a believer of concept and it needs to be nurtured. Philosophy is deep-rooted
5) Empower the leaders. People who are loyal will start coming forward. All religious moments are carried by 2,3,4 gen.
6) Revolution is created: Empowered leaders start making it a revolution.
Every leader who created the revolution never wanted to be the leader they wanted to add value to the world. Invisible factors are intentions & integrity.
Mission first, community second & me third & this will sustain the mission even after many many years of the leader having gone.
• Root of Learning is the Seed of Core Intention and Triggering/Pain Point to empower that intention.
• At the end of the day we must be clear and honest and have deep relation with our core to take the next step positively
Great insights!