Do you feel the need to always be motivated externally to get things done? If that's the case you need to probe deeper and find your true reason "why" you exist and "why" should anyone care?
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57 replies to "Internal Motivation vs External Motivation"
Internal motivation vs external motivation
No matter what you invest in any courses,books,etc. But If you not take action then result will be zero
Moral of the story :
if you find your why?
then no one can stop you.
If any problem you fase your internal motivation find the way
And as a result you get success in your life
Thank you Ashvin!
#ILH 👪
Internal Motivation VS
External Motivation
The moral of the story is that one should have a strong WHY
If your why is strong nobody can stop
You doing what you love to do because
There is strong purpose & mission behind. In other words you want to help people who resonates with you through
The trauma or situation they are facing.
Always have helpful nature.
Appreciate your comments Firdous!
Hi, Siddharth :
A very good afternoon hope you are doing awesome anyways Thanks a ton.
Internal and External Motivation
Books, Podcast – External
To be successful, one has to be internally motivated.
Very emotional story. Very humane story.
I loved it.
Thanks Shiv!
• Really Find Who am I and What I am doing here – Purpose of Life
• What kind of Positive Impact I can create in myself and around me before end of my journey
• Sense the Essence of Failure to get more power and bounce back to continue the journey
• Obviously Success is Consequence
Thanks Ravi!
Internal motivation vs external motivation
There should be strong purpose and passion to achieve your goal..
When it is clear Why do you ,what you do, life becomes easy and powerful..
If you really want to do it, no one can stop you.. just go for it
More power to you Supriya!
Dear Siddharth, you are a great storyteller! Yes, when our focus is on the WHY of our life and business, we are motivated from within. Then, external motivation is not even required.
We may need courses and mentors to help us implement tactics and systems. But we do not need them to motivate us.
In fact, if we are internally motivated, even if the outside world discourages and demotivates us, we will keep going!
Thank you Shanthi!
#ILH family thank you for sharing this motivating story, yes, internal motivation gives that momentum to take action and produce results.
Thanks Mrunali!
No matter how many books you read , mentors you follow, you tube videos you watch , unless you take action , you can not achieve success .
People not driven from within , that’s why they don’t take action and therefore do not succeed .
To be successful you ‘ve got to be internally driven !
Story _ boy plays football in a school , he was short but sincere everyday comes for practice .
1 day boy doesn’t come , …. for 1 wk he doesn’t come for practice
Here big tournament is coming , schl preparing for semi_nals and then ultimately for finals !
After 1 wk the boy shows up for practice on the day of finals .
Boy requests the coach , ” plz allow me to play ”
Coach says ” no ” , ” you just help other boys ”
Boy so much pleads the coach and finally coach says ” ok for 2 mts ”
2nd half boy enters the ground , all are tense , both schools are watching , and the boy plays so marvelous !
Very actively with great moves he scores 2 goals and finally their team WINS the tournament !
In dressing room all are celebrating victory
Coach asks the boy why you didn’t come to practice for last 1 wk ?
Boy replies ” my father everyday brought me to schl , was blind
Last wk he passed away , i knew my father will be watching me from above , for his pleasure , i played my best !
Moral _ here boy finds his ‘ why ‘ and he plays his best !
Thus internal motivation is GREATER than external motivation !
2 days are imp in one ‘s life .
1st the day we are born
2nd the day when we find our ‘ why ‘
Sidz says his ‘ why ‘ _ one does not necessarily go thru the formal education , one just has to follow his passion and that way one can make wonderful contribution to the socirty !
To reform the outdated impractical broken education system and create a new breed of exemplery digital leaders and teachers !
A really driven person does not say but actually does it !
Call to action _ ” sit quiet and meditate on your ” why ”
Once you find your ” why ” there is no stopping you !
My why _ to inspire depressed people to sing the holy names and thus help them to come out of depression !
More power to you Vikram!
Whatever you do the ultimately its boiled down to Action
There should be the region for every movement of your life.
Rally great story sidz
Thanks Praful!
Two days important in one’s life… The day one is born and next day when you know your “why”?
That “why” drives you in other words intrinsic motivation lying inside you that you don’t have to purchase or buy from anyone as it is their by default, one just needs to identify it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I was speechless while hearing the story of the boy, I was unable to stop tears from my eyes.
It is a fantastic podcast.
No matter how many motivational speeches we hear, how many books we read and how many mentors we have. We should motivate ourselves internally with our heart and soul. Find our WHY and put our entire mind and body to fulfill WHY. That is the INTERNAL MOTIVATION.
Everybody should know their WHY.
Thank Sidz, for heart touching story along with great motivation.
Thank you for sharing Yugandhar! Even I was in tears the first time I heard this…
Amazing lesson. Thanks, Sidz for inspiring with your all thoughts and wisdom.
Thank you Siddharth wonderful insight –
Biggest Takeaways-
1. Desire to do something new.
2. Become independent.
3. Achieve what one wants to have in life.
My deep core realization is to the World is to remove Unemployment , as we know the Companies has no system , if we Automize the Business they can get high productivity and Profitability,many Big Companies can delegate their business to the small agencies , and due to increase of the work pressure they will start hiring. Unemployment is the biggest pain and curse to anyone, this can be controlled that time.
The first time I heard the story in the life mastery event, it really moved me and I had tears in my eyes. That night I kept introspecting on how important it is to question and understand ” WHY” we are doing something. Strangely , some people do not even get the opportunity in their whole lifetime to find out the ” WHY”. I have seen myself being very uncomfortable in questioning myself to find the answer to ” why” I want to do something. There have been days I would procrastinate or avoid thinking about this. I completely agree with how you correctly put it as two important days in one’s life. The day when one is physically born and the day when we have an answer to the “why”.
👍 This story was really inspiring 💡as well as emotional 🥹 Siddharth sir .. Thanks for sharing with us ..
✍️ My Learnings from this podcast :
1️⃣ No matter we learn new things from YouTube or on any other platforms , We need to apply those things in our real life that’s when things will fall in place ..
2️⃣ By Watching youtube videos , Listening podcasts , Taking courses , Reading books , All of these will give you external motivation which is pretty much important also .
But there’s is internal motivation that we need to get , to move on , to inspire ..
3️⃣ Many people cannot be able to achieve what they want because the don’t take action . No matter how much externally you get motivated to be successful we need to drive in internally ..
4️⃣ This boy from the story , Interested in football , He is much focused in that because , He likes it . His commitment , to practice the game each day shows how much he is interested in football .. So likewise we have to be committed to our goals and practice , learn , apply each day so that we achieve what we want to …
5️⃣ Find your “WHY” Reason . Once you find your why reason no body can stop you . What I have to do in my life in order to get succeed , Why I have to do this ? Just ask yourself you will get strong why reason , And I liked the statement which was given by sir in this podcast is , There are 2 days that are most prominent in ones life , The day that you’ve born and the day that you find the WHY Reason .
6️⃣ Internal motivation is more powerful than external motivation and once you tickle that you get energized and no one can stop you !!
👍 And I think this is one of the podcasts that impacts me and also energized me in a deeper level .I understood the concept of internal motivation and how powerful it is if we tickle it or sense it , And I believe that if we learn things in such a manner where any story is taken as example , We pretty much understand the concept easily ..
🙏 Lastly , thank you master for conveying this super cool inspiring story ..
Internal and external motivation. – Being driven from within
Many people fail to take action because they fail to be driven from within. To succeed, external motivators alone are not enough, but you need to be driven from within.
A boy, interested in playing football, would play football every day. His father would drop him off every day for his practice.
Compared to other players he was much shorter. He was committed to his role, he did a small-time contribution, however, could never make it to the main role in the game.
There was a tournament coming up, and the team was practising very hard. In the tournament, the team was working its way up, but this boy got no chance to play. He was just sitting and helping the team. Once this boy is absent for a week. But requests the coach to allow him to play in the final match.
In the finals, the opponent team is doing well, this boy pleads and the coach agrees for 2 mins.
Something magical happens and scores 2 goals, and the team win.
In the dressing room, the coach says I did the wrong decision and underestimated the boy’s ability.
Coach asked why he was missing for a week.
The boy said, his father was blind, and last week his father passed away. And today his father will be looking at him, so he played for his father. That’s how he played so well.
The reason WHY is very important, and should come from within.
The only reason why people are not succeeding is that they have not found their WHY.
Deep internal motivation is to bring back the golden age and help the maligned lives of many people, children to have a purposeful life.
Summary: Internal motivation is stronger than external ones.
*Internal Motivation vs External Motivation*
Motivation is internal. It has to come from within you. Do not seek it anywhere else.
Internal Motivation vs External Motivation
Internal Motivation is very important for us to be focused on what we are doing and to achieve success.
I liked the story very much.
Finding the answer to ‘why’ in the journey of my success.
Internal Motivation Vs external Motivation.
External motivation may be something that can be acquired by being in groups , enrolling in courses etc but what matters most is internal motivation which be like a never ending powerful driving force for achieving goals.
I Find this internal and external aspect analogous with the rich Indian philosophy .
External is material and Internal is Spiritual.Since ages our Ancient Indian philosophy have always guided going inside and finding internal(आत्मिक) reasons for long lasting (अक्षुण्ण) true happiness and peace where external are always Physical/Material(भौतिक) being termed as momentary (क्षण भंगुर).
Parallels can be also be drawn when we correlate internal motivation and internal aspect on the basis of Why, the reason behind , the driving factor to perform a task
(मैं क्यों करूँ, Faith equated as GOD, and the truth of real success) and the driving factor to go internal to find reason of own existence (मैं कौन हूँ, ईश्वर, सत्य and other metaphysical aspect)
Now when i see then this relation is established , we must go and find out the real reason and real burning desire to find out my why to perform this task and be successful in the activity.
This must be the real mission to succeed, though a part of it might be related to financial returns but actual and deep reason is the transformation in lives of real needy people and change their live forever for the good.
The legacy left through this process can never be equated with money.
” When you are industrious in right ways, money is just a F***ing*, By-product.
( By-product is a waste in any process of which correct disposal is a menace usually)
My Personal Reason(WHY): My mentoring in Architecture college have been actually negative mentoring, and at a tender age of 17-18 years when you are being fed with negative, depressing and personal frustrations of a so called mentor your whole life beliefs and trust on education system, trust on people, trust on your field( architecture) Crash and Burn, even though profession is very good and rewarding.
I want to be the phoenix and rise above the occasions so as to help as many as 100000 students over negative mentoring and change their mindset in to positive and abundant one.
Thanks & Regards
Internal Vs External Motivation
If we are living for a purpose where the purpose is to serve others or to add value to others in improving their life , our motivation will be very high and the supreme power will open the doors to serve for others in a good way.
I love this true story and definitely, SIdz Internal motivation Always motivates us to go forward but external motivation is limited.
The story is really inspired we know who is the real hero of this story and the moral of this is a story only about why, When we will find why then nobody can stop us.
When we achieve a small goal we are always motivated to receive the next milestone.
Action+attrection = aceivement, that is also law of attrection
So we should focus on our goal action thank you for this truly amazing podcast
Find your Why?
Nothing can stop you
Internal motivation is more powerful than external motivation
The moral of the story is that one should have a strong WHYStruggles are different and everybody is going through it.
But what I do and why I do is very important to me in deciding as to how my life would shape up; along with this struggle that might have come up as an opportunity.
The way I am being treated might be because I am in an inappropriate surrounding from which I need to drive up, and become a person worth of it.
The road I chose for myself has to be with compassion, empathy and comfortable for me in terms my sync with my values. And it can be quite different from anybody else.
I love starting small and remaining consistent with it. The World might be shouting at the mistakes I make, the inappropriateness of my presentation; but someday they will all develop a taste for my style.
I shall wait for it. This is my life. And I will do it in a way I love doing. I will not show anything that is not me. But I shall be careful to appreciate the opinions of others.
My Why is to leave a Legacy; of abundance and appropriateness
This is yet another brilliant podcast that most can resonate with..
Most people believe and seek external motivation to take action towards their goals or things that they aspire for.
In seeking external motivation, they land up consuming a lot of information through seminars, webinars, podcasts & videos on self-help & self-improvement, personal development programs, and sometimes feel highly motivated and charged up, once they consume all the motivational discourses, lectures and talks but that’s only short-lived.
The need for intrinsic motivation, that motivation from within, coming from the core has been beautifully narrated thro’ this powerful story of this aspiring footballer boy who trains and trains and hopes that he would be included in his school football team.
The school boy pursues his hopes and aspirations by showing up each day for the practice, along with a supportive dad, and despite being not included in the team for the matches, that one could only appreciate.
And the way the boy shows up in the final football match, after his inclusion in the team and the magical performance that unfolds much to the surprise of the rest of his team members and is a great reminder to all of us that if the big WHY is clear at our core, we would shock and surprise ourselves, as well as the rest of the world, with the peak performance that we’re capable of.
MORAL OF THE STORY – To all the seekers of external motivation to get things done or make things happen is that – INTERNAL MOTIVATION IS INDEED THE MOST POWERFUL DRIVER FOR OUR SUCCESS. And therefore, look for your BIG WHY by tapping in to your core and diving deep within.
And when you can resonate with your big WHY and since it is from your core, YOU WILL ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE A SHIFT OF EMOTIONS TOWARDS YOUR GOALS and you’ll be so charged about your purpose that you would become unstoppable.
In the school boy’s situation, it was probably the loss of his dad that made him unstoppable while he played that match in the 2nd half..
Internal motivation is the showing of how strongly you feel about your big WHY. For you to really achieve success and be more productive in every aspect of your life you got to be driven from within
Overall, a very powerful story with a strong lesson.
Dwarakanath Kini
#ILHDEEPLEARNER – Internal VS External Motivation
I will also start from the egg story if it brokes from the outside, one life ends, and if it brokes from the inside one life starts.
We get easily motivated but don’t convert that motivation into Inspiration. There are 3 steps to do so.
1. Clear why
2. Visualization
3. Take Action to achieve the goals.
whatever we do, we do it to avoid pain or to get pleasure. sometimes our logical mind doesn’t allow us to do because of our past experience. It keeps us safe from the struggle.
You said in the webinar that we could read 100 books about how to swim but we will learn when we will jump into the water. Sometimes our body knows but our mind doesn’t and it’s vice versa.
Our mind, body, and soul should be aligned to be inspired.
Once you get answers to why?
Nobody can stop you
Internal motivation is more important than external motivation
Help people live aligned with their core and true values
What is the definition of school?
A group of fish swimming together is called the school of fish or shoal of fish. It reminds me of the strangest secret by Earl Nightingale the opposite of our society is not cowardice it is conformity people acting like everyone else without knowing why knowing where they’re going now.
So, I am with you on this Siddharth in terms of a new breed of teachers and mentors for the golden age.
This was a real insightful and thought provoking topic. Following are my main takeaways:
1. Practice and preparation is good but performing is any day is better.
( in the story all the sincere practice came in handy but was not fruitful until the boy could perform)
2. Don’t just recognize your “why” but never let it go out of focus or else it will take a back seat.
( in the story when the boy realized his “why” it was important to play the game, he did not stop and persistently approached the coach inspite the coach disregarding him all the time.
3. Unless you go full on or all in you will not only get results but also not know your potential.
( The boy would have never realized his potential nor could have won the game for his team if he would not have made that frantic pleading with his coach)
4. As a coach never undermine or judge anyone at the face value. Try the potential of each format before summarily rejecting that someday you have to regret.
(Like the coach in the story for judging the boy by his height.)
Moral of the story: External motivations are not the end but means to an end while internal motivation takes you to the logical and fruitful end.
From this podcast, I have seen my inner self again.😊 To be successful, inner drive is needed. It’s very truthfully said that we get rebirth on the day when we find our WHY. And, no matter how much external motivations will be there if we will not be motivated internally we will land nowhere. Same tune about internal motivation I can heard in Earl Nightingale’s voice everyday. Thank you so much Sidz for making me get another opportunity to touch myself again by your wonderful voice once more. Thank you so much and lots of gratitude. 😊
#ILH Deep Learner
Internal Motivation V/s External Motivation
No matter how many books you read, watch YouTube videos, listen to Podcast, follow mentors, trainer & coaches your Internal Motivation is a must to take action.
People not driven from within, does not get the inner feeling of why is he doing this will not take him to the journey of success.
Think about why you want to do
Then no one can stop you in being success
A wonderful emotional story of a young boy who plays football in school and everyday. His dad reaches him to school for practice and take him back home. He was not the main player of the team, he use to sit on the bench offer water and take care of the team. He always wanted to play in his team. Then one week the boy did not turn up for practice. The coach was worried and upset. After a couple of weeks the boy came when the school was playing a tournament – the final game against another school. The team was not doing well and in the first half the opposite team got one goal. The team was worried and this young boy pleaded the coach to play in the team. But the coach refused. After many times of begging and pleading the coach allowed him to play for only 2 mins. The boy agreed and he played his best. He scored two goals and made his school won the match. After the match the coach ask the boy why did he not turn up for practice the last two weeks. The boy replied “My dad who used to drop me at school and take me back home after practice was blind. Last week he died and I play the match not to win but to make sure that my dad will be watching my game from somewhere. This is the inner motivation which made him winner and success.
Happy Learning!
INternal Vs external motivation
People do not take action bcoz they are not internally motivated.
story of the short boy in the football ground was spellbound… i got goosebumps listening to the way you have narrated…
Internal motivation way more powerful than external motivation….The day one finds his why he is doing what he is doing there is no looking back…..
i will try to go through my why so that i do not stop taking action in buiding my business..
“Internal Motivation vs External Motivation”
*** No matter how much external motivation you get, To be successful you need to be driven from within. ****
Story – Once upon a time, there was a boy. He used to play football in his school and he was very regular for football practice. His father used to drop him every single day, and he would go for practice. But the problem was; compare to the other boys, he was much shorter. So he would be doing all the things on the side, but not really playing the games. He was committed. The coach really liked his attitude, his commitment for the practice. But of course, he was not able to cut it for the main games. There was a big tournament which was coming up & the school team happened to be under dogs. They are practicing really hard to win this tournament. The Tournament begins and they start playing different matches. The school starts to really work it’s way up, very fast in the tournament. The problem was that this boy did not get any chance to play in the games. He would just gets the water, support the rest of the boys, cheers them up and he was just sitting on the bench. Everyday there would be practice in the morning, the game would be happening on the different days of the week.
One day he didn’t go for practice & that one day became one week. For a boy who was really committed for practice, he was not showing up. The coach was a little worried because this was the last week, their school has entered the Quarter Finals and they were going to play the Semi Finals. This boy comes after one week. By that time, his school team has got into the Final game and on the day of the Finals, the boy shows up for practice in the morning.
The Coach asked him, “Hey, what happened?”.
The boys says, “Coach, I am sorry, I could not come, but you know, I really want to play the Finals. Allow me to play this game.”
The Coach said, “Forget it, just get back and do whatever you were doing & help the rest of the boys.”
Later that day was the start of the Finals. It was a high pressure moment because both the schools were to watch and it was a packed stadium & everybody is eager to win who will be going to win this school tournament. The game begins, the particular school team on which the boy is in, they are not able to play as they were playing in previous games. The other team started to overpower, they got their first goal and it was half time.
During this half time, this boy goes to the Coach and asked, “Coach, please let me play the game, please let me in. I want to play this game at least once.”
Coach said, “Exactly you have not played a single game, how can I let you play this game.”
This boy pleads and pleads and pleads. The Coach says, “Okay, I am going to let you in for just 2 minutes, but if you are not playing well, I will pull you out & remember, I have not done this ever in my coaching career.”
The boy gets in and he starts playing. Something magical happened, this coach and all the members of his team are spell bound by the ways this boy plays. He plays so well, he passes the ball & he actually ends up shooting two goals. He takes the school team to a resounding epic finish victory. Everybody is cheering. The entire school comes and lifts this boy up and the entire team is happy because they were underdogs & first time ever they have won the tournament, that too this boy comes from nowhere and he ends up scoring the winning goals. After this everyone go to the dressing room and everyone is cheering each other.
The Coach tells, everybody keep quiet, I am going to tell you something. In 25 years of Coaching I have never been wrong in judging people, but today I was so wrong about this boy and he apologized to this boy.
The Coach asked the boy, “what happened to you in the last week, why you didn’t come for practice, even though you were there for practice for so many days ?”
The boy says, “I have to tell you something. Do you know my dad used to bring me for practice every single day.”
The Coach says, “Yes, I remember. He comes everyday and sit there watching you do the practice.”
The boy says, “Coach, I did not tell you this but my dad was actually blind and last week he passed away. That’s why I could not come for this practice. And the reason why I played today like this is because I knew that my dad could not see me practice, but today he would be watching me from above. Coach, thank you for letting me play and I dedicate this victory to my Dad.”
The Coach burst into tears and the rest of the boys gave him a hug.
This is Internal Motivation. This boy played not for himself, not for his team, but to make his dad proud.
You may be going through Struggles or different situations in the life but once you are able to identify, what is the reason, why you want to do what you do. Why do you exist and why should anyone care about you. Once you get answers to these questions, then there is no stopping you.
There was two days which are most prominent in your life. The day you were born and the day when you find your why.
Once you know your why, nobody needs to tell you anything. Nobody needs to tell why you got to do it. You will just do it. Because if you really want to do something, you got to already be doing it. If anyone is not doing it, this is because they have not got their Why.
Internal motivation vs external motivation
You have explained it straight through your heart! So beautiful!
Deeply moved with this podcast. I had tears in my eyes. I can resonate with this story so much. I will listen to this podcast everyday along with the strangest secret to remember my ‘Why’ Sidz.
So lucky to have found you as my mentor!
To be successful one need to find out what can ignite the fire within to escalte to nonstop performer & become successful.
Internal vs external motivation podcast
Thank you for sharing heart touching story.
When egg is broken from outside force: the life ends. And when it is broken from inside the life begins.
Your life truly begins when you find your “WHY” i.e. purpose of your life.
Don’t live reel life, live a real life.
Another very great Podcast from Sidz. The simple story was most effective in making one realize the power of internal motivation. Thank you so much! Extract of my learnings:
“What is the reason you do, what you do i.e. WHY? Clarity of our WHY and a strong commitment to achieving our goal make one an unstoppable force; driven by internal motivation. Ultimately it comes down to taking action. Internal Motivation is more powerful than External Motivation.”
Amazing sidz thankyou for such a hand holding . you are always there for us from any of the way when we needed , to make feel connected and cared , what is actually the core of making someone do what they want to do.
I appreciate you. I have a one quesion sidz what are we to you . You are mother and your business is your child and who we are too you then.
by the way podcast is amazing i am already working on my healing process so that i get more clarity and dots connection on what excatly i want to do with me strong y which resonates me only to become unstoppable and being consistent.
Action is utmost important for the goal….The deep root of actions is, one should be internally driven.
Commitment, practice, keep-up the work even if you don’t get a chance. The day you get a chance you should be ready to over achieve the goal. Compassion and purpose drives you goal. Internal motivation is more powerful than external. Purpose will motivate and will put you to action.
I came back to your 90 days challenge after 4 5 days … And this story ..every time I hear make me cry ….
Know your why ……
Internal motivation are more powerful than the external motivation …..
Know why you are doing what you are doing ……
If you are aware of your why then no one can stop you ….
If you are internally driven you will find your way to achieve it all….
Don’t live reel life … Live real life😍😍
Few things i understand that First we need clarity, clarity remove all the clouds around you which
you taking back from your goal. Ones you got clarity,
Second steps would be why…. we should very much clear about ‘WHY’ our why is fuel to ignite and kick start the engine of vehicle to chase the DREAM.
Internal or external motivation are the wheels of vehicle to reach dream and every body knows internal motivational is powerful then any other motivation.
Third steps is Action, action is always louder then any thing. continuous action is just like chain sprocket of your vehicle and this sprocket take you to your destination.
Clarity = Remove cloud of distraction.
Why = fuel of Ignition.
Action = chain Sprocket
then finely you reach the Destination.
Thanx sidz provide a tanker of fuel.
C you in next podcast.
Internal Motivation vs External Motivation
Goal of Business is to help people get more freedom and be financially free
Powerful Story in life mastery
Going through YouTube videos and podcasts are all external motivation
You need internal motivation
No matter books you read
How many books and mentors you follow
Goal you want to purse
Take actions to achieve goals
Be driven from internal
Boy – used to play football – very regular – father dropped him – compared – shorter – committed – practice – not able to cut it – big tournament – school team – underdogs – begins – playing matches – school progressed – boy never given a chance – sitting on the bench – one day – one week – semi finals – comes after one week – final stage finals – days shows up – boy says – I am really interested in playing – coach asked to forget it – later that day – start of the finals – both schools – stadium packed – eager to see results – not able to play as good as they played earlier – coach allows to play – coach took the risk – boy gets happy – boy plays – magic happened – spellbound by the boy – takes score to the next level – entire school cheered him – they have won for first time because of the boy – winning goals – stay till the end – coach apologised – why absent for more than a week – my dad – dad was blind – last week he passed away – the reason of the performance – my dad could be watching from above – rest of the team hugged this boy – feeling and emotion – this is internal motivation – boy played for father –
Lesson – you may be going through many problems – you need to find the answer to big WHY why you should go ahead
Ultimately you need to know the reason to do it – if you really wanted to do something, you really be doing it already
#Suniltams #SunilChaudhary #CBS #CareerBuildingSchool
Thanks Sunil. Great to have you in the community.
Most People don’t achieve goals because they don’t take action.
If your “why” is clear then no one could stop you.
The 2 days are important in your life, the day you are born and the day when you know why you are born.
Internal motivation is more powerful then external motivation.
Great to have you in the community, Vivek.
Consistency and Implementation are the keys to success.
“why do you exist?” find the answer for this.
why you wanna do what you wanna do?
once you know your “why” there is nobody stopping you.
Thanks Utthan!