Jack Canfield is also known as the publishing phenomenon of the decade. A man who has sold over 300 million copies of his books worldwide. In this podcast, we get into his mind to understand what it takes to become a successful coach.

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What you will learn in this podcast?

Who is Jack Canfield and how he has been impacting the training industry?
What does it takes to become a world-class coach?
What are the biggest mistakes coaches make today?
siddharth rajsekar

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    14 replies to "Interview With The Publishing Phenomenon Of The Decade – Jack Canfield"

    • Neeraj Kumar

      “Interview With The Publishing Phenomenon Of The Decade – Jack Canfield”

      Sidz – If someone is not sure about the topic or Niche to Coach others, what is the best way to find that?

      Jack – The most important thing is what are you passionate about the most? If you are woman & you are interested in women issues then perhaps you want to coach on empowering women. Perhaps you are interested in Parenting, then you want to coach around Parenting.

      Sidz – What are the core attributes of an Effective Coach?

      Jack – The core attributes of an Effective Coach are –
      1) You have to be walking the talk. You have to be real.
      2) You need to be a Good Listener.
      3) Being a constant student. Keep learning.
      4) Taking complete responsibility of their life.
      5) You need to care about people being successful.
      6) You need to be a good story teller.
      7) What are your processing skills for helping people do with their stuck places? Can you help people identify and release limiting beliefs?
      8) You have to know, how to lead an experiential exercise so that people can their own “Aha Moments”. If you know the series of questions, by answering that people can feel the Aha Moments.
      9) Be Articulate. Learn how to speak your concepts in easy and understandable way.

      Sidz – How have you structured your coaching framework? How are they going to be equipped with the tools & the skills for them to be able to create an impact on their mentees?

      Jack – There are two aspects –
      1. What is the sequence of the Success Principles one needs to know? Start with 100% responsibility. As they are learning those principles in the Train the Trainer program, we record the live train. They have all the downloadable sheets to fill out.
      “I don’t think anyone should be teaching something, that they have not experienced first”. Once they understood the sequence, why it is important to create a safe space, the transformation & it helps them to understand what’s going on. We take them to the sequence of 100% responsibility, clarifying your life purpose, creating a Vision which is align with fulfilling that purpose, Setting Specific Goals, learning about Affirmations & Visualization, looking at actions. How to stay motivated when you have failures. Handling rejections. How do you ask for feedback?
      2. Canfield Methodology – How do you sequence things in a coaching call or in a presentation online which most of the people are doing right now. In starting can you give a story or statistics, to get the attention. You have to capture people somehow. You have to introduce your concept, in a way that is engaging for people. You have to tell a story which will well crow in their mind. You need to have an exercise to engage with the information. You have to debrief. If people are stuck, can you process people from the stuck place. Do you have some way to wrap it up, CALL TO ACTION. Games you can play with people, engage with the people online.

      Sidz – Where do you see the Coaching & Training industry moving into the future?

      Jack – Basically it is evolving very fast. Post Covid 19, there is so much going online with zoom, google meetings. I think it is going to be the new better. When Covid 19 hit, I was doing live trainings & I had my sales team on the phone with 800 people as they already paid for offline event. We introduced online program and enrolled 500 people. Now this is the new better because in our online course we have people from 17 countries, they do not have to pay air fares, hotels. They are not away from home. They have to spend only 1 or 2 hours a day & they can do whatever they want in rest of the day. We are actually getting more people enrolling in our courses now as comparison to live.
      It’s very less time consuming, it’s lucrative for the coach. There is ton of information out there but the people need support in applying that information.

      Sidz – What should someone be mindful of, when they get into this journey so that they are able to be unique and not some copycat as everyone is getting into this space?

      Jack – I think this is great. The real application is going to occur with coaches on the ground working with people locally, who are going to do the actual day by day coaching, dealing with the rejections & fears. The more coaches are the better. People are going to relate with different people. If you find the thing you are passionate about, and you teach in a way that is unique to you. We hear about the law of attraction that who you are, is going to attract like minded people.
      I would say just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else. Your journey is Unique. Being Real, Being Authentic, Being Vulnerable, and you have to on marketplace. You have to be doing Instagram live, You Tube Live. You have to have a Facebook. You have to be on Linked. You can do Podcast, it can be of 10 minutes also. Share your point of view, which you learned from any book or from newspaper etc. Give value, value then enroll. People are going to look for you so you have to have social accounts where they find you. Lot of people think that everything is being said and there is nothing new to say, but it’s not true. Your experience with that is not being said. So, I think everyone should have a book.

      Sidz – Are books still doing good as before? What do you think about other media?

      Jack – Lot of young people do not want to read, it’s okay. But there are still lot of people read books. I recommend that if you are in this space, write a book on your understandings of these things. You have to write books because of few reasons –
      1) It gives you credibility.
      2) If you do live seminars & you sell your book at the back of the room. If you sell for 10 dollars, 20 dollars, to many people. You are giving people the ability to reinforce what they learned, which they can share with their family.
      3) You have to have an impact.
      Apart of the books, you must do videos & you got to have the online courses.

      Sidz – If you have to start off from scratch, what steps would you take?

      Jack – What I would do is what I did before. There is one difference which is Internet. When I started, we didn’t have the cellphones. It is much easier today to start out. I found out by studying how others did it, I watched them do it, I learned from them & I was learning by myself from what worked in my life & what didn’t work. I was learning new thing and applying them.
      I love this phrase “Every master was once a disaster”. You have to willing to learn in this space. Be a learner and make mistakes and learn from that. You learn faster with a master & it takes 10000 hours to learn to be a master. I would develop online communities as fast as possible. The big thing is Instagram, the young people are after it. You also have the podcast where there are many followers. Study online marketing. The idea is that you need to be willing to learn and grow. Make sure you write a book. Lot of times you do free, when you are starting out, actually leads to pay gigs. Be willing to give it away. I would say if you are not willing to give it away, then probable you do not want do this because you are not passionate about it. The same time don’t get your reputation that everything is free, because you do want to make a living out of it.

      One of the things is really important to be successful in life, is to make decisions and take actions. If you think about your life right now, everything you are currently experiencing is the results of the decisions you made & the actions you took in the past. If you want your life to be different, you have to do something different. If you keep on doing the same old, same old, you are going to get the same old, same old.


      • Samir

        Very much detailed and informative notes Neeraj.

    • Vinodkumar Desai

      The Publishing Phenomenon Of The Decade – Jack Canfield

      1. If someone is not sure about the topic or Niche to Coach others, what is the best way to find that?

      What is passion about, what you know about, area of information

      2. What are the core attributes of an Effective Coach?

      The core attributes of an Effective Coach are –
      – to be real.
      – to be a Good Listener.
      – Keep learning.
      -Taking complete responsibility of their life.
      – to care about people being successful.
      – to be a good story teller.
      – Can you help people to identify and release limiting beliefs?
      – to know, how to lead
      – Be Articulate.

      3. How have you structured your coaching framework? How are they going to be equipped with the tools & the skills for them to be able to create an impact on their mentees?

      There are two aspects –
      – learning those principles in the Train the Trainer program, we record the live train. They have all the downloadable sheets to fill out.
      – We take them to the sequence of 100% responsibility, clarifying your life purpose, creating a Vision which is align with fulfilling that purpose, Setting Specific Goals, learning about Affirmations & Visualization, looking at actions. How to stay motivated when you have failures. Handling rejections. How do you ask for feedback?
      2. Canfield Methodology – sequence things in a coaching call , starting can you give a story or statistics, to get the attention. Do you have some way to wrap it up, CALL TO ACTION. Games you can play with people, engage with the people online.

      4. Where do you see the Coaching & Training industry moving into the future?

      going online with zoom, google meetings.
      – they do not have to pay air fares, hotels. They are not away from home. They have to spend only 1 or 2 hours a day & they can do whatever they want in rest of the day.
      I- t’s very less time consuming, it’s lucrative for the coach.
      – There is ton of information out there but the people need support in applying that information.

      5. What should someone be mindful of, when they get into this journey so that they are able to be unique and not some copycat as everyone is getting into this space?

      -We hear about the law of attraction that who you are, is going to attract like minded people.
      – I would say just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else.
      – Your journey is Unique. Being Real, Being Authentic, Being Vulnerable, and you have to on marketplace.
      – You have to be doing Instagram live, You Tube Live. You have to have a Facebook. You have to be on Linked. You can do Podcast, it can be of 10 minutes also. Share your point of view, which you learned from any book or from newspaper etc.
      – Give value, value then enroll. People are going to look for you so you have to have social accounts where they find you.

      6. Are books still doing good as before? What do you think about other media?

      recommend that if you are in this space, write a book on your understandings of these things. You have to write books because of few reasons –
      – gives you credibility.
      – You are giving people the ability to reinforce what they learned, which they can share with their family.
      – have to have an impact.
      Apart of the books, you must do videos & you got to have the online courses.

      7. If you have to start off from scratch, what steps would you take?

      found out by studying how others did it, I watched them do it, I learned from them & I was learning by myself from what worked in my life & what didn’t work. I was learning new thing and applying them.
      I love this phrase “Every master was once a disaster”. You have to willing to learn in this space. Be a learner and make mistakes and learn from that. You learn faster with a master . I would develop online communities as fast as possible. The big thing is Instagram, the young people are after it. You also have the podcast where there are many followers. Study online marketing. The idea is that you need to be willing to learn and grow. Make sure you write a book. Lot of times you do free, when you are starting out, actually leads to pay gigs. Be willing to give it away. I would say if you are not willing to give it away, then probable you do not want do this because you are not passionate about it. The same time don’t get your reputation that everything is free, because you do want to make a living out of it.

      One of the things is really important to be successful in life, is to make decisions and take actions. If you think about your life right now, everything you are currently experiencing is the results of the decisions you made & the actions you took in the past. If you want your life to be different, you have to do something different. If you keep on doing the same old, you are going to get the same old.


      • Samir

        Lots of pointers you have pointed out in your notes. very helpful.

    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      🔥🔥🔥 jack Canfield 🔥🔥🔥

      The intention is to help you to tap into the power of contribute back ..

      1⃣ what if people are not sure about his topic…

      Even jack started like that…. Self esteem expert … Many of us comes from different background ..we can teach different topic ….
      What do I know …
      What I Care about ..
      What I want to be part of solution ..
      What I am passionate about …
      What makes us happy…

      You start with it …. And upgrade with time…. After 5 to 10 year you will find yourself at totally different space ….

      There is nothing perfect niche …



      2⃣ attribute of an effective coach

      ✔Walking the talk ….
      Living what you teaching ….
      Talk with authority…
      ✔Be a good listener …. Don’t jump so soon..
      CANI… Constant and never ending improvement…
      ✔Be a student …. Life long learner. ..


      hold yourself and your student accountable ….
      ✔Come from service ….
      Let your student know …that you care about it ….
      ✔Trainer have to be good story teller
      Help people to remove limiting belief
      ✔be articulate … Able to teach complex concept with easy bite size lesson….

      3⃣ how TTT helps us…

      Anything we are going to teach 8n future we will experience that in TTT first …
      Setting specific goal … How do you get into action …how to keep going and taking action continuously…. So many other skill and tools we are going to practice …..

      Help you in a skin better question … We Get feedback … We get accountability partner ….

      We learn how to storify our message …thats engaged our audience …. Ways to keep engaged our audience …

      We learn about call to actions…. Getting the result …making them to have transaction …..

      How to energies our audience … Through games .. Breathings … Exercise …. Dance…

      Its been 30 years TTT
      Jack love India

      4⃣ where do you see coaching industry going in next 5 year ….

      Covid has forced us to learn zoom and all online platform ….
      recorded and Pre recorded video course … Online course … Its easy and pocket friendly and more people are enrolling for online course ….

      We can serve much more people …
      More webinar …more reach… More impact…. And we dont need to go anywhere neither our student have to go anywhere ……

      So its a new better ….
      Less time consuming….
      Every one can learn along ……

      People need support to aplywidely available information ……

      5⃣ copy cat syndromes

      People can copy your content ..but cant copy your in ten behind it …your commitment behind it …your mission and vision …..

      People are attracted towards you not to your content ….
      Be authentic real vulnerable honest…..

      Add value and you build following…and then you sell

      Who you are is going to attract like minded people ….

      There is no competition ….
      People are attracted towards same type people as they are ….

      You journey is unique …. Your unique story … That can’t be copied ….

      Write a book …create a product … Develop a relationship …. Give value give value give value and then you sell give value give value give value ….and then you get enrollment …and you get payment …

      6⃣ book is still doing well .???…

      There are lot of people still reading book …

      I recommend … Write a book…
      You become author …. You have the authority ….

      Even you can have multi author book …

      You can sell your book …. Extra income …

      And reader will get more connected and closed to you ….

      It can be lead magnet …

      Along with book … You got to have video …and online course …. In today’s world….

      7⃣ if you had to start from zero today ..what you will do

      I will learn about internet ….

      Constantly learning new things and apply them … Willing to experiment with friends and family ….

      Learn and practice ..
      make a mistake on the way…and learn from it ..
      Learn with masters …. Learn masters content …. Use it and make it your own experience ….

      Learn to build online community’s …

      Learn to sell online …..

      Make sure you write a book ….

      Also do something for free …..like performing in fund raising campaigns…


      • Samir

        You have covered almost everything that has been discussed. great notes. thanks

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        The intention is to help you to tap into the power of contributing back, absolutely, Meenu. More power to you!

    • Debasmita Basu

      Everyday is a New Learning for me, today’s podcast is also added immense value to my rest of my life, as was able to learn to scale and grow as a Brand.

      The Learning from Jack Canfield to become a World Class Coach –

      Biggest Takeaways –
      He is the Author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series , and his renowned book The Success Principles helped many people to achieve results in personal and professional life.

      Now My Turn of sharing my knowledge with you all-

      Q1. If someone is not sure about Niche or topic to coach others ,what do you think is the best way for them to find that ?

      Learning from Jack Canfield- He told that people from different backgrounds, different interests. He has given instance of Woman, stating that Woman will be interested about woman issue, then the niche should be to empowering woman ,or to give suggestions to woman how they can more supportive of women in the Corporate Environment.He proudly spoke about his Woman trainee , as she was from different niche of Mortgage Broking, and after Learning Jack Canfield book Success Principles she became Proficient in her niche.

      Q2. What has started off with self- esteem evolved into The Success Principles. The Evolution, it happens naturally based on your ideas of your areas of inclination. That’s amazing.

      Lesson Learned- Poweful Learning ‘
      -Area of Inclination, areas where you find yourself more successful than others.
      – Creating your own Brand.

      Q3. Most people in my Community here, is they want to find perfect niche .Do you think that could be as Stumbling Blocks?

      Powerful Learning-

      Q4.What would you say are the Core Attributes of an effective coach?

      To be more Authentic with the knowledge you deliver.

      Q5. Jack ,is how have you structured your coaching framework? Once somebody goes to train the trainer program, how are they going to be equipped with the tools and the skills for them to be able to create an impact on their mentors?
      The sequence of Success Principles are need to know.
      Then he lead the group through an exercise, which have to perform
      – they have to download the PDF Sheets for the worksheet to fill out the question to answer.

      Q6.How many years since you started the coaching side, the Train the Trainer Program?


      He started 30 years ago called Facilitator Skills Program.

      Q7.According to you where do you see the coaching and training industry move forward, especially now during these times?

      As for him , he can see the evolution is happening in India, according to him maybe 15 years.

      Q8. What do you think about the books ,and what do you think about media?
      Some people love to read some people not.
      But I personally love to read 📖 book.

      Q9.What I would do is what I did before ,with one difference called the Internet.When I started out,phones still had wires on the end of the receiver,you know?
      He took 17 weekend workshops that first year. Next year ,he went to work forW.Clement Stone,who was my mentor and also,he hired me at his foundation to teach Success Principles to kids and teachers.He made the mistake of saying, ” You can take any Workshop you want . The foundation will pay for it.


    • Samir

      — Interview with Jack Canfield —
      Some of the Keypoints from this talk
      1. Identify the things, that you know and what you are passionate about
      2. You need to teach them things that come naturally to you.
      3. When you will teach what you are passionate about, people will be able to connect the vibration.
      4. You don’t have to reach the destination to start teaching. rather if you are learning and on the way to reaching the destination also and you are passionate about that, you can start teaching. (You can teach how to become a millionaire before you become a millionaire)
      5. You need to be a good listener.
      6. You need to keep learning always.
      7. You should take responsibility for your life.
      8. You have to take care of your others to make them successful.
      9. You need to be a good storyteller.
      10. You need to articulate. You need to learn the technique of how to speak your concepts in an easy and understandable way.
      11. Define the proper sequence of the success principle one needs to know.
      12. Learn how to stay motivated when you face failures.
      13. Learn handling rejections.
      14. Learn to Energize and engage people.
      15. Be yourself, be unique, and don’t try to be someone else.
      16. Give as much possible value to people.
      17. You will be able to attract more like-minded people based on who you are.
      18. You need to be on all the social media channels and you need to show up.
      19. Your experience is not being said ever. so share that.
      20. You should write a book.
      21. Learn and keep practicing.
      22. You can make mistakes. but you need to learn from it.
      23. You need to learn to build an online community.
      24. You need to learn how to sell online.
      25. Make a decision to take action.
      26. You have to do something new.
      27. Take action.
      28. Just take the first step with faith.


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