Do you want to know how to structure an impactful podcast so that you get your listeners coming back to you with every new episode? In this podcast, I break it down into the 6 simple steps that I have been using.
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43 replies to "How To Structure An Impactful Podcast In 6 Simple Steps"
Deep connection with audience … Is equals to podcast
“How To Structure An Impactful Podcast In 6 Simple Steps”
Basics of the Podcast –
1. It’s all about “Value Per Minute” – If you can deliver maximum values per minute, when the people are listening to it & they feel like coming back again. This is the most important thing for a Podcast.
2. Style of Delivery – Go with the flow, do not polish.
3. Headline of the Podcast – Headline of the Podcast must be so attractive.
4. Different Kinds of Podcast –
a) Long format podcast – Interview Podcast etc. (30 – 40 Minutes)
b) Solo Podcast – (Below 15 Minutes)
“How To Structure An Impactful Podcast In 6 Simple Steps”
1. Catchy Headline – The headline must be so catchy so that people will be attracted to it. Like “How To”, “10 Lessons Learnt” etc. When the people read the Headline, they should feel that they are asking the questions from themselves, for which they need the answer.
2. Think about the Pace and Make a very Attractive Intro – Keep it less than 1 min so that there will be Attention Span. Have a Fast Pace Attractive Intro.
3. Set the Principles – Set the Principles, why it is important. Which really sets the tone of what’s coming.
4. Actual Content, Overdeliver Value – This must be divided in few steps, which will be easy for you to record the Podcast & it will be easy for your students to Digest it. If you give bullet points, the time they are giving will be so must Valuable. You can give example, share Stories so that People can connect with you on a Deeper Level.
5. Strategic Call to Action – Give a Call to Action like Webinar Link, Lead Magnet Link, etc.
6. You must have a Cool Outro – You can give some Closing Notes, Key Take away, you can request for a 5 Star Rating etc. at the end. Recap what you have covered so far in bullet points.
Such a detailed explanation …
Thank you for sharing ..🤗🤗
Superb stuff Neeraj!
Different kind of podcast :
Principles to have impactful podcast
Value per minute ,Lot of information and people hook to that and stich to end of pod cast.
Style, Hook
different ways of podcast like interview podcast and short pod cast for 10to 15 minutes.
but under 15 minutes is ideal one
The structure for podcast should be as follows:
1.Catochi podcast_ Greesh line
2.Pace and attractive intro like teezar .
3.Set the principles as why it is important.
4.Actual content which add value based on structure and story of your own.
5.Startigic call to action _Led generation ,new audience and generating organic lead.
6. Cool out row .Closing note with asking for 5 star rating .
Quick recap:
Catchy head line
Fast pace intro
Set Principles/Story’s
Actual content
Strategic call to action and finally Cool out row for closing note
Great learnings Praful!
🔥🔥🔥 Different component of impactful podcast 🔥🔥🔥…
How do you structure it ….
How you design your first part very meaning attractive ….
How to set the context ..the intro and outro ….
Decoding the structure of podcast ….
🔥🔥🔥🔥Principle ….
New people are getting exposed to lots of new leads ….
Start recording with your best possible budget …
Get in the flow ….
Build audience ….
Make profit ….
And then invest again and upgrade ….
Yes diamond membership is magical …
Its in my goal list … I can feel the positive energy and accountability level …
Thank you SIDZ…
Thanks Meenu!
# ILH 👪
Value per minute
Style of delivery
Keep it short & crisp 10 to 15 minutes
You need to have a catchy headline. Catchy headline is like a greece slide.
Pace & make a intro tools.
Set the principles
Actual content
Strategy call to actions
Cool outro where you give some notes
Some 🔑 aways.
Excellent Firdous!
Wow, awesome Podcast is about how to podcast. We can easily implement great golden nuggets and take action to create a faster impact.
Two parts of the learning were:
Setting the principles right, that is
1. Value per Minute_ We should respect the time of our listener as well as ours and give away solid points that can bring impact to the listener. Better our milage, more chances to retain the listeners for a longer period of time.
2. Style of delivery_ There is no one right way to do this but, the incorrect way would be jumping from one style to another. As a listener we love consistency and our delivery should keep this in mind.
3. Hook of the Podcast: The first impression when someone is going to come in contact with our content or podcast should feel like the content they are seeing is built exclusively for them. So, a catchy hook line really binds our target audience to give us an ear and hear us out in the podcast. ( PS: This is my favorite point). Work on building hooks, different target audiences stick to different hook points and for different reasons. Do your research, and don’t be afraid to try.
4. Understand different kinds of podcasts: If you boil down any content it usually comes down to two basic formats: Short form and long-form, And both have their own pros and cons. Short-form podcasts could be under 10-15 minutes of chewable content. Whereas a deeper conversation or interview-based podcast can range anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour-long. And we maintain the value per minute principle that might go up to 2 to 3 hours, but that should be really impactful.
Once you have created an understanding of Principles, it’s time to dive into the Structure.
Points to focus on while structuring:
1: Have a Catchy Headline: Catchier the better, as we are fighting for the ever-decreasing attention span of our target audience, a good starter increases our chance to create an impact. Suggestions: “How to…” & “10 Lessons I learned….” are in a way asking questions by the viewer to themselves and getting their own answer just in your voice.
2. Fast Pace to make an important Intro: The golden first few seconds while our listeners are still judging us & our content increase our chances of retention. So this should be full of relevant energy and engaging conversation open.
3. Set the Principle: A context setting in the very initial stage sets the expectations right and also aligns our listeners with our content. (PS: If you overdeliver after this, this leaves an impression on our listener about what to expect in future podcasts, and hence increases the chance of repeat visits.) Confuse them by not setting the context and you will lose them forever.
4. Actual Content: Now with all the things in a place, delivering actual content is of utmost importance. People can see through your intentions, so don’t try to beat around the bush. An important lesson I have gathered n life is that, don’t make content to impress someone, but make content to impress people, that you’re authentic and why you do what you do. Because when we do that, our listeners can really connect with us, and if they don’, they are not our target customers.
5. Strategic Call to action: So, once you have delivered fantastic content, people love to know what they are supposed to do. People love taking cues from the podcaster about the next logical step, so give them the Call to action & it can be as small as making a comment or as engaging as doing something out of the box, but order/request them to take action.
6. Really cool outro: Closing notes & Key takes with the right level of energy leave our listener craving for more and might trigger them to look for our other contents. So, our task is yet not finished after the call of action. Work on the outro and test different things to check what is working.
Thank you SIDZ…
Good stuff Gaurav!
Simple in steps with powerful impact
Thanks Manjunath!
Different components of impactful podcast
Value per minute
Style of delivery
Keep it short & crisp – max 15 minutes
Pace & make a intro tools.
Set the principles
Actual content
Strategy call to actions
How to structure of podcast
1.Value per minute is the most successful factor to stay audience till the end.
2.Style of delivery – Fast phase delivery
Hook of the podcast is very important
Types of podcast
Long Interview kind of podcast like 1 hr duration and solo podcast shot form like 10min form.
Structure of the podcast:
1. Catchy headline – Banana peel, it should be How to Questions or Leason kind of podcast.
2. Intro part like teaser: less than a min introduction. It should be catchy introduction.
3. Content: Steps to be followed.
We can give story or deeper connections content.
4. Tools: Resources for the audience.
5.Principles: why it’s important
6.Strategy Call to Action is important to generate leads.
7.Outro: closing notes or key notes or Quick recap.
Sidz Resources or Recommendations
Envato Elements
Buzz sprout
Apple Headset
Very good Ramkumar!
A great share, Sidz.
I am in the process of starting with my podcasts and it couldn’t have come at a better time.
Thank you so much.
Excellent Deepak!
🔥 Wonderful Podcast to structure an impactful Podcast…
✨ Principles
– Value per minute : Most important factor in a Podcast. Because, people will be coming back more and more only when Value per minute is achieved. Then only, people will be stick till the end of the podcast.
– Style of Delivery: Fast paced delivery or editing of the Podcast
– Hook / Headline: Should have good headline
– Types of Podcasts: Interview based Podcast. Solo Podcast Bytable size Podcast is more effective
– Duration: Under 15 mins for Solo Podcast
1- Catchy Headline ❤️
Can use below format.
– How to?
– Lessons Learnt?
2- Fast paced and attractive intro 🎉
– Less than 1 minute: That’s the attention capacity people have
3- Set the principle in first before Content 💓
– Why: Why is this important for you to listen this particular Podcast?
4- Content 🚀
– Steps: 6 Steps. Easy to digest if broken into steps.
– Bullet Points: Very important
– Stories / Examples: Connect in deeper level in case Stories / Examples.
5- Strategic Call to Action 🤙
– Giveaways with Resources
– Register for Webinar
– Free Course
6- Outro : Some closing notes. 📁
– Call to Action
– Request for a 5 star rating
Thanks, Sidz!
Superb Tapas!
Really feeling blessed always to share the learning .Thank you Siddharth for sharing the knowledge with us.
How do you structure a good podcast?
Careful planning and thoughtfully struc-
tured episodes will help you get a wider
– Value per Minute
– Style of Delivery – Fast Paced with Attractive Intro .
– Hooks and Headlines
-Types of Podacast-
1. The Interview Podcast
This podcast style is where a host interviews different guests on each episode.
This is a popular format because it doesn’t always require a lot of groundwork.
Preparation usually includes researching your interviewee and coming up with
a list of questions to ask. Of course, you’ll need some soft skills to start this pod-
cast type, like convincing guests to participate, interviewing skills, and being
able to produce podcast episodes regularly. The first and the most common
one, which you would generally hear worldwide, is guys like Tim Ferris and Louis
Howes, who do interview podcasts. It’s like a one-to-one interview. And usually,
these podcasts range anywhere from 30 minutes, all the way up to one hour.
So I’m looking at 45 minutes as a good benchmark if you’re going to be doing
interviews. I started my podcasting journey by interviewing other people first.
2. The Solo Podcast
If you’ve been wondering how to start a podcast, this might be one of the best
podcast formats for you. These podcasts are typically presented as a mono-
logue, with you running the show. I’ve chosen this particular format for myself
because I feel like I can do the research, and they can crank out some high
value, action-oriented, crisp, and clear information to you,
The content for solo podcasts can be opinion-based, news-related, a Q/A, or
any other style delivered by one person. This is an easy podcast to produce
from a technical standpoint because all you need is your voice, know how to
record a podcast, and a subject to talk about. So for a solo cast, you can do
between 10 to 20 minutes in duration..
– Duration – 10-15 mins with High Value Content.
Steps to be follow in Content-
Bullet Points
Strategic Call to Action
– Giveaways
– Register for Webinar
-Free Course.
Last point is on Outro –
Outro with music. And for that, he recommend that
for directly use the existing voice recorder that may have on your phone .
You can do the entire podcast on your phone itself. If you want to use a headset
for better clarity, you can use that. Sit in a quiet place, make sure that there’s
not much echo and reverberation in the room, then just record a podcast.
BuzzSprout: Their analytics features are super helpful and better than most
other tools on this list. Audio quality is also great as you can upgrade to 128k
stereo optimization for better sound. They offer podcast transcription services
as an extra add-on. Highly recommend by Siddharth.
Awesome notes!
I think it was hackthon last July , and I heard Sidz telling about how to do a podcast. I have started since that time. I have 150+ episodes.
1- I have given a headline which was not always catchy. I thought so. I gave a name whatever topic hit me that day. Right now I see about 15 countries following the podcast.
2- My expressions have been my unique feature. Relaxed, and talking to an imaginary audience. The audience somehow does not find time to appear when I am going live. But they have watched it later. I am not famous yet, so they can relax about my broadcasts. They can catch up later. Perfectly fine.
I should have raised the curiosity within the first 1 minute. About 10 years later, this will be a unique style to be associated with me. Like a Nana patekar or a Smita Patil!!!
3- Set the principle in first before Content. 💓
– Why: Why is this important for me that day. A similar circumstance might have happened to somebody else or may happen in future.
4- Content 🚀
– Steps: 6 Steps. Easy to digest if broken into steps.
– Bullet Points: Very important
– Stories / Examples: Connect in deeper level in case Stories / Examples.
5- Strategic Call to Action
– Giveaways with Resources
– Register for my Time management challenge, book a calendly, or simply subscribe to the podcast. The next episode is coming next day only.
6- Outro : Some closing notes. 📁
– Call to Action
– Request for a 5 star rating
I am in Season 2 in the 88th episode was concluded today. Once 99th episode is done, I shall go to season 3
Super proud of you Sangeeta!
Different component of impactful podcast
How do you structure it
How you design your first part very meaning attractive
Decoding the structure of podcasts
– OUTRO – Request for 5 star ratings
New people are getting exposed to lots of new leads
Start recording with your best possible budget
Get in the flow
Build audience
Make profit
And then invest again and upgrade
Various types of podcast are solo, interview, group podcast, short and long durations. Optimal duration is 15-30 minutes.
1. CATCHY HEADLINE…This should be catchy plus gives you some insight into the podcast catchy enough to attract the audience. Put some question into the headline to draw more attention. How, What, Why?
2. PACE OF PRESENTATION .. max should be 1 minute make a very fast pace intro which should be catchy and attractive
3. SET THE PRINCIPLES..HINT TO GIVE CONTEXT OF THE PODCAST they must imagine what’s coming next, why its important, style of delivery ,to hook the listener.
4. ACTUAL CONTENT of the podcast, break the content into points to make it more easily graspable.
5. STRATEGIC CALL TO CATION…invite the people in an authentic way to divert them to your webinar, community. Give them some attraction so that they are compelled to join community or attend webinar like EbOOK, SMALL COURSE, SOME MERCHANDISE ETC.
6. COOL OUTRO….closing notes, gratitude, and request for 5 star rating etc
Various types of podcast are solo, interview, group podcast, short and long durations. Optimal duration is 15-30 minutes.
1. CATCHY HEADLINE…This should be catchy plus gives you some insight into the podcast catchy enough to attract the audience. Put some question into the headline to draw more attention. How, What, Why?
2. PACE OF PRESENTATION .. max should be 1 minute make a very fast pace intro which should be catchy and attractive
3. SET THE PRINCIPLES..HINT TO GIVE CONTEXT OF THE PODCAST they must imagine what’s coming next, why its important, style of delivery ,to hook the listener.
4. ACTUAL CONTENT of the podcast, break the content into points to make it more easily graspable.
5. STRATEGIC CALL TO CATION…invite the people in an authentic way to divert them to your webinar, community. Give them some attraction so that they are compelled to join community or attend webinar like EbOOK, SMALL COURSE, SOME MERCHANDISE ETC.
6. COOL OUTRO….closing notes, gratitude, and request for 5 star rating etc
Thanks for sharing!
How To Structure An Impactful Podcast in 6 simple steps
Podcasts are episodes of your Channel or Brand of the Podcast. Podcasting relates to the context of radio, and the podcaster is very much like a radio jockey.
Radio is still the favorite for many and the only option that comes with every vehicle. As the podcasting is picking up, most people who travel, by car, train or bus, usually tune into podcasts to entertain or learn, and utilize their time of travel.
There are various principles to podcasting:
1. Keeping it live and entertaining – Adding a musical intro and outro, that resemble your brand, and on listening to the intro, your audience should be able to make out the name of the podcast. E.g., The Intro of Netflix is very famous (Ta-Dum). I couldn’t find something like that as an intro for my brand yet.
2. The Headline and the hook – The headline is the title of the podcast and the hook is what you say immediately after the intro. The headline tells the audience whether it is of their interest to play the podcast, and the hook sets them to listen to the podcast till the end.
3. Podcasts can be Solo, Multiple Hosts, Discussions, Interviews, Debates, a Mix of Music and hosting, Entertainment podcasts, Q&A, etc. However, these days, the main form of differentiation is short form 10 to 15mins or 30 to 40mins and long-form ranging from 60-90mins or ultra-long podcasts.
4. In solo podcasts, since there is only one person speaking, it is monotonous, and the style of the speaker decides the fate of the podcast. A friendly tone, a sense of humor, a few engaging or thought-provoking questions, and a few heartwarming comments can add flavor to the podcast.
So, the structure of the podcast is as follows; the title and the thumbnail being the cover of the podcast,
1. Intro – Musical with “Welcome to ____Podcast Name”
2. Hook – Something happened and the suspense is going to unfold
3. Setting the principle – may be a quote-unquote (the main subject being discussed)
4. Setting the context – provokes your thoughts/ideas on the subject
5. Content explains why it occurs to be so, and also stimulates thoughts and opinions in the audiences’ minds.
6. Call to Action – requesting participation in the comments by the audience, reviewing the host, rate the podcast, offering downloadable/ external resources, summarizing, creating a tone of continuity
7. Outro – Bidding the gap till the next podcast
The most important asset of a podcast is availability, consistency, quality of voice (depends on the equipment you use), branding, musical elements, and the host.
Podcasting is easier than videos and more resourceful to start and scale.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Very good Santosh!
Components of Successful Podcast :-
1. Value Per Minute
2. Headline of our Podcast
3. Long Interview Podcasts.
4. Catchy Headline is very important – Lessons Learnt, How to.
5. Tools like Buzz Sprout
6. Actual Content of our Podcast is very important.
7. Strategic Call to Actions.
8. GarageBand, Audacity are the best tools to record our Podcast. #ILHDeepLearner
Excellent Sumesh!
My Learnings From This Podcast-
PRINCIPLES- VALUE PER MINUTE- If you can deliver maximum value per minute and give a lot of information where people can hook into it.
STYLE OF DELIVERY- Go with the flow, do not polish.
HEADLINES OF YOUR PODCAST- The headline of your podcast must be attractive.
DIFFERENT KINDS OF PODCAST- There are different kinds of podcast like interview based podcast which is 30- 40 mins and Solo which is 10 – 15 minutes.
1. CATCHY HEADLINE- The headline of the podcast should be so catchy that people will be attracted to it such as “HOW TO” and “LESSON LEARNT “.
FAST PACED ATTRACTIVE INTRO- You need to make a very attractive intro and keep it less than 1mins because that’s the attention span that people have.
SET THE PRINCIPLES- Set the principles of why it is important and that really set the tone to what is coming. It’s good to set the foundation first.
CONTENT- When you’re able to break it down into steps it becomes easy for you to record the podcast and easy for students to digest the information. Steps, Bullet points, Stories are the best way to connect with your audience in a much deeper level.
GIVE STRATEGIC CALL TO ACTION- Give a Call To Action like Free Courses, Webinar Links,Giveaways etc because when you have strategic call to action inside a podcast it becomes a automatic lead generation for you.
OUTRO- You need to have a really cool outro where you give amazing closing notes, some key takeaways, or 5 star review.
Brilliant Mansha!
Awesome Siddharth,thanks for your teaching.Really it is perfect.
Minakshi Gupta
— How to structure an impactful Podcast in 6 simple steps —
– Principles –
1. Value per minute
2. Style of Delivery
3. The hook (The Headline) of your Podcast is very Important
4. Duration of the Podcasts
– 6 Steps to Structure a Podcast –
1. Catchy Headline
2. Pace of the Podcast (Ex- 1 Minute Intro)
3. Set the principles
4. Actual Content
5. Strategic call to action
6. Cool Outro
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
How to create a successful podcast?
Podcasts are a very impactful medium to exchange ideas.
It could be a long podcast with an interview format. It could be a short solo format.
The time period of 10 to 15 minutes appears to be effective at present looking at the span of attention of people now a days.
The quality of podcast is based on value delivery per minute.
The essential steps of a podcast are:
1. Catchy Headline.
2. Powerful and precise intro of a minute.
3.Setting the principle
4. Content delivery
5. strategic Call to Action
6. Cool outro.