Let’s get real for a moment. You ever feel like your high-ticket business is more like a high-stakes game of Whac-A-Mole? You’re smacking down problems left and right, your calendar’s a hot mess, and if you have to do one more back-to-back Zoom call, you might just run off to join the circus. Well, guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine a business where your income skyrockets, your freedom expands, and you actually have time to breathe. Sounds like one of those “too good to be true” pitches, right? Well, it’s not. It’s what happens when you learn to build scalable high-ticket products that work for you, not against you. And today, I’m gonna give you the 10 secrets to making that happen. Buckle up, my friend. Here we go.

1. Mix the Small with the Big: Low-Ticket + High-Ticket = Goldmine
You know that low-ticket product you’ve been scoffing at because it’s “small potatoes”? Yeah, well, it’s your secret weapon. Think of it as the gateway drug to your high-ticket offer. You’re not just selling; you’re building trust. A no-brainer, low-ticket offer gets people in the door, warms them up, and shows them a slice of what you can really do. By the time they’ve tasted your magic, they’re ready to go all-in on your high-ticket stuff. It’s not just a sale; it’s a journey.

2. Stop Being the Hero. Start Being the Mastermind.
Listen, if you’re the Superman of your business, saving the day every five minutes, you’re setting yourself up for a burnout of epic proportions. You know who you really want to be? Nick Fury. The guy behind the scenes, pulling the strings, assembling a dream team that gets the job done while you mastermind the vision. You don’t need to be the star; you need to be the strategist. Let your community thrive, let them lead, and watch your business grow without you having to be the one doing all the heavy lifting.

3. It’s Not Just About Tactics, It’s About Transformation
Quick wins are cute, but nobody buys a step-by-step guide just to learn tactics. They buy the promise of a better life, a bigger dream, a complete transformation. Sell them the journey, not just the map. Your audience isn’t looking for another hack; they want a path to freedom, to health, to wealth. Make that the core of your offer, and watch your sales go through the roof.

4. Don’t Sell, Recruit
Think about this: You’re not just selling a product; you’re building a tribe. People don’t just want to buy—they want to belong. So, stop selling like a used car dealer and start recruiting like you’re building an exclusive club. Make them feel like joining your community is the best decision they’ll ever make. When you recruit, you’re not just taking anyone with a wallet; you’re building a tribe of like-minded people who add value, stick around, and bring others into the fold.

5. From Clients to Members—Words Matter
Here’s a little tweak with massive impact: Stop calling them ‘clients’ and start calling them ‘members.’ A client is just a transaction. A member? That’s a relationship. They’re invested, they’re engaged, they’re sticking around because they’re part of something bigger. It’s more than just a sale—it’s a connection. When you shift your language, you’re not just offering a service; you’re offering a home.

6. Let the Community Drive, Not the Expert
If your whole business revolves around you as the expert, congrats—you’ve just built yourself a one-way ticket to exhaustion. There’s only so much of you to go around. But a community-driven business? That’s where the magic happens. Let your members share, lead, and support each other. Now, instead of being the bottleneck, you’re the creator of an unstoppable force that keeps going, even when you’re not in the room.

7. Empower Your Members to Take the Wheel
You don’t want a business where you’re babysitting grown adults. Your job isn’t to hold hands; it’s to empower. Give your members the tools, resources, and guidance to take action on their own. Set them up with clear, actionable content, automate where you can, and let them drive their own journey. When they own their success, not only do they achieve more, but you get to keep your sanity intact.

8. Ditch the Full Calendar for Freedom
Let’s be real—a packed calendar is not a status symbol; it’s a cry for help. You didn’t get into this to be chained to back-to-back calls. Freedom isn’t about being busy; it’s about having space to think, create, and grow. Use systems that scale, like group coaching and digital courses, so you can deliver massive value without burning out. Remember, the goal isn’t to do more—it’s to do what matters.

9. Innovate from Within—Forget the Copycats
Here’s the deal: If you’re constantly copying the so-called “gurus,” you’re always playing catch-up. Innovation comes from within—from listening to your members, tuning into their needs, and creating solutions that are uniquely yours. Your business should be a reflection of your vision and values, not some recycled version of someone else’s playbook. Be bold. Be original. And don’t be afraid to make your own rules.

10. Scale with 1-to-Many, Not 1-to-1
Still grinding away at 1-to-1 sales? Time to level up. The real magic is in 1-to-many. Webinars, group coaching, live streams—these are your new best friends. They allow you to reach more people, create more impact, and close more sales in a fraction of the time. It’s not just about scaling your business; it’s about amplifying your message and reaching more people who need what you have to offer.

So, What’s the Next Step?
There you have it—10 secrets to building scalable high-ticket products without losing your mind or your freedom. These aren’t just tips; they’re game-changers designed to help you scale effortlessly while enjoying the ride. It’s time to stop being the bottleneck and start being the leader you were meant to be.

Want to see these strategies in action? Join my Diamond Membership, where we don’t just talk about scaling—we live it. Head over to sidz.co/diamond, and let’s turn your business into a powerhouse that doesn’t just survive but thrives.

Remember, success isn’t just about stacking cash; it’s about creating a life that feels as good as it looks. Let’s build something extraordinary together.

See you on the inside!

To your freedom,
Siddharth Rajsekar
Your Digital Revolution Mentor

siddharth rajsekar

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Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    87 replies to "10 Secrets to Build Scalable High Ticket Products Without Losing Your Mind or Your Calendar"

    • Ranjeet Malakar

      Not sell tactics, sale journey.
      Create culture,
      I should make a member, not client
      Highly product is not matter results impact follow member
      I should treated like facilitor, not like a super star
      Build High ticket product

    • Sai Kumar Korrapati

      121 Coaching
      High ticket is minimum 50k
      Seo Live
      Group process
      Premium member ship
      Exclusive master mind
      Quantum Club

    • Bhaskar Prasad

      My Journey as an Entrepreneur: Overcoming the Odds

      Leaving my high-paid job to start my venture was one of the most challenging decisions of my life. The road has been filled with obstacles—moments of uncertainty that could have easily broken anyone without a strong mindset. But through it all, I’ve learned, grown, and persevered.

      Now, I’m excited to share my experiences with aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those navigating tough times like funding winters, investor skepticism, and fierce competition.

      Stay tuned for my upcoming digital session, where I’ll be sharing all the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Together, we can conquer these challenges and build something extraordinary. With the guidance of my highly expert digital mentor, Siddharth Rajsekhar, I’m learning and growing every day—let’s embark on this journey together!

    • Ravi Kiraan Vijapurapuu

      My Takeaways:

      1. Go From Low Ticket Product To High Ticket product.
      2. Group Coaching Type HT is Scalable – doesnot involve much of your dedicated Time. Not much load still. Can be done through Facilitators.
      3. Combination of LT & HT is workable but not just HT.
      4. Nick Fury Approach is Scalable for Mastermind Type HT.
      5. Journey based Focus Works over the Tactic based Focus in highly scalable HT.
      6. Unsell before Actual Selling.
      7. Recruit people who are aligned with the culture and COH.
      8. Talk Language in terms of Long term Members based community rather than Client and Transactions.
      9. Treat Our Members as Super Stars and not me.
      10. Implement Self-Driven Action-Taking Mindset.
      11. Have Freedom based Calendars.
      12. Have Innovative Strategies and Mindset.
      13. 1 to Many Selling is always Scalable rather than 1 to 1 in long run.

    • Bharathi S B

      1:1 Sessions (₹30,000 and above): Personalized, high-value coaching or consultation sessions with clients. These sessions are tailored specifically to individual needs and deliver deep, impactful results, making them highly valuable.

      Agency SEO High-Ticket Services: Offering premium SEO services with guaranteed outcomes for high-end clients. This involves providing specialized digital marketing services that drive tangible business growth, allowing you to charge premium rates.

      Live Physical Workshops (₹1 lakh): Hosting exclusive, in-person workshops that offer hands-on experiences and in-depth learning. These workshops are designed for participants willing to invest significant amounts for actionable knowledge and networking opportunities.

      Group Mentoring: Creating group coaching programs where multiple participants receive guidance at a premium price. This allows for scalability, as you can serve more clients at once while still offering a high level of personalized support and accountability.

      Premium Membership (Yearly Subscription): Building a community where members pay an annual fee for exclusive access to resources, courses, and ongoing mentorship. This model ensures a consistent revenue stream while building long-term relationships with clients.

      Mastermind Quantum Club (₹10 lakh): Offering elite-level mastermind groups that provide access to high-performing individuals, exclusive content, and advanced strategies. These are typically for top-tier clients who are ready to make a significant financial investment for exponential growth.

      The overarching theme is that by diversifying your high-ticket offerings, focusing on value creation, and building scalable systems, you can create sustainable income streams without burning out.
      Integrate Low-Ticket and High-Ticket Offers: Both are essential for a balanced business model. Low-ticket (₹1 lakh) offerings should complement each other.

      The 10 secrets to scale up long term…
      Nick Fury Approach: Be the mastermind like Nick Fury, focusing on strategy rather than being the flamboyant hero (Iron Man).

      Journey Focused: Prioritize the long-term journey over short-term tactics for sustainable scaling.

      Selling vs. Recruiting: Don’t just close deals—recruit members who align with your culture and values, fostering long-term relationships.

      Change Your Vocabulary: Refer to your clients as “members” to build a stronger sense of community and belonging.

      Community-Driven: Focus on building a supportive, engaged community around your offerings.

      Self-Driven Accountability: Encourage students to be self-motivated, responsible for completing courses and achieving results on their own.

      Balance Freedom and Work: Avoid a constantly full calendar; ensure you have freedom and incubation time while working smart and hard.

      Innovate, Don’t Imitate: Be an innovator rather than a copycat, continually bringing fresh ideas to your business.

      Scale from 1:1 to 1-to-Many: Shift your focus from individual selling to scalable group selling for broader impact.

    • Savitha SR

      1.Combination of both Low & High Ticket
      2.Take the approach of Mastermind
      3.Sell the Journey not Tactics
      4.Stop Selling Start Recruiting
      5.Change the Vocabulary from Client to Member of Community
      6.Not be Expert Driven but Community Driven
      7.Baby sitting v/s Self Driven Action Taking
      8.Not to have your Calendar Full
      9.Dont be a Copy Cat, Be a Innovator by listening to your Customers
      10.Move from 121 selling to 1 to Many Selling – Showcase, Boot-camp

    • Preeti Agarwal

      10 Secrets to Building Highly Scalable High Ticket Products:

      1. Only Low Ticket V/s Only High Ticket: we should a COMBINATION of BOTH, not just one of these.

      2. Bring altogether the team, instead of your doing it all. EMPOWER the team/ your community.

      3. Don’t focus on TACTICS, instead emphasize the JOURNEY, the transformation of the students.

      4.Don’t take the approach of “Closing the Deal” during Sales, but find the Right person whom you can RECRUIT in your system, so that they are aligned & take actions. Don’t have a hunter mindset but a farmer’s!

      5. It’s not client, its MEMBER of your community. Vocabulary matters! When we use the word “member” our approach changes, how we treat them changes.

      6. High ticket product should not be expert driven but community driven. Find “FACILITATORS” from your existing community.

      7. Don’t baby sit rather empower them to be SELF-DRIVEN to take actions.

      8. Don’t have FULL calendars. Keep breathing space for self.

      9. Don’t be copycat, be INNOVATORS by listening to members & addressing their concerns.

      10. Shift from 1:1 Selling to 1:MANY Selling

    • Bharpur Singh

      6 diff. high ticket product
      1 – 121 coaching
      2 – services
      3 – live physical events
      4 – Group mentoring program – 3-6 months
      5 – premuim membership into community
      6 – Exclusive Master Mind

      10 Secrets to make it scalable
      1 – low ticket (5000 – 10000) vs High Ticket (> 1 lakhs)
      combination of both
      2 – Iron Man (Do everythng by himself) vs Nick Fury Team (Combine multiple people like super Hero ,Iron Man part of his team)
      3. selling Tactic vs selling Journey
      – also go for Journey i.e. community
      4. selling vs Recruiting
      selling – how to close the deal
      Recruiting – create a relationship
      5. change the vocablary from Client to member
      6. It should not be expert driven but community driven
      7. baby sitting vs self driven action taking
      8. Do not have your Calendar full vs freedom
      9. Dont be a copy cat, start being innovator
      10. Move from 121 to 1-many

    • Jayant Nautiyal

      Key Take Away!!!
      A) I-2-1 coaching
      B) DF you services reoccurring monthly subs
      C) Live workshops
      D) Small group trainings
      E) Premium Memberships, lot of access is given highly scalable.
      F) Exclusive Mastermind.( 1-2-1 with weekly momentum session training others+ monthly calls with Triads)

      10 secrets
      1)Only low Ticket and only high tickets do not work. have a combination of both.
      2)Iron Man vs Nick Fury ( the leader who put together all superhero , he is the mastermind), so empower the superstars who help each other and the society pulling everybody up.
      Your student should be the Hero
      3) Tactics vs Journey, sell the journey instead. FF…HOF…1 cr…10 cr….100 cr and it continues
      4) Selling vs Recruiting, do not look to close a deal but look towards opening up a relationship.
      Do not sell until someone is serious and committed.
      5) Change your Vocabulary from Client to member. Clein comes to you and then they move on once work is finished, look them as member for a bigger mission. Client’s are one nigh stand, members are committed.
      6) Must not be expert driven , it should be community driven instead.
      7) Baby sitting Vs Self Driven Action Taking. with a control centre design systems which are scalable.
      8) Do not have your calendars Full, closing deals, delivering Products is actually a vicious circle and a nightmare in the end. Full calendrers vs Freedom
      9) Do not be a copy Cat, be an innovator from within. by listening to your customers on a deeper basis, providing them solutions and systematizing and automating the product
      10) Move from 1-2-1 to 1-2 -many, start with 1-2-1 in the beginning , crystallize your product and then sell 1-2- many. Start showcase selling and boot camp selling .

    • Dr. Sivanagi Reddy EMANI

      HIGH TICKET (> RS.50,000) METHODS.

      1. 121
      2. DONE FOR YOU


      10. MOVE 121 TO 1 TO MANY SELLING.

    • Shweta Honagudi

      My Learnings:

      1. Have a Combination of Low & High Ticket Memberships. High Ticket can be Memberships, Certification, Group Mentoring, Physical Event, Premium Membership in the community where we do weekend assignments & Exclusive Mastermind.
      2. Need a Combination of Low and High Ticket
      3. SCALABLE Elements
      4. Journey Focused Vs. Tactic Focused
      5. Stop Selling Vs. Start Recruiting
      6. Client Vocabulary to Member Vocabulary
      7. Baby Sitting Vs. Self-Driven Action Takers
      8. Don’t have Calendars Full – Explore Freedom
      9. Be an Innovator Vs. Copy Master
      10. Move from One to One Selling to One to Many Selling Model

    • Kavneet Singh

      10 Secrets to Build a scalable High Ticket Products Podcast

      1. Only Low Ticket v/s Only High Ticket – Both don’t work.
      less than 10K – Low Ticket
      10K – 50 K – Medium Ticket
      50K – 1 to 3 L – High Ticket

      2. Iron Man v/s Nick Furry – Nick puts the team together
      Take the Nick Furry approach – Empower the masterminds, don’t try to be the mastermind. Let Students be the hero.

      3. Tactic v/s Journey
      Sell the Journey, not just a course or a product. Stop emphasizing the tactic.

      4. Stop Selling v/s Start Recruiting – Closing a deal v/s Building a relationship
      Recruit your members; un-sell and then sell. Look for right culture fit.

      5. Vocabulary Change – Not Clients; Call them Member of a bigger mission. Clients are like 1 night stand, members stick it out

      6. Should not be expert driven, it should be community driven – Nurture voluntary facilitators who drive the masterminds.

      7. Baby Sitting v/s Self driven action taking – Device systems, gamify, have control centers like level-up

      8. Not have your calendars full – Community Driven is very important

      9. Don’t be a copy cat; Be an innovator – Listening to your customers on a daily basis

      10. Move from 121 selling to 1-to-many – Sell 1-to-many

    • Dilshad Shamsudeen

      One to one Vs One to Many
      Community Vs Clients
      Low ticket Vs Cluster of products
      Low ticket =50K


      Sale journey instead of tactics, Create members instead of Clients, Build High Ticket products


      Super crisp and it is an authentic verdict

    • Moksh Chauhan

      High Ticket Types
      -Live Events
      -group – 3 – 6 months
      -exclusive mastermind – a group of 3 exchanging each other ideas
      High Ticket Secrets
      -50k+ = high ticket
      1-low ticket vs high ticket – ultra high ticket
      2-iron man vs Nick Furry (mastermind of the superhero), the student should be the hero, you are the guide (mastermind)
      3-Tactics vs journey be a journey focused not tactic focused
      4-selling vs recruiter – be a recruiter, not a seller – if they are suited to the culture don’t recruit them
      5-client vs member – change your vocabulary as a member to client
      6-experts vs community driven – be a community-driven, not an expert, create a facilitator
      7-babysitting vs self driven – polestar/ level up ,
      8-full colander vs freedom – if you have a full calendar you will be burnt out
      9-Copycat vs innovator – keep innovating things and take feedback from your community
      10-121 vs 121 many – move from 121 to 121 many, showcase selling, BootCamp selling


      10 secrets to high ticket products:
      Go for low ticket products first
      6 types-
      121- 50,000
      Consulting service consultancy
      Group coaching- 36 months
      live workshops 3days
      Premium membership- society membership/ Annual
      Exclusive mastermind / exchanging ideas

      10 steps:
      1. Only low or only high ticket does not work. 10,000to 25000 mid,>50000 to 100000 High.
      2. Scalable- Iron Man vs. Nick Furry- team concept- creating team of super star, mastermind concept. Be the Board where they play. Students are Heroes.
      3. Tactic Vs. Journey focus. Sell the journey and be the guide. Keep them in them process and discipline of consistency.
      4. Selling Vs. Recruiting- not closing a deal but building relationship. Community based on trust. With Code of Honour and culture- fit.
      5. Change the vocabulary from client to member. No is a client, they are members of a community like a home. Clients are like one night stand members stick together through thick and thin.
      6. Not Expert driven but moving together as a Herd.
      7. Babysitting vs. self driven. Self- reliant, persistence-fixed on Goal- Fast Implementor.
      8. Not to have a calendar full- Freedom the core- driving with freedom. Meaningful Smart work with flow with fun and Joy.
      9. Don’t be a copycat but be innovator and remain creative with an out- of- the- box concept.
      10. Move from 1-2-1 to 1 to many, group Coaching. It is effective, efficient and excellent

    • Madhumathi D

      Awesome session Sidz ! Here are my takeaways.

      10 Secrets to build highly scalable High-Ticket Products
      1. Only Low or Only High doesn’t work. Have a combination of both
      2. Don’t do everything all alone. Be the mastermind behind the super heroes, but empower the super stars
      3. Be Journey focused right from Low Ticket Product.
      4. Don’t Sell, Unsell first. Start recruiting
      5. Change your vocabulary from Client to “Member”
      6. High Ticket Product must not be expert driven, it needs to be Community driven
      7. Baby Sitting Vs Self-driven action taking (Level Up / Polestar).
      8. Don’t have the calendars FULL.
      9. Don’t be a Copy Cat (Be an innovator).
      10. Move from 1-1 selling to 1-Many selling.

    • Psy. Visesh

      Dear Siddharth,

      I recently listened to your podcast on high-ticket products and found it incredibly insightful. Your breakdown of concepts such as the differences between low-ticket and high-ticket products, and the contrast between tactics and journeys, was particularly enlightening. I appreciated the way you highlighted the importance of shifting from a client-centric to a member-centric approach, and the distinctions between expert-driven and community-driven models.

      Your discussion on the transition from one-to-one to one-to-many strategies was also valuable, as was the comparison of Ironman and Nick Fury in the context of masterminds behind superheroes. I found your points on self-driven action versus babysitting and the balance between a full calendar and freedom to be especially thought-provoking.

      Thank you for sharing these strategies and insights. They have provided me with a fresh perspective and actionable ideas for improving my approach.

      Best regards,

    • Gopalakrishna

      These 10 secrets are like 10 mantras to scale up in coaching journey from zero to many. Thanks Sidz.


      Wonderful Insights. Changing your vocabulary from client to Member was the best one. A combination of low and high tickets, sell the journey, don’t be a copycat, and showcase selling. Great insights very useful.

    • Sharanjeet kaur

      It was truly mind bogling. My learnings from this podcast includes:
      1.Stop selling the tactics rather sell the journey.
      2.Don’t sell the product just to close rather sell to make relationship.
      3.Stop selling rather believe in recruitment .
      4. Stop Baby sitting rather believe in self driven action.
      5. Don’t be a copy cat but be innovative.
      6.Change your vocabulary from client to member.
      7.Move from one to one selling to one to many selling .
      8. Should have a combination of low ticket as well as high ticket product.

    • Sanjay Mhatre

      Do multiple low ticket experiments

      High Ticket Product = >50K
      1. 1:1 Coaching services
      2. DFY services (monthly recurring subscription model)
      3. Live Wksps (1L+ eg: MTS 7.5L for 5 days)
      4. Group mentoring (3 to 12 months) – AMC
      5. Premium membership into a community (access to tools, courses, weekly calls, implementation sessions) – renewal – annual or 3-yrsly subscription
      6. Mastermind – 1:1 & Weekly Momentum session (exchange ideas with cream group … 4 diff groups 4As, into triads = group of 3). Track each members’ progress. 100 people … 12 1:1 . week … each for 30-40mins.

      Secrets to Make it Scalable:
      1. Avoid Only Low ticket (5-10K) – its to attract a 1L potential
      Avoid Only Hight Ticket – problem: not building a community
      10-50K = Mid-Ticket … >3L = Ultra Hight Ticket Product

      2. Ironman (super hero) v/s Nik Fury = puts together the team – Mastermind behind the super hero … build more super heros.
      top 25 coaches = 40-50L/m training lower down.

      3. Tactic v/s Journey
      Stay in the process of developing the student.
      Attach to the Mentor’s Vision, rather than his tactic

      4. Selling v/s Recruiting
      ‘Close the Deal’ mindset.
      ‘Open up a Relationship’ … recruit the right kind of person – no selling thru any manipulative hooks. Unsell to attract.

      5. Look at them Not as Clients, but as “Members” of a bigger mission.
      Clients are like a one-night stand !
      Members of your Tribe will stick together for long.

      6. Community Driver (not Expert driven) – to avoid dependency on you
      Get results thru Hackathon at a low price point. Facilitators give back, train fellow members. Driven by 1Cr & Q members.

      7. Baby sitting v/s self-driven action-taking
      Level-up(Polestar) – self-driven … answered all tactics, strategies answered … now Codexified (10x speed)

      8. Full Calendars v/s Freedom
      (burn out – loosing sanity)
      Above 7 gives the ability to do Meaningful work.
      40=45 mins … DM: 1/week … Universe – Vendors

      9. Be an Innovator, Don’t be a Copycat
      Listen to customer n provide solutions
      10. Sell 1:Many
      Innovation: Showcase Selling in 2 hrs for high ticket (even upto 1cr in a day)

    • Sesha Sai

      Summary of my learnings from this podcast:

      There are 6 types of high ticket items:
      1. Above 50k $1000 is high ticket sale 121
      2. Services subscriptions
      3. Live physical event 1 lac+
      4. Group mentoring 6-12 month
      5. Premium membership into a community
      6. Exclusive mastermind group (121, weekly momentum sessions, monthly call)

      10 secrets to build sales
      1. Combination of basket: don’t have only low ticket (3Lac ultra High ticket). [10x – 3xx]
      2. Iron Man vs Nick Fury: be Nick. Make SuperStars vs To be SuperStar…. Student is the Hero.
      3. Tactic Vs Journey: focus on journey… long term game. Focus on improving oneself and principles of doing work. Tactics can change.
      4. Selling Vs Recruiting: it’s about closing the deal. It’s building relationships. Recruit right kind of people into your tribe. Vibe attracts Tribe. Unselling. Culture fit is important.
      5. Change Vocabulary: no clients. It’s Members. Transactional Vs Relationship
      6. Expert Driven Vs Community Driven: Don’t be SuperMan. Facilitators can run the communities.
      7. Baby Sitting vs Self-Drive: promote self accountability. Design the systems like LevelUp.
      8. No Full Calendars: having busy life is not good way to build the freedom business.
      9. Be Innovator: don’t be a copycat. Listen to your community.
      10. Move from 121 to 12Many Selling: Webinar / Showcase /Bootcamp Selling Formulas

    • Geetika Dadwwaani

      Amazing Insights ! Thanks 🙂
      1. Combination of High Ticket and Low Ticket.
      2. 6 different types High ticket- 121 coaching, DFY Services, LlVE Physical Events, Group Mentoring Program, Premium Community Membership (Renewal Based),Exclusive Mastermind- Combination of 121s along with weekly calls
      3. Designing Scalable High Ticket- Having Both Low ticket and High ticket, Being Nick Fury- Let your student be the hero, being facilitator and helping, Be Journey focused- Sell journey not only focus on tactics, Selling vs Recruiting – Recruiting right person in our tribe rather than focussing too much on selling, Not have client vocabulary have member vocabulary -you will attract committed members not 1 day clients, Self driven approach, Not keeping your calendars completely full- focussing on meaningful work along with some control system (LEVEL UP), Don’t be a copy cat be innovator-innovate from within, 121 Selling to 1 to many selling

    • Sathish A

      This is really Codex for scaling a high ticket business.

      Freedom means: doing meaningful work. NOT not doing anything.
      Learnt all the ways to scale a business from scratch. Do the implementation part with speed.

      Thank you Sidz. Amazing rules. I’ll apply whatever I learnt over here.

      Clear. Crisp. To the point. with high energy.

    • Beena Srivastava

      I am in love with 1 2 many selling now ….looking forward to have 20 lakh days
      building a mission driven business is the magic and joy of walking on this journey

    • Tarun

      secret 1 Only Lticket and only Hticket – not effective, have a graded combination
      secret 2 IRON MAN Vs NickFury story, build systems & team of current students to deliver the value
      secret 3 Tactic Vs Journey
      secret 4 Selling Vs recruiting…
      secret 5 Change your vocabulary from Client to member (of my community)
      secret 6 Move away from an expert-driven to a community-driven delivery system
      secret 7 Baby sitting vs, Self-driven-action taking collaboration
      secret 8 Do not have yr calendars jam-packed, but have quality time and have free time slots to rebuild and recover
      secret 9 Copy cats vs Innovators to create unique value for the member community
      secret 10 move from 1-2-1 to 1-2-many selling models to create scalability

    • pooja soni

      Selling high ticket only comes with lot of low tickets and 121 that is to understand the market need then create product


      My Learnings

      1. Always Adapt Nick fury Approach
      2. Always Sell the Journey
      3. Combination of High Ticket vs Low ticket Product
      4. Give everyone chance to become Superhero
      5. Start with 121 Selling and then Move to one to many selling
      6 . Change your vocabulary from client to Member

    • Hema M R

      so crystal clear, loved the combo strategy. Make sense. Sell journey is such a value addition


      10 Secrets to Build a Scalable High Ticket Products Podcast

      1. Only Low Ticket v/s Only High Ticket – Both don’t work.
      2. Iron Man v/s Nick Furry – Nick puts the team together
      3. Tactic v/s Journey
      4. Stop Selling v/s Start Recruiting – Closing a deal v/s Building a relationship
      5. Vocabulary Change – Not Clients;
      6. It should not be expert-driven;
      7. Baby Sitting v/s Self-driven action taking –
      8. Not have your calendars full – Community Driven is very important
      9. Don’t be a copycat; Be an innovator – Listening to your customers daily
      10. Move from 121 selling to 1-to-many – Sell 1-to-many

    • Sudha Moorthy

      Got clarity on why high ticket is important and how to be as acoach..

    • Bhaskar Prasad

      I like points 6 and 9 too much, and it sparks me,

      Community-driven approaches are advantageous because they harness diverse perspectives and foster engagement through collaborative input, leading to more innovative and adaptable solutions. In contrast, expert-driven models, while efficient and consistent, may lack the broad range of ideas that can lead to breakthrough innovations.

      Similarly, inventors excel by creating unique products and setting new trends, driving market leadership and significant advancements. On the other hand, Copycats benefit from lower risk and reduced costs by imitating proven ideas, but they often struggle with standing out and contributing to market evolution.

    • Upasana Mahadik

      Very impactful inputs through the 10 secrets. My takeaways are- have a passion for your community like the way you have so that I can never feel like I’m working, but I should feel like I’m building and growing. Treat my members how I am treated in ILH. Thank you Sidz for sharing these valuable secrets. It has sunken deep and is going to bear invaluable fruits.

    • Dr Srinivas Dattatri

      High ticket products

      1-1 coaching above ₹50000
      Services recurring monthly
      Physical events
      Group mentoring program 3/6/12 months
      Premium membership into a community
      Exclusive mastermind Quantum

      10 secrets to build highly scalable high ticket products

      Must have low ticket 5000to 10000. Up to 50000 and high ticket 50000-3lakh above 3 lakhs is ultra high ticket. L1 less than 5000 – high ticket should be in 50000 range
      Nick fury approach is he’s the mastermind behind super heroes. Your student is the hero and you’re the mentor.
      Tactic vs Journey. Sell the journey not the tactic.
      Being a recruiter by choosing your members. No hook or tactic. First u sell and then sell. Stop selling and recruit.
      Client vocabulary to Member driven. No client as they move on. Have only members who will be a part of the bigger vision and journey.
      Get the results at a lower price point and then empower them to become facilitators and hence create community driven ecosystem.
      Baby sitting vs Self driven action taking. Make all the questions answered in the courses.
      To not have your calendars full. Have freedom.
      Don’t be a copy cat. Be an innovator.
      Move from one to one to one to many selling.

    • Selma Beary

      wow,learn about 6 different types of coaching. the difference between low and high tickets,what can be charged.Secrets that facilitate growth in high tickets.why the model must be community based.

    • Dipak Bhadra

      Amazing and Insightful podcast. My Key take aways from this session are:
      1. 6 type of High ticket products
      2. Be Nick Fury and not Iron man. Bring team of super heros from your community and be a mentor, guide to them
      3. Selling is not about closing the deals, but opening up of relationships
      4. Freedom is not about not doing any work, but about doing meaningful work
      5. Have a freedom from the busyness and burnouts

    • Lakshmi Nanduri

      My Key Learnings:

      Learning I got is to Mix Low and High-Ticket Offers. I’ll start with low-cost products to attract customers, then guide them towards investing in my higher-priced services.

      Learning I got is to Be a Strategist, Not a Superhero. Instead of trying to be the main expert, I’ll focus on guiding and empowering others to succeed.

      Learning I got is to Sell the Journey, Not Just Tips. I’ll offer a complete transformation experience, not just individual tips or tactics. It’s about helping people grow in the long term.

      Learning I got is to Invite, Don’t Sell. I’ll think of my offers as invitations to join a community or movement, not just sales pitches.

      Learning I got is to Think of Clients as Members. I’ll use the term “members” instead of “clients” to create a sense of belonging and commitment.

      Learning I got is to Build with the Community. I’ll create products and services driven by my community’s needs, not just my own expertise.

      Learning I got is to Encourage Self-Reliance. I’ll give my members the tools to succeed on their own, without needing constant guidance.

      Learning I got is to Choose Freedom Over a Busy Schedule. I’ll focus on building systems that give me more free time instead of filling my days with endless tasks.

      Learning I got is to Innovate, Not Imitate. I’ll lead by offering unique solutions tailored to my audience, rather than copying what others are doing.

      Learning I got is to Reach More People at Once. I’ll move from one-on-one selling to one-to-many methods like webinars and group coaching to impact more people with less effort.

    • Truptiranjan Mohakul

      1. Not Only Low Ticket or Only High Ticket: rather should have a COMBINATION of BOTH.

      2. Bring altogether the team, instead of you doing it all.

      3. Don’t focus on TACTICS, inspire with JOURNEY,

      4.Don’t take the approach of “Closing the Deal” during Sales, but find the Right person whom you can RECRUIT in your system, so that they are aligned & take actions. Don’t have a hunter mindset but a farmer’s!

      5. It’s not client, its MEMBER of your community. Vocabulary matters! When we use the word “member” our approach changes, how we treat them changes.

      6. High ticket product should not be expert driven but community driven. Find “FACILITATORS” from your existing community.

      7. Don’t baby sit rather empower them to be SELF-DRIVEN to take actions.

      8. Don’t have FULL calendars. Keep breathing space for self.

      9. Don’t be copycat, be to innovative in Selling

      10. You may start with 1 to 1 but move to 1 to many very soon.

    • Rashmi K

      wow, i learnt so many points in selling which i don’t have any idea on. The points which sidz highlighted blown me away.

      1. low ticket vs high ticket-have both
      2. iron man vs nick fury
      3. tactic vs journey
      4. selling vs recruiting
      5. client vs member
      6. expert driven vs community driven
      7. baby sitting vs self driven action takers
      8. full calendars vs time freedom
      9. copy cat vs innovator
      10. 121 selling vs 12 many selling

      10 significant points about high ticket selling. Simply amazing

    • Zarine Ninan

      Go through multiple low ticket experiments before being selling a good high ticket product:
      Examples of HT Products
      1. 1:1 Consulting>50k
      2. DFU- services
      3. Live workshops->INR 1L
      4. Group Mentoring Program- 3-6 -12 months
      5. Premium membership into a community- tools, courses, implementation sessions (annual subscription, 3yrly subscription
      6. Exclusive Mastermind

      Tips to build a scalable high ticket business
      1- You Must hv a combination of high (>INR50k) and low ticket (less than INR 10k) programs.. medium is 10k-50k INR. >10L is ultra-high ticket
      2. Nick fury approach- empower superstars to help each other- mastermind principle (student is the hero)
      3. Tactic vs Journey- focus on the development of the student
      4. Selling vs recruiting- getting people based on their caliber
      5. Client to member (of a bigger mission)- long term commitments
      6. Community driven not expert driven- achievers come back as facilitators
      7. Baby sitting vs self driven action takers- courses are crisp
      8. Not have ur calendars full!
      9. Don’t be a copy cat- innovate from within
      10. Move from 1 to 1, to 1 to many- crystalize the models

      These are super helpful, at ZAC, we have been doing 1:1 Business consulting for the last 4 years and now we are ready to move to a 1 to many format. We are Business Consultants and Coaches and work with Business Founders to help them win in Business and in Life!
      I deeply resonate with all, but 2 that stand out greatly is to recruit and not sell; and to have members and not clients.. its a whole difference in orientation, and brings a different energy into what we are doing. Appreciate this distinct difference that you have shared.

    • pooja soni

      Selling high ticket requires selling lot of low tickets and lot of 121s to understand the market

    • Hema Gulati

      Very much simplified process to be a high tkt seller.
      Ten important strategies: Few important are
      Low tktvs. high tkt

      sellig Tactics vs. selling journey
      Selling vs. recruitment
      Changing vocabulary from client to Members
      Product must be community driven
      Self driven action model is best
      Dont hv ur calender full
      Be Innovator
      1-1 selling is good in begging, but after gaining experience of the need of members, move to group sessions.

    • Bhawana Singh

      Top Learnings…
      1. HAve a combination of low and high-ticket products
      2. Have a Nick Fury strategy and become the mastermind of superheroes.
      3. Sale journey or experience not tactics
      4. Recruit people according to your mission and vision to get the right culture in the community
      5. Make members of the community not clients
      6. Not expert-driven, it should be community-driven
      7. Have a self-driven strategy not babysitting
      8. To avoid burnout don’t have full calendars
      9. Dont be a copycat but be an innovator
      10. Move from 1-2-1 to group selling

    • Satyam Khandelwal

      Combine Low & High ticket
      Not Iron Man but Nick Fury
      Not Tactic but Journey
      Not Selling but Recruiting
      Not Client but Members
      Focus not on Expert but on Community
      Not Babysitting but Self Driven Action
      Not filling Calendars but Working with Freedom
      Not being a Copy Cat but an Innovator
      Not selling 1:1s but One to many!

    • Ankita Mehra

      Introduction of 6 kinds of High-tickets
      1. Selling vs. Recruiting
      2. Don’t be a closer mindset – opening up a relationship
      3. Sell the journey not tactic
      4. Client vs. Member
      5. Expert driven vs. Community driven
      6. Facilitators become givers and teach fellow members
      7. Babysitting vs. Self driven action taker
      8. Course -> Answers to scale (Tagmango Level up)

      • Ankita Mehra

        9. Don’t be a copycat- innovate from within
        10. Move from 1 to 1, to 1 to many- crystalize the models

    • Khyati Talsania

      The first step I believe we need to take in terms of creating a high-ticket product is going through all these 10 secrets and really sit and brainstorm about it. That’s when we can have a fail proof blueprint or roadmap of scaling into high-ticking. Mindset matters, the thought behind it matters, intension matters and most importantly… vision and mission matters…!!

    • Ravindra Koli

      Only Low-ticket vs only high ticket-is going to be problem
      Law, high and ultra-high tickets products work
      Started with law tickets only.
      Quantum membership from 2022
      Law ticket and high ticket -as when you get the results for your students you can ultra-high ticket
      Iron man vs nick Master mind- not super starts, empowering others to take care
      Student is the hero and game is totally different
      Tactics vs journey focused
      Tactics is not important.
      There are many models, you need to choose one
      Stay in the process of building
      Development of the students
      Start selling the journey
      It’s not closing the deal, opening up the relationship
      Stop selling rather start recruiting
      Stop saying client, call them as a member
      Clients are one night stand- members are committed and they will stick with long term
      High ticket product should not be expert driven it should be community driven
      Baby sitting vs self-driven action orientation
      Do not have your calendar full. Have a freedom
      Don’t be copycats, be innovator by listing to your customers
      Have conversions with members by 1-2-1
      Showcase selling-high ticket products
      Bootcamp module selling
      One-to-one and one-many selling

    • Sunny Nagpal

      Lightning vanishes. Sun lights up the world. Flashlight is temporary and a lighthouse helps many sail through storms and turbulent waters. Thank you Sidz. Thank you ILH. Thank you High ticket podcast for enlightening us with super example of your daily little actions that built a 30k members community. Yes, members not clients. Members who are committed. Sidz you never take the spotlight. Diamond, Quantum, you have a great system that runs it, creates leaders, gives spotlight and so many 1 Cr, 10Cr champions emerged, served, contributed in many ways. thank you Sidz.

    • Nitya Vijaykumar

      1. Combination of low and high tickets
      2. Iron man vs Nick Fury
      3. Tactic vs Journey
      4. Selling vs Recruiting
      5. Client vs Member
      6. Expert driven vs community driven
      7. Babysitting vs self-driven action taking
      8. Full calendar vs Freedom
      9. Copycats vs Innovators
      10. One to Many vs One to One

    • Prashant Pilewan

      1)IF you are a beginner you can start with one-on-one coaching but the model to move forward to is one to many
      2) Sell the journey not the tactic
      3)Dont be a copycat be an innovator. Listen to your memebrs problems and design a solution accordingly, innovate and engage.

    • Rachel

      ❄️❄️High ticket ❄️❄️
      🌿 High ticket + low tickes model
      🌿 Plp only look for the outcome 🔥🔥🔥
      🌿 Live ticket 🎟 live event
      🌿 Group mentoring for the small group high ticket
      🌿 1 to many diamond 💎 membership 🎟🎟🎟
      🌿 Matermind 🐬🐬🐬exchanging ideas with the cream plp of the group
      🌿 10 secrets
      🌿 iron man verse Nick fury …bringing mastermind together ❤️ 💖 bringing super brains 🧠 together
      🌿 Tactics vs Journey…🤝🤝🤝
      🌿 selling vs unselling ..right plp for right ✅️ culture
      🌿 client vs member….treat plp…as whole human being 🫂🫂
      🌿 Expert vs community driven
      🌿 baby sitting vs self driven actions control centre therefore growth for everyone who surrenders to the system
      🌿 full calender vs freedom in this bussiness 🕊🕊
      🌿 copy cats vs innovators 💡💡💡
      🌿 1 to 1 to 1 to many

    • Nilam Pujara

      10 secrets to build highly scalable high ticket products

      Sidz Diamond category is high ticket product that everyone attract for it because he is selling journey not a product. He is recruiting the people not selling them anything. He has Community driven high ticket not expert driven He wants that every students get the result. He has 6 type of high tickets. It is very thinkable game and strategy. He is teaching not to do baby sitting but he teaches self driven Strategies so can we learn self drive our business. His strategy is Ironman vs nick furious mastermind strategy in which he makes super heroes to students and gives them empowering. He is not to be a hero. He is builder of hero so it is high level game.
      He high tickets is not selling but giving students to all benefit to be a leader and earn lots of money and create their own state of life. He is selling one to many. So at a time many students are gain the benefits.
      His 121 coaching, Events, group mentoring, premium membership renewal are in high tickets. Above 50000 to 1 lacs to 3 lacs and higher amount is in higher tickets. He has Exclusive mastermind quantum Club in which he is Exchanging ideas.
      Thus high tickets behind his secrets is very powerful Strategies.

    • Lovina Gidwani

      Loved this podcast!
      One is to have a great product but more important is how to market this product. My understanding from this podcast is that :
      good strategy + soulful intentions= easy sale of higher tickets
      Build your brand by putting yourself in a member’s shoes at every point and this will be your compass for success.

    • Gurdeep Kaur Aulakh

      Build a community,have a mix of high level and low level courses,build a self driven community dnt do baby sitting.Be a innovator.Do group coaching instaed of 121 sessions or u will burn out.Iron man verses nick fury.Sell the Journey and dont sell tactics.be creative be authentic.

    • Rameshkumar M

      Combination of low and high tkt is must.
      Change vocabulary from client to member.
      1. Combination of low vs high tks
      2 Iron vs nickfurey
      3. selling tactics vs selling journey
      4. selling vs recruiting
      5. client vs member
      6. expert driven vs community
      7. baby sitting vs self driven ,
      8. copycats vs innovators
      9. 1-1 vs 1-many selling

    • Dr Omesh Khurana

      Top 10 secrets for high tickets selling are : 1. Have a combination of low and high ticket products 2. Create your students as Super hero 3. Sell the concept of journey not tactics 4. Recruit right mindset persons aligned with values and code of honour 5. Change vocabulary from client to colleague or member engaged in the mission. 6. Be community driven not expert driven. 7. Motivate self driven and motivated persons rather than baby sitting / spoon feeding. 8. Focus on freedom . Do not have full calendars. 9. Be innovative ; not a copy cat . 10. One to many selling

    • Kirti M

      10 secrets are –
      1. Have both low and high ticket products
      2. STudent is the hero
      3. Sell Journey not tactics
      4. Stop selling,start recruting
      5. Member vs Client
      6. Community Driven vs Expert driven
      7. Self-driven action takers vs spoon feeding
      8. Free Calendar is important
      9. Dont be copycat. Be innovative
      10. Move from 1 to 1 to 1 to many

    • Archana

      Key learning

      Role of Nick flurry
      Journey vs outcome / result
      Full calendar vs freedom
      Baby sitting vs empowering students for life.

    • Sereen Thottan

      1. Client to Member of Community is the way going forward for me. I have to unlearn my agency best practices and make this shift ASAP.
      2. Combination of High Ticket vs Low ticket Product. The right product mix is what I am trying to achieve in the process.

    • Dr. Hina Sayed

      10 secrets for highly scalable high ticket product.

      My takeaways on
      1.Codex:Series of prompts
      Will have more confidence in the concept.

      You can use the voice version of chatgpat by what I can do according to my codex?

      2.Customize physical products also.

      3.Polestar: control center for their productivity enhancement for gold members.

      4.With Tag Mango, mentees scale their business on an extremely high level.

      5.Funnel bridge,have your ecosystem. Make community clusters by collaboration without solely relying on ads.This feature called Fill up.

      6.Next: Working with kids with ILH members.

      7.Make your students the hero not you.These are scalable skills.

      8.Not have your calendar full.

      9.Don’t be a copycat,be an Innovator
      10.Move from 1 to 1 to one to many selling.

    • Mumtaz Begum Mammootty Mammootty

      Great learning about selling high ticket products.Got ideas on high ticket and low ticket selling one to ones,group mentoring mastermind and so on.
      The ten secrets open doors to high ticket selling
      Combination of high ticket and low ticket selling
      Iron man versus Nick Fury
      Be focused on journey not tactic
      Selling versus recruiting
      Client versus member
      Not expert driven but community driven
      Baby sitting versus self driven action…..all these were today’s learning which is indeed going to be of great help.Thank you so much Sidz!!!

    • Suma Rao

      Iron Man Vs Nick Fury
      Just low ticket or high ticket won’t work
      Be Nick fury approach rather than Iron man
      Let the community drive rather than expert
      Stop selling Tactics Start selling value
      Stop selling the hook. Tell them don’t buy unless you are serious .
      Stop selling- start recruiting
      Change vocabulary from Client to member
      Clients are like one night stand, members are like family
      Create Superstars,
      Don’t have the calenders full
      Don’t be copy cat, be an innovator

    • Amit Ghosh

      Just finished listening to Siddharth’s podcast, and it was a game-changer! 🌟 His message of being a recruiter, not a seller, truly resonated with me. Instead of focusing on breaking deals, we should focus on building communities. 💪

      The idea of moving from ‘clients’ to ‘members’ is so powerful. It’s a reminder that our aim isn’t to be the ‘Iron Man’ expert but the ‘Nick Fury’ who brings the team together, fostering a self-driven community. 🚀

      Don’t just copy others; innovate by deeply listening to your members. Focus on meaningful actions every day. Let’s shift from ‘full calendars’ to true freedom by embracing one-to-many approaches. And remember, it’s not about selling tactics—it’s about selling the journey. 🌍🔥

      Feeling more inspired than ever to create, lead, and uplift! 🙌 #CommunityOverClients #InnovationOverImitation #JourneyOverTactics #RecruitDon’tSell

    • Thankappan KG

      1.Build high ticket programme around Coaching,Services,Physical events,Group Mentoring,Premium membership in a community, exclusive membership and so on..
      a.Low ticket and hight ticket must go together
      2. High Ticket costs above Rs. 50000
      3. Go not with super intelligent but medium-type people
      4. Always sell the journey
      5. Selling vs recruiting.
      6Change from client to member.
      7Prefer self-driven mode of action
      8Not be your calendar full.9.Be an innovator10.Move from 121 to ito many.

    • Aditi Sen

      Amazing Learnings…. Some of the Key points are
      1. the six different kinds of high ticket products: 1st – typical 1 to one coaching, 2nd -done for you services, 3rd -live physical events or workshops, 4th – a group mentoring program, 5th a premium membership into a community and 6th – an exclusive mastermind.
      2. 10 Secrets to a High-Ticket Scalable
      #1. The importance of having a combination of low and high decade
      #2. Iron Man versus Nick Fury – Let your students be the super-hero.
      #3. Selling the tactic versus selling the journey. Members will always be there as your tribe.
      #4. Selling versus recruiting: Unsell and then look for members to recruit.
      # 5. Client versus member. Client will avail services and leave, members will become part of your community.
      #6. Expert driven versus community driven: Have the solution for the community not as an expert.
      # 7. Babysitting versus self driven action taking: Let the students achieve their milestones dont do everything for them.
      # 8. Full calendars versus freedom. Train your toYour community achievers become the facilitators and support other to achieve more.
      #9. Copycats versus innovators: Dont copy, innovate and make your own system, courses.
      # 10. 1 to 1 selling one to many selling. increases the bandwidth…..

    • Sudha Bharathi

      Loved the whole new outlook. We need to build communities where members help each other grow, go by community driven approach instead of expert driven approach. Make the members as the superstars. With every sale, we are opening up a relationship with the members. Make students take self driven actions. Be an innovator, do not be a copycat.

    • N. Swathi

      1-Combination of low and high ticket products is ideal.
      2-Let our students become superheroes.
      3-Stop selling tactics, start selling the journey.
      4-Recruiting members.
      5-Change the vocabulary from client to members.
      6-High-ticket should be driven by the community.
      7-Self-driven strategies.
      8-Have freedom, don’t keep calendar full.
      9-Do innovation, don’t be a copy-cat.
      10-One to many selling is preferred rather than 121.

    • Abanibhusan Bera

      10 Secrets of High-ticket selling:
      1. Only Low-ticket vs Only High ticket – Doesn’t work; need a combination of two. Under INR 10 K (5K- 10K) is low ticket; 10K-50 K is mid -ticket, 50 K – 300 K High ticket (for 3 years), > 600 K ultrahigh;
      2. Iron man vs Nick Fury approach. Nick Fury is the mastermind behind the superheroes & not super hero himself unlike Iron man; students are the hero;
      3. Selling the Tactic vs selling journey. Must be journey focussed & not tactic focussed. Selling the journey unlike selling tactics. Tactics & skills go on changing;
      4. Selling vs recruiting. Closure mindset vs opening up relationships. Recruit the right person in the tribe; unsell first & sell only to those aligned to values & serious; getting members who are culturally fit;
      5. Change vocabulary from client to member; they are not client but member of community; clients are like one-night stand. Members shall be committed & shall be long-term;
      6. High-ticket product must not be expert-driven but community-driven. Recruit students as facilitators who had got results.
      7. Baby-sitting vs self-driven action-taking with the strategies. Simplified courses with codification;
      8. Do not have calendars full vs freedom; following the 7 secrets will help in not having full calendar;
      9. Do be a copycat – become innovative. Not to look at what competitors are doing. Be within the community & learn from students. Innovation from within your community.
      10. Move from 121 selling to 12many selling. Initially 121 is ok to build better courses & systems. One everything is crystalised go for 12many model. Do showcase selling for high-ricket selling. Or, you can have 1-day or 2-day bootcamp.

    • 6 types of High tickets
      1. 1-on-1 Coaching: A deep dive with your clients where you can charge premium rates—starting at ₹50,000 and up.
      2. Consulting Services: Share your expertise in a more formal, structured setting.
      3. Group Coaching: A longer-term commitment, typically 36 months, where you foster a sense of community and shared growth.
      4. Live Workshops: These are intense, 3-day sessions packed with value.
      5. Premium Membership: An exclusive society or annual membership where your community can thrive.
      6. Exclusive Masterminds: A place for exchanging ideas with like-minded women, pushing each other to new heights.

      10 Secrets Of high tickets are :
      1. Balance Your Offerings: Don’t focus solely on low or high-ticket items. Mid-range products (₹10,000 to ₹25,000) and high-ticket offers (₹50,000 to ₹1,00,000) are both essential to your success.
      2. Think Big, Like Nick Fury: You’re not just a coach; you’re the mastermind assembling a team of superheroes. Your community members are the stars, and you’re guiding them to shine brighter together.
      3. Sell the Journey, Not Just the Tactics: You’re offering more than just quick tips. You’re inviting women into a transformative journey. Keep them disciplined and consistent, and they’ll see results that go beyond the surface.
      4. Build Relationships, Don’t Just Close Deals: This isn’t just about sales; it’s about creating a community based on trust and shared values. We’re in this together, guided by our Code of Honour.
      5. Members, Not Clients: Here, everyone is a member of a supportive community, a family. We stick together through thick and thin, building lasting relationships.
      6. Move Together as a Herd: It’s not about being the lone expert; it’s about collective growth. We move as one, supporting and pushing each other forward.
      7. Foster Self-Reliance: While I’m here to guide you, the goal is to help you become self-driven, persistent, and focused on your goals. Let’s cultivate a community of fast implementers who take action!
      8. Prioritize Freedom: Your calendar shouldn’t be crammed. Embrace the freedom to work smart, live joyfully, and flow with creativity. This journey should be fulfilling, not draining.
      9. Innovate, Don’t Imitate: Stay ahead by being creative and innovative. Your unique voice and ideas are what will set you apart in this crowded space.
      10. Shift from 1-on-1 to Group Coaching: It’s time to scale up. Group coaching is not only more efficient but also creates a vibrant community where everyone can learn from each other.

    • Rajan Das

      1 have a combination of low and high ticket products
      #2 Ironman vs Nick Theory
      #3 selling tactic vs selling the journey
      #4 relationship approach not clousre approach. stop selling, start recruiting
      #5 Change the language
      #6 Product should be community driven not expert driven
      #7 baby sitting vs self driven action taking
      #8 Not have your calendar full
      #9 don’t be a copycat, be an innovator
      #10 One to many selling


      Six types of High Ticket Products:
      1. 121 Coaching – Live >Rs.30,000 up to Rs.50,000
      2. Services – monthly Subscription
      3. Live Training – 1 lakh to 2 lakhs per person
      4. Group Mentoring – 3 to 12 months
      5. Premium level membership: Community giving Tools, Weekly Calls, implementation Sessions – Annual / 3 yrs memberships (Diamond)
      6. Exclusive mastermind: 121s, Weekly Mentoring Sessions, Exchanging Ideas, Groups. Shuffling every Qtr, with Central Control to check progress, Dashboard, max 100 members. 3 to 4 121’s/day of 30 to 40mins.

      1. Only Low Tkt v/s Only Hig Tkt products – Both don’t work
      Always have a combination. Give them results & eventually introduce Quantum Membership
      2. Iron Man V/s Nick Fury
      Be Nick Fury who is the mastermind behind SuperHeros, empowering the Superpowers.
      3. Tactic Selling V/s Selling the JOURNEY – Be Journey Focused. Sell the Journey, not the model to build a high Scalable product. Help Students grow with VISION. It attaches them with the mentor.
      4. Selling v/s Recruiting: Don’t look at closing a deal, look at recruiting the right people. Don’t use a manipulating hook, use calibre based selection.
      5. If U want to build a scalable business: Change your vocaubilary from “Client” to “MEMBER” of your community at a lower price point. They become facilitators & they teach fellow members.
      6. Products should not be “Expert Driven”. Let it be a “Community Driven”: Get results for your community & U’ll not be burnt out.
      7. Baby sitting v/s making them “Self Driven”, action taking strategies with some kind of control centers.
      8. Do not hv yr calenders full. U will have FREEDOM doing meaningful work. 12 nos of 121’s per week. of 40 to 45 mins
      9. Don’r be a copy Cat, be an innovator. Q&A’ sessions. Ask them what they want. Listen to yr customers.
      10. Move from 121s to selling to 1 to many selling: Build better products.

    • Satish Rao

      A combindation of Low & High ticket is what is needed.
      6 High ticket options
      1 – 1 to 1 coaching
      2 – exclusive services
      3 – live physical events
      4 – Group mentoring program – 3 to 6 months
      5 – premuim membership into community
      6 – Exclusive Master Mind

    • Jeevanchandra

      My takeaways
      a. Only after many low-ticket experiments can you build a high-ticket
      b. High Ticket e.g. Coaching/Consulting > Rs. 50k, “Do it for you” project, Premium Live Workshop, Group Mentoring, Premium Membership which provides tools, course & Premium Mastermind.
      c. Only low tickets and only high tickets don’t work.
      d. Be Nick Fury (facilitator) rather than Iron Man (superhero): Let your members be superheroes
      e. Be journey-driven rather than tactics-driven.
      f. Change the vocabulary from client to members

    • Qamar-up-Nisa

      Super Amazing podcast.
      I like to stop being copycats versus innovators.
      Start doing 1-2-1 selling.
      Physical events are really results-oriented.
      Anything above 50,000 is a high ticket range .
      Only high ticket /only low ticket is not working at all.

    • 10 Secrets of High Ticket Selling:

      1. Combination of Ticket Offers: Success lies in offering both low and high-ticket products. A mix ensures broader reach and sustained engagement.

      2. Nick Fury Approach: Rather than being the sole superstar like Iron Man, we must focus on empowering our students to be heroes. Guide and support them as the mastermind behind their success.

      3. Journey Over Tactics: Sell the long-term transformation and experience, not just short-term tactics. This approach builds deeper connections and lasting value.

      4. Recruit, Don’t Just Sell: Shift from a mindset of closing deals to one of recruiting aligned members. Focus on building lasting relationships with individuals who resonate with our values.

      5. Vocabulary Shift: Refer to our clients as “members” to foster a sense of belonging and long-term commitment. This change in language emphasizes community and mission over transactions.

      6. Community-Driven, Not Expert-Driven: High-ticket products should leverage the power of the community, allowing members to support each other and grow collectively. Empower facilitators from within our community.

      7. Self-Driven Action: Encourage members to take responsibility for their progress. Design systems that promote self-reliance rather than constant hand-holding.

      8. Balance Freedom and Work: Avoid a fully packed calendar. Create a business model that allows us freedom, focusing on meaningful work rather than constant busyness.

      9. Innovate, Don’t Imitate: Stand out by listening to our community and innovating based on their needs. Avoid copying others and instead, develop unique solutions.

      10. Scale from 1-to-1 to 1-to-Many: Initially, one-on-one interactions are valuable for refining our approach, but ultimately, we should aim to scale through group sessions, webinars, and other 1-to-many models to reach a broader audience efficiently.


      The best learning was having a team led collaborative approach . I aspire to create leadership in the team . Another learning point was to innovate by listening to the community to delivery the solutions.

    • Ravi Ahuja

      Start with 121 coaching.
      Build community – not customers.
      Customers are members.
      Sell the journey, not the tools and tactics.

    • My takeaways:
      * Types of High Ticket Products [A. 1-to-1 Coaching; B. Services & Consulting; C. Live Events; D. Focused Group Event; E. Premium Membership; F. Exclusive Master Mind Memberships].
      * 10 Success Strategies:
      – Have both Low ticket and High Ticket products (having just one does not work; Low tickets help building a community).
      – Take Nick Fury Approach (Build the team, Facilitate and let the team grow; Iron Man approach {doing everything on your own} will create dependency on you & impact you & your community).
      – Build the Journey & the tactic (Focus on the Journey of your students/community as tactics changes time to time; journey also ensure personal growth of the members of the community).
      – Recruit and don’t Sell (Be recruiter to bring right members into the community and build right culture).
      – Use ‘Members’ instead of ‘Clients (Clients will move away once service is rendered; you want the members to be part of your journey & ensure their personal growth).
      – Go for Community Driven instead of Expert Driven (Community driven is more productive as this is service; Expert driven approach will create dependency on you and will cause burnout to you & impact your service delivery).
      – Go for Self-Driven Approach instead of Baby Sitting (Self-driven approach empowers the members and help them help each other; your courses must cover all bases to ensure they do not reach you for everything; cheer their progress; measure their progress through command center [Level Up]).
      – Have Freedom vs Full Calendar (Full calendar for sales, services rendered for sales will burn you out; Choose Freedom, ensure that you have empowered your members & community and do one-to-one at the highest level: Accessibility).
      – Be an Innovator instead of Copy Cat (Keep innovating for your community & members; take inputs from your community and you don’t have look out for ideas; do not copy from anyone).
      – Move from 1-to-1 to 1-to-Many Model (Start with 1-to-1 coaching in the initial days; But, plan to move to 1-to-Many to create more impact & no burnout).

    • Jayant Gandhi

      Here is a more refined and professional version of your comment on the blog post:
      Very Insightful Observations on Scalability Strategies
      Your blog post has provided a remarkable blueprint for scalability that resonates deeply with my own entrepreneurial journey. The six-tiered product and service offerings you outlined – from one-on-one coaching to high-ticket masterminds. You have truly cracked the code for building a sustainable, high-revenue business model.
      As I reflect on my niche expertise and offerings, your insights have prompted me to take a step back and reevaluate my approach to scaling. The combination of “one-to-many” and “one-to-one” programs you advocated makes immense strategic sense, allowing me to nurture a broader audience while catering to the specific needs of my most committed clients.
      I particularly appreciate your emphasis on cultivating trust, shifting client perspectives, and empowering parents through a transformative journey. These principles align seamlessly with my own mission to leverage the power of epigenetics to help families unlock their children’s full potential.
      While collaboration with complementary providers in my highly specialized niche may present some unique challenges, I’m inspired by your guidance to seek out strategic partnerships. Integrating third-party tools and platforms also seems like a prudent way to maintain operational efficiency and focus on my core competencies.
      As I continue to refine and execute my scalability plan, I will be mindful of the need to build a talented team, protect my work-life balance, and embrace an iterative, improvement-driven mindset. Your insights have been truly invaluable, and I am grateful for your forward-thinking leadership and mentorship.
      Thank you, Sidz, for sharing these transformative strategies. I’m excited to put them into practice and witness the exponential growth of my epigenetics-based parenting business.

    • Shwetha S

      1. Only low-ticket vs only high ticket
      2. Iron man vs Nick fury
      3. Tactic vs Journey
      4. Selling vs Recruiting
      5. Change the vocabulary of Client into Member
      6. Expert driven vs Community driven
      7. Babysitting vs Self driven action taking
      8. Full calendar vs Freedom
      9. Copycat vs Innovate
      10. 121 selling vs 12many selling

    • Sheela Kudaravalli

      Super learnings & my takeaways are

      1) Client vocabulary Vs member vocabulary
      2) 1- many only for selling, 121 for results
      3) Selling journey not Tactics
      4) expert driven vs community driven
      5) Be an innovator

    • Hemant Gajbhiye

      #1: One-to-One Coaching/Consulting
      #2: LIVE Physical Events/Workshops
      #3: 3-6-12 Months of Coaching
      #4: Group Mentoring Programme
      #5: Premium Memberships
      #6: Exclusive Masterminds

      *10 SECRETS for Generating High-Ticket Products*
      1> Combination of Low Ticket & High Ticket
      2> Iron Man Vs Nick Fury Approach
      3> Tactics Vs Journey Focussed
      4> Selling Vs Recruiting
      5> Change your vocabulary (Client Vocabulary to Member Vocabulary)
      6> Expert Driven Vs Self Driven
      7> Baby Sitting Vs Self Driven
      8> Full Calendar Vs Freedom
      9> Copy Cat Vs Innovators
      10> 1-2-1 Selling & One to Many Selling

    • Anvay

      If Anyone Who Really Wants To Level-Up Their High Ticket Selling Game, This Is The Only Podcast You Need To Listen To.

      ILH Member

    • Amit Dobariya

      Not Giving anyone to our calendar Time

      1.Ultra High Ticket – Quantum Membership
      2.Diamond – Super Leverage

      what is High Ticket
      1. 1-2-1 Call
      2. Done for You (Agency / Service)
      3. Workshop – Event
      4. Group Process
      5. Premium Membership
      6. Exclusive Mastermind

      10 Secret For Scale it

      1. Low Ticket vs High Ticket Not Working (Low-50K)
      2. Take nick furry approach – Student make hero
      3. Tactic & Journey –
      4. High Ticket – Long Relationship – Culture Fit – Stop Selling
      5. Keyword change – client to Member
      6. Community Driven Company
      7. Self Driven Business – by platform
      8. Calendrer Free
      9. Not Copy any one and Solve the community’s problems
      10.one To Many Selling

      Thank you somuch Sidz.
      Have a Great day

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