Do you want your students to learn at 10x the speed through online courses? These are my top 3 strategies that have impacted 28,000+ students.

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10x Learning System For Course Creators

The attention span of people is significantly lower these days. If you genuinely want your students to engage in 10x learning, this podcast is for you. Take extensive notes while listening, as we discuss the misconception that providing more information or longer videos in your courses automatically leads to better testimonials and improved student results. Unfortunately, this assumption is far from accurate. More content often results in confusion, especially in a world filled with distractions.

In this podcast, I aim to explain how I've achieved an impressive 70% completion rate in my courses with high retention rates. In my learning management system, over 200,000 individuals have shared their feedback on my courses, not just about what I teach but also how I teach it. With more than 50 to 60 courses created in the last five years, along with numerous revisions and operational improvements, I've developed a formula for success. This podcast will shed light on how to accelerate your students' learning process, even if they are newcomers.

To begin, let's revisit something called the learning pyramid, which suggests that the least effective form of learning is passive, such as listening to lectures. Reading comes next, followed by audio-visual materials, demonstrations, and discussion groups. It's crucial to understand that traditional passive teaching methods are less effective today due to the digital age we live in. Participatory teaching methods, such as discussion groups, hands-on practice, and teaching others, have proven to be more effective. They engage students through interactive activities, making learning more dynamic and enjoyable.

However, I acknowledge that many of you listening to this podcast are educators or coaches aspiring to create your own online courses for scalability. If you fail to grasp the insights I'm about to share, your course may end up being dull, resulting in low completion rates. So, how can you create engaging courses that exemplify 10x learning? That's precisely what I'll cover here.

In the formal education system, many believe that more information equals more knowledge equals better results. Traditional education revolves around accumulating vast amounts of information and memorization. In contrast, the digital coaching process emphasizes simplification and gamification. Understanding this key point is pivotal because it's the difference between memorizing an entire city map and using Google Maps to navigate from point A to point B. In digital coaching, we provide students with a "Google map" to guide them from their current knowledge level (point A) to where they want to be (point B) in any given topic.

Now, let's explore three powerful principles I've incorporated into my course and curriculum designs. By the end of this podcast, you'll gain insight into the methods behind my approach, whether you're part of my community or not. If you're not yet a part of it, you can find more information in the description below or visit S ID to attend my upcoming live webinar and join our community.

The first concept I'd like to introduce is "Goal Gamification."

Note this down in your notepads.

When implementing Goal Gamification, it's essential to understand the specific outcomes your students are aiming for. For example, if you're teaching people how to lose weight, the primary goal may be weight loss, but there are other essential parameters to consider. Beyond shedding pounds, it's also about increasing energy levels, building immunity, enhancing fitness, improving sleep quality, and various other factors. When your body is in optimal condition, weight loss becomes a natural outcome.

To effectively employ Goal Gamification, you should identify around six key parameters for each topic. Suppose we take the example of business growth. The primary outcome is generating more revenue and increasing sales. However, other parameters to evaluate include having efficient processes in place, assembling the right teams, utilizing appropriate tools, implementing an effective marketing strategy, employing an attractive lead magnet for lead generation, and optimizing the conversion process.

Once you've defined these six parameters, the next step in Goal Gamification is designing three stages of goals. Using the business example, these stages involve setting up teams, establishing systems, devising a marketing strategy, planning outreach efforts, and refining conversion strategies. These six parameters form the basis for creating a structured learning journey.

The first stage focuses on activity-based goals. This involves engaging your students in activities related to the six parameters. For instance, in the weight loss context, the first parameter could be staying hydrated, ensuring adequate physical activity, consuming nutritious food, maintaining a strong mindset, and addressing other crucial aspects. Encourage your students to take action in these areas, and if they complete these actions, reward them with activity-based rewards or recognition.

In my case, we have a program called the "Freedom Finisher," which we award to students once they've set up their knowledge-based businesses and are ready to launch.

The second stage centers on result-based rewards. Suppose a student in the weight loss program follows the six parameters and successfully loses 5 kilograms within a specific timeframe. In such cases, conduct an interview with them and present a result-based award. In my business context, we have the "Hall of Fame" award for individuals who achieve revenue milestones, such as crossing three lakhs in revenues.

The third and final reward is the superstar award. In my case, we call it the "One Crore Champion" award, which is highly aspirational in the coaching and training industry. It typically takes 1 to 2 years for someone to reach a point where they can attain this prestigious award.

To facilitate 10x faster learning for your students, begin your instructional videos by discussing the six parameters, the three stages of goals, and the ultimate goal they should strive for. Outline how they can progress through this learning journey and ultimately earn the award from you. By setting clear objectives and demonstrating the path to success, you motivate students to take action and stay engaged.

Another concept I'd like to introduce is "path fragmentation." On my website,, you'll find a beautifully designed pathway in the menu section. Path fragmentation refers to breaking down a complex journey, like climbing a mountain, into smaller, manageable stages or base camps. This approach ensures that learners can progress systematically rather than attempting to reach the peak directly.

Path fragmentation is the process of identifying the essential milestones or "base camps" that students must reach on their learning journey. These base camps serve as the key goals that learners should aim to achieve. To successfully navigate this path, students need to have a clear understanding of what they need to learn and the actions they must take. In simpler terms, path fragmentation involves creating a well-defined learning path for students and outlining the necessary steps they need to take to reach each specific base camp.

The concept of path fragmentation revolves around achieving absolute clarity regarding the learning and implementation paths for students to attain their desired base camps. Each base camp represents a significant milestone in the learning journey. When students complete the assignments associated with a base camp, they can progress to the next one, ultimately leading them to the summit where they receive their ultimate reward or certification.

In summary, path fragmentation encompasses three crucial components:

Defining Base Camps: These are the major milestones or goals that students aim to achieve during their learning journey. These milestones provide a clear sense of progression and accomplishment.

Defining the Learning Path: The learning path outlines the specific knowledge and skills that students need to acquire to reach each base camp. It serves as a roadmap for learners to follow.

Defining the Implementation Path: The implementation path details the practical actions and steps that students need to take to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills into practice effectively.

Path fragmentation can be applied across various niches, including business, careers, health, wealth, and relationships. Regardless of the topic, the approach remains consistent and can significantly accelerate the learning journey for students.

Now, let's move on to the third key concept: content chunking. Content chunking involves breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized, manageable units for easier learning and retention.

When designing a course, it's important to keep in mind that most individuals can't sustain their focus for more than 60 minutes at a stretch. To accommodate this limitation, course creators should aim to structure their content so that learners can complete it comfortably within one sitting, ideally in under an hour. This means delivering content in short, focused segments rather than lengthy, overwhelming sessions.

In practice, this approach translates to creating concise, action-oriented videos that get straight to the point. Instead of producing a single 40-minute video, consider breaking the content down into several 5 to 10-minute videos. This format allows learners to absorb information more efficiently and stay engaged throughout the course.

Here's a practical guideline: For a three-day course, plan for 60 minutes of content per day. Within each day, learners should be able to work through approximately 10 to 12 short videos, each lasting 5 to 10 minutes at most. This strategy ensures that learners can easily digest the material without feeling overwhelmed.

Additionally, when structuring your video content, consider incorporating a template that follows a consistent format:

1. Introduction: Explain what the video will cover.
2. Importance: Highlight why the concept or topic is crucial.
3. Implementation: Provide actionable steps or guidance on how to apply the knowledge.
4. What's Next: Tease what learners can expect in the next video, creating anticipation and engagement.

This approach not only keeps learners focused but also encourages them to actively participate in the learning process. It mimics the style of TV series on platforms like Netflix, where each episode ends with a teaser of what's to come, creating a sense of continuity and excitement.

In conclusion, content chunking is a highly effective method for presenting course material in a way that maximizes retention and engagement. By breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks and delivering them in a concise, structured format, educators can facilitate faster and more effective learning experiences for their students.

Incorporating these three principles—goal gamification, path fragmentation, and content chunking—into your digital courses can greatly enhance the learning journey for your students. These strategies promote engagement, clarity, and efficient learning, ultimately helping students achieve their goals 10 times faster. If you've found these insights valuable, please share your biggest takeaways below.

For those interested in taking their learning and course creation to the next level, consider joining our community's diamond level membership. This exclusive access includes course audits, niche assessments, and access to years of archived coaching sessions with top educators in the field. 

If you're new to our community, you can attend our next live webinar to gain a deeper understanding of how these strategies can transform your educational journey. We wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of 10x learning, and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

siddharth rajsekar

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I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    297 replies to "10x Learning – 3 Ways To Get Your Students To Learn Faster Through Digital Courses"

    • Neeraj Kumar

      1. Goal Gamification:
      – Identify specific outcomes for students.
      – Break outcomes into parameters (around six per topic).
      – Design three stages of goals related to these parameters.
      – Reward progress at each stage (activity-based, result-based, and aspirational awards).

      2. Path Fragmentation:
      – Break complex learning into manageable milestones (base camps).
      – Define clear learning paths for each milestone.
      – Guide students through steps needed to reach each milestone.

      3. Content Chunking:
      – Divide course content into shorter segments (5-10 minutes).
      – Structure content with an introduction, importance, implementation, and teaser for the next segment.
      – Keep learners engaged with consistent, concise formats similar to TV series.

    • Sweta sampat

      1.Goal gamification -6 parameters
      2.3 stages of goal -awards activity/results
      3.ultimate goal
      4.Path fragmentation and base camp
      5 certification
      6.content creation

    • richa

      3 principles
      1. Goal gamification- define 6 parameter- then design 3 stages of goal
      1st stage – activity based
      2nd stage- result based
      3rd stage – ultimate award

      2. Path fragmentation- define learning path, implementation path
      3. Content chunking – divide long content into small, which is crisp, clear and easy to learn.

      Call to action at the end of video

    • Suma Pathapati

      My learnings on 10X learning:

      – Goal Gamifications – Define 6 parameters and 3 stages of goals
      – Activity based goals and rewards ( Example – completed the 30 days workout)
      – Result based award (Loosing some fat)
      – Champion award
      – Path fragmentation
      – Identifying the base camps
      – Defining the gamification and certification paths
      – Content chunking
      – Keep it short
      – 60 mins per day and break it into small pieces
      – 6 steps or 3 things/secrets methods
      – What – How and Whats next structure

      This simplified my brain boiling course creation phase! Thanks a ton, Sidz.

    • monika dubey

      Simplification and gamification !! Give a map to the students for faster learning!! No need to mug Up!! 3 powerful principles

      Goal Gamification> outcome the students are looking for > and related goal parameters Eg Business: revenue, systems tools, marketing strategy, Lead Magnet.
      3 stages of goals: challenges to work on the 6 parameters and give them award like t-shirt, and result based award like an 2000 coupon and the Ultimate Goal award
      Path fragmentation: Design a path
      A normal person can’t spend more than 1 hr in one sitting therefore 5 to 10 min videos work the best, and tell students to finish the course in one sitting.

    • Niranjan Deshpande


      More content in courses does not equal to more learning. It could create confusion. Give content that leads to a certain outcome for your target market.

      Volume of information is a problem. To get results, simplification and gamification is the way to go. What people really need is a clear cut way from point A to point B, not 100 ways to go there.

      1. Give rewards based on task completion, outcome completion and one massive outcome completion. That will keep people hooked to reach to the next level.

      2. Path fragmentation: Knowing the learning and implementation path for students. This adds clarity which can accelerate learning for students.

      3. Content chunking: It’s easy for people to watch multiple 4-5 mins videos instead of a single video of 60 mins. Breaking down your outcome in 6 steps and 3 tasks can help people learn better and implement faster.

      An eye opener podcast.

    • Ramapriya Valmiki

      1. Simplification and gamification of course work is the key
      2. Students should get to point B from Point A
      a. Goal Gamification – once I know what are the other parameters for any topic- Usually there should be 6 parameters to measure this
      b. Design 3 stages of goals -1 stage is activity based with a reward. Interview the successful student – result based reward Stage 3 is Superstar award
      c. Path fragmentation – Identifying the various base camps – Student needs to know what they need to learn and what they need to do
      3. Content Chunking: try to finish the course in 1 sitting, the duration of concepts to be short – 3 day course – 60 min/day.

    • Vivek Pravin Tole

      More is actually confusing. Learning pyramid, old style doesn’t work. Gamification is needed.

      3 Principles:
      1)Goal Gamification.
      Three Stages of goals.
      Awards : Activity based, Result based, Super.
      2)Path Fragmentation:
      3) Content Chunking:

    • Shalu

      Thank you so much for sharing the 3 concepts – Gamification, Path Fragmentation, Content Chunking
      Longer videos/ more info is not way nowadays as info is available everywhere.
      Giving crisp, to the point, actionable, easy to implement solutions is what help people get the results faster.
      Participation and gamification are the boosters.

      More knowledge != more results

      Implementation of the knowledge is the key.

      Goal Gamification – Be aware of the outcomes your students are looking for. Plan it in a sequential 6 parametric process and 3 stages of goals.
      Activity based goals – FF award
      Results based awards – HOF award (small result, the first milestone)
      Super Star Award – One crore champion award.
      This gamification and awards will make them to take actions and achieve those milestones.

      Path Fragmentation – Absolute clarity on the learning path and implementation path.
      Defining base camps
      Learnrng Path
      Implementation path

      Content Chunking – chunking down to micro learning videos.
      Not more than an hour per day divided into small videos e.g. 60 mins course in 12 small videos.
      When they complete videos one after another, it gives them a feeling of accomplishments.

      Strucutre the courses or milstones into 6 steps or 3 things.

      Videos can also be recorded using the following format: opening, context, What, Why, How and what next parts.

    • Preeti Agarwal

      Not more content but a simple content helps students to learn faster.

      Old teaching styles do not work in this digital age, teaching with implementation & gamifying it helps in learning.

      Three concepts:
      1. Goal Gamification:identify 6 parameters around the goal & gamify them, design 3 stages of goals. First stage being for activity based, second stage being a small result based, third stage being aspirational result based.

      Dangle that carrot for them to see 😀

      2.Path Fragmentation: absolute clarity for students to know what is to be learnt & what is to be implemented, specific path for learning & implementation each.

      3.Micro Chunks of content : create course so that they can do in small chunks, in one sitting, bitable size, like chocolate .
      One course not to be beyond 60 mins with multiple small videos in it. It can be broken in 6 steps , with a video for each step. And give a trailer , open loop about the next video.

      Will implement this to the T in my course,
      Thanks for this terrific guidance

    • Monika Biwas

      Hi Sid,

      My takeaways from the Podcast

      Goal gamification
      Target 6 easy outcomes leading to bigger goal
      Create 3 stages of goals for each outcome.
      Create a reward structure – activity-based award/Result based award/ Super award
      Talk about the 6 parameters in your video
      Path Fragmentation: to have a learning journey and the implementation path – different base camps /stages of growth in learning
      Content Chunking: simplify the content into small action-oriented videos

    • Shital

      Easy way to learn for everyone.

    • Sai Dheeraj

      Discussion group
      learning through Gaming

      simplification and gamification
      step wise navigation

      Goal Gamification — outcome driven.
      surround the goal with related 6 parameters.
      design 3 stages of goals
      activity based goal — carrot / reward.
      small result based — carrot / reward.
      ultimate goal — grand outcome
      Path Fragmentation — having the milestones which is tied up with learning and implementation.
      have clear path with multiple base camps.
      move from one base camp to another.

      Content chunking — split the content to bite size multiple courses of 5 mins.
      break down each video into 6 steps and 3 things.

      create open loops to the next videos.

    • Padhmaja Y V

      * Every one’s mind is unique.
      * We need to bring out the potentialities in them
      * Formal education is only filled with more knowledge dump. It doesn’t bring uniqueness in a child as there is no proper parameters.
      * Digital coaching can help child in learning through freedom, enjoyment, encouragement and many more for the better results

    • Madhu Kodidala

      Learnings from the Podcast

      More information is confusion
      So give the point shooter for the end goal.

      Clear Path to the client Task what to achieve and how to achieve
      crystal clear with simple steps to be delivered.

      To get the Clientile Results, need to have the clarity of the goal with vision and purpose.

      3 stages of goal to be defined to achieve the end goal

      ie Gamification to be executed on my own design to get the results.

      Those who complete the task in Hackathon will showcase the award.

      Activity-based award
      Result based award
      Superstar-based award , example, 3 levels of awards to be implement to scale.

      Path Fragmentation.

      identification of Base Camps .

      Learning path of client to execute

      Result orientation of client to execute

      Designing of course.

      Action-oriented videos to be framed like 5 mts duration

      6 steps or 3 Things synergy to be elevated in the courses.

      Loop to be implemented in the courses to impact the client’s results.

    • Janardan Kar

      1 More data could be confusing , so my course would be simple and focussed. It should be short as attention span is getting reduced.
      2. The content to be enjoyable in small but interesting. Like chocolate.
      3. Goal – gamification. What would give result.
      4. It is to be a simple 6 step process to reach result.
      5. There to 3 stages and at each stage they are awarded.
      6. Awarded on the based on activity, result, championship. This is the gamification to create interest and motivation.
      7. Dividing the journey to various halt to make the journey enjoyable.
      8. Chunking the contents to small junk Video of 5-10 mnts. Entire content could be completed in 60-90 minutes- in one sitting.
      9. Concept, why it is important, how to be done, open the next step and at the end the notes to retain learning.
      10. Create interest all the time

    • Dilshad S

      10x Learning – 3 Ways To Get Your Students To Learn Faster Through Digital Courses
      Create short videos, less than 10 min video lessons in courses. This will encourage learners to complete the lessons faster.
      Adopt Participating learning methods: discussion, teaching by the participants etc
      Simplification & Gamification: adopt Hakathons in the course to encourage learn and take actions.
      Create small groups of 30 people in whats app group and make a small action groups to take actions.

      GOAL GAMIFICATION: I need to knwo that the results are the participants looking for.
      What are the parameters: ideally have six parameters or outcomes tha participants looking for.

      Design three stages of goals.
      Learning completion award
      Fist stage: Activity based award
      Second stage: result based award
      Superstar award

      Path fragmentation:

      Content chunking: normal person normally dont sit and learn for more than 60 min/day
      3 day caours: 5 to 10 min of six videos / day. One hour per day.
      Every video divided to six step of three secrets.

    • Dr. Vivekanand Mohan Kullolli

      I have already recorded the first version of my courses. But, the digital platform teaching is entirely different from the offline physical classroom teaching. The biggest challenge is to help the students to retain their attention and interest in the pre- recorded videos.
      but, the formula as you said “Simplification & Gamification” really keeps the learnings of the students, very interesting and playful.

      the basic rules that keep the students sticking to the power of self learning are

      1. helping them to setup their goal
      2. helping them to achieve it through reward based gamification
      3. setting the fragmented road map for their goals
      4. simplifying the content and keeping it crisp and clear
      So, I am gong to use these rules to create the 2.0 version of course and relaunch it.
      Thank you Sidz

    • Chandra Bhushan Singh

      1- Course Modules should be interconnected with entertaining thirst.
      2-Students should feel your positive presence in the course.
      3- Keep Tracking their actions and giving them rewards because the brain is addicted to rewards.
      4- Become a Hooked Mentor of the students in such a way so that they can get rid of shiny objects syndrome & distractions.
      5- Create to-the-point short videos in Course Modules to avoid yawning.
      6- Create great interest in end part of video, so that they are forced to play next video.

    • Manivannan

      was confused. now getting clarity. Thank you

    • Sunil Koparde

      Old style passive teaching doesn’t work, Formal Education built for memorization
      Need to have learning with playing/giving activities

      Giving More Information will be Bore More Information = Result, but it is not true

      Digital coaching is a Map to go through right direction

      Goal Gamification – Design 3 stages of Goals
      Evaluate and Recognize and Reward it

      Path Fragmentation
      Identifying implantation path
      Defining learning path

      Content Chunking
      Break content into small small pieces of content
      Straight to the point
      Keep content in What, Why, How and Next what
      Make it interesting and interactive

    • Tarun

      Useful and informative

    • Vani Suriaprakash

      Giving More – Lot of distractions. At this fast paced world, it is evident that we should make use of LCD process – Little Chunk of Data

      Passive teaching works only when you are in non-digital age and right now, we are in the age where everything is digital. So the teaching has to be bright and creatvie.

      In the current system of education, students are taught with practical ability and lesser of theoritical stuff. The curriculum or a course should be able to answer what, why, when, how and where.

      The best way to make your course interesting is to show the preview of your end result. Define the parameters that will lead to the goal and also create the stages within the parameters.


      1. Duration of the Course:
      Instead of length of the course, Audience Engaging and Participation is more effective. In digital coaching is about simplification and Gamification.

      3 Principles:–

      1. Goal Gamification: Understand outcome students are looking for.
      >> Define 6 Parameters: Teams, System, Right tools, Marketing strategies, LEad Magnet, Conversion Process
      >> Define 3 stages of goals:
      > Activity based award
      > Result baed award
      > Superstar award

      2. Path Fragmentation:
      >> Identify base camp
      >> Define Learning path
      >> Define Implementation path
      >> Define Certificagon path

      3. Content Chunking:
      > Simple Microlearning topics (e.g. One course could be 60 mins per days for 3 days)
      > one small video can have 6 steps

    • Amit Kumar Roy

      Defining goal, to reach into goal there’s need path fragmention, learning and implementation step by step.

    • Nishant Sharma

      My takeaways from this podcast.

      More is actually more confusing in today’s distraction full world. Most Unproductive way of learning is, learning through lectures. Long courses can be boring. More information does not equal more knowledge and does not equals more results. It’s all about simplification & Gamification.
      Goal Gamification.
      6 outcomes / Parameters .
      3 Awards for 3 milestones/ stages of learning and implementation, 1st Activity based awards, 2nd Result Based award, small breakthrough award. 3rd is the super star award.
      Path Fragmentation. 3 stages of the goal with the learning path, implemntation path.
      Content Chunking – Chunking down complex contents into small chunk of videos. 60 mins per day. So that they feel good, after completion of that learning. No beating around bush. Straight to the point.
      6 Steps / 3 Secrets / Points .

    • Sonal Singh

      My learnings:
      1. Old style doesn’t work in digital age
      2. More information is not equal to more results
      3. Simplification and gamification
      4. Micro lessons
      5. Goal gamifications – student’s goal, parameters should be known. Define 6 parameters. Create 3 stages of goal. Put student in gamifications to work on parameters, activity based reward, result based reward, aspiring reward.
      6. Path fragmentation – Absolute clarity wrt reaching the goals. Defining learning and implementation paths
      7. Content Chuncking: Chunk complex ideas into simple and small chunk. Each videos 5 mins, 60 mins per day.
      8. Every video break down to 6 steps or 3 things to do. What- Why- How-What next.

    • Hariom Singh

      10x learning:-
      Digital Coaching is giving a google map
      Goal Gamification based
      Activity based goal
      SMALL videos
      Break the video in to 6 step
      Path fragmentation

      Thank you so much

    • Shishant Mahato

      Gamification – what you will get?
      Path fragmentation – making a map
      Content chunking – base camp to base camp steps
      Wow such a great learning

    • vijay kamble

      1)discussion and participation will help to develop my courses.
      2) I will definitely do the simplification of the course.
      3) goal gamification will be in my courses which will be activity-based activities.
      4) awards and prizes will help to gain the sound good.
      5) I have understood the learning and implementation path and it will do in my courses.
      6) I will also do the 5 minutes videos of course.
      7) I like the concept of what is next in the video.

    • Arijit Guha

      The game is to provide a map from one point to another and not dump a lot of knowledge.

      Goal gamification
      We should define the 6 parameters for attaining the goal. Allow this to be done by giving award for completion of these goals.

      Activity based award for completion of an activity
      Result based award for completion of a certain task
      Super champion award for ultimate achiever

      Path fragmentation
      Path should be defined in steps

      Content chunking
      Content should be presented in such a way that it can be completed in one sitting and not be tiresome for the viewer

      Create the video in a form of loop, where we should start with what I would share,

    • Sankar Seshan

      1) More information is More confusing in this era of Distraction – so SIMPLIFY.

      2)Participative methods-create results – so GAMIFY

      3)Do that with 3 concepts

      4)Concept 1 – GOAL GAMIFICATION – Design 6 parameters for 3 stages of goals-& rewards – activity based, result based, Super star awards.

      5)Concept 2- PATH FRAGMENTATION- 3 stages of goals as base camps

      6)Concept 3 – CONTENT CHUNKING- crisp, action oriented, finishing in one sitting – eg: 60 minutes per day x 3 day course

      7)Every video break into 3 things and 6 steps

      8)Video template – what is this all about, why it is important, how it can be implemented, what next?

    • Vandana

      1. Give awards for all activities which completed
      2. Divide the content into small videos

      These 2 I will use in my course

    • Juliet Rodrigues

      Achieved 70% course completion with 200,000+ feedback entries, unveiling a successful 10x learning formula.
      Emphasizes interactive teaching methods over passive ones for heightened engagement.
      Challenges traditional education’s focus on vast information accumulation.
      Introduces concepts: Goal Gamification, Path Fragmentation, and Content Chunking.
      Goal Gamification: Setting specific outcomes, stages, and rewards for student progress.
      Path Fragmentation: Breaking complex journeys into manageable milestones for clarity.
      Content Chunking: Breaking down information into digestible units for retention.

    • Ashwani Sharma

      #ilhfamily #ILH #ilh
      take aways
      giving more is more confusing
      learning pyramid
      listening lecture – boring
      visualising – less boring
      formal education- volume of information and memorisation – learn entire google map and then go to your place with that memory
      digital education- simplification & Gamification
      giving google map for point A to point B
      1 -Goal Gamification-
      6 perameters
      3 values-
      3 awards- 1 finisher 2 activity based 3 higher result
      2- path fragmentation
      defining base camps ,
      learning and implementation path for students
      crisp action orientation videos
      3- content chunking
      3days course – 60 minutes per day – 10 minutes each segment video
      video – parts 6 steps or 3 things simple
      opening and closing loops in the video

    • Sunint Kaur

      Simplification and Gamification
      3 Powerful Steps

      1. Goal Gamification: What are the outcomes that your students are looking for; should include primary goal and 6 parameters

      2. 3 Stages of Goals

      First Stage: Hackathons or Challenges followed by Award/ Reward (Activity based Award, Result based & Super Star Reward)

      Second Stage: Path Fragmentation
      (Base camp to base camp)
      Pathway that shows them the exact path to reach yhe goal

      Absolute clarity on learning and implementation path to reach the 3 Goal Awards

      Third Stage: Content Chunking
      Complex ideas into simple smaller chunks of knowledge. eg: 3 days course should have 60*3 videos (videos can further be divided into 6 videos of 10 mins each)

      Break videos to 6 steps or 3 things ~ easy to consume – shorter videos – mind maps

    • Bijal Doshi

      Fabulous…so categorically explained 3 secrets

    • Adil Ahmed

      Students learn 10x faster through the below points

      • As we are in the new digital era the enhanced methods are learning through games like activity which helps to take action

      • Simlification & gamefication helps through goal setting

      • Parameters helps in evaluation which helps in breakthrough of getting Results

      • Path ways to make your student focus better to gain clarity example: learning and implement at the same time

      • Break down ideas into simple bits of learning for bettter consumption

    • Bokka Syam Babu

      Sidz notes podcast
      Giving more is more confusion to students
      Give people short and bullet points

      Learning in current generation has changed to activity based learning than the traditional learning in schools

      Formal education say more notes is more knowledge

      Digital coaching is straight forward and up to the point

      1 Goal gamification
      Check for the outcomes what students want
      What are the parameters for the exact outcome they need by using right tools and parameters

      Define your parameters and stages of goals

      Activity based goals
      Work on the focused parameters by giving reward for the completed tasks

      Check how they achieved the goal by following the the set of parameters

      Activity based and result based award

      Steps and parameters to reach the goal

      2 Path fragmentation

      Identify the steps needed to take at every step clearly by following the steps needed to reach every step and ultimately the final step
      3 Content chunking
      Chunking down
      People cannot spend the course in a single day they follow steps if they are simple and easy to achieve instead giving all at once

      Get the exact point
      6 Steps or 3 stages
      Give templates
      What is needed
      Why it is needed
      How you complete it
      Give curiosity for the next step to get into action

      Learn my steps in one go for faster results

    • Stanly Richard

      My takeaways are
      1. Teach the important and needed one to your student or client.
      2. Change the myth of more information gives more chance of success.
      3. Digital coaching is the way of learning to learn; what you have to learn is what you want, exactly what you want.
      4. Gamification makes simplification
      5. put stages of goal achievement that will give clarity to the direction of their journey.
      6. Activity-based, success-based, supercharged according to their level of success.
      7. Before they begin their journey what need to learn in each stage? So show them the path in a step by step.
      8. Give the video a crisp format and break it into chunks. So, this will give more interest and curiosity to finish in the exact time.
      9. Every video shares the idea of what they learned and what they will learn in the next video.
      10. Give them the idea concept-wise and step by step-wise.
      Thank you Sidz.

    • Rajesh kumar

      Really amazing and mind blowing, how fast we can go ahead in teaching business

    • Dattaram Walvankar

      Dear Sid
      Very crisp learning shared in 13 minute podcast and really helpful even when we are not creating courses. In our professional life also we help it out.

      Thanks a million and Deepest Gratitude
      Dattaram Walvankar

    • Harsshad

      It’s not about data or giving more, giving less in context to the coachee’s problems.
      Old methods are no more working, So, I follow solution architecture with one of my signature methodology.

      Three principles:
      👉 Goal Gasification:
      I created step by step path and parameters to measure in a very playful way using stationaries, decorating items to a whole lot to move from one milestone to another milestone where they are just not implementing they are also joyfully getting into it.

      👉 Path Fragmented Methodology:
      After each milestone in my business coaching, I offer some awards from personalized cups to movie tickets to lunches to connect and meet to different frameworks to each milestone awards depending on business to business as I can’t really offer some certification in 1-2-1

      👉 Chunking:
      I follow a Massive Action Plan signature methodology. If I set a weekly milestone then I break it down to day-wise and then to hourly-wise so that they can take time and be committed rather than just setting milestones and asking them to take action which doesn’t work.

      That’s how I follow a certain methodology.

      Thank you sidz for sharing such an awesome podcast that I can relate to my one-to-one coaching.

      Life is good


    • sandeep Maskara

      How to get 10X speed in learning through online Course…

      Passive teaching Not working nowadays

      Because these were focussed on giving Volume of information but in modern days

      Engagement has to increased

      Content has to be Simple

      Three concepts to get the result 10 X for students are

      1st Concept

      Goal Gamification

      Activity Based Award
      Result Based Award
      Super Star Award

      2nd Concept

      Path Fragmentation

      What they need to learn
      What they need to Implement

      3rd Content Chunking

      Chunking down the content in a small piece

    • Amardeep Singh

      1. Attention Span is getting very fragile.
      2. Giving more is more confusing… So be specific and crisp.
      3. How to get your students learn 10X faster?
      4. Old Passive style of teaching doesn’t work now…
      5. Participative ways are more effective now. Learning by doing, Gamification woks.
      6. Volume learning (Old method of rot learning) is not useful rather a step by step crisp learning nuggets are very effective.
      7. Goal Gamification: You must be aware of your students ‘outcome. Must ideally have 6 parameters
      8. After 6 parameters create 3 stages of goals.
      9. Stage1 : Activity based goals (6 Parameters based goals)> Reward once completed
      10. Stage 2: Results based award Interview them for their achievement > HOF in ILH
      11. Stage 3: Superstar award (Crorepati award)
      12. Path fragmentation> create a proper defined pathway (steps or basecamps). With proper step by step process to follow to achieve on the path to the three stages…
      13. Content chunking: Using content which is crisp to the point easily digestible & doable
      14. Divide your course into : 3 Days 60-90minutes/day
      15. Divide every content into 6 steps or 3 steps/stages with clear video for each step with proper templates
      16. Guide them what to do now and tell them what you will get in the next steps. 5 minutes crisp videos.

    • Somali Sinha

      My biggest takeaway from this podcast is:

      Simplification & Gamification
      3 Powerful Principals:
      Concept 1: Goal Gamification
      Outcome parameters
      identify 6 at least
      Create 3 stages of Goals with Awards
      1st stage Activity-based
      2nd stage result-based
      3rd stage is super aspirational
      Talk about all these

      Concept 2: Path Fragmentation:
      Identify 3 Basecamps
      Learning path and Implementation Assignments to reach

      Concept 3: Chunking down complex things into simple content
      a 60-minute per day with 5-10-minute videos 10 to 12 numbers to complete an entire concept.
      Break it down into 6 steps or 3 things to get the result or outcome.

      Parts of the video
      What next

      Keep open loops for the next video

    • Rupavathi R

      Split up our courses in a small chunks
      The timing should be less so that people listen without any distractions
      Less timing is effective.
      Formal education is very boring and ineffective.
      Nowadays people with very short span of focus, wants results within short span of time.

      1. Goal gamification

      Identify your customer’s goal and identify 6 parameters
      Activity based goal – Activity based reward
      Small Result based goal – Small Result based reward
      Big Result based goal – Big Result based reward

      2. Path Fragmentation

      Identifying and Defining the steps to achieve the end goal
      Learning path and Implementation path

      3. Content Chunking

      Design a course with a small chunks of modules and explain a concept.
      Setting a context at the start of the video.
      Include the concepts as 6 steps
      Take notes
      Share notes
      Open loops at the end of the video is very must.

    • Hemant Kumar

      ✅ giving more is not equal to getting more.

      ✅Participatory teaching methods, such as discussion groups, hands-on practice, and teaching others, have proven to be more effective.

      ✅ When implementing Goal Gamification, it’s essential to understand the specific outcomes your students are aiming for.

      ✅ The primary outcome is generating more revenue and increasing sales.

      ✅ other parameters to evaluate include having efficient processes in place, assembling the right teams, utilizing appropriate tools, implementing an effective marketing strategy, employing an attractive lead magnet for lead generation, and optimizing the conversion process.

      ✅ path fragmentation encompasses three crucial components:

      😍 Defining Base Camps
      😍 Defining the Learning Path
      😍 Defining the Implementation Path

      ✅ Follow these – goal gamification, path fragmentation, and content chunking

      🤔🤔 To do

      ✅ when structuring my video content

      🤔 Introduction: Explain what the video will cover.

      🤔 Importance: Highlight why the concept or topic is crucial.

      🤔 Implementation: Provide actionable steps or guidance on how to apply the knowledge.

      🤔 What’s Next: Tease what learners can expect in the next video, creating anticipation and engagement.

      😍😍 content chunking is a highly effective method for presenting course material in a way that maximizes retention and engagement

      Mind blown 😍😍😍😍😍

      Thanks for sharing this sidz

    • Jagatjit Virk

      No more info but more is more confusion
      * Learning Pyramids > Gaming important
      * Engage students in doing
      * Simplification and Gamification
      * Google map Example
      * 3 points
      * Goal Gamification looking for the outcome 6 parameters for good gamification
      * 3 Stages of goals
      * 1. Activity based award
      * 2. Result based award
      * 3. Super star award Aspirational award
      * Path fragmentation Learning path and implementation path and certification path
      * Chunking – small chunks, simple doable tasks at a stretch.

    • Pankaja Kulabkar

      From Pankaja (

      My mission: How to clarify vision, long term and short term goals of undergrads

      Will address the following in my course:

      1. 10x: Involve multiple channels of learning to speed up learning of my students
      2. Make the learning interactional
      3. Simplify and gamify: Break down content in short videos
      4 Structure the goals: Activity based, result based, and Rewards. Give them coupon for an outing, a game, or for stage performance
      5. Break down video in 6 steps and 3 things to complete these 6 steps
      6 Structure the video: Ask them to take notes and then talk about What, Why, How, and then talk about Next Step. This way I will be closing the loops and create their curiosity to move to the next video


      Learnt some great jade as to make own courses. Great simple language.
      My learning for Ways to connect better digital learning
      Simplification and gamification Eg. google maps
      3 powerful concepts
      Goal gamification with parameters to evaluate like systems, processes, lead systems
      3 stages of goal setting
      activity based like a challenge to take action
      Result based award
      Super star award
      Path fragmentation like base camps
      Learning and action taking paths
      Certificate for each above
      Chunking down ideas like each course can be done in one day like each step has a video…why how…next…

    • Anant G Ranjan

      1. Giving more may not give more results – The way you teach it is more important.

      2. Simplification & Gamification

      3. Goal Gamification – 6 parameters that lead to progress of completion of the task.
      My award as follows
      A. Activity Based Award
      B. System Setup Completion
      C. Champion Award

      4. Path Fragmentation –
      Learning path
      Implementation path
      Certificate Path

      5. Content Junk in
      Action oriented courses
      6 Step or 3 Things Rule
      What is this all about
      Why this is important
      Core Topic
      What next

    • Prammod Soni

      How To 10X The Learnings of your students:





      Set the parameters then set 3 stages
      A – Activity Based Reward
      B – Result Based Reward
      C – Super Star Award

      6 Parameters and 3 secrets to achieve anything

      2 – Path Fragmentation
      Define the basecamp
      Define the Learning
      Define Implementation

      3 – Content Chunking
      Simplify the content into digestible chunks so that it can be consumed in one sitting

    • Amit Dhuria

      Major learning from this podcast which I will be implementing in my courses too:

      1. Gamification is important to keep engaging the members.
      2. Rewarding them for their achievements actually help them take faster actions that help further to the next levels.
      3. Giving them the milestones give clarity on how they can achieve their targets in life.
      4. Breaking content into smaller piece helps them to digest the content faster and doesn’t make it boring.


    • Uday Bhaskar Akula

      I am Uday Bhaskar Akula

      More is more confusion word..

      3 principles
      1.Goal gamification
      right strategies, 6 parameters, then design 3 stages of Goals as a)action award b)results award (HOF) c)Super Star award (1cr champ award)
      2.Path fragmentation-Identifying the learning and implimentation path from moving where your student and where to go
      3. Content Chunking- completion of course in one sitting – each video of 60nmin per day course for 3 days.- straight point to point course – 6 steps with 3 things, basing on what,why , how and what next after completion .
      all gamification startegies creaes enthusiasm and excitement to complete the tasks. create base camps to reach step by step.
      thank you so much Sid sir for such winderful thought share with us.

    • Shaji E

      The first stage focuses on activity-based goals. and if they complete these actions, reward them with activity-based rewards or recognition.
      The second stage centers on result-based rewards for individuals who achieve certain milestones.
      The third and final reward typically takes 1 to 2 years for someone to reach a point where they can attain this prestigious award
      To facilitate 10x faster learning for your students, begin your instructional videos by discussing the six parameters, the three stages of goals, and the ultimate goal they should strive for. Outline how they can progress through this learning journey and ultimately earn the award from you. By setting clear objectives and demonstrating the path to success, you motivate students to take action and stay engaged.
      Another concept I’d like to introduce is “path fragmentation.” On my website,, you’ll find a beautifully designed pathway in the menu section. Path fragmentation refers to breaking down a complex journey, like climbing a mountain, into smaller, manageable stages or base camps. This approach ensures that learners can progress systematically rather than attempting to reach the peak directly
      Path fragmentation is the process of identifying the essential milestones or “base camps” that students must reach on their learning journey. These base camps serve as the key goals that learners should aim to achieve. To successfully navigate this path, students need to have a clear understanding of what they need to learn and the actions they must take. In simpler terms, path fragmentation involves creating a well-defined learning path for students and outlining the necessary steps they need to take to reach each specific base camp
      To make the learning more engaging and result oriented need to follow the 3 steps below.
      Goal gamification
      Content fragmentation
      Content chunking

    • Modi Daryani

      More volume of information is more confusing. Here are the simple ways to teaching –
      1. First convey the goal behind this learning.
      2. To simplify the concept. Fragment into number of stages and start from the last stage to first stage.
      3. Provide execrcise and provide hint for how to start?
      4. What next interesting & related topic we’ll cover in our next discussion?

    • sudhir deshpande

      3 steps –

      1) Goal Gamification – Activity bases rewards, result based rewards. Rockstar – performance rewards
      2) Path Fragmentation – Road map (Base camp), Clarity Learning path, Implementation path
      3) Content Chunking – 3 days course, 6 steps concept, 3 steps to implement concept, 60 min. learning, 10 min. videos in structured way

    • Dr Arpita Adhikari

      Evolved Parenting Methodology

      Impactful simplified content in bullet points
      Practice points to apply
      Gamify the application process with stars and give awards
      Goal gamification – 6 parameters in Evolved Parenting methodology

      Activity based Super Mom award
      Finish all the courses in 30 days
      Following done for one complete month
      a- No complaints ( Complaining Jar )
      b- Decreased anger
      c- More connect
      d- Appreciation from family and spouse for the change and behaviour
      e- Self awareness
      f- Breakthrough in one area

      Result based award – Evolving mom award
      The above achieved for consecutive 3 months

      Star award – Evolved Mom award
      Consecutive achievements for consecutive 6 months

      Path fragmentation – path from super to evolved clearly laid down

      Video chunking – ppt , mediation videos and 12 mins 5 videos per day for 30 days

    • Anurag Busi

      Really good podcast. I have been part of ed tech industry and 1 big learning for me has been that the length of the courses do not matter. More information doesnt necessarily mean more success. In this digital age, our online, work and social behaviour has reduced our attention span. Our minds were much more focused and could learn more when we were kids, but as age took over, our minds are now more fickle and it takes more time to focus on one thing. So one needs break down the pathway and give us achieveable milestones that can make the journey interesting and result oriented !! I have started my journey with you sidharth, and I am pretty sure I am gonna hit big and will see you soon while receiving my hall of fame award 🙂

    • sweta anand

      My Takeaways:
      1)Attention span is low these days hence i should design courses in participation methods like games, activities
      2)Goal gamification -so as a relationship i might give a goal of having morning routine and give awards. Second award would be based on results and finally certificate for superstar award.
      3)Simplifying my course content into 60mins per day courses which student can do at one sitting

    • seema rani naik

      1. How we teach or speak is more important than what we speak which needs to be simplified and easy to follow
      2. Practical knowledge is more important than consuming theory. Implementation is more important
      3. consuming theory is of no use. If the course is more of implementation then the learning is more effective and interesting
      4. taking people through the journey of different stages and making them doing things or taking actions makes the sessions more doable
      5.simplifying a long course into small many courses will help the brain to absorb more
      6 telling or reminding people to take actions like taking notes and sharing note will make them more doer than just a listener

    • sangita chauhan

      my takeaways;
      -More is more confusing in this digital world.
      -In this digital world passive learning methods will not working effectively. People needs live experience of learning.
      -Go for simplification and gamification.
      -Goal Gamification; What outcome your students are looking for…there should be 6 parameters to achieve actual goal.Design 3 stages of Goal; 1st. activity base stage and reward them with certificate. 2nd ,result base award- 1st mile stone award. 3rd, big award to reach high goal.
      Create a path for learning and implementation- it is call path fragmentation.
      -chunking down the information in a crisp manner so it will be easy and doable for your member .
      -Every video break down in 6 steps or 3 ways … easiest way to chunk down the content.
      -always keep open the loops – use mind maps , high energy to create entire course.

    • Mithu Roy

      Key take aways and idea from this podcast
      • Giving more is actually more confusing
      • 70% attention
      • Way of teaching
      • Learning pyramid
      • Unproductive way of l
      • Old style of passive ti
      • Participating teaching method
      • Formal education volume and memorization
      • Modern education
      • Giving student a map from point a to reach point b
      • Method behind the magnets
      Goal gamification-know the outcome-focus of the parameter – 6 parameter
      Business growth-marketing strategy-lead magnet,
      3 stages of goals
      Put hackathon challenge – to take action- activity based award
      Result based award-after interview give them small award
      Super award – 1 cr championship
      2nd concept –
      Content chunking -path fragmentation – identifying learning and implementation path, after completing they can be give award
      3rd concept – action oriented video- divide into 6 steps -easy to consume
      60 mints – 3day course. Get straight to the point
      What next

    • Noble K A

      Key takeaways from the podcast :-
      If you want o get stdents 10x in digital course
      Goal gamification
      path fragmentation
      content chunkins, detal points are noting down

      discussion groups, hands-on practice,
      and teaching others, have proven to be more effective

      A the digital coaching process emphasizes simplification and gamification.
      give a map from A to B
      Goal Gamification.
      it’s essential to understand the specific outcomes your students are aiming for
      1- – you should identify around six key parameters for each topic.
      the next step in Goal Gamification is designing three stages of goals
      1-The first stage focuses on activity-based goals.
      reward them with activity-based rewards or recognition.
      2- The second stage centers on result-based rewards.
      3- The third and final reward is the superstar award.

      B Another concept I’d like to introduce is “path fragmentation.
      -Path fragmentation refers to breaking down a complex journey
      -This approach ensures that learners can progress systematically rather than attempting to reach the peak directly.
      -students need to have a clear understanding of what they need to learn and the actions they must take

      C – Now, let’s move on to the third key concept: content chunking
      Content chunking involves breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized,
      manageable units for easier learning and retention.

      -consider breaking the content down into several 5 to 10-minute videos

      Additionally, when structuring your video content, consider incorporating a template that follows a consistent format:

      1. Introduction: Explain what the video will cover.
      2. Importance: Highlight why the concept or topic is crucial.
      3. Implementation: Provide actionable steps or guidance on how to apply the knowledge.
      4. What’s Next: Tease what learners can expect in the next video, creating anticipation and engagement.

      Keep open loope to next course videos

    • Ganesha K R

      In the digital age Learning Management system is realy diffrent from Formal Education system.From Digital courses how to 10x faster learning is important.

      How to simplification and How to Gamification is realy important in the Digital world.The Goal is very Important when comes to Digital Age .Activity bases Goal and how to reach is very important.

      How to design the couse and there is no short cuts to get success it needs its take time and efforts.

    • Sunil Koparde

      Old style passive teaching doesn’t work, Formal Education built for memorization
      Need to have learning with playing/giving activities

      Giving More Information will be Bore More Information = Result, but it is not true

      Digital coaching is a Map to go through right direction

      1. Goal Gamification – Design 3 stages of Goals
      – Evaluate and Recognize and Reward it

      2. Path Fragmentation
      – Identifying implantation path
      – Defining learning path

      3. Content Chunking
      – Break content into small small pieces of content
      – Straight to the point
      – Keep content in What, Why, How and Next what
      – Make it interesting and interactive

    • Sakthivel

      1. Set the clear context about your topic
      2. Start with some puzzles about your topic. Create some curiosity
      3. Explain the benefits or skills that your topic gives to audience
      4. Interactive and simple content with some analogy’s

    • Dr Omesh Khurana

      # The formal education has passive teaching and is not effective
      # Digital coaching has interactions , engagements, role plays
      # We need to assertively communicate right systems and right strategies
      # The stages of goals should be defined and a reward system should be in place
      # The content should be activity based and result based with various awards
      # The path fragmentation should have learnings and implementation videos
      # Videos of 60 mins are good # Certification is a good incentive

    • Jyotsana Nag

      1. Attention Span of people is quite hence the content of our courses should be focused, simple and to the point.
      2. More is confusing. Stick to less but give valuable information.
      3. Passive teaching does’t work. Be more engaged and interactive instead.
      4. Old way, volume of information and memorization. New way is Simplification and gamification.
      5. Utilize Goal Gamification to know the parameters and outcome of my students actually want form the course.
      6. Identify the 6 parameters to take actions towards the goals.
      7. 1st Concept, Identify 3 stages of goals – 1st, as an Activity Based Goal with an award/reward. 2nd, result based award, completed the 6 steps, got results, do an interview and give and award. 3rd, superstar award, which is an aspiration award crossing the highest benchmarks.
      8. Second concept, Path Fragmentation – Identify the stages at which stage what the students need to learn and do to achieve the ultimate goal.
      9. 3rd concept, Content Chunking. Any student should be able to finish the content in 1 sitting breaking it down into short duration chunks of 5 minutes each section, max of 45/60 minutes a day mix.
      10. Use the 6 Steps/3 steps formulae to create the course for our niche. First part talk about what, 2nd on why and 3rd part focusing on how.

    • Lakshmi Ranganath

      Activity based 6 parameters
      Path fragmentation
      Chunking of content

    • Dr Ankita Singh

      •More is more confusing in today’s world.
      •More knowledge is not very helpful in today’s world.
      •The old style of passive reading is not much effective coz of digitization.
      •Digital education is interesting if simplified and gamefied.
      •Goal Gamification : look for outcomes your student can achieve.
      •Have 6 parameters to achieve outcomes and results.
      •Design 3 stages of goals.
      •1st activity based reward.
      •2nd result based reward.
      •3rd superstar award.
      •Path fragmentation should have clarity about learning and implementation path.
      •Give knowledge in small chunks.
      •Break ur content in 6 steps or 3 things.

    • RIshabh Garg

      ### Enable Faster Student Learning in Courses

      – Premise:
      – More is not more results but more confusing due to shorter attention spans
      – old styles of passive teaching do not work
      – participatory style is more effective
      – faster = simplification + gamification
      – 3 Principals
      – Goal Gamification
      – other parameters that impact goal, ideally 6 params to identify outcome
      – eg – business growth outcome = revenue, others = systems, lead gens, strategies, teams etc
      – 3 Stages of Goals
      1. Activity Based Goals/Reward
      2. Result Based Award – First milestone, small goal
      3. Superstar Award – Aspirational
      – Path Fragmentation
      – Mean/eg – identifying the base camps needed to trek the peak.
      – Content Chunking
      – Breaking down complex ideas into simple modules
      – Idea is that one person will not be able to give more than 60 minuets per day. so you don’t want to record 45 min videos, but split like 5-10 min videos.
      – divide the content per day, in 5-10 minute videos. 6 steps of a task or 3 things to do that

    • Sunil Agrawal

      Goal gamifaction follow sidz hackathon
      Work on 6 parameters
      Activity based goals and then reward
      Result based awards
      Superstar reward
      Path fragmentation
      To know the right path defining the base path
      Content junking
      Designing the course
      For every six steps new video engage
      And implementation is must

    • Sanngita P Gaikkwad

      An unproductive way is listening lectures.
      Digital coaching – giving way to reach to their destination or way to achieve their goals.
      Goal gamification:
      1] activity-based award
      2] result based award – breakthrough
      3] High Result
      Show the path of learning.
      Micro idea chunking
      To make learning easy use 6 steps and /or 3 things

    • Hareesh Reddy

      Below is my learning

      Podcast Summary: Accelerating 10x Learning in Online Courses


      People’s attention spans are shorter in the digital age.
      Providing more content doesn’t guarantee better results; it often leads to confusion.
      The speaker achieved a 70% completion rate with high retention in courses.
      Learning Pyramid:

      Passive teaching methods are less effective today.
      Participatory methods (discussion groups, hands-on practice) are more engaging.
      Digital Coaching vs. Traditional Education:

      Digital coaching focuses on simplification and gamification.
      Provides a “Google map” for learners, guiding them from point A to B.
      Three Principles for Course Design:

      Goal Gamification:
      Identify six key parameters for each topic.
      Design three stages of goals: activity-based, result-based, and superstar awards.
      Motivate students through clear objectives and structured learning journeys.
      Path Fragmentation:
      Break down complex journeys into manageable stages or base camps.
      Define base camps, learning paths, and implementation paths.
      Applies across various niches, providing clarity and acceleration.
      Content Chunking:
      Break complex ideas into bite-sized units for better learning and retention.
      Structure content for 60-minute sessions, with 5 to 10-minute videos.
      Use a consistent format: Introduction, Importance, Implementation, What’s Next.

    • Lakshmi Nanduri

      Current in digital age – Discussion groups, practice by teach, activities and games – is the method to teach students and these methods would be effective.
      How to create 10X engagement for students is by following these 3 methods –
      Simplification and gamification in current digital age is the key that can help.
      3 Principles to make learning 10X faster –
      1. Goal Gamification – outcomes students look for should be focus. Also other benefits and value added advantage. 6 Parameters to identify outcome and result.
      Design three stages of goals.
      a. First stage/award – activity based goal something like Hackathon
      b. Second stage/award – result based award – interview and give award
      c. Superstar stage/award –
      Ultimate goal
      How to go through process of learning
      2. Path fragmentation
      a. Learning Path
      b. Implementation Path
      c. Certification/Award
      3. Content Chunking
      a. Chunking down content into smaller portions
      b. Crips, action oriented and short videos
      c. Around 1 hr of learning/day
      Base camp to base camp – many steps would be involved – every 6 steps, there is a video, so it becomes easy for students to follow. Give details, in video for what, why and how in the video.
      Ask students to take notes at beginning and ending of every video, the acceleration and consumption for students would be made easy – additionally with mindmaps and other tools

      In formal education system the methodology of teach and learn was around the concept– more info equals more knowledge = results, memorization is needed etc.

      But in digital age, the gamification using the 3 principles outlined above can help.

    • Virpal Singh

      1. Put Blanders on Your Head
      2. Goal Setting
      3. Love & Connection
      4. Implementation
      5. Structure Planning
      6. Systematic Approach

    • Shankar

      1. Goal Gamification:
      Setting specific, measurable goals for students and rewarding them as they progress.
      It’s about understanding the outcomes your students aim for and designing a learning experience around these goals. This approach increases engagement and motivation.

      2. Path Fragmentation:
      Breaking down the learning journey into smaller, manageable stages or “base camps.”
      It helps students to progress systematically and feel a sense of achievement as they reach each milestone, making the learning process less overwhelming and more structured.

      3. Content Chunking:
      This strategy involves breaking down complex topics into smaller, digestible units. It’s about creating short, focused segments of learning material, ideally less than an hour.
      It is to accommodate the limited attention span of learners and enhance retention.

      4. Engagement Over Quantity:
      Engaging and interactive content is more effective, especially in a digital age filled with distractions.

      5. Interactive and Participatory Methods:
      Traditional passive teaching methods are less effective today. Methods that involve student participation, like discussions and hands-on practice, are more engaging and effective for learning.

      6. Simplification and Practical Application:
      Simplifying complex concepts and focusing on their practical application is crucial.
      It’s about providing a clear path from the current knowledge level to the desired outcome, much like using Google Maps for navigation.

    • Neil Shah

      This was a very illuminating and eye opening podcast
      The top learnings from the podcast are
      1. In digital age , simplification and gamification is more important than volume of information and memorization
      2. Make short videos to simplify information
      3. Create milestones and paths which your students can follow to achieve the desired goal
      4. There should be atleast 6! parameters apart from the main goal which should be gamified
      5. Give 3 types of awards based in student results
      1. Activity based award
      2. Result based award
      3. Superstar award
      The things which I am going to implement from this podcast
      1. I will create short and simple videos from my courses rather than long informative videos
      2. I will designed 3 paths for my courses and design rewards according to the paths
      3. I will create a 6 step process in each of my videos

    • dhananjay kalyankar

      Siddhart Rajshekhar’s insightful audio blog delves into the realm of enhancing learning experiences in digital courses, advocating a departure from the traditional passive teaching methods. The essence lies in the philosophy that “more is more confusing,” emphasizing the need for simplicity and engagement in the learning process.

      He draws a sharp distinction between formal education and digital coaching, likening the former to navigating blindly from point A to point B through rote memorization, and the latter to using Google Maps for a more guided and interactive journey.

      Rajshekhar presents three key strategies to achieve a 10x boost in learning:

      Goal Gamification: Implementing a system that gamifies learning goals, with clear outcomes tied to business growth and other tangible achievements. This involves setting parameters, defining stages, and introducing awards that range from activity-based rewards like hackathons to result-based awards such as a “Hall of Fame” and the prestigious “Aspiration Award.”

      Path Fragmentation: Breaking down the learning journey into clear, actionable steps. By identifying precise learning points and focusing on effective implementation, students can navigate their educational path with clarity and purpose.

      Content Chunking: Structuring course content into manageable, digestible chunks. Rajshekhar recommends a strategic design where each setting or module is completed within 60 minutes, subdivided into concise 5-minute videos. The emphasis is on simplicity and coherence, making it easier for learners to grasp and retain information.

      The blog outlines a systematic approach to course completion, incorporating six steps with corresponding videos and templates. Additionally, the importance of note-taking is highlighted as a key element, creating an “opening loop” at the beginning, encouraging learners to take notes throughout the content, and closing with a teaser for the next video, fostering engagement and continuity in the learning process.

      In summary, Rajshekhar’s innovative strategies focus on transforming the digital learning landscape, making it more engaging, goal-oriented, and conducive to faster and more effective knowledge acquisition. This blog provides a roadmap for educators and course designers to revolutionize their teaching methodologies and propel their students towards accelerated learning.

    • Santosh Thakur

      I’ve got Clarity—step-by-step gamification.

    • Srinivasa Moorthy

      If not for this session, I might have ended up creating an information based course – which is what I hated from the conventional education system. Now I know that to help learners get results is the key , and the method to use is gamification and simplification, and for them to give small chunks of information so they can take action. I can see that you have done this whole thing in ILH – goal gamification, path fragmentation and content chunking. Awesome. Now I have confidence to create a course.

    • Sanjiv Sethi

      The way of teaching is very very impprtent then what you teach
      Old style teaching system is not working, now its time of gamificaion learning
      Formal eduation is only volume of learning but digital coaching about gamification
      its just like google map
      3 Principals:

      (1) Goal gamification:- you have to know what outcome of your students.

      6 parameters evaluate the right outcome
      # Activity base goal/ reward
      # Result based reward
      # Super Star Award

      (3)Path fragmentation :- Millstone of final destination, learning path, defining the learning path.

      (3) Contest chucking:- Small chunks, 5 to 10 min video, don”t create long videos of your courses, content chunking – break course in 6 steps or 3 steps, in small small video, ask people to take nots and share notes

    • Sudheer Mamidala

      Don’t Confuse the students with High Info, Rather focus on small goal.
      3 Secrets
      1. Goal-Gamify-Rewarding
      2. Path-Easy way Tobe given for faster results-Every Video connects to other
      3 Content chunking-Small and easy Videos like 3 things or 6 steps- Max 60mins content per day

    • Parinitaa Garg

      Break the bigger information into smaller bites of information!
      Make people participation essential!
      Simplify and Gamify the process of learning!
      Define 6 parameters to identify the outcome!
      Create award based system to take the participants to achieve higher goals!
      Create a learning path and implementation path for the participants!
      Keep the course content short and valuable with 6 steps or 3 secrets.
      What, why, how and again back to what next for the next video! Keep the curiosity on at the end of every video!

    • Vani Priya

      1. More is actually more confusing

      2. Not what you teach ,But the way you teach

      3. Simplification and Gamification

      4. Concept -Goal gamification

      5. 6 parameters – Reward your members

      6. Design a Path – Learning and Implementation and Certification

      7. Content Chunking – not more than 60 minutes each day

      8. Make 6 steps or 3 things

    • Prakash C H

      Hi, Greetings from Prakash C H,
      Small division o contents, step by step learning, small videos will create more concentration on learning, they do not feel heavy of learning, focus on each and every topic, through gamification it will be easy to remember, so they can use learning through right brain and it will create interest and they will not forget.

    • Padhmaja Y V

      * Every one’s mind is unique.
      * We need to bring out the potentialities in them
      * Formal education is only filled with more knowledge dump. It doesn’t bring uniqueness in a child as there is no proper parameters.
      * Digital coaching can help child in learning through freedom, enjoyment, encouragement and many more for the better results
      * Digital coaching is result based even for entrepreneurs as well as the students

    • Sindhu Shereef

      Giving more informations does not give more results
      More is actually more confusing
      Goal gamefication
      Path fragmentation
      Content chunking

    • Rashi

      Giving more do not mean more results .. key is simplification and ganification

      3 principles to 10x learnings for students

      1. goal ganification – define 6 parameters
      Define 3 stages of goal… Can be activity based like hackathons or can be result based awards like hall of fame or can be milestones awards.
      2. Path fragmentation – define the learning roadmap
      3. Content chunking
      10-12, 5 min vedios . 60 min/day course

    • Pasadika Mindfulness

      10x Learning: 3 Ways To Get Your Students To Learn Faster Through Digital Courses
      Digital coaching, simplification, and gamification
      1 Goal Gamification: Outcome for Students
      Healing-Body fit.
      6 Parameters-Healing
      3 stages of Goals
      1 activity goal: strong mindset
      2Result-based Award-Hof
      medical improved
      3 Superstar Award, 1 Crore Award,Healing
      Path Fragmentation
      Identify reach base camp-Learning path
      implementation path
      Content Chunking
      Finish 1 sitting
      3-day course
      1 Day Course, 1 Hour
      ^ steps/3 Steps
      Small videos-Template
      what ,why, How, What next

    • Pratibha Bharati

      -Giving more is not equal to more results.It increases confusion
      -Digital Era is about group discussions, teaching others through simplification and gamification which is more effective.
      -No need to mug up about anything, just know how to reach the destination from source.
      -Goal Gamification – Help your audience to know what outcomes they want.
      -3 stages of Goals like Hackathon(activity based awards),result based awards,Super Star Awards.
      -Path fragmentation – 3 stages of goal are basecamps of path fragmentation.It provides learning and implementation paths.
      -Design a course in such a way that the customer is able to finish the course in one sitting.Make short action oriented videos.Break videos to 6 steps or 3 things to complete the tasks.
      Video creation:
      -Introduction,Importance,Implementation,What’s Next(Open loop)

      This will be really helpful in my course creation.

    • Divya

      My biggest learning
      Goal Givitation
      Path fragmentation

      1) Know what is your participants goal.
      2) Simplify your course as much as possible.
      3) Not to make videos n audios lengthy, break them into 5-5-5 minutes n each day learning sh be ard 60 min (max 90 min)


      learning outcomes Goal gamification, activity-based award, path pigmentation, content chunking, Simplified content strategy, key points and video length 3thigns to 6 steps.

    • Anish pandey

      Goal Gamification:

      1-Start instructional videos by outlining six parameters and three stages of goals, creating in an ultimate goal.

      2-This framework motivates students by providing clear objectives and demonstrating the path to success, encouraging active engagement and goal-oriented learning.

      Path Fragmentation:

      concept involves breaking down complex learning journeys into smaller, manageable stages or ‘base camps’.

      By creating a step-by-step pathway, learners can progress systematically and efficiently, focusing on essential milestones and practical steps needed to reach each stage.

      This approach is applicable across various niches, ensuring systematic progression and clarity in learning goals.

      Content Chunking:

      Break complex topics into bite-sized, manageable units for easier learning and retention.
      Design course content to be concise and focused, ideally in short segments of 5-10 minutes.
      Structure videos with an introduction, importance, implementation, and a teaser for the next segment.
      This method enhances retention and engagement, mimicking the style of popular TV series for continued learner interest.

    • Sunil Sukhija

      Very useful points.
      1) Shorter the better
      2) Simplification & Gamification
      3) Goal Gamification: I liked the 6 Parameters concept which I will add in my course introduction.
      4) I had been giving Results based & Super Star Awards but not Activity Based Awards; which I will start immediately.
      5) I need to listen again and apply Path Fragmentation and Content Chinking effectively in my courses.

      Thank You very much for crisp to the pont teachings.

    • Ruchir Thakkar

      This is a fantastic podcast, thank you Siddharth for sharing.

      My takeaways

      – Make your course crisp
      – Have Six Step system
      – Gamify it
      -Reward your student

      When creating a course, it is important to ensure that the content is concise and easy to follow, providing clear direction to your students. At the same time, the course should be engaging and enjoyable for the students, so that they can have fun while learning. Ultimately, the goal of any course should be to produce tangible results and help the students achieve their learning objectives. By keeping these factors in mind, you can create a course that is effective and enjoyable for your students.

    • Suresh Bhagia

      very nice for health niche
      goal gamification
      path breaking segments
      content chunks easy

    • Tapasvi Naik

      A very powerful method to simplify. Gamify and achieving an engaged student community.
      It is all about simplifying the steps that are easy to understand, follow and achieve to bite sized instructions, in a less is more kind of delivery.

    • Sneha

      My Learnings & Take aways:
      1. Goals with Gamification along with 3 stages
      a) Activity based award
      b) Result based award
      c)Aspirational award
      2. Path Fragmentation-
      Defining Base Camps:
      Defining the Learning Path:
      Defining the Implementation Path:
      3. Chunking Complex Information into smaller pieces.

    • Dr Sonali Rudra

      I would like to teach Medicinal Chemistry to Graduate level Pharmacy/Chemistry students by giving them 3 stages of learning. In L0 they woud get an introducion to the basic concepts, in L1 they would get information or learning about important core topics and in L3 they would get information or learnings about some specialized topics. In each stage there would be an examination passing which they can move to the next stage

    • Nitin Gole

      1. Old style system don’t work.
      2. Simplification is the key.

      Powerful principal.
      Goal Gamification (what outcome people are looking for)

      6 parameters to see the outcomes.
      1. Activity-based
      2. Result based award
      3. Superstar Award
      4. Path fragmentation/Certification.
      5. Content Chunking (5 mins video) 60 mins per day. 3 Days course. Finish the course in one sitting. (6 steps or 3 things)
      6. create a open loop at the end of the video

      Thank you Siddarth.

    • Spandana Nimmakayala

      3 Ways to get Your Students Learn at 10x Speed:
      1. Goal Gamification: 6 parameters /steps
      a. Three Stages of goals –.
      i. Activity based goals
      ii. Result based awards
      iii. Super star awards journey based awards who are they become in this process
      2. Path fragmentation : basemcmap, learning path and implementation path
      3. Content chunking :
      a. 1. Intro of the video that you are going to deliver
      b. Highlight why it is important
      c. Provide actionable steps
      d. open the loop for next video

    • madhavi sharma

      attention span is limited thus more is difficult, keep it simple
      focus on creating goal gamification- for each goal, create 6 sub parameters to assess and 3 staes of goal achievement- small baby steps + pat on the back when they achieve this. this also keep motivation going
      activity basd goals
      result based goals
      super star awards

      II) path fragmentation- define a clear path.
      define learning pathways
      and implemention pathways so theory and practice goes hand in hand

      III) content Chunking- only give bite sized chewable information at a time. 5 mins crisp vidoes with the key design of
      what is the concept
      why the concept is it important
      how to implement the concept in their life
      what next- a soap opera style curiosity builder

    • Aaftaab Ali

      My Key Learnings :

      1. MYTH- More information does not = better results.

      2. Simplification & Gamification are Keys for better Student results.

      3. Decide 6 Key Success Parameters and 3 Stage of achieve Goals. (Triangle & Hexagons)

      4. Must have a Reward and recognition system.

      5. Design a path and milestones.

      6. Short & Crisp, straight to the point with right CTA.

      7. Not more then 60 minutes of video content per day.

    • Vandana Raj

      More knowledge is not important, more important is to transformation with simplicity
      The times are changed now, its more digital world so passive learning is not that effecctive as it was 10-15 years back .
      Create the engagemne than only the course.
      To learn faster throgh Simplification and gamification
      Digital coaching is like google map.

      1st Concept – Load gamification – Craete 6 parameters to identify the ooycome and the result for any topic. Define your 6 parameters as a part of gamification. Is then you design 3 stages of goals.

      After taking action they will get the award
      1st award is Activity award.
      2nd award is result based award.(1st milestone award)
      3rd Award is super achiever award.
      1st step – is talk about the 6 parameters to evaluate them , talk about the 3 stages of goals. Talk about the ultimate goal, how they need to go through the process of learning to ultimately receive that award from you. when you show them carrrot theen they show results.

      2nd concept is path fragmentation – To create the path journey for them – create the base camp and the students will get to know what base camp they need to climb to get result.
      And these 3 stages of goals can be the base camp…. Students need to know what they want to learn and what they want achieve..
      Path fragmentation is having the clarity on What is the learning path for student and what is the implementation part…

    • Sudeep Kumar

      Principles for Course Design:

      1.Goal Gamification:
      Identify six key parameters for each topic.
      Design three stages of goals for structured learning journey.
      Activity-based, result-based, and superstar awards.

      2.Path Fragmentation:

      Breaking down complex journeys into manageable stages or base camps.
      Defining base camps, learning paths, and implementation paths.
      Applicable across various niches.
      3.Content Chunking:
      Break down complex ideas into bite-sized units.
      Structure content for under an hour per sitting.
      Consistent format for video content: Introduction, Importance, Implementation, What’s Next.

      Implementating these principles to design my course:

      Incorporate Goal Gamification in instructional videos.
      Apply Path Fragmentation to define major milestones and learning paths.
      Utilize Content Chunking for concise, focused video content.

      Incorporating Goal Gamification, Path Fragmentation, and Content Chunking enhances the learning journey.
      Strategies promote engagement, clarity, and efficient learning.
      Helping students achieve their goals 10 times faster.

    • Simple Jaiswal

      Today we live in a world where is so many distractions and hence span of attention and retention for students is low , besides this people are also looking for result based solutions , programs.
      To retain the attention its important that we make it interesting by introducing gamification in the course , because way you teach decides whether people learna and achieve results . Gamification in my niche of career coaching can be activity based where 6 missions helps students to get a sense of completion and its time bound . And secondly result based gamification can further help them stay motivated and take action. in my niche it can be Landing a Job of your choice after career break..
      content for the program to be simplified and made easy to understand and implement

    • Vijayakumar Murugesan

      In this era of Digital Age mindset – Learning way changes hence need to make it simple and short videos
      Formal education – Its not about Volume n memorization… Its all about quality…Point shooters with Authenticity
      Need to have courses with simplification n gamification in mind
      Goal Gamification – what outcome the students r looking for?
      Our approach should be in Activity based award or reward and Result based award (Interview)
      Process should be in Path Fragmentation (Absolte clarity to let the customer know what they exactly do to reach the milstone)
      Need to have the recordings of the courses in Small Chunks 5min-5min-5min Videos.
      Put everything in 6- steps or 3 things Open loop-content (3 secrets)- cta – close loop on videos

    • Harish H N

      Very Good Analogy to show how current era digital coaching with simplification + gamification is more effective than formal education based teaching which has volume of information and memorization.

      I learnt the following effective ways to implement.

      Three Stages of Digital Coaching
      1. Goal Gamification
      2. Path Fragmentation
      3. Content Chunking

      Call for Action in intermediate intervals (Very Good Hook)

      Three Stages of Goals Gamification

      1. Activity Based Award
      2. Result Based Award
      3. Star Based Award

      Have step by step approach to complete your course effectively

    • Veeranarayan Kulkarni

      Your podcast are crisp and to the point.

    • Nilesh Sarjare

      Niles Sarjare

      My take aways for the Podcast:
      Digital Coaching Approach:
      Focuses on simplification and gamification, contrasting with traditional education’s emphasis on information accumulation.
      1. Goal Gamification: Identifying and achieving specific outcomes in learning.
      2. Path Fragmentation: Breaking down a complex journey into manageable stages or ‘base camps’, providing a clear learning path.
      3. Content Chunking: Simplifying complex ideas into small, manageable units. Course content should be concise, focused, and ideally completed within an hour.
      Video Structure: Videos should be short (5-10 minutes), with a consistent format including an introduction, importance, implementation, and preview of the next video.
      Three Stages in Goal Gamification:
      1. Activity-based goals,
      2. result-based rewards,
      3. aspirational awards (e.g., “One Crore Champion”).
      Divide the video onto 3 parts
      1. content
      2. call to action
      3. Open loop
      The se all things are needed for me as a coach when coming to creating my courses and recording videos.

    • jayashree Kunju

      I am writing a long message of what I learnt through the Podcast, Sidz. I am a CA who wants to help commerce students from both 11th/12th grade and commerce graduates to choose their future professional studies pathway with clarity and power and create their own pathway to become ‘Extraordinary Global Business Leaders who provide financial and strategic leadership, making this world a more humane place for people and planet to thrive’ . I loved the breaking down of the course content into three main aspects. I was in fact designing my course, even as I heard the podcast.

      I got that designing my course in this manner is not going to be a scary thing to do. I think I can do the course design with ease and grace.

      Here is all that I got!
      More content often results in confusion. Old styles of passive teaching will not work. In my course for students of accounting to cause a breakthrough and choose the right course and career, I will have to create 10x engagement. I will have to ensure the information disseminating method is done away with. I can gamify my program, have my students engage on their own, and move from point A to point B using the ‘digital map’. Three principles Sidz uses can be used by me for curriculum design ( i will even understand the ‘method behind the madness’. First method – Goal gamification. I will look at what students want? My students want to reduce confusion, and be crystal clear on the course they want to take up after their 12th – CA? ACCA? etc. I could provide awards like Finishers award. I could also give awards for their clarity in their choice. For example, joining my course or my partner’s course. I could provide 5 parameters for completing and receiving the awards. 2nd aspect will be various pathways or path fragmentation – what should they learn? how do they progress to the next path. I will need to define the pathways and the goals they will reach. No.3 is Content chunking – I will have to remember that my students wont be able to spend more than 60 minutes. I will need to make short videos. 3 days course will need about 10 videos of 6 minutes each. When my students complete everything on time, they would get the complete value by completing these videos and taking action. Contents of videos could be – what is this about? what will they get? and then I close by giving a sneak peak of what next? I will be asking them to take notes.

    • dhananjay kalyankar

      Siddhart Rajshekhar talks about making online learning better by avoiding complexity and promoting engagement. He compares traditional education to blindly memorizing information and suggests digital coaching is like using Google Maps for a guided journey. To boost learning, he recommends goal gamification, breaking the learning path into clear steps, and organizing content into manageable chunks. The key is simplicity and interaction.

      He suggests three strategies for a 10x learning boost:

      Goal Gamification: Make learning goals like a game with clear outcomes tied to achievements. Use awards for motivation, from activity-based rewards to prestigious recognitions.

      Path Fragmentation: Break the learning journey into clear, actionable steps. Identify specific learning points for effective implementation.

      Content Chunking: Structure course content into manageable chunks, with concise videos of around 5 minutes each. Emphasize simplicity and coherence for better understanding.

      He outlines a six-step approach with videos and templates for course completion. Note-taking is highlighted for engagement, creating an “opening loop,” encouraging notes throughout, and ending with a teaser for the next video. In summary, Rajshekhar’s strategies aim to make digital learning engaging, goal-oriented, and conducive to faster and effective knowledge acquisition. It provides a roadmap for educators and course designers to revolutionize their teaching methods and enhance student learning.

    • Soniya Saini

      awesom — This is all i got today —
      Give short videos to students full of value though
      Way you teach is more imp than What you teach

      Old methods dont work in digital world – make it interesting using technology

      Simplification and gamification is the new way to teach in less attention time of consuming
      10x faster learning for students
      3 powerful principles
      Goal gamification – know the outcomes your students are looking for overall looking on more parameters – define 6 parameters – and then 3 stage of goal – activity based goals like hackathon to move them forward – after completing give them award – FF , 2nd award is result based reward – like HOF 3rd award IS SUPERSTAR AWARD – like 1 crore award – talk about how to go through the process to get a reward
      2) Path Fragmentation – identifying base camp students needs to go through – wats in learnin – what to implement . accelerate journey
      Content chunking – students able to finish the video in small chunks . max is 60 min – make videos of 4 to 5 min each without fluff . base camp to base camp is many steps , every six step is a video – template to follow . what is in video and give loop for next video . and ask for comments .

    • Prakash karnani

      Superb but I have understood that making courses u have to make courses simple brief to the point as per niche how it will benefit student to 10x returns and how he should plan his journey like u plan our journey thru freedom finisher , hall of fame , one crore club and ten crore club . It sounds easy in paper but definitely it takes 5 yrs to reach there few brilliant students may do it earlier but it’s not easy . This podcasts says how to make courses that are not boring yet attractive to achieve goals by 10x times so u get to atleast 5xor 7x and u hv to keep learning and implementing the path . Results do come slowly but surely but u hv to follow the process mentor and implement it in your niche . It’s not easy but it’s not impossible either a lot of persistence is required to achieve this . Thank u sidz !

    • Shrijith Krishnan

      3 strategies to drive 10x engagement in my community of Career Growth Seekers:

      1. Simplifying and gamifying the process to make it more engaging and impactful
      -Outcome focused(Promotions and Career Fulfilment)
      -Defining 6 parameters to achieve the outcome (leadership skills, branding, work life balance, mindset, job search skills, team management skills)
      -3 Goals
      (a)Activity based reward to keep them motivated (for completing the videos and assignment)
      (b) Result based reward for the 1st breakthrough (improve their rating to 8/10)
      (c)Superstar Award for a major breakthorugh (improve ratimg on multiple parameters)

      2.Path fragmentation:
      Learning path, implementation path offering certification for achieving the base camp

      3.Content Chunking(60 minutes per day)
      -Breaking down the content into more consumable form
      -Breakdown each video into 3-6 steps
      -Each video will cover what, why , how and what next of the base camp

    • Sharada Ghatge

      1. Opening,
      2. set the context for the video,
      3. mention the action that needs to be taken by the listeners,
      4. share the outcomes from the video,
      5. Share the content
      5.1 based on the topic provide comparison before and after,
      5.2 what works and what doesn’t work in current and future times,
      5.3 what actions and methods to take to achieve outcomes
      5.4 Explain Steps by step process /methods with examples and also provide some testimonials
      6. Provide the references where people can get more details
      7. Call for action
      8. Closing

    • Asha Badge

      #ilhfamily #ilh Thank you Sidz for this valuable learning session on-“Can Providing More Information Yield Better Results? My Key learnings are-

      In the evolving landscape of education, the traditional passive teaching methods of the past no longer suffice in today’s digital era. Contrary to the belief that more information equals more knowledge, leading to better results, this equation doesn’t hold true anymore. The distinction lies in being informed versus being aware.

      Participatory teaching methods, such as groups discussion, hands-on practice, and peer teaching, have proven to be more effective. These methods actively engage students, fostering dynamic and enjoyable learning experiences.

      So, what steps can be taken to achieve better results?

      Clearly Communicate the Learning Process, Implementation, and Goals to Your Students
      This approach is grounded in three key parameters:

      Activity-based Rewards
      Result-based Awards
      Super Star Award
      Path Fragmentation
      Define the learning, implementation, and certification path clearly.

      Small Chunks Strategy
      Break down the learning process into manageable 60-minute chunks per day, avoiding unnecessary information. Provide students with a clear, concise six-step guide to achieving their goals:

      What: Understand the task
      Why: Grasp the purpose
      How: Learn the process
      What Next: Plan the next steps

    • Rahul Madhiwalla

      In this podcast I understood how I can break the content in chunks of 10 minutes to get better completion rates. Simplification of the prcess and gamification to encourage participants are two important principles.

    • murali

      breaking the course into small steps
      Ask take notes, share notes, next video details
      -what is it-Why -how, what next
      Path fragmentation
      Content junking

    • Dr Bandoo Chatale

      Altimate, simple, step by step way to become coach and create value and impact to the community. It is great learning journey with 10 X productivity. Diamond members is fast-track way to reach to distination. Simple way to reach distination

    • Kirthana Sindhe

      Thanks Sidz for these amazing steps- Goal gamification, Path fragmentation and Content chunking.

      My biggest learning was on all 3 steps but more specific on staging goals, this gave me clarity on how i can evaluate my clients on 6 parameters that connects to the results and implement it through staging- Activity goal- to complete my course and lay foundation, result goal- to do the work and get small results, Finally- big goals for life time change in healthy lifestyle.

    • Nandhakumar V

      I really loved the simplified steps to teach the students to get 10X learning…
      1. Goal Gamification
      – Know the outcome student is looking for and know the 6 parameters that will help them achive their goal
      – Create 3 stages of gamification (Rewards based on Activity, Result, goal achivement)
      2. Path Fragmentation (Learning path, implementation path)
      3. Content chunking…
      – 60 minutes videos broken in to 5 videos/day into 3 days
      – each video covering 6 steps or 3 things they can learn
      – each video covering (what it is, why its important, How to implement, Next step – opening to next video.
      – Opening with take notes, at the end share notes

    • Prasad Bangera

      My major take-away are,
      Teaching techniques has to change as per today’s trend.
      Simplification and gamification of our content to make it more interesting and easy to learn,
      Knowing how to move from Point A to Point B
      Goal gamification
      Understanding the outcome
      6 parameters
      3 Stages
      Process of learning
      Identifying what base camp
      What to learn
      What they want to do
      Define learning path

    • Muneer Amayoor

      Long video not equal to effectiveness.
      Lecture<reading <AV<etc
      Participative methods are effective
      Digital coaching ID all about simplification and gamification
      Like giving Google maps
      Goal gamification
      3 stages
      Evaluate with parameters
      Rewards and awards in many levels
      Content chunking
      60min in 3 days

    • lavnika

      More is actually more confusing, giving more is not going to give more results.
      Learning Pyramid –
      Most Unproductive way of learning – learning by lecture – Reading group discussion
      Old style passive teaching method are not much more effective
      Effective learning is more like Participating teaching method like group discussion, Activity based
      Formal Education – Volume of information and memorization, simplification and gamification. Mugge up whole map or use google Map going point A to B.
      Method behind madness
      Goal gamification – knoe what outcomes your students of your community want
      6 parameters – Right tools, lead magnet, more sale, more revenue, marketing strategy.
      Activity based Award – hackathon awards based on achieve their targeted outcome – example FF
      Result based Award – Like HOF
      Super star Award – Crore club, talk about ultimate goal to take action

      Path Fragmentation – Identifying what are the base camps that students need to go through. What they need to learn and what they need to do.
      Ultimate award – Defining base camps Defining the Learning, Defining Implementation and may Defining certification.
      This can really help accelerate the any of your niche

      Designing the course –

    • Karthik Krishnakumar

      The 3 secrets for 10X learning in Digital Learning:
      1) Goal Gamification: Make it interesting for the learners to work on 6 parameters, achieve results.

      2) Path Fragmentation: Have a road map, where learners can track their progress and connect the path with their ultimate goal.

      3) Content Chunking: Keep it simple, when it comes to the content. Make crisp video so that the concept is well consumed. Target 60 minutes per day

    • Divya

      My biggest learning
      Goal Givitation
      Path fragmentation

      1) Know what is your participants goal.
      2) Simplify your course as much as possible.
      3) Not to make videos n audios lengthy, break them into 5-5-5 minutes n each day learning sh be ard 60 min (max 90 min)
      4) best part to gv rewards


      A great talk and I got a lot of points to implement .. First I need to make my course simple and not too much of information. As a Goal gamification, I am now going to identify the six parameters for each outcome that the students are looking for. For example in my niche of 360 degree photography, the first parameter for the first outcome, how to get more clients, could be to identify the possible clients. Similarly for every topic, i need to identify the six parameters. Then comes the three stages foie each parameter. All this while, i need to keep the course material as simple as possible. I also need to set up the Goal oriented awards and a path created step by step which clearly defines each step towards achieving greater goals and the entire journey the students will have to follow without deviating from the path laid down. Finally, i need to create content in short videos and not bombard them with too much of information. Thx Siddhart to open up my eyes and giving great clarity

    • Dr. Joel Fernandes

      Ideas of Implementation

      1. Simplification and gamification
      2. Help students to go from point A to point B
      3. *Goal gamification – know what your students need
      *Systems & processes/Right teams/right tools/right marketing/right leads magnet/good conversion process
      (Define your 6 prarameters)

      4. 3 stages of goals
      🥇Activity based goals
      1.activity based award/2.result based award/3.superstar award

      🥈 Path fragmentation
      Eg. freedom path

      🥉Content Chunking
      Base camp, 6steps
      60 mins/day

    • Moksh Chauhan

      *** Participation group – activity,
      ***17-12 videos for 5-10 min
      *** Journey of success
      ***end of the video -share the comments below
      ***emphasizes simplification and gamification

    • Aravindan D

      My takeaway is about Goal gamification:
      Not only focusing on the outcome that our students will get, but also on the other parameters related to that outcome

      My niche – Help people create personal brand
      Goal/Outome – Building an online side hustle
      6 other Parameters:
      1. Being an influencer/ content creator
      2. Having a community
      3. Having fame/ People recognising us
      4. Having financial freedom
      5. Having time freedom
      6. Having passive income

    • Shivangi Datar

      Great Podcast! Gives us coaches a clear guideline on how to design courses so that we get maximum learning and course completion rates for our students.

      Just imparting knowledge is not enough…It is all about helping them learn, retain and implement it with a clear path laid out for them.

      10X Learning –
      1) New methods of learning which involve active participation
      2) Gamification and simplification are the bedrocks of digital learning

      3 Parameters
      1) Goal gamification – give goals with milestones/parameters (ideally 6) on the way towards final outcome
      3 Stages of Goals – Implementation of the 6 parameters, rewards – finisher, small result, final big result
      Handholding on how to go through this whole process

      2) Path Fragmentation – Basecamps – clear learning & implementation paths, certification / rewards

      3) Content Chunking – Design the content in small chunks of easily consumable modules…eg 60 min /day over 3 days. Break every step into 3 /6 learning points.



    • Vipul Vyas

      Excellent guidance to design the course.. Thank you. My niche is spirituality-based relationship solutions. I need to work on how to design activities and result based goals for gamification. Superb help…Sidz!

    • Suma

      Goal Gamification

      6 Other Parameters apart from Final Goal

      1. Connect
      2. Mindfulness
      3. Awareness
      4. Developmental expectations & Knowledge
      5. Self Care

      3 stages of Goals
      1. Activity Based Goal – 6 mission hackathon – Award
      2. Result Based Award – Interview the Parent – Award them – small result – breakthrough -1st milestone
      3. Super Star Award – Changed and Healed Parent –

      Path Fragmentation – what is the learning path for the student & the implementation path to reach the base camp

      reaching final step is the ultimate goal

      identifying base camp that student needs to go through these 3 stages of goals can be those base camps

      what they need to learn & what they need to do

      3. Content Chunking

      micro learning topics
      normal person share whats in the next upcoming video

    • Asmita

      3 ways to get 10X Results to students

      *Digital coaching*: giving Google map to students from point A to B

      ✅ *#Simplification* ✅Absolute clarity of Learning path & define Implementation path Certification Path
      ✨Simple steps learning: Chunk down to bite size learning Crisp, Fast learning in one go

      ✅ *#Gamefication*:What outcome students Desire

    • Sunil Agrawal

      The ways to get students 10x in digital course
      Goal gamifaction follow sidz hackathon
      Work on 6 parameters
      Activity based goals and then reward
      Result based awards
      Superstar reward
      Path fragmentation
      To know the right path defining the base path
      Content junking

    • Nivetha Selvam

      Wonderful to know about simplification and gamification methodology with the Goal Gamification, Path fragmentation, and Content Chunking

    • Dr. Suchitra Nair

      the learning pyramid, which suggests that the least effective form of learning is passive, such as listening to lectures. Reading comes next, followed by audio-visual materials, demonstrations, and discussion groups. It’s crucial to understand that traditional passive teaching methods are less effective today due to the digital age we live in. Participatory teaching methods, such as discussion groups, hands-on practice, and teaching others, have proven to be more effective.
      three powerful principles : Goal Gamification – it’s essential to understand the specific outcomes your students are aiming for.To effectively employ Goal Gamification, you should identify around six key parameters for each topic.the next step in Goal Gamification is designing three stages of goals. The first stage focuses on activity-based goals.The second stage centers on result-based rewards.The third and final reward is the superstar award.
      path fragmentation: Path fragmentation is the process of identifying the essential milestones or “base camps” that students must reach on their learning journey. These base camps serve as the key goals that learners should aim to achieve.he concept of path fragmentation revolves around achieving absolute clarity regarding the learning and implementation paths for students to attain their desired base camps. path fragmentation encompasses three crucial components:Defining Base Camps, Defining the Learning Path, Defining the Implementation Path
      The third key concept: content chunking. Content chunking involves breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized, manageable units for easier learning and retention. this approach translates to creating concise, action-oriented videos that get straight to the point. Instead of producing a single 40-minute video, consider breaking the content down into several 5 to 10-minute videos. This format allows learners to absorb information more efficiently and stay engaged throughout the course.
      Incorporating these three principles—goal gamification, path fragmentation, and content chunking—into your digital courses can greatly enhance the learning journey for your students. These strategies promote engagement, clarity, and efficient learning, ultimately helping students achieve their goals 10 times faster.

    • Arman Aghwani

      Course creation –

      • Giving more is more confusing.
      • Learning pyramid – the more engaging the more learning will take place
      • Formal education is build on volume and memorization
      • Digital coaching is simplification and gamification
      • Know what outcome is people want
      • Just know the parameters to identify the outcome and result. Once it’s defined then design 3 stages of goals. Where the first is activity based goals like a hackathon. It’s the initial setup. Second is a result based award. Like hall of fame award. First milestone. Third is superstar reward.
      • Dangle the carrot of super star award.
      • Path fragmentation is very important. Identify the base camps. Having absolute clarity about learning and implementing.
      • Content chunking is breaking down the big volume of information into small units.
      • 60min per day is good.
      • Break any video into 6steps or 3 things to do.
      • Structure of the short video in the course-
      • What’s is all about
      • Why it’s important
      • How you can implement
      • What next. Open loops.

      Remember the 3 main components of course creation-
      • Gamification
      • Fragmentation
      • Chunking

    • Rajiv Bhatia

      I would like to implement path fragmentation , gamification and content chunking. I believe totally this will make learning fun.

    • Sanjay Mhatre

      70% completion & very high retention 2L comments – the way Sidz teaches

      Learning Pyramid
      Listening to a lec – passive – no longer work in the digital age

      how to create 10x engagement …

      Formal Ed: more info = more K = more results
      Digitial Ed: Simplification & Gamification

      1) Goal Gamification: Loose weight, immunity, diet etc
      6 Parameters:
      Systems, Teams, Mkt Strat, Outreach Strat, Process, LM, Conversion etc

      Activity-based Award: FF
      Result-based Award (interview HOF Award)
      Super Start Award (1 cr Champion … 1-2 yrs)

      2) Path-Fragmentation – to accelerate)
      base-camps to reach – what they need to learn (watch videos, attend sessions) & do (implement)
      certificates on the way (optional)

      3) Content- Chunking:
      Finish the course in 1-sitting, action-oriented vids 5-min chunks
      60min/day (thumbrule) = 5min x 10vids (60-90 mins – they feel good)

      3 steps / stages to go thru
      base-camp – every 6 steps is a video (with template to follow)
      what is it all abt (intro concepts)
      why is this concept imp
      how to implement (share concepts)
      what next – open the loop

    • Vinusha

      Amazing insights Sidz. For my course of building mental resilience, the 6 steps are 1. Awareness 2. Building softskills 3. Habit formation 4. Audit of daily resilience 5. Renovation or improvising 6.achieving bulletproof mindset and sustenance. Thank you for your valuable insights!



    • Vijaykumar Shah

      People’s Attention span is low
      If you think giving more is better , it creates more confusion.
      Most unproductive way of learning is listening. Old style of passive learning method wont work.
      It should be active learning , where people participate in your courses.
      Digital coaching process is all about simplification and gamification. People can not remember much when they learn. But they will learn more by participating in it experimenting it.

      The three points in the course are
      1) Goal Gamification :- You have to know what people are looking for.
      For eg Goal is lose weight , but there are other parameters also.
      Evaluate other parameters also. These are parameters that lead to the main goal.
      There should be six parameters and three stages of goal
      Six parameters to move on towards the goal. Make people take action. Give them action based award
      The second award is result based award. That is the first mile stone
      The third award is mile stone based award.
      The first step is talk about six steps , Three stages and

      2) Path Fragmentation :
      Divide the goals in small fragments.
      The student needs to know what they should learn
      Path Fragmentation is all about accelerating the learning process
      3) Content Chunking
      Chunk down complex ideas in to simple Micro Niche topics.
      A simple person will not be able to sit for more than 15 mins at one sitting.
      Break your course in 60 mins per day / in to three day.
      Once people do the activity for 60 mins they should feel that have learned and progressed something.

      Every Video: break in to six steps or in to three things.

      Break the video in to three part
      What is in it
      Why this is important
      How to implement it .
      Ask people to participate in it by taking notes and sharing the notes

    • Ajay R Patel

      Digital coaching process emphasizes simplification and gamification
      Google map” to guide them from their current knowledge level (point A) to where they want to be (point B) in any given topic
      Explore three powerful principle
      ✓Goal Gamification
      ✓Result-based rewards
      ✓ One Crore Champion
      Introduce new “path fragmentation.” On my website (the learning and implementation paths for students to attain their desired base camps)
      __When designing a course___________
      Focus for more than 60 minutes at a stretch
      Completed it in within one sitting
      Delivering content in short

      Three-day course, plan for 60 minutes of content per day

      ✓Plan for 60 minutes of content per day
      ✓10 to 12 short videos 5 to 10 minutes each
      This strategy ensures that learners can easily digest the material
      Great stretegy to transform with this way

    • Prathap

      💪GOAL GAMIFICATION and what other parameters…. at least 6 parameters.



      (HALL OF FAME)


      If you have to climb a mountain Everest need to go through the base camps.

      ✅What students need to know? Defining learning path.
      ✅What needs to implement?
      Definig implementing path.
      ✅ defining certification path.




      LEVEL 1

      3 DAYS
      3 steps to clear the SCREENING TEST.

      60 TO 90 MINS PER DAY


    • Preethi

      TAkeaways are
      Giving more is more confusing than getting the real knowledge from it.
      Simplification and gamification is the key for making the course attractive.
      Goal gamification
      Path fragmentation
      Content chunking

    • Ravi Kumar

      10x Learning System For Course Creators

      – Giving more does not more result, it confuses people.
      – Formal education system – have idea more info = more results
      – Volume of info and memorization

      Digital coaching – all about simplification and gamification.
      Three powerful principles are:
      I. Goal Gamification – know what outcomes students are looking for. Once we know what are the parameters, ideally should have 6 parameters, once define, then design 3 stages of goal.
      a. Activity based goal – like hackathon so that they take action and be freedom finisher,
      b. Result based award – like Hall of Fame
      c. Super Star Award – Like 1 Crore Champion

      II. Path Fragmentation – Identifying what are those base camps, what they need to learn and what they need to do.
      – What is learning path and what is implementation path.
      Path fragmentation encompasses three crucial components:
      Defining Base Camps – what goals students aim to achieve during their learning journey, it provide clear path.
      Defining the Learning Path – specific knowledge and skills that students need, it serves like roadmap for students.
      Defining the Implementation Path – it like practical actions and steps that students need to take.
      III. Content chunking – Content chunking involves breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized, manageable units for easier learning and retention. Give concept in small- small chunks.
      Course creators should aim to structure their content so that learners can complete it comfortably within one sitting,
      When structuring your video content, incorporate a template that follows a consistent format:
      i. Introduction: Explain what the video will cover.
      ii. Importance: Highlight why the concept or topic is crucial.
      iii. Implementation: Provide actionable steps or guidance on how to apply the knowledge.
      iv. What’s Next: Tease what learners can expect in the next video, creating anticipation and engagement.
      Keeps learners focused but also encourages them to actively participate in the learning process.
      Content chunking is a highly effective method.
      Incorporating these three principles – goal gamification, path fragmentation, and content chunking – into your digital courses can greatly boost the learning journey.

    • Saurabh Prabhakar

      This is really a nice way to:

      1. Understand the course structure and the learning we should give to our students.
      2. Starting from the latest method to teach them,
      3. Proceed with the 6 parameters step by step for easy content consumption and for a better understanding for our students.
      4. Designing 3 stages of goals for a fast and better completion rate of the videos and taking actions simultaneously.
      5. Making the path fragmentation for them to make a bigger impact & effective implementation.
      6. Being straightforward and being more to the point and less information.

      All these are amazing strategies to understand and implement while drafting a course. Thanks for the valuable podcast.

    • Mansi Gupta

      This podcast has given so may tips in a crisp and concise way. No fluff, plain business 🙂

      My 5 biggest takeaways are –
      1. Less is more – Don’t overwhelm your audience with loads and loads of gyan. Few implementable concepts are enough.
      2. How you teach is more important than what you teach.
      3. Break it down into smaller chunks.
      4. Keep the videos short.
      5. Gamify gamify gamify!

      Simply love it!! No rote learning!! Practical real-life stuff!!

    • kavithanjali

      1. Goal gamification – you should have 6 parameters that define and lead to the goals–> you should have 3 stages where you work on the 6 parameters – help take action (activity or task based) – issue an award–> result based award (small result) – here, hall of fame–> super star award 2. Path fragmentation – defining basecamps – help students in identifying the basecamps – 3 stages can be the basecamps 3. chunking down the content – have small 5 min video chunks instead of a whole 40 mins video. it will increase te course completion rate
      creating content- have a video for every 6 steps. in the video, you can use this template. 1st part- what the video is about?

    • Surya Narayan Das

      1. Formal Education System : Tons of information with less understanding and confusion
      2. Digital Education System : Learning, Discussing, Teaching and Implementing
      3. Define 6 parameters
      4. Design 3 Stages of Goals
      5. 1st Stage : Activity based goal like hackathon and gamification
      6. 2nd Stage : Result Based award – small breakthrough awards
      7. 3rd Stage : Content Chunking : No-one can seat more than 60 mins so break the videos into small parts. Maximum 60 to 90 Mins
      8. Path Fragmentation – What is learning path – Implementation path – final certification path.
      9. Follow templates and ask to take notes
      10. Open loop for next video like Netflix

    • Kowsalya devi.T

      *Giving more is more confusion.
      * Make get attracted to your way of teaching.
      * 3 ways of teaching.
      * Passive teaching wont work.
      * Involve them in active learning by engaging nicely with games puzzles n more interaction.
      * simplification n gamification makes the learning faster in digital coaching.No mugging up.
      * 3 really powerful paths.
      * i. Goal gamification.for out come of students.along wih other 6 parameters for any topic.Define the parameters n design 3 stages of goals
      a. Goal setting on 6 parameters to take action
      For which award them.
      b. Result based award n interview them encourage them.
      C. Super star award is for super successful for ultimate goal.
      2. Path fragmentation.
      Easy escalator to reach goal to reavh base camp.
      To get absolute clarity to complete assignments.defines learning can give accelerates the journey.
      3. Chunkining down the content.
      Try to make them learn in smll chunks to comlpete fast.
      5 day 3 day 1 day based on that split into time limited chunks to make them feel good.
      Content chunks 6 steps .
      Cover each 6 steps a video explain the contents.
      End up with what next?
      Ask people to take notes.
      Create enthusiasm for the next video.
      End of the video ask them to comment.

    • Arzoo Narang

      It’s a fantastic and eye opener for me. I am going to launch my course after 4 live batches and learning what people want to learn. Thank you Sidz for sharing it just before my recordings .

    • Subrata Kabiraj

      Here is my Learning from the Podcast:

      10X Learning-3 ways to get your
      students learn at 10X speed.

      1) Learning Pyramid
      a) Old methods are not working
      i) Example: Formal Educations and memorization methods
      ii) New forms like participative learning, gamification are the new tools and ways that can be used.
      2) 3 Powerful Principles
      a) Goal Gamification
      i) Keep your eyes on the goal and remember the other parameters (associated tasks helping reach the goals) which help you to achieve the goals.
      (a) Design 3 stages
      (i) Activity Based achievement & Reward
      (ii) Result Based achievement & Reward
      (iii) Superstar Award (Aspirational)
      b) Path Fragmentation
      i) Identifying what are the different basecamps to finish a goal.
      c) Content Chunking
      i) Making complex ideas simple for people: Crisp, Fast paced, shorter duration learning.
      (1) Think of 60 mins per day for your learners. Preferably at 1 seating.
      (2) Break down the videos 3-things or six-steps.
      (a) Video
      (i) What is this all about
      (ii) Why the concept is critical
      (iii) How to take action and implement
      (iv) What Next

    • Ravindra Babu

      10 X Your learning
      o Giving more is more confusing – passive teaching methods does not work these days
      o For better course completion rate, Participative methods are good – Simplification & gamification is approach
      o Parameters
       Activity based award as acknowledgement
       Result based award
       Path fragmentation – steps to achieve goal
       To the point, crisp, precise content which is easy to follow & finish it

    • Shilpa Kadam

      Goal Gamification – You have to know what outcomes your students are looking for.

      Ideally it should have 6 parameters.

      Design 3 stages of goals.

      1st activity based goal – give them an award for this.
      2nd should be result based goal – give them an award for a small / 1st milestone result
      3rd should be the final big goal. Big award like a 1 crore champion award

      In your first video you should talk about the 6 parameters and the 3 awards.

      Give clear path

      Chunk topics – not more than 60 mins a day – make 5 to 10 min video.

      Remove fluff. keep it to-the-point

    • Dr Soubam Singh

      Start with a good line-more content often results is more confusing- meaning I will stick to the p[points when I coach.
      • Sidz shared- an impressive 70% completion rate, over 200,000 individuals have shared their feedback on his courses. So active omn social media also important for me.
      • Learning pyramid- learning is passive, Reading comes next, followed by audio-visual materials. For success, I need to see the sides of the 3 learning pyramid.
      • Traditional education revolves around accumulating vast amounts of information and memorization. In contrast, the digital coaching process emphasizes simplification and gamification.
      Sidz mission is to rectify education system, I agree that I will adopt that more action oriented and applicable courses will work.
      • Three powerful principles-
      1) Goal Gamification- When implementing Goal Gamification, it’s essential to understand the specific outcomes your students are aiming for.
      2) Designing three stages of goals- The first stage focuses on activity-based goals involving and engaging the students in activities related to the six parameters.
      The second stage centers on result-based rewards- again 5 stages, Sidz have hackathon.
      3) The third and final reward is the superstar award- Sidz has One Crore Champion” award.
      So I noted powerful learnings from Sidz on course content, number of days and purpose behind how to make. I was dreaming how to create courses, it enlightens me and direction, dots …all places so connected for the content creation or video making. This is super duper piece of information.

    • Saswati Sahu

      This podcast has been an eye opener on how to design a course that would be easy to follow, implement and get results faster. I was mind blown by the simple steps to design an amazing course. Thank You 😊


      Learning management system is very important to give 10x benefits to students. New way of participating teaching system is very important now a days. Digital coaching system is the way of simplification and gamification but formal education system is traditional and wastage of productivity and useless today. Outcome is very important of digital education system. Digital coaching has 6 outcome and strategies is the part of gamification.6 challenges on these 6 parameters -1. Activity based award 2. Result based award 3. Super result award Path fragmentation is identification is the path is having clarification of learning path, base camp and implementation path. Content chunking must be structure in module in 90-95 minutes. Videos of the course to be made in small videos in 6 steps and in first part what is going to be learn, in 2nd part what Is the importance and why you are you going to learn in 3rd part you talk about course 4th part you complete you course in 5th part call to action and 6th part you tell what your next learning is. MY MAINING FROM THIS PRODCAST IS THAT THIS TODAYS FORMAL SYSTEM IS WASTAGING OUR FUTURE GENERATION AND TODAYS DIGITAL EDUCATION IS IMPACTING THE WORLD. MORE PRODUCTIVE, LESS TIME CONSUMING AND MOST IMPORTANT THAT IN THIS DIGITAL SYSTEM TEACHINAND MENTORING TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY MENTOR NOT BY MARKET WHO CREATING COUSE WITHIN 4- 5 MINTS.ACTIVITY, RESULT, PATHBASED COUSE CREATION BENEFITS TO 10X STUDENTS AND LEARNERS.

    • Shankar Mallapur

      Wonderful insights and summary by Sidz on how to engage the students of your course:
      The points i learnt and plan to implement it. My niche is career acceleration for mid level execs.
      The goals is to move away from traditional learning by rote to simplification and gamification using the following:
      1. Goal gamification: I have identified the 6 key parameters, to reward the students for activity completion, apart from the reward of promotion. These are systems, skilling, disciplined mindset, building a personal brand, networking, communicating effectively.

      2. Identified path fragmentation: 3 stages of growth with both the learning and implementation paths thru a certification program.

      3. Chunking down big ideas into micro learning topics, with a maximum of 60 minutes per day. Each chunk of only 5-10 minutes. Having 6 steps per video, and modelling it on a soap opera with a call to take notes, using tools like mind maps with an open loop ending leading to the next video.

    • chetana

      thanks for sharing Sidz. My major take aways
      Goal gamification through 3 stages activity’s based reward , Result base reward, and Super achiever reward.Path fragmentation which defines the vase camp, learningpath, and implementation path
      and last but not least is content chunking, 60 mins/day, and creating open loops

    • Gita Ramachandran

      Attention Span is less
      Learning Pyramid for grasping more is – Listening, Reading and Audio Visual
      Learning through GD, Quiz, Gamification etc will be more engaging and get 10 X engagement
      Formal education is built on complexity and Memorisation
      But digital coaching is all about simplification and Gamification
      So provide cours e content based on these 3 Simple Principle
      1. Goal Gamification based on outcome as desired by students -Define 6 parameters for each and Create 3 stages of goal
      • A)Activity Based Goal where students have to complete taking actions based on 6 parameteres and get rewarded for the same
      • B)Result based Goal -Students rewarded based on 6 parameteres where they get results . Each video break into 6 steps or
      • C) Super star Award – Based on e getting extra ordinary results

      • each video can be based on a template. At the end provide expectation and curiosity for them to look out for the next one

      2. Path fragmentation is to define the base Camp , Define the Path and implementation Strategy

      3. Content chunking
      Chunk the Learning videos into small videos of short duration , so that students feel gratified when

    • Divya Maheshwari

      •It’s all about Helping and giving solution to the problem our society looking for.
      • we should Give our knowledge in such a way that , people feel to not just listen it but to implement the ideas.
      •And we have to do in very short time and need to make it cool, crisp and To the point. 🤗

    • Meenaakshi Jalan Todi

      From the Point of Student and any Individual, this podcast comes on the day where I have been sharing with my friends that to attend a course or plan my actions, I see that my action span is too short to be on the path.
      Have heard from several of my mentors be SMART and make small plans and power leaps awarding yourself. But hardly does anyone say the path to follow.

      This podcast shares if all… Thanks Siddharth. Though to be honest I will be hearing it again and again to digest all the understanding from here… but its a simplified process and path to what I have been running from…

      Simplification and gamification !! Brain MAp-no Mugging Up

      Goal Gamification and related goal parameters Eg Business: revenue, systems tools, marketing strategy, Lead Magnet.
      3 stages of goals
      Path fragmentation: Design a path
      Activity based goals and then reward
      A normal person can’t spend more than 1 hr in one sitting therefore 5 to 10 min videos work the best, and tell students to finish the course in one sitting.

      Decluttering and clustering into simplified right path that works for you.

      thanks Siddharth for this

    • Md Mokarram Sk

      It’s evident from Siddharth Rajsekar’s podcast that he’s not just a course creator but a dedicated educator who understands the evolving dynamics of learning in the digital age. His 10x Learning System provides practical insights, especially as his student. The emphasis on Goal Gamification, Path Fragmentation, and Content Chunking showcases a thoughtful approach to keeping learners engaged and achieving tangible results. Siddharth’s real-world examples and the success of his methodology, with a 70% completion rate, speak volumes about the effectiveness of these principles. As his student, I appreciate the clarity and actionable strategies he shares, making the learning journey both dynamic and enjoyable. Looking forward to applying these principles and transforming my educational experience!

    • Jitendra Tyagi

      1) Short videos are very important play role in coaching business long videos more distractions
      2) Don’t lecture old style does not work
      3 New strategies focused discussion-based group teaching
      4)Formal education they have ideas more information more knowledge
      5) Digital based gamification and simplification
      6)You don’t have mug up all map just focus on point a to pint b
      7) Three principles
      Concept goal gamification
      What outcomes
      If goal is to lose weight
      more energy more fitness
      8)Know parameter
      9) Six parameters to identify results
      Business creates more revenue.
      other right tool marketing strategy
      another parameter
      Parameter lead define you six parameters.
      10) Design 3 stages of goal
      Like activity-based goal
      Helping the business owner moves
      11) Like high hydration weigh loss
      12) Complete the activity they will get award
      13) Result weigh loss 5 kg example
      14) Interviews them like hall of fame
      15)Business case parameter setup
      market strategy
      Revenues comes results-based goals.
      Super star award
      This award shows inspirational.
      16) Talk about 3 parameters
      3 stages
      Ultimate goal how they proceed.
      Pathway role important play
      17) If you climb mountain, you should take step by step
      18) Leaning path and implementation path
      19) Define path implement path-based camp
      20) create short video like 5 minutes gives chocolate
      21)one day sixty minutes per day
      22) Please make sure complete in one sitting
      23)Straight to the points
      24) Six steps three things
      Based camp to based camp.
      Evert step small videos
      Easy to them consume.
      What this all about
      Why concept is important.
      How implement that
      What next create a hype?


      How you can create a 10x Learning System:
      1. In today’s digital age, the old learning system is not effective. The main reason is that, the old system, which was based on a lecture format or passive learning system, it was more in terms of the volume of information and rote learning or memorization. People today have very little attention span due to huge distractions and more information might cause more confusion.
      2. Similarly other traditional methods like audio-visual materials, demonstrations, and discussion groups are better than boring lectures but still not as effective as what we now call “Participatory teaching methods”, which have the most important ingredient as ‘hands-on practice’, and following the trinity, ‘Learn-Do-Teach system’. This method, unlike the traditional method, is more effective because it engages students through interactive activities, making learning more dynamic and enjoyable.
      3. the powerful principles that involve this new system are:
      a) “Goal Gamification.”
      First of all, the specific outcomes the students are aiming for needs to be understood thoroughly. For example, for a coach in weightloss business, apart from the primary goal of weight loss, other essential parameters like increasing energy levels, building immunity, enhancing fitness, improving sleep quality, and various other factors. Thus, it is obvious that when the body is in optimal condition, weight loss becomes a natural outcome.
      For the implementation of this strategy, around six key parameters for each topic need to be identified. This may include having efficient processes in place, assembling the right teams, utilizing appropriate tools, implementing an effective marketing strategy, employing an attractive lead magnet for lead generation, and optimizing the conversion process.
      b) Next is the three stages of goals viz. setting up teams, establishing systems, devising a marketing strategy, planning outreach efforts, and refining conversion strategies. These six parameters form the basis for creating a structured learning journey.
      c) The first stage focuses on activity-based goals. The second stage centers on result-based rewards. The third and final reward is the superstar award.
      d) The other strategy is “path fragmentation.” Path fragmentation is the process of identifying the essential milestones or “base camps” or “major milestones’ that students must reach on their learning journey. This helps in absolute clarity regarding the learning and implementation paths.
      e) The next important concept is content chunking. Content chunking involves breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized, manageable units for easier learning and retention. Because of the low attention span, the idea is to create a course structure such that students can learn at a comfortable one sitting itself, ideally under an hour. This means delivering content in short, focused segments rather than lengthy, overwhelming sessions.
      The template for a video course may go like this:
      1. Introduction: Explain what the video will cover.
      2. Importance: Highlight why the concept or topic is crucial.
      3. Implementation: Provide actionable steps or guidance on how to apply the knowledge.
      4. What’s Next: Tease what learners can expect in the next video, creating anticipation and engagement.
      In summary, goal gamification, path fragmentation, and content chunking should be the basis on which a digital course should be structured.


      1.less is more
      2.old style of teaching doesn’t work in digital era
      3.Goal Gamification:

      Identify specific outcomes or parameters related to the course topic.
      Design three stages of goals, including activity-based, result-based, and superstar awards.
      Clearly outline the structured learning journey for students, motivating them with clear objectives and rewards.

      4.Path Fragmentation:

      Break down the learning journey into smaller, manageable stages or base camps.
      Define base camps as major milestones for students to achieve.
      Outline the learning path (knowledge and skills) and implementation path (practical actions) for each base camp.

      5.Content Chunking:

      Recognize the limited attention span of learners and structure content accordingly.
      Deliver content in short, focused segments (5 to 10-minute videos).
      Follow a consistent format for each video, including introduction, importance, implementation, and what’s next.
      6. six parameters for any business


      10x Learning – 3 Ways To Get Your Students To Learn Faster Through Digital Courses:
      my learnings:
      The podcast challenges traditional teaching philosophies, asserting that the principles of “less is more” and the outdated approaches of the old teaching style are ineffective in the digital era. The discussion revolves around the misconception that providing more information or longer videos automatically leads to better testimonials and improved student results, a notion the podcast aims to dispel.

      1. Less is More:

      The podcast critiques the traditional “less is more” teaching style, suggesting that in the digital age, this approach may not be as effective. It emphasizes the need for dynamic and engaging teaching methods that recognize the challenges of short attention spans and distractions in the modern world.
      Example: Instead of relying on minimal content delivery, the podcast advocates for a strategic approach to content creation that maximizes engagement through concise, focused segments.
      2. Old Style of Teaching Doesn’t Work in the Digital Era:

      The podcast asserts that the old-style teaching, characterized by information overload and memorization, is not suitable for the digital era. It underscores the importance of adapting to new technologies and interactive teaching methods to cater to the preferences and learning styles of today’s learners.
      Example: Rather than sticking to traditional lecture-style teaching, the podcast encourages educators to embrace digital coaching processes that simplify and gamify learning, providing students with a dynamic and interactive educational experience.
      3. Goal Gamification:

      Goal gamification is introduced as a strategy to counter the limitations of the traditional teaching approach. It involves setting specific outcomes and parameters for the course topic, focusing on engaging students through interactive activities.
      Example: In a weight loss program, gamifying goals could involve setting up three stages of objectives related to hydration, physical activity, nutrition, mindset, and more, providing a structured and rewarding learning journey.
      4. Path Fragmentation:

      Path fragmentation is presented as a departure from the old-style accumulation of information. Instead, it breaks down the learning journey into smaller, manageable stages or base camps, ensuring learners progress systematically.
      Example: In a business growth course, path fragmentation might involve defining base camps such as team setup, efficient processes, and marketing mastery, giving learners clear milestones to achieve.
      5. Content Chunking:

      Content chunking is advocated as a way to address the attention span challenge. The podcast recommends delivering content in short, focused segments rather than lengthy sessions, mirroring the style of TV series on streaming platforms.
      Example: Structuring a business growth course with concise, action-oriented videos ensures that learners can comfortably complete each segment within a reasonable timeframe, promoting efficient learning.

      By incorporating these additional points, the podcast underscores the need for a paradigm shift in teaching methods, moving away from the less-is-more philosophy and outdated teaching styles. The three principles—Goal Gamification, Path Fragmentation, and Content Chunking—are presented as innovative strategies to enhance the learning experience in the digital age.

    • Gopakumar

      Will make small 3-5 minute video
      Rateter than only focusing main goal, will also make activies based on other parameters realted to main goal
      I will show the path first by showing all the learning curves and implimentation way and set a context
      All the video will connect to actiity based tasks and will tell them to take action and why it importent to complete it to get rewards and results.
      End of the final video will show the next immiditae task so that they can take it up quickly
      Will make sure all the Content is Gamified and Simplied to consume and get maximum value


      I have taken many online courses and its true that we have to push really hard to get it completed.
      I am in to software development courses.

      I can use the gamification and hackathon idea for finishing courses and taking action and creating projects.

      I can use path fragmentation to define learning path, implementation path and certification path

      Content chunking can be done to make finish them courses easily.

    • Mritunjai Tiwary

      Quality over quantity

      How we can create a crisp course, where are student can learn faster without explaining them much in the course how we can create a crash course where are student can learn faster without explaining them much in the course

      Old styles of of teaching not working now a days

      Make course interesting to make it more engaging

      2 ways

      -More info more more knowledge more results- formal education

      -Digital coaching New education is all about Simplifying – more simplification more gamification great results

      Method behind madness

      Goal Gamification

      3 Methods

      6 Parameters

      Goals- activity

      Awards types

      Activity based Results

      Results based award

      Super Awards

      Dangle the carrots

      Path fragments really accelerate the journey of of students-

      So have Absolute clarity on

      what is Learning path

      What is Implementation path

      Content chucking

      Crisp, small chunks videos with actionable process- 5 to 7 minute’s videos

      Let them finish in one seating

      Break the video

      6 steps

      3 things

      In each video follow the templates

      1st video-What is this video all about

      2nd video-Why is this concept important

      3rd video you can implement

      Finally, in last video open the loop

    • Dr Apeksha

      Defining the learning path
      Goal fragmentation
      Defining base camps
      Absorb more information
      Keep learning

    • Mrunali Kolekar

      My take away:
      1. Gamification- course design.
      2. 3 major parts:
      Activity/ challenges on a social group formed.
      Concept chunking with live experience through live webinar.
      Implementation of the concepts.
      3. Path fragmentation:
      Learning path
      Implementation path
      Certification path
      4. Content chunking
      5. Bonus videos

    • Kiran Kumar

      Take away:
      2.Path fragmentation
      3.Content chunking

      its awasome and it is Mini Hackaton 13mins – Mind blowing

    • Suresh

      Structure the goals: Activity based, result based, and Rewards.
      Break down video in 6 steps and 3 things to complete these 6 steps
      6 Structure the video: with 5minutes and all are like point shooters

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