The Ultimate Guide To 

Become A World-Class

Table of Contents

Siddharth Rajsekar | India's Leading Digital Coach

About The Author

Siddharth Rajsekar

Founder - Internet Lifestyle Hub

Siddharth Rajsekar aka Sidz is the founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub, one of the world’s largest communities for coaches, trainers, teachers, and experts with over 20,000 members.

As an acclaimed lifestyle entrepreneur, Business World's 40 under 40 award winner, and international speaker, Siddharth has trained over 500,000 people in the last 10 years. Recognized as one of India’s leading andsought-after “info-marketing” specialists, Siddharth has worked closely with renowned International experts like Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy,and Jack Canfield.

After running many multi-million-dollar online campaigns for companies and helping people make money online in the last 10 years, Siddharth has developed and perfected the Freedom Business Model. The Freedom Business Model focuses on helping people take their expertise online and building a super-profitable digital coaching business, without an office or employees.

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His mission is to reform the education and employment system by building a new breed of Digital Leaders, based on the core principles of humanity and simplicity and by enhancing one’s social skills, happiness, and overall productivity.

He is the author of this book, “You Can Coach” which decodes all the steps for experts to successfully PLAN, LAUNCH, and GROW a digital coaching business to six figures a month.

Wearing multiple hats, Siddharth is a husband of a loving wife, a father of 2 boys, a minimalist, futurist, spiritualist, a YouTuber who has published over 300 videos, as well as a podcast host!


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Everybody wants to become a coach. Everybody wants to become a consultant. The future of the coaching and consulting industry is one of the hottest topics right now. 

What are the myths of this coaching, training, and consulting industry? 

What does the ideal scenario of this industry look like?

The Myth of Saturation

There are so many entrants in the coaching and consulting industry every day that it will get saturated. But this will never happen. Do you know why? Because there are very few people who can stand out from the crowd. 

The population of India is over a billion people; so many people have skills they want to share but don’t know how to start. Even if there are a million coaches, there are still a billion people to be served. Having said that, many coaches also need to be coached on various aspects of life.

The other aspect is that we need multiple experts in various facets of life; for example, some people good at business who wouldn’t be good at career advice. Some people are good in the health space, in the mindfulness space. 

Some people want to be good in the money space or affiliate marketing. There are so many of these micro-niches experts who need help from someone else. Some people will be better than you, and it’s good learning and receiving some support from them.

Have the attitude to be a learner and be open to learning, even from somebody who does not have as many years of experience as you but has better results. Drop the ego. There’s a whole concept called reverse mentoring, where you learn from people who are younger than you. Everybody needs a coach in some aspect of their life, so adopt an open attitude and learn new things. You can have multiple coaches on various aspects of life. 

If you have some basic knowledge, get started, and the beauty is when you are teaching, you’ll learn more. Teachers are the best learners. If you actually learn and teach simultaneously, that’s the best way to grow. You start to learn even better.

When it comes to business, pick one mentor and take it to the finish line in one area of your life. You don’t have to have multiple mentors on the same topic, but you can have numerous mentors on various facets of life. It’s going to help in the progression of society.

The Myth of Duplication

Many people think that if two people are doing the same thing, you cannot do it as well. Let’s say you’re a specialist in the stock market, posting your advice as a stock market trading expert. If someone mentions there is already a stock market expert, don’t assume that you cannot be one. There is always room for more. The way that you do things is different from the way somebody else does something.

Because you will have a different flavor/vibe, your vibe attracts your tribe. If you have a particular kind of personality, you will start to attract a similar personality type. Each of us has a unique personality; each of us has a specific way of looking at things in this world.

Because you have a unique flavor, you have a particular method; even though you may be learning from different places, you may have a specific style of doing it in your way.

Your nurturing format can be different from others. Some of you may be comfortable doing videos. You may be comfortable doing webinars and be comfortable working with groups. Some people would be comfortable doing it on WhatsApp, on Telegram. The environment that you create for your students may be different. Some of you may be more like a one-to-one kind of person.

Coaching or consulting is all about helping people get results, and we need more of you. We need more of you, provided you have the right intent and the right attitude toward taking this forward.

Like in any industry, you only find the top four people to make it. There’s going to be like 80% of people. You have the 80/20 rule principle. 80% of the world is grinding. The remaining 20% are the ones that are making it. At that top 20% is another top 20% of that. The top 4% are the movers and shakers.

You look at any industry, any sector, the banking industry, the leading IT companies, and any industry in the world. You only find the top 4% who are the movers and shakers.

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The Myth of Perfection

People feel that they have to be the ultimate expert before they start coaching. Before you start to coach, you will probably have some framework of knowledge and a mentor. The key is to keep growing through the journey.

After you have some structured knowledge and created the first version of your coaching system, you will be building your community. As your customer base is growing, then the feedback that you get from your customer base will start to dynamically give you the inputs on what you need to do next,

You need to be serving your community to become the ultimate expert. You don’t have to be the foremost expert when you get started. 

You will end up becoming the leading expert the more you welcome feedback and the more you keep working on yourself, You are the coach, the consultant, and you’re the guiding light for the marketplace. You are the one who’s doing the research, and you’re giving them the insights.

“The deeper you do research on your topic, the simpler you can make it for your students.” - Sidz

But as you are on this journey yourself, you’re going to be growing yourself, and you can provide better insights as you come up. That is the beauty of this entire business model. The top three facts are that this market will not get saturated. 

There is always room for more, based on your method and the technology you use to help people. That is why you need to work on yourself. And the third fact is you do not have to be the ultimate expert in your topic as long as you start with some formula that will begin working for you. Then you keep developing on it from here on. 

The current education system is screwed up, and we need more digital teachers. We need more coaches. We need more people who can change the paradigm of teaching and learning because via stepping into a new era right now, where the fundamental way that we learn, the entire way that we teach has to change for, to take the society and take the community forward. 

Your past does not equal your future. What you do right now is what’s going to determine your future. I’ll open up you up to a whole new world of possibilities.


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The Ideal Scenario to Become a Digital Coach

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Your past does not matter

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Where you want to go is what matters.

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You need to be coachable yourself.

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You need to be open, and you need to have the hunger to make something for yourself.

If you have the attitude of being a learner yourself, have dropped the ego. If you’re open to learning from somebody younger than you, if you have humility, if you are grounded, and if you’re ready to learn, that is the kind of student that you’ll also attract. 

Your vibe will attract your tribe. 

You will have total resonance in your value systems. When you aim to become a master at every single part of the journey, then you will be able to stand out, and you’ll be able to make the most fantastic business model. So coaching and the consulting industry are among the best industries to be in because we are in the knowledge age right now.

From the industrial era, we moved into the information era and now into the social media era. We are in a period where there’s so much social interaction and knowledge, where people want solutions to their problems. They want structured expertise and solutions that can solve problems that can take them to the finish line. For that to happen, you need to be in that position of power, having the right intent to do things.

The ideal scenario is for this entire industry to evolve. While the internet is like an ocean with so much information, Google is a continent. You need to create or build your island so you do not get lost in that ocean, where students can solve their problems. 

You need to create your domain. You need to have your island with your expertise and topics to make it attractive for people to come and people to get value in. People want to go and spend more time on your island. This method can bring back value into the coaching and consulting industry, and people will feel they’re part of something bigger.

To build your island and nurture your tribes in your unique islands, you need to bring out your uniqueness. This is more to do with the experience that you give to your students. Everything, right from your design, your branding, your branding, the look and feel of it, how people feel when they come into your world, how people think when they come into your webinars, how you nurture your community, what kind of support system you give them. How simple you make it for them to learn and grow.

Many students are bringing out their uniqueness and creating their coaching systems and their islands in their languages, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Marathi, so that is uniqueness. You do what is comfortable for you with your style.

“Successful coaches are not those who are simply good at delivering information. The best ones understand human behaviour. They are quick to adapt and ride trends using the latest tools to provide the most efficient solution and results to their students without getting fixated on their past successes.” - Sidz

The Winning Formula to Become a Digital Coach

I have integrated elements from some of my mentors and created my personal model, called the Freedom Business Model. This model, which is for my community based on my system, is an extremely well-laid-out journey. 

People need to go through a mindset transformation to set their goals. Then I have seven courses to set the foundation, and they are silver members. Then I have a five-course foundation for them to be a gold member. I like hackathons, and I have live events to put them on the fast track, and then they come to my leadership council, which is my level three diamond membership.

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When you develop your formula for success, it should be an Ascension journey. If you want to learn how to create this model for yourself, based on all your learning, start to create a new formula out of it. Let it have the evergreen principles. 

And then based on your own experience of implementing that knowledge yourself, the kind of results that you’ve got from your life, you bring that into the game because when you’re walking the talk, you are presenting information, knowledge, and providing advice to people based on your experience of the world.

 "When you share your knowledge based on your own experience it will have true power." - Sidz

That is so much more powerful than you just cutting, copy-pasting, and just talking based on what somebody has told you. If you do not walk the talk, you will be like 80% of the folks struggling in the coaching and consulting business, especially the digital coaching business. 

Then the five-step formula is to narrow down your niche, go micro, develop a four-stage funnel, create multiple streams of income, and start to master the five pillars of freedom.

The first step of the formula is to find a micro-niche and narrow it down and not be generic. A general practitioner of medicine makes X amount of money still; a neurosurgeon is a super-duper specialist and makes at least 10 to 20 times the money as a general practitioner of medicine or, the same applies.

If you want to be a coach, consultant, or digital coach, you need to have a micro-niche. So, for example, you can say I’m a health specialist, but that’s too wide. But if you say, I am a post-pregnancy yoga specialist for mothers, now that is a super-duper micro-niche. 

When you can identify your micro-niche, that is where the money is. The riches are in the niches. And I tell my students the narrower you go, the more money you can make, the deeper your pockets will get. That’s the first step.

The second part of the formula is that you have to take that niche and develop a fourstage funnel. You need to have a lead magnet, which is your way to get people into your world. 

Then have a tripwire, like a basic digital coaching system or a course that can help your audience with conceptual knowledge. 

You need to get them into a core product, your implementation program, where you can have them take action and get some kind of result. And then you need to have a fourth level, which is a profit maximizer and have high-ticket consulting and high-ticket products

The third part of the formula is MSI. You need to have multiple streams of income. In my case, I have income streams through selling products. I have income streams through marketing, selling other people’s products and tools, affiliate marketing through an event funnel. I also have an income stream that is coming through coaching and consulting. 

So when you can build three major income streams on products, like affiliate income streams and coaching consulting, then it becomes an MSI model.

The fourth part of the formula is to gain mastery over traffic generation, building conversions, copywriting. Then you have tribe building and how you can nurture your students, even after they have bought your products.

The fifth part of the formula is scaling up. As you know, there are three levels of traffic. Fast results traffic, the second level of traffic is strategic scale traffic, and there’s domination traffic. You need to be very clear on your numbers. 

That means you need to be very clear on your cost per lead cost per customer acquisition. How many people are buying our products? Are those people delighted in your community?

Siddharth Rajsekar, India's Leading Digital Coach

What kind of problems are you solving for them? How are you getting them? Are you helping enough people get results? Are you interviewing your students who are getting results? That’s where strategic scale traffic and domination traffic comes into place. 

The scaling of pace is picking what works and magnifying it by spending on advertising and so on. There’s also organic influence building, building followers on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram by choosing the right kind of channels.

If you’re going to be doing things the old-fashioned way, using traditional formats, it’s not going to work anymore. You have to start thinking about islands, digital ecosystems for stage-four funnels, multiple income streams, gaining mastery in the five pillars, and learning how to scale MSI, traffic, and conversion. 

The underlying factor in all of this is not to copycat, being unique in your marketplace.

So it’s a very transparent coaching environment because I believe that the domain is more potent than your willpower. Even though you may have the will to succeed and grow in this coaching and training business, you won’t be able to move forward unless you find the right environment to grow. 

The reason I was able to flourish is that I set the right environment for myself. So my mission is to create the next breed of digital teachers and leaders. I want to create a tribe of over a million digital teachers who can positively change the world.


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Have you been struggling to find your niche for digital coaching? Why is it so important to focus on a specific niche?

What’s the difference between a niche and a micro-niche?

A niche is a topic that you choose. For example, a place could be yoga, but a micro-niche is a sub-topic. So yoga for mothers or yoga for children puts it under the category of micro-niche.

The narrower you go in your positioning, the more specialized you will get, the more you will also attract the right audience.

If sales is a niche, then the micro-niche could be sales for small businesses. Or you can even go deeper into funnel sales or webinars, automated sales. Your micro-niche could be referral selling, or there are so many different ways to sell their products, digital selling, offline, selling, tele-calling.

Is it okay to select multiple niches while growing a digital coaching business?

The answer to that is a big no because if you have two rabbits to chase, you will not catch any one of them. When you go into a micro-niche, you’ll realize that there’s so much work that you can do that specialty itself. 

There are a whole bunch of new ideas to solve the problem for any narrowed-down target market. You look at what the market wants and what problem you’re willing to solve for that target market.

Is the coaching and training market getting too crowded?

The answer to that is yes, it is getting crowded. It’s just getting started, especially now in India. We are just getting warmed up, and only a few people are coming up right now. 

If you look at the population of our country and the number of people actually in the training and coaching industry, it’s significantly less. You’re going to see a lot more trainers and coaches, and it will get crowded.

When MBA, as a concept, launched a master’s in business administration sounded like a cool thing. But the sad truth is that most people teaching MBA ran it as a business, and suddenly it became a fad. 

A few reputed colleges had excellent teachers, but when every small college started to offer MBA programs but the quality of the degree was questionable. When an industry is crowded, what will happen is that the best will begin to shine more. The ones who are doing quality stuff and getting results for their students will start to shine like diamonds.

What happens if I go wide in my digital coaching niche?

If you try to sell to everybody, you will sell to nobody, especially starting. Your coaching needs to be very laser pointed towards that specific target market in the particular problem. So if you go wide, you’re going to go broke.

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Can I change my niche after I select one?

Yes, you can. I started my niche in affiliate marketing, and slowly the entire thing evolved and changed into digital coaching. Now I teach people how to create courses and systems. And I realized the reason I grew in my affiliate marketing business because I was good at helping people. 

I was good at lead generation. I was good at even content and systems. When I combine content plus methods, that’s what created the magic. So absolutely you can. Sometimes it’s good for you to understand how a niche works and slowly evolve or even change it completely every few months or years until you’ve hit that point of unity. 

But if you go through my process, you will not have to do that because I have a very systematic way of doing it.

The first step to zeroing in on your niche is deciding what problem you want to solve. For instance, if you want to solve a health problem, then the second step is to decide the method you wish to use to solve the problem. Intermittent fasting, nutrition, yoga, weight training, or Zumba can solve a weight-loss issue. There are so many different methods to achieve the goal.

The second step of the process is to zero down on the method and the third step is to zero down on your target market

At this point, if you think your weight loss program is for everybody, then there will be a problem. Target a particular segment of society with whom you have a good rapport. 

When you target someone with the same profile, you’ll have a much better conversion.

How do I know if my niche is profitable? 

People will pay you if they know that they can get their problem solved. This can be checked by doing some amount of test marketing and research. The bigger the problem that you can solve, and if there’s more demand in the market, there is a high chance that you can monetize it.

The five P validation system

First is you need to be passionate about your topic. If you’re not passionate about it, you’ll not continue for a long time. Passion should solve a problem. If your love for a subject does not solve a problem, then it is just a hobby. 

If your expertise can solve a problem for a particular persona, that is your micro-market. There should be potential in the market for your topic. For example, the e-learning industry is booming right now. 

So, there’s massive potential for you to get onto this journey as a digital coach. If your passion can solve a problem, targeting a particular persona, and then there is potential in the market, you can get paid, which will make your niche more profitable.

What if the niche I have selected does not pay me well?

People will pay you if they know that you can solve their problem. If a student sees the value of what you’re providing, they will do whatever it takes to take that money from their parents to buy your course or your coaching. If you can substantiate the value to the market, the market will reciprocate that value in terms of money.

As simple as that, it’s a value exchange. Money’s only the by product of the value that you’re delivering in the marketplace.

What are the seven best niches to select as a digital coach?

The seven macro niches:

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Career growth

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Health and wellness

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Money and wealth

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Personal development

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Arts and crafts

How do I stand out from the crowd and dominate my micro-niche?

You have to over-deliver value. Most Digital Coaches want to help people achieve results, but there’s also some element where they just want to get people to pay before giving value.

“The way you teach is more important than what you teach.” - Sidz

If you want to stand out from the crowd, present your knowledge with a proper content strategy focusing on two major platforms like YouTube and Podcasts. You’re going to have a few thousand people who get what you’re saying and who can follow you. 

Go for long-form content, like podcasts, going deep into content, building a deep relationship with your audience through podcasts, as well as YouTube videos. 

The more you roll out valuable pieces of content, the more people are beginning to understand how you teach. People will get attracted to you for the value that you provide and they’ll automatically gravitate towards you based on the consistency of your long-form value addition.


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Here I will share with you the step-by-step process of designing unique online curriculums to help your students get results as a digital coach. Bear in mind it is not about the knowledge that you have. It’s about them. It is not about you.

“When you share concepts based on your own experience, the more profound your course will be.” - Sidz

I’m going to go into the art and the science of how to develop a curriculum

First, write down a hundred questions, which our market is going to be asking you. Based on those a hundred questions, you will design your curriculum. And based on those hundred questions, you’ll start to go out there on social media. And you’ll begin to address those questions because people who are asking those questions,

The curriculum for an online model has five essential concepts. Then I will tell you the ten steps on how you can design your content curriculum. 

When you’re creating an online course, it is not about how much knowledge you have, because honestly speaking, there’s a lot of knowledge out there. 

People can go on YouTube, and they can spend hours and hours together. People are not looking for how much knowledge you have. They’re only looking for the results you can get for them. It’s as simple as that.

Offline seminars are very different from online because now we are in the age of microlearning and people’s attention span is very low in the online space. In the online world, there are too many distractions. 

You have so many popups in life, WhatsApp and Facebook, they need to get value quickly. If you have a big concept to share, break it down into small chunks of three to four to five minutes in duration. 

Anyone watching any video in your course will get outstanding value. You need to break it into microelements, and each video itself should be self-contained in a sense; it should be power-packed with so much value in three minutes that people should be just like, wow, I’ve got so much information, just in a three-minute video.

Then number five, you can get creative on your expression of your knowledge and express the knowledge, but don’t get creative on the framework. Students get lured by the shiny objects outside there, and they feel there’s something else better to do. Without completing what they started, they go off on a joyride and return after six or seven months.

“If you stop innovating in your coaching business, your students will move to a better place.” - Sidz

After they follow my system and go through my hackathon, they get the results quickly. They wish they had observed a system. I’ve tested this on myself and I have more than 20, 25 courses where I’ve implemented the same model.

If you’re able to have your students achieve results, your curriculum is on the right track. The second barometer is the completion rate. 

A lot of people impulsively buy courses, but are they finishing it till the end? 

Finally, the third point which I measure is the overall experience. How do people feel after they go through my courses? How do they feel about being a part of my community? Do they feel like coming back for more?

Clarity on your micro-niche

You need to be very clear on your micro-niche, micro-topic. There are five areas where people feel the need to spend their money. Business growth, career growth, making money, health, and relationships are the five areas where people have problems. As an expert, if you can solve their problem, they’re ready to pay you money to buy whatever course you’re offering them.

But the problem here is that everybody wants to be like everybody else, like there are too many coaches just copying each other. The only way to differentiate yourself is to go narrow. 

Look at these three options... 

The first option is, you know, I’d say, Hi, I’m a business growth coach. 

The second option is, Hi, I’m a sales coach, and I help businesses grow. It is still in the business growth space, but I’m focusing on sales. 

The third option, Hi, I’m a video sales specialist and can help businesses grow using the power of videos. 

Though the person is in the same business growth niche, he’s narrowed himself down to video sales because businesses want to increase sales. They want to increase profits. They want a better cash flow and predictable growth. So if you can craft something that solves all these, that’s precisely what a business owner wants at the end of the day. When it comes to online courses, the first step is micromanaging clarity.

Clarity on your position

The second step of the process is you need to know your positioning clarity. Now I’m a video sales specialist, and I help businesses grow by increasing the power of videos. It helps companies increase their sales. So my designation can be a video sales specialist. 

The name of my community is the video entrepreneur superstars; my mission is to help a hundred thousand entrepreneurs increase their sales using the video. 

So if I have to introduce myself, I say, Hi, I’m a video sales specialist. I’m the creator of, and I’m the founder of the video entrepreneur superstars community, and I’m on a mission to help a hundred thousand entrepreneurs increase their sales with the power of video. When you position yourself with congruence to your niche, goal, and mission, you will definitely succeed.

Clarity on your market need

What does your market want? If you’re targeting businesses, they wish to increase sales, increase profits, improve efficiency within their organization, and increase cash flow. If you can solve that problem in whatever micro-niche you are in there, they will be ready to pay you whatever the price.

If you’re targeting the career growth niche, people who want to grow up the corporate ladder, what do they want? They probably want to upgrade their skills to be more relevant in the marketplace. They may aim for a higher pay package or add more value to the organization. 

If you can provide any kind of solution that can help them achieve that particular goal, they’ll be ready to pay you money for your course. You can add a focus on soft skills or exceptional skills, you know, or any, any particular specialization that if they’re able to acquire that knowledge, they can get a pay raise a better pay package. 

It can be more valuable in their organization. Now, if we’re targeting health and wellness, you want to help people become healthier. You can add a focus based on the specific health problem, help people lose weight.

You can even focus on a method. Maybe you are an expert in yoga or an expert in intermittent fasting or nutrition. You can either go method-focused or problem-focused when you’re positioning yourself. You need to have clarity on what the market needs. 

So if you know that an entrepreneur needs these four things, your entire curriculum design should be based on how it can fulfill that need as soon as possible, as fast as possible, the path of least resistance with formulas and concepts.

Clarity of outcome

I make everyone write down the top 10 results that your student will gain when they finish your course. That should be set first before you go into curriculum design. Okay.

Clarity of funnel

You need to have three levels. So a lead magnet is an introductory course. A tripwire is a conceptual course. Then you need to have your core product, which is your implementation course. And then, you need to have another level of profit maximizer, which is where you want to create an impact.

So you need to define your levels before you go to design your curriculum. Most people don’t get this. They just think that I’ll create one course which will contain everything inside that. So that’s why I’ve created a layer where the first layer is a conceptual layer. 

I set the foundation, and then what I do is then I put them into a challenge. Like I have a 30-day challenge that people have set things up in 30 days,

Even though I have a hackathon in which all my members in levels one, two, and three can also participate. But the tactical step-by-step implementation knowledge comes only in a level two program. You need to price that separately and not bundled into level one,

You need to filter out the people who are not very serious. I think anything under Rs.10,000 for a tripwire is good. That’s a good target market. 

When they’re starting, I tell my students once they have gained momentum in their course, their identity, success stories, they can raise it to whatever level they want. The purpose of a tripwire is to make it easy on the pocket so that many people can come into your world.

They can experience the magic that you’re offering them inside the world. And those who are serious, then you put them into an implementation program. The committed people will always be less because everybody wants things faster, cheaper, better. And without doing it, they want lazy money.

“When you share concepts based on your own experience, the more profound your course will be.” - Sidz

Create a profit maximizer

So then you create like a mastermind where you can help them improve their business outcomes, and you can charge higher. Like, it can be like a group coaching format. Charge them Rs.30,000, Rs.40,000, Rs.50,000 per year, or even a one-time lifetime fee. You give more of your time in level three because level one and level two are all pre-recorded videos.

You still offer them support from our weekly calls and things like that. But you need to design that funnel Into three levels.

Define the value

So what are all the other things that you can do to add to the main course? To carry on with our example of video creation, the value adds can be things like video gear, how to choose the best video gear, which the best video editing software, how to do video editing,

Explore how to do movie production kind of videos, or on the mobile phone which are the best apps that you can use to edit videos. So all of these can be made into bonuses. Bonuses are value ads, which will supplement the main course. Like you,

Everything is essential in the same way you have the main course and have supplements like bonuses that can support the learning experience. When you’re designing the curriculum, the same applies to an online course.

The primary curriculum should solve the main problem. You need to break your primary curriculum into six steps. And each step needs to be covered in two days.

The core product needs to contain 90 videos. The bonus, about one hour in duration, can be in the form of self-evaluation guides where they understand where they stand before they move on.

Clarity in the pricing strategy

Here’s the psychology behind it. Okay. If you are willing to spend Rs.10,000 to learn something, you have the authority and the right to charge people Rs.10,000 for your courses. If you are not willing to spend even Rs. 5,000 to learn, how can you charge somebody that much? 

I learned from one of my mentors who said, those who actually invest in themselves and who go deep may not get the results immediately, but they are the ones who will end up charging much more later on.

For level one, anywhere from Rs 5,000 – Rs.10,000 is what I would recommend, factoring in your knowledge level to pricing. You can go from Rs10,000 -Rs. 20,000. 

You can probably test different things, but this is what’s working for me. Because I want many people coming in the front door. Most people are upgrading to level two. But at level three, I want to pick and choose. I don’t want to work with everyone. 

Okay. So here’s where you can go from rupees 50,000 plus. Pricing clarity has to be there on all these three levels, and you have to design the curriculum so that people see the value as they move up from one level to the next.

Clarity in validation

My first level course was just Rs. 999. At that price many people bought it. Validation happens at two levels. The first law validation is looking at the students themselves. What kinds of questions come from them? What types of problems are they facing after they buy your course? Where are they getting stuck? 

Once you’re able to identify those bottlenecks, you can start to plug in those gaps. Give them what they want and create more bonuses and more courses that can fulfill those needs. Add the extras to the same bundle of level one. Every time you add a new course into the package, raise the price by Rs.1000 - Rs.2000. You will notice that your conversions will not drop. It will only keep increasing. 

Building a business requires energy. It requires investment. It requires an investment of time, managing money, energy and effort. Anyone who comes for a webinar, I tell them at the outset, this is not about getting rich quick, it is about adding value. There’s going to be a lot of hard work; if you’re ready for hard work, then you get in.

This is the kind of conviction I have right now when I get the right kind of customer in my webinar

So once you start selling your products and looking and getting feedback from the students, you can add products because as you completely revamped the original and they don’t have to pay anything extra.


Improvisation comes after validation is completed. You look at what’s working, and then you change and improve with all these micro tweaks that need to be done on your funnel, in your courses or in your curriculum. If you have to remove a video, put a new video, do that. If you felt that the energy with which you recorded a video in the first version was not good you can just replace it.

Success Stories

Include a segment called the Hall of Fame where the success stories of the best students are archived.

It’s not just about you talking and teaching. But if other students look at what their peers are doing and they get inspired, something clicks in their mind that creates a massive shift.

When it comes to curriculum design, the first problem that you need to fix is the operating system of your students. Their operating system is outdated. They have a lot of negative programming, limiting beliefs. So when, when anyone comes into my world, the first thing I do is I make them go through a bunch of rituals that can brainwash their negative thinking in a positive sense.

I make them listen to a personal development program, particularly The Strangest Secret in the World by Earl Nightingale, a 30-minute audio segment every day. Everyone writes their goals so that they focus on what they want and not on what they do not want. The same thing happens in today’s day and age, when people are creating courses and curriculums, they don’t keep in mind that the student has to have the right mindset.

The results will come after the right operating system is installed. When you install the new programs, they can follow through, take action. When they get results you use their success stories as part of your curriculum to inspire the next lot. These success stories will create mind shifts for the new people who are getting into your student community. A new person comes in and sees an interview. They feel like, wow, if this person can do it, I can do it.


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Think of your business as a human body with many systems.

We have the nervous system, the respiratory system, the digestive, cardiovascular, immune system, reproductive, and muscular systems.

When you’re looking at scaling up a knowledge business, you have to look at it in terms of systems:
Content marketing, advertising, lead generation webinars, sales funnels, learning management system, payment, gateways, automation, reporting, customer management. Look at your knowledge business like a living organism; every system must work equally well and in harmony.

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Content Marketing System

How do you get more visible in the marketplace? A podcast is an example of one of my content marketing systems to share deeper information with your audience. As they engage in the content by commenting on your posts, some bond is being created.

YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, all come under content marketing. You can go deep into it and create a plan around how you want to approach content marketing. You may want to give it a boost. 

You want to do organic growth for different parts of the game. In a knowledge base, you need to have a Facebook ads account and a Google ad account to start to run ads, though there are many other ad platforms also.

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Funnel Building System

How are you going to be attracting the leads? You got to build a funnel system. What is the entry point of the funnel? Is it going to be a PDF lead magnet or a webinar lead magnet?

Are you going to be capturing leads by offering a free consultation or a free ebook? You need a lead capture page and a thank you page, the pixels, the tracking, and everything else. So the fourth system in all business is a funnel-building system.

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Lead Generation System

How are you going to be managing the leads that come into your systems? It could be an email marketing system where you’re going to manage all the leads that are coming in. You’re going to be tagging them based on what actions they take or what stage of the customer journey they are in.

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Webinar Sales System

You may be using Zoom or Demio, which I recommend. You will need to have an excellent tool for marketing and building your landing pages and sending autoresponders, basically an all-in-one solution to ensure that every part of the system is getting predictable sales.

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Payment Gateway System

So you could have a system like Stripe or PayPal. If you’re in India, Instamojo, Razorpay, all of these are payment gateway solutions. I have my own custom-built WordPress-based payment collection pages, which integrated all these payment processes. So I’ve built a system like that.

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Learning Management System

After they have bought your product, your students need to have a members area. So a learning management system or the members’ area is so important. I use Teachable. You can have unlimited courses, unlimited students, unlimited certifications, quizzes.

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Automation Systems

So I’m using a tool called Zapier. It’s like our body’s nervous system. It integrates all the parts of all the other systems are out there. Anytime an action happens, somebody buys a product. All the access levels are given through Zapier.

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Reporting System

You can have a basic dashboard on Google drive, Google spreadsheets to track all your business numbers, which can be automated and connected to Zapier, or you could have dedicated dashboards. For example, I have my dedicated Facebook ads dashboard, my dedicated Google ads dashboard, my social media dashboards. I can see what exactly is happening in my business.

You can see things like the sales for this week, sales for this month, the refund rate and how many people are upgrading from one product to the next product. You can calculate profitability, and even ROAS, which is a return on ad spends. 

Everything’s in one dashboard. I recommend that you upgrade yourself because you can get access to the same reporting dashboard that I’m using. It’s about also simplifying what you want to see. You don’t have to see every single data point. The purpose of data is to help you make better decisions.

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Customer Management System

How are you managing your paid customers? I have my own social network and I also have a tracking and tagging and data aggregation that I do for my paid customers. So if somebody is a paid member, they get tagged separately. If somebody is a gold member or diamond member, they get classified independently. There’s different communication going out for the customer journey itself.

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Community Building System

Do you have a system to nurture and grow your community? I want you to understand that this is not just about technology and tools system also means driving a process. So, for example, I have a group of facilitators, and we have a system where they drive forward the meetups and inside that meetup, they follow a 90-minute system.

If your business is not doing too well, based on these 11 systems, you’ll be able to identify which area is not working well for you. Your advertising, for example, is an input. Facebook or Google review that and see whether your ad is approved according to policies, good customer feedback. 

Are you getting good feedback on your ad? The output is whether your ad costs will go up or go down, just like lead generation. The output is whether they customers are given that information to become a lead or not.

At the end of the webinar, the outcome is, are they going to buy your product? Every single aspect of your knowledge business can be visualized by applying the IPO model, input process output. 

Suppose the output is not at a desirable level in your business right now. In that case your first step is to identify where the problem is, whether it’s a nervous system problem or a respiratory problem, or a digestive problem, or an immunity problem. 

Here, in this case, content or advertising or lead generation of funnel or webinar, identify which is a problem. And once you’ve identified the problem, the next step is to go into that problem and check the IPO input process output.

The 80-20 rule applies to any aspect of your business. For example, 20% of people who registered for your webinar will show up for your webinar. 20% of people who attend your webinars will end up buying your products. 80% will not. 

You can apply the same model for everything like only 20% of people who watch the ad will click on the ad, 20% of people who click on the ad will come to the landing, 20% of the people who come to the landing page will give their lead information. 80% will not. So this concept of the 80-20 rule, now it may not be perfectly a 20%. It could go up and down.

“The difference between an average and a great coach is their ability to simplify concepts.” - Sidz

So treat your business like an organism with interlinked systems. Each of these systems needs to be looked at in the IPO model.


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Which are the best tools for building a knowledge business? I’ve tested over 300 plus tools over the years on various things like email marketing tools, webinars tools, blogging tools, hosting tools, social media tools, promotional tools, and I’m going to bring it down to the top 25.

I will list them all and add some pointers and tips on why I have chosen these particular tools.

I’m going to share with you three concepts before I even share with you the list of 25 tools. And once you understand the concepts, then you’ll realize why I have chosen those tools.

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Choose the best

When I say choose the best is don’t just pick a tool because it’s cheap. One of my mentors says, don’t be cheap on your journey to greatness. You want to be great. Don’t be cheap. In other words, just because the tool is cheaper, don’t pick that. Pick what is the best, pick something that has great customer support, pick something that has been built for that purpose.

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Aim for mastery

It is not about the tool. It is about how you use the tool. For example, Photoshop is a tool. Anybody can download Photoshop, but how you design on Photoshop and how you aesthetically use the tool is what’s going to determine the results. You’ve got to aim for mastering the tools, which is very important.

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The success ratio

Everyone wants to know what is the latest hack or the latest tool, thinking that the tool is responsible for the success of a Digital Coach. No. 80% of your success is in your internal game, 15% of success is external communication. Only 5% of your success is dependent on the tools. 

Now, even though I’m going to be sharing with you, the entire list of tools, I want to make it very clear that the tool is not going to help you succeed. what’s going to help you succeed in this game is you and your mindset, your set of aesthetics, how you use that tool matters more than anything else and how you’re going to instantly, aesthetically, incredibly use a tool.

1. ClickFunnels 

I recommend this and cannot live without it. This is the one I use for my funnel building, to actually generate leads to my website and webinars. What I like about ClickFunnels is it is built for conversions. I use countdown timers. I use exit pop-ups. I have my entire 14 step funnel built over there, and I’m able to track the journey of my customer in each step.

There are other funnel builders on WordPress as Thrive Architect or Elementor. The reason why I like ClickFunnels is that the entire funnel, the landing page, I mean the opt-in page, the thank-you page, the indoctrination sequence, sales pages, and all my sales conversion tracking everything, is in one funnel itself. If you don’t understand its power, go deep into it.

If you want to test drive this, you can go to That’s my affiliate link. Just set up a 14 day, go and experience a 14-day trial. $97 per month is what I would recommend that you start with. That’s the basic package. They have a $297 also, which opens up Funnel flicks. And there are many other additional resources that you have based on your budget.

2. ConvertKit

I would highly recommend this for emails. ConvertKit is what I’m using right now and it is great for email marketing. Once you have a large email list, like over 5,000 people, I would recommend ConvertKit because ConvertKit has some really good automation features.

There’s a very simple user interface, and you can also do a lot of tagging in there. When new contacts are being added and tagged into multiple lists, it is not counted as a duplicate. It is only tagged separately, and you can do a whole bunch of automation based on that.

I have an advanced course called automation mastery in my level three program, where I go deep into how you can do an insane level of automation using ConvertKit.

3. GetResponse 

This is also an email marketing tool that I would recommend for any digital coach who is starting off on this journey. It’s simple, easy to use. They’ve been around for a very long time. What I like about it is the simplicity of its features. GetResponse also has webinars features, landing page features. People asked me why not have GetResponse as a one-stop-shop because it has a webinar system, a landing page system. They have built the platform around email marketing and what they start off with usually ends up being the main purpose of that particular tool. They usually don’t do a great job on the other features. Use it only for the email marketing feature and the autoresponder feature.

4. Teachable 

The fourth tool that I cannot live without is teachable. Teachable is where my learning management system resides. There are many other tools like Thinkific, and Podia but I recommend Teachable because they have the highest market share, great support and are very easy and simple to use. What I like about Teachable is it’s solid, they’ve been around for a long time and they are funded and they’re not sitting on some grid servers or Amazon servers. It is on If you want to load your courses over there and set it up.

5. ClickMagick 

The fifth tool that I cannot live without is ClickMagick. It is my link tracking system, as many of you would have seen me use this tracking link where I’m able to see exactly how many people are clicking on my links and I can also set up a conversion tracking pixel after somebody has bought my products. So I will know from where I’m getting the customers, whether it’s coming through organic posts or paid posts, Facebook, YouTube, that I have different tracking links for different campaigns that I’m running. If you want to test drive ClickMagick, you can go to magic. All of these are my tracking links.

6. Bluehost 

If you’re starting off, I would recommend Bluehost for hosting. Of course, there are many hosting providers like GoDaddy, Namecheap, and many others, but I would recommend Bluehost. They manage the WordPress platform, which is very fast. I have a few websites sitting on that end.

7. WPX Hosting 

This is the fastest and the best hosting. If you are ready to go to the next level, if you’re already generating a lot of traffic, like between 200, 300 hits per day on your website, you want to up your game. What I like about WPX is that they have a whole migration system. So we just need to chat with their support team. They’re super responsive. Just tell them that you want to migrate from this host to another host. They’ll do it for free and it will be seamless. It’s a little bit more expensive, but it’s worth it.

8. NameCheap 

This is what I recommend for domains. Now you can use GoDaddy, but I have all my domains on NameCheap and I would recommend that.

9. WebinarJam 

This is a fantastic tool for running live webinars. What I love about this is I can include conversion tracking codes. When somebody buys my product live, their name pops up right in the webinar. I can preload a lot of stuff in the webinar, like presentation materials, or videos. The only downside about WebinarJam is there’s a 15 to 20-second lag. You can go and test drive it at

10. EverWebinar 

This is a part of WebinarJam, but you have to pick up a different subscription. This is what I use for automated webinars. This is the best automated webinar tool that I’ve seen. Most of the biggest marketers in the world prefer to use every webinar than any other tool out there when it comes to automated webinars. I use Vimeo for hosting my videos. I take that Vimeo link put into every webinar and it runs automatically.

11. Zoom

Zoom is like a savior for many people in the world. What I like about Zoom is the responsiveness on all my community calls. For starters, you can use Zoom and other things for regular webinars if you’re just starting off and you want to run webinars like between 50 to a hundred people

12. Demio 

I recently did a review on Demio which is fantastic. It has got all the really cool marketing features and is very cost-effective too. I have a detailed Demio podcast and a blog article on my website, which you can go and check out.

13. Google Drive - 

All my docs and reports are on Google drive. I’m sure many of you are also using this

14. Zapier 

This is like my integration and automation tool, which again, I cannot live without this. There’s so much background automation that’s happening. I’ve literally put my business into God mode where everything’s happening seamlessly. Zapier is that one tool that is integrating a lot of things.

15. Razorpay  

This is my payment gateway system. If you’re based in India, it is a phenomenal payment gateway system. There’s also Instamojo for payments.

16. Stripe  

Now that this is coming to India, you can use Stripe for collecting payments. That’s a very good payment processor. Whenever I’m in my webinars, I use Instamojo and Razorpay. Both these work very well.

17. ScreenFlow  

ScreenFlow is only for Mac and I use this for all my video editing. You can go to If you have to like add background music, or chop it up into multiple segments and create your own kind of video with transitions and stuff like that, then I would recommend ScreenFlow.

18. Ecamm Live  

This is what I’m using right now for video editing. The good thing about it is that you can also record using Ecamm live and also stream on Facebook, on YouTube. The only thing about this tool is it’s only for Mac. I record my videos on Ecamm Live. I bring it into ScreenFlow. I do the editing over there and then I do the postings on social media.

19. Garageband  

Again, this is only for Mac. This is for audio and music on my podcasts and it works like a dream. It’s got all the plugins and the features to make the audio much better. And that’s what I would recommend.

20. Useproof 

Now, if you go to my website, I know you’ve got to use proof. You will see there’s a proof use plugin that pops up and shows how many people are registering for my webinar. And it’s a beautiful social proof tool. If you want to increase your conversions and reduce your cost per acquisition of your customers.

21. Manychat -

This is my chatbot. ManyChat is great for Facebook messenger. This is my tool where I engage automatically with a lot of people. If you go to ask and type DTC, for digital tribe challenge, this is my gift to you in the form of 21 days of videos where I’m going to actually help you grow your influence using the power of videos, using the power of content marketing.

22. CollectChat 

This is a brilliant tool for automating chatbots on a website. So if you go to, you can test drive this. When somebody logs into the Teachable system when they are logged in as a customer, I have a support system, where I’ve loaded more than 200 questions into CollectChat and it responds based on what questions people are asking automatically.

23. Telegram 

I use Telegram for messenger. You can go to and join my Telegram group. You will be able to see that it’s my broadcast list, which has over 7,000 people right now. People get the latest updates on my podcast, videos, and blog posts. Telegram is better than WhatsApp because I can have more than 246 people in a group. WhatsApp is more responsive and most people are more comfortable with using WhatsApp, but encourage people to switch they will be more than happy using Telegram.

24. Mindnode  

Again, this is only available for Mac, And again, this is a tool I cannot live without. I use it for mind mapping. There are many other tools out there you can use Windows, like OneNote but I’m an avid Mac user and myNote is the most tactically responsive mind-mapping tool that I know on the planet.

25. Mint 

If you want to get your personal finances in order and get all your bank accounts, integrated into one place, go to go to and you can set up a free account over there and set your budgets and plan your money management.


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Your digital coaching business will only be profitable to the extent that you diversify and build momentum. Course, coaching, consulting, and collaboration. You can do courses which could be in the form of videos or text. 

Courses are the easiest thing to do. You can create a digital product. You can create a conceptual course, and then can create an implementation course where your effort is only one time, but the scalability is much, much higher. Once you’ve finished the course layer, then you come into the second layer, which is the coaching layer.

There are two kinds of coaching. You can do one-to-one coaching, or you could also do one-to-many coaching. We have a lot of people in you work with batches of people and the one-to-one coaching can be like four, four sessions, eight sessions, and group coaching can also be based on those kinds of packages based on the number of sessions.

Consulting, which is a little bit more long-term engagement with handholding. Here are the exact steps that you need to go through in order to build a high-ticket consulting business, which is extremely profitable.

Business consultants can charge Rs. 5-10 lakhs, lo handhold a business over a span of six months, 12 months, 18 months to help them take clients to the finish line. So I want you to understand the difference between course coaching and consulting.

Consulting is something which is longer generally 3-12 months consulting so that you can take them to the funnel. Ideally even before you launch a consulting business, you need to add a few layers of courses and coaching before you bring them into consulting. Now, there are some consultants who directly charge high-ticket and they close high-ticket projects.

So how was their funnel? They drive traffic. They get people into a one-to-one session. They give a strategy session and they know exactly what they want. And they also know very clear on who their customer is and what’s their offering. And they’re charging a premium in the consulting model, and they’re able to close. 

The first step is if you want to be successful in this game is you need to get clear on your niche and clear on your topic because that gets you much better positioning in the marketplace. Next with your micro-niche you go narrow on the topic. And when you get narrow on the topic, the second step is then you focus on their target market. 

If you want to be successful in the next decade, in the online space, you have to go narrow, you’ve got to narrow it down. You cannot afford to be a generalist. It was working five years back, but it’s not going to work in the next five years. Once you are aware of that business at a deeper level, then you can narrow down on your whole consulting model.

“Your coaching business only grows to the extent that you do.” - Sidz

You want to create a solid product, refine your consulting product based on the market feedback, refine your structure, refine what exactly going to be offering in what sequence are you going to be offering your consulting product, and then you can even do some price research.

This is not a race. This is a marathon. This is a long-term thing. So if you’re able to spend enough time building a solid product, the money and the bottom line will automatically grow

Next, come collaborations. You can create an alliance with different kinds of people:

1. Competitors – Make a list of all the competitors in your industry and see how you can create a win-win model with them. To create such meaningful collaboration with competitors, you need to have a broadminded and open approach without having a scarcity mindset. all had our specialties and we could co-exist and help each other.

2. Complementors – These are essentially people who have the same target market as yours. They are not direct competitors, but they may have similar customers. For example, a personal finance coach may have many of his customers who may be working professionals. You may be a healer whose target market is also working professionals. It will be great to create an alliance and a revenue share model to make it a win-win for both of you. So, make a list of complementors, and build an alliance with them.

3. Influencers – The other way to maximize your profits through alliances is by connecting with big social media influencers. You can find YouTube influencers, Podcast influencers, or Twitter influencers who have a large following. If you have something valuable to offer to their audience, then strike a win-win model, where you could pay them for a “shout-out,” and they make a post about you. For them, the effort may be small, but the returns for you could be high. You could also invite the influencer to come and speak to your tribe, which will enhance your brand and will be valuable to your customers.

4. Alliances - They are mighty when you can think about how all can win first. You must never approach this with a “me first” attitude. It will never work. But when they see the value in the collaboration; it will work.

5. Partnership - It is different from alliances. In this case, I’m talking about how you can get your customers to become your affiliate partners. Those people who have bought and experienced your product are your best referral partners. You can quickly maximize your profits and reduce your cost per acquisition by creating a win-win model with your customers. First, give them 30% to 60% commissions for referring your products. Next, give them commissions when people upgrade to your higher-level programs. Have partner contests and giveaways to incentive their efforts still further.

Usually, in any affiliate program, people want to make extra income but are unsure how to market and sell the product. Adding that layer of education for your partners will give you an added boost in your profitability. Develop an entire library of partner assets – videos, images, and social media posts that my partners can use to quickly promote your courses and webinars, which gives high leverage in marketing and helps you reduce customer acquisition costs.

My only recommendation is that you do not prematurely launch your partner program. I launched my partner program two years after perfecting my system. When you have a proven method and a world-class product that delivers results, only then open up your partner program.

6. High-Ticket Products - Your profits all lie in the back-end. I have many students in my community who have their low and mid-ticket products in place but have not yet built a high-ticket product feeling it may be too expensive for the marketplace. According to me, anything that is above $1000 can fall under this category. The effort to sell a low-ticket product and a high-ticket product is the same.


Digital Coach – The Ultimate Guide To Become A World-Class Digital Coach | Siddharth Rajsekar 36

Do you want to create massive wealth on the internet? I had the opportunity to travel 9,000 miles from where I’m staying to go and meet personally some of the biggest internet millionaires. And I’ve learned a few principles from them, which I’m going to share with you here. 

The formula that one of my mentors uses to be able to create multiple incomes on the internet is a formula called the TWCGO formula. I’m going to be detailing each of these aspects of wealth creation. And the main principle is not how much money you make on the internet. It’s about how you manage the money that you make that really determines your success.

Whatever money that you make online, it’s not about how much you make, but it’s how you manage that money. You have to divide them into these five buckets.

T stands for taxes. It has to first go into a separate account altogether, which is for keeping your taxes and the percentage recommendation on this is 40%. Definitely, taxes will vary from one country to the other, but just as an overall average, 40% goes in taxes. 

W stands for wealth. This is where you need to stash aside money into an account, which you do not touch and what you use only for investing purposes. When you’re investing in real estate or stocks or crypto or gold or silver, this is called a wealth account, and 10% of whatever you make needs to go into your wealth creation account.

C stands for charity. So 10% of whatever you make needs to go towards supporting causes, whether it’s your temple, your church, or mosque, or any other donation, maybe you want to feed the poor, do other philanthropy activities that all have to come into a charity bucket, which is very, very important. And that’s, that’s what creates the flow in your business. If you’re just expecting big money to be coming into your online sales and if you’re not having the heart to really give back to society, you’re going to be getting stuck at some point. It’s all about flow and you need to give in order to receive.

G stands for general. And the percentage for general is 20%. All your general expenses. You’re talking about your home rental mortgage, your bills, your house, or groceries, the outings that you have with your family, all of those would fall under the general bucket and only 20% of what you make should go towards general.

O stands for operations. And that also is 20%. So 20% of whatever you make needs to go towards. You’re talking about business tools, marketing spends advertising budgets, and so on.

So now when you structure your inflow, What will you’re making through your different streams of income on the internet, into these five segments tax, 40% wealth, 10% charity, 10% general, 20% and operations, 20%. Then there’s a high chance that you will be able to really expand and grow your business in a much better way.

So what I do right now is I have multiple streams of income coming through various streams that come into one business account. From there, it gets split up into these five categories. So that it’s easier for me to manage. Now, there are definitely many of the models like T Harv Eker has his own jar principle model, which is also really good, but this is something which has been customized for internet-based businesses.

The first step which you have probably already accomplished is digital courses. After the initial effort of creating the course it is set in place then you can consider it as passive income because somebody or the other is buying your course. 

Every day you get quite a number of sales, of people checking out your videos on YouTube, going on your website, and directly buying the course. So that’s the first form of income, which is the ultimate form of in the digital space.

You can digitize and create passive income digitally by YouTube Adsense revenues. They operate on a cost-per-view kind of situation. You need to just keep creating videos and as your viewer base grows, so will the ease with which you create these videos. 

Your own knowledge base will help you create this content. So it is the ultimate form of passive income. Many of the biggest YouTubers who are doing well have been consistent for a long period of time. And then the passive income starts to kick in. So I think you do as a great platform for passive income.

Next, you can generate passive income by selling affiliate products because you’re not actively going to be delegating any service. And you’re not also going to own any of the products. When people go through your courses and you recommend the right tools to them, then they go and implement those tools. Then they are able to create that momentum inside their business.

You can even be promoting domain and hosting by annual subscription or monthly subscription, and you can make passive income through that, like an app promote ClickFunnels, you can have more than a few hundred people using ClickFunnels in that effort. You could also promote an email marketing tool called ConvertKit. 

And all of these are monthly subscription billing-based products. And because it’s monthly subscription-based billing, every time somebody renews their subscription to use a particular tool that creates passive income for you.

If you’re somebody who’s a photographer, you can monetize and even create a passive income by loading your photography on stock photography websites, where when people actually buy the photograph, you would make passive income on that.

So your effort with that photography would be once. But again, it’s a very competitive space, but if you are a good photograph and if you are listing in the right place, and if you have the right kind of traction, I know some photographers have made a lot of money promoting their stock photography. 

Like they’ve taken the photograph once, every time people use it, they get paid for it. So stock photography, stock audio. In fact, I used to have a lot of tracks even now that I have some of my music on AudioJungle. 

And at one point I remember I used to be making a passive income of $200 per month when I was actively uploading my, my stock audio files AudioJungle. It is one of those websites where you can if you’re a musician upload your tracks. In the same way, you can also create a passive income by promoting stock videos. So like stock photography, stock, audio stock video.

The next stage is writing a book and launching a book on Amazon ebook. Again, it’s a one-time effort. And if it’s a physical book, yes, there’ll be some costs. But again, if you’re going to be looking at an ebook, it’s hassle-free especially if you’re going to be doing audibles or downloads on Kindle.

Digital Coach – The Ultimate Guide To Become A World-Class Digital Coach | Siddharth Rajsekar 37

There are authors I know who are creating a passive income who have written multiple books and their books are generating revenues for them, which is taking care of their livelihood. And they don’t really have to do anything. The books just keep getting sales. 

You can use automated webinars to sell a digital product, but in case you want to sell physical products and you want to create that passive income for yourself, you could use automated webinars, by using a tool called EverWebinar. As long as those numbers make sense, you can completely build a passive income-based business.

In the physical world, we have real estate. You can rent it out or you can sell real estate and you can create those margins for yourself. The way you flip properties or you rent properties, you can actually buy and sell domains. Many people do domain flipping as a business, and that’s also like an amazing passive income stream. 

There are some smart people who have bought domains a long time back. People have sold domains for $200,000 – $1 million. I’ve seen domains being sold at that price point because of the value of that brand name of the domain. There are many people who buy premium domains on a platform called

The way you buy and sell domain names, you can buy and sell blogs or fully functional high-traffic websites. You can go and check, just go and do research on any topic. There are already websites that have high traffic on specific topics. 

And if you feel that is your audience, who’s going to be consuming that, instead of building a blog from scratch, you can just go and buy a blog for say $10,000, $20,000 just like that, where there’s already a lot of traffic and then incorporate all of your products into that blog so that they can monetize. So it’s a very long-term strategy. 

People buy blogs because it is not just like any other website, people will keep going back to read those articles where there’s a lot of traffic coming to those blogs.

So it’s all about a game of traffic and the quality of the traffic and where the traffic is coming from. So if you’re somebody who’s really keen on building something like this for yourself, then you can just start to diversify your portfolio.

What has been normal in the past is not going to be normal anymore. And if there’s somebody, especially if you’re in a job right now, or you’re still running a traditional business it’s high time that you reinvent yourself and adapt to the new changing times.

Now, the big question you may have is how to create these multiple streams of income. Now, in my case, I have a three-part MSI model. I run my own business, my own agency, which is one of my income streams. Then I do affiliate marketing and under that, I have multiple streams of income where I promote different tools and products and other, you know, educational programs online. 

And my third piece in my MSI model is I also invest, I’d invest into mutual funds, into stocks, are getting to gold and silver and possibly down the line, even crypto. So these are the different investment models that I have.

The other question is how to start doing this the right way. Step one is you need to master the game of traffic generation, especially on the internet. If you want to master this game and create multiple streams of income on the internet, you need to master traffic. And the second step is you need to master the game of conversions. 

Getting people to pull money out of their wallets to buy your products or your service or whatever you’re offering to the right audience. When you master traffic and conversions, then you can apply this model to any number of businesses that you know, that you may have in your mind.


Digital Coach – The Ultimate Guide To Become A World-Class Digital Coach | Siddharth Rajsekar 38

1. Digital Coach Blueprint 
11 Part Video Course

2. Digital Coach Masterclass 
Register For Live Session 

3. Freedom Budget Blueprint 
One-Page Business Plan

4. Freedom Bundle
Join The Community

5. FourPercent
Join The Community 

6. Consulting Accelerator
Top Notch Consultant Training

7. NameCheap
Buy Your Domains Here 

8. WPX Hosting
Best WordPress Hosting 

9. Bluehost
WordPress Hosting 

10. ConvertKit
Email Marketing System 

11. GetResponse
Email Marketing System 

12. Flodesk
Email Marketing System

13. Demio
Webinar System 

14. WebinarJam
Webinar System 

15. EverWebinar
Automated Webinar System

16. Teachable
Learning Management System 

17. Calendly
Appointment System 

18. ClickFunnels
Funnel Building System 

19. ClickMagick
Link Tracking System

20. Zapier
Automation System 

21. MightyNetworks
Private Network Platform 

22. Instamojo
Payment Gateway (India)

23. Razorpay
Payment Gateway (India)

24. Stripe
Payment Gateway (Global)

25. PayPal
Payment Gateway (Global) 

26. CollectChat
Website Chatbot System 

27. ManyChat
Facebook ChatBot 

28. Vimeo Private
Video Hosting 

29. Wistia Private
Video Hosting 

30. Digital Market
Freelance Marketplace 

31. eCamm Live
Video Streaming 

32. ScreenFlow
Video Editing Tool (Mac) 

33. Camtasia
Video Editing Tool (Windows)

34. Mindnode
Mind Mapping Tool (Mac) 

35. Garageband
Audio Editing Tool (Mac) 

36. UseProof
Social Proof Tool

37. Telegram
Messenger Chat 

38. Mint Personal
Finance Tool 

39. YNAB Personal
Finance Tool 

40. Attract IO eBook
Creation Tool 

41. Zoom
Webinar & Meeting Tool 

42. Canva
Image Editing Tool 

43. InShot
Video Editing App 

Disclaimer: Some of the links are my affiliate links. I make a commission if you decide to purchase them


One of the problems that one sees in this industry is copycatting. People just rip off exactly what they watch on a video on YouTube. They copy the exact same knowledge, and they start to share that. They copy the ad, they copy the landing pages, even the blogs, the articles, the style, everything okay, And the copycats can’t go so far because others will be able to see through them and realize this person is saying exactly the same thing as other people. So the credibility also goes down.

Even though one learns from a mentor and follows their coaching system and learns, the way that you will represent your knowledge is unique.

Siddharth Rajsekar | India's Leading Digital Coach

As a Digital Coach, you will show it in your thought process, by giving your own twist to the whole game. Some of those principles are evergreen and go back to all the marketing geniuses in the world. They talk about the same things, but how you present the information, the way that you develop your formula is unique though.

Let’s look at the second problem in the thought industry is they feel that what kind of results that they can get is precisely by watching somebody else. They set that as a benchmark without realizing that each one’s journey is going to be different because each one’s niche is unique, each one’s persona is special.

Another problem is people set unrealistic benchmarks. If you follow the right system, you can achieve some results in the next 60 days, 90 days. Some of the coaches are making over a crore within a year. 

A person who is successful in the offline world, already doing seminars and pieces of training and implementing the correct system, can take Rs. 30 lakhs a month because he already has something going. Each one of us has a different journey. Each one of us comes from a different background. Some people are able to get the results because of the six to seven years of struggling before this, making those mistakes, and ultimately developing that model.

The third problem is a lot of people want shortcuts, a get rich quick dream. Shortcuts don’t work. Even if it works for a short time, you may lose that money or something. There’s always the law of nature, what goes around, comes around. 

You have to invest your time, you have to aim for mastery. You cannot expect to become like an expert overnight, but you need to think of yourself as a work in progress on a day-to-day basis to put in the effort, learn those skill sets.

 “Only when you believe in what you teach, will your students take action with conviction.” - Sidz

People who are looking for shortcuts find out what is that latest Facebook ad tool that you’re using, the landing page, a template you’re using and simply use the same landing page, swipe all your headlines, and do it. There is no shortcut to success, but if you follow a system that is already working, when you infuse your uniqueness into a system that’s working, that can help you get results faster.

The shortcut mindset itself is wrong. Those people who are coaches themselves and who want only the hacks and the shortcuts will end up attracting those kinds of students who want shortcuts. Blair Singer says that everything suggests something. Your thinking about this industry will suggest something about you and that’s something that will correlate to how fast you’re going to be growing.

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