Do you want to double your productivity? If you want to get more stuff done in less time as a digital coach, this is the podcast for you. I share my 10 simple yet powerful ideas to get you out of inertia and on the fast track!
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58 replies to "10 Ways To Double Your Productivity As A Digital Coach"
10 ways to double your PRODUCTIVITY as a digital coach-
Everyone has the same number of 24 hours -from the successful Elon Musk to an average person.
Learn to multiply results by subtracting the unnecessary, i.e. things that are not aligned with my goals.
Here are the top 10 ways to enhance productivity-
1. Delete SOCIAL MEDIA – remove their apps from phone
-Mute notifications
-Access social media in laptop
2. Low info diet
-Avoid unnecessary info/ reels that are not aligned with your goals
-Focus consistently on the course for 90 days
– Attend webinars to learn and get updates-
3.Bulk unsubscribe from junk email
-Get it done after attending the podcast
-Make it a habit every night for 5-10 mins to declutter your mail
4. 80% creation + 20% learning
Not implementing = Not learning
5. 4 day week structure
-Build a cyclical structure
– Work for 2 days (Mon & Tue) – Break (Work on yourself- read podcasts and make notes, assimilate new ideas for work) – Work next 2 days (Thurs & Fri) – Saturday (Family time) – Sunday (Spiritual day) -Repeat the process…
6. Get an accountability partner
– Details explained in Orientation video related to the structure and frequency of meeting, keeping each other focused on goals.
7. 80-15-5 Rule in a day
– 80% of time in superproductive work, i.e. working on one’s mindset, read affirmations, creating webinars, building and creating team with market content and systems, etc
-15% of time in productive work, i.e. creating podcasts, writing blogs, managing finances
-5% of time in unproductive work, i.e. checking whatssap mesgs, meeting friends, surfing internet, cleaning office, etc
8. Delegate outsource and automate
– Assign painful repetitive tasks to others who are better at handling them.
9. Work in chunks of 90 minutes
– Keep phone in airplane mode during those 90 minutes and do some productive work
10. Set goals quaterly and keep focused Themes monthly
– For instance July, Aug and September – these 3 months for revenue goals (how much I have to achieve?)
eg in July = theme is Reboot for ILH
– a lazer focus mindset
Strengthen your inner game
Medidate- Super focus!
Feeling grateful and blessed to go through the podcast – learning new things every day…
Thank you Siddharth.
Excellent Nivedita!! You’ve made the first comment on this post!
Very nicely put
Curious to boost productivity after listening to this podcast. When we are clear about what we want, we can remove the unwanted things from our schedule.
1) Delete social media apps and remove notifications. Use browser instead. And resist the temptation on installing them back.
2) be on a low info diet for next 90 days, no other course consumption
3) unsubscribe from bulk list of unwanted email list. To keep the mailbox clear the clutter
4) spend 80% of time creating value and 20% in learning. Learn to implement
5) chalk out a 4 day work week structure. Work for two days and take a break. Recreate yourself,, to be by yourself and learn
6) find an accountability partner, to hold accountable for the activities to be completed
7) divide tasks into non productive, productive and super productive tasks. Spend 80% on super productive. Build and improve systems that generate high value.
8) delegate, outsource and automate
9) work 90 mins at one time, put phone on flight mode while working
10) set goals for one quarter for review, set monthly themes. List out the top 5 action items to be done. This gives lazer focus.
Strengthen mentally to achieve targets.
Superb Deepthi!! Thanks for tuning in and learning so fast!
All we have 24 hours time in a day .but to achieve goals in life we have to be super productive and follow some basic rules.
Here is the 10 points
1. Delete social media app from your phone
2. Be on a low info diet for next 90 days, stop watching Netflix
3. Unsubscribe unwanted email list.
4. Spend 80% of time creating product and 20% in learning(Pareto principle)
5. 4 day work week structure , work for two days and take a break.
6. Find an accountability partner
7. Divide tasks into non productive, productive and super productive tasks,
And work accordingly
8. Delegate outsources and automates
9. Work in chunks of 90 minutes without any distraction
10. Set goals for one quarter and follow the routine
Super fast notes taking as usual!!
10 ways to double your your productivity✨
-Multiplication through subtraction.
-Delete all unnecessary SM apps
-Go on low information diet.
-Clear all junk mails
-spend 80% time in creation zone and 20% time in learning zone👍
– follow 4 days a week work structure – compartmentalize your personal and work priorities
-Get an accountability partner
-productivity matrix-80% time for super productive tasks, 15% time for productive tasks, 5% time for non productive tasks.
-Delegate/outsource/ Automate-asign repetitive tasks to others
-Work in chunks of 90 min. – keep phone on airplane mode and do productive work
-Set quarterly goals- stay focused -set monthly themes.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Excellent Shobhana!! Great to see you on social media detox from today!! Watch how fast you will grow!
10 ways to learn how to use your time for creating productive work.
1) Delete all social media app. What’s app, Instagram reels, unwanted messages.
2)Low information Diet-Stop watching Netflix or other reels and other people’s post.
3) Bulks, Unsubscribe from junk email.Remove all clutter from your email account on daily basis.
4)Spend 80% Time in creation and 20% time in learning. Spend highest time in creating videos, YouTube videos,creating content, specific courses. And learning 20%.means investing your time to learn new thing which will help you to create more productive in your business.
Only learning and not doing is not knowing.
5)4 day week structure- Work for 2 days take a break then again work for 2 days and take a break. When you take break on that day recreate your day,new ideas implementing that will help in new creation.
6)Get an accountability partner- buddy system- support each other and help to double your productivity.
7) 80 – 15- 5 Rule in a day
a) Non productive Task- 5% for this Talking to friends and watching messages ,cleaning office etc,
b) Productivity Task-15% for this. Preparing videos, creating informative blogs, learning, consulting projects etc
c) Super productive task- 80% working on your mindset. Daily write your affirmation ,goals Talk to many people.
1) Doing webinar talking one thing to many . Doing marketing
2)Building a training team to crate system. 3) Building and training team to create content. 4)Building and training team to market content.5) Creating and improving systems.
8)Delegates Outsource -Automation-Which regulate your business and Transaction.
9)work in chunks of 90Min-No disturbance, create new courses,Build system, planning.
10) Set goal quarterly.and keep focused on theme events. like live events etc.
Thank you Sir for such detailed knowledge about how to work on time management.
Excellent Trupthi!
Siddharth today I realise why I am not getting the results after listening to your Podcasts .Thanking you for bringing forth the points. I have to systemize my work into , more precisely, though I have a habit of ✍ my To do task everyday , I put everyday a Challenge complete 20 works daily, which I ended with 5 to 6 , due to get Distracted with Social media.
Biggest Takeaways-
1.Multiply your Super Productive Activities through Subtracting lack of clarity towards Goal.
2. Delete social media Apps.
3. To be on Low Information Diet – Focus on 90days on the Course dedicated ly.
4.Spend 1 hr on email, by unsubscribing the relevant notification.
6.80% creation + 20% learning
Not implementing = Not learning
7. Chalk out 4 day week structure
-Build a cyclical structure
– Work for 2 days (Mon & Tue) – Break (Work on yourself- read podcasts and make notes, assimilate new ideas for work) – Work next 2 days (Thurs & Fri) – Saturday (Family time) – Sunday (Spiritual day)
8.Get an accountability partner
9.Divide your Tasks – Productive, Super Productive and Non Productive Work.
Set quarterly goals- stay focused -set monthly themes.
10. Delegate the task .
11 .Google Drive Program has to be clean .
12 Work on one task without any distraction.
13.Dedicate 80% time in Superproductive Work ,ie working on one Affirmation ,creating webinar,building and creating groups,with market content and systems
15%time in Productive Work ,ie creating podcast ,✍ blogs,managing finance.
5% of time in Unproductive Activities ,ie, checking whatsapp messages, meeting friends, surfing internet, cleaning office etc.
Tips to get super active results are-
By Meditation and deep focus subtracting distraction.
Excellent notes taken Debasmita!
Podcast or any other content by Sidz is always thought provoking, crisp, action oriented and impactful.
Below are some key pointers of another great podcast on “10 Ways To Double Your Productivity As A Digital Coach”
1. Approch is to Multiply by subtracting
– Delete social media app
– remove notifications
– access social media only on laptop, with specific time of the day
2. Low info diet
– avoid unnecessary info
– focus only on course material and internal contents/webinar/updates etc
3. Bulk unsubscribe emails/newsletters et
– do it regularly
4. 80% creation and 20% learning zone
5. create 4 days work week for you and let it repeat over period
6. Get an accountability partner
7. 80-15-5% rule(Super productive/productive/unproductive work)
8. Delegate/outsource/automate
9. work in chunks of 90 minutes
10. Set goals quarterly and keep focussed theme
Try implement some or all pointers above and it will surely multiply your productivity. Till the next summary, stay productive…
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily #casunilgupta95
Thanks Sunil!! Appreciate your feedback. Superb notes taken!
— Double your Productivity —
We all have 24 hrs a day. But what we do in that 24hrs is matters. Here are the 10 ideas to double the productivity.
1> Delete all social media apps and disable all the notifications.
2> Stop watching all OTT platforms including Youtube.
3> Unsubscribe from all those junk emails that are not important to you. Kee your mailbox clutter-free.
4> Spend 80% time in the creation zone and 20% time in the learning zone.
5> Follow 4 days work structure.
6> Get an accountability partner and be accountable.
7> Divide your work into 3 categories.
– Non-Productive (Checking the internet, talking with friends, etc.) (Spend 5% of your time)
– Productive (Create Videos, Podcasts, etc.) (Spend 15% of your time)
– Super Productive (Working on your mindset, Goal, etc.) (Spend 80% of your time)
8> Outsource things that others or systems can do and save your time.
9> Work in chunks of 90 minutes without distractions.
10> Set goals and have focused themes for every month.
Thanks for sharing your points Samir!
Double Your Productivity
1) Delete all social media apps. Remove notification
2) Low information diet
I really need to follow this.
3) Clean mailbox – bulk unsubscribe
4) 80% Creation Zone 20% Learning Zone
5) 4 days a week
6) Find accountability partner
7) Divide your tasks
Unproductive 5%
Productive 15%
Super Productive 80%
– Goal Writing
– Affirmations
– Webinars
– Building Teams
8) Delegate and Automation
9) Work in 90 mins chunks
10) Set Goals – Focus Themes Every Month
Revenue Goals
Monthly Theme
Top 5 action items
Excellent Santosh!
Action taken. Removed all unwanted and social media apps from mobile. Notifications disabled.
Following are My Take way
1) Focus on Target.
2)Declutter which are destructing
3)Work in chunk of 90mins
4)Work more time on implementation than learning
5)Put the work in automation mode where you have option for automation.
Where does time go?
It is multiplication and by subtraction
1.Delete social media apps and notifications access only in laptop (have specific time to use social media)
2.Stop binge on Netflix -low information diet
3.Spend time to clear mailbox (remove junk emails clean clutter free mail list)
4.Spend 80% creating framework and 20% learning zone
5.chart out 4 days a week for work and 3 days
6.Get accountability partner so you have partner for results
7.Divide your task on productive task, productive task, super productive task (internal mindset)
8.Delegate to experts if you don’t have expertise
9.Improve system planning curriculum block 90 mins chunks of your day
10.Quarterly goals – revenue goals, monthly themes (list top 5 action items)
Thanks Vidhya! Good set of learnings noted!
Hi Sidz!!!
Yet another great topic much required for all digital coaches. I realised how I have been wasting time on non-productive works from this episode.
Here are my takeaways:
To double your productivity, we should follow “multiplication through subtraction”
Be clear of your goals and say no to things which dont take you towards your goals.
1. Delete all social media apps from mobile and remove all notifications. Resist your temptation towards social media
2. Get on a low information diet. Stop watching Netflix, YouTube and courses that are not aligned to your goals.
3. Clear your mail box. Unsubscribe your mails list which doesnt help you.
4. SPEND 80% time in creation zone. 20% time in learning zone
5. Have a 4 days work structure. Work for 2 days and take a break. Work for another 2 days and take a break. This helps in taking better decisions and make it as a cycle.
6. Get an accountability partner
7. Divide your tasks into three categories:
Non- productive tasks – surfing, checking emails, whatsapp chats, cleaning etc
Productive tasks – Creating information products, marketing, writing blogs, creating videos, managing projects, learning
Super productive tasks – working on your mindset, looking a your goals, reading affirmations, one to many sales, building and training teams, creating and improving systems
Spend 80% time – super productive tasks
15% time – productive tasks
5% time – non productive tasks
8. Delegate, outsource, automate
9. Work in chunks of 90 mins without distractions
10. Set goals for every month with monthly theme.
Excellent Jaya! Keep coming back and share more…
Productivity is most important in everyone’s life. 10 different ideas are ;-
1. Remove all the social media apps from your phone.
2 Get on Low Information Diet, Dont endlessly consume the information.
3. Bulk Unsubscribe the Emails that are no longer needed by unsubscribing them.
4. 80 percent of our time should be in creation Zone.
5. Make a 4 Day work week.
6. Get an accountability partner.
7. Divide our task into 3 activities – Productive, Non Productive and Super Productive tasks.
8. Delegate, Outsource and Automate
9. Work in Chunks of 90 minutes everyday.
10. Set goals and Set themes for every month with Quarterly goals.
Thanks Sumesh for being a consistent learner!
10 ways to double your productivity as a digital coach
1) delete all social media notifications on your mobile
2) get on a low info diet
3) unsubscribe junk emails that hits your inbox
4) spend 80% of time in creation zone & 20% in learning zone
5) chalk out a four days a week structure for your work
6) get an accountability partner
7) divide tasks as non-productive, productive,super productive.
8) delegate, outsource,automate
9) work in chunks of 90 minutes without distraction
10) set quarterly goals, set focused theme for every month.
Great Learning & Implementation begins NOW without hesitation
Excellent Balan!
🔥🔥🔥 10 ways to double your productivity as a digital coach 🔥🔥🔥
When you are clear about where you want to go …. You will be able to subtract all those which is not supporting you …
1⃣ pull out your phone and delete all social media app from your phone …
Remove all kind of notification…😃😃🤗😇
💠💠💠 do all social media things from laptop and alot specific timing ..within that time we complete our work and come out of that platform…😃😃😃
2⃣ GO ON LOW INFORMATION DIET … stop spending time on YouTube Netflix Facebook reels shorts … Just follow my game plan for next 90 days ….
3⃣ BULK UNSUBSCRIBE ALL THOSE EMAIL WHICH HITTING YOUR INBOX … Clear you mailbox. … Sidz have a habit of 0 mails in inbox every night …. Even have a habit of unsubscribing emails on a regular basis…
4⃣ SPEND 20% time in learning and rest 80% in implementation…. Follow 80/20 rules …. More time you spend in creating … Creating meaningful contact images audio video 😇😇😇
🔆🔆🔆When you are just learning and not doing thats equal to not knowing 🔆🔆🔆 so be on implementation mode .. 80% creation zone …
Work for two days … Take a break … Work for two days … Take two days break …. Amazing 😍😍😛😛
Those break as a recreation days …
6⃣ FIND A ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER …. know guideline to be a accountability partner …how frequently to meet to get connected …. What to hold them accountable … Pushing each other to achieve same ….🤗🤗🤗
7⃣ SEGMENT YOUR TASK … NON PRODUCTIVE … PRODUCTIVE …. SUPER PRODUCTIVE…. Every task can come under these category …. Creating marketing ,consulting ,daily learning are the productive task …. Working on internal game writing goals ,affirmation , building and training teams for different work , improving system is a super production task …
Spend 80% of your time on super productive task …😃😃😃
15% on productive task … And 5% on non productive task .
9⃣ WORK IN CHUNKS OF 90 MINUTES SUPER FOCUS …remove all distraction ,phone , novice around …. Super focus on one task ….
🔟 SET GOALS AND SET THEMES FOR EVERY MONTH … Monthly themes is where the magic is …. Break it down to top 5 action to achieve in those themes ….
Grateful …
Do meditation for super focused mind😇😇😇
Thanks Meenu!
Vikram suresh borse #ilhdeeplearner
10 ways to double you productivity as a digital coach
1.take out your phone and delete all social media apps
2.get on a low information diet for next 90 days .stop watching you tube , netflix , stop consuming courses not aligned to your goal , just follow what Siddharth has given especially if you are a member of ILH COMMUNITY
3.Bulk unsubscribe from all unnecessary mails
4.spend 80% time_creation zone and 20%time for learning zone
5.chalk out 4 day week structure .work for 2 days , take a break again work for 2 days and take a break .
6.get accountability partner.
7.divide tasks 1. Super productive_ spend 80% time . 2 productive _spend 15% time and 3 non_productive tasks_5% time
8.delegate , outsource and automate. in chunks of 90 minutes without distractions .
10.set goals set themes for every 3 months .
For me july _Reboot theme
August_partner program theme
September_freedom business retreat theme .
More power to you Vikram!
“10 Ways To Double Your Productivity As A Digital Coach”
1. Multiply by subtracting
* Delete social media app
* remove notifications
* access social media only on laptop, with specific time of the day
2. Low info diet
* avoid unnecessary info
* focus only on goal related
3. Bulk unsubscribe emails/newsletters etc
4. 80% creation and 20% learning zone
5. create 4 days work week for you and let it repeat over period
6. Get an accountability partner
7. 80%-15%-5% rule(Super productive/productive/unproductive work)
8. Delegate/outsource/automate
9. work in chunks of 90 minutes
10. set quarterly goals, set focused theme for every month
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Superb notes Vinod!
Hi Sidz
Really the way productivity was explained by you is mind blowing and specially the closing note with faveolus music.
The take away for me is as under;
Multiply your productivity after subtracting unwanted things .Clein and unsubscribe unwanted mail.
Focus on one mentor and one course .Be on one info diet for 90 days at least .
80% time to used in creation and 20% time can be used for learning zone
4days week working life cycle
Accountability partner for structure and doubling productivity
Divide tasks in a ratio of 80%,15% and 5% for super productive, productive and non productive tasks respectively.
Delegate and outsource work
Work in 90minute chunk without any disturbance. mobile in airplane mode
Set goals and themes for quarterly tasks and ensure they are regularly monitored and achieved .
Basically strengthen your inner Game for doubling your productivity.
Thanks Praful! More power to you…
#ILH deep learner # ILH FAMILY
10 ways to double your productivity as a
Digital coach.
A :All of us have 24 hours in a day.
B :Multiplication through subtraction.
One can only multiply his results by
Subtracting all the crap from his life.
C : One should have a Clearity of goals.
10 Different Ideas
1 : Delete all the social media apps from your phone.
2 : Getting on a low information diet for
Next 90 days.
3 : Clear your mailbox.
4 : 80/20 Rule, Spend 80% of your time in creativity zone & 20% of time in learning zone.
5 : Choak out a 4 day work week structure..
6 : Get an accountability partner.
7 : ➗ your tasks into three categories,
Non productive tasks Productive tasks,
Super productive tasks 80%, 5%,15%.
8 :Delete, Outsource, & automation.
9 :Work in chunks of 90 minutes without
10 : Set goals & focus themes for every month.
The key to doubling your productivity is to multiply and subtract non-productive activities.
1) Delete social media apps from your mobile and remove or mute notifications. Access social media through your laptop so that you invest only the required amount of time on social media and do not waste it in endless strolling. Access to social media through mobile puts you in a hypnotic mode and you tend to lose track of time. That is how social media apps have been designed.
2) low information diet – Have clarity about what information you need on that particular day or during that particular week. You will have that clarity if you have a plan jotted down on a calendar. The major reason for the endless consumption of data is if you look for external motivation and lack clear goals.
3) Bulk unsubscribe from emails – You will not waste your time reading emails that are not relevant or important but have some catchy headlines.
4) Spend 80% of your time on creation and 20% on learning.
Learning and not doing is equal to not knowing. In the long run, doing is what helps you to take further massive actions with confidence.
Being in the “only learning” zone is a killer of confidence and momentum.
5) 4D WWE
Following this structure even in your initial phase of launch and Discovery helps you to have a decluttered mind, and physical space, helps you to reflect on the way you take actions. Continuous actions without reflection will give you poor results.
6) Get an accountability partner – make your accountability partner, a partner in your wins, and failures, and a part of your everyday life. The best accountability is the one where there is a balance of give and take, irrespective of whether you are in the launch phase or you are an established coach.
7) Distinction between productive and nonproductive tasks – this gives you clarity about which tasks to repeat, delegate and automate.
Creation activities are the most productive – Content creations, sales webinar etc.
List of super productive tasks – working on mindset, goal writing, improving your internal game
You should spend 80% of your time on Super active tasks, 15% on productive tasks, and 5% on non-productive.
8) Delegate, outsource, and automate – distinction of activities as per point 7 will help you understand which activities to delegate, outsource and automate.
9) Work in chunks of 90 minutes – task-oriented chunks
10) Set goals and set themes for every month – examples of themes would be – revenue goals, freedom finisher activities, revamping your courses, setting up systems, nurturing your community, etc depending on the digital coaching journey that you are at. These Focused actions will give visible results to celebrate and improve your game.
1. To work in a state of flow.
2. Get more stuff done in less time.
3. To reduce distractions so that you are more focused to your work.
* We all have only 24 hours in a day but what we do with this time matters the most; this is true for Elon Musk or any average person.
* Multiplication through subtraction: You can multiply your results by subtracting all the crap from your life.
1. They get easily swayed away in all the directions.
2. Lack of clarity of goals.
3. Lack of power to say” No” to all the other things that don’t matter to achieve your goal.
1. Delete all the social media accounts from your phone to increase your focus at work. Delegate a fixed time to reply messages and check mails.
2. Low Information Diet- Stop watching Netflix, You tube and other videos, stop taking courses that don’t align with your goals. Follow Sidz’s webinars and sessions to stay on track.
3. Spend next one hour to clear your mailbox , delete the spam and unsubscribe from the mails that are not useful.
4. Spend 80% time in creation zone and 20% time in learning zone. Beware of not reversing it. When you are learning and not implementing, it equals to not knowing.
5. Chalk out 4 days a week structure: Work for two days and then take a break, again work for two days , take a break. Use off days for recreation, means new learnings, family and spirituality each.
6. Get an Accountability partner: When someone overlooks your action, you become more efficient.
7. Divide your tasks in 3 categories:
a) Productive- 15% Creating information products, writing blogs, recording podcasts, making videos, sharing them, managing systems.
b) Superproductive- 80%
Working on your mindset
Looking at your goals everyday
Working on your inner game
Creating systems
Creating products
Speaking and selking through webinars
Training teams to create systems
Market contents
c) Non-productive-5%
Talking to friends
Checking internet
Answering calls
Cleaning desk
Checking messages
Checking website stats
8. Delegate, Automate, Outsource
9. Work in chunks of 90 min without distracting by keeping phone on airplane mode.
10. Set goals and focused theme every month.
Revenue goals and monthly themes.
A. It is all about strengthening your inner game.
B. Meditation
C. Keep yourself super focused.
D. Stay away from distractions.
Thank you!
Super Productive 10 Tips are super useful and everyone of us as Digital coach need to be followed.
Thanks Sidharth for such value adding PODCAST.
I loved the words “STATE OF FLOW”. Sidz, I heard this podcast thrice. Because I had a great experience in being in the state of flow. Every time I am in a state of flow, I enjoyed being me.
I used to go long-distance cycling. My attention is focused on the nearest landmark, I could locate, and my immediate goal used to be reaching there. Once I reach there, the next visible milestone becomes my goal. After a few miles of cycling, it is tough to keep focussing on riding, as I am tired and really want to stop or give up. But as I ride, I observe the movements of leg muscles, the power of breathing builds the momentum of muscles, the force of my lungs, and the feel of the sweat on my body. I am living in the moment, utterly absorbed in the present activity. Time seems to fall away. I am tired, but I am also enjoying the ride. The persistence to keep moving comes from my mindset. Everything else is unimportant at that moment.
The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like flowing water. Your whole being is involved, and I am using my skills to the max.
10 Ways To Double Your Productivity As A Digital Coach
1. Delete all social media Apps & remove all notifications from your Phone (Remove distractions). Use your Laptop to check social media for a limited time only. (Multiplication through Subtraction – Have power to say “No” to non productive people or things).
2. Get into low information diet (stop watching Netflix, You Tube (non valuable), unnecessary courses, etc.).
3. Unsubscribe from all your unnecessary emails list (Use for this).
4. Spend 80% of your time in Creation Zone & 20% of your time in Learning Zone.
5. Have a 4 Day Work Week Structure (In the start of the journey it would be difficult but later make it a habit & use the time to think or learn which will help in your business).
6. Have an Accountability Partner who will hold you accountable (Have a structure for meeting, updates, etc.).
7. Divide your task in 3 Categories –
(a) Productive Task (15% time) – Creating Information Products, Marketing products, Managing Consulting Projects, Creating Podcasts, Recording Blogs, Recording Courses, etc.
(b) Non Productive Task (5 % time) – Talking to Friends, Surfing the Internet, Checking Social Media, Responding to WhatsApp SMS, Answering phone, Cleaning up your Desk, etc.
(c) Super Productive Task (80% time) – Working on your Mindset everyday, Looking at your Goals everyday, Reading Affirmations, Working on your Internal Game, Creating Systems that can create products, Speaking & Selling through Webinars, Building & Training Team to create Systems, Building & Training Team to create Content, Building & Training Team to Market Content, etc.
8. Delegate, Outsource & Automate.
9. Work in Chunks of 90 Minutes without distractions.
10. Set Goals & Set Themes for Every Month. Goals for Revenue, Themes for every month (Reboot, Partner Program, Freedom Business Retreat, etc.)
1. Delete social media apps.
2. Get a low – information diet.
3. Bulk un-subscription of emails.
4. Give time 80% on the creation and 20% on learning.
5. Chunk out your 4 – day work per week structure.
6. Get an accountability partner.
7. Make a list of Unproductive, productive, and super productive mindset tasks.
8. Delegate, outsource, and automate the tasks.
9. Work in chunks of 90 minutes (Aeroplan modes).
10. Set GOALs and focus themes for every month.
Thanks Sidz, excellent content again.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
The secret: Multiply through Subtraction. You have to subtract the crap from your life to multiply your productivity.
1. Take your phone and DELETE all social media apps and DISABLE all notifications. When you want to use social media, use it only on your laptop. Resist any temptation to download again.
2. Get on a low information diet for the next 90 days. STOP CONSUMING Netflix, YouTube videos, going behind other new courses (shiny object syndrome). Just focus on the ILH Community and follow the track for the next 90 days.
3. Bulk UNSUBSCRIBE your mailbox using . Always keep your email clutter free.
4. Spend 80% of your time in the creation zone (video creation, podcast, course creation & all other types of content creation) and 20% of your time in the learning zone. (learn from ILH membership material etc)
5. Make a 4-day work week cyclical structure. (2 days work, 1 day break, 2 days work, 2 day break kind of)
6. Find an accountability partner who can hold you accountable for getting things done. When there is somebody overlooking your actions, we always get it done
7. Divide your tasks into Non-Productive, Productive & Super-Productive tasks. Some Non-Productive might sometimes be necessary (like talking to friends, cleaning up your space etc) Productive -> creating content etc; Super-Productive -> Working on your mindset like Goal cards, staying motivated, building systems etc
– Spend 80% of your time doing Super Productive tasks
– Spend 15% of your time doing Productive tasks
– Spend 5% of your time doing Non-Productive tasks.
8. Delegate / Outsource the things you are not comfortable with.
9. Work in chunks of 90 minutes distraction free. Focus on tasks. Pomodoro method.
10. Set quarterly goals and keep focussed on monthly themes. Ex, one month for video challenge, one month for podcasting, one month for tribe engagement or so.
10 ways to double your PRODUCTIVITY as a digital coach-Everyone has the same number of 24 hours -from the successful Elon Musk to an average person.
Learn to multiply results by subtracting the unnecessary, i.e. things that are not aligned with my goals.Here are the top 10 ways to enhance productivity-
1. Delete SOCIAL MEDIA – remove their apps from phone
-Mute notifications
-Access social media on laptop
2. Low info diet
-Avoid unnecessary info/ reels that are not aligned with your goals
-Focus consistently on the course for 90 days
– Attend webinars to learn and get updates-
3.Bulk unsubscribe from junk email
-Get it done after attending the podcast
-Make it a habit every night for 5-10 mins to declutter your mail
4. 80% creation + 20% learning
Not implementing = Not learning
5. 4 day week structure
-Build a cyclical structure
– Work for 2 days (Mon & Tue) – Break (Work on yourself- read podcasts and make notes, assimilate new ideas for work) – Work next 2 days (Thurs & Fri) – Saturday (Family time) – Sunday (Spiritual day) -Repeat the process…6. Get an accountability partner
– Details explained in Orientation video related to the structure and frequency of meeting, keeping each other focused on goals.
7. 80-15-5 Rule in a day
– 80% of time in super productive work, i.e. working on one’s mindset, read affirmations, creating webinars, building and creating team with market content and systems, etc
-15% of time in productive work, i.e. creating podcasts, writing blogs, managing finances
-5% of time in unproductive work, i.e. checking whatsapp msgs, meeting friends, surfing internet, cleaning office, etc8. Delegate outsource and automate
– Assign painful repetitive tasks to others who are better at handling them.
9. Work in chunks of 90 minutes
– Keep phone in airplane mode during those 90 minutes and do some productive work
10. Set goals quarterly and keep focused Themes monthly
– For instance July, Aug and September – these 3 months for revenue goals (how much I have to achieve?)
eg in July = theme is Reboot for ILH
– a lazer focus mindset Strengthen your inner game
Meditate- Super focus! Feeling grateful and blessed to go through the podcast – learning new things every day…
Set Goals and Focus Themes
You are the best
Thank you Sidz.
Best part i loved about this PODCAST
80-15-5 Rule in a day
3 types of tasks:
Super productive
Unproductive tasks
– 80% of time in super productive work
Working on mindset everyday.
Looking at goals everyday
Reading affirmations (working on internal game its super productive activity)
Creating systems that can create products
Selling thro webinars
Building and training teams to create system
Building and training teams to create content
Building and training teams to market the content
(Example for his website he has recorded training on zoom and its just set and forget. Done for once and forget)
Creating and improving systems on regular basis
-15% of time in productive work,
Creating information products
Marketing your products
Managing your consulting projects
Writing blogs
Creating podcast
Recording videos
Managing finances
Learning on daily basis
-5% of time in unproductive work, (some are necessary but non productive)
Talking to friend
Surfing internet
Checking and reading emails
Responding and chatting on whatsapp
Phone calls
Cleaning up your desk
Checking website stats now and then
Cleaning office
Refreshing fb feeds
Thank you for this amazing insight.
Thanks a ton! Your feedback really made my day! :)The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it! Keep Inspiring! Great to have you in our community.
10 ways to Double your Productivity as a Digital Coach
What does it take to come to a point where you are Super Duper Productive?
24 hours in a day but what we do in that time really matters
Simple Phrase -> Multiplication Through Subtraction
You can Multiply your results only by subtracting all crap from your life.
Power to Say NO to remove unnecessary things that is not aligned to your goals
1. Delete all Social Media Apps & Notifications – use laptop only for a certain time duration
Resist your addictions & temptation to stay out of Social Media
2. Get on a Low Information Diet – Stop watching Netflix & Youtube and strictly follow and do things what is necessary to get your goal done. Don’t endlessly consume information. Start creating Content.
3. Bulk UnSubscribe your emails that are not useful for you
Keep your mailbox clean & clutter free
4. Pareto Principle – Spend 80% of your time in Creating Zone and 20% of your time in Consuming zone – that will take you closer to your goals. When you are just learning and not doing that is equal to not knowing.
5. 4 Day Work Week Structure:
Wednesday – recreation day – learn new things, podcasts, notes, stay alone on your own, audio books, integrate some ideas & make it as a cyclic structure
6. Find an Accountability Partner
7. Divide your tasks into 3 categories:
Non-productive tasks,
Productive tasks – creation and managing content, finance
Super-Productive tasks – working on your mindset, goals. Creating system that can create products – 1 to Many sales, Building and training teams to create systems, to create content, to market content. Improving system on continual basis.
80% in doing Super Productive
5% non productive
15% productive tasks
8. Delegate, Outsource & Automate
9. Work in chunk of 90 minutes
10. Set goals for every quarter – focused themes every month,
Revenue Goals,
Monthly themes
Productivity improvement learnings:
The fundamental thing in the matter of time allocation is that irrespective of our socio-politico-economic status, knowledge, ability and age we are given an equal amount of time, 24 hrs. a day to utilize. How we utilize it is an individual’s choice and the results one gets accordingly. To remain productive, one needs to marry time, energy and goals in an effective way and for that there are principles.
1. cut down distractions by removing social media apps and notifications from the mobile phone.
2. use time effectively to avoid consuming unnecessary information and avoiding shiny objects in social media. Consume that much of what is needed for the task or goal.
3. Nowadays, Emails are necessary evils, consuming valuable time. Declutter and unsubscribe unnecessary emails.
4. In work hours 80% be for creating and 20% for learning things.
5. Plan a 4Days work week with intervening recreative days to boost up energy and vigour with thinking and planning.
6. Break tasks into 3 categories super-productive, productive and nonproductive on the basis of their contributions to goals. allocate 805 to super-productive, 15% to productive and 5% to nonproductive. work 8 hrs. daily on productive and Super productive works.
7. Work on 3 import tasks a day with a chunk of 90 minutes and take a break. 8. Apply the DAD formula. Delete those not needed. Automate which is repetitive and Delegate which can be to professionals.
9. Do a quarterly/ yearly plan. – set an important Theme for the month and 5 important tasks for the same and make the daily timetable accommodating a 4days-3Tasks a day of 90min. chunk to finish them.
10. Keep an accountability partner to check back and remain on track of accomplishing tasks.
Don’t be busy but be productive. Keep doing what is essential to be done.
Janardan Kar
These are great points!
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
GOAL clarity is literally gold dust that gives us the luxury and the power to say NO. Commit yourself to DEEP WORK by weeding out distractions and unproductive work. Seek an accountability partner and hold each other accountable to one another. Plan your game and execute!
Life is about using the whole box of crayons. -RuPaul
Spirituality brings connection.
And connection inspires productivity.
Objective Exploration of Spirituality is not just Productivity…..
It’s Productivity Enhanced.
My learnings from this podcast
1) Delete all social media apps & notifications from phone use these on laptop on specific time of the day
2) get on a low information diet
3) remove all junk emails unsubscribe to useless stuff & bulk unsubscribe emails
4) spend 80% of your time on creation & 20% on consumption(this is my problem area, need to work on this) learning & not doing is equal to not knowing
5) Chalk out a 4 day a week structure make it into a cyclical structure.
6) have an accountability partner
7) divide tasks into 3 categories nonproductive, productive & super productive tasks(working on mindset) & spend 80% of time on super productive tasks
8) delegate, outsource & automate tasks
9) work in chunks of 90 minutes without distractions
10) set goals & focus on themes every month & break them down into top 5 actions after that.
Thank you so much Sidz for the golden nuggets will implement all.
My Learnings –
1. Take your phone and delete all social media apps. Remove notifications
2. Get on a low info diet and stop watching content on netflix, youtube endlessly.
3. Spend 1 hr in clearing your mail box and do this activity daily to keep it clutter free.
4. Spend 80% of your time in creating mode and 20% in learning mode. Learning and not doing is same as not knowing.
5. Design a 4 day work week.
6. Get an accountability partner.
7. Divide tasks into 3 categories – Non Productive, Productive and Super Productive.
8. Automate wherever possible.
9. Work in the chunks of 90 minutes without any distraction.
10.Set goals and set themes for every month and quarter.