If you want to improve the completion rates and success rates in your community, you need to launch hackathons!
In this podcast, I break it down to the 6 steps that have helped me launch one of the most successful Hackathons in the industry where I have been able to document over 160+ six-figure earners and over 60+ ($150K) Crore Club Earners.
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43 replies to "How To Design A Hackathon To Increase Student Success Rates"
Why is COHOT based on learning important?
Completion rate of course will increase if there is gamification involved.
It will improve the completion rate of course also. As, they will go through the course during HACKATHON
Six steps to make it fun based:
* Come up with the name ending with THON
* Different Missions to completeβ¨
Keep it under 30 days to start with then later can be 60 or 90 days
β¨Need to set the end goal firstβ¨
Design Assignments
* Divide everyone into team and come up with the Accountability Partnerβ¨
Team will help to make it more powerful. Need system to discover to each other
* Plan Reward & Recognition
β¨E.g.: Voucher, Certificate, T-Shirts, Virtual facilitation
* Define the Evaluation Criteriaβ¨
Should Activity based.β¨Make it little tough. Donβt make it very easy to crack.
* Launch your Hackathonβ¨
Lead with the challenge / Hackathon during membership
Very nicely explained, Great work.
Excellent Tapas!
Thank you Siddharth for explaining so nicely.
Biggest Takeaways
Understood the power of Hackathon, as I too agree without any Healthy Competition no one can achieve anything. The concept of Hackathon is to get the Increase rate high of Success by focusing and following 6 Steps.
1. Aim for the Challenge – by any names – Healthathon , Growathon ,and so on related with Marathon
2.Design the Mission
3. Design the Assignment
4.Put them in a Team
5. Should provide them Rewards and Incentives
6.Define the Evaluation Criteria
7 .Launch the Hackathon put in Membership Action Orientation.
Great work Debasmita. I am getting inspiration from your Consistency.
Thank you Samir, for your kind words, get inspired and listen to podcast everyday ,make a note and share of learning everyday.
MPTY Samir
Thanks for adding value daily Debasmita!
I am conducting a challenge to build the community and solving at least one person’s problem.
They need hackathon…because they want their urgent problems to be solved first
Then comes the aspiration.
And then the transformation. Journey from point a to point b
It can’t be forced..
The hackathon is a means to facilitate the hang of discipline that comes with multiple small wins with each of its episode,. If
Followed by immediate massive action
Action is not difficult to take.
The resistance also gives way slowly
With each episode of hackathon
As has been my experience..
It helps to stay in the game
Very Nice, Keep posting.
Excellent points Sangeeta!
here is the steps
1.make the name ending with THON,that is suffix will be thon
2.Design the mission
3. Design the assignment
4.divide the people in team,and assign for accountability partner
5. reward & recognition implementation
6.add the system of evaluation criteria
7.launch your own hackathon
Very nice Niloy
Super stuff Niloy!
“How To Design A Hackathon To Increase Student Success Rates”
If you want to improve the completion rates and success rates in your Community, you need to launch Hackathon.
1). Name the Challenge – You need to have a Challenge name like Hackathon, Brandathon, Marathon, Codethon, etc. for 30 days, 60 Days or 90 days.
2). Design the Mission – Divide the challenge into different Missions.
3). Design the Assignments – Every Mission need to be designed as an Assignments to complete, specifically guide them to your courses to complete. Make it into Fun Game by making a team as Accountability Partners for each other so that people will push each other to complete the assignments. Give a Google form for the team formation (group or 5 or 10) & divide team basis City name, etc. which helps them connect better online & offline.
4). Plan the Rewards & Recognition – Give Awards or Give Away any things like T Shirt, books etc. For Recognition, give Certificate, do felicitations in Inner Circle call which will give motivation.
5). Define the Evaluation Criteria – Define the Criteria what they need to do to win the challenge. This must be activity based, not the result based. Make it tough, so that not everyone can do, because if it is easy, then everyone can do and there is no sense of achievement.
6). Launch your Hackathon & Put this into Membership – When you are selling your Knowledge, instead of leading with Courses, Lead with Challenge & make your courses as supplementary or bonuses. The people will know that this is action based. Also if anyone can not complete in 1st attempt then they can do it on the later hackathons also. Gamify it like a Fun.
Great work Neeraj. Thanks for the Detailed notes.
Thanks Samir !!!
Very good Neeraj! Love your commitment to learn daily
Thanks Sidz, I am learning daily by just listening to you.
The Q2 Hackathon is yet to complete and the new Q3 Hackathon is on the way to take off in early july22.but good that you have made this podcast to be more useful for people like me who have just joined in ILH.
Why is a hackathon important or Cohort based learning ?
competition will be more interesting when gamification is involved and that’s why hackathon.
Thank Praful!
# ILH DeepLearner
How to Design Hackathons to Increase Student Success Rates
Today’s Podcast Takeaways
1. These Hackathons which were started way back in 2019 has created 60 Crorepatis as on date.
2. Hackathons enable good Success rates and Completion rates. It is like a fun game.
3. 6 steps to launch one’s own Hackathons :
1. One has to come up with a name for the challenge like Sidz calls it as “Hackathon “.
2. Design Hackathon into missions for a duration of 90 days depending on the course you have
designed. In the initial days it can be for 30 days, later on for 60 days and then for 90 days.
Give them assignments which will take them back to the prerecorded courses.
3. Get people into teams and sort them into city based sorting. Purpose of the group is to hold
each other accountable and attend all the sessions of the Hackathon.
4. Plan for the recognition and rewards for completing the game.
5. Define the evaluation criteria which should be activity based. When they complete they have a
sense of accomplishment.
6. Launch your Hackathons and put that into your membership. Lead with the Hackathon and
Certification and supplement it with Courses and bonuses. There is collaboration, no
competition, accountability is much higher.
This is how we have to design our Hackathons to increase Students’ Success Rates.
Thanks a lot Sidz for this wonderful Podcast Episode.
Awesome observation and clarity in the notes. Keep making notes.
Brilliant points Anand! Thanks for taking the time to document all this so neatly! Will definitely benefit all.
π₯π₯π₯ hackathon processπ₯π₯π₯
In starting …Sidz primary focus to start hackathon was to increase completion rate …. But now it become industry trend ….
Why hackathon is important …. Its very essential in completion rate ….
Let’s design live implementation master mind …which helps increase completion rate …and increase success rate as well …
6 steps β€β€β€β€
2β£ DESIGN THEM AS A MISSION … NOT A SESSION …. DECIDED the duration of your hackathon … Reverse engineer your hackathon for achieving the end result ..and design assignment which people need to complete after Every mission … Assignment would be watch pretty recorded video …and do research and home work…
3β£ make team ..give team name … Take everybody name and city name in google form….. And sort them live only ..assign team …. Describe group purpose ….
4β£ decide rewards …. Certificate tshirt , , vouchers… Facilitation. ….
5β£ evaluation criteria …. Make it world class… Really tough …. When they finish it they felt a sense of completing something big. ….. Not east evaluation …
Happens once in three month ….
6β£ gamified the whole thing make it so much fun…
There is reward and recognition … Collaboration … Sense of achievement… Relationship building ….. Lots of learning …
I also really wish that school has this kind of system teaching system π―π―π―
Thanks for the Detailed notes.
Super stuff Meenu!
β How to Design Hackathon to increase student success Rates β
Why are hackathons important?
Generally, people buy courses because of their easy accessibility but they do not complete the courses due to which the success rate is also very less.
Six steps to Launch a Hackathon of your own
1. Name the Challenge as per your niche
2. Design this into missions
– Decide the duration
– Reverse engineer the mission from the end goal
– Design assignments that people complete after each mission
3. Set the accountability system and put your students in teams based on their city
4. Plan the reward and recognition for completing the challenge
5. Define the evaluation criteria (Based on activity, not based on result)
6. Launch your hackathon and put this into your membership
Very good Samir! Keep coming back for more
Every Digital Coaches/Entrepreneurs should watch this very informative and priceless techniques to create value in ones own niche. While more than 85%of students join our courses with lots of dream in mind but are not able to complete for various reasons, dose not fulfill their dreams and it doesn’t give complete satisfaction to the coach who created the courses.
Now Sidz, hackathon concept and the details to create the hackathon will lead to a win win situation.
Hats-off Sidz.
Love all the time, this is truly amazing.
Thanks for sharing Rajashekar!
Hi Sidz.
Hackathon is like cool breeze to save us from getting overwhelmed.
It is like a hand holding which is systematic.
1. Niche- Clarity with niche is awesome session with you.
2. Courses and curriculum- help us to pave a path for us to move methodically.
4.Vision and mission makes us proud and is an encouragement that helps us with our challenges.
Excellent Anita!
6 steps to design your Hackathon course.
1 Name your course with end with word Thon. Like Hackathon, Marathon,Angelthon etc.
2 Design the course into mission.-Like in Hackathon 9 different mission is there. Decide duration of your course. HACKATHON is of 90 days challenges. But minimum you can keep 30 days . Design Assignments.
3.Making Team-Put them into city.base and then micro group. So that they can help each other to grow.
4 Recognition and reward-In Hackathon they give certification for Finisher, T -shirt and 2000/ rs voucher so some reward should be given for Finisher Felicitation in the inner circle group.
5 Define Achievement Criteria- Task should be give to freedom Finisher.
6 Finally Launch your Hackathon-Lead with challenges supplement with your courses. Instead of selling of courses. Create membership in which action oriented group of people will join.
Thank you Sir for giving such deep knowledge π
Thanks for your commitment to learn Trupti!
How To Design a Hackathon To Increase Student Success Rates?
Hackathon is a heck of a sprint in the Marathon. I instantly compare it with Franchise Business. The Uniqueness of a Franchise business is that a System is just installed and ready to serve customers.
And when it comes to Coaching or any other Business, the Energy you carry while you speak, act or think, shows up to the customers and that energy is contagious. You can call it energy or enthusiasm.
Traditional Learning, in a solo model, lacks enthusiasm. When there is a mastermind there is enthusiasm, there is a sense of healthy competition, urgency, participation, and intentionality.
β’ Intentionality and Participation are Key in Gamification.
β’ Hackathon is Gamification.
β’ Hackathon has Structure, Adventure, Purpose, Clarity, Influence & Action.
β’ A hackathon is an Activity Oriented and the Results are compounding.
β’ It tells the participant that it is possible and the participant can see others achieving it.
β’ Hackathon is a conducive environment to create the stage.
β’ Hackathon is where the energy is building momentum.
β’ Hackathon is where you challenge yourself, your beliefs, and your ability to take action.
β’ Hackathon is rebuilding a life.
β’ Hackathon has rewards, resentments, learnings, a sense of achievement, collaboration, learning to do new things, reinventing the model, and more.
Thanks, Sidz for whatever you are doing. Gratitude! The knowledge you give is represented my the mental models you create for the new world of learning.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Excellent notes taken!
Right content at the right time Sidz!!
Q.) Why is cohort based learning important?
A.) The Gamification or cohort based courses and setup is a very essential part of the whole coaching and training where we get the required push and let go of resistance as we know that there is something tangible to achieve at the end of this game!
And not to mention, it also increases the course completion rate as well as the success rate, while having fun! π
THe 6 steps to a successful gamification:
1. Name for the challenge: Anything that ends with the suffix-> [____-a-thon] can be the challenge name. I have named my challenge- REORG-A-THON
2. Design the challenges as MISSIONS: Decide the time duration( 30 days if starting). Decide what mission they are going to accomplish each week based on the end goal in mind. Design the Assignments they need to complete before moving on to the next week’s mission. Assignment would be to send them back to the pre-recorded courses. So teach people live, go a little deep with experience and ask people to complete the course related to it.
3. Get people into teams: In the first session, put a google form and ask for people’s name and which city they are from. Ask them to fill in live if they are 100% committed to complete the tasks and showing up for all the missions and make the teams live in front of them. Sort them in group of 5 or 10 based on their city and allocate the names then and there(ask for name recommendations). Set the accountability system- Tell their team name, tell the purpose of the group- to complete the whole hackathon and push each other. No self promotion, no pitching self products or services. Only focus- Complete the hackathon.
4. Plan for incentives/ reward and recognition on completion of hackathon and feel accomplished:
Sidz rewards-
a. Certificate
b. T-shirt
c. Rs. 2000 voucher
d. Felicitation in weekly inner circle calls
5. Define evaluation criteria: It should be activity based and not result based. Complete all the tasks over the time span (make it tough. It should not be easy to win) Make a world class step-by-step challenge so that people who come out successful from it are also truly world class in what they are learning.
6. Launch your hackathon and put it in your membership: Lead with this challenge and certification so that people know that they are getting into a very action oriented group of people and results will be achieved.
WHat it does:
1. accelerates the completion rate and the success rate
2. activates the community and inculcates bonding and collaboration between members
3. Gamified the whole thing to make it soo much fun
4. Actual learning and implementation done!
5. Accountability is higher
6. Gives people a sense of accomplishment and feel great about themselves.
Being Sidz student, I have experienced the power of gamification, won the Freedom Finisher Award and have known what wonders and actions it can make you take that you never thought you would be doing!
Thanks Sidz… ready to design my reorgathon this way!
HACKATHONS as Cohort based learning β live challenges for accelerating success rate of completion of courses.
Element of fun, reward and recognition and team based spirit π
1. Name for the Challenge
– Brandathon, Launchathon, Weight Loss Marathon, Growthathon
2. Design Mission
– Eg. 9 Diff Missions with specific duration (under 30 days initially)
Reverse Engineer Missions from end goals = 30-60-90 Day Challenge
3. Get People into Teams (city based)
β Names of Teams
– Accountability System
– Purpose of Group
4. Plan rewards and recognition
– T-shirts, vouchers, virtual felicitation
5. Define Evaluation criteria
– Keep it not so simple
6. Launch of Hackathon
-Leading with challenge
– Supplement with courses as bonuses
Thank you Siddharth
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Hackathons are important because :-
1. Come up with the name of your challenge.
2. Design the mission with assignments and Duration for your Challenge.
3. Get your people into Teams by letting everyone fill the Google Form.
4. Plan the Rewards for the people.
5. Define the Evaluation Criteria for the people.
6. Launch your Hackathon leading with Challenge and Give people a sense of accomplishment and feel great about themselves.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Hackathon a system-6 steps
Objective- is to increase the completion rates of the courses. Completion will lead them to result.
1 Naming- giving it a name rhyming with marathon- meaning it is a long run, not a sprint or a 200-meter dash. A challenge to complete it. Example- Hackathon, luncheon, Codethon
2. Time period- Like a 4okm, 100km marathon. It has to be a time period of 30, 60, or 90 days.
3. It would be a weekly event and named and numbered missions. And each hackathon would have a number of missions. One hackathon ends, the next hackathon starts. So, people join and continue till they complete it.
4 Formation of teams- all participants are made into teams. each comprising of 10 members, for that collecting their demographic data so as to group them conveniently on the basis of their proximity. Setting up an accountability system.
5. Creating a check list or condition to declare completion and declaring winners.
6Rewards and Recognition- Giving certificate based on activity and rewards on the basis of getting results/tasks.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Hackathon a system-6 steps
Objective- is to increase the completion rates of the courses. Completion will lead them to result.
1 Naming- giving it a name rhyming with marathon- meaning it is a long run, not a sprint or a 200-meter dash. A challenge to complete it. Examples- Hackathon, luncheon, healathon
2. Time period- Like a 4okm, 100km marathon. It has to be a time period of 30, 60, or 90 days.
3. It would be a weekly event and named and numbered missions. And each hackathon would have a number of missions. One hackathon ends, the next hackathon starts. So, people join and continue till they complete it.
4 Formation of teams- all participants are made into teams. each comprising 10 members, for that, collecting their demographic data so as to group them conveniently on the basis of their proximity. Setting up an accountability system.
5. Creating a checklist or condition to declare completion and declaring winners.
6 Rewards and Recognition- Giving certificates based on activity and rewards on the basis of getting results/tasks.