If you've been looking for a clear-cut path on how to find your passion and then turn that into a profitable business, this is the podcast for you. Listen fully!

In this podcast, you will learn the following:

9 ways to find your true passion following the inner and outer path
Top 10 biggest mistakes people do before starting a business
What if your passion is not monetizable? 
How to create a simple yet effective business plan around your passion?
How to attract leads and sales for your passion project?
The best ways to make this sustainable and profitable.

Join My Paid Community

Please take notes and share your learnings below this post. 

I look forward to reading and replying to your comments.

The only way to save our next generation is to start now.

To your freedom,

siddharth rajsekar

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    41 replies to "How To Find Your Passion And Make It Into A Profitable Business During The Great Resignation"

    • Manjunath Karad

      My inner path
      1) Motivational speaking
      2) Voracious reader
      3) 100cr donation.
      4) Go to person
      5) life coaching
      6) My message is ” You are here for a purpose”
      7) Online business purely autopilot
      8) World need guidance
      9) Productivity Coach

    • Pramila Jain

      ✅ 9 ways to find your true passion following the inner and outer path.
      1. What you love doing
      2. What is your natural talent
      3. What is your bigger purpose?
      4. Experience
      5. Skills
      6. Message to the world
      7. Who do you want to become?
      8. What does the world really want
      9. What can you get paid for?

      ✅ Top 10 biggest mistakes people do before starting a business
      1. Not having a mentor
      2. Not following one mentor
      3. They do not invest in themselves
      4. Test Market the product – MVP – Minimum Viable product
      5. Do not know how to approach marketing
      6. Won’t be good at sales
      7. They do not know how to build virtual teams
      8. Not up-to-date with technology
      9. Proper financial discipline
      10. They have a big ego.

      ✅ What if your passion is not monetizable?
      If your passion doesn’t solve a problem then that’s a hobby.
      Passion, Problem
      Target a particular persona
      Potential in the market

      ✅ How to create a simple yet effective business plan around your passion?
      Step 1. Identify a problem
      Step 2. Dive and give a solution for th
      Step 3. Craft – 4 Stage Funnel – Lead magnet, Trip Wire, Core product, Profit Maximiser.
      Step 4. Launch your business

      ✅ How to attract leads and sales for your passion project?
      6 Step System to attract Leads and Sales
      1. Really good lead magnet – free webinar, free guides
      2. Build your influence – YouTube, Instagram,
      3. Build your Email List – Facebook ADS
      4. Nurture Your Leads
      5. Invite them to your webinar.
      6. Sell your products and services

      ✅ The best ways to make this sustainable and profitable.

      • Lokesh Babu

        1.Find ur niche
        2.Build your money machine
        3.Desine ur ur curriculum blueprint
        4.post vedio in YT,Inst,FB
        5.conduct free webinar,free guides
        6.sell ur product

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome Pramila !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.

    • Sunil Chaudhary

      Seems that is what we discussed precisely yesterday in Inner Circle.
      I am so passionate about the work that I keep innovating a lot.
      As a result, I have developed an awesome course called Fast Track Digital Marketing.
      I can record an awesome video within mins and can upload it online.
      Do the same thing again and again, this is the open secret to success.
      Sachin Tendulkar played and practiced cricket daily, Akshay Kumar practiced and played acting daily, and so on.
      my natural talent is coaching.
      I am here to help 100000 people.
      This world really needs pushing and I am here to give them what they need.

      I am helping New Digital Marketers make more money by spending less. Even experienced Digital Marketers can be benefitted.

      Lead Magnet
      Core Product
      Profit Maximizer

      Identify What problems are you going to solve

      Craft a 4 stage funnel

      How do you attract leads and sales
      Free Webinar
      Free Guide
      Create Strong Online Business Presence


      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

      passion-if not monetizable- how to find take appropriate stepwise actions:
      you never arrive, you always evolve
      1. what do you love doing?
      2. what is your natural talent at? from childhood
      3. What is your bigger purpose?
      4. What is more experienced in/
      5. What skills do you have?
      6. What is your message to the world?
      7. Who would you want to become?
      8. What does the world really want?
      9. What can you get paid for?
      • No mentor
      • Many mentors
      • Don’t invest in their growth- personal development
      • Don’t test the product at marketplace-MBP test marketing
      • NO marketing strategy- Make paid content, long-form content- short-form content
      • Wrong selling strategy- do plant a strong concept- pull strategy than push one.
      • Don’t build a team
      • Not up to date with Technology-
      • No proper finance management
      • Closed view of world & situation- limited mindset-egoistic

      5P check- passion-problem-persona-potential-payment

      1. What problem (AREA) do you want to solve- 7 areas -Business, career, health, relation, money, hobby-art & craft
      2. 4 stages funnel-lead magnet free gift pdf, low ticket trip wire- front end product low priced4999rs, implementation core product$1000, profit maximizer$2000,
      3. How to attract – 6steps
      • develop a good lead magnet -pdf, ebook, webinar, free consultation
      • building influence- post content in youtube-2/wk, facebook 2/3 post, Instagram 1/day- CTA-register for free lead magnet/ free webinar
      • email list grow
      • nurturing them with high value-sending email
      • webinar-1/wk- 3E-educate, engage, set expectations
      • sell-perfect sale pitch
      • build an Email list and nurture & scale- do 1/ 2 webinar/wk
      Earn with freedom is the concept.

    • Karthikeyan S R


      1. What you really love doing?
      2.What is your natural talent?
      3.What is your biggest purpose?
      4.What is your experience?
      5.What is your hands-on skills?
      6.What is you message to the world?
      7.who do you want to become?

      8.What does the world really want?
      9.What can you get paid for?

      If all the above 9 questions were answered with clarity , then that will be the STARTING POINT to convert it into a business


      1.Not having a mentor
      2.Not following one mentor & one system
      3.Not investing in personal development
      4.Not testing the product in the marketplace
      5.Do not knowing how to approach marketing
      6.Not good at sales
      7.Do not know how to build a virtual team
      8.Not updating with technology and not adapting to changes
      9.Poor financial management
      10.Narrow minded mindset ( doctor frog mindset)


      Your passion need to align with 5Ps

      5P PROCESS
      1. Passion About Your Course( it Should resonate with your soul)
      2. Problem – ( Your Passion should solve a Problem)
      3. Persona – ( It Should Solve a Problem Specific to a Personas)
      Do LASER FOCUS in it
      4. Potential –There should be potential in the Market.
      5. Payment – See whether Market is Willing to Pay



      STEP 1 – Identify the problem you want to solve

      STEP 2 – Deep Dive into developing solutions to the problem for specific target market

      STEP 3 – Craft a 4 Stage Funnel
      a. lead magnet
      b. tripwire
      c. core product
      d. profit maximiser


      1. Build a really good attractive lead magnet
      2.Build your influence in youtube, instagram and facebook
      3.Start building your email list
      4.Nurture those leads & build a relationship with them
      5.Invite them to webinar on weekly basis. ( Educate , Engage and set the Expectations)
      6.Sel your products and services.

      Thank you.

    • Rita Behl

      ????????????Thanks sir, for the awesome crystal clear knowledge showered.????‍♀️

    • Sumesh Chhabria

      1. Find the Solution for our particular

      2. Identifying the problem we have to

      3. Four Stage Funnel – Lead Magnet,
      Free Gift, Free Ebooks and Low ticket
      Trip Wire.Attracting Sales by
      designing Lead

      4. Add Value by Posting 2 Videos on
      YouTube, Facebook and Instagram

      5. Build Email List and Post two videos.
      Conduct free Webinar and only then
      Sell your Products and Services

    • Shweta P

      What a mind-blowing podcast. Sidharth you have summed up your learning so well in this podcast. I am truly short of words. It’s a perfect bundle of course given in one talk. Despite your health issue you have conveyed the message with utmost clarity and I have tried to sum it up for every reader to understand the depth of your words. Concise notes for the podcast are given below and it was a great recap for me. Honestly speaking I listen to your podcasts mostly more than twice because every time I listen to them, they give me more clarity and even better ideas to cover up the gaps in my work. #ILHDEEPLEARNERS is an amazing platform to revise our work and understand the power of being a part of your community.

      You never arrive, You Evolve

      There’s no one Eureka moment…. there are many.
      9 question to ask yourself to find out your True Passion
      1.What do you love doing?
      2.What is your natural talent?
      3.What is your bigger purpose?
      4.What are you more experienced in?
      5.What are your major skills?
      6.What is your message to the world? (clear and concise)
      7.Who do you want to become?
      8.What does world wants from you?what can you solve for the world?
      9.what can you get paid for?

      10 biggest mistakes people make
      1.Not having a Mentor
      2.Not following one mentor.
      3.Not investing in yourself.
      4.Test before you launch. reality check/MPV
      5.Do not know to approach market
      6.Art of sales
      7.Not having competent team
      8.Be Updated with Technology/time
      9.No proper Financial Descipline (T-TAX W-wealth C -Charity G -General O-Operation)TWCGO
      10.Doctor Frog phylosophy.

      4 P’s
      If you are not solving any problem then it’s not a passion rather just a Hobby
      Target a Persona (Target audience is important)
      Identify Potential in the market
      Get be Paid for it

      How do you create a business plan around your passion?
      1.Identify the Problem you want to solve
      2.Clarity on solving the problem/ Clear solution to the problem
      3.Craft a 4 stage funnel (lead magnet / trip wire / core product / profit maximiser)

      How do you attract leads for your business/passion

      1.design a real good lead magnet
      2.Build your influence on social media
      3.Build your email list
      4.Nurture your email list (engage them)
      5.Invite them to your webinar – EEE (Educate/Engage/Expectation set up)
      6.Sell your program

      Thank you for being so amazing. Keep shinning. God bless you.

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily #sidz #warriors

    • Krishnan A


    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      How to find your passion and turn it into business….

      1.how to find true passion
      3.what if your passion is not monitizational
      4.how to attract leads and sales

      Inner path :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

      1.What do you really love doing?? You don’t feel bored doing it ?

      2.Natural talent you have??

      3.Bigger purpose ??

      4.what are you really experience in ??

      5.what are you really skilled in ??

      6.what is your message to the world ??

      7.who do you want to become ??

      Outer path::::::::::::::

      1. What world really need??

      2. What you can get paid for ???

      second part :::::::::Ten biggest mistake people make before starting passion business ::::::::::::::::

      1. Do not have mentor….

      2. Following to many mentor …. Not following one mentor

      3. Do not invest in themselves …self growth investment…. Investment in learning ….

      4..do not test their product in market place …. Test marketing

      5.do not have strategy … Not having right approach towards marketing

      6.not good at sales

      7.do not know how to build virtual team .

      8. Not up to date to tools and technology …

      9.No proper financial discipline ..in sidz terms TWCGO

      10.not open to learning new things …

      Third part:::::::
      If your passion does not solve problem its just a hobby ….

      You got to target micro market and persona ….
      and got to get paid for doing that …

      Forth part::::::;;;;;

      Step 1 ..identify what problem you want to solve ..
      Step2 … Deep down to develop a solution…. a system
      Step 3…. Offer your product …have lead magnet have trip wire and core product and profit maximizer ….. 4 stage business funnel..

      Last part:::;;;;;

      Step 1 …design a really good lead magnet … Free webinar …..PDF ….
      Step2..build influence through YT INSTA FB
      Step3.start building your email list
      Step4 .start nurturing your emails list with valuable content
      Step5 .start inviting them for your webinar
      Step6 . and offer ..sell your product ….

      Thankyou so much …

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome Meenu !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.

    • Ramkumar


      1. What you really love doing?
      2.What is your natural talent?
      3.What is your biggest purpose?
      4.What is your experience?
      5.What is your hands-on skills?
      6.What is you message to the world?
      7.who do you want to become?

      8.What does the world really want?
      9.What can you get paid for?

      If all 9 questions answered with clarity , then that will be the STARTING POINT to convert it into a business.

      Ten biggest mistake people make before starting passion business.

      1. Not Having the have mentor….

      2. Not following one mentor

      3. Do not invest in themselves …self growth investment…. Investment in learning ….

      4..do not test their product in market place …. Test marketing

      5.do not have strategy … Not having right approach towards marketing

      6.not good at sales

      7.do not know how to build virtual team .

      8. Not up to date to tools and technology …

      9.No proper financial discipline ..in sidz terms TWCGO

      10.not open to learning new things.

      4P Formula

      If your passion doesn’t solve a problem then that’s a hobby.
      Passion, Problem
      Target a particular persona
      Potential in the market

      Step 1 identify what problem you want to solve
      Step2 Deep down to develop a solution. a system
      Step 3 Offer your product. have lead magnet have trip wire and core product and profit maximizer.4 stage business funnel.

      Last part

      To Attract leads

      Step 1 design a really good lead magnet … Free webinar PDF
      Step2 build influence through YT INSTA FB
      Step3 start building your email list
      Step4 start nurturing your emails list with valuable content
      Step5 start inviting them for your webinar
      Step6 offer sell your product

      Thank you…!!! More power to you…!!!????

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Thanks a ton, Ramkumar! The key is to keep growing through the journey.

    • Madhusudhan.P

      How to find your Passion and make it into a Profitable Business During the Great Resignation

      I. 9 ways to find your true passion following the inner and outer path

      “You never arrive you always evolve”

      9 questions to find what your true passion is
      2 are outer path and 7 are inner path

      1. What do you really love doing?
      2. What is the natural talent that you have which others don’t have (that will give you an unfair advantage)
      3. What is your bigger purpose? Siddharths purpose:Promote the golden age and create a new world where people are aligned and living their lives with lot of fulfillment in terms of money, finance and health and for that to happen we need to redefine the whole education and employment system for that to happen I need to create more digital teachers
      4. What are you really experienced in (more than others)
      What are you really skilled in (hands on) Siddharth: recording podcast, audio video editing, content creation
      5. What is your message to the world (clear and concise message) Siddharth: Never let schooling interfere with your education, means be a life long learner
      6. Who do you want to become

      7. What does the world really want (that you can provide solution for)
      8. What can you get paid for
      When you have clear and concise answers for these questions that would be the starting point for you to convert that into a business

      II. Top 10 biggest mistakes people do before starting a business

      1. Not having a mentor (fastest way to succeed is to look at successful people and model them
      2. Not following one mentor
      3. Not investing in yourself (best investment self growth. Formal education will make you a living Self education will make you a fortune
      4. Not testing market (launch in a small way with a MVP minimum viable product and get market feedback before going big)
      5. Don’t know how to approach marketing (build paid program, long form content like podcast and videos, then to Instagram and create short form content)
      6. Not good at sales ( Incorrect approach to marketing – will not attract right leads – eventually not the right customers)
      Selling is not about asking for money but planting an idea or a concept in your customer where they feel they want to come and buy your product
      7. Not knowing how to build a virtual team
      8. Not up to date with technology
      9. Not having proper financial discipline both personal and business
      10. Not open to learning new things and very narrow minded

      III. What if your passion is not monetizable?

      If your passion does not solve a problem then it is a Hobby
      1. Passion should solve a problem
      2. Target a particular persona – micro market
      3. There is a potential in the market and you should be able to get paid

      IV How to create a simple yet effective business plan around your passion?

      What problem are you trying to solve
      1) Business
      2) Career
      3) Health
      4) Money
      5) Relationship
      6) Creativity

      Deep dive and develop a solution to the problem
      Siddharth:Helping people experts to solve their money problem by helping them plan, launch and grow a successful digital coaching in 90 days

      Craft a 4 stage funnel
      1) Lead Magnet ( to attract leads – free webinar, free ebook)
      2) Trip wire (low ticket front end product somewhere between $100 – 200)
      3) Core product (Main product, implementation program or service delivery, consulting where you charge above 50k
      4) Profit Maximiser >$2000

      V How to attract leads and sales for your passion project?

      1. Design a good lead magnet (pdf,ebook,webinar, free consultation)
      2. Build influence on Instagram 1/day, Youtube 2/week, FB 2/day, add valuable content and at the end invite to the webinar
      3. Build email list
      4. Nurture the leads (send high value content, ask questions and engage build relationship and thus they will be warmed up and preframed)
      5. Invite to the webinar on weekly basis
      2)engage (through comments, giveaways etc)
      3)set expectation (on what does it take to continue with you on the journey)
      6. Sell your product

      #ILH DeepLearner

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome, Great Insights! ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.

    • Sanjeev Sethi


      Thanks Siddarth for making very informative podcast it’s very useful for those who want to achieve the success in Digital coaching, the biggest takeaway from this podcast are:-
      Go thru with 9 questions and answers with your self while build a business around ur passion
      10 biggest mistakes are very useful alert for all
      Build business with 4Ps
      6 steps for getting sales and generating leads
      Including 3 major E of conducting a webinar
      I this it’s a complete guide for start the set-up of ur own digital coaching business

      Thanks Siddharth onec again, proud to be a part of ILH community

    • Poonam Patel

      Awesome as always. Everyone has summed it up so beautifully so will just summarize my learnings:
      The 9 questions to ask yourself to identify your passion
      The 10 biggest mistakes people make when setting up their business
      The reasons to make your passion monetizable.
      How to create a business plan around your passion.

    • Renuka S.

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      9 questions to ask yourself . ..

      7 are inner path
      2 are outter path

      Whatdo you really Love Doing? Where you don’t get bored at all . Like in job sometimes we go to work just for the sake of earning and somewhere internally actually not happy?

      What is the natural talent or ability you have but others don’t have or where you have unfair advantage over others since your childhood?

      What is your bigger purpose? It’s a way bigger than you .Some have while some are seeking for ?

      Everyone is Unique in their own Talent.
      Because each one posses a unique ratina and thumbprint. There is a purpose of all. But if you want to serve other people for their better prospects Only then one can reach there.

      Golden era can be bought into this world when each person Achieve Success to live a life of fulfillment with least difference in terms of Wealth, which enhances health,relationship and other areas of life in long run.

      Though there are many ways , one of which is
      to redefine the whole education and employment systems by catering to the society with more and more digital teachers which is actually the need of the hour.
      The year 2019 and 2020 has become a part of our history. In this scenario Digital Learning and Teaching has become vital in our Lives.
      Schools , Colleges and the entire education system were pressurized to go through digital Learning. We as humans have high potential to adapt to Change When required.
      And hence Golden age .

      What are you really experienced in Where you have more experience than others?
      One should acquire the skills required so that they become expert in their passion area.

      What is your message to your world
      Do you have clear and concise message to the world?

      Who do you wnat to become? when u connect youself to back dots, one.can become Analyser by connecting back dot.

      So these are 7 inner questions to be asked ?
      What do you Love
      What are you naturally tallented at
      What is your bigger purpose
      What do you experienced in
      What Skills that you have which are you really good at .
      What is your message to the world
      Who do you wnat to become

      Next is 2 outter path questions to be asked
      Outter path
      What does the world really want
      What can you get paid for

      Which is Similar to ikigai concept
      You need to be passion about something
      You need to Love that
      The world should need for it and
      You should get paid for it.

      After getting answers to these 9 questions
      One can find true passion and get clarity at first level. Inner path is very important bcoz it’s all about 80% mindset and 20% the rest work.

      Second Level
      10 biggest mistakes that people make before starting their business.

      1) Not having the mentor
      In order to save time and efforts one should have a right mentor to guide through the path of Learning as the person have already gone through that same path earlier , he knows all the in and outs of the journey so instead of wasting time in reinventing the wheel again
      Just follow mentor who have already achieved success and to model him by adding our own flavour or taste which again has to be aligned to one’s life experiences bcoz only then will there be a deep connection and grounded to the purpose .
      The fastest way to reach sucess is to look at the sucessful people and to model them not copy them .

      2. Not following one mentor
      Some people want to do everything on their own. Making themselves feel that they are experts than any other.
      While others on the other end, people get confused as to which mentor should they follow as they get enrolled in many courses, following different people and not really following one system of implementation

      That’s why it’s advisable to Complete surrender to one mentor and one system and taking it to the finish line before trying to go and look at the other things. If you have 2 or 3 mentors in the same type of course then you need to check if the Mindset, message and the methodology of operations does not mismatch to these mentors and there should be ????% congruence of mentorship in all of them.

      3. They do not invest in themselves.
      It doesn’t mean buying a car or bike but investing in your personal growth . Bcoz you are the biggest Asset of your businessnthan any other materials things like stok market, crypto currency real estate or any other.
      Jim rohn says formal education will make you a living but self education will make you a fortune. Self investment will not only help to grow but also leads to Earnings.

      4. They don’t test Market before they are going to start a business. Most importantly

      do a lot of planning especially in iit guys where they are developing their products .. they are so much into their product that do not test that product into their market place
      And end up spending time money energy resources developing a product for which the market is not receptive for.

      So it’s very important that befor you go and launch a product actually, one need to get the real feedback and understand what s your target audience choice or where exactly they need your product or service to solve their problem. . As your product or service will be feeding the hungry market… making the sales to happen automatically .
      Market test is important in the initial stage of launch.

      5. They do not know how to approach marketing.
      One should first build their paid programs and then build long form content like this video and podcasts. After that you go for short form videos like instagram

      Right Market Right Leads Right Customer
      Selling is the science. Hence you should learn this art. Eg. Stev Jobs is a very good sles person to sell his id3s and concepts to the world.

      They do not know how to build virtual teams.
      In today’s secanrio Building virtual teams has gained a lots of importance specially after covid 19

      A lot of people are not upto date technology.
      By applying old Principles and Strategies one should use same and build Business online.
      Adaptability quotient is important to scale up and for fast forward movement

      9.people fail at proper Finance management at personal level as well s at Business level
      Personal decipline while handling finance using formula called TWCGO
      Whatever money you earn should be divided into 5 categories.
      T .. Tax
      W .. wealth
      C .. Charity
      G .. General
      O .. Operations

      They have a big EGO and are limited to narrow mind by not a allowing them to learning new things from other places. Their ego leads them to ignorance.

      These are the 10 mistakes that people make are before starting a business :

      1. They do not have a mentor.
      2. They are not following one mentor.

      3. They do not test Market
      4. They are not investing in themselves.
      5. They do not know how to approach marketing.

      6. They are not good at sales
      7. They do not know how to build virtual teams.
      8. They are not upto date technology.
      9. They do not have proper financial Disciplined.
      10. They have a big EGO.

      Thank You Siddharth for these insights

    • Inder Jeet Singh ubhi

      My takes away from this podcast
      Everyone is unique in their own talent. Because each one posses a unique ratina and thumbprint. There is purpose of all. But if you want to serve other people for their better prospects only then one can reach there .
      Golden era can be brought into this world when each person achieve success to live a life of fulfillment with least difference in terms of wealth which enhance health, relationship and other area’s of life in long run. Through there are many ways one of which is to redefine the whole education system by catering to the society with more and more digital teachers which actually need of the hour. The year 2019,2020,2021 has become a part of our history. In this scenario digital learning and teaching has become vital in our lives, schools. College and other education institution and the entire education system were pressurized to go through digital learning. We as human have high potential to adopt to change when required and have golden age.
      9 ways to find your true passion following inner and outer path
      What you love doing
      What is your natural talent
      What is your bigger purpose
      Message to the world
      Who you want to become
      What does the world really want
      What can you get paid for
      If all the above ways answered with clearty then that will be the starting point to convert it into a business
      Mistakes people do before starting a business
      Not having mentor
      Not following mentor and one system
      They don’t invest in themselves for development ( best investment in self growth. Formal education will make you living. Self education will make you future)
      Test market the product – Minimum viable product. ( one get the market feedback before going big)
      Don’t know how to approach market ( Build paid programs, long and short form content)
      Won’t be good at sales ( Incorrect approach to marketing will not attract right leafs eventually not the right customer)
      They don’t know how to build virtual team
      Not up to date with technology
      Not having proper financial dispiline in both personal and business
      They have big ego

      Your passion needs to Aline with 5 P
      Passion about your course ( it should resonate with your goal)
      Problems ( your passion should solve a problem)
      Persona ( it should solve a problem specific to a persona)
      Potential There should be potential in the market
      Payment See whether market is willing to pay

      What if your passion is not negotiable
      If your passion doesn’t solve a problem then that’s a hobby.
      Passion Problem
      Target a poo articular persona potential in the market

      How to create a simple yet effective business plan around your passion
      Identify the problem you want to solve
      Drive and give solution for the problem
      Craft four stage funnel
      Lead magnet, tripwire, core product, profit maximiser
      Lunch your business

      How to attract leafs and sales for your passion projects
      Six steps system to attracts leafs and sales
      Really good lead magnet free webinar and guides
      Build your influence YouTube, instagram
      Build your e mail list facebook ads
      Nurture your leads
      Invite them to your webinar on weekly basis (educate, engage, set the election)

      Tips for passion into a business

      Even if you are happy at your jobs, chances are good you have passion and hobbies outside of the 9 to 5 job and spending time on these projects may give you a sense of purpose and satisfication. You don’t always find at work. But what if you’ve always wanted to turn your passion into something more and have never been able to make a leap?
      Turning a passion into a business isn’t something you can easily accomplish without taking certain steps to set yourself up for success. That’s why we turned to real life business to share their experiences.
      Do your research
      The number of things you need to know when launching a new business can been overwhelming, which is why it’s helpful to do your research and seek the opportunities to learn from others.
      Before launching the business learned everything about starting a business. If you just find the right people, reach out and ask the questions and actually take advice it can change the scope of your business
      Build your online presence
      These days having your own website is essential for any kind of business. It not only help you share who you are and what you are offering, but it can also help build trust around your brand and from a more tactics. Website can make it easier to actually run your company.
      It legitirrizes us to have a website. We can brand ourselves and allow people to visit and contact directly with us. Providing them more experience as well.
      To create a website you can help someone who is well experience in it. The person or the agency should user’s friendly and intuitive and they’re always adding features that let people like us build gorgeous and compelling website. It just makes everything look Cont..

    • Inder Jeet Singh ubhi

      Cont from previous
      It just makes everything look better and clearer and help build trust .Make a landing page that could be discoverable on Google.

      Test the waters

      Whatever your passions is it’s best to start a small to see what kind of interest you’ll get from customers ( even if you’re just testing out on idea on friends and family at first) .It was like a case study

      Make a plan

      Whether it’s a check list or a formal business plan. You must something written down that can help you stay organized and focus on the most important tasks. Of took about a month of me making it everyday to get it to where it needed to be.
      We should also spent time going over budget and product pricing to ensure we would able to make profit soon after launching. For this you can help from someone who was an actuary for help. Not only did he confirm that what I had written out was good and that business would become profitable, but he also give me confidence to go out and sell

      Understand the finance

      While profitability is an incredibly important. Piece of puzzle you will also want to think about how you are going to find your small business. There are different approaches you can take such as raiding capital, taking out a loan, opening it’s credit card or dipping into your own saving ( or some combination) No matter what you choose you need to be realistic about your financial situation the get go.

      Think long term

      If you are trying to get your own business up and running. You will have plenty to keep you busy day to day, but don’t forget to take a step back and look at the big picture. You may find there are measured steps you can take today that will help you succeed in the future.

      Don’t be afraid to ask for help

      Part of thrill of starting your own business is that it is 100 % Your Own. But if you are on a path leading towards growth, there will come a time when you may have to count someone else’s help.
      While it may cost you to bring in outside help, think of it as an investment in your company’s future. As we continue to grow we need to see how we can leverage other professionals in this space to help us run a really great company.
      There us no question that owing a small business is hard work, but the effort can really pay off. We are having a lot of fun doing this.

      Fund the fault lives surrounding your passion.
      Look at the holes or things that could be done better within the industry. From there think about how you can create something sustainable

      Become an expert on your industry as well as all aspects of doing business

      Bring those you are trying to support into the conversion

      You must understand their preference, problems and need as well as the best ways you can help them. Find ways to open channels of communication with further customers so that you involved them in your thinking and actions.

      Break down your big goal into manageable chuks

      When turning passion into profit keep goals small and adorable. Break down over arching goal into small actionable chunks. Think about items that you can set out and achive immediately

      #ILH family
      #ILH deep learner
      #you can coach
      #Siddarthraj shekhar

    • Akhtar Ansari

      What a lovely info, here is my take away :








      You never arrive , you always evolve …

      9 Question to find your passion

      Inner path question:

      1. What do I really love doing?

      2. What’s your natural talent ?

      3. What’s your bigger purpose?
      (Sidz case – promote the golden age and bring about golden age in the path)

      4. What are you really experienced in ?

      5. What are you really skilled in ?

      6. What is your message to the world?
      (SIdz case- never let schooling interfere your education )

      7. Who do you want to become? (Sidz case- lean and mean company)

      Outer path question:
      8. What does the world really want there for which you can solve the problem?

      9. What can you get paid for ?


      1. They do not have a mentor (fastest way to succeed is look at the successful people and model them not copy)

      2. They do not follow one mentor ( Follow one system, one mentor implement and take into the finish line before jumping to any other)

      3. They do not invest in themselves ( Formal education will make you living but self education will make you fortune, earning come after learning)

      4. They do not test market (Test product and concept before launching it big time, MVP is the best choice)

      5. They do not know how to approach marketing ( Smart way is first build your paid prog, then long form in depth content , then IG for short form content and engagement ….)

      6. They are not good at sales ( Art of selling need to practice , most influential entrepreneurs are good at sell , pro selling is not about asking money it’s like pull strategy – Steev Jobs, always plant his concept and idea in his audience mind so they feel they want to buy your product)

      7. The do not know how to build virtual team

      8. The are not update with technologies

      9. They do not have pepper financial discipline ( TWCGO- Tax Wealth Charity General Operations)
      They are in the mindset of doctor frog ( Narrow Minded mindset , full of ego, they think they are ultimate)


      > If your passion doesn’t solve any problem it’s only your hobby

      > Eg. you may love cooking or may solve problem to market place by cooking skills, by launching your YTB channel and teach people about different cushine

      > 5 P’s ( Passion-Problem-Persona-Potential-Paid Alignment) , meaning your passion solves a problem targeting a particular persona , and there is potential in the market and you can get paid , only then you can become profitable


      Three things to focus:

      1. Identify the problem you want to solve ( Career , Health, Money, Relationship, Creativity)

      2. Deep dive into developing solution to solve the problem ( Sidz case- Helping people, expert, teachers to solve their money problem by helping them plan, launch and grow a successful digital coaching business within 90 days: Problem- Money, Solution- Digital Coaching, Target AUdience – Experts)

      3. Craft a 4 Stage Funnel (Lead Magnets, Tripwire, Core Product, Profit Maximizer)


      1. Design a powerful lead magnet ( pdf, webinar, free guide, 1-o-1)

      2. Build your influence in YTB, FB , IG ( YTB- 2 videos a week, IG- 1 post a day, FB- 2 post a day add value and and tell people to take action for free download or webinar registration)

      3. Build your email list

      4. Nurture your email list ( High value content, asking them question , imagining and build relationship ship to them, this way they will be warmed up and pre framed for your webinar )

      5. Invite them to a webinar weekly basis [do three things – 3Es Educate (90 min), Engage (comment, poll , ques, Guide), Expectation(what it really take to continue the journey with you)….then offer the solution]

      6. Sell your product and services in the weekly webinar (perfect sales pitch, focus on doing 1-2 webinar, rest of the days keep building your influence, and building your email list fb ads, google ads )


    • Nisha

      the biggest take away for me is not having one MENTOR. I really get confused following different mentors. Thank you for sharing this Sidz

    • Janardan Kar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      1. IT IS A JOURNEY without a destination (changes with journey). It is the journey of Transformation. Without self-transformation, it is well-nigh impossible to transform others.
      2. It is about having a Passion to solve a Problem for a target Persona and has the Potential in the market to be Paid.
      3. How to extract the passion area – by asking valid questions and introspecting to get the correct answers. Starting with inner space to the outer space:
      What do you love doing?
      What are you good at?
      What is your natural talent?
      What are your areas of experience?
      What skills are you good at?
      What conscious message do you want to pass to the world?
      Who do you want to become?
      What is the market in need?
      What could you be paid for?
      Having locating the passion is the first thing.
      Mistakes people make and to be best avoided.
      1. Not to have a mentor, who is also an implementor.
      2. To have many mentors, leads to confusion.
      3. Don’t invest in self-education/ development. Formal education could make you knowledgeable. self-education makes one confident entrepreneur.
      4. Doing enough planning and development of products, but not testing it in the market.
      5. Not having a strategy of marketing. Paid product, long form contents, short form contents.
      6. Not having selling skill. Selling is the highest paid profession.
      7. Not having the skill of forming teams. Smart working-delegating, outsourcing, automating.
      8. Not having the ability to adapt to the present market condition. Needs, technology, etc.
      9. Not having Financial Discipline, both personal and business-TWCGO System.
      10. Having a fixed and narrow outlook or mindset. Having a false ego of knowing everything.
      The Process is 6 steps-Lead Magnet-Low ticket Tripwire-Mid ticket Core Product-High ticket Profit Maximiser.

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