If you are not innovating yourself and your business, you will stagnate. In this podcast, I share five principles for reinventing myself in digital coaching!
If you want to get on the fast track, get certified as a diamond member.
My Secret Of Innovating In Business
Do you want to know how I keep innovating continuously in my business? Because I believe that if you don't innovate, you won't be able to sustain a business, and you must have heard of the phrase "innovate or die." So the only way to thrive in a knowledge-based industry is to keep redefining yourself. Let's delve into it.
Business revolves around innovation. If you're not continually reinventing yourself, your products, your approach, or enhancing the customer experience, there will come a time when someone else takes your place. In this particular podcast, I'll break down how I approach reinvention, focusing on five different stages or ideas. Whether you're new to coaching or the knowledge industry or have been in business for a long time, these pointers will help you stay ahead of the curve. Even during moments when you feel out of control, lose your mojo, or encounter setbacks despite your efforts, these five ideas will help you bounce back and achieve results more quickly. So, take thorough notes, and let's begin.
When it comes to innovation, I believe it's about doing something different from others in the market, something that the market perceives as valuable. Consider major companies like Apple, which have consistently innovated from the start by launching new products, employing robust marketing strategies, and continually improving their products. They've been a significant source of inspiration for me.
At the core of innovation lies intention. You cannot build a sustainable business unless your intentions are centered around ensuring everyone wins. If your intention is to prioritize your customers' success first, followed by your partners' and then your own (the win-win-win model), innovation becomes intrinsic. Without these core intentions, even with various ideas, there will be a limited lifecycle to your efforts. Examining enduring companies and cultures globally, such as Nike, offers valuable insights. Despite the influx of numerous shoe brands and competitors over time, Nike's enduring success can be attributed to their unwavering commitment to their core values. Their brand intentions are clear: they consistently aim for athletes' success and ensure that all organizational decisions prioritize the end-users' benefit.
And because of that, the kind of brand loyalty that was built over the years, you know, has taken that particular brand to a whole different level compared to many of the competing brands that came later on.
So the first thing is your intention now when it comes to a knowledge business. Why are you doing this? I mean, that's a big question. When you go deeper into this and probe yourself, are you doing this just to be ahead of others or are you doing this just to make more money than others? Are you making it solely about financial gain? Are you embarking on this journey just to outdo others and not seeking a meaningful impact? Or if you're feeling that fear of missing out,
when you have a root like that, then the fruits also over time will start to bear that way. What I mean by that is even the fruits that will bear from your business will have tinges of anxiety and fears, and everything you do to grow your business, all the decisions will revolve around that particular energy.
Now, when you look at the second way to innovate, it is to really examine the problems your market is facing and delve deep into studying these problems to understand their needs. Innovation only emerges from challenges because if something seems impossible or if somebody can't achieve a particular goal, those who continuously ponder and strategize will find ways to make it happen. In fact, looking back at my business in the last five years, there have been multiple innovations I've introduced in the digital coaching industry that are now commonplace. Innovations such as hackathons, inner circle calls, masterminds,
including high-ticket masterminds and community-oriented masterminds. There are various types of masterminds in the market, from tactical ones to more implementation-focused ones and community-driven ones. What I've essentially done is identify market gaps by understanding the problems and needs in the industry. It's beneficial to know both your own challenges and those of your customers through continuous feedback and reviews. These patterns allow you to develop innovative solutions.
So, the first critical point about innovation is that it must stem from the right intent for it to be sustainable. Second, innovation must address root-level problems that you and your customers face. This way, you can channel all your energy into creating something that benefits everyone involved. If your intent isn't in the right place, the solutions you offer will be quick fixes.
Now, let's explore the third aspect: how do I keep innovating my business? It's through connection. I maintain a strong connection with my customers and even with my quantum members. I currently have over 100 quantum members in my group, and I engage in one-on-one interactions with them. This allows me to understand what's happening in their businesses and personal lives.
And I also connect with my community twice every single week: on Tuesdays, I host community gatherings. I participate in hackathons on Thursdays. My inner circle call is scheduled for Mondays. I also engage in a leadership council call. Continuously, I run polls and surveys to gain insight into what's on their minds and what challenges they are facing. Notably, a significant portion of my community members are newcomers to the coaching world. Therefore, I'm introducing them to this realm and helping them catch up.
I'm delighted to share that due to the efforts I've put into bringing people on board, it has had a profound impact on the entire industry. I don't view anyone in this field as competition; instead, I see them as catalysts. Each person may excel in a particular skill, complementing one another. The key is to recognize our own strengths. In my case, my superpower is community building and fostering unity to drive a collective revolution and create meaningful change within the industry. This philosophy has been central to my business since its inception, thanks to the guidance of my mentors.
When you establish a human-to-human connection with your customers, even on a one-on-one level, you'll gain numerous innovative ideas. For instance, during a recent call with my first batch of quantum members, I received invaluable feedback. This feedback inspired a complete overhaul of a system I'm currently preparing to launch, one that promises to be a game changer. It will allow people to monitor their businesses at an unprecedented level, potentially evolving into a technology-based platform in the future.
I already have a technology platform, Polestar, for my diamond members, which has had a transformative impact on their habits and accountability, as evidenced by the stories of their life transformations on our https://blog.internetlifestylehub.com.
Likewise, I'm currently in the process of developing a brand-new platform focused on tracking business-related activities at a more granular level for my quantum members. The common thread here is that innovation thrives when connections are established.
Finally, the fourth approach to continuous innovation in your business involves staying attuned to evolving tactics in the market. Tactics change over time; what worked five years ago may not be effective today. It's crucial to stay informed about the latest tactics and select the ones that align with your business while addressing the problems you aim to solve for your tribe. Marketing, content, and sales tactics continue to evolve, with webinars, workshops, and various sales strategies gaining prominence alongside traditional methods like one-on-one and stage-based selling.
Overall, remaining adaptable and connected with your community and industry will empower you to choose the right tactics and continue to innovate successfully in your business.
The best way to maintain innovation is to continuously test and track your numbers. If something is trending downwards, even if your business is performing well overall, it's essential to identify when this pattern began and why the numbers are declining. You must act swiftly to reverse this trend. Additionally, consider the most up-to-date tactics necessary to remain competitive.
Staying ahead in the business world requires a willingness to learn and adapt to rapidly changing strategies. Even industry giants like Apple consistently innovate when it comes to their go-to-market approaches and product launches. They invest substantial time in research and analysis before launching products. Personally, I spend a significant amount of time on tactics.
One crucial aspect of my innovation strategy is taking time away from the business environment for at least 25 to 30 days each year. During this period, I turn inward, channeling higher energy and seeking inspiration. These moments of introspection allow for valuable insights. Detoxing from work and focusing on personal growth often yields fresh ideas, which can be applied to refresh and improve the business.
My routine includes an annual retreat lasting 25 days, located in a serene setting. It involves daily meditation sessions and brainstorming. I diligently record 3 to 6 new ideas each day, maintaining an ever-growing idea document. Not all these ideas are immediately actionable, but over time, they accumulate and provide a wellspring of potential innovations.
Once a year, I organize an event called "Reboot" where I overhaul all my systems. This event, held on July 3rd this year, featured a complete revamp of systems and the introduction of new products. Much like Apple's WWDC event, this initiative has proven to be a game changer for our community. After innovating and launching, I retreat, relax, and contemplate what's next.
In summary, my approach to innovation revolves around five key elements: a strong core intent, problem-solving, audience engagement through surveys and polls, staying informed about the latest industry tactics, and continuous testing and improvement of strategies.
Number five is that my best ideas come when I'm not at work. So it's very important, especially if you're in business, to stay on the cutting edge of innovation. Otherwise, you risk losing customers, and you'll find yourself in a position where customers seek alternatives. It's essential to understand that having a customer doesn't guarantee lifelong loyalty. Customers are always exploring new solutions for their needs. However, if you maintain the right intent and create a space for them, they'll return whenever they feel the need to reconnect with you.
In my observation over the last five years, people come and go. But as long as you stay on the cutting edge of innovation where the action is, people will stick around. The best part is that nothing beats delivering results for others when it comes to innovation. If you can assist others in achieving quick results and progress, it doesn't necessarily have to be about money. Even if they are making internal or external progress and feel a connection with you, it will help you retain customers for life.
I hope you found this podcast useful. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. If you're interested in staying at the forefront of innovation like I am and want to know what I'm up to, consider becoming a part of my Diamond Membership by visiting sidz.co/diamond. Attend my next Diamond Showcase and Certification to learn more about it.
If you're not already part of my community, I highly recommend visiting sidz.co/live and attending my next webinar. I would love to have you join our community.
Lastly, I want to express that you're awesome! Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on Apple and Spotify, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

122 replies to "How I Continuously Keep Innovating In My Business"
An eye-opener this podcast is Siddharth. The points about win-win-win for all, the problem-solving for the market, seeing competition as catalysts are what I have been practicing, so it is reinforcement.
The points about retreats, running polls & surveys & creating higher value for all, these are my takeaways from this podcast on Innovation. Thank you!
To be ahead of the curve in my business, I need to apply my learning.
Code of Innovation comes from 1. core intention. Customer experience first. Help the end user win.
I need to ask WHY am I doing this business. What is my customer missing out? What are the problems my learners are facing? Fill the gap
2. Root problems that I am facing and my learners are facing. Look for solutions.
3. Connect with your learners it helps you to create solutions for them. Connecting 121 or with your learners leads to innovation in the business. 4. Study the tactics in the market and work out tactics for your learners. 5. Unplug yourself and spend time looking inward to refresh yourself which leads to refreshing your business. Thanks Sidz.
In the pod cost Sidz shows the success mantra. Keep innovating keeping the core as adding value to your customer, partners and then building and nurturing the community. Learnt deep lessons from the summary, that is the five key element of his innovation are a strong core intent, problem-solving, audience engagement through surveys and polls, staying informed about the latest industry tactics, and continuous testing and improvement of strategies. Above all keeping the prime idea as problem solving of customers.
5 PRINCIPLES to REINVENT and BUILD a Sustainable Business
To help everybody win
first your customers
second your team and partners
third you
What problems your market is facing
Understanding what the needs are
Innovation only comes from Challenges
Continuous feedback and reviews from Customers
Start developing innovative solutions
Connect with your customers
Have regular polls, surveys
Look at the current age tactics going on in the market
Keep in mind the intention you began with
Sales Tactics
Marketing Tactics
Research and Analysis
Be in calm space and be away from Business for 10-15 Days
Go for a detox and retreat
Write Ideas – Maintain an idea Document
REBOOT – your systems once a year
Re-inventing myself, correcting my teaching style, adding values to people’s lives, and the most important is having the intention to help more and more people.
1- understanding the core of me
2-can I do something more to my community member.
3-we need to re-invent ourself
4-we have keep ourself updated with the industry.
5-Unplugging myself from the business being outside yourwork
6- Understanding the problems what I’m facing and my community facing
7- What are new tactics understand well and implement it
8-scale the business by getting the results for your community members.
9-Building and holding the community
10-Thank you so much for this wonderful podcast and sharing.
Thank you for this podcast, Siddharth! Loved every bit of it ❤️. Yes, innovation is important else we wil fade away! Some wonderful take aways were –
1. Go with a serving mindset and aim for a win win situation for your customers, ur business partners and yourself- in that particular order
2. Connect with your audiences; a business is never too big to ignore customer needs, requirements and challenges
3. Be aware of the happenings around you, in the market – Listen!
4. Reboot periodically
What is your intent ? What is your business value? Prioritize customers ,business partners and then yourself for a Win Win.
Market Research:
Study the market demand and supply gap..try to fulfill the gap and add value
Focus on building community and leverage the power of communities.
Stage based Vs Webinar based systems
Surveys and Polls.
Unplugging yourself from business for 20 to 30 for internal detox and gathering new ideas for business.
Keep ideas journal to pick and strategize
Reboot systems
1. Keep your intentions clear (WHY) and keep innovating always to serve longer to your customers
2. Priorities – Your customers, Your business partners and then You
3. Keep learning tactics and improve your ways to serve people better by solving their pain points.
4. Always keep yourself connected with the team / audience / customers – get inputs from them to understand them and their issues better.
5. Take breaks whenever needed – at least once a year – more ideas get generated when you are relaxing and rejuvenating yourself.
5 principles
1. Intention
2. Innovation
3.connection with community
4. Keep learning and improving
5. Unplug and connect to your source
So Inspirational
Continuous reinventing our-self is the key. Thank you! Sidz
In this podcast, Sidz emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation in business and shares five key strategies:
Start with the Right Intent: Innovation should be driven by a genuine intention to benefit customers and partners. The “win-win-win” model prioritizes customers’ and partners’ success, leading to sustainable innovation.
Solve Root-Level Problems: Innovations should address real challenges and needs within the industry. Understanding the problems your market faces and providing solutions is crucial.
Establish Human Connections: Maintaining strong connections with customers and community members allows for a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges, leading to innovative ideas.
Stay Informed About Industry Tactics: Keeping up with evolving tactics in the market and selecting the right ones for your business is essential for success.
Test and Track Continuously: Regularly monitoring and adjusting strategies based on performance metrics ensures that your business remains competitive and innovative.
Sidz also highlights the importance of taking time away from work for introspection and personal growth to fuel creativity and innovation. The ultimate goal is to provide value to customers, build loyalty, and retain customers for life.
How i manage my 80-20 work ethics?
Everytime you come up with new ideas , that itself shows that you’re a great innovator at your BIZ..
My takeaways/ insights on this are
1. Right intent will always helping you to stand out of the crowd in your BIZ ..
2. focussing on the problems of yourself and the users will keep innovating your BIZ through their feedbacks leads to find path for solutions..
3. Connections with the customers..
( 1:1, live,weekly, Where did they stuck )..if you keep working on it it will create trust and your customers won’t leave your BIZ.
4 . Tactics – follow Trending ones in the market..change your tactics of marketing like selling, upsacaling or webinar selling..it will help you to track your numbers ,where it goes up and down ..
5. UNPLUG yourself- refresh yourself..
Stop working for a month..detox yourself..Then you get plethora of ideas to innovate your BIZ..
Awesome things covered …
Intention: Prioritize the succeIn this captivating podcast, Sidz unravels the art of continuous innovation in business through five compelling strategies:
1. Start with the Right Intent: Sidz advocates a “win-win-win” approach, where the core intention is to create a triple-win scenario: customers win, partners win, and, consequently, you win. This altruistic motive drives sustainable innovation.
2. Solve Root-Level Problems: Sidz emphasizes that innovation should tackle genuine industry challenges and needs. By delving deep into the problems your market faces, you can provide effective, game-changing solutions.
3. Establish Human Connections: Building strong bonds with customers and community members fosters a profound understanding of their unique needs and struggles. These connections serve as a fertile ground for innovative ideas to flourish.
4. Stay Informed About Industry Tactics: Staying on top of the ever-evolving market tactics is a cornerstone of success. Sidz encourages businesses to adapt and choose strategies that align with their core values and goals.
5. Test and Track Continuously: Sidz underscores the importance of constant monitoring and adjustments based on performance metrics. This dynamic approach ensures your business remains agile, competitive, and consistently innovative.
Sidz also sheds light on the significance of stepping away from work periodically to engage in introspection and personal growth. This rejuvenating process fuels creativity and innovation, ultimately leading to a business that not only provides value but also cultivates customer loyalty for a lifetime. Tune in to discover how these strategies can transform your business into an innovation powerhouse.ss of customers, team, and partners to achieve your own success.
Understanding Problems: Identify market challenges, needs, and gather continuous feedback to innovate and develop solutions.
Connection: Stay connected with customers through regular surveys and polls to understand their evolving preferences.
Tactics: Employ sales, marketing, and research strategies aligned with your initial intention for the business.
Unplug Yourself: Take regular breaks, maintain an idea document, and perform an annual system reboot to stay refreshed and creative.
Start with the Right Intent: Innovation should be driven by a genuine intention to benefit customers and partners. The “win-win-win” model prioritizes customers’ and partners’ success, leading to sustainable innovation.
Solve Root-Level Problems: Innovations should address real challenges and needs within the industry. Understanding the problems your market faces and providing solutions is crucial.
Establish Human Connections: Maintaining strong connections with customers and community members allows for a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges, leading to innovative ideas.
Stay Informed About Industry Tactics: Keeping up with evolving tactics in the market and selecting the right ones for your business is essential for success.
Test and Track Continuously: Regularly monitoring and adjusting strategies based on performance metrics ensures that your business remains competitive and innovative.
Sidz also highlights the importance of taking time away from work for introspection and personal growth to fuel creativity and innovation. The ultimate goal is to provide value to customers, build loyalty, and retain customers for life.
1. Go with a serving mindset and aim for a win win situation for your customers, ur business partners and yourself- in that particular order
2. Connect with your audiences; a business is never too big to ignore customer needs, requirements and challenges
3. Be aware of the happenings around you, in the market – Listen!
4. Reboot periodically
To help everybody win
first your customers
second your team and partners
third you
What problems your market is facing
Understanding what the needs are
Innovation only comes from Challenges
Continuous feedback and reviews from Customers
Start developing innovative solutions
Connect with your customers
Have regular polls, surveys
Look at the current age tactics going on in the market
Keep in mind the intention you began with
Sales Tactics
Marketing Tactics
Research and Analysis
Be in calm space and be away from Business for 10-15 Days
Go for a detox and retreat
Write Ideas – Maintain an idea Document
REBOOT – your systems once a year
1. To know your clear why intention
2. Community first, client next and third you
3. Learn new things and serve better
4. Connect with clients and take feedback
5. Connect with nature and take a break from busy schedule
My Top 10 takeaways from the podcast are as below.
1. Continuous innovation is crucial for business sustainability, as the phrase “innovate or die” suggests.
2. The podcast outlines five stages or ideas for approaching reinvention in a knowledge-based industry.
3. Innovation should start with the right intent, prioritizing the success of customers and partners over financial gain.
4. Examining enduring companies like Nike highlights the importance of clear brand intentions.
5. Innovation should address root-level problems in the market by understanding customers’ needs.
6. Building strong connections with customers and engaging in one-on-one interactions can lead to innovative ideas.
7. Staying attuned to evolving tactics in the market and adapting to change is essential for business success.
8. Continuously testing and tracking business performance metrics is crucial for identifying and addressing issues promptly.
9. Taking time away from work for introspection and personal growth can lead to fresh ideas and innovations.
10. Staying on the cutting edge of innovation and delivering results for customers are keys to retaining loyalty and sustaining a business.
🙋♂️ Here are 27 key points to learn “How I Continuously Keep Innovating In My Business”:
1. Importance of continuous innovation in business.
2. The phrase “innovate or die” underscores the need for innovation.
3. Business success requires reinventing products and approaches.
4. Five stages or ideas for innovation in the knowledge industry.
5. Key role of intention in sustainable innovation.
6. Nike’s success attributed to clear core values.
7. The significance of understanding your intent in business.
8. The importance of addressing root-level problems for innovation.
9. The value of feedback and reviews in identifying market gaps.
10. Building a strong human-to-human connection with customers.
11. Engaging with customers to gain innovative ideas.
12. The impact of connecting with a community and industry.
13. Importance of staying informed about evolving market tactics.
14. Continuous testing and tracking of business performance.
15. Apple’s commitment to research and analysis in innovation.
16. Taking time away from work for personal growth and insights.
17. The annual 25-day retreat for meditation and brainstorming.
18. Recording and accumulating new ideas over time.
19. The “Reboot” event for system overhauls and product launches.
20. Five key elements of innovation: core intent, problem-solving, engagement, industry awareness, and testing.
21. The value of staying on the cutting edge of innovation.
22. Customer loyalty requires delivering results and progress.
23. The importance of creating a connection with customers.
24. The need to retain customers through innovation.
25. Inviting feedback and comments on the podcast.
26. Encouraging participation in the Diamond Membership.
27. Mention of the Diamond Showcase and Certification.
kiran kumar K U
Sidz’s podcast on continuous innovation in business is a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay competitive and thrive in the knowledge-based industry. In this concise review, I’ll highlight my key takeaways from the podcast:
– He highlights the importance of intention, with a focus on creating a win-win-win scenario for customers, partners, and the business itself.
– Addressing root-level problems and understanding customer needs is key to successful innovation.
– Sidz maintains a strong connection with customers and engages with the community for insights and innovative ideas.
– Staying informed about evolving market tactics and continuously testing and tracking performance are essential for staying competitive.
– He recommends taking time for introspection and personal growth to foster fresh ideas and innovation.
– The podcast outlines five key elements for continuous innovation: intention, problem-solving, audience engagement, industry awareness, and regular testing and improvement.
– Staying on the cutting edge of innovation is crucial for retaining customers and long-term success in business.
Mind blowing Sidz..In this podcast, you emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation in business and shares five key strategies:
Go with a serving mindset and aim for a win win situation for your customers
Going on in the market
Keep in mind the intention you began with
Be aware of the happenings around you, in the market – Listen
Continuous feedback and reviews from Customers Start developing innovative solutions
Study the tactics in the market and work out tactics for your learners
Amazing Share Sidz! 😇
I completely agree with your 5 ways of Innovation, and here are my ideas when it comes to Innovation in my digital business.
1. Using Virtual Reality environment coaching provides an immersive and engaging learning experience.🥳
2. Micro Gamification at the smallest steps makes learning fun and interactive, encouraging experts to stay engaged and committed.🤩
3. Global Partnership – Collaboration with global experts for inter-community learning 💻
👉 In this podcast, Sidz emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation in business and shares five key strategies that we should follow :
1. Keep your intentions clear (WHY) and keep innovating always to serve longer to your customers
2. Priorities – Your customers, Your business partners and then You
3. Keep learning tactics and improve your ways to serve people better by solving their pain points.
4. Always keep yourself connected with the team / audience / customers – get inputs from them to understand them and their issues better.
5. Take breaks whenever needed – at least once a year – more ideas get generated when you are relaxing and rejuvenating yourself.
🎉🎉 All the above points are clear and to the point
We must should follow above mentioned points
Amazing Share Sidz! 😇
Here are my ideas 💡 when it comes to Innovation in my digital business.
1. Using Virtual Reality environment coaching provides an immersive and engaging learning experience.🥳
2. Micro Gamification at the smallest steps makes learning fun and interactive, encouraging experts to stay engaged and committed.🤩
3. Global Partnership – Collaboration with global experts for inter-community learning 💻
Some of my key Learnings from the Podcast:
1 Innovation thrives when connections are made
2 Take time off to introspect yourself and your direction Vis a vis your Purpose and be open to thinking aloud to creative thoughts in your mind.
3. Listen to Customers, find root causes and find practical relevant solutions.
4. You should have the right intent.
5 Deliver Quick Results and Solutions and remain on the cutting edge of Innovation to win.
How I Continuously Keep Innovating In My Business
Innovate or die
Reinvent yourself
Key pointers:
Differentiations which adds value
1. Intention your big why. Roots leads to fruits
2. What problems the market is facing
innovation comes out of challenges
3. Innovation thru connections
4. Innovation thru current age tactics which is right fit
5. Innovation thru unplugging the routine
Keep innovating and keep serving your customers
Sidz, thanks for sharing this podcast as these golden nuggets always makes you think and introspect.
1) Your Intention for the Knowledge business – Its should be WIN-WIN-WIN for clients, partners & then you.
2) why are you doing this – what problem is the market facing. Innovation only comes out of challenges.
3) Know what your & customers problems are – you will be able to deliver solutions. Root levels problems need to be solved. WIN-WIN-WIN only if the intent is good & not just a quick buy.
4) connecting on a human-to-human level.
5) Marketing Tactics – Testing & tracking numbers. Research well. Learn & Adapt to these tactics.
If you are not reinventing your products , approach, then someone else will go ahead.
5 ideas:
1. What are you doing which is different from others that market sees value in you…?
Core of innovation is intention
Core intention should be to help everyone to win …customer first, partner second and you third…
E.g. Nike – They always wanted athletics to win.
Why are you doing this ?
Are you doing to make money or go ahead of others…?? Then fruits will bear in same way- tinges of anxiety, fear…
What problems market is facing, their needs… innovation comes out of challenges …
2. Root problems you are facing and your market is facing .
3. Connect with customers. You’ll get a lot of ideas to innovate .
What is your super power… ??
4. Looking at different tactics that work … keep testing and track your numbers… latest tactic be aware of it…
5. Unplug yourself for 30 40 days … be in calm space .. outside work… ways how you can refresh urself as a person … note down ideas …
Reboot once in a year …!!!
Thank you for the valuable insight Siddharth. i have learnt many lessons to keep innovating business. A few of them are:
1. keep win-win model
2. connecting with the community
3. understanding your superpower
4. looking at different tactics in the market and deploying numbers that are down in business, the correct tactics
5. observe the numbers in your business
6. take a break to be innovative
All these tips are necessary to run your business smoothly and serve your clients.
5 stages /ideas innovating in coaching business
1. Core intention
2. Understand matket problem
3. Continues connection with the customers
5.unplug yourself from the digital world.
Reboot the system.
1-DO something different from other coaches in your industry
2-Intention to win the end user is the main thing
3-are you doing this to help your students in knowledge business.
4-what problems you and your students are facing , work on this
5-once you know the problem of you and your students, create something to solve the problem
6-Connect with the customer understand what is in their mind and get the feedback through survey
7-If you look at your product be updated and innovate , reinvent your product and building community
8-Be updated with new tactics are working at the time
9-keep testing your numbers all the time , be alert, be aware adapt it asap.
10-unplug from the business, look at the business from outside.
11- once you are not involved you get the new ideas.
12- when you don’t do anything , you do great things
13- So Be Alert, reinvent yourself, reboot yourself and the whole system
14-Speedy imlementation
15-Have the right intention to hold people to help them to get the results.
Thank you so much
These are some some hard hitting techniques to implement in each business.
Key takeaways are:
1. Be connected with your community.
2. Intention matters, it defines greater vision. If there’s no vision, one day Or the other business will suffer.
3. Getting unplugged from work for certain period. I’ve practically noticed how overwhelm cause unproductivity.
These are the things most of us are aware but when time come to implement them we falter.
Thanks a lot for this reminder Sidz👍
My biggest takeaways are
1. Think about how you can be different.
2. The core of Innovation is Intention.
3. Use a Win-Win-Win approach for your community, yourself, and society.
4. Your intention should be for everyone to win.
5. Ask yourself “Why are you doing it?”
6. Understand the problems your market is facing.
7. Innovation happens with close connections, connect with your community frequently.
8. Keep updating yourself with time and technology.
9. Take a break and rejuvenate.
10. On your break you will get more ideas for making your business better.
1. Innovate or die.
2. Reinventing self, customer, processes
3. What are you doing different that the market sees me differently adding value ?
4. First. Core Intentions is for everybody to win.
5. I win, customer win and partners win.
6. Fear, FOMO, anxiety in me will reflect in my results.
7. Second. What root level problems is my market is facing.
8. Innovation comes from challanges.
9. Own problem and customer problems and fill the gao.
10. Third. Connections. One to one.
11. Continuosly connect.
12. No competition. Only catalyst.
13. What is my and othes superpower.
14. This is the theme.
15. Human to human to connect.
16. System for Habits, Lifestyles, success habits.
17. Fourth. Tactics. Right fit. Content, Selling, Marketing.
18. Webinar, Low Ticket, Hight Ticket….
19. Up and down pattern analysis.
20. When did it start, where is it taking us.
21. Five. Unplug yourself.
22. Calm space, refresh, retreat, detox, note the ideas.
23. Ideas keep building. Look for the right time to impliment. Reboot. Revamp. Gamechanges. Relax. Refresh.
24. Best ideas come when I am not at work.
25. Once a customer its a customer for life. So hold the space innovating.
26. People come where the party is.
27. Connect internally and externally with customers.
The Importance of Innovation
Five Stages of Innovation
Intention in Business
Addressing Root-Level Problems
Human-to-Human Connection
Staying Informed
Testing and Tracking
Taking Time Away for Inspiration
Annual Retreat and Innovation
Customer Retention through Results
My Aaaha Moment :
True Intentions to help others is the best reason (mission). Point No .1
“My Secret Of Innovating In Business” offers valuable insights into the world of continuous innovation. Here’s a summary of the key points discussed in the podcast:
Importance of Innovation: The podcast begins by emphasizing the critical role of innovation in business. In today’s knowledge-based industries, continuous innovation is essential for staying competitive and relevant.
Intent Matters: The first principle of innovation highlighted is the importance of intention. It’s crucial to have a genuine desire to prioritize the success of customers and partners above personal gain. This “win-win-win” model forms the foundation of sustainable innovation.
Problem-Centric Innovation: Innovation often arises from addressing the root-level problems faced by your market. By understanding the needs and challenges of your customers, you can develop solutions that genuinely benefit everyone involved.
Connection and Engagement: Maintaining a strong connection with customers is essential for innovation. Regular interactions, surveys, and engagement with your community can lead to valuable insights and innovative ideas.
Adaptability: Innovation also involves staying attuned to evolving tactics and strategies in the market. What worked in the past may not work today, so it’s crucial to adapt and choose tactics that align with your business and customer needs.
Testing and Tracking: Continuous testing and tracking of key performance indicators are vital to identify trends and address declining numbers promptly. This ensures that your business remains competitive and innovative.
Personal Growth and Inspiration: Taking time away from the business environment to focus on personal growth and seek inspiration is essential for innovation. Detoxing from work can lead to fresh ideas that can be applied to refresh and improve your business.
Annual Overhaul: The podcast suggests organizing periodic events or initiatives to revamp systems and introduce
Top Takeaways from this Innovating podcast :
1) Identify your core Intention: It gives energy
2) Identify Root level Problems: Identify your problem and customer problem
3) Make a Connection: Connect with your customers continually and understand them
4) Looking at Different Tactics: Adopt the Tacticts relevant to the current market
5) Not in a work: For Reboot, Recharge, taxation.
This podcast provided a comprehensive look into the nuances of innovation. Your method of continuously testing, tracking numbers, and staying updated with evolving tactics is a roadmap for anyone aiming to innovate in their domain.
experience and expertise shine through in every segment of the podcast. The emphasis on problem-solving and continuous feedback shows a deep commitment to your craft and audience.
How do I Keep Innovating in my Biz
Five different stages – Be ahead of the curve
1. What are you doing different in the market that market sees the value in you
Intention – Help everybody win (WIN-WIN-WIN Model)
Why are you doing this in this Knowledge Biz
Root Level Problem– Fruit
2. What problems the market are facing?
Filling the Gap – Know yours n Customers Feedback…Pattern and start innovating solutions
3. How do I keep Innovating? Its all about Connection
Inner Circle- LLC – Quantam Call
Need to understand whats your super power
1 on 1 Connection Level
Biz Tracking
4. Different Tactics on the Market
What’s the current age tactics
Deploy the right Tactics to your Community
Keep Testing and Tracking your Biz
What are you doing to Bounce back.
Learn n adapt to the fast paced Tactics
5. Spending lot of time on unplugging biz…..
Outside the biz….Keep connecting yourself with Higher Energy
Reboot all the Systems
Best ideas come when I am not in the Work.
Sid’s podcast is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, educators, and professionals. His deep understanding of innovation, coupled with a commitment to genuine intentions and customer success, is commendable. Sid’s dedication to building connections and fostering unity within the industry showcases his leadership and vision. His personal practices for innovation, including the annual retreat and idea generation, inspire individuals to embrace innovation as a means to succeed in their respective fields. This podcast serves as a motivating and educational tool for those seeking excellence in the knowledge-based industry. Kudos to Sid for sharing these valuable insights!
The key takeaways are as follows:
Innovation is Paramount: The podcast emphasizes the critical importance of continuous innovation for business sustainability and competitiveness.
5 Key Ways to Innovative.
1. Intent Matters: Sid highlights the significance of genuine intentions, prioritizing customer success, and creating a win-win-win scenario as the foundation for sustainable innovation.
2. Understanding Market Needs: Sid encourages businesses to deeply understand market problems and needs, as true innovation emerges from addressing real challenges.
3. Building Connections: Sid’s dedication to connecting with customers and fostering unity within the industry is commendable and provides valuable insights.
4. Staying Informed: The podcast underscores the need to stay informed about evolving market tactics to remain relevant and innovative.
5. Continuous Improvement by taking break: Sid emphasizes the importance of ongoing testing and improvement of strategies in the pursuit of innovation.
Innovation Beyond Work: Sid’s practices for innovation, such as taking time for introspection and idea generation, serve as inspiring examples.
Customer Loyalty Through Innovation: The podcast reminds us that innovation is not only about staying ahead but also about retaining customers through value delivery and connection.
The podcast delivered by Sid offers profound insights into the vital role of innovation in business success. Sid’s approach to innovation is rooted in genuine intentions and strong audience connections, making it a valuable resource for anyone in the knowledge-based industry.
He highlights the importance of intention, with a focus on creating a win-win-win scenario for customers, partners, and the business itself.
👉👉 Addressing root-level problems and understanding customer needs is key to successful innovation.
👉👉 Sidz maintains a strong connection with customers and engages with the community for insights and innovative ideas.
👉👉 Staying informed about evolving market tactics and continuously testing and tracking performance are essential for staying competitive.
👉👉 He recommends taking time for introspection and personal growth to foster fresh ideas and innovation.
👉👉 The podcast outlines five key elements for continuous innovation: intention, problem-solving, audience engagement, industry awareness, and regular testing and improvement.
👉👉 Staying on the cutting edge of innovation is crucial for retaining customers and long-term success in business.
🎉🎉 We must should continuous improvement and innovation
Thanks a lot of you from my buttom of heart ❤️ #Sidz
Truly an inspirational piece, Sidz.
The biggest takeaways from your discussion
1- Start with the Right Intent: Innovation must begin with a genuine intention to benefit your customers and community, not just for financial gain.
2- Solve Real Problems: Focus on identifying and addressing the root-level problems and needs of your market to drive meaningful innovation.
3- Connect with Your Community: Establish strong human-to-human connections with your customers and community for a constant flow of innovative ideas.
4- Stay Informed and Adapt: Keep up with evolving market tactics and continuously test and track your strategies for ongoing success.
5- Inspiration Outside of Work: Take time away from work to refresh and recharge, as some of the best ideas often come when you’re not in a business mindset.
To be ahead of the curve in my business, I need to be innovating continuously.
1. My business innovation has to be based on core intention of making everyone winning.
2. It should be able to solve the problems of the customers from the root level.
3. Connection with my customers will give me more ideas to be a good innovator, everybody will be a catalyst. Connecting 121 or in various groups leads to innovation in the business.
4. Understand what tactics works, for marketing, selling, keep testing those tactics and keep upgrading /changing them to make them work for me.
5. I should unplug myself and recharge and refresh myself to generate new ideas, which will help to have better innovation ideas.
These are the 5 eye opening ideas I got it through this podcast- Thanks Sidz.
From the excellent podcast what I gather is that Innovation is a key driver of success in business. Remember that innovation is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. It requires commitment, persistence, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.
There are many strategies for business innovation. However, top 5 strategies or pointers of Innovation for our business are:
1. Cultivate a Culture of Innovation:
o Encourage open communication and idea-sharing among employees.
o Celebrate and reward innovative thinking and risk-taking.
o Create a safe environment where failure is seen as a learning opportunity, not a setback.
2. Customer-Centric Approach:
o Understand your customers’ needs and pain points.
o Continuously gather feedback and use it to improve products or services.
o Design solutions that provide real value to your customers.
3. Cross-Functional Collaboration:
o Encourage collaboration between teams and departments.
o Bring together individuals with diverse skill sets and perspectives.
o Cross-pollination of ideas often leads to creative solutions.
4. Invest in Research and Development (R&D):
o Allocate resources to R&D efforts.
o Keep up with industry trends and emerging technologies.
o Experiment with new ideas and technologies.
5. Risk Management:
o Understand that innovation involves risks.
o Implement risk management strategies to mitigate potential downsides.
1.Intention- Innovation comes down to intention.you want your coustomer or partner to win.The key 🗝️ is customer wins you ultimately win
2 priority – Keep your customer in priority if you solve problems and and give best solution to understand their problems will innovate automatically
3 Community Building -connect with your customers it will give a insight of a give lots of ideas for more information innovative solutions.
4.Tactics- intention is clear you are deeply connected it will lead to correct tactics which will enhance your business.Keep testing yourself and keep rising!
5. Reboot unplugged get refresh.once in a year get refreshed which help to regenerate the thoughts and boost your total system so mantra is
unplugg ✓Reboot.✓ Recharged✓
“Code of Innovation: Guiding Principles for Building a Thriving Business
1. Rooted Intention: Your business’s innovation begins with a profound understanding of your core purpose. Ask yourself, ‘Why am I doing this?’ Prioritize the customer experience, aiming to empower and enable your end-users to succeed. Identify the gaps and challenges they face, and relentlessly work to fill them.
2. Problem-Centric Approach: Identifying both your challenges and those of your learners is the next step. Seek out solutions to these root problems. Look beyond the surface issues and dive deep into the core obstacles hindering progress.
3. Customer Connection: Establishing a strong connection with your learners is a catalyst for innovation. Engage with them one-on-one or through surveys and polls. Their insights and needs will inspire innovative solutions that drive your business forward.
4. Market Insights: Stay informed about the latest market tactics and strategies. Tailor these insights to your learners’ needs while remaining true to your initial intention. Continuously refine your sales, marketing, and analytical approaches.
5. Self-Reflection: Take time to unplug and look inward. Personal rejuvenation leads to a refreshed business perspective. This renewal of creativity and clarity can breathe new life into your enterprise.
Principles for Reinventing and Building a Sustainable Business
1. Intentional Success: Your primary intention should be to create winners at every level – first your customers, followed by your team and partners, and ultimately yourself.
2. Understanding Challenges: Delve into the challenges facing your target market. Understand their needs intimately, as innovation thrives in the face of adversity. Continuously gather feedback and conduct reviews to drive the development of groundbreaking solutions.
3. Customer Engagement: Foster a strong connection with your customers by conducting regular polls and surveys. Their input is invaluable in shaping your business’s evolution.
4. Strategic Tactics: Study the tactics prevalent in the market, always keeping your original intention in mind. Adapt sales, marketing, and research strategies to align with your mission.
5. Personal Renewal: Periodically disconnect from the business environment. Take short retreats to rejuvenate your mind and spirit, resulting in a revitalized business outlook.
Action Items for Sustained Innovation
*Idea Documentation: Maintain a repository for innovative ideas. Encourage your team to contribute and refine these concepts.
*Annual Reboot: Undertake a comprehensive systems reboot once a year. This process ensures that your business remains adaptable and relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape.
Embracing these principles and action steps will infuse your business with a culture of innovation and sustainability, setting the stage for enduring success.”❤❤❤
• Pure Intention
○ Why am I doing this?
• What Problems our target market is facing?
○ Innovation should come from root of our own problems and our customers are also facing
○ Identify Patterns
• Connect with Customers/Community Members
○ Every-body is a catalyst , no competition
○ Understand what is our own power and uniqueness
• Looking at different tactics right for current time
○ Marketing
○ Content Creation
○ Sales
○ Test and Track the patterns and deploy which one works
• Unplug ourself from all the work for recharge
○ Detox ourself
○ Build idea book
○ Think about what’s next
Innovate Or Die.
Keep Redefining yourself.
Re-inventing your customer’s experience.
5 Ideas:
1. Innovation – what are you doing continuously that Market sees a Value in you.
A. Core- Intention to help everyone to Win.
B. WIN- WIN- WIN Model key
C. Brand Intention – Key
D. Decision made – forefront is to help the end users win.
2. Market Problems
E. If FOMO approach- Fruits will have tinges of FOMO, Fear.
F. What problems (root levels) the markets are facing; understanding the needs; understand the problems and then fill the gap.
G. Pick the patterns and then develop solutions.
3. Connections:
A. Connections key
B. Continuous engagements important
C. Get people on- board.
D. Catalyst approach
E. Understand your superpower.
F. Connect to Human- to – Human level, you get lot of ideas.
G. Create space for everyone
H. Innovation happens when you connect.
4. Different Tactics
A. Current age tactics keep evolving.
B. Deploy the right tactics which are the right fit for the market.
C. E.g. webinars, workshops,
D. Keep testing and tracking your numbers.
E. Understand the pattern of the tactics deployed and adapt as required.
F. Research and Analysis – key
5. Un-Plug from business
A. Continuous look for ways to refresh yourself to refresh your business.
B. Note ideas- document ideas.
C. Re-boot all the system
D. Game changer for the community
Nothing better than getting results for others
Innovation & the whys and the hows
I know I moved out from the corporate career because
my creative wings didnt get the needed freedom!
and hence entrepreneurship happened.
And as entrepreneurship happened,
genius got light, ideas got wings,
inspiration came alive.
1. intention – this is how I work for my business
my core is my ikigai and I also teach entrepreneurs,
professionals, I ask everyone “why they do what they do”
interesting alignment
2. problem solving – one of the key skills, I have been
told to own is this. I recognize for me “helping people”
is my cheese, I love cheese; vegan cheese 😉
3. connection – people energy is my bae,
and so is serving them. Need to learn, the tactical
piece of tribe building.
4. evolving tactics – Picking this up, everyday.
5. Time away from work – I do this too, not for 25 but 5 days!
Need to up my time away, much needed
for self and innovation growth too!
6. Idea doc – I maintain one, need to get
disciplined to doing 5 to 10 ideas daily.
Thanks for this incisive piece,
keep the ink flowing
More light
Sidz’s approach to innovation as discussed in the “pod cost.” Sidz emphasizes the importance of innovation with a focus on adding value to customers, partners, and building and nurturing a community. Here’s a breakdown of the five key elements of his innovation strategy:
Strong Core Intent: Having a clear and strong core purpose or mission is essential for guiding innovation efforts. This intent serves as a compass to ensure that all innovations align with the overall goals of the organization or project.
Problem Solving: Innovation should be driven by the goal of solving real-world problems. Identifying and addressing specific challenges or pain points faced by customers and partners should be a central part of the innovation process.
Audience Engagement through Surveys and Polls: To better understand the needs and preferences of your audience (customers, partners, or community members), engaging with them through surveys and polls is crucial. Gathering feedback helps in tailoring innovations to meet their expectations.
Staying Informed About Industry Tactics: Keeping up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and tactics is essential. This knowledge allows for informed decision-making and ensures that your innovations remain competitive and relevant in the market.
Continuous Testing and Improvement: Innovation is an iterative process. It involves constantly
5 CORE PRINCIPLES to REINVENT and BUILD a Sustainable Business
1. INTENTION – Core of Innovation comes to Intentions
-> To help everybody win,
-> first your customers,
-> second your team and partners,
-> third you
-> What problems your market is facing,
-> Understanding what the needs are,
-> Innovation comes from Challenges,
-> Continuous feedback and reviews from Customers,
-> Start developing innovative solutions
-> Connect with your customers and community members,
-> Have regular surveys with customers
-> connect one to one with customers to get lot of ideas
-> Look at the current age tactics going on in the market
-> Keep in mind the intention you began with
-> Sales Tactics
-> Marketing Tactics, Content Tactics, Selling Tactics, Webinars, Workshops etc.
-> Keep testing numbers
-> Research and Analysis
-> Learn and Adapt fast changing Tactics
-> Be in calm space and be away from Business for 20-30 Days
-> Go for a detox and retreat process when you are not in work and outside from work
-> Go for Mediation
-> Write Ideas – Maintain an idea Document
-> refresh yourself
REBOOT – your systems once a year
-> revamp complete system time to time, that will be game changer for community
IDEAS OF INNOVATION_ a constant contemplation and visualization
Grow or you die, writing on the wall is clear, it said.
For continuous growth, one has to innovate- doing things differently.
Keeping clients in view that they win first. That will take you to win.
You need to have clarity about why you are doing, what you are doing.
It starts with understanding the needs of the clients.
First is intent, constant contemplation and deep research.
Second, to connect with community members and finding out what their problems and limitations are and solving them.
Having a 360 degree vision of the market- what is selling. Necessity is the mother of inventions.
they are connecting within in silence to go to the zone or flow. Inspirations come from those silence zones.
My Top Learnings from this podcast :-
1) Be the unique version of yourself
2)What is your intention of doing what you are doing ? your Why Reason Should be Strong.
3) Understand your people’s problems and if you can , try to fill the gap
4) Keep Improving yourself and your products day by day , so that you can create a great revolution in your business.
5) Build a Strong brand by connecting with your community members . Your Community Members are Like your God !
6) Track your numbers on regular basis in your business while analyzing them deeply.
7) If Possible, go out for vacations and rejuvination , so that you can create more than you think !
Innovate or Die
5 Different ideas
1. INNOVATION what you are doing differently from others.
2. Core INTENTION is important, To succeed
Brand loyalty is also important
Be ahead of others.
What problems your market is facing, for them innovation is important.
Different MasterMinds are also important.
Comes from root problems and needs good intentions
3. Connection is another step. With your students and customers.
Super Power is COMMUNITY Building
4. Looking at different TACTICS. which continue to change
Keep testing and Tracking the progress. that will keep you ahead of others.
5. Unplug from business for some days and be outside your work and get rest for your mind and body to get NEW ideas.
Learning –
* Keep innovating if we don’t then we cant sustain. and somebody replace us.
* we Should be diffrent from market.our intension should be customer first , partner second and you third place.
* Understanding market needs and try to feel the gap.
*connection with human to human will have big impact in peoples life.
* Transforming people life.
* Best way is keep innovating and tracking.
* Research and analysis
* Refreshing Business with new idea and new levels.
*Searching solution of our market and people problem.
*Making Customers for life by pure intesion.
* Customers Progresion should be our priority.
this is the best points i have got from this podcast. thank you Sidz
Very thought provoking
naturally succinct points
very practical
simple ideas tht can be implmented
Awesome information, content and intent shared Sidz. Truly said that to keep abreast in the market, we have to keep evolving everyday and keep ourselves up-to-date with what is currently working. Though, the best part which I liked is that:
1) Clear and Pure Intention of Serving
2) Innovation and updated knowledge
3) People Connect
4) Take break, review, introspect and recharge self
Our Core Intention must be to help other “WIN”. Feeling happy seeing other “WIN” is the best philosophy on this business or any other business
Thanks for the podcast.
Got these important points
1. Intent
2. Win – win – win
3. Dedicated to solve customer problems
4. Detox
5. Constantly reinvent
My BIGGEST learning is “Take a break and ideas will come’. I liked the detoxing of the body because a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
Innovate or die. For the coaching business there is no choice but to innovate.
Thanks Sid for a gem of a podcast. worth listening once again
The five ways that I innovate are
1st -Core of Innovation is intention .Right intent . Customers to win 1st , partners next , me at the end .
What made the companies who are the best is what they stood for . That has taken their brand loyalty to a different level.
Why are you getting into the business .. roots will determine the Fruits .
2nd – What problem are the markets facing ? Try to fill the gap ..What is your problem , and the customers problem .. it needs to be win – win
3rd – Connect with customers . To understand what is going through . What is keeping them stuck. Understand your superpower .
4th – Different tactics in the market that’s latest and current . You need to know your intent , Problems the customers are facing .. look into the market and test your business numbers .. and if they are going down , what are the tactics needed to keep them afloat and growing
5th -Unplug from business – Look inwards .. Go for a retreat , be away from business and get new ideas . have an idea book and note the ideas and check on them .
The podcast highlights the importance of innovation driven by a genuine intention for customers and enhances creativity.
Step 1- the importance of genuine intention.
Step 2 -Connect with customers to find their problems.
Step 3- Find new tactics to help best
Step 4- Connect with the team and keep upgrading.
Step 5- Take a break to recharge.
My Takeaways
1. Right Intention:
Intention to benefit customers and partners. The “win-win-win” model prioritizes customers’ and partners’ success, leading to sustainable innovation.
2. Root-Level Problems:
Innovations should address real challenges and needs within the industry. Understanding the problems your market is facing and providing solutions is crucial.
3. Connecting with audience:
Maintaining strong connections with customers and community members allows for a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges, leading to innovative ideas.
4. Industry Tactics:
Keeping up with evolving tactics in the market and selecting the right ones for your business is essential for success.
5. Testing and Tracking Continuously:
Regularly monitoring and adjusting strategies based on performance metrics ensures that your business remains competitive and innovative.
1. Start business with right intention that’s the most important point to keep in mind
2. Understand problems associate with customer , interact with them and learn the pain they are facing , update system,
3. understand your own pain and update system
4. Pin down ideas that comes when you are in relaxed mood
5. Practice mediation and keeping mind clean with clutter is going to help anyways
6. Celebrate your moment and pampered yourself give treat , spend time with family.
My Top 10 Learnings:
🚀 1. Innovation is the Heart of a Business
✈ 2. Your Core Intention of Innovation comes out from a caring attitude!
🏁3. Innovation comes out of Problems and challenges!
⚓4. Innovation should come from the roots of the problems!!
🪐5. There is no Competition only Cooperation!
🗻6. When we Connect people to the human-to-human level we can innovate much better.
🗼7. We must know the right Tactics for our Products. Then we can Keep innovating by adopting new tactics!
🎶8. Large brands are innovating every day and every moment!
💎9. Keep ideas building over time, and keep rebooting every Year. Start fresh.
🌐10. Best Ideas come when you are relaxed!
My Key takeaways –
1. What matters is how differently you serve in the market
2. Set clear intentions by asking a question to yourself “Why?”
3. What problems I will be able solve?
4.Connecting dots with customers. The personal touch matters.
5. Customer feedback for continous evolving
6. How fast you adapt the sales tactics
7. Unplugging yourself. Maintaining Idea Book
8. Check for best ideas when not in work
Here are My key takeaways from today’s session:
1. Purposeful Intent: Your core intention should be based on the “WIN-WIN MODEL,” aiming to make your end users winners.
2. Motivation Beyond Money: Consider your motivation for doing what you do. Is it solely for earning money, or are you also committed to serving people?
3. Identify Root Problems: To address the challenges faced by our customers, delve deep into their issues through one-on-one and inner circle calls to find effective solutions.
4. Stay Informed: Continuously update yourself on industry tactics, including content and selling strategies. Embrace a mindset of experimentation and adaptation.
5. Personal Refresh: Take breaks to unplug from the business world. These breaks can refresh you as a person and inspire innovative ideas for your business.
A big thank you to Sidz for sharing these valuable insights for innovating our business.
Change is inevitable, so if you are not innovating, you are just waiting to be washed out by the tide of change.
5 ideas to remember:
1. Identify the unique value are you adding to the market based on strong intention that helps people and builds brand loyalty, it’s what gives you the edge. Ask yourself, how strong is your why?
2. Expanding awareness by observing the root-level problems the market has not yet solved.
3. Connection built upon thorough understanding of the challenges and progress of your clients/community goes a long way in creating a revolution.
4. Staying updated with the latest and most efficient strategies that are able to deliver and stand out from the plethora of information out there, by continuous tracking and adaptation, is super important.
5. Relaxation and rejuvenation helps the brain incubate and construct game changing ideas that can catapult your business.
Celebrating the success and amazing results your product/service has brought to people is truly a special feeling to experience!
Thank you, Sidz for demystifying the exciting process of innovation.
Core of innovation- intention and root problems.
We should look at a win win situation
Filling the gap by understanding the market
Make a great connection with people, gain their trust.
Always look for solutions
Business revolves around innovation. The top 5 Principles that can change your business.are :
1. Your Core intentions ,The first thing is your intention now when it comes to a knowledge business.
2 .Innovation only emerges from challenges because if something seems impossible or if somebody can’t achieve a particular goal, those who continuously ponder and strategise will find ways to make it happen.
3.The third aspect: is how to keep innovating my business? It’s through connection ,maintain a strong connection with my customers and even with community.
4.The continuous innovation in your business involves staying attuned to evolving tactics in the market. Tactics change over time; what worked five years ago may not be effective today.
5.The Most important way to innovate your Business is to unplug your self from the business connect youeself spiritually to a higher energy . Detox yourself .
Thank you so much for this wonderful podcast and sharing.
Core Intention: Innovation hinges on genuine intent. Successful companies like Apple and Nike prioritize clear intentions and values.
Problem-Solving: Address real market gaps and customer challenges. Avoid quick fixes; focus on genuine solutions.
Connection: Foster deep ties with customers. Regular feedback fuels innovative ideas, as shown with platforms like Polestar.
Adaptability and Awareness: Keep updated with changing market tactics. Monitor business metrics to identify and address declines.
Personal Growth and Introspection: Periodic retreats and reflection inspire fresh ideas. Maintain an evolving idea repository.
Customer Relationship: Deliver consistent value to retain customer loyalty. Achieving tangible results strengthens bonds.
Innovations in business
1) how different you do it in the market- that keeps you apart – your core intentions – to make everybody win. Customers- partners – and then we win! win-win-win strategy
2) why are you doing this?
Rooted in problems faced by us and others and helping others
3)problems and needs researched about the market! Only then can Innovations happen! By knowing customers problems!
connect with customers, in biz n personal side! No competitions out there, they are all inspiration..
4) tactics in market keep changing- keep yourself abreast in par with changing markets to innovate! How to hit market, what works best on market etc
5) disengage from work – refresh as a person to refresh the business – inner exploration enriches by enhancing the person within and thus reflecting it out on the outside – like in business.
Nothing feels better than enhancing the lives of others… let’s make it happen guys!!
This is really a heart-touching podcast. It is 100% true to run any business we have to keep innovating, experimenting, and applying.
Basically learn, do, and teach.
Keep creating fresh ideas and implementing and finally be with your mentor .
Thank you so much for this lovely podcast, sir. so here is my take away
1) core intents
.Go with a serving mindset
2)connect wiith audience through inner circle, or understand their problem
3)New tact or implement something
4) Be aware of the happenings around you, in the market – Listen! innivation happen when you connect
This podcast was so relaxing 😌 like soothing music.
My key take aways are:
1.Disconnect from work for recharge
2. Continuous innovation based on students needs
3. Have 121 more
Sid is sharing the success mantra for how to be innovative in your business :
5 Principles to follow :-
1. Intention : To help everybody win
2. Understand the Problem :
What problems your market is facing, Understanding what the needs are
Innovation only comes from Challenges
Continuous feedback and reviews from Customers
3. Connect :-
Connect with your customers
Have regular polls, surveys
4. Tactics :-
Look at the current age tactics going on in the market
Keep in mind the intention you began with
Sales Tactics
5. Unplug Yourself :-
Be in calm space and be away from Business for 10-15 Days
Go for a detox and retreat
Write Ideas – Maintain an idea Document
1. Intention is first
2.Human to Human connection with your customers
3.continuously test and track your numbers
4.willingness to learn and adapt to rapidly changing strategies.
5.a strong core intent, problem-solving, audience engagement through surveys and polls, staying informed about the latest industry tactics, and continuous testing and improvement of strategies
Don’t stop… redo the things
innovate or die
understnding problems
unplug yourself
learn new things
So Inspirational speech. Always think about the customer need in any business. Keep learning tactics and improve your ways to serve people better .
What I have learned from this Podcast is :
1) Business is all about innovation
2) Market sees the value in you, what different you do in the market
3) Your core intention should be your customer should win
4) Learn & understand about the problems that market is facing today
5) Start developing innovating solutions once you get to know the problems
6) Community building & nurturing the community by connecting it on human to human level
7) Learn & adapt to the fast pacing tactics to be ahead in the market. Thus you will have an edge.
8) You should be able to hold the space for your customers.
9) Always keep innovating and keep growing in the business
10) Your priorities should be your customers, your business partners and then you
For a business to thrive, you must always innovate and how do you innovate. Remember the key below takeaways that resonated well with me
1. WIN WIN WIN – Win for your customer first, win for your partners second and win for yourself third
2. INTENT – It is all about intent. Know your WHY, Why are you doing what you are doing
3. CONNECT – Connect with your customers, your audience. They are important and they are truly who matter to you and your business. Find newer and refreshing ways to connect and engage with them
4. UNPLUG – Unplug yourself from your work once a year and find newer ways to reboot not just yourself but your business and more so with the intent to serve your customers
Power of innovation
Thanks, Sidz for this inspiring podcast. The key takeaways are
1. Focus on doing things differently than others
2. Look into problems in your marketplace
3. Stay connected with community/tribe
4. Learn the current market tactics
5. Unplug yourself to rejuvenate yourself
Really inspiring!
An eye-opener this podcast is Siddharth. The points about win-win-win for all, the problem-solving for the market, seeing competition as catalysts are what I have been practicing, so it is reinforcement.
The points about retreats, running polls & surveys & creating higher value for all, these are my takeaways from this podcast on Innovation. Thank you!
A very informative Podcast. Healthy mind can give healthy solution to people. I also visit panch karma center for Panchakarma detox therapy regularly
very innovation everytime.
*Set the Intention right.
*Look at the problems you solve and how better value you can provide.
*Be Innovative.
*Look for the root level problems you face and your customers face.
*No quickfix solution
*Build win-win Models
* Connect with your clients regularly and understand what is going on.
*Everyone in the industry is a catalyst and not competitors.
* Be Creative
* Be updated with the market tactics and continue to evolve.
* Adaptability.
* Take breaks and Refresh
* Be the cutting edge in innovation
thanks sid for this podcast.its a catalyst for my business.
One think that strike me is for innovation is Intention.
My Key Takeaways :
1. Keep improving and innovating ur products based on customer feedbacks.
2. Think of what different things u can do hey results for ur customers.
3. Start with right intentions to deliver results for ur customers. Always enter into a win win deal.
4. understand what problems ur customers r facing. What’s coming in between them and their dream outcomes.
5. Take continue feedbacks from ur customers via surveys, 121, polls, QNA, etc
6. Build 121 human connections with core intentions to help them solve their problems.
7. Understand markets trends and tactics. Upgrade ur systems and tools.
8. After all this go inward and find what ur heart says.
9. Last but not the least, get them results.
Intention is everything. Win Win Win attitude is very important 😇
For being in the sustainable & ever growing business ( what soever), one needs to always have a strong intention, feel the pain points of its customers (whosoever interested),always remain connected with to understand & feel their problems, always updating skills & tacticts according to emerging technologies, improving yourself coninuously, connecting the dots without gaps making you feel above othrs on collaboration basis, win win situations always.
Intent is the source of innovating continously. Without the Intent to contribute and make a difference Ober the period of time tour actions will become monotonous. Thank you for my take away if Intent, regroup and keep innovating
Key takeaways:
– have a strong core intent to create a win-win-win situation for customers, partners, and self
– solve the root-level problems of target market
– connect with customers and members regularly
– stay updated on the latest tactics in the industry
– test and track my numbers constantly and improve
Eye opener Podcast..
Innovation is very important in business..
Ask yourself what you do different From others.
Core intetion
Focus on problems n work on solution.
Connect your customers.
Best ideas comes when you not connect at work..
Connect within n nature..
My takeaways from this podcast..
Thank you Sid.
Doing different from the others in the market.
Core intention to let your customers win first, then your partners and finally yourself.
problems your market is facing and delve deep into the study these problems to understand the needs.
Intention should be sustainable
Innovation must address root-level problems.
Through connections i keep innovating the business
don’t view anyone in this field as a competition.
The key is to recognize our new strengths
Establish human to human connection with your customers even one to one level, will gain numerous innovative ideas
Fourth approach to continuous innovation in the business involves staying attuned to evolve tactics in the market.
its crucial to stay informed about the latest tactics and select the ones that align with your business while addressing problems to aim to solve for your tribe
Best ideas come when you are off work.
Intention as the Foundation of Innovation
Business innovation requires clear intentions centred around mutual success.
Prioritize customer and partner success over personal gain (win-win-win model).
Avoid building a business solely for financial gain or competition.
Problem Solving Leads to Innovation
Innovation arises from understanding and addressing root-level problems.
Regularly gather feedback and reviews to identify market gaps.
Focus on long-term solutions, not quick fixes.
Connection with Customers and Community
Maintain strong connections with customers and quantum members.
Engage in one-on-one interactions and regular community gatherings.
Host hackathons, inner circle calls, and leadership council meetings.
Run polls and surveys to understand challenges and gather insights.
Viewing Competitors as Catalysts
See others in the industry as potential collaborators, not competitors.
Recognize and leverage individual strengths to complement one another.
Emphasize personal superpowers; for example, community building.
Impact on the Coaching Industry
Efforts to bring newcomers into the coaching world have had a positive industry-wide impact.
Foster unity and drive collective change within the industry.
Feedback-Driven Overhaul
Valuable feedback from quantum members led to a significant system overhaul.
The upcoming system promises to revolutionize business monitoring with the potential for future technological advancements.
Need to understand our ability and capability and do kind of self assessment and research on ourselves and evolve ourselves as per current changing trends.
5 principles for a Sustainable business
1) What are you doing different compare to others in the market.. that the market sees value in you.
2) What is your core intention? Your why..why are you doing this? Your Brand Intention should be strong.
3) what problems your market is facing.Innovation comes from challenges.
4) Connect with your community
5) Best ideas comes when you unplug yourself and look inward.
The growth and development of any business depends on how the innovation happens within the system. It differentiates you from others. Innovation is the outcome of strong intentions.The fruits of any business depend on its roots.Problems faced by you and your customers lead to innovation.Innovation happens when you connect with people /your customers.Keep away from busy business for some time as a retreat and help yourself to innovate.Innovation is an essential thing for the success of your business.
Continued innovation in business is necessary without changing your vision.
Sidz shared 5 strategies to innovate business.
1. Go with a serving mindset with the right intention for your students.
2. Connect with your audience and understand their needs
3. Keep learning tactics to serve people better by solving their pain points.
4. Always connect with your team to get inputs.
5. Unplug yourself and gain energy from your higher self.
family foundations have to be strong
what can we do for the next generation
1. Bring in the strong family foundation. Families play a strong role in transmitting values.
Prioritize family time – this will help the next generation. Emphazise the value system. instill a stronger family foundation
2. Education – focus on all 4 dimensions – not just academics. Encourage teachers to become mentors
3. Role Models – lack of positive role models. Discuss with children on how to be a positive role.
Surround children with strong role models
4. Engage children in community based activities. They are glued to their screens.
Put them in a zone where children can see humanity. This fosters responsibility in children
5. Limiting and monitoring their exposure to harmful/negative content
They need to learn to identify negative content
6. Encourage more open conversations regarding various topics. Encourage them to ask questions
Open dialogue begins with parents being conversation starters and not being judgemental
7. Promote them to understand our culture, history and values.
Let them learn to appreciate their culture, roots, history. This helps them stay grounded.
8. Put them into communities. Let them experience where there are communities instill strong
9. Teach them how to deal with conflicts in an amicable way. Help them realize what it means to have mutual respect.
10. Promote the ethical consumption. What are they consuming? This will help them make better choices.
1. Right & positive intuition behind your business
2. Genuine care about clients & people follow u ..
3. Inovation: it happens when we connect with people with core values
4. Diff tactics( webinar, online, offline, stage, workshops, low ticket selling, high ticket selling)
5. Best idea 💡 come when not working (Reboot your system take few weeks /month leave & refresh your self to get innovative ideas 💡)
1. Core purpose behind doing anything
2. Focus on issues & problems that people are facing and closely analyze it
3. After analyzing the problems create strategies for solutions .
4. Connecting with people by surveys to know the top pain points
5. Keep on upgrading tactics and strategies
6. Detox and get new ideas to improve strategies & solve problems and bring newness in the system & community
Core of Innovation comes down to Intention
5 Core Values are as follows
1.Innovation Happens through optimistic Intention
2.” Through identifying the root level problems of myself and my customer
3.” Through my Connection
4.” Through adopting different tactics in developing market
5. Through unplug from my business and do detox
My 3 key Takeaways:
1. Always be in the serving mode and take care of your community.
2. Be innovating & relevant with the things happening in the Coaching industry.
3. Recharge yourself regularly and don’t burn out.
To sustain in the business in is important to continuously innovate. Re-invent the business and customers continuously. The 5 different majors points :
1. How different are you doing when in it comes to the market to stand out. Innovation should come from your core intent. I.E., Your intention is to make the customer win.
2. The fruits will depend on the fruits. and depends on your energy. Understand the problem of the customers and your intention is to solve the problems and add value. 3. You should create a connection with your community
4. Try different tactics to stay in the market. There should be a deep connection with your community. Always see what is the latest tactics to help you innovate an stay in the business. 5. Best ideas come when you are not at work. If you are in a business stay on the cutting edge of innovation otherwise you will loose customers. Continue to help others in the community to make them achieve results
Five important things discussed in this podcast to be in business
1.Intent to help others is very important in biz to be here in market
2. Understand the problem of market and try to fill the gap by solving it helping others.
3. connect with customers by all the possible means .
4. innovating on continous basis , stay informed, evove with changing times.
5. Take a break , it helps to improve creative power.
Over all it is WIN WIN model that helps to build the business .
A very relevant insight in to the need to CONTINUOUSLY upgrade / scaleup / finetune and effectively innovate for a W W W situation. New challenges are inevitable, so innovate such that the final end user’s WIN is the main focus .
If ROOT LEVEL INTENTION is focussed on solving customer’s problem it’s the real innovation else its Win Lose situation.
Best Innovation comes when one takes break and detoxes periodically. One needs deep 1 to 1 interaction , strong connection and develops long term relationship in mutual interest.
Great learning from the highly ranked great master Sid …
-Business revolves around innovation.
If you’re not continually reinventing yourself, your products, your approach, or enhancing the customer experience, there will come a time when someone else takes your place.
-innovation, I believe it’s about doing something different from others in the market, something that the market perceives as valuable.
-Second, innovation must address root-level problems that you and your customers face. This way, you can channel all your energy into creating something that benefits everyone involved. If your intent isn’t in the right place, the solutions you offer will be quick fixes.
– Connection. I maintain a strong connection with my customers .
– Tactics in the market. Tactics change over time; what worked five years ago may not be effective today. It’s crucial to stay informed about the latest tactics and select the ones that align with our business while addressing the problems our aim to solve people problem.
– Update – Reboot the business.
-Try to have customer for life.
It was a very clear podcast of letting us know how to keep innovation alive ☺️
1) it starts with Core Intention.
If should have a win win win situation for clients, partners and then us
2) Understand the problem
Look at what problems people are facing, and innovating comes from the challenges. Keep thinking about the solution and fill the gap of the problem. And that’s how we can connect with our customers.
3) Connect with your clients
When we understand the problems of the clients and when keep thinking about how to solve it, that’s when we can connect with the clients
4)Apply new tactics
World is changing continuously. We ought to apply new tactics to breakthrough the cutting edge of innovation.
5) Refresh yourself, Reboot yourself. Best ideas come when we are calm, refreshed and not in work.
My key takeaways
1. Core intention to help others
2. How you can help people in different ways
3. Community is very important for coaching business
4. Understand customers problems and help them to achieve their goals
5. Build connection
Thanks for more and more knowledge
Keeping time intention and driving yourself to achieve it… It’s all about the focus and consistency
What I get to know from this podcast.
1). Keep Redefining Yourself.
2). Business is not innovating, but understanding the marketing and problems of Clients and give their solutions of problem that will be innovation.
3). Connecting the more people ever.
4). Make core Intention.
5). Face root problems and be win win win.
6). Implement your ideas and skills, do not copy others business.
7). Use new Technologies and make revolutions.
8). Write your stories and blogs to attract the people.
These all points are very good and implementive. I like this.
Stop looking at the peak i.e. the goal instead focus on nest step i.e. focus on the process.
Very cool piece of advise Sidz, thank you!
The journey and learning seems long and intensive, but tools, methods and techniques from you should help. Novice on this journey, yet to get experiential.