What is a minimum viable product (MVP)? Do you sometimes feel that your topic is not responsive enough? Do you feel that you may want to change your niche? In this podcast I share a powerful "MVP" strategy that will help you get results much faster than you can imagine.
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Podcast Transcript
Do you sometimes feel that you're not very confident in selling your products or perhaps you lack confidence in your coaching business? In this particular podcast, I'm going to teach you how to create a minimum viable product even before you launch, so you don't need to release a fully developed product until you test and see if there's market responsiveness.
In this podcast, I want to share with you a 10-step formula on how to create a minimum viable product, or MVP, even before you launch. Let's take a look at how I scaled my own business as an example. My first product was an affiliate marketing course where I taught people how to make money by selling other people's products. It was a digital product-based course, and initially, I didn't have my own product. Instead, I sold my mentor's products and earned commissions.
Once I realized there was a positive response to this particular topic, I decided to create my own product. The first version focused on affiliate marketing. However, as I received more feedback from my customers, they expressed an interest in learning about marketing, creating their own courses, products, and building their own ecosystems. This feedback prompted me to shift my focus towards teaching people how to create digital products, and that's when I started selling digital products.
As more and more people became my customers, I noticed that many of them weren't getting the results they desired because they were solely focused on being product sellers and not building communities. Taking this feedback into account, I began building an entire ecosystem around how to build digital communities. This phase continued for a while until I realized that selling memberships would be more effective than selling products. This led to the introduction of silver, gold, diamond, and quantum memberships, all based on the five-year journey I had gone through.
I'm sharing this with you to emphasize that I never had a concrete plan when I started. Everything was based on the minimum viable product concept. So, take note that there are 10 steps involved in making this work, especially if you're just starting out or if your current sales funnel isn't generating the desired results or responsiveness. If you lack confidence in any of these areas, rest assured that what I'm about to share in this podcast will amaze you. It will simplify and expedite the process of achieving results.
Now, let's dive into the first step: pick one problem that you want to solve. Close your eyes, delve deep within yourself, and think about the problem you see in the world that you're passionate about solving. This could be a business problem, a career problem, a health problem, a wealth problem, a relationship problem, or even a creativity problem in the areas of music, painting, or other creative arts.
The second step is to pick one target market that you want to serve. Do you want to serve parents, working professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, mothers, or young professionals? Your ideal target market is someone who is similar to you. When I began my journey, I targeted people who were just like me but a couple of years behind. I had gained some experience, and that particular segment became my target market. They were individuals interested in personal development, had young families, wanted to make a difference in the world, and desired additional income for themselves and their families. I also focused on people from my own location, Bangalore and Chennai.
The third step is to pick one process or method to solve the problem. In my case, I chose affiliate marketing as a way to solve the money problem. While there are many ways to make money, such as real estate, stocks, or selling other products, I decided to start by making money online through affiliate marketing.
Similarly, in your case, the third step is to pick one method that aligns with you and that you're confident in. For example, if someone wants to lose weight, there are various methods available, but you should choose one that resonates with you and you believe in.
Now, let's move on to the next step.
Step number four is creating a survey gift. This strategy involves making posts and sharing content on social media, informing people that you plan to launch a product or a new training worth ₹10,000 in the next three months. To gather feedback and insights, you offer this product for free to a select few individuals who answer a survey.
In the survey, you should ask questions related to the problem you're addressing. Find out if they are facing the problem, their demographics, and what they are specifically looking for in a solution. For instance, if the problem is weight loss, ask about their previous attempts, what hasn't worked for them, and the major obstacles they face. This process helps you gather valuable data from your social media audience, even if the sample size is small. It provides validation and guides you in the right direction before creating your digital product. Creating a survey gift is the fourth step.
Moving on to step number five, you should conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns. As soon as someone completes the survey, send them an email expressing gratitude for their participation and offer them a free 15-minute call. This call allows them to share more about their problems, providing you with additional feedback before you finalize your product.
To schedule these calls, provide a calendar appointment link and connect with them individually via Zoom or any other platform. By engaging in these one-on-one conversations with at least 50 people over the course of three months, you'll gather valuable insights and patterns. Aim to collect around 100 data points. This information will serve as a solid foundation for creating your product. Conducting one-on-one conversations is the fifth step.
Now, let's move on to step number six, where you create your minimum viable product (MVP). Utilize the inputs and feedback you received from your customers during the survey and one-on-one conversations to shape your MVP. You may already have an idea beforehand, but this feedback will help you refine and enhance your product.
The significant advantage of having personal touchpoints and conversations with your audience is that every time you post valuable content on social media, they are more likely to follow and engage with you. By adding value through content and the one-on-one call, you strengthen the human-to-human connection. This brings us to step number seven.
After one to two months of implementing the previous steps and building a group or list of at least 100 to 300 people, it's time to invite them to an MVP webinar. Share the survey gift link across various platforms, including social media and even WhatsApp. Step number seven is to invite these individuals to an MVP webinar.
In step number eight, during the webinar, you have the opportunity to sell your minimum viable product. Although you initially offered it for free, you can invite a cold audience to participate in this webinar and conduct a test selling exercise. You can inform them that if you were to charge a certain amount for the product, what additional features or information would they expect? The webinar serves as a test to gauge the responsiveness of your audience to a potential paid offering.
And in this real sales webinar, if you see a good response to the topic, then you can start to hit the gas pedal, accelerate, and delve much deeper into it. You can consider running ads and implementing other strategies.
However, if it doesn't work out, let's say you conduct this real sales webinar three or four times, but it doesn't generate a positive response, then go back to step one. Choose a new problem, target a new market, adopt a different method or process, create a new survey gift, and go through two or three rounds if necessary.
The best part is that the second or third time, you'll be able to do it much faster than the first time. This is how you create a minimum viable product. Just imagine, once you have identified the sweet spot through the minimum viable product process, when you accelerate your efforts in terms of traffic, organic content, marketing, and ads, you will be able to scale easily. Many people fail to achieve results because they neglect this crucial step.
I hope you found this podcast useful. If you are already a member of our community, consider upgrading to the diamond membership. That's where I will provide more insights on how you can achieve faster scaling in your entertainment and coaching business. If you are not part of our community yet, there's a link below in the description.
Click on the link below, attend my next webinar, and I'll be more than happy to help you launch a highly profitable digital product business that generates over six figures a month, all without the need for an office. Catch you in the next episode.
248 replies to "How To Launch A Minimum Viable Product To Get More Sales"
Building communities more important than selling products
Choose a problem to solve
Conduct surveys to understand needs of target group
If your formula does not work, restart by choosing a new problem and follow all the steps
1. Build Community
2. Create a Membership
3. Minimum Viable Product
Top 10 Steps
1. Pick One Problem you want to solve.
2. Pick One market you want to serve. Ideal Market is just like me.
3. Pick One process to solve the problem.
4. Create something called a survey gift. Demographics, What exactly the audience is looking for?
5. Conduct 1-to-1 with these audiences. Calendly Free Call
6. Create your MVP – Minimum viable product
7. Invite in Webinar.
8. Do a test selling. Would you be willing to pay
9. Create the product and give free and collect testimonials.
10. Real Sales Webinar. Do a Real selling here. Use the testimonials for this webinar. Do Ads. If it’s not working then you start from step 1.
I spent good 12 minutes listening to this podcast. Thank you so much. My take aways are:
1. Have one problem, one target market, one product
2. Idea of survey gift
3. Shape your MVP based on the feedbacks received from the customers
4. Collection of testimonials
5. Finding the sweet spot through MVP process
I have to pick a problem which I should solve. I have to choose an ideal market. I don’t need to have a perfect plan in order to start. I have to pick just one method which I am looking to implement. I can take a survey to understand the market and conduct 1-to-1 with people who filled the survey. I have to create the mvp based on the feedback from people we connect. We can collect ideas from them.
Creating Minimum Viable Product:
1. What problem do you wish to solve
2. Whom do you want to serve?
3. what method will you use to solve the problem?
4. create “survey gifts”
5. Do 121 with those you took survey & understand pattern
6. Based on feedback & conversation above create MVP
7.Invite them to Webinar
8. Give offer: test sell
9.Create product, give for free, collect testimonial.
10. Real sales Webinar using these testimonials
Learnings from Podcast-
1) Start with a basic version of your product to test the market: Create a minimum viable product (MVP) and refine it based on feedback before fully launching.
2) Adapt your offering based on customer feedback: Listen to your customers, make adjustments to meet their preferences, and improve your product or service accordingly.
3) Build a community around your offerings: Engage and connect with your customers to foster long-term success, rather than solely focusing on selling products.
4) Gather insights through surveys and one-on-one conversations: Conduct surveys and have personal conversations with your target audience to understand their problems, preferences, and obstacles, helping you create a successful product.
5) Test market response with webinars: Invite your target audience to webinars to gauge their interest and willingness to pay for additional features or information, validating your MVP.
Here are the 3 takeaways
1. Pick one problem
2. Conduct one to get the pattern
3. Create minimum viable product
Continue this for a certain period of time
MVP – Minimum Viable Product
Intro : Test if there is a market response
# 10 Steps to create a MVP Product in Digital eco-system
#1. Pick 1 Problem you want to solve-Business, Health, Wealth,Relation, Creativity
#2 Pick one market you want to serve ( Working professionals, Homemakers..)
#3 Pick up one Process/method (Ex: Money- Affiliate market, stocks, insurance)
#4 Create Survey Gift – Make post & offer for free who ans (Data collection)
#5 Conduct 1 to 1 with the people who fill the survey (Zoom/Calendly)-Tgt-50
#6 Create MVP based on the inputs – Now You’ll connect/follow with you.
#7 Invite these people to MVP Webinar-Test Sell the Tripwire with Polls feedback
#8 Gift the Product to Invitees & ask to comment on the impact it’s creating
#9 Collect Testimonials from the People you gifted after they experienced.
#10 Real Sales Webinar Sell – Now ADs will payback well.
1. wealth problem
2. Young people of the Same type
3. Affiliate marketing to solve money problems.
4. I will launch a survey
5. Invite them to MVP for testing.
6. Create my affiliate marketing product and give few people for free and will collect their testimonials
7. Finally real sail webinar and nurture them in my community.
I will be upgrading membership soon
Top 3 Action Points
1. Pick one process or method to solve the problem.
2.Creating a survey gift.
3.Conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns.
My Takeaways :
1) Pick one problem that you want to solve
2) Pick one market that you want to serve
3) Pick one process that will solve the problem
4) Do a survey and collect data on the problem
5) Conduct 121 of those who participated in the survey, build a connection
6) Create MVP (Minimum viable product)
7) Invite people to MVP Webinar
8) Sell MPV product as a test sell
9) Create the product FREE, collect testimonials
10) Do Real sell through a webinar
If it doesn’t work, again start from step 1 and do this for 2-3 cycles.
Survey gift
Conduct 121
Create a MVP based on the input obtained from the customers.
Do it for a month or two, get 200 or 300 people,. Give the MVP for one month.
Collect testimonials.
Invite these people in to a webinar. Sell for life time validity
Create full product
Real sales webinar, get the money in, keep building community.
If it is not working, then change something in the program or maximum the change the nich and get success.
My Biggest takeaways from this podcast:
1. Identify a problem you’re passionate about solving.
2. Choose a target market similar to yourself.
3. Select a method or process that aligns with your expertise.
4. Create a survey gift to gather feedback and insights from your audience.
5. Conduct one-on-one conversations with survey participants to identify patterns and gather more feedback.
6. Develop your MVP using the input and feedback received.
7. Build a group or list of 100-300 people and invite them to an MVP webinar.
8. During the webinar, test the responsiveness of your audience to a potentially paid offering.
9. If the webinar generates a positive response, accelerate your efforts and consider running ads to scale.
10. If the webinar doesn’t yield positive results, go back to step one and iterate with a new problem, target market, or method.
The 10 learnings from this podcast are:
1. STEP1: Pick one problem that I want to solve – that I am aligned with
2. STEP2:Pick one market that I want to serve
3. STEP3:Pick one process or one method to solve that problem
4. STEP4: Create a Survey gift – a strategy where I make a post- like a launch in Social media, offer a valuable course for free when survey is answered. Collect data
5. STEP5: Conduct 1-2-1 with the survey participants – send an email. Please connect with me on a 15 min call. Free call. Build a connect.
6. STEP6: Create the MVP based on the inputs from customers
7. STEP7: Invite these people to a MVP webinar – sell the minimum viable product. Test selling – planning to launch more advanced courses – check if participants if they are willing to pay if there is more research to the product.
9. STEP 8: Create the product, give free to the survey participants and collect testimonials
10. STEP 9: Use the testimonials to do the actual sales
11. STEP 10: Real sales webinar
Minimum viable products in your field
Step 1 -pick one problem you want to solve?
Step 2 – market you want to serve?
Step 3 – pic one process to solve the problems?
Step 4 – survey gift works magical. ask them question and collect data .
Step 5 – 1to 1 free for zoom , human to human connection 50min .
Step 6 – based on the input create a product .(1 to 2 months )
Step 7 – invite your group invite in your webinar with cold audience test sell pricing .
Step 8 – free course to the group of 30 and give me the testimonials.
Step 9 – collect testimonials.
Step 10- get the real sails testimonials.
If it works then start the add and scale if not go back to step 1 with different topic .
Don’t Sell Products, Sell Membership like Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum etc…
1. Pick one problem and you want to solve… like Health, Finance, Career etc.
2. Pick one target market to serve…
3. Pick one process or method to solve problem
4. Create Survey gift – post content on social media, planning to launch new product or a new training worth Rs.10k in the next three months… get feedback from audience…
5. Conduct one to one to get some pattern or to get some feedback, give calender appointment link and connect.
6. Create your minimum viable product (MVP) based on conversation.
7. Invite these people to webinar
8. Sell your MVP… invite cold audience to participate in this webinar and conduct test selling exercise.
9. Create the product give it free for 30-40-50 people and collect testimonials.
10. Real Sales Webinar… get the money in and keep nurturing audience.
If not works… go to step number 1…
Don’t Sell Products, Sell memberships
1 Identify one particular problem
2 Select a specific market
3 Pick one method
4 Create a Survey Gift
5 Conduct 1 to-1 Sessions who filled out survey forms
6 Create MVP based on inputs
7 Invite to MVP Webinar
8 Test Sell in Webinar
9 Create the product, give it for free & Collect Testimonials
10 Real Sales Webinar
Eco system is important. Making community gives confidence.
2. Pick one problem you want to solve which is aligned with yourself.
3. Be clear whom you want to serve. Just like us.
4. Pick one process to solve that problem . Make it simple and breakdown simple steps.
5. Survey gift strategy post so coolect different types of questions to get more clearity.
6. Collecting data from real people before creating a product.
7. Conduct 1 to 1 get clearity .
8 . Build human to human contact.
8 create 100 questions.
9. Create MVP based on customer.
10. Everytime you post something people start following you.
11. Webinar give Formula .. ask them what else you want in webinar.
12. Create a product and give free for survey please ask review for this course with in 7 days.
13. Nurture your customers..
14. Real sales webinars , where you know good response profit start ads.
15. If not respond well start from 1 .
16. When you hit the gas pedestal
10 step to create business
1. Pick one problem how to solve
2. Pick one market where you want serve
3. Pick one process solve the problem
4. Create a survey gift
5. Conduct one to one get pattern
6. Create your buy-able product
7. Invite these people to webinar
8. Sell your minimum buy-able product
9. Create that product give it for free and collect testimonials
10. The real sales webinar.
Sidz, thank you for sharing the journey and making us to understand the process.
Top learnings for me based on the minimum viable product concept are as follows:
1) Identifying one problem which I need to solve.
2) Stick to one target market which I want to help.
3) Explore one process or method to solve the problem.
4) Survey Gift Strategy – Gathering data to know the direction which I need to proceed
5) Have 121 calls with those who participated in the survey to get the patterns
6) Have to create my MVP based on the conversation
7) Invite these people to MVP webinar – test selling.
8) create a polling data to know their intentions whether they will be willing to pay if offered at that price.
9) Create the product and to offer free and get testimonials.
10) To use the testimonials in the real webinar sales.
Excellent summary of steps to create a minimum viable product-
My Top 3 actions based on this are-
1. Create the MVP – Thankfully the Hackathon is helping in this!
2. Do the Test Selling Webinar
3. Seek authentic feedback and testimonials.
my takeaways
– pick one problem you want to solve
– pick one person’s category
– pick one method to solve their problem
– survey gift strategy – gathering data from your audience
– conduct 121 before the launch of the products
– create your minimum viable product
– invite these people to your webinar… also called cold audience
– create a product gift free and get the testimonials
– Real sales webinar – start your real selling
A really interesting podcast…The short format prompts me to name this segment as Ice-cream Learning Formula (ILF).
10 steps to create a MVP (Min Viable Product) for testing the market :
1.Pick one problem you want to solve.
2.Pick one market you want to serve
3.Pick one method/process to solve the problem identified in step 1
4.Create a survey gift for the people who give you the inputs in terms of problem identification for designing the product.
5.Conduct 1-2-1 session for the people who fill up the survey form.Build human connections
6.Based upon the inputs create the Min Viable Product (MVP)
7.Invite people to MVP webinar.
8.Sell the MVP in webinar.
9.Create the product, give it for free to initial customers who filled the survey and collect the testimonials
10.Use testimonials to do actual sales in the webinar
Based upon feedback in sales webinar either move forward or get back to step one and redo the entire process.
My action point based upon above I will launch my sales webinar in one week.
pick 1 problem, market, process
create a survey gift – it will give better validation
connect with 50 people get at least 100 valid points
Invite MVP people to webinar and do test sell webinar
create the product and give it for free to these people and collect testimonials and use these to start real selling in real sales webinar
Four Action plans I learned from the podcast are as follows:
1. Survey Gift
2. 1-2-1 Conversation
3. Test Selling Webinar
4. Collect Testimonials
1. pick up one problem
2. pick up one market
3. pick up one process or method
4. Create survey gift
5. Get the pattern
6. Create viable product
7. Invite to webinar
8. create the real product
9. collect testimonials
10. Start real selling
Top learning from the webinar
1. Pick one problem to solve in your niche
2. Pick one market to serve – Ideal target market is just like me but who are behind 4-5 years!
3. Pick one process and one method which solves their problem!
4. Create a survey gift – ask about their problems, and demography, basically collect data.
5. Conduct one-to-one and gather patterns.
6. Create MVP based on the feedback of the customers.
7. Invite them to an MVP webinar.
8. Test sale after mvp webinar.
9. Create a product and give it for free and collect testimonials.
10. Start real selling – Real sales webinar.
Thank you Sid sir it’s amazing experience in ILH..It really helped me to be stress free and gave me freedom…
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
1.test your product- experiment and
1. Pick a problem
2.Select a market- people like you.
3. Method or process to solve the problem
4. Free survey Gift. Gathering Data. It gives pain points
5. Go for 121 interviews- 15 min. free on calendly. get pattern
6. on the basis of feedback , create a Min. viable product.
7. Invite them to a free MVP webinar.
8. Test selling. Will be ready to pay X amount- understand response.
9. Giving the product to some free in exchange of testimonials.
10 Use the Testimonial in Real sales Webinar.
11. Nurture the Customer to make the community on weekly.
12 If not working go back to point no1 , restart . you will make it
My learning:
A. Follow a system with Patience.
B. Develop an MVP
Create a Survey
Pick one Problem want to solve
Know your Audience by building a human-to-human connection
Take Actions
Thank you Sidz for this gem of an idea. Will do this. Though my partner and I are very passionate about our subject and deliver our best, we aren’t having good conversions. This just might get us unstuck.
my top 3 action points is
1. i post consistentlyon social media by giving call to action as survey gift
2. i take 121 and get more clarity and understand my target audience
3. i improve my product and start selling
Action steps:
* Finalizing niche
* Targeting audience to serve
* Setting up process/method
* Start doing 121 conversation
* Creating my MVP – Minimum Viable Product
* Create & sell them for free
* Then real sales.
Super Amazing Sidz
All your ideas are CRISP AND CLEAR.
1 ) I am actually high on knowledge. My implementation is not in its active stage because I was unclear on how to IMPLEMENT ( NOW I have a lot more CLARITY)
2) I have identified My NICHE and My Target group too ( Now I have the courage to TRY )…THANKS FOR THIS PODCAST
Until you test and see – market responsive
MVP – Minumum viable product
10 steps – MVP
1] pick one problem that you want to solve
2] pic one market which you want to serve – same as me
3] pic one method to help solve the problem
4] survey gift – post content on
5] free service
6] collect data – 50-100 people’s
7] create MVP basis – feedback conversation
8] test selling – responsiveness
9] collect testimonials
10] Real sales webinar
Top actions :
1)create survey and send to various groups and get idea about the one problem i am solving
2)follow 10 step process and
3) conduct real webinar and keep improvising till you get the right product
4) have free survey gift for these particpants and create your tribe eventually
Throwing yourself to service to your tribe is the key even if you do all the hard work and do not give your participnats more value than the cost …..thanks Sidz
The 3 action steps I will take to validate my product and to refine it are:
1. I will announce on social media the survey in exchange for a free mini course.
2. I will invite them for 1-to-1 calls.
3. I will create my free workshop based on my interaction and survey results.
In addition, I plan to include a few product titles as part of the survey and find out what resonates with them.
Amazing podcast on 10 steps formula on how to create a minimum viable product (MVP).
My 3 action steps will be
1. Start a survey gift and conduct 121s
2. Do a test sell of the MVP, collect testimonial and
3. Do an actual sales webinar
All 3 steps within next months. If it does not work, rework on my mission statement and problem I want to solve.
It si time to launch my MVP. After creating my own products waiting for the people’s feedback randomly.
The structured approach or step by step approach will definitely add value to the audience and for my digital journey.
The Survey Gift strategy would definitely help to Win Win situations of both the audience as well as for my own product improvement.
Getting first 10 or 20 Sales are hard. By implemening these steps, definitely get more sales through organically in initial phase.
Will listen this podcast multiple times and implement in the same in my digital journey. Thanks to sidz. More Gratitude 🙏🤝.
Shared information that work for my prelaunch course launchpad. I got the parameters of getting started with the courses.
🙋♀️10 step formula to create a MVP! 🌍Ecosystem to build communities and memberships🌍
✅ Pick one problem you want to solve
✅Pick one market to serve (look in the mirror☺️)
✅Pick one process or one method to help them
✅Create a survey gift🎁 (Give the course/product for free to the ones who answer the survey, WIN-WIN❤️). Get validation from market. Share link on SM.
✅Do 121’s with people who’ve filled in the survey and build the product giving them solutions. Notice patterns in problems and give solutions based on that.
✅Create MVP based on inputs from market survey
✅Invite them to the MVP webinar where you offer the MVP (COLD AUDIENCE) No sell webinar. Do polls to ask if they’d be willing to buy the mvp.
✅Create the MVP, give the product for free and collect feedback and testimonials after they review the course.
✅Use testimonials to do real selling!
✅Do another real sales webinar, build and nurture community.
These are the steps to create a MVP!
This was awesome!! 🤩🤩
So inspired to start my MVP process. I am sure it would create that confidence needed.
My key take aways –
1) target one single problem
2) target one target market ( just like u probably who are 2 yrs back )
3) use one method or process to solve the problem which u r aligned with.
4) use survey gift strategy. Collect ur 100 Questions and data. Validation happens.
5) conduct 1 to 1 to chart out patterns. Send out an email for a chat to understand the problem better. Use calendly and zoom.
6) now create you MVP based on the inputs of ur prospective customers. Plus these people will engage with u coz u added value to them.
7) do a MVP group webinar. It’s a test sell. Use polls.
8) Do test selling. Do the price discovery for the product and responsiveness
9) create the product and give them for free. Collect feedback and testimonial, review on trustpilot.
10) once collected, use these to do real selling.
After MVP, ur confidence will be much higher.
– If the product hits off, continue
– If the product doesn’t, do 3-4 more tests webinars.
– if even after 3-4 it doesn’t take off, go back to step one.
PS: couldn’t create the gravator due to word press login issues. Next time pls 😄
Valuable insights..all points are very precisely added that I could able to understand and implement.. Thank you sids
10 set Formula for MVP
Step 1: Pick one problem you want to solve
Step 2: Pick one market to serve
Step 3: Pick one process/method to solve the problem
Step 4: Create a survey gift.
Step 5: Conduct 121 for those who filled out the form – Human Connect
Step 6: Create your MVP based on the input from the customers
Step 7: Post 1-2 months with 100 – 300 people, and invite them to a webinar
Step 8: Test Sell webinar
Step 9 : Create the product – give it for free and collect their testimonial.
Step 10 : Post the testimonial – Sell the webinar – Real Sale webinar
If it does not work – Go back to Step 1
My Call to Action
1. Follow these steps to create an MVP post 25th June.
2. Go through the podcast again.
3. Document systematically input from my 121s.
Thank you Sidz.
Action plans
1. Want to work teenagers to overcome math fer and exam fever.
2. Make survey form to find the pain points. and declare that those who feel the form they get the program for free.
3. Create a program and start taking this free program (it will be a group coaching of 5 to 10 students)
4. Collect the testimonial.
5. Upgrade my program based on feedback and testimonial and launch paid program.
Perfect 5!
Mty top 3 action points
1. Selecting one problem area instead of working on multiple challenges
2. creating survey questions and sharing
3. Building llist of 150 people for sales webinar
Awesome action points!
Top 10 Steps for Building a Community, Creating a Membership, and Developing a Minimum Viable Product:
Identify the Problem: Select a specific problem that you aim to solve or address.
Define Your Target Market: Choose a market segment that closely aligns with your own interests and preferences.
Develop a Solution Process: Determine a systematic approach or process to tackle the identified problem effectively.
Craft a Survey Gift: Create a valuable survey or questionnaire that helps you gather demographic information and understand your audience’s precise needs and desires.
Conduct Personalized Interviews: Engage in one-on-one conversations with your target audience using tools like Calendly to schedule and conduct free calls or meetings.
Build Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Create a prototype or simplified version of your product or service that addresses the core problem and provides value to potential customers.
Organize a Webinar: Host an informative and engaging webinar to introduce your audience to your MVP, showcasing its benefits and gathering feedback.
Test Your Product’s Market Potential: Offer your product for sale on a small scale to gauge its market viability. Determine whether your target audience is willing to pay for it.
Gather Testimonials: Provide your product or service for free to a select group of users in exchange for their testimonials and feedback, which can help establish credibility and social proof.
Conduct a Sales Webinar: Organize a sales-focused webinar, utilizing the gathered testimonials to promote your product or service effectively. Support your webinar with targeted advertisements. If the approach proves unsuccessful, reassess the previous steps and restart the process from the beginning.
By following these steps, you can build a thriving community, establish a membership base, and create a minimum viable product that meets the needs of your target market.
Brilliant insights!
My Action Points:
create a survey gift
converse with people !
build digital communty
don’t sell Ps, sell memberships
More power to you!
Amazing podcast
My top 3 actions steps would be
1. Create a survey gift
2.cinduct 121 with people who fill survey form
3. Sell minimum viable product in test webinar
Thanks a ton!
Understood the whole concept of creating a minimum Viable Product
Got the idea to try another niche for a different Audience and create a new Product, where this Podcast is going to help me a lot
My Action Points
DO a survey to get inputs:
Create the new product :
Try out the same organically, and start selling if the same becomes viable
Thanks for the inputs and idea.
I’m glad you found this valuable!
It was super valuable concept based on that my top action points are –
1- Survey gift & data collection
2- Conducting 1 2 1
3- Creating my products
4- Inviting to webinar & doing test sales.
Thanks for sharing!
Lauch product to test market. Mpv
1.version 1 affiliate marketing.
2. Digital product.
3 build digital community
4 sell membership silver gold diamond quantum.
10 steps for mvp
1. Pick 1 problem you want to solve and you are aligned with.
2. Pick one market to serve.
3. Pick one process or method to solve the problem.
4. Survey 🎁gifts.
5. Conduct 121 to get patterns.
6. Create mvp.
7.invite these people to mpv webinar.
8 Test sell check no selling.
9. Create product and give free to 30 people and get feedback.
10. Real sales webnair.
Awesome insights!
It was awesome knowledge. 3 key takeaways –
1. It seem to be a failproof process as not starting with an odd untested product.
2. As we offer free, it may give genuine feedback and valuable testimonials to build authority right in the beginning
3. This will give confidence and we ourself will not treat us as new after going through this process. This would be Win-Win situation.
An insightful and inspiring way to make selling easy with the least resistance and by value sharing.
Thanks for sharing!
1. Identify one problem
2. Choose your audience
3. Pick one process or method.
4. Create a survey gift
5. Conduct 121 with leads
6. Create MVP
7. Invite people to test webinar for MVP
8. Give course for free and ask for feedback
9. Get testimonials
10. Do a real sales webinar
Perfect 10!
It si time to launch my MVP. After creating my own products waiting for the people’s feedback randomly.
The structured approach or step by step approach will definitely add value to the audience and for my digital journey.
The Survey Gift strategy would definitely help to Win Win situations of both the audience as well as for my own product improvement.
Getting first 10 or 20 Sales are hard. By implemening these steps, definitely get more sales through organically in initial phase.
Will listen this podcast multiple times and implement in the same in my digital journey. Thanks to sidz. More Gratitude 🙏🤝.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Good takeaways!
Amazing podcast Siddharth! I am happy to listen to this before launch of my course. My key takeaways:
1. Building digital communities and selling memberships is more effective than selling individual products.
2. Instead of rigid planning be flexible and get the feedback from the few who show interested in the beginning.
3. Steps include identifying a problem to solve, selecting a target market and method, creating a survey gift for feedback, conducting one-on-one conversations, and developing the MVP.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for such a powerful podcast Sidz…..it is much needed for me!!!!!!
Here are my take aways:
10 Step formula for MVP
Step 1: Pick one problem to solve
Step 2: One market to serve
Step 3: One process / method to solve problem
Step 4: Survey Gift (Gather data)
Step 5: Conduct 1-2-1 to people who filled survey
Step 6: Create MVP based on the inputs
Step 7: Invite the same set of people to MVP webinar
Step 8: Test sell in webinar for the same cold audience
Step 9: Create the product- give for free- collect testimonials
Step 10: Use these testimonials for real selling and nurture your community – real sales webinar
If real sale doesn’t work go back to step 1 and pick new problem, market and method
Amazing 10 steps!
Informative podcast. The following is apt for me – “However, if it doesn’t work out, let’s say you conduct this real sales webinar three or four times, but it doesn’t generate a positive response, then go back to step one. Choose a new problem, target a new market, adopt a different method or process, create a new survey gift, and go through two or three rounds if necessary.” Thank you. Learnt it. Will do. Thanks.
More power to you!
Below are the points I learnt and implement:
1. One problem to solve
2. Defined market audience
3 Survey Gist strategy
4 Will conduct 1-1
5. Will create product and give it to free and ask for testimonials
Awesome stuff!
My 3 Action points:
1. Roll out a survey gift
2. Have 121s with them
3. Create an MVP and give it to them for free and collect testimonials
Perfect 3!
Wohooooo Thank you so much Sid
Much needed to listen this..
Don’t sale products
Sale the membership..
Community building.
Thank you..
So many take aways.
#ILH #ilhfamily
Thanks a ton!
My top actions after listening this
1 ✅ Go for taking live zoom classes for my target audience, and looking for what works for me 🙏
2 ✅ I choose Memory Improvement As a micro niche for academic students and test it for me
Is it working for me or not
3 ✅ I want to create a survey to understand my target audience for my workshop or courses
4 ✅ I will create a minimum viable product for target audience as free, I want to test it, is my audience is ready or not.
5 ✅ after that I want to collect testimonials from my audience or customer, I want to use that testimonials for future use and build my credibility.
Much more learnings from this podcast
And Much more actions I have to follow.
Thanks for sharing this valuable podcast #Sidz
@Hemant Kumarr
Awesome action points!
It is a community building, product building & validating formula, ultimately a roadmap to start your journey… Loved it!!!!!
In this podcast, Sidz discusses the concept of creating a minimum viable product (MVP) before fully launching a product or coaching business. He shares his personal journey as an example, starting with selling affiliate marketing courses as an affiliate and gradually transitioning to creating their own digital products. Sidz emphasizes the importance of feedback from customers and how it shaped their business direction. Sidz highlights the significance of building a community and ecosystem around the product or service and eventually transitioning to selling memberships instead of individual products. He provides a 10-step formula for creating an MVP, starting with identifying a problem, selecting a target market, choosing a method to solve the problem, and conducting surveys and one-on-one conversations to gather feedback. He concludes by stressing the iterative nature of the process and the importance of adapting based on market responsiveness.
The first step in creating an MVP is to pick one problem to solve and deeply reflect on it. This problem can be related to various areas such as business, career, health, wealth, relationships, or creative arts. The second step is to select a specific target market that aligns with your own experiences and interests. Sidz shares their example of targeting individuals who were similar to them but a few years behind in their journey. The third step involves choosing a process or method to address the identified problem. Sidz chose affiliate marketing as a means to solve the money problem. Following these initial steps, he dives into the subsequent stages, including creating a survey gift, conducting one-on-one conversations to identify patterns, and developing the minimum viable product based on customer feedback. He also discusses the importance of engaging with the audience through valuable content and hosting an MVP webinar to test the market response. If the response is positive, it’s time to scale up; otherwise, the process starts again with a new problem, target market, and method.
Overall, he emphasizes the iterative and feedback-driven nature of creating a minimum viable product. It highlights the importance of understanding the problem you want to solve, identifying your target market, gathering feedback through surveys and conversations, and refining your product based on the insights gained. By following this 10-step formula, Sidz suggests that we as entrepreneurs and coaches can simplify and expedite our journey to achieving desired results.
Here are my top 6 action points that one can take:
1. Identify a problem: Reflect on the world and pinpoint a specific problem that you are passionate about solving. It can be related to business, career, health, relationships, or any other area. This step is crucial as it forms the foundation of your product or coaching business.
2. Define your target market: Select a target market that aligns with your experiences and interests. Focus on a specific group of people who can benefit from your solution. Consider targeting individuals who share similarities with you or are a few steps behind in their journey. Understanding your target market will help you tailor your product or coaching services effectively.
3. Choose a method or process: Determine a method or process to address the identified problem. It should be something you are confident in and believe will be effective. For example, if your problem is related to weight loss, choose a weight loss method that resonates with you and that you have faith in.
4. Conduct surveys and gather feedback: Create a survey gift and share it on social media platforms to collect feedback from your audience. Ask questions related to the problem you are addressing and gather insights about their challenges, needs, and expectations. This data will provide validation and guide you in developing your product or coaching services.
5. Engage in one-on-one conversations: Reach out to individuals who filled out the survey and conduct one-on-one conversations with them. Schedule calls and listen to their problems, allowing them to share additional insights and feedback. Aim to have meaningful conversations with at least 50 people, gathering valuable patterns and data points to shape your offering.
6. Create a minimum viable product (MVP): Utilize the feedback gathered from surveys and conversations to shape your MVP. This initial version of your product or coaching service should address the problem and meet the needs of your target market. Ensure that it provides value and aligns with the expectations of your potential customers. The MVP will serve as a starting point to test market responsiveness and gather further feedback for iteration and improvement.
Thank you Sidz for the wonderful insights on how to go about creating a MVP. Deep Gratitude for having me in your community. MPTY.
Thank you so much for sharing your insights, this is brilliant!
super podcast
Thank you!
Actions steps :
1] Survey gift
2]Collect data and validate
3] Creating MVP basis data and feedback
4] Collect testimonials
Thanks for sharing
1. Minimum Viable Product
2. Test your course with Surveys and get feedback from the people.
3. Collect testimonials before the Sales.
Top 10 Steps
1. Pick One Problem you want to solve.
2. Pick One market you want to serve. Ideal Market is just like me.
3. Pick One process to solve the problem.
4. Create something called a survey gift. Demographics, What exactly the audience is looking for?
5. Conduct 1-to-1 with these audiences. Calendly Free Call
6. Create your MVP – Minimum viable product
7. Invite in Webinar.
8. Do a test selling. Would you be willing to pay
9. Create the product and give free and collect testimonials.
10. Real Sales Webinar. Do a Real selling here. Use the testimonials for this webinar.
Perfect 10!
How to Launch MVP
1. Identify One Problem
2. Finalise One Market(Audience) to whom you want to serve
3. Create one System/Process (Vehicle) through which you want to solve the problem
4. Test in the Market.
Thus you will get the MVP for testing and it will provide enough data to launch the full-fledged Digital Product.
Don’t sell courses only sell membership.
How to get result
1) pick one problem
2)pick only one market
3) pick one method or problem solution
4) Survey gift strategy
5) conduct one to one
6) create MVP
7) sell viable problem
8)test sell webinar
9) free give & collect testimonial
10)start real sales webinar..
Good insights!
My take ways /learning point-
1. Pick one problem, that you want to solve
2. Pick one target market, that you want to serve
3. Pick one process or method to solve the problem.
4. Survey gift to target customers.
5. Conduct one to one conversations.
6. Create your minimum viable product.
7. Create human to human connection and invite them to webinar.
8. Sell your product in the webinar.
9. Create the products and provide in free of cost to 40-50 people.
10. Real sell of Webinar by showing the testimonials and nurturing the tribe.
So my top 3 Actions
1. Identify the problem to solve
2. Find your target market
3. Build a community to serve them relentlessly.
Thank you sidz
Good stuff!
*Focus on membership rather seeling products
*Survey gives you feedback to improve about product.
*Fixed market is way better than whole market domination
Excellent podcast! My top 4 takeaways:
• don’t try selling a product without having conversations with your target market
• include your market in the creation process
• be clear on the price point your audience would pay before releasing an offer
• request testimonials to strengthen your social proof for a proper sales webinar
Thanks a ton! Good takeaways!
It’s true, understanding the Market will help create amazing products to launch. Just create something around the pain point n it will work
Thanks for sharing!
Great Takeaways from this webinar are-
1. Pick 1 problem to solve
2. Pick 1 market to service
3. Speak one method to solve the problem
4. Create survey gift
5. One to one conversations
6. Create MVP based on feedback and conversations
7. Invite to Webinar
8. Sale the MVP
9. Give the product free to 30-40 people free and collect testimonial
100. Then do real sales webinar
Cycle this 3-4 times and get success.
Perfect 10!
My learnings from MVP podcast:
1. Don’t create a full fledge product untill you test the market responsiveness.
2. Create a minimum viable digital products.
3. Develop Eosystem – develop a community.
4. Start selling Membership to your community.
5. Pick one problem.
6. Pick one market. (Just like you)
7. Pick one process or method to solve the problem.
8. Survey Gift – Make post in social media with a survey form to gather data.
9. Get into one-to-one with the respondents.
10. Calenderly a[ppointment link and get on a free zoom call. Build the human to human connect.
11. In 3 months – Collect 50 to 100 data points
12. This is soild set of idea to create your product.
13. Conduct 1 to 1 and get patterns.
14. Then create your MVP based on the inputs.
15. Improve and enhance it.
16. Share in group and to your community
17. Invite to a MVP seminar
18. Do a surevy and do test selling
19. Do not sell. It is a test sell.
20. Record the responsiveness. Will you be interesed in buying a advance version of this product?
21. Create the prouduct and share it free and collect the testimonials. Review the course and collect testimonials.
22. Then do real sales webinars.
23. If it works invest in Marketing.
24. If it does not work go back to step one.
25. Do this 2 to 3 times.
Happy selling !
Wow!!! You are the BESTLEARNER…… Keep it up, Sir 🙂
Thanks a ton, MPTY!
Happy selling! Brilliant points!
🎯 Here are the 💎 Top 5 key learnings from the podcast:
💡 Pick 1️⃣one problem that you want to solve and 1️⃣one target market that you want to ✅serve.
💡 Choose one ⚙️process or ⚙️method that 💓aligns with you and that you’re confident in.
💡 Create a survey 🎁gift and gather 📩feedback and insights from your social media 🧑🤝🧑audience.
💡 Conduct 📞one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns.
💡 🎯Create your minimum viable product (💎MVP) utilizing the inputs and feedback you received from your customers during the survey and one-on-one conversations to shape your 💎MVP.
💡 Building a 🤝human-to-human connection with your audience is crucial to strengthen your relationship with them.
💡 Conducting a real 💸sales webinar is a good way to test the responsiveness of your audience to a potential paid offering.
💡 If your MVP 📉doesn’t generate a positive response, go ⚙️back to step one and choose a new problem, target market, or method.
💡🏫 Education is about navigating through knowledge, not just memorization.
💡 💸Money loves ⏩speed, so it’s important to move quickly and efficiently to achieve results in your business.
🏆These key learnings provide a comprehensive 🦯guide on how to create a minimum viable product and launch a 🥇successful digital product business. By following these steps, you can test your product, gather valuable feedback, and refine your offering before launching a fully developed product. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of building a human-to-human connection with your audience and the value of education, speed, and persistence in achieving success.🎯
Good points!
My Top 3 take aways
It was best value recieving Podcast interms of introspection when we are in the grinding phase. Thanks much sidz for pouring your heart to give such a valuable content.
1. DOing more survey gift strategy to all my social media followers
2. Conduct the more 121’s from them to identify the patterns and to recieve the feedbacks
3. Create & Enhance my MVP products with the feedbacks and follow the webinar selling process formula.
Awesome takeaways!
1) Survey gift
2) Test sell
3)collect testimonials
4) real sales webinar
top 3 action
pick one problem
one target
one method
More power to you!
Unlocking Confidence: Gain the tools to boost your confidence in selling your products or coaching business, enabling you to overcome self-doubt and hesitation.
MVP Mastery: Discover the power of creating a minimum viable product (MVP) before your official launch, ensuring market responsiveness and avoiding the need for a fully developed product from the start.
The Evolutionary Journey: Embark on a transformative journey as you learn from personal experiences and scale your own business, transitioning from selling other people’s products to creating your own digital products.
Listening to the Market: Embrace the invaluable feedback from customers as you navigate your entrepreneurial path, adapting your product focus based on their desires and needs to stay aligned with market demand.
From Product Sellers to Community Builders: Uncover the realization that building communities is the key to success, as you shift your perspective from solely being a product seller to establishing a thriving ecosystem around your offerings.
Very well expressed insights!
Do a free survey and collect real time data
Good takeaway!
1. Do lot of research
2 Give it for free if possible.
3. Get testimonial
4. Sell if not working start again
Perfect 4
Minimum Viable Product
1) Selecting the problem.
2) Selecting the target market (category of people and market location)
3) Creating a process/method to solve the problem
4) Creating a survey gift
5) One to one conversation (free zoom call) with individuals who participated in the survey
6) Creating MVP by utilizing the survey feedback and 1-2-1 call pattern
7) Invite individuals to MVP seminar
8) Test cold selling of seminar and giving it for free
9) Collect testimonials from the webinar attendees
10) Real sales webinar utilizing the testimonials
IF it does not work start again from step no 1.
Brilliant stuff!
My learning on minimum viable product –
1. Pick one process/method to solve the problem
2. Create a survey gift.
3.Create a minimum viable product
Awesome learnings!
My top 3 action step:-
1. Test the market and then launch your product.
2. Do a survey.
3. Have a personal touch with your customers.
Thanks for sharing!
1.MVP Minimum viable product starts with selecting a problem, which marker to serve, a unique method to be chosen
2.Magic starts with survey gifts,to launch products online .atleast 5 people.
3.e webinar,free collect testimonials
Awesome insights!
10 Steps
1. Pick One Problem to solve.
2. Pick One market you to serve
3. Pick One process or method to solve that problem
4. Create a survey gift
5. Conduct 1 on 1 meetings and get patterns
6. Create an Minimum viable product
7. Create a Webinar.
8. Do a test selling
9. Test Selling
10. Selling
Perefct 10!
My Takeaways-
-making posts and sharing content on social media
-conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns.
-Create network of 100 to 300 people group improve engagement.
-Create MVP
Awesome takeaways!
1. Survey Gift Strategy → New Training in next few months (Gathering data whom you want to serve for validation)
2. Build MVP or improve product based on feedback -> Invite them to the webinar → do sales pitch of MVP → Test Sell
3. Create the product → give it for free and collect testimonials in exchange
Crisp & Clear points!
Thank you for this amazing podcast. 1. MVC – I will pick one problem, 1 market and 1 solution , will test this. I will ask about additions or improvements.
I will decide to nurture more audience by listening their opinions and giving them value.
Keep improvising my model.
Awesome, MPTY!
MY action points are as follows 1First Prepare a survey gift 2) Do 121 with people who respond to the survey using Calendly and Zoom, 3) Create MVP and 4) Invite them to the webinar where we sell MVP free of charge it is just Test Selling, 5) Recreate Product and give it to the audience who had responded to review and ask for testimonial 6) Finally Do the Paid Webinar. Keep nurturing the audience and ascertain interest and curiosity based on which decide to go full blast, if not go back to step 1.
Good takeaways!
I do not have words to express for the way you have been explained over each and every point!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
There are 10 Steps for MVP:
1) Pick 1 problem that you want solve, you feel aligned with it
2) Pick one target market (ideal market will be like you)
3) Pick one process or method to solve the problem
4) Create something like Survey Gift Strategy.
a. Post a survey in advance before launching the product
b. Offer few people
c. Ask question related to the product and start gathering data
5) Conduct 121 with the people who filled up the Survey
a. Give Calendly Appointment Schedule
6) Create MVP based on the inputs from the people
7) Invite to MVP Webinar
8) Sale your MVP
a. Invite Cold Members too
b. Don’t Sell product
c. It is a Test Sale Webinar for responses
9) Create the Product, give product free and collect the testimonial
10) The real Sell Webinar
Awesome share!
1. Launch my Survey Gift (upto 50 calls)
2. Do 1-2-1 Calls for Free (upto 50 calls)
3. Get deeper clarity of the problem that I wish to solve
4. Offer these participants my 9999 worth course for free!
5. In return request a Video Testimonial!
Awesome 5!
I think this is great.
1. Not needed to have the full-fledged product before I sell
2. Don’t sell product sell membership
3. Create a minimum viable product and sell
4. Get feed back from the customer and build my own eco-system
5. Build community and sell membership instead of products
6. Pick one problem you want to solve
7. Pick one market that you want to sell (people who are just like me)
8. Pick one method/process to solve their problem
9. Create survey gift (Post on social media) Collect date and pain point and use for course creation
10. Conduct 121 session with the people who have given the data ( Get feedback) Connect one to one
Perfect 10!
A very great insight for creating the course and selling through webinar. It is very useful idea for getting content from the customers for creating the course instead of creating what I know. so it will serve the purpose . Then having communication with them and to get testimonials for real webinar are amazing
Good points!
Thanks, Sidz for this action-packed podcast.
1. I will start doing 1-1 Call with my target audience. And after listening to their problem, will test my method and steps, without naming it and see how they respond. It will help to understand more about my method and what all should I include. Plus answer their questions (giving me more ideas for the product)
2. Create my MVP Product based on the feedback and give it to them for FREE. And ask for testimonials and feedback.
3. Plus really liked your idea of a value + test webinar. Will conduct webinars and provide value and at the end test my sales as well.
Thanks for the podcast.
Thanks a ton!
🔴 Lack of confidence in selling products or coaching business.
🟠 Introduction to creating a minimum viable product (MVP).
🟡 Example of the host’s journey in creating a digital product.
🟢 Shifting focus based on customer feedback.
🔵 Importance of building communities and ecosystems.
🟣 Transition from product selling to selling memberships.
🟤 Emphasizing the 10-step process for creating an MVP.
🔴 Step 1: Choosing a problem to solve.
🟠 Step 2: Selecting a target market to serve.
🟡 Step 3: Picking a process or method to solve the problem.
🔵 Step 4: Creating a survey gift to gather feedback.
🟣 Step 5: Conducting one-on-one conversations with survey respondents.
🟤 Step 6: Creating the minimum viable product (MVP).
🔴 Step 7: Inviting people to an MVP webinar.
🟠 Step 8: Selling the MVP during the webinar.
🟡 Adjusting the approach based on webinar results.
🔵 Restarting the process if needed.
🟣 Highlighting the benefits of the minimum viable product concept.
🟤 Invitation to join the host’s community and upgrade membership.
🔴 Conclusion and call to action.
Love this share, awesome!
Create your MVP.
If it doesn’t work repeat the process .
Your ideal customer is your self before 2-3 years .
1] creat world class product
2]build community
3 minimum viable product
Here are the 3 takeaways.
1. Pick one problem
2. Conduct one to get the pattern
3. Create minimum viable product
Continue this for a certain period of time.
Perfect 3!
My take away,
pick one problem that you want to solve.
The second step is to pick one target market that you want to serve
The third step is to pick one process or method to solve the problem
Step number four is creating a survey gift
step number five, you should conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns
Good takeaways!
Top Action points:
• Pick problem
• Method/tool to solve it
• Conduct a Survey through social media
• 1-2-1 for filling survey and feedback
• Create a MVP basis
• Invite them to webinar
• Create product based on feedback
• Do real sales webinar
• If yes,go ahead.if no, redo the whole process from step1 from choosing a problem.
Perfect action points!
Understanding Your Audience-
1. Need- Exactly what they want
2. Problem- The major challenge they are facing
3. Results – How you can help them get results
4. Testimonial – Get their feedback.
Collecting Data points & this major learning will only come once you do at least 100 121s with your audience who are testing the course.
Good stuff!
Fantastic thought process !!
Its really amazing to know these steps on how to validate one’s niche by launching a minimum viable product.
key lessons: Survey gift – a wonderful way of researching and doing a needs analysis
Thank you …
so much to learn from you Sidz. You took time to reply everyone’s comment !!! amazing!!!
My key learning from today’s session is-
1. First, we have to Focus on creating MVP based on the survey gift strategy.
2. Then do Test selling webinar
3. Collect the testimonials from those who got this course for free.
4. Based on their feedback built the course and then do a Real sales webinar by using testimonials
5. Try 3-4 times a week, if it works, run ads, and if not then go to step 1 and choose the new problem, a new target audience.
Awesome learnings!
Hey Sidz. Thank You
-Dont sell products – sell Memberships
-Do Free 121 to built your testimonials
-If step 10 dose’nt work – Go back to spep 1 -Repeat.
Thank U.
Good share!
The best part is that the second or third time, you’ll be able to do it much faster than the first time. This is how you create a minimum viable product. Just imagine, once you have identified the sweet spot through the minimum viable product process, when you accelerate your efforts in terms of traffic, organic content, marketing, and ads, you will be able to scale easily. Many people fail to achieve results because they neglect this crucial step.
Identify your target market and their needs.
Determine core features that solve their problems.
Develop a functional prototype.
Gather feedback from early adopters.
Refine and iterate based on feedback.
Create a marketing strategy highlighting the value proposition.
Monitor metrics to measure user engagement and conversion.
Scale up and iterate based on customer demands.
Good insights!
Test drive before hitting the Gas Pedal.
Find out what’s your Minimum Viable Product.
Do things systematically so that you can be absolutely sure to avoid pitfalls
10-step formula on how to create a minimum viable product,
1: pick one problem that you want to solve.
2: pick one target market that you want to serve.
3: pick one process or method to solve the problem
4: create a survey gift.
5: Conduct one-on-one conversations.
6: Create your minimum viable product (MVP).
7: Invite your build tribe to an MVP webinar.
8: opportunity to sell your minimum viable product thru your free webinar
9: Create a product give them a free and collect data . Collect testimonial from them.
10. Now its Real Sell Webinar where you sell your product.
Perfect 10!
Have consistency in organising webinars
Be sincere in catering to the right type of audiences
Not get disheartened by the no of products sold
Great points!
key take away from the Podcast:
start small
connect with the target audience
understand the problems faced by them
get deeper understanding of the problem you can solve
and then launch the Minimum viable Product
My learnings from the above podcast is 10 step formula to test and build the MVP launch your product is as follows:
First 3 steps are: establish your niche:
1. The problem you want to solve.
2. the Market you want to serve
3. The process you want to use to approach the problem.
Then make announcement in your network and have conduct a survey.
4. Create a Survey with carrot/gift at the end of the survey. Ask people the challenges they face related to the niche you’re interested in.
5. Create a 1-to-1 followup call discuss for 15 min.
6. Get insights and understand the patterns to refine your MVP and design Product finer.
7. Invite these people to webinar to explain the product.
8. Run the soft selling a test selling & run the poll to know whether people are ready to pay for such MVP.
9. Give them it for free. & collect the testimonials. (ask them to review the course).
10. Use the testimonials to start real sale.
That’s your MVP formula to fine tune your product and launch confidently.
Thank you for insightful podcast, Sidz.
I’m glad you found this valuable!
1.Pick one problem you want to solve.
2.Pick one market you want to serve
3.Pick one method/process to solve the problem.
4.Create a survey gift for the people who give you the inputs.
5. 121 session for the people who fill up the survey form.
6.Based upon the inputs create the Min Viable Product (MVP)
7.Invite people to MVP webinar.
8.Sell the MVP in webinar.
9.Create the product, give it for free to initial customers who filled the survey and collect the testimonials
10.Use testimonials to do actual sales in the webinar
Perfect 10!
action points
1 Action Survey gift to validate your niche or product offering
2 Based on your survey create your minimum viable product
3 test sell your webinar
4 create your MVP , sell it for free and collect your testimonials
5 Sell the real webinar and get the real value people would be ready to invest in
Good action points!
10 steps:
step1:pick one problem that you want to solve.
step2: pick one target market that you want to serve.
step3:pick one process or method to solve the problem.
step4: creating a survey gift
step5: you should conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns.
step6: where you create your minimum viable product (MVP).
step7: Invite them to webinar.
step8: during the webinar, you have the opportunity to sell your minimum viable product.
step9: create a product & give it to 30 -40 people and collect review from them .
step10: Real sell webinar.
Perfect 10!
Search Problems
Method to solve it
Survey System
Collecting Data
Conduct Webinar
Good points!
My Top 10 Learnings and Action Points are.
1. Pick one Problems you want to Solve
2.Pick One Market
3.Pick one Method
4. Servey Gift
5. Conduct 1 to 1
6. Create MVP for Customers.
7. Create a group gather your leads and invite them to MVP Webinar.
8. Test Sell at This Webinar.
9. Create a Product and Collect Testimonials
10. Real Sales Webinar
Thank you Sidz for this Wonderful Podcasts
Im glad you liked the Podcast, good insights!
Picking the problem and creating the contents. The last three, Inviting to Webinar, Launching the product to collect testimonials for launching of the final Sale is systematic, methodical.
Lastly, the bulb on moment is if things do not work, going back to point no-1 ( What problem you can solve) and to repeat the process is eye opener.
Awesome, Pradeepta.
Path way on how to launch your courses, lots of insights 1st pick one problem that you want to solve.
2nd to pick one target market that you want to serve.
3rd to pick one process or method to solve the problem.
4th creating a survey gift.
5th conduct one-on-one conversations with the individuals who filled out the survey to identify patterns.
6th create your minimum viable product (MVP).
7th to invite these individuals to an MVP webinar.
8th to sell your minimum viable product.
9th & 10th Check and accelerate.
Awesome 10!
1. create lead magnet and set for survey
2. Do clarity 1-1 .
3. Create a product pertaining to numerical worksheet and test its responsiveness for students.
4. Get review about product and finalize it to get in proper format for selling
Great insights!
One Problem, Select Target Market, one process/ method, create survey, Gift, offer one to one as gifts, Create your MVP depending on the learnings, Invite them to webinar, create opportunity tov sell by pressing the pain points.
That was Awesome, Sidz, You have hit the Nail in the Hed. if this is followed to T then success is a by product.
Thanks a ton!
Top 10 Steps as follows
👉1. Pick One Problem you want to solve.
👉2. Pick One market you want to serve. Ideal Market is just like me.
👉3. Pick One process to solve the problem.
👉4. Create something called a survey gift. Demographics, What exactly the audience is looking for?
👉5. Conduct 1-to-1 with these audiences. Calendly Free Call
👉6. Create your MVP – Minimum viable product
👉7. Invite in Webinar.
👉8. Do a test selling. Would you be willing to pay
👉9. Create the product and give free and collect testimonials.
👉10. Real Sales Webinar. Do a Real selling here. Use the testimonials for this webinar. Do Ads. If it’s not working then you start from step 1.
Awesome 10!
1. Find a problem which i can solve
2. inviting my friends and relatives to review my product
3. start a small workshop or webinar
4. asking for testimony
6. and with those testimony i create a next product all make my product better
The crux of this podcast is about creating a minimum viable product (MVP) before fully launching a product or coaching business. The host shares a 10-step formula based on their own experience. They emphasize that starting with an MVP allows you to test market responsiveness and make necessary adjustments. The steps include:
Pick one problem you want to solve.
Pick one target market to serve.
Pick one process or method to solve the problem.
Create a survey gift to gather feedback and insights.
Conduct one-on-one conversations with survey respondents to identify patterns.
Create your MVP based on the feedback received.
Build a group or list of 100-300 people and invite them to an MVP webinar.
Sell your MVP during the webinar and test audience responsiveness.
If the webinar generates a positive response, accelerate and go deeper into the topic. Otherwise, go back to step one and iterate.
Scale your efforts once you find the sweet spot through the MVP process.
Good insights.
This is yet another piece of golden nugget from you @sidz. 😁
This podcast is a powerful reminder that our personal and professional growth is intricately tied to our ability to overcome challenges.
Just like our magnificent bodies have a self-monitoring mechanism, we too can develop habits and behaviors to navigate obstacles with agility.
By embracing the concept of a minimum viable product (MVP) and following the 10-step formula shared here, we can test and adapt our ideas before fully launching them, ensuring market responsiveness and achieving results faster than we could have imagined.
This approach empowers us to make confident decisions, refine our offerings, and ultimately simplify the path to success. Let’s harness the power of our own self-monitoring mechanism and embark on a journey of growth and achievement.”
By being attuned to our professional journey, practicing self-awareness, setting clear goals, and continuously adapting and learning, we can harness the power of our own self-monitoring mechanism to achieve remarkable results.
More Power To You Sidz
Well expressed insights, thanks for sharing.
I have learned many things. But top learnings are
1. We can make products in form of course and sell it free to some people.
2. We can gather insights of the problems by 1 to 1.
3. If people don’t like the content then we can upgrade or even change it totally.
Goof stuff! Thanks for sharing you learnings!
About minimal viable product podcast- very nicely knit approach..it will help us to create our place in the market. I like. the approach.. problem selection, method, survey and gift stretegy, building community, if fail once again work on it
I’m glad you liked this approach. MPTY
Immediate action items:
1. Pick up one item from my product
2. Identify my target market in Linkedin
3. Pick up one process which ‘Teaching the technical skills’
4. Plan survye gift (ethnic, age, interst, profession, goal, etc as questions)
Good takeaways!
Survey gift
test sell
collect testimonial
real sale webinar
This was the topic where I was stuck. I was confused and not confident In selling. thank u Sidz. The key takeaways are
1 Pick The Problem which you deeply love.
2 Pick what people want
3 Pick One Process
4 People love free gifts post on social media Survey Gift and get peoples comment about topic.
5 Thank them and Give Them Free121
understand the customer and see where they want solution.
6 Create MVP
7 Call to Webinar free ones as a gift ,
8 Sell your (MVP) course
9 Get Testimonial
10 Scale your Product and start selling and earn and serve the community. it’s true blessing to see difference in our customer’s life. thank u for the golden nuggets
Im glad you feel more confident now!
My 3 Learnings:
1) Identify one problem that you want to solve.
2) Identify one Market you want to serve.
3) Create your minimum viable product.
Perfect 3!
effective & informative, simple doable stuff,
1, Define the audience, do the survey with a tradeoff
2. Use their response to better version 2
3. Roll out version 2 & test,
4. Keep on improving
My Takeaways
1. Pick one problem and solve
2. Have a serve
3. !21 Clarity Call
4.. Pick one method to solve the problem of your target audience
5. Than offer Them Free course after serve to the who comes first
6. Give value to the audience to engage if they do not buy your product also
7. Build World Class Product
Awesome takeaways!
Learnig from podcast: Key lessons: 1. Take one problem that you want to solve. 2. Take one market that you wanted to solve. 3. Select one method to solve money problem. i.e how to make money by selling online product. 4. Create survey gift strategy. 5. conduct 121 survey. say thank you. 6.Create your MVP from customers. 7. Have group of 200-300 peoples across social media. 8. Sale your webinar to them. i.e Just sale Webinar. 9. Create that product- Give it free for few. Get Testimonials from them. Use those Testimonials while selling webinars. 10. Real sales webinar. Get the money in. It is your own confident. If not responding well then go back to Step 1. Thus this is how yuo have to create minimum buy product.
1. Not needed to have the full-fledged product before I sell
2. Don’t sell product sell membership
3. Create a minimum viable product and sell
4. Get feed back from the customer and build my own eco-system
5. Build community and sell membership instead of products
6. Pick one problem you want to solve
7. Pick one market that you want to sell (people who are just like me)
8. Pick one method/process to solve their problem
9. Create a survey gift (Post on social media) Collect the date and pain point and use for course creation
10. Conduct 121 sessions with the people who have given the data (Get feedback) Connect one to one
11. Create a minimum viable product after having touchpoints
12. Invite these people to the webinar (sell product/survey in a group webinar/ test selling, polling data)
13. Create the product and give it for free to these people and collect testimonials
14. Real sale webinar and keep building your community
Pick The Problem that you resonate with
Pick what people want
Pick One Process to solve the problem
People love free gifts post on social media Survey Gift and get peoples comment about topic.
Thank them and Give Them Free121
understand the customer and see where they want solution.
Create MVP
Call to Webinar free ones as a gift ,
Sell your MVP course
Get Testimonial
Scale your Product and start selling and earn and serve the
Awesome takeaways!
* 10 Steps to create a MVP Product:-
1. Pick 1 Problem you want to solve
2 Pick one market you want to serve .
3. Pick up one Process/method .
4. Create Survey Gift.
5. Conduct 1 to 1 with the people who fill the survey.
6. Create MVP based on the inputs.
7. Invite these people to MVP Webinar.
8. Gift the Product to them{customers}.
9. Collect Testimonials
10. Sales Webinar
Perfect 10!
My personal learning:
1. Creating a MVP is a process, sometimes it may take some time
2. Picking up a burning problem and a suitable market where we can emotionally connect is important.
3. Our method to solve the problem must be need based
4. Survey and free gift help us to hit the nail on the head
5. We must practice cold selling.
6. If it doesn’t work we must reflect and pick other problem until it works.
7. That is the secret of freedom business model!
Thank you Sidz!
Excellent and very simple yet very useful steps to develop a MVP with test driven approach….
Strategies using survey to identify real time issues and validate with my product that wether all these issues are getting addressed before releasing my final product…
My action points:
1. Create a survey gift
2. Give my product for free to a few people
3. Get feedback from those people and sell the product. If it doesn’t sell then restart the process of creation.
Awesome action points!