What is responsibility? Have you heard of that famous quote from Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility"? 

But I feel that it's the other way round. You will only be given power when you are responsible enough to handle it.

I drive deep into this concept in this podcast and will open your mind to a new perspective. 

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To your freedom,

siddharth rajsekar

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Podcast Transcript

We've all heard the famous quote from Spider-Man that says, "With great power comes great responsibility." However, my take on this is that with great responsibility comes the power to have great power. You must be responsible first. Let's dive in.

I'm sure the first time you heard this quote was in a Spider-Man movie or even attributed to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, who spoke about the concept that great power comes with great responsibility. Now, my perspective on this is actually the opposite. When you are responsible, that's when you are given more power to accomplish things.

For example, if you recall your school days, those who were in the good books of the teachers and served as prefects or demonstrated commitment to their academics were given additional responsibilities and authority. The school captain or the leader of the cricket team was not randomly chosen but was selected based on their demonstrated responsibility in various areas, including academics and extracurricular activities. This concept applies to life as well. Many of us believe that in order to have power, we need to accomplish numerous tasks. However, it all starts with the basics of being responsible.

Now, let's break down the different areas of responsibility that we need to be aware of and work on in order to attract a powerful lifestyle. By power, I don't mean negative power that is misused, but rather a sense of control and abundance in your life that you may not have thought possible.

It all starts with making your own bed. As you may recall from your school days, your parents might have emphasized the importance of making your bed, keeping your room clean, and organizing your belongings. These are basic habits that we grow up with. There may have been times when some of us let our rooms become messy, but taking responsibility means being able to respond to the situation. It starts with being able to handle the most basic things in your own life without depending on others, ensuring your needs are met, and maintaining cleanliness and orderliness.

Now, let's consider personal decisions, which is a step above. Are you responsible for your decisions, or do you simply accept whatever happens without taking ownership of your actions? Taking responsibility for your decisions and actions has a direct impact on your personal life, career, and business. Some of the most successful people in the world are those who take full responsibility for their actions and decisions, without blaming or complaining about others or passing the buck.

So, let's examine the areas in which you need to take responsibility when it comes to your actions, particularly in relation to a digital business. Firstly, I came across a beautiful quote that emphasizes the importance of taking action and assuming responsibility for the knowledge you acquire. You can have many coaches, trainers, mentors, and consume vast amounts of educational content through courses, videos, and podcasts. However, ultimately, you must take action and take responsibility for applying that knowledge. This is the first aspect of responsibility—the responsibility of your knowledge.

The second aspect is the responsibility of your actions. How are you going to act based on the knowledge you have acquired? There will be some who listen to this podcast and brush it off, returning to their regular lives. On the other hand, there will be others who listen and recognize the need for introspection, conducting a mental audit, and becoming the person they need to be in order to attract the lifestyle they desire.

During the initial days of my career, I relied heavily on others, failing to take personal responsibility for my life and financial situation. My financial circumstances were poor, and instead of acknowledging my own actions, thoughts, and beliefs as the true reasons for my lack of progress, I found myself blaming and complaining about others, pointing fingers at external factors.

However, everything changed when I decided to take personal responsibility. I started by healing my past and viewing those I once considered enemies as disguised angels who were actually aiding me on my journey and helping me achieve my goals. By offering them my blessings and assuming control of my own life, things began to change.

The first level of responsibility is being accountable for our knowledge and our ability to respond accordingly. The second level is taking responsibility for our actions, particularly in our personal lives. Often, we become so consumed by our business or other endeavors that we neglect our families. Spending quality time with our children, especially as they grow up, is also a responsibility. Similarly, developing a deep and intimate relationship, or a strong friendship, with our spouse or partner is essential.

This level of responsibility involves not just our personal actions, but also our roles within our families and relationships. Many people struggling in their businesses fail to realize that their issues are not solely business-related but stem from personal problems. Remember, it's not business problems we face, but personal problems manifesting in our business.

Responsible relationships begin with the relationship we have with ourselves, extending to our family members, loved ones, and friends. The quality of these relationships significantly impacts our personal growth. While it's not necessary to please everyone, it's important to recognize individuals who may not align with our goals and visions. You don't have to be in their presence or allow their energy to affect you. Instead, offer them your blessings and allow them to remain wherever they choose. Just as you don't need to mix chemicals to create a reaction, you can keep certain people at a distance, maintaining focus on your goals and visions.

Another level of responsibility lies in our commitment to society and our community.

If you see a piece of paper falling on the ground in the airport, will you pick it up and put it in the bin, or will you just walk past it? You might think, "Oh, it's just another small piece of paper. Someone else will come and clean it." However, this is also an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to respond to a small thing. Let's imagine it's 11:30 PM at night, and you're driving your car, approaching a red signal light with no other vehicles or pedestrians in sight. What will you do? Will you simply ignore the signal and go ahead, or will you choose to stay there and follow the rules, regardless of the time? This is a question we all need to ask ourselves. It's a true test of responsibility: being accountable when nobody is watching.

Responsibility to society means upholding the values by which you live your life, whether or not someone is observing your actions. If all of us follow the rules and regulations of the land, pay our taxes on time, and live with high values, ethics, and morals, we contribute to the greater good of society. Aligning ourselves in this way directly contributes to the growth of society as a whole.

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." You cannot change others, but you can change yourself. And the best way to change yourself is to be in an environment that supports and propagates this change. In fact, my mentor, Blessinger, also states that you can't change people directly, but if you change their environment, they will change. So, by helping people develop their own code of honor, let's say when you're building a community, you assist them in crafting their own value system and personal standards of conduct. When they encounter a situation in life, they can refer back to their values, which will guide them to respond in the best possible way.

Responsibility extends to various aspects: knowledge, personal actions, personal relationships with our loved ones, and our duty towards society. Moreover, there's a universal responsibility towards mankind as a whole and towards the higher power or the belief system you follow. We have a supreme being, a creator who governs multiple universes. How are we being responsible to our creator? How do we respond to the signals sent by our creator? These are questions we must ask ourselves. If we have a spiritual inclination, it becomes even more crucial. Only when we embrace responsibility in all these different areas will we be granted the power to accomplish great things.

Whether your aspirations involve building large communities, impacting a million lives, or inspiring thousands of people to achieve their goals, it all begins with simple daily habits. Making your bed every morning, eating on time and healthily, taking care of your body, nurturing your relationships, and tending to your soul—all these actions contribute to your progress towards your goals.

I hope you found this podcast episode useful. If you're not already a diamond member in my community, consider upgrading yourself because that's where you'll truly experience what I'm discussing. I'll catch you in the next episode.

Join My Next Webinar

Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    116 replies to "With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power"

    • Aditya Narayan

      3 Action Items learnt:
      Response Able , be able to respond without expectation
      Account Able: Be accountable for my responsibilities
      Actions: Be responsible for my accountable actions.
      With great responsibility comes greater self-accountability which will be the change and power to change the world. One responsible action at a time.

    • Prasanna

      Yes…. It’s a true test of responsibility: being accountable when nobody is watching. Thanks for reminding me about this.

    • San

      1. Your own self determines your aura. If you are not at your energetic best, your energy cannot spread to those around you.

      2. To be in a state of power, be responsible for improving your personal identity.

      3. You become what you think of yourself. If you are responsible for everything in your life, your aura determines your power.

    • Chandna Arora

      Top 3 action points
      – I will take personal responsibility for all my actions rather than blaming the environment or others around me.
      – “How you do anything is how you do everything”: Not only in business it’s vital to take responsibility in our daily lives.
      – Not to compromise my values and ethics in any situation, no matter hard it is.

    • Latha R

      Points to ponder
      * Taking responsibility for
      Personal habits
      Social duties
      Spiritual transformation
      * Inculcating strong will power to have a
      strong control over our emotions
      * Putting efforts to understand my SELF and
      accelerate it with ethics and values
      *. Transforming myself into a dynamic personality who will bring a smile on others’ faces.

    • Neil Shah

      This was an amazing podcast and had a new perspective on responsibilty and power
      My top learnings and action steps

      1. Responsibility of knowledge – To take action on the knowledge i recieve so that i can create a change in the society

      2. Responsibility for relationships – To be surrounded by a community of like minded people and bless people who are not in alignment with our values

      3. Responsibilty towards society – To contribute to the society , to pay taxes on time and be in alignment with my thoughts, words and actions even if no one is watching

    • Deepu KG

      Take responsibility for the knowledge you receive.

      Take responsibility for your Actions, what actions are you going to take.

      Responsibility towards Family, Give time for your children at their time of Growth.

      Give time to your spouse, be responsible for your relationships.

      Responsibility towards Society or community.

      Be Responsible when nobody is watching.

      Pay Taxes on Time.

      You can’t Change others, be the change for yourself.

      Be a Universal Mankind as a whole.

    • Vidhya Murugappan

      Being responsible gives more power to do different things.
      Starts with making our own bed, do your basic needs
      Personal decision – take full responsibility on your actions and decisions, being accountable for our knowledge
      Responsibility to our family – family time with kids and spouse, relationship with yourself, family and friends are very important
      Responsibility towards our society or community – if we can uphold our values when somebody is watching or not
      Be the change you want to see in the world – Gandhi ji

    • #ilhdeeplearners #ilhfamily #ilh

      My Top Action Points:
      1. I will take the Initiative and Responsibility in providing the true value to my Target Audience each and every day through content online with deep connectivity to my Audience Problems..
      2. I promise to the Universe that I will always think and take Positively to the Situations and challenges in my life from now onwards.
      3. I owe much to my Children who have given the much needed support in my Difficult times and Situations and hence I feel responsible to give back to make them live their dream life.
      4. My responsibility is multifold towards the society and the mankind is that I abide by the values it has.

    • Madhu Kodidala

      Top 3 Learnings.

      1. Responsibility is to mingle and lead to elevate with each other for one cause.
      2. Responsibility towards society, Towards identity, towards credibility to build
      3. Change yourself first, and Be the environment that you really aspire to achieve.

      • Modi Daryani

        Take aways – Great power comes with great responsibilities, so take the following responsibility first –
        1. Your knowledge.
        2. Action.
        3. Responsibility towards family.
        4. Responsibility of the society.
        5. Responsibility for the Nation.

    • Ritika

      Top 3 action items-

      1. Always be mindful of my own responsibilities.

      2. Change the environment that needs to be changed.

      3. Align with my core values

    • Kabirr Zariwala

      With Great responsibility comes great power:
      You have to demonstrate responsibility to earn power.

      The responsibility we need to work on so we can earn power: (Do basic things in your life)
      1) Making your own bed
      2) Cleaning your own things
      3) Be independent
      4) Be responsible for your decision/action

      Successful people take full responsibility for their actions

      Responsibility to grow:
      1) Ability to be responsible for learning
      2) How do take Action on the learning you take.
      3) Bless people who guide you through your journey

      Responsibility to your family:
      1) Ability to respond to your relationships
      2) Relation with your friend circles
      3) Be aware of your relationships, depending on how near or far you will keep them as per their goal

      Responsibility to society:
      1) Ensure that your surrounding is clean even if you didn’t throw that trash
      2) Will you be responsible when no one is watching? when the light is red and no one is there will you wait or break that signal and go?

      Be the change you want to see in the world, so change the environment you stay around you, and create a code of honor for your community, which will help them grow.

      Responsibility of spirituality:
      1) Be active on your daily prayers
      2) Appreciate and be thankful
      3) Take care of your soul and your body

      ahhh sooo wonderful to learn thanks sidz!!


    • Anandhkumar Chellappan

      Create a self habits, like, making my bed.

      Do a mental audit, and DESIGN your life style you want

      Ability to Respond. Take responsibility for all your decisions

      1. You can more academic content, but I have to take the responsibility of the knowledge.
      2. Then take the personal action.
      3. Responsibility towards our family.
      4. Responsibility of the society.
      5. Responsibility for the Nation.
      6. Responsible for the superme universe. Our CREATOR.

      We don’t have the business problems, but of the personal problems reflecting in your business.
      Limit your relationship with more clarity
      Fulfil the responsibility, when nobody is watching.

      Take the Ultimate Responsibility

    • Saloni Satam

      Key takeaways:

      For great power be a responsible person.

      Example of MS Dhoni- He demonstrated responsibility so he was given power.

      Areas of responsibility for lifestyle of power:
      Power of sense of control and abundance.
      Personal life:
      Making your own bed.
      Ability to respond.
      Making sure your basics needs are met.

      Personal decisions:
      Taking responsibility of knowledge that you recieve.
      Responsibility of your actions.

      Responsibility of family: connecting with family. Deep level of friendship with them.

      Responsibility towards society and community.
      Are you being responsible when nobody is watching.
      Live with highest ethics and values. Be the change you want to see in the world. Best way to change is to be in environment that support this change.

      Helping people build their code of honor and values. They’ll respond accordingly.

      Universal level: Responsibility towards Universal Creator. Respond towards creators singles.

      You’ll be given power only if you take responsibility.

      Taking care of every single thing that will help you move you towards goals

    • Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi

      My key learnings and actions are as follows:
      * Responsibility gives us the power to implement. “Power is a sense of control and abundance in life”.
      * Responsibility for the knowledge to implement which I have received from you Sidz.
      * Responsibility to take actions
      * Responsibility to my family, friends and relationships
      * Responsibility to my society and community

    • Ajeet Kumar Ranka

      My Take Away are
      Ability to response towards…

      –>Responsible for personal things.
      –>responsible for personal decision.
      –>take full responsibility of actions and resistance.
      –>responsibility of taking knowledge.
      –>take full responsibility of actions and resistance.
      –>will be taking responsibility towards our family.
      –>Will be taking responsibility towards our Relative and Friends
      –>Will be Taking responsibility towards society by following the rules and regulation even when –
      no one watching our actions.
      –>we should be responsible for our creator’s signal.

      Thanks Sidz for giving good values for day to day lifestyle.

    • Abhishek Siroya

      Action points
      1. Being responsible to consume the knowledge which is right for me
      and my future
      2. Being responsible and hold myself Accountable for daily action which Will help me move forward towards my goal
      3. Ensuring that I invest time in building meaningful relationship with my family members
      4. Ensuring to be responsible by being ethical truthful towards society even when no one is watching
      5. Taking responsibility of all the situation That may turn out and yet finding the greater meaning behind it so that I can become the an instrument of the universe and do what I have sent here in this world to do.

    • Sarveen

      My top 3 action Points:-
      1. With great responsibility, comes power.
      2. Areas to work on:-
      a) Start with keeping your space clean.
      b) Don’t depend on others for your things.
      c) Take responsibility of your actions.
      d) Be responsible towards your family, friends and society.
      e) You cant change people.
      3. Help people develop their own code of honor.

    • Supriya AVS

      The best that you can do to yourself is to be in the environment where you can grow.

    • Digital NiGo

      My top 3 learnings:

      I have responsibility to take actions.
      I have responsibility to my relationship
      I have responsibility to the society.

    • ram narayan singh

      My Top 3 Takeaways
      🔑 Responsibility precedes power: With great responsibility comes great power. Taking ownership of our actions and decisions attracts more power into our lives.

      🌟 Responsibility in all areas: Personal actions, relationships, knowledge, and societal contributions require responsibility. Embracing responsibility leads to personal growth and contributes to the betterment of society.

      ⚡ Small habits, big achievements: Simple daily habits like making your bed, nurturing relationships, and self-care lay the foundation for success and help us progress towards our goals.

    • Vidhyashankar K

      ⭐ Top 5 Take away
      ✅ 1 – Taking responsibility of the knowledge you received
      ✅ 2 – Responsibility of your actions you take
      ✅ 3 – Responsibility towards your family and relationship
      ✅ 4 – Responsibility towards society
      ✅ 5 – Be the change you want to see in the world

    • Saranraj Ramachandran

      Podcast was well-paced, with a perfect balance on the topic.
      Key takeaways are,
      1. Responsibility helps us to build a better lifestyle, which leads us to a “being human” instead of just a label as human being.
      2. Responsibilities on taking own decisions has power in creating our life.
      3. I understand from the podcast that maturity has nothing to do with, instead maturity comes only with taking responsibility.

    • Naresh Vyas

      With Great Responsibility comes great Power
      My Top Takeaways from this Podcast
      Take 100% personal responsibility ( Ability to Respond) for
      1. Knowledge
      2. Actions
      3. Family and Relationship with Yourself, Family and Friends.
      4. Community/ Society – Uphold the values even when No One is Watching for the Greater good of the society.

      Every Small action with 100% responsibility will help in Inspiring others and Changing the environment for good which will impact society as a whole and impact more people in the journey.

    • Super valuable Podcast! everybody needs to be responsible to their own life first of all !
      My Top learnings from this Podcast:-
      1) Make your Own Bed
      2)Take the responsibility of what you learn and your actions
      3)Take Responsibility of your Family, so that you can improve your relationship with them.
      4)ask yourself the question that, are you being responsible to your values and your life .
      #ilhfamily #siddharthrajsekar

    • Anup Kurnurkar

      Top 3

      1 . Start By basic things for eg making bed ,
      2. Decisions -Taking responsibilities of knowledge , Taking responsibilities of Action , Taking responsibilities family. Taking responsibility in our commitment to society
      3. tending to your soul

    • Roshni Khanna

      1. Learning: Personal Problem showing in Business.
      Action: Heal the past
      2. Learning: Responsibility to knowledge
      Action: Need to act on the knowledge
      3. Take care of my soul. Discipline.
      Action: Take care of myself.

    • Rashi Chauhan


    • Arzoo Narang

      My responsibility are towards my community of counselors, my relationships, my country and my lord . I will be responsible for all of them.

    • Ramji Balasubramanian

      My Top 3 Action Points
      1. It’s a true test of responsibility: being accountable when nobody is watching.
      2. Responsibility in various aspects: knowledge, personal actions, personal relationships with our loved ones, and our duty towards society.
      3.Whether your aspirations involve building large communities, impacting a million lives, or inspiring thousands of people to achieve their goals, it all begins with simple daily habits.

    • Loretta Sridhar

      When you are responsible, you are given more power.

      Areas of Responsibility

      1. Personal Things – Doing your Basic needs: Making your bed
      2. Personal Decisions: Full responsibility for your actions
      3. Personal Actions
      4. Family: Quality time with your family. Personal problem is what is reflected in your Business, not a Business problem
      5. Relationship with others
      6. Community: Ability to respond to little things in society. Uphold the values even when no one is watching
      7. Self: Be in an environment where it is positive
      8. To everyone around us
      9. Responding to our Creator

      My Actions
      Self-care -especially my diabetes
      Soul: Spend time connecting with My creator
      Responsibility towards basic things at home

    • Trisha Mukherjee

      1. If you want power in your hand first you need to take responsible in every field of your life.
      2. Responsibility begins by responding to basic day to day basic tasks without depending on others.
      3. Success comes to those who takes full responsibilities for their actions and decisions, without blaming or complaining about others or the situation.
      4. First aspect of responsibilitu to create successful digital business is – Responaibility of knowledge, secondly it is the responsibility of action.
      5.Responsibility to society means upholding the value that we hold in our lives.

    • Saumya Kumari

      My 3 actions –

      – Not to compromise my values and ethics in any situation…

      – Always be mindful of my own responsibilities…

      – To contribute to the society, to pay taxes on time…

    • Devanand

      My Three Action Points:
      1) I take responsibility for myself
      2) I will create L2
      3) I will take consistent actions

    • Alimkhan Pathan

      My learnings
      1.Ability to respond the situation at highest level
      2.Take responsibility of decision and action
      3.Commitment towards the society and community.

    • PARTHO


    • Ritesh Narain Saxena

      It was awesome. 3 action points –
      1. Taking responsibility starts with small steps.
      2. We need to take responsibility of –
      Our decision, knowledge we receive, Our Action, Our family, Our Society, Mankind and the creator.
      3. Learn to say no wherever required.


      My biggest takeaways from this episode:
      1) When you stop depending on others and take on your responsibilities, you will make yourself worthy of everything you want.

      2)Taking responsibility for your knowledge. Taking action on the knowledge you have gained from various sources and your life experiences.

      3)Responsibility towards society.
      Are you taking responsibility when no one is watching?
      Following rules and showing your responsibility towards society and nation.

      Also, this one is powerful:
      Responsibility towards the creator. Your spiritual responsibility.
      By taking care of your soul and body.

    • Sunil Dandge

      Great powers only given to those who takes more responsibility
      Station of responsibility can only get more power
      Basic is being responsible in your life
      Sense of control and abundance in life
      Ability To response to situation in life
      1.Making your own bed
      e.g Personal decision
      Areas to take action in digital business
      You have to take actions with water knowledge you have gain from all the coaches experts
      2. Taking responsibility of the knowledge
      Responsibility of actions
      Being the Person you need to be to attract the lifestyle you desired
      Responsibility to heal the past of all the garbage of thoughts believes and actions old mindset
      Things Only start to change when you to charge of your life
      Responsibility in terms of action s in personal life and for family
      Deep level of friendship and intimate relationship with spouse and family
      We normally don’t have business problems we have personal problems those shows off in business
      Responsibility and awareness about peoples family and their relationships

      3. Responsibility towards society/community
      You being responsible when nobody is watching you
      UpHolding the values on which one is holding somebody is watching or not
      Paying Taxes on time,value in the rules
      Be in the environment that propagate the change so you will be a Change you want to see in the world

    • Ashok V Mathrani

      Lovely Sidz.
      – Take responsibility of the knowledge you acumulate.
      – Take action of that knowledge you have accumulated.
      – Take responsibility of your Family, society and the creator.
      Be the change you want to see in the world and thus great responsibility brings great power.
      Thank You.

    • Praful C Varma

      This is really a great podcast which has gone deep.
      my takeaways are as follows :
      1. You need to take responsibility of your actions in life .
      2. Have clear vision and stick to this .
      3. Respect all the relations and keep doing boring job every day .you will reach your destination.
      Because responsibility, Action and consistency is the mantra for all the success

    • My 3 greatest learnings:

      1. Power is not given randomly. You got to show responsibilities first.

      2. Taking responsibility of personal things:
      All starts by making your own bed. Ability to respond = responsibility. You never have to be dependant on others.

      3. Taking full responsibility for my personal Decisions/action : so much of knowledge information on web. I have to take actions. Now from which source I would take action to my learning?
      4. Taking responsibility of our families:
      Taking care of spouse, children. They need me.
      5. Taking responsibility of society : I will be responsible even when nobody is watching me. I will be the change that I want to see in this world.
      I would apply:
      Follow code of honour of ILH.
      I would make and inspire my community members to follow the same.
      How am i responding to my creator?

      I want to get empowered, so i would be responsible in taking care of me, my family, society, community, decisions.

      Thank you Sidz.
      But for me you are HG Shabda Hari Prabhuji.

      Nirbhaya Nityananda Das

    • Dr.C.Mallesh

      Great power comes with great responsibility
      1. Ability to respond to a situation Eg. doing our basic works related to our needs
      2. Responsibility for Decision taken by us. 100% Responsibility on our decisions.
      3. Responsibility of Knowledge and action
      4. Take personal responsibility of all our actions then things will changes
      5. Responsibility towards family and relationships to your around.
      6. Responsibility towards society and community to make better society.
      7. Your aspirations involve building large communities, impacting a million lives, or inspiring thousands of people to achieve their goals, it all begins with simple daily habits.
      8. Making your bed every morning, eating on time and healthily, taking care of your body, nurturing your relationships, and tending to your soul.
      9. All these actions contribute to your progress towards your goals.

    • Arunkumar Raman

      Great insights about the Responsibility.

      This are the Top Action Points I would love to follow and take action

      1. Responsibility to the knowlwdge you receive
      2. Responsibility of your Action
      3. Responsibility to our family & relationship
      4. Responsibility to our society or Community
      5. Responsibility towards mankind
      6. Responsible for our creator

      Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

      1. Making your own bed
      2. ability to break the word is your ability to respond to a situation
      3. Responsibility of our action & decision

    • Prabhuraj Rajkumar

      My Takeaway:

      1. Being responsible is a basic quality of a leader
      2. Taking ownership of Personal care, Decisions is important aspect of responsibility
      3. Responsible towards family is so deep and important.
      4. Responsibility towards society and Community makes you as a complete person

    • Rashmi manjunath nookala

      My action steps
      1. Working on Personal development
      2 clear the mental clutter to grow in business
      3i am responsible for for thoughts,action, emotions

    • Aarti Teckchandani

      Top learning:-
      Responsibility comes with power
      Sense of control
      Ability to respond to situation
      Don’t depend on someone for Responsibility
      Taking responsibility of knowledge you have
      Taking action for Responsibilities
      Take your personal responsibility
      Bless your disguised angel’s
      Personal problems show up in business
      Stay there follow rules if nobody is watching
      Be the change you want to see in others
      You can’t change people but you can change their environment
      Taking care of your soul

      Three Action:-
      Taking 100% responsibility
      Owning my power back
      Taking full charge of my inner self

    • Pasadika Mindfulness

      With great responsibility gets more power.
      Demonstrate Power .
      own bed make-clean, situation. highest level
      personal decisions- Actions, no blame others. take responsibility of knowledge, actions, lifestyle, heal past,
      Family-Quality time, deep friendship. friends, Relationships,
      Society-rules follow, uphold values,
      Mankind as whole ,universe-spiritual journey,
      My 3 actions –
      1 Aware of myself
      2 My Knowledge responsibility
      3 Quality family time, relationship, society
      4 serve all living beings ,Huma beings

    • Amit Bauwala

      1. Take Charge of your Life in all areas of Life.
      2. When you take charge everything starts moving towards you.
      3. This is a time to take a responsibility and uplift the society by providing our service in the form of knowledge we have.

      1. Understand Responsibility
      2. Start Taking Action Fast
      3. Implement everything as earlier.

    • Hunlang Lynshing

      With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power
      1. With Responsibility comes Power
      2. A sense of Control
      3. It starts with small things like making our own bed, cleaning our own room
      4. Respond to basic things
      5. Personal Decision: Responsibility to own action and decision lead to success and growth
      6. Ability to the response to the knowledge and information we receive
      7. Keep Auditing your own life to keep growing
      8. Healing the past is taking 100% responsibility instead of blaming others
      9. Responsibility towards Family
      10. Responsibility to your Society
      11. Responsibility is Self- Respect
      12. Irrespective of others watching us or not we keep doing what good we supposed to do
      13. Responsibility to care the earth
      14. Being accountable with myself and Taking care of every single thing to grow
      15. When I grow others too grow
      My Action Plan
      1. Taking responsibility to my feeling and emotions
      2. Manage small things with great value and gratitude
      3. Keep auditing my life and keep improving with the new knowledge and information I receive

    • john s tamang

      My learning and takeaway

      • The first level of responsibility is being accountable for our knowledge and our ability to respond accordingly.
      • The second level is taking responsibility for our actions, particularly in our personal lives. This level of responsibility involves not just our personal actions, but also our roles within our families and relationships
      • Being awareness when it comes to relationship
      • Another level of responsibility lies in our commitment to society and our community.
      • Responsibility to society means upholding the values by which you live your life, whether or not someone is observing your actions. If all of us follow the rules and regulations of the land, pay our taxes on time, and live with high values, ethics, and morals, we contribute to the greater good of society. Aligning ourselves in this way directly contributes to the growth of society as a whole.
      • Responsibility extends to various aspects: knowledge, personal actions, personal relationships with our loved ones, and our duty towards society. Moreover, there’s a universal responsibility towards mankind as a whole and towards the higher power or the belief system you follow.
      • Biggest take away. Great Power comes with Greater Self Responsibility

    • Trisha Mukherjee

      1. If you want power in your hand first you need to take responsible in every field of your life.
      2. Responsibility begins by responding to basic day to day basic tasks without depending on others.
      3. Success comes to those who takes full responsibilities for their actions and decisions, without blaming or complaining about others or the situation.
      4. First aspect of responsibilitu to create successful digital business is – Responaibility of knowledge, secondly it is the responsibility of action.
      5.Responsibility to society means upholding the value that we hold in our lives.

    • Fakhera shahwar

      My action to be taken from this valuable podcast are
      1. Be responsible towards your self
      2. Take action in term you want to have change in the world
      3. Follow the rules whether there is anyone Is watching or not

    • Dr D Srinivas Rao

      My Top Action Points:
      I take 100% responsibility for the following:
      1. Arranging my bed
      2. My Knowledge, Personal Actions, Personal Relationships, Society & Community
      3. Mankind
      4. Creator and his signs & messages.


      Takeaways from this Podcast
      1. Take responsibility first myself -what knowledge I gathered and how it will be befitted
      2. Next is all I am now is created by me, nobody
      3. Then take responsibility of others

    • Sanjay Mhatre

      “make your bed”

      Response Ability – respond to a situ – be independent
      clean ur stuff, basic needs met … in ur Personal Life

      P Decisions: (above it) – direct implication in career, biz, Take FULL R – the buck stops with me !

      YOU have to take Action to be R (Responsible)

      R of Knowledge u have received

      R of Actions (based on K u received)
      mental audit. Who do i need to BE, to become the person that i want to be.
      Action Thoughts Beliefs … Bless disguised angels

      R of Family – quality time (don’t neglect!) intimate R with close ones … awareness keep people need/far to keep specific people, based on your Goals Visions

      Personal Problems show up in biz (& appear as biz problems)

      R towards Society / Community: (paper in dustbin, traffic signal, follow the laws of the land, rules. are u R when no one is watching. Pay taxes, aligned with highest ethics & morals.
      Be the change u want to see in the world. Be in an environment that supports this change. Env changes People in it.

      R towards Mankind & Creator / Supreme Being: respond to Creators’ signals.

      Only when u demonstrate Responsibility, will u be given the Power.

      Vision Mission
      Take Care of your of eating healthy, body, R, R, everything single thing that makes u successful

      • Sanjay Mhatre

        Top 5 for me:
        TAKE CHARGE of your Life
        Are u doing the small things at the level of self, home, biz, life

        1. Personal Decisions: (above it) – direct implication in career, biz, Take FULL R – the buck stops with me !

        2. R of Knowledge u have received

        3. R of Actions (based on K u received)
        mental audit. Who do i need to BE, to become the person that i want to be.
        Action Thoughts Beliefs … Bless disguised angels

        4. R of Family – quality time (don’t neglect!) intimate R with close ones … awareness keep people need/far to keep specific people, based on your Goals Visions

        5. R towards Mankind & Creator / Supreme Being: respond to Creators’ signals.

    • Aparna Tushar Pawar

      Top actions –
      Make your own stuff
      Ability to respond to a situation, actions, decisions
      Take responsibility of your own actions/decisions without blaming others.
      Take responsibility of knowledge that you have receive.
      Also have responsibility towards your Family
      Responsibility towards society, community.
      Follow the rules & respond to laws.
      You cannot change others, instead bring change in yourself.
      You should have responsibility towards mankind as a whole & Supreme Creators.
      Finally if you want to achieve your mission, goes back to making your own stuff.

    • Hafeel zubeda

      1.Taking responsibility of our own lives to achieve a sense of power and freedom to create our desired realities.
      2.Taking actions based on the knowledge acquired.
      3.Taking responsibility of personal decisions/responsibility towards society/Uphold ur values/ethics irrespective of whether ur being watched or not.

    • Sonal Singh

      Ability to respond to the situation:
      1. Making our own bed
      2. Basic needs are met
      3. Responsibility towards actions. a. Knowledge we receive b. Responsibility on actions on knowledge we receive
      4. Responsibility towards family a. Kids b. Spouse c. Friends
      Awareness on relationships where the are
      5. Responsibility towards society and communities. Are we being responsible when noone is watching

      Be the change which u want to see in the world

      Sonal Singh



    • Raju Saha

      Top 3 Actions
      1. Take responsibility and power will be given.
      2. Act responsibly towards self, family and society.
      3.Grow urself with more responsibilities.


      My three takeaways:
      The first step to responsibility is to be able to respond to things & situations
      taking responsibility for the knowledge that you receive
      responsibility in actions- towards our family
      responsibility towards society.

    • Madhusudan V

      Yes Trues i realised that with Great RESPONSIBILITIES comes Great POWER…….
      1. Demonstrate Ur Responsibilities
      2. Why ??
      3. Be an indpendent now and then
      4. Decisions shoud be responsible….
      5. Take Actions now and then….
      6. Be responsible now and then with Family, Friends, Relations, Community and Society

    • omprakash swarna

      Your responsibility to knowledge
      your responsibility to families/ relationships
      your responsibility to universe
      be the change what you want bring the world

    • kabak vicky

      Caring and loving near and dear one
      Change ourself to change others
      Avoid people who are interested in my work
      I will implement all the knowledge i got from mentor

    • Satish Trimukhe

      Responsibility is a very big challenge at every field of our life.

      Thanks Siddharth, youhave beautifully decoded the whole concept os Responsibility.

      Responsibility and Character can be tested when you are not seen by anybody.


    • Vedha Naik

      With Great responsibility comes Great Power
      1) Ability to respond knowledge
      2) Ability to respond personal level – action
      3) Ability to repond relationships – share initimate, Close bond with Family
      4) Ability to respond Community, Society – follow rules, uphold the value
      5) Ability TO respond Mankind & our Creator

    • Preeti Agarwal

      Power comes from our ability to respond to any & every situation.

      As small as making our bed to eating healthy to working on relationships & on our soul.

      Being responsible even when not being watched, is real important.

    • Bhuban Nayak

      Top 3 action:
      1. Making own bed.
      2. Responsibility of our own action.
      3. Responsibility towards society.

    • Jayasri Murali

      Responsibility has to be in all areas of my life. I have to be more responsible for my own life in stead of blaming others. If I am responsible for my own life, I have the power to transform my life in all spheres. Being a wife, mother, daughter and as sister, I should be more responsible to nurture the relationships. Being a coach, my responsible is still higher, in my words and actions. Again as a responsible citizen, I should extend my hands for the goodness of our nation.

    • satish kumar sy

      We have below key take aways from this podcast.
      a. Responsibility towards knowledge, Responsibility towards personal relations, Responsibility towards community, Responsibility towards Mankind, and Responsibility towards creator signals are help you to create great things in your life.
      b. Learn to take action on daily basis
      c. Accountability of yourself, if any failure happened
      d. Don’t complain to others, take action of personal responsibility.

    • Aniket Borade

      Top 3 action points –

      1. The best I can do for you is work on myself, and the best you can do for me is work on yourself.

      2. Change your environment, change your destiny.

      3. God is in the details.

    • Nandini

      My Actions have been and will continue:
      1.Responsibility to take care of family and loved ones
      2.Responsibility towards my clients
      3.Responsibility for society, environment, other species on the planet

    • Ankit Kumar

      My Top 3 Action Points:

      1. I will be Responsible for my personal decisions and act based on all the information I have.
      – Knowledge
      – Action
      – Family
      – Society

      2. In order to see any change, I need to be a change. That begins by taking responsibilities

      3. In order to change my community members mindset, I need to create an environment that gives exceptional experience to them.

      4. Small Changes lead to a large outcome. I will do my part in it.

    • sangita

      very profound podcast with simplicity
      My action steps,
      1. I am responsible for all my actions. I will take responsibility of it.
      2. I will keep far all those relations which is not serving me to achieving my goals.
      3. Becoming more responsible for society. I will focus on all small steps when it comes to my responsibilities for society

    • Aniket Borade

      Top 3 action points –

      1. ‘The best I can do for you is work on myself, and the best you can do for me is work on yourself.’

      2. Change your environment, change your destiny.

      3. God is in the details.

    • Viraj

      My Top 3 Actions
      1-Taking Responsibility of Knowledge i Have
      2-Taking Responsibility of Actions On That Knowledge
      3-Taking Responsibility Of My Family,Giming Quality Time To My Son & My Wife.

    • Shankar R.M.

      My actions are:
      1.Will take Self responsibility to take Leadership and Performance of the team.
      2.Shoulder responsibility of actions, and result /outcome of even others in the team.
      3.Will Do it On Own,setting Example to others.

    • Siva Subramanian K

      Responsible person in society
      Responsible person given power💪
      Responsible empower you to improve in my life

    • Vidhath Shetty

      The word responsibility has two words resist yet ponder. Mind is moving without seeing a clear picture. If there is clarity response happens. How wide do we stretch our mind by training it is upto us.
      When i hear sid speak i look back into my own material for what i teach and how i would implement this
      I have a clear image I’m drawing ( part of my course). That’s how I’ll provide value. Check my ig by tommorow it’ll be there.

    • Aftab

      I learnt and experienced I am growing

      Started taking big started working on dream

      Thank you sidd

    • Suyash Singh

      Key learnings;
      . Be the respinsible individual to earn transofmation in actions and be chosen to be given powers.
      . To be the person you need to be responsible.
      . Enemies are disguised angels to help us evolve as a responsible individual.
      . Personal and professional relationships reflect on ones actions goals and visions.
      . Help community craft their value system and square down their code of honour.
      . Responsibility towards: -knowledge, -personal relations, -professional relations,-Responsibility.
      I am driven to act on above as an entrepreneur.

    • Sadhana Naik

      1) Take responsibility without blaming others for the outcome. Forgive them an d move on.
      2) Take responsibility for the decisions and actions you take! Thus be the change you want to be.
      3) Responsibility towards society and community
      4) Responsibilty towardsthe HIGHER POWER!! Your spiritual development and what are you GIVING BACK?? !!

    • Monal kanade

      Just wowww…
      Power is not negative power
      Responsibilities start within own self, managing, cleaning, making own bed..so no need to depending on others.
      Responsibility to knowledge
      Responsibility to take an action
      Attaract the lifestyle you want
      Responsibility of our family,friends, contribution for society
      Alignment with Own vision
      We should responding To our creators.
      So taking care of our soul..n ve alignment..
      Thank you Sid.

      #ilh #ilhfamily

      • Monal kanade

        Just wowww…
        Power is not negative power
        Responsibilities start within own self, managing, cleaning, making own bed..so no need to depending on others.
        Responsibility to knowledge
        Responsibility to take an action
        Attaract the lifestyle you want
        Responsibility of our family,friends, contribution for society
        Alignment with Own vision
        We should responding To our creators.
        So taking care of our soul..n ve alignment..
        Thank you Sid.

        #ilh #ilhfamily

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Glad you enjoyed this podcast.

    • Pavitra Chakravarty

      Responsibilty for helping my spouse with house chores.
      Be responsible for teaching my students.
      Take action by making videos of my learnings on social media


      taking responsibility of my knowledge. resposibility of family’. responsibility of yuor health . you cant change people ,. change yourself. if you changr envoirrment people change

    • ParvathyRadha

      1. Will take responsibility of my knowledge.
      2.Responsible in trms of action,
      3.Mental audit to attract the lifestyle we want.
      4.Responsibility towards family and society
      Are going to be my actions

    • khushbu1sandeepjain

      For great power you have to be responsible IN each and every area of your life
      1)take responsibility and take actions
      2)be responsible even when no one is looking around
      3)do have responsibility in terms of knowledge/personal action /personal relationship/society/mankind and creator
      4)take spiritual responsibility
      then only you wl be getting responsibility and power


      1. The habit of taking responsibility has to start at home with our personal and family matters
      2. The responsibility connected with your family, relatives, and friends is important as it will affect your growth and progress in business..
      3. The responsibility to take action according to the knowledge received from the system

    • Durgam Sathyanarayana

      My top 3 action points

      1)Take responsibility
      2)then Action & Service
      3)It is a personal problem that is real problem and it is not a business problem

    • Suchita Verma

      My Response Ability is directly proportional to my power. The more responsible I feel and I behave the more powerful and impactful my actions and my Presence becomes.
      MY 100% belef and 100% thoughts that my responsibility is limitless…. that my responsibility is infinite makes me perform things beyond my own wildest imaginations…

    • Rishabh Jain

      My biggest takeaways from this episode:
      1) When you stop depending on others and take on your responsibilities, you will make yourself worthy of everything you want.

      2)Taking responsibility for your knowledge. Taking action on the knowledge you have gained from various sources and your life experiences.

      3)Responsibility towards society.
      Are you taking responsibility when no one is watching?
      Following rules and showing your responsibility towards society and nation.

      Also, this one is powerful:
      Responsibility towards the creator. Your spiritual responsibility.
      By taking care of your soul and body.

    • Shanthi Yogini

      THANKS Siddharth, you spoke my heart.

      –I do the same from childhood – picking up garbage from roads, from picnic areas.
      –I make sure that elderly get a seat on the bus by asking others to get up.
      I always took responsibility.
      –In our Samskrti, it says we owe to our Rishis (knowledge), to our ancestors, to other humans, to other living beings, and to our environment.
      My 3 action items:

      1. I take responsibility for not succeeding financially and am determined to make it BIG
      2. I take responsibility for my confusion and will allow my inner wisdom to reveal
      3. I take responsibility for all my responses to events & people without blaming anyone

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