Do you want to know how to build and attract a community of raving fans? It does not happen just like that. It requires a deep level of bonding and connection with your audience. After building a community of over 16,000 paid members in my tribe, I break it down to the top 10 elements in this episode.
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55 replies to "10 Steps To Build A Community Of Raving Fans"
Thank you for sharing the Podcast now Siddharth, as I learn that determination should be there to achieve the goal.
Biggest Takeaways-
If you pursued to become famous Purity is essential than equity
As Mentioned about two types of Fans to become famous-
Customer Fan/Main Stream Fan – like Cricketers ,Movie Stars
Niche Fame /Micro Celebrities- who deliver value to the Customer.
Most preferably Niche Fame is better than Customer Fan.
10 steps-
1. You should have Mission truly from the core of heart.
2. Take a stand for something has Value and Authenticity and Durability – Nicely portrayed the Formal Education and New System of Digital Education.
3.Attract customer by deliver value through voice out mission.
4. To create proper Code of Conduct
5.To create a culture of mutual respect and support.
6.Create your vocabulary to identify your tribes from others getting benefit from me.
7. Show up every week deliver good value, make community people feel that they are important .
8.Create a Customer Experience Habit Forming Culture.
9.Create Offline Experience- To become more closer with them, in other word to create a strong bond.
10.Help them together results in their life and business.
To achieve this 4 Tips to be followed-
2.Present your knowledge with Logic
Excellent Debasmita!
Thank you Siddharth,.
If your pursuits is to chase after fame then this podcast is not for you ….
Two kinds of fans …
Main stream fame…. Like movie star ..cricketer …. They have to go with security … They have lost their freedom …
Niche fame …. Micro hero or influencer … Only people in their niche will know about them people don’t bother who they are 😲😲. …. In short they have freedom
,🔥🔥🔥10 steps 🔥🔥🔥
Journey of 1000 uber fans … Who are willing to give what you deserve …that is going to be fulfilling transaction … Win win for both influencer and fans
1⃣ HAVE A MISSION THAT IS BIGGER THAN YOU …. DIRECTLY COMES FROM YOUR HEART … you truly believe its going to help other
2⃣ STAND FOR SOMETHING ..AND INDENTIFY WHO IS THE BAD GUYS … Like in sidz case broken education system is the bad guys
3⃣ ATTRACT CUSTOMER BY DELIVERING VALUE … Keep on post your content … Voice out your mission and vision …
4⃣ SET THE CODE OF HONOR … Set these value first … You live by those value is must otherwise your audience will realise that you are fake …
5⃣ BUILD CULTURE OF MUTUAL RESPECT … Where people help each other … Irrespective of other people background ,caste ,color ,language ,locality ,creed … System of accountability…. No self promotion….
6⃣ CREATE YOUR OWN VOCABULARY … that helps identifying people belongs to your community … Few words that only ILHian will use …
7⃣ SHOE UP EVERY WEEK …AND DELIVER VALUE… they have to feel every second spend with you is valuable …
8⃣ BUILD HABIT FORMING INITIATIVE … Writing 20 goals … Listening to strangest secret … Affirmation …
9⃣ CREATE OFFLINE EXPERIENCE… Where we laugh together ..cry together …share our experience with follow member … When they go through that offline event they are not the same person …..
🔟 HELP THEM TO GET RESULT IN THEIR LIFE .. You need to be people lover ….. Answering them whenever they are stuck … Let them know you are there for them …
🔆 be authentic 100% real
🔆 present your knowledge in unique way
🔆You need to be people lover
🔆 Have vulnerability
🔥🔥🔥🔥 mission first
Community second
Me third ….🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you ….
Please to the podcast for complete understanding …
If your pursuits is to chase after fame then this podcast is not for you ….
Two kinds of fans …
Main stream fame…. Like movie star ..cricketer …. They have to go with security … They have lost their freedom …
Niche fame …. Micro hero or influencer … Only people in their niche will know about them people don’t bother who they are 😲😲. …. In short they have freedom
,🔥🔥🔥10 steps 🔥🔥🔥
Journey of 1000 uber fans … Who are willing to give what you deserve …that is going to be fulfilling transaction … Win win for both influencer and fans
1⃣ HAVE A MISSION THAT IS BIGGER THAN YOU …. DIRECTLY COMES FROM YOUR HEART … you truly believe its going to help other
2⃣ STAND FOR SOMETHING ..AND INDENTIFY WHO IS THE BAD GUYS … Like in sidz case broken education system is the bad guys
3⃣ ATTRACT CUSTOMER BY DELIVERING VALUE … Keep on post your content … Voice out your mission and vision …
4⃣ SET THE CODE OF HONOR … Set these value first … You live by those value is must otherwise your audience will realise that you are fake …
5⃣ BUILD CULTURE OF MUTUAL RESPECT … Where people help each other … Irrespective of other people background ,caste ,color ,language ,locality ,creed … System of accountability…. No self promotion….
6⃣ CREATE YOUR OWN VOCABULARY … that helps identifying people belongs to your community … Few words that only ILHian will use …
7⃣ SHOE UP EVERYWEEK …AND DELIVER VALUE… they have to feel every second spend with you is valuable …
8⃣ BUILD HABIT FORMING INITIATIVE … Writing 20 goals … Listening to strangest secret … Affirmation …
9⃣ CREATE OFFLINE EXPERIENCE… Where we laugh together ..cry together …share our experience with follow member … When they go through that offline event they are not the same person …..
🔆 be authentic
🔆 present your knowledge with logic ..with your uniqueness
🔆 Have empathy
🔆 be vulnerable
ME THIRD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Superb stuff Meenu!
Great Stuff indeed! many bulb on moments..building a culture of mutual trust and support within the group/community being the prominent one and very hard to accomplish but a very fulfilling one if done by heart.. Thanks Sidz
Thanks Madhopally!
Hi Sidz!
Thank you for sharing the episode. Getting inspired with your consistency. It has become a habit for me to listen to your podcast daily and learn something new everyday.
Here are my takeaways:
There are two types of fans:
Main stream fame – like movie stars
Niche fame – micro celebrities who serve their micro niche market
It’s not fame, it’s about delivering value and impact to the micro community.
The 10 Steps:
1. Have a mission bigger than you. It should directly from your heart (core level)
2. Take a stand for something and identify who is that bad guy
3. Attract customers by adding values. Create a tangible solution for a problem, voice out the mission and attract customers.
4. Create a code of honour
5. Culture of mutual respect and support
6. Create a set of phrases to identify your tribe from others
7. Show up every week and deliver value. Make them feel you are for them
8. Create a customer experience that is habit forming like writing writing goals, affirmations etc
9. Create offline experience
10. Help them get results in their life and business
* Be authentic
* Mission first, Community second, Me third
* Present with strong logic
* Show empathy
* Vulnerability – open to share your flaws
Superb noted taken Jaya!
Thought Provoking.
Take Away
1. Lovely uplifting Music after the closure
2. Main Stream Fame vs Niche Fame ; creating your own set of Fans with whom you can Laugh & Cry , Unlearn & Learn in the process of delivering value
3. Micro Celebrity – very apt and we are doing that everyday without even realizing how big an impact we can create just by changing someone’s life for the better
4. Showing up to establish the fact that you are there for your fans – earning trust
5. Trust cannot be bought by running ads – just so much true and genuine. Trust can only be established by admitting the flaws – being vulnerable
6 Indoctrination of the fans – Freedom , growth , efficiency & Clarity
7. focusing on customer creation – some transaction to happen – Serious people who spend money are willing to stick around and grow together
8. Create a Stance – Vibe with your own ideology
9. Creating a Tangible solution
10. Create a Vocabulary which would resonate with the tribe and the tribe culture
Amazing feeling while preparing to start the day!!!
Thanks Siddharth
Thanks Runa! Superb summary of learnings
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Mainstream fame Vs Micro Niche fame. Comparing these 2 fames, niche fame is the one that gives freedom.
Kevin Kelly’s 1000 raving fans concept. You only need 1000 raving fans to be financially independent. To build a community of such raving fans, you have to earn trust. Trust can’t be bought, it should be earned. Ads can help buy attention, but not trust.
1. Have a MISSION bigger than YOU. It should be from a core level, truly from the core of your heart.
2. Take a STANCE. Identify who is the bad guy. Repel those audiences who you don’t want. You can’t please everybody. So, those who resonate with you, vibe with you will become your raving fans.
3. Attract the customers by DELIVERING VALUE. Create a tangible solution for a problem and attract customers who resonate with your content. Not just likes & followers, but those who make a transaction.
4. Indoctrinate your customers with a CODE OF HONOUR. (setting values). Ensure you follow the code of honour yourself.
5. Create a CULTURE of mutual respect & support irrespective of their caste, creed, race or religion.
6. Create a VOCABULARY that identifies with your tribe. Like BIO, BO, GO (bring it on, bulb on, game on etc)
7. SHOW UP every week, deliver value and make your fans feel that they are getting benefitted. True quality of a community leader.
8. Create a CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE that is habit forming. Create rituals that you can ask your tribe to follow. (Goal writing, music playing, etc)
9. Create OFFLINE EXPERIENCE which can deepen the bond. Atleast do it for your premium customers. Live training, retreat kind of.
10. Help them get RESULTS in their life and in their business.
4 Elements to build trust.
1. Be Authentic
2. Present knowledge with strong logic
3. Empathy – Be a people lover (mission first, community second, myself third)
4. Vulnerability – Openly share your flaws
Excellent notes taken!
Building Deep Connection with people, especially a strong community with my raving fans
There has to be a higher purpose – rather than aiming to become famous, let us have a higher vision- “I am not the centre of equation, rather it is about my customers first.”
2 types of fame – the first group is the mainstream famous stars that belong to areas of sports, movies etc (lots of fame and respect but restricted freedom to interact in public ), the other group is the niche famed leaders, who has immense freedom to interact with their core community of fans – delivering value to their lives.
Earn your Trust, rather than building it.
Here are the Top 10 steps to build a community of raving fans-
1. Have a Mission bigger than ‘me’
What you do = Benefit the society
2.Identify who is the ‘bad guy’ – What needs to be mended?
In case of ILH, the bad guy here is the broken education and employment system.
Let’s align ourselves and ask – What do I want to do to give service to our society?
3. Attract customers by delivering value – VOICE YOUR MISSION
Eg making meaningful podcasts- content that resonates with our customers
Invest Money = Makes us Pay Attention = Results = Cycle repeats…
4. Indoctrinate customers with a Code of honour
What is your Code of Honour as a founder of your business?
Taking an example from ILH- abundance, contribution/charity.
Building a foundation of value system first…
5. Culture of mutual respect and support
A culture that transcends individual cultures and creates a core community of trust, respect and support – Building an accountability system
‘Being there for each other’ – through Meet ups, Inner Circle Meet, private Social Network
6. Create a VOCABULARY that identifies your tribe from others
Lingo related to my niche — Let’s Bring it on 🙂
7. Show up for your tribe, be there as a true community leader
8. Create a customer service that is habit forming
Make strong habits for your raving fans, such as
– Listen to the Strangest Secret daily
– 2 pages goal daily
-Write 20 ideas daily
– Affirmations daily
– Participation in Hackathons
– Listen to Sidz’s beautiful music 🙂
9. Create offline experiences
– Individual connection
-Live training experiences, Quantum retreats
– Make your community know you as a person in flesh and blood.
10. Help people get results both in personal and professional life
4 elements in business-
1. Authenticity = 100%transparency
2. Strong logic
3. Have EMPATHY – Its all about sticking to the MISSION first – Community second- Me (keeping myself last)
4. Being okay with showing your Vulnerability – sharing your flaws openly
Feeling grateful and blessed to go through the podcast 🙂
Thank you Siddharth.
Great Nivedita! Truly shows you have learned this concept in a deep way!
Vikram borse
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
10 steps to build a community of raving fans
main points_if pursuit is just fame n yourself you will not succeed , PURITY is MUST to build lifetime customers ,
main stream fame _ cricketers ,movie stars_lost their freedom
niche fame_developed fame within their micro_community by solving a specific
niche fame is more preferable
Article by Kevin kelly_ If you hv 1,000 genuine fans paying 1000$ per year , then you hv freedom _ to come to this point you need to build trust on a really DEEP LEVEL .
You can’t buy trust , YOU HAVE TO EARN IT !
4 elements of building trust on a really DEEPER
LEVEL _ 1 .you need to hv a mission that’s bigger than you -truly from the core of the heart you should feel _what you are doing is for benefit of others . hv to take stand on something n you also hv to identify who is the ‘bad guy’
Analogy stand point – formal education system is the bad guy _ I learnt it through my exemplery mentors .
My mission_to build a community of TEACHERS WHO ARE IMPLEMENTERS and to also prove to the world _they don’t need to conform to society’s norms _they can build a very successful business n a lifestyle of purpose by aligning themselves to what they truly want to do .
3.attract customers by delivering value
my whole process _I keep posting videos and podcasts like these_attract people who resonate and vibe with this content ,they keep coming back ,those who don’t vibe they leave. those who vibe end up coming to webinars and they buy my product , I want a transaction to happen ,when people transact with you, they are more serious and committed to the process . PEOPLE WHO PAY MONEY PAY ATTENTION , _
In a knowledge business you can give free information but ultimately more serious people will do transaction with you. This is step 3 _attract customers by delivering genuine value and voicing out your mission .
4.Create a set of values they can follow and live by, set a code of honour _freedom ,growth ,clarity ,,efficiency ,abundance and charity _giving back to society
it is very important to set these values first before you can give them actual solution and it is all the more important you live by these values otherwise you will be a hypocrite, if you don’t follow ,audience over a period of time will realize that you are just fake _you are wearing mask and you are not living what actually you are saying .
next step _create a culture of mutual respect ,support and value irrespective_of cast ,culture ,creed and religion .
In religious movement _leader who is charismatic becomes the centre and controller of the movement ,each one may hv their own faith , transcend all tags and you need to repect ,you need to create a culture _where there is mutual respect for each other _this is what will create long term stickability in communities .
many people posing themselves entrepreneurs build community but its just centered around a skill and people don’t respect each_other _this mutua support and respect you need to install in your community ,
_in my system we have accountability system-facilitators who help other members _meet ups happening every single week where people can and ask questions
_we have systems ,set_ups_people can questions and get answers within 24 hrs
_no self promotion _ give value to others
step 6_with mutual respect and support also create a vocabulary of the tribe just like I use words ‘BIO_Bring it on ‘ game on , bulb on _thus people are able to identify themselves with this tribe as compared to other tribes
step 7_every week you must show up deliver value people should feel you are there for them no matter what _that’s a true quality of a community leader .
step 8_create a customer experience that is habbit forming for eg_I ask my community people to listen daily _strangest secret of Earl Nightingale , daily write affirmations ,daily write their goals
my inner circle calls , hackathons are habbit forming initiatives_I also play music that is also habbit forming _people keep coming back for more
step 9._deepen the bond with your core customers _for eg. We just had a QUANTUM MEMBERS RETREAT _ 50 families of our QUANTUM MEMBERS came together _I invested lot of money to give them the EXPERIENCE which they WILL NEVER FORGET for the rest of their lives ! _we had music , dance, excellent delicious sattvik food , we laughed together , cried together _thus we build more meaningful connections ! _ I still remember I met my mentor Vick for the first time it was unbelievable and a real experience _after that
physical meet something shifted in me !
step 10_ help them get results in their business if you are catering to their business needs ,
YOU CAN’T BUY TRUST , YOU HAVE TO EARN IT ! 4 elements to build TRUST are_
3.EMPATHY _you really need to care for your people otherwise it will never work .my mentor says_ MISSION 1 ST
you should be the LAST PRIORITY _There should be NO SELF_CENTEREDNESS
4.VULNERABILITY _The more vulnerable you are , you are openly able to share your flaws , that’s going to deepen the bond with your customers .
I would love to serve you , help you achieve your goals ,cheers and GOD BLESS !
Excellent Vikram!!
Fantastic podcast
The core learning is to enhance my mission by keeping my community as the center of focus
The podcast is a step by step approach on how to do it
Ive been able to relate the personas and actions of many leaders who do these activities and have found raving fans
Superb Abhishek!
#ILHDeepLearner #ILHFamily
Mission first, Community Second, Me third. Always Serve your micro niche market.
1. Have a mission that is bigger than you.
2. Take Stand on something.
3. Attract the customers by delivering the value.
4. Create a set of Value for your customers.
5 Create a culture by having Mutual Respect.
6. Create a Vocabulary that matches our tribe.
7.Show up every week and deliver the goods.
8. Create a customer experience that is habit forming.
9. Create offline experiences for your Members.
10. Help them get Results in their Life and Business.
Excellent Sumesh!
Hi Sidz,
This is really a wonderful topic which you have recorded on podcast.
The distinguish between fame and niche based fame and building community of raving was beautifully narrated.the 10 steps to build a community was fabulous.
The mission should be bigger than us.
Take a stand and find a bad guy and be vocal.
Attract customers by adding more value .Since they may be more serious to grow their business.
Create a code of honor.
Culture of mutual respect.
Indoctrinate your customers
Customer experience for culture habits .
Trive “Vocabulary” for identification for your community.
Offline experience for premium customers for better understanding of community .
Finally helping them to get their results in life time .
The four pillars to build trust for any business:
Authentic/Logical /empathy/Vulnerable.
Mission at first 2nd is community and me is last
Thanks Praful! Good notes taken!
Topic -10 Steps To Build A Community Of Raving Fans
Thank you, Siddharth for this wonderful podcast on building community
• Have a mission bigger than you
• Identify the bad guy
• Attract your customer
• Indoctrinate your customer with a code of honor with a set of values its not just they need to live with you also live with it.
• Create a culture of mutual respect and support
• Create a vocabulary that identifies your tribe which sets you apart from the rest of the community
• Show up every week to deliver value
• Create a customer that’s habit forming and keep coming back for more
• Create offline experience that deep the bond with your customer
• Help them get result in their business
Four elements for deep trust with your audience
• Authencity, drop those filters and be 100% transparent
• Present your knowledge with Strong Logic
• Empathy with your audience
• Vulnerability
Super stuff Vijay!
Great podcast @Sidz.. #ILH thanks for sharing this
My takeaways:
A. Mainstream celebrity vs micro celeb .. your aim should be to be a micro celeb
B. All you need is a 1000 true fans.. and even if they pay you 100 USD per year you can be financially free
C. Build Trust through value
– It’s not abou you but about serving
– They should be on the centre
– You have to build trust you can’t buy it
•Authenticity and transparency
•Present your knowledge with strong logic…not surface level stuff
•Empathy- be a people lover… Mission first, community second me las
D. Steps to build trust and get raving fans
Step 1 mission that is bigger than you (not fame …but from core not script).. feel that what you are doing is for benefit of others
Step 2 Take a stance – identify who is bad guy..attract but repel as well – Magnetic pole … And ones who vibe with your ideology will be your fans
3 Attract customers by creating value… Tangible solution for a problem, voice out the mission, attact customers and add value
Aim for getting them to transaction- it shows seriousness
4 Indoctrinate your customers with a code of honour … Values they should live by (like COH in Sidz’ community)
Set the values by them and
5. Create a culture of mutual respect and support … Not like a charismatic cult leader … This will create long term stickability in communities
6. Create a vacaulary that identifies your tribe from others Eg bulb on, game on, BIO etc that Sid uses
7. Show up every week and deliver value… Every second of energy spent should give a feel that you are there for them
8. Create a habit forming customer experience…instill habits and behaviour not just teach technology and tools.. eg Sidz asks his tribe to listen to strangest secrets, code of honour, read goals, 20 ideas, affirmations, music after call.
9. Create offline experiences to deepen the Sidz’ quantum meet with premium customers .. trainings or retreats etc bring your tribe near to you. E.g Sidz’ meeting Wick was a surreal experience
10. Help them get results in their life and business
Thank you Sidz.
Gaurav S Gupta
Design your Dream Life – order now
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Great Gaurav! Keep coming back for more!
Attracting a community of Raving Fans will only happen when you have the purity.
There are two types of fame
i) Mainstream Fame
This category of people are so popular that they have lost their freedom.
Example – Film Star, Cricketers
ii) Niche Fame
This category of people are famous within their community and provide value to their customers.
Example – People who serves the micro niche market
10 Steps to build a community of Raving Fans
1> You need to have a mission that is bigger than you. and it should be from the heart.
2> You need to take a stand to build a unique system which can provide maximum value to your audience.
3> Attracting more people by delivering more value.
4> Let your customer aware of your purpose by building a proper code of conduct.
5> Create a culture where people can mutually respect each other and support in your community.
6> Create your uniqueness by using a set of vocabulary/ phrases.
Ex- BIO (Bring it On), BO (Bulb On)
7> Show up every week. Make your community/ customer feel that you are there for them.
8> Create a customer experience. Build a habit forming initiative for your customers/ community.
9> Create Offline experiences to build more meaningful connections.
10> Help your customers get result in their life and in their business.
4 Elements to build Deep Trust
— Be Authentic
— Be Unique
— Have Empathy
— Be Vulnerable
Excellent Samir! Come back for more…
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Thank you for the wonderful podcast Siddharth Sir..
Mainstream Fame Vs Niche Fame.. Niche fame preferred(impact micro community with freedom in life)
Be a Micro Celebrity. As Kevin Kelly wrote in his Article “1000 True Fans”- Only 1000 loyal customer who pay you are far more enough than millions fans who are not committed, because those who value you – pay you and if they pay they are the action takers. Need to build trust to have raving fans. FB ads or any social media help you to get market attention ,but you need to build trust by solving their problem.
10 steps are-
1.The Mission should be Bigger than you..( it should come from your heart)
2.Take a stance and identify the bad guy
3.Attract customer by delivering values: Create a tangible solution – voice it out –if they resonate- they transact.. they are the serious people4
4.Indoctrination with Code of Honour: Set defined values – you follow them with it – then customer will also follow you.
5.Create a culture of Mutual Respect & Support : This helps in creating long term stackability in community.
6.Create your own /specific vocabulary: Like Bring it on!!, Bulb on!! as used by Siddharth Sir. Then your fans would use it naturally and show a connect with the community.
7.Show up every week to deliver value: Builds more trust so that they know that the leader is available whenever needed.
8.Create a customer experience by cultivating habits & behaviour : As we do in ILH- listen to Earl Nightingale everyday, read affirmations, etc.
9.Create Offline Experiences: This helps deepen the connection with your customer. Transform their lives by creating great connections.
10.Help your customer/fans get the results in their life & business.
Finally TRUST BULDING is most important and it can be achieved by these 4 elements-
2.Knowledge presentation with Logic,
3.Be Empathetic – Mission first, community second & Lastly You(relates to its not a fame game) &
4. Vulnerability.
Thanks Jyotsna! MPTY!
Great podcast @Sidz.. #ILH thanks for sharing this
My takeaways:
A. Mainstream celebrity vs micro celeb .. your aim should be to be a micro celeb
B. All you need is a 1000 true fans.. and even if they pay you 100 USD per year you can be financially free
C. Build Trust through value
– It’s not abou you but about serving
– They should be on the centre
– You have to build trust you can’t buy it
•Authenticity and transparency
•Present your knowledge with strong logic…not surface level stuff
•Empathy- be a people lover… Mission first, community second me las
D. Steps to build trust and get raving fans
Step 1 mission that is bigger than you (not fame …but from core not script).. feel that what you are doing is for benefit of others
Step 2 Take a stance – identify who is bad guy..attract but repel as well – Magnetic pole … And ones who vibe with your ideology will be your fans
3 Attract customers by creating value… Tangible solution for a problem, voice out the mission, attact customers and add value
Aim for getting them to transaction- it shows seriousness
4 Indoctrinate your customers with a code of honour … Values they should live by (like COH in Sidz’ community)
Set the values by them and
5. Create a culture of mutual respect and support … Not like a charismatic cult leader … This will create long term stickability in communities
6. Create a vacaulary that identifies your tribe from others Eg bulb on, game on, BIO etc that Sid uses
7. Show up every week and deliver value… Every second of energy spent should give a feel that you are there for them
8. Create a habit forming customer experience…instill habits and behaviour not just teach technology and tools.. eg Sidz asks his tribe to listen to strangest secrets, code of honour, read goals, 20 ideas, affirmations, music after call.
9. Create offline experiences to deepen the Sidz’ quantum meet with premium customers .. trainings or retreats etc bring your tribe near to you. E.g Sidz’ meeting Wick was a surreal experience
10. Help them get results in their life and business
Thank you Sidz.
Gaurav S Gupta
Thanks Gaurav!
Deep gratitude to you Siddharth for helping many thousands achieve their dreams.
💥 Having deep connection with people is more important than being famous.
💥 Niche fame is better than mainstream fame as it gives more freedom.
💥 Kevin Kelly says in ” Thousand True Fans” that even if you have 1000 loyal members as customers; it is better than having millions of fans as it is fulfilling for the community and the micro celebrity.
💥 You have to build trust. Trust can’t be bought by money, it has to be earned. You can always by attention through ads , but not trust.
1. You have to have a mission ( for the benefit of others) that is bigger than you which is felt from the core of your heart.
2. Take a stance on something to create a new system. Identify the bad guy in your journey and start talking about it.
3. Attract the customers by delivering value while voicing out your mission. You have to create a tangible solution to the problem. When people do transaction with you, they are more committed and then they take action and only action takers create results.
4. Create a set of values and habits they have to stand by but remember to live by those values first.
5. Create a culture of mutual respect and support for each other in order to have a long term stickability of the members.
6. Create a specific vocabulary ( phrases and words like bring it on, bulb on) that are unique to your community
7. Show up every week and deliver value with good energy. They should feel that you are always there for them.
8. Create customer experience that is habit forming with rituals that go into their daily lives like writing goals, listening to “The Strangest Secret” , writing down 20 ideas, reading affirmations etc.
9. Create offline experience to deepen the bond with them.
10. Help them get results in their life and business.
* Authenticity
* Presenting knowledge with strong logic
* Empathy- Genuine care about people
* Vulnerability
The priority sequence is as follows:
1. Mission
2. Community
3. Me
Thanks a ton, Sid for making me a selfless giver and trainer. Enjoying the journey!
Thank you Dr. Pallavi!
My takeaway from this podcast:
There are two types of fame:
1. Main Stream Fame – like movie stars, cricketers (no freedom of movement in public place)
2. Niche Fame – it delivers values to the micro-community, where you are not at centre of attraction.
10 steps to build community:
1. You must have Mission bigger than you, truly from core of heart.
2. Need to identify who is a bad guy (what is irrelevant in today’s scenario) and create a new system.
3. Attract your paid customers by delivering value through voice out in your mission.
4. Indoctrinate set of values/habits/Code of Conduct. You also live by those values otherwise people will think you are fake.
5. Create a culture of mutual respect and support helping each other irrespective of their background. There must be accountability system in community.
6. Create a vocabulary (set of phrases like BIO, Bulb on) that identify your tribes from others.
7. Show up every single week to deliver the good value, make people feel that they are important.
8. Create a customer experience that is Habit Forming – you should install habits/culture like read affirmations daily, write goals every day.
9. Create offline experiences – like live training events – that deepen the bond with the core customers. Let people share their experiences.
10. Help them get results in their lives and business as well.
You need to build trust. You cannot buy trust. And to achieve this 4 elements are required:
1. Authenticity- be real and 100% transparent
2. Present your knowledge with strong Logic
3. Empathy – really love and care for people
4. Vulnerability- Be open to your community and share your flaws.
Excellent notes taken Rajiv!
Ten steps to build a community of Raving fans.
1) Mainstream Fame -You don’t have millions of fans but thousands fans which give you true micro building trust.
2)Create a stand for what you want to take action.You cannot create fans just by pleasing them everytime.
3) Attract the customers by delivering values. Keep posting podcast- attract people to take action -pay money- do the transaction.
4) Indoctrination with your customers with code of honor.-Clarity,Abundance, Freedom,Charity,Growth, Efficiency.
5)Create culture of mutual respect &.support.
6)Create vocabulary -which is different from others community.
7)Delivers the goods and delivers the values.
8)Create and write customers experience that is habit for you. Write 10 affirmation everyday.
9) Create offline experiences-Host-with family-premium customer.
10)Help clients to get results in their life &in business. With the help of 4 elements. 1)Authenticity-Be transparent with your community.
2)Present your knowledge with strong logic.
3)Empathy-People lover,care for people.
Superb stuff Trupti!
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Absolutely resonate with the fact that coaching is not about the coach but the impact the coach creates.
Any given point of time, serving the micro niche market and adding value to the community.
Raving fans who appreciate the value you deliver is fulfilling and one has to earn it.
10 steps to build a community of raving fans
1) your mission has to be bigger than you, one should be able to connect with the mission deeply.
2) take a stand for what you believe in. Know what is not serving the audience and let them know about it.
3) attract customers, by delivering the value to them.
4) create and set values in the form of code of honour, follow them yourself to be authentic.
5) create a culture of mutual respect in the community of raving fans. This will create long term connection
6) create a vocabulary that differentiates your tribe from other tribes. Anchoring phrases that connect with a feeling or emotion
7) show up consistently and show the value of presence
8) create customer experience that instills a habit in the customers.
9) create offline experiences that deepen the bond with the customers. To build more meaningful connection.
10) help customers get results on their life.
4 values
Authenticity, present knowledge with logic, be empathetic, be vulnerable to share your flaws openly.
I was totally experiencing every point as I was listening. Thank you! 🙂
Great Deepthi!
Understood difference of Fans
Main stream v/s Niche stream
Micro celebrities
Trust cannot be bought, it has to be earned.
1) Mission bigger than you
2) Stand by what you want to take – Identify bad guy
3) Attracting customers by delivering values
4) Indoctrinate your customer with code of honour
5) Create a culture of mutual respect
6) Vocabulary – Set of phrases
7) Show up every week to deliver value
8) Create customer experience as your habit
9) Create offline experience
10) Help them get results
4 imp Tips
1) Authenticity
2) Present knowledge with Logic
3) Empathy
4) Vulnerability
Excellent Santosh!
Action taken removed unwanted apps and social media apps. Notifications disabled.
• Persuite is about becoming famous then these steps are not applicable.
• Attacticing raving people happens when you have purity.
• Two types of fans-
o Mainstream Fans – From public and celebraty looses privacy.
o Niche Fans- Better than first one as they belong to your community.
• 10 Steps to build and attract a community of raving fans
1. Bigger mission – For benefit of others.
2. Take stand about create new system. (Identify who is bad guy?)
3. Attrach customers by delivering value.(keep sending videos, Messages, webinars)
4. Indoctrinate your customers (Code of honour) – Set the values first before actual teaching.
5. Create culture of mintual respect and support.
6. Create a vocabolary to represent your tribe. Some words as frequently used in community and becomes identity. E.g BIO,Game On, etc.
7. Weekly Show. People should feel that you are there to care them.
8. Create a habits/rituals. It becomes daily routine of people.
E.g. read affirmation every day.
9. Create offline experiences.(Live training event/People get close to you)
10. Help them to success or results in their life.
• You cannot buy trust you have to earn it.
• 4 Elements for trust building
1. Authenticilty
2. Present your knowledge with strong logic.
3. Emapthy – You need to care for people. Community first approach.
4. Vulnerability. More vulnerable you are deepen will be bonds.
Thank your Dr for sharing your notes!
10 Steps To Build A Community Of Raving Fans
Thank you, Siddharth for this wonderful podcast on building community
• Have a mission bigger than you
• Take a stand & Identify the bad guy
• Attract your customer delivering value & voice out your mission
• Indoctrinate your customer with a code of honor with a set of values and live with it.
• Create a culture of mutual respect and support
• Create a vocabulary that identifies your tribe from others
• Show up every week to deliver value
• Create a customer experience that’s habit forming
• Create offline experience that deep the bond with your customer
• Help them get result in their life and business
Four elements for deep trust
• Authencity, be 100% transparent
• Present your knowledge with Strong Logic
• You need to have empathy (1. mission, 2. Community, 3. Me)
• Vulnerability
This is very powerful podcast if you are in the long term game of building community and raving fans my key learning from this podcast.
-don’t become self centered, become giver give 10X more value to your community than what they paid for.
– Be real and transparent with yourself and with your community
– don’t change you core message , stick to one message and build your brand around that message.
– don’t be trend rider , sell one one product which solve a big problem of your target customer.
– build lifetime customers not followers by educating them instead entertaining them on social media.
– stick to your wordings, offers and dates, start session on time.
– find ways to help your community, be focussed on providing value to your community
– Don’t use negative tactics if you want to be in the long term in the market , don’t put anyone down.
– become good customer first. Don’t say something that you have not done yourself.
This is so amazing podcast it gives me more power to serve the world. I am not in the game of money I am In the game of helping people and adding value in their life.
More power to all.
Sir you’re doing great full the world community service my best wishes 👍 thanks so much sir you’re sincerely muraleedharanunnithan182 @
Ten steps to build a community of Raving fans
1.Mission should be Bigger than you(that msut come from your heart)
2.Take a stand for something and identify who is that bad guy
3.Attract customers by adding values. Create a tangible solution for a problem, voice out the mission and attract customers
4.set a code of honor
5. Culture of mutual respect and support
6. Create some uniqueness by using a set of vocabulary/ phrases.
e.g.- BIO (Bring it On), BO (Bulb On)
7. Show up every week to deliver value
8. Create a customer experience by cultivating habits & behavior,create offline experiences too
9. Help them get results in their life and business
10. Four elements to build trust is – Authenticity, Present knowledge with strong Logic, Empathy, Vulnerability
10 steps to build a community of raving fans
1) set a mission bigger than you
2) take a stand on something and repel when it is required
3) attract customers by delivering goods and values
4) set the code of honor
5) create a culture of mutual respect and support
6) create a vocabulary that identifies your tribe from others
7) show up every week and deliver value
8) create a customer experience that is habit forming
9) create offline experiences that deepens the bond with core customers
10) help them get results in their life and business
Four elements to build deep trust: authenticity,knowledge with logic, empathy, vulnerability.
Undoubtedly, ILH breaths all the above 10 steps and no wonder every member is a raving fan of Sidz. Miles to go for me…but, am on the right track.
10 Steps To Build a Community of Raving Fans
->Do for the benefit of others. Have Purity of thought.
–>Take a stand
–>Attract customers by delivering value. Be a problem solver.
–>Indoctrinate your customers with a code of honour. Inculcate values and live by them yourself.
–>Create a culture of mutual respect.
–>Create a vocabulary that identifies your tribe from others.
–>Show up with consistency to delivery value. Do hand holding.
–>Take a customer experience that is habit forming.
–>Create offline experiences to deepen the bond.
–>Help them get results.
4 Elements to build trust
a) Authenticity
b) Present your knowledge with logic
c) Have empathy
d) Vulnerability
“10 Steps To Build a Community of Raving Fans”
If your pursuit is become famous then this is not for you. Attracting a Community of Raving fans happens when you are not the center of the equation.
There are 2 kinds of fans :
a) Mainstream Fame – Like Cricketers, Movie Stars. They can walk open and they are guarded by huge security. They do not have Freedom.
b) Nice Fame – There are so many Superstars who developed a fame in their Community, they can go to any place with Freedom. They serve Micro Niche Market.
If you have 1000 true Fans who are willing to give you what you deserve for the value exchange, that will fulfill the Community. For this you have to build Trust.
Top Learnings –
1. Mission Bigger than You – You have to have a Bigger Mission from the Core of your Heart for the benefit of others.
2. Take a stand for something – Stand for your mission and prove to the world who is the bad guy. People who will be able to vibe your ideology, will be your super fans.
3. Delivering Value – You must deliver the values & provide solution for what you have committed. People who pay Money, pay Attention.
People who pay Attention, take Action.
People who take Action, get Results.
4. Indoctrinate your customer with the Code of Honor – Set the values first before you talk about the solution you are teaching. Live by the Values. If you do not follow the values, then people will understand that you are Fake. Live what you Say.
5. Culture of Mutual Respect & Support – Create a Culture where people have mutual respect for each other. Have Accountability System, Facilitators, Solution oriented Private Social Networks. No Self Promotions.
6. Create Vocabulary that Identify Your Tribe – A set of words or phrases which can be a vocabulary of your Tribe.
7. Show up and Deliver Value – Show Up every time and your Community should feel that you are for them and they are getting the benefit.
8. Create a Customer Experience that is Habit Forming – Have a Culture to read Affirmations, write 10 ideas daily, Play Music, etc.
9. Create Offline Experiences – Meet Offline so that people have a great experience where they can share negativities, problems, etc. and build more meaningful connections.
10. Help them get Results – Help your community getting the results in their life or business.
Four elements to build trust :
a) Authenticity
b) Present knowledge with strong Logic
c) Empathy
d) Vulnerability
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
My takeaways interspersed with my thoughts and learning:
As we aim to build digital islands of learning/teaching/doing ecosystems, we may (maybe not) cut through the geopolitical frostiness that seems to afflict the world at the moment. The education industry playing field, in the past with India being a powerhouse, and later the balance tilting to the west, is now starting to get levelled up with the popularity rise in digital learning ecosystems/communities.
Building cohesive digital learning communities can certainly one-up and threaten traditional education systems. Some of the ways to build a magnetic community is to have GOAL clarity; being steadfast on the MISSION; being transparent and vulnerable with community members, and delivering VALUE to your community members in your own idiosyncratic way.
One interesting thing I noted from this podcast is to leverage the power of WORDS/VOCABULARY to build an identity for your COMMUNITY/TRIBE.
Most important, deliver RESULTS!
[…] 1. Emotional Connection – Human coaches build trust and rapport by connecting with clients on a deep emotional level. This bond creates a safe space for clients to open up and grow. […]