No matter how much money you invest in advertising, you cannot buy trust. You need to earn it. In this podcast, I talk about the 4 pillars of trust-building and why this topic is more important now than ever in such a crowded market online.
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26 replies to "You Cannot Buy Trust Using Facebook Ads or Google Ads"
You can not buy trust you earn trust
4 Pillar of Trust :
1) Authenticity – thoughts words and action are align
2) Present your concept with strong logic thru practical knowledge
3) Empathy – People need to feel care for them – scarcity mindset
4) Results – People Ultimatetly Get Results
Key takeaways:
You cannot buy trust, you have to earn trust.
4 ideas to earn trust :
1. Authenticity, transparency, integrity vulnerability are the qualities which can buy trust.
2. Present your information and concepts with a strong logic, principle through sharing the practicing experience. Simplifying concepts and present it with strong logic is a way to earn trust.
3. Empathy – there is a proverb “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Empathy is another key to win trust.
People lover and community builder can win the trust.
4. Results
Combination of these 4 ideas can win the trust.
These are great, Ananya!
aurhencity show,who you are the person like sales man or coaching,
2.undesrstand customer prctcical emotinal buying reason now facing
3.emparht- emotiond are build or destroy,feeling heart and soul .
results-results only possible when they disciple their habits .consistency and persistency.
Thank you, Bhaskar.
This is a wonderful podcast.
“You cannot buy trust with money! You have to earn it.” Sidz
The four pillars of building trust lies in four principles. They are
1. Authenticity
2. Logical Presentation
3. Empathy
4. Results
A copy cat is not going to win the came. Our authenticity is our personality. It has to come within. It comes from the values we believe in.
Simplification comes from mastering the subject. We have to a life long learner. We have to study and deliver in logical manner that it should leave an impact.
Empathy is being vulnerable. It is about caring our tribe. It is about keeping them together.
Finally we have to give results. Results come from abundance mindset. It is to see our students getting more results and growing higher than us
We need all these four.
Thank you Sidz.
#ILH Deep Learner
Excellent sir
Honesty also
You Cannot Buy Trust Using Facebook Ads or Google Ads!
You may have all the money to buy the ads but you can’t buy trust
There are four aspects of trust, transaction happens when you are transparent. You cannot buy you go to earn it. How do you earn trust? When you deliver the solution to the problem they are facing
• Authenticity when you are transparent, vulnerable, and integrity are aspects of trust-building
• Present your information with strong logic when you are able to come up with strong logical principles and concepts based on your own practical implementation and simplify
• Empathy people need to feel the care for them genuinely. People lover and community builder.
• Deliver result factor for trust-building.
Authencity, Logic, Empathy & result all four need to be aligned
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Four Areas to Build Trust and have lifelong customers :-
1. Authenticity that is part of our DNA. It’s when we have integrity and are very vulnerable, Honest always.
2. Present your information with strong
logical principles. Be a practitioner of
our Subject
3. Empathy by letting people know how
much we care Genuinely. Be a people
Lover always.
4. Results because people buy results
#IlhDeepLearner 🥳
You Cannot Buy Trust Using Facebook
Ads Or Google Ads
There are 4 areas to build trust.
01 : Authenticity
Your thoughts words & action
Should aligned.
02 : When you deliver your information
& your concept with strong logic
You have to simplify it.
03 : Empathy people need to feel your
Care. Nobody cares how much
Knowledge you have unless they
Know how much you care.
You have to be people lover &
Community builder.
04 : You got to deliver results because
People buy results.
Thank you Siddharth for sharing the Podcast-
Biggest Takeaways
Trust 4 Elements win the Trust of the Students/Clients . Buy Trust to earn Trust
Deliver Value
Present your information with strong logic.
Different aspect of Trust:
We should understand that “We must earn Trust, can’t buy Trust.”
Four areas we have to look in to build trust.
First is Authenticity :
The value or solution, we give, build Trust.
Trust building can happen, when our thoughts, words, deeds are aligned
Being original ,bring our flavor to what we do build Trust
, and also with what intensity or deeply, you do serve people.
Authenticity is when we are transparent and real, vulnerable, open and integrated.
Second Present our Information /Concept with logic and practical knowledge: Learn, Apply and Teach. Make it simple
Third is Empathy : Care for others requirements or wants will bring their attention towards you. Focus on abundance mind set and help everyone to succeed and grow. Happy to see other peoples success.
Fourth is Results : Results highlight your value . People buy Result.
Hey hi Siddharth sir 😃 thanks for yet another wonderful podcast that you’ve shared 👍 ..
Learnt many things , So here are my learnings and thoughts from this podcast 👇..
⭐ The main important thing that you have to acquire in your life is “TRUST” , And this is not what we buy from Facebook ads or Google ads , We got to earn trust of people . No matter how information 🗣️you give but the end of the day people will join your mission only by the trusting you .
So there are FOUR different elements that we have to develop to build the trust in people :-
🌟 The first one Is “AUTHENTICITY” . We have to be Transparent , Real with people , And our integrity also play a major role . When our thoughts , Our words , Our Actions are aligned that’s when we call a person as a integral person .. As we can see some of the people who are different in both externally and internally 🎭 , Being like that is hard to earn people trust . The Abundance mindset will actual make people to trust you . And this will end up giving you good results ..
📕The second element to actually earn trust from the people is ” PRESENTING YOUR CONCEPTS OR KNOWLEDGE WITH A STRONG LOGIC ” . If you have a strong logic in what you delivering , People will start trusting you . We have to be practical with our knowledge . Tell your experiences , Tell your story of how you actually evolved from none to one .. Connecting those real life situations and presenting with practical
Knowledge is easy for understanding the concept by people .
💫 And this is one of the best lines from the
podcast , First you have to learn and then simplify it with your level of knowledge or your level of understanding and develop it then you got to deliver to the people .
Be practical and present the knowledge with strong logic that’s when people will start to trust you .
♥️ Third one is “EMPATHY” . People do not care about how much you know untill they know how much you care . Care for your audience . Don’t just be a knowledge giver but be a people lover and community builder .
🧠 Be open in mind and heart , you got to enjoy your people success . We know many of the people do not digest when others succeed . But for a change if you train your mind and be open hearted , if somebody or people in your community got succeeded you won’t be feeling any things instead you will enjoy ..
📊 The fourth element in earning people’s trust is “RESULTS” . People will buy results . And that comes from having a abundance mindset . So this is like a alignment or in a order . If one element of above is missing in you , It will be hard to earn people’s authority and trust .
So yeah that’s it , These are the thoughts of mine when I listened to the podcast . And this is a wonderful podcast where the concept of *TRUST BUILDING* Is said clearly . Thanks for sharing with us sir 🙏 .
If you have Money to spend on Facebook and Google Ads but you cannot buy trust. You have earn the trust, you can attract the lead using advertisement but you cannot build lifelong community. you have authentic
If people like you they trust you.
There is 4 pillar to build the trust
1. Authentic: – Authenticity its part of your DNA system. your vibe attracts you tribe. You are real, transparent, real to your target audience and vulnerable.
Integrity means your thoughts, words and Action aligned with your audience. Authenticity, Integrity transparency and vulnerability it is a first aspect of building a trust with your Audience.
2. Presenting information and concept through your strong logic and Practical implementation experience.
Present your information with strong logic and your own idea do not copy and paste any content or Idea
This is another topic to build trust with your audience. Deeper you research on your topic and your niche it is simpler to your audience.
3. Empathy: – people should be feel the care.
They know how much you know until how much they know how much you care for them. you should be genuinely take care for them.
People are knowing the scarcity mind set of people and they feel those people of energy some people are bash down their competitor. You are not only knowledge giver you should be a community builder and you see your student are Succeeds.
You See your student are more successful than you and you should be developed your abundance mind set, And you see the Happy when Student are succeeding
4. Results- You should be a build your community as result oriented and be consistent and create more success stories to build the trust with your target.Continues ly delivered the result.
Authenticity, Own Logic and Concept, Empathy and Result all four should be aligned
#ILH Deeplearner# ILH Family#
If we want to gain lifelong customers, we should build trust in following four areas:
1. Authenticity
2. Logic
3. Empathy
4. Results
These four concepts are aligned, then the trust can be automatically build and we can easily make them lifelong customers.
This podcast is very useful to everyone who want to build trust in every aspect of their life.
Thank you Sidz
Money and advertisements cannot buy trust. You can earn trust.
The followings combined can help you earn Trust
1. Authenticity-Be Real, Be Vulnerable, Be Transport
2. Be Logical, -Logical Concept
3. Empathy, Be a Genuine Lover of People, Care for Them Genunibely, Be Community Builder,
4. Results-Produce Results
Key Points:
• We cannot buy trust, we should earn trust by keeping following aspects in thoughts and actions.
• Authenticity : It comes from our core intention with how much intensity in that intension to be transformed into a community. For that to happen thoughts, words and actions must be aligned and integrated. It should be natural process with in us. We should be transparent, open minded to allow more like minded people into our space.
• Strong Logic: Thoughts and Content must have strong logic means who must have our own signature style of learning and teaching based on our applied experience and research depth but not like a copycat.
• Empathy:
○ Emotional connectivity with the people around you and create positive impact on them by uplifting their skills in multiple aspects and ways.
○ It should Win-Win situation to both us.
○ This will create a strong value and principles based community with long life.
○ We should create a community in such a way so that the members in that community must be able start from some ‘P’ position rather than from ‘A’ because sharing of years of our experience in less time.
○ Which also useful to build strong communities in short time with value addition .
○ Everybody Must have Principle to promote “Actionable Knowledge Inheritance”. So, derivation continues for generations.
• Results: Delivery of results on time with systematic process mentioned by our mentors.
• Primary Key: All of the above four aspects must be integrated to turn ourself into successful digital coach in online space.
Building Trust for life long customers.
Earn trust by implementing below idea
Its important key is Value exchange.
1 Authenticity.
2 Integrity aligned mind and body.
Strong Logic.
Care : scarcity mindset
3 Emphaty:
Be vulnerable
Love your people
4 deliver their End results
All four principal needs to be aligned
Trust cannot be earned with Paid Ads
Be Authentic
Authenticity is always
Transparent and Vulnerable
thoughts and words are aligned
Present information with strong logic
teach with practical knowledge
win the trust with efforts
implementation on daily basis
People need to feel
people should feel that we care for them
genuine marketers are value driven
focus on abundance mindset
be empathetic
hold people to succeed
make students more successful
be ok and happy with other success
have different mindset
zone of pure love
fellow human beings
fourth pillar – results, deliver the results for somebody, big factor,
do not miss any pillar…
care, community building, authenticity, results…
The subject is about acquiring trust which can not be transferred. One can not buy trust.
You need to earn trust.
He describes the 4 Pillar of Trust :
1st pillar : Authenticity achieved when thoughts, words and action are aligned. There has to be congruence in what one is doing in terms of service to the community.
2nd pillar : One can only teach which one has been acquired through practical knowledge. One can achieve this with a strong reason that defines the context of such exercise.
3rd Pillar : Empathy – The Coach needs to come from abundance mindset with a focus on care for the people. If one is open in mind and heart , then one can celebrate another person’s success. People who are original and know that what they know can not be replicable, are always happy to assist people to succeed.
4th Pillar : Results – It has to be followed by results. People get attracted only because they want to have results that is what they intend to buy. And that comes from having a abundance mindset .
Therefore, this is a fourfold thing which creates trust and in an order . If one element of above is missing in the delivery, execution, towards the service, then it becomes hard to earn people’s trust .
You can’t buy trust , you hv to earn trust
4 elements of trust building
1 . Authenticity_ either you are authentic or you are not authentic .
It is internal
Part of DNA system
Transparent , real , vulnerable ,
Remove those masks ,
Open to your target market,
High level of integrity
When your thoughts , words and actions are aligned
Authenticity, Transparency , Integrity and vulnerability are 4 aspects of trust building
If you don’t hv , you hv got to work on yourself .
2 .Present your concepts with strong logic
– with your practical implementation
_ easy to apply for your students
_ simplified
Deeper you research, understand your topic , more simpler you can make it for your students and community
3 . Empathy _ heart side
People need to feel you care for them .
” people don’t care how much you know , until they know how much you care ”
Genuine marketers_ abundence mindset
Encouraging their students towards success
You need to be a people lover and community builder
Hold and keep people together to help them succeed .
You are happy to see
your students become more succrssful than yourself
Zone of pure love, looking everyone as fellow human being , who can make a real difference to the world
It’s not about you , it’s about them !
4 . Results _ ultimately people buy results ,
You must help your students to get efficient and faster results ! More efficiently than others .
Thus when 1.Authenticity
3 .Empathy
4 .Results
When these 4 are aligned , thus you can build trust and get transactions happening for your business in the online space .
Any transaction happens when people trust you … They see you as a their problem solver ….. There is value exchange ….
you can’t buy trust …you have to earn trust …. You may attract customer by putting money on ads…… But they are not your life long client ….
Thoughts words and action are align …. Integrity …authenticity…. Vulnerability… Honesty …. Removing those mask …. Being real … And honest it what people get connected with
Second …. You got to have practical knowledge…. hands on knowledge …. Practitioner …. Doing research …. Deep information …. Owning the topic …loving it
Thirds… Where your hearts comes in. … People lover …. Genuinely care for people emotion …. Heart to heart conversation ….
Results …. Yes you got to brings result for your client …. And get really really happy for all the success story get ….
All these 4 element get together …. Will brings …true loyal customer ….life long learner …
Really grateful for this podcast
Proud to be part of ilh family ….
You are bringing changes in me everyday
My learning of the 4 points to earn trust
4 different ways to build trust
Even if you are running lot of adds, turning lot of eyeball, and bringing them to the webinars, the transactions happen only when people trust you.
Following are the 4 elements of trust to keep in mind to win people’s trust genuinely and build a community of lifelong followers. We got to earn the trust, by solving the problems. In online education, you can earn money only when
1. You are authentic: Many people wear masks. Not authentic, their lives attract the tribe, who get allured with the vibes. Over the time, people start to see, that authenticity is missing. Authenticity is when you are transparent, when you are real, when you removed those masks and be vulnerable and open to your target market, and also have an high level of integrity. Integrity is when your thoughts, words actions are aligned. Integrated at all three levels. Authenticity, Transparency, integrity, and vulnerability are the first aspect of trust building. Either we have it or not, If not, we got to work on that. So no matter how successful you are, to have a mentor, coach to guide you on your vision and path you are moving forward
2. Head side: : To Present your information with a strong logic. There are many people, who do copy paste in digital space. When you are able to come up with strong logical, concept based on your own principles of practical implementation of that knowledge, and are able to simplify it further and develop those concepts, and able to present it with strong logic, we will bw able to win the trust of the audience. Though you are authentic, but you are not a practitioner of that subject, not implementing, living, breathing that knowledge, over time our people will realise that the informations is copied from here and there. Also simplifying is required, the deeper we understand our niche, the simpler we will be able to make it to the audience, students and community
3. Empathy: Heart side: People do not know how much you know, until they know how much you care. They can see that your genuine love is coming from your core. If you operate from a scarcity mindset, people will that easily. Like some marketers bashing their competitors down and positioning themselves better than others, they don’t care hoots for people, they care for themselves only. Genuine marketers who operate with abundance mindset which is value based, and care for people and allow everybody to succeed. If you are empathetic leader, we need to be people Loveland community builder not just a knowledge giver, unlike many you tubers yapping around on YouTube, Podcasts. Many of them have ideas, but only few can hold people together to help them succeed and grow, this can be done with only abundance mindset, where you are able to see your students become more successful than you. You should be able to see and be jumping with joy to to see others succeed. In other world, normally people want themselves to be successful, but can’t see others do.If you want o earn trust, you need to operate from the zone of pure love, looking everyone as fellow human beings, and be able to see the others too make a difference in the world, just not you,
4. Results: Deliver results for somebody more efficiently for others, that’s another factor for trust-building All four needs to align if we want to build trust.
4 pillars of trust
1) Authenticity: Authenticity is not something like a switch. You either are authentic or you’re not. It’s not like, now I’m going to be authentic from today. It is something to do with the internal thing and it’s a part of your DNA system. And there are some people who just wear masks. Many marketers and many influencers today drive about the external stuff, flash, like what suits they wear, what cars they drive, and what kind of flashy stuff they are doing to attract an audience very externally. They too have audience for them.
2) second pillar of trust is presenting information with a strong logic through practical, experiential knowledge based on your own implementation
3)Empathy: The third aspect of trust is empathy. People need to really care. They need to feel your care for them.
4) Results: Fourth pillar, if you really want to gain trust and authority in the marketplace is results. You got to deliver the goods because ultimately people buy results. If you can deliver a result for somebody more efficiently than others, that is another factor for trust.
Even if one of them is missing, it’s not going to be long term. There could be some people who are delivering fantastic results for their clients but there 4 pillars are essential for long term game and be successful.
Building Trust and Authority
You may have money to run ads
Mission to redefine education systems
4 areas to build trust
You earn the trust, it is not bought – transactions happen due to trust – value exchange
Online coaching business – ads alone don’t work
1 – authenticity – you are or not – get authenticity in your DNA – Practice it – affirm it – behave it – when you are transparent – be real and vulnerable – thoughts and actions are aligned – integrity – aspects of trust building – you can work on yourself – read books – do meditation
2 – Present your information and concepts with strong logic
3 – Empathy – you need to understand other people – you need to care for people – people do not care how much you know, they care how much you care – people can feel that energy of yours – be yourselves – be value driven – have abundance mindset – be people lover – be community builder – jump to see people successful – make people successful – stay in the zone of pure love – people who make difference in the world –
4 – results, people buy results – deliver results more efficiently than others – be more successful – document the results
Have all these 4 things to build Trust and Authority
#Suniltams #SunilChaudhary #CBS #CareerBuildingSchool
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
The subject has deep thoughts about internal attributes, not external influence with money.
Ads may bring some success initially, but can’t give long-term success without authenticity, logic, empathy, and focus on delivering results.
1. Authenticity- it is about congruence in thoughts, words, and actions. It is about being vulnerable and presenting without a mask. You are either authentic or not.
I will analyze myself and be authentic if I am not.
2. Logical in mind- Product or service given to be produced with logic. Learn, research, and contemplate bringing out logical products to be appreciated.
3. Empathy- In people’s business empathy is the most important aspect. People trust when they find that you really care for them. Intention speaks louder than words. It is not how much you know, but it is how much you care about them. It is a genuine concern for them to put yourself in their shoes. It is about creating a community with love and a culture of caring and sharing.
4. Delivering Results- Ultimately the result is what matters. focus on getting them result.