The role of a digital coach is not just to educate but to change behaviours in your students. Behaviours are defined by ones' habits. And habits either take people closer or away from their goal.
In this podcast, I go deep into what it takes to develop habit-forming information products that deliver results for your students.
In this podcast, you will learn the following:
Please take notes and share your learnings below this post.
I look forward to reading and replying to your comments.
The future is all about creating more results for your students.
And if you can effectively do that following the principles mentioned in this podcast, you are on-track to build a super powerful digital knowledge ecosystem.
To your freedom,

79 replies to "How To Build Habit-Forming Products That Create More Success Stories"
A blueprint enables you to design with the big picture in mind. In this way, we can ensure we reach every milestone and build consistency throughout the curriculum — even when faced with uncertainty in the project. This I faced during the Hackathon and other educational hackathons I attended. Your teaching did help in curriculum design from students that is the user point of view which I gained from digital users perspective.
Thank you Sidz for throwing clear insights into student friendly blue prints that leads to completion of product designing.
I read the book 7 habit of highly successful people by S. Covey. Your insight I correlated the that book. You try to cover the essence of how good habits affact the individual creativity.
A blueprint enables you to design with the big picture in mind. In this way, we can ensure we reach every milestone and build consistency throughout the curriculum — even when faced with uncertainty in the project. This I faced during the Hackathon and other educational hackathons I attended. Your teaching did help in curriculum design from students that is the user point of view which I gained from digital users perspective.
Thank you Sidz for throwing clear insights into student friendly blue prints that leads to completion of product designing.
Thanks Sai Leela!! More power to you!
In my I phone it’s not showing how to put reply here.
So I am writing it here. This is Varshaa Dwivedi
#ILH Deeplearner # ILH Family
Habit yes cause it build character and eventually one’s life. Breaking it into super digestible nuggets as in For the Course as a Mentor on Daily – Weekly – Monthly and Quarterly basis is very attainable and sustainable. But the icing is X factor Way, Feel,, Goal, Support and Simplicity. Must say loaded with oomph. Here is my input
“we get this by become this first. “
can’t copy it from you or from anywhere, cause that is something we need to find in us.
Thank you with loads of Gratitude.
Thanks a ton, Varshaa! Your feedback really made my day! :). The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it.Keep Inspiring!
Topic : Science of habit forming products..
✅Habits can make or break a person. It’s all about changed behaviours and breaking patterns. It’s about working at a subconscious level.
✅Role of mentor ofcourse helps to a great extent.
✅Social media , Games etc can become a challenge if not done mindfully. And if used properly can accelerate your growth.
✅If you are able to engineer your digital ecosystem where you can form positive habits , you can make lot of success stories.
✅Respect the time the gestation period which it takes to grow and reflect the outcome.
✅Types of Habits
1) Daily habits
2)Weekly habits
3)Monthly habits
4) Quarterly habits
1) Goals
2) Visualise
3) Affirmations
4) Learning and working on Mindset
✨Strangest Secret
1) Inner circle call
2) Q and A
3) mini challenges : book reading challenges etc.
4)Focus groups for discussion eg: forming hives/ houses
1)Showcase events
2)Workshops ,
3)Advanced mastermind
1) Hackathons ( Game plays with gifts and vouchers for the finishers)
✅X Factor
It’s not about what you teach but the way you tech!!!
Important Pointers..
✨Way you teach and deliver information.
✨Way you create an experience with your tribe.
✨Way your tribe members feel within a community ( positivity, support and accountability).
✨Mutual support and respect for each other and Strong Code of Honour.
✨ Simplicity of the models.
✔️Positive addictions are going to lead to progress.
✔️More success stories.
✔️High customer life time value.
✔️Loyal life time customers.
Thankyou Sid for these deep insights!
Love your comment. And agree to what you have explained. More Power to our ILH community.
Would also love to mention that, the way you have done the formatting of the whole comment, it is so reader-friendly.
Thank you 🙂
Thanks a ton, Surabhi & Maneesha !! Great to have you in our community.
Sidz, this has come at such a right time for me. I’ve one of my bonuses on this actually. I liked your insights on daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly habits. I’m definitely going to incorporate more of these into my bonus.
Worth listening to this podcast again and again- my creative juices kept flowing.
Can’t agree more on all your 5X factors.
Thank you, Sidz. You indeed have changed my life, and that’s what I’m going to do to my tribe.
Make time for me soon????????
I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable, Shilpa! More to unfold.. 😉
My takeaways
The purpose of habits is to change behaviour and help students achieve their goal.outcome is more important.Stop wasting time on Netflix rather invest time in learning.
Engineer entire eco system for better results.
Daily habits /weekly habits/monthly habits
4 specific habits
1-writing goals
2- affirmation
4-listen to strangest secret
Weekly habit – inner circle call
– launch mini challenge
– gratitude challenge
Monthly habits-upgrade program
It was the best decision in my life that I took of joining sidz community
Great Takeaways,Satis! More power to you.
Moving one’s students from Negative Addictions to Positive Addictions is a game changing idea for any digital coach.
We humans are susceptible to habits and negative habits are the easiest to form (as they are more pleasurable). Using this inherent human trait to extract some positive results out of the students is an awesome idea.
I have been a member of this community for the past two month and just now I realised how many positive habits have I grown in such short span of time. From waking up early to writing daily goals to daily affirmations to daily learnings to taking definite actions and stretching myself more and more towards realising my goals, I have changed into a new person in less than 60 days!
I was never so dedicated, so sincere, so focused in my entire life (I am 45). And I am doing all these happily!
Thank you Sidz for transforming me.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Thanks a ton, Prabir! Your feedback really made my day! :). The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it.Keep Inspiring!
Hi Sid !! Thank you again for another deep insight on Habit-forming products.
Here goes my takeaways:-
In this crowded digital space the only way to sustain and grow is to build more and more success stories for our students and to do this as a digital coach we need to develop habit-forming products.
As a digital coach we must take our students on a journey of breaking patterns and changing behavior at a conscious level and by doing this slowly at the sub-conscious level.
When their behavior will change, results they want to achieve will automatically change and finally their lifestyle will change.
The purpose of habit is to help the students achieve their goals with least resistance.
In today’s world there are lot of habit-forming products such as Social Media, Games, OTT platforms etc.
As a coin these products have also two sides – positive as well as negative.
We as a Digital Coach need to insert some positive habit-forming products into our curriculum and these products can be broken down into four segments. But first we need apply these products first so that our students can follow .
Here are those 4 segments:-
a)Writing Goals on a daily basis.
b)Visualization of where our students want to go.
d)The Strangest Secret In The World(audio)
a)Inner circle calls for the students.(doubt clearing sessions).
b)Dedicated QNA sessions.
c)Launching mini challenges(reading one book a week)
d)Group discussions within students.
a)Showcase Events.
b)Mini Workshops.
c)Advanced Masterminds inside the community.
a)Quarterly Hackathons.
Here are the 5 things which will give the “X-Factor”—-
1. It’s not about what we teach but the way we teach.
2. The way that we create experiences with our tribe.
3. The way our tribe members(our students) feel within the community.
4. The mutual support and respect our students have for each other.
5. The simplicity in our systems and models.
The outcomes and advantages of building Habit-forming products:–
1. The positive addictions( that we install into our students ) will lead to their progress.
2. More and more success stories within our tribe.
3. We will have extremely High Customer Lifetime Value.
4. We will get loyal lifetime customers.
Awesome Alok !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
In this podcast, my take away are follows
-Habit make a person
-Habit breaks a person
– positive and negative habit in daily behaviour
– social media, gaming, Netflix are the habit forming products
– ecosystem for positive habit
– sometime to student for feedback
Daily habits
– writing a goal
– visualization
Weekly habits
– Reflection of community habit
– Dedication questions and answers call to paid members
– launching mini challenges to audience
Monthly habits
– new stragies
– question and answer for paid members
– workshop for paid members
– advance mastermind
Quarterly habit
– hackthon
– showcase to community
– feedback from community
X Factor
1. It is the way you teach
2. The way you create your tribe
3. The way your tribe members feel in the community
4. Mutual support and respect each other
5. The simplicity of your model
– The positive adduction lead to success
– More and more student success stories
– extremely high value customers
– Loyal life long customers
Thanks sidz for giving the valuable information
Awesome Singh! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable
Super Useful Insights SIDZ
My takeaway from this podcast
In this podcast, I have learn the following:
“Habits make or break a person”
-Positive habits accelerates their life in a positive direction
-Negative habits accelerates their life in the negative direction
everything comes down to habits on a daily behaviors
“role of a digital coach is NOT just to Educate your students/audience, But Is to change their behaviors”
– going through this journey of breaking patterns and changing their behaviors at a conscious level.
– And the more they do it consciously, it becomes a subconscious level.
– when the behaviors change, then the results change and lifestyle changes. Everything changes.
– the purpose of habits is to help your students reach their goals on a path of least resistance.
being a digital coach and an educator, you have to start thinking like how these companies think, like how social media companies, gaming companies and think like how Netflix thinks.
if you’re able to engineer your entire ecosystem, your knowledge ecosystem.
you need to allow it to mature and allow it to grow.
whatever happened to installing your students,
you need to give it some time for the feedback to be more visible.
You need to make habits for yourself as a digital coach
because when you make it a habit for yourself, your students will start to follow you.
you have to engineer their habits into your curriculum design and
break it down into four segments that are
– Daily habits,
– Weekly habits,
– Monthly habits and
– Quarterly habits
1) – Daily Habits,
– realize the importance of habits
– installed four specific habits into them
The first habit is writing their goals on a daily basis.
The second habit is visualization of where they want to go. And
The third habit is affirmations. And
The fourth habit is to listening to the strangest secret in the world, by Earl Nightingale
– got to commit yourself because it’s the commitment that’s help you to get the results.
– and along with the learning of all the technical stuff, need to work on their mindset,
– like internal operating system of the mind is functional and is updated and upgraded.
– the first thing is you, as an educator,
– you need to install some daily habits and rituals in their community members
– for them to follow on a daily basis so that it gets into the system and
– starts to break some patterns of which they have been living in the past
2) – Weekly Habits
– every week, have a social call.
– because of every single week, community members show up every single week.
– and use that time to connect with paid members.
– have dedicated Q&A, only for your paid members.
– launch mini challenges
– like book reading challenge or gratitude challenge,
– they can complete within seven days and come back the next week and report
– give badges for people who finish this challenge
– and they would show off their badges on social networking, our private network.
– recommend book for the week.
– And all the community members would read that book for the week
– everybody’s reading that same book.
– all members buying that book on Amazon or on Kindle and
– consuming that same information together with the entire tribe
– level up every single week by reading one book every single week.
– Have focus groups
– have different hives or different tribes
– divided them into work or like in school, you have different houses.
– different houses within level of membership .
– meet every Saturday and Sunday and have focused group meetings
– discuss a lot of their challenges
– and get the support within the members itself.
– It’s a members supporting members.
3) – Monthly Habits
– do showcase events every single month for those members who are upgrading to the next level.
– conduct workshops every month, like one or two day workshop only for your paid members.
– have advanced mastermind’s and give advance strategies and help them to scale up their business
4) – Quarterly Habits
– the quarterly habit , have like quarterly hackathon
The 5 things that will give an “X-Factor” in your niche
to understand how this work, you need to have an X Factor.
First -the way you teach, what you teach and the way you deliver information,
Second -the way that you create an experience with your tribe.
Third -the way your tribe members feel within the community.
Fourth -the way that they are able to create that mutual respect between members
Fifth -Is the simplicity of your models.
The Outcome
1) The positive addictions that you install into your students. Is going to lead to progress in their life,
2) Positive addictions, lead to progress
3) have an extremely high customer lifetime value because of the value that you deliver
4) looking for a loyal and lifelong customers
Awesome! More power to you.
My takeaways
Habits make u or break you.
Form Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly habits.
Daily habits
Writing goals
Weekly habits
Dedicated Q&A
Launching mini challenges
Focus group
Inner circle call
Monthly habits
Quarterly habits
You should have X factor like
The way you teach
The way you create experience
Way your tribe members feel (supported)
Mutual respect and trust (no abuse, no trolls)
* Positive addiction leads to success
* More success stories
* Life long customers
* Higher value customers
Great Takeaways, Komal Raj! More power to you.
Science of habit-forming products :
Habits can make or break a person – Everything is about the changed behavior.
The role of a coach is not just to educate the students but to change the behavior so that students can reach their goals.
When Behaviour changes – results change – lifestyle changes.
social media, Netflix, games are examples of habit-forming products.
Habits take time to become visible.
4 Different Types of Habits :
Daily Habits – Have some habits that break the pattern they are already following.
weekly habits – To establish your relationship with your students. Ex. Dedicated Q & A, launching mini-challenges.
monthly habits – Example – showcase events, Educate them about your higher level of courses, workshops, advanced masterminds.
Quarterly Habibts – Example – hackathon.
When you practice all these habits it will reflect in your community.
X-factor’s :
1) It’s not about what you teach, it’s the way you teach.
2) The way you create an experience with your tribe.
3) They way Tribe member feels inside the community
4) Mutual support, respect within each other members.
5) Simplicity of the models.
The outcome when you follow this model:
1) positive addiction lead to progress
2) You will see more and more success stories
3) You will have extremely high-value members.
4) Your customers will be loyal and lifelong.
I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable ! More to unfold.. 😉
Science of habit-forming products :
Habits can make or break a person – Everything is about the changed behavior.
The role of a coach is not just to educate the students but to change the behavior so that students can reach their goals.
When Behaviour changes – results change – lifestyle changes.
social media, Netflix, games are examples of habit-forming products.
Habits take time to become visible.
4 Different Types of Habits :
Daily Habits – Have some habits that break the pattern they are already following.
weekly habits – To establish your relationship with your students. Ex. Dedicated Q & A, launching mini-challenges.
monthly habits – Example – showcase events, Educate them about your higher level of courses, workshops, advanced masterminds.
Quarterly Habibts – Example – hackathon.
When you practice all these habits it will reflect in your community.
X-factor’s :
1) It’s not about what you teach, it’s the way you teach.
2) The way you create an experience with your tribe.
3) They way Tribe member feels inside the community
4) Mutual support, respect within each other members.
5) Simplicity of the models.
The outcome when you follow this model:
1) positive addiction lead to progress
2) You will see more and more success stories
3) You will have extremely high-value members.
4) Your customers will be loyal and lifelong.
Awesome Rasal !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
Science of habit-forming products :
Habits can make or break a person – Everything is about the changed behavior.
The role of a coach is not just to educate the students but to change the behavior so that students can reach their goals.
When Behaviour changes – results change – lifestyle changes.
social media, Netflix, games are examples of habit-forming products.
Habits take time to become visible.
4 Different Types of Habits :
Daily Habits – Have some habits that break the pattern they are already following.
weekly habits – To establish your relationship with your students. Ex. Dedicated Q & A, launching mini-challenges.
monthly habits – Example – showcase events, Educate them about your higher level of courses, workshops, advanced masterminds.
Quarterly Habibts – Example – hackathon.
When you practice all these habits it will reflect in your community.
X-factor’s :
1) It’s not about what you teach, it’s the way you teach.
2) The way you create an experience with your tribe.
3) They way Tribe member feels inside the community
4) Mutual support, respect within each other members.
5) Simplicity of the models.
The outcome when you follow this model:
1) positive addiction lead to progress
2) You will see more and more success stories
3) You will have extremely high-value members.
4) Your customers will be loyal and lifelong.
Awesome Rasalkaiman ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable
In this podcast I have learned the following
The only way to sustain and grow in the E-learning space is to build more and more success stories in our community.
In order to help your students achieve result is to build h a bit forming products.
Habits can make a person or break a person
Hence we should create products that will bring about behavioural changes in our students
Habits has the power to accelerate life either in a positive direction or in a negative direction.
Our task is to make them break their limiting patterns and help them achieve behavioral patterns at a conscious level, so that it will result in their lifeStyle changes.
The main purpose of behavioural changes is to make them reach goals with the least resistance.
People these days are impacted by social media, games, Netflix etc which are habit forming may create a negative impact on many of them.
As a digital coach we should be able to think in terms of how the
Social media gaming companies thinks.
We have to engineer the course so that it will create a positive habit in the, minds of the students. But provide enough gestation period for the habits, to be inculcated in their routine.
For that to happen engineer habits into your course curriculum.
Habits, are in 4 segment s
1. Daily habits
2. Weekly habits
3. Monthly habits
4. Quarterly habits
Daily habits
Writing goals on a regular basis
Visualization of the goals
Listening to the strangest secret for 90 days
Make learning daily as, a habit
Weekly habit
We should make them realise that they should follow the principles with commitment to succeed
Teach them to work on their mind set
Only if the internal operating system of their mind is programmed correctly, they can reach their goals.
We as a digital coach should be able to install some daily habits and rituals for them to follow on a daily basis.
Conduct inner c IU rcle calls on a weekly basis. Q & A sessions to make them clear on their doubts
Launch several challenges like making them read books and give feedback
Gratitude challenges can be also be implemented. Reward them for achieving such milestone.
Then focus groups
Like 4 hives in diamond membership
Members of the community help one another mutually
Conduct workshops for level 1 members.
Quarterly habits
As in Ilh quaterly hackathons are conducted
9 session s
They win a ???? 2000rs voucher
So that the system will become amazing
For this to work, we need to have the X factor.
It’s not what you teach but how you teach is what matters
Frequently crack a punch in your course delivery.
Create a fulfilling customer experience
The experience they derivve should be more than the money they pay for the course.
The members should also support and respect each other
Simplicity of your model is very important.
The outcome will be
The positive addictions that you installed in their minds
Develop more success stories
High customer lifetime value
Loyal lifetime customers
Thanks a ton, Lalitha!! Great to have you in our community
The very fact that a successful and a service minded person like you responded is a divine bliss and gives me a lot of motivation. God bless you and your family always for this impartial way
Thanks a ton, Lalitha! Glad to serve you!
# ILH. Deep Learner1.
#1: Habbuts can make or break a person.
#2: Habits can change the behavior
In your students.
#3: When the habit changes lifestyle
Changes everything changes.
#4: People get attracted towards
negativity instead of positivity.
#6:A mentor. Should adopt himself
First & foremost.then only he can deliver
The positive impact on community.
Daily habits
Weekly habits
Monthly habits
Quarterly habits
Yearly habits
1: Writing their goals on daily basis.
3: Affirmations.
4.Learning & working on mindset.
5.Daily listening to Strangest secrets
Weekly Habits
1.Inner circle call every Thursdays.
2.Q& A.
3.Mini challenges,book reading challenges etc.
4.Focus groups for discussion e.g;
Forming hives, clubs.
Monthly Habits
.Show case events every month.
2.Work Shop every month.
3 Advanced master mind.
Quantum Club
1.Monthly Hackathons
Game plays with. gifts & vochures for the freshers.
X. Factor
It’s not about what you teach, but the
Way you teach.
Way you teach & deliver information.
Way you create an experience with
Your tribe.
Way your tribe members feel within a
Community (positivity Support & accountability).
Mutual support & respect for each other
& Strong code of honour
Simplicity of the models out come.
1.The positive addictions lead to
2. More success stories.
3.High customer lifetime value.
4.Loyal life long customers.
Awesome Firdous !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
1. Build success stories, community, tribes, masterminds.
2. Make products which are habit forming- habits make you or breaks you.
3. Change behaviors. Break patterns ,consciously and sub consciously.
4. Help people to reach their goals with least resistance, by changing habits.
5. There are many products which are habit forming specially- insta /facebook /gaming/etc. So help to install great habits, nurture and handhold.
6. Daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly – habits need to be formed. First you have to have great scheduling for yourself. When your community gets aligned together the results show up. When people get in to new habits the community grows and they usually upgrade to the next level of courses.
7. X- Factors- The way you teach or deliver , create customer experience, tribe or the members have to feel great, mutual respect and support, simplicity of your models.
Positive addictions are going to lead to progress, have more success stories, will have value for your courses, looking for life long customers you have to be there with authenticity and truthfulness.
Thanks a ton, Aruna!! Great to have you in our community.
To sustain in a crowded market space we need to build new success stories.
Habits can make a person or break a person and it is not about showing off your knowledge to people but it is more important to create behavioural changes in your students.
First habits are to be built consciously and when done repeatedly they go to the subconscious level. when behaviour changes results change and lifestyle changes. The big problem is inside the person.
The purpose of habits is to help your students reach their goals on the path of least resistance.
Habit forming products that are controlling people today are social media, games, Netflix, Instagram. These can be killers of time as well leading to lesser communication with members of the family.
Forming good habits can lead to great results. Some of these habits can have their own gestational period. Allow it to mature and grow.
Get feedback from your students for improving your products, make it a habit.
Break your habits into 4 segments
First make your own habits and only then your students will follow you.
Daily habits: in the first 3 days of your course make your students understand the importance of forming habits.
4 specific habits
1. Writing the goals on a daily basis
2. Affirmations to rewire the brain think in the right direction
3. Visualisations on where they want to go.
4. Listening to the strangest secret in the world by earl nightingale.
This is to work on the mindset so that the internal operating system of the mind is functional and is updated and upgraded only then the new ideas will work. It is just like upgrading the software of phone.
Weekly habits
1.Inner circle call
2.Dedicated Q and A every weak
3.Launch mini challenges like book reading. All the members are reading the same book. Gratitude challenge.
4.Focus groups just like houses in schools. Students helping students like HIVE meets
Monthly habits
Diamond show case to get more sales.
One day or two day workshop
Advanced masterminds
Quarterly habits
1. It is not what you teach but it is about how you teach.
2. The way that you create an experience with your tribe, give a great customer experience not only in information but also entertainment
3. The way your tribe members feel in your community, support and the feel of being on a much bigger mission.
4. Mutual support and respect members having for each other.have a code of honour and context should be set. Be vulnerable.
5. The simplicity of your models.
Positive addictions lead to progress.
More and more success stories
Lifetime customer value
Loyal lifelong customers and continuous flow of money.
#ILH #deeplearner
Thanks a ton, Rajveer! Your feedback really made my day! :). The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it.Keep Inspiring!
Dear Siddharth Sir,
First Of All, Thank You And God Bless You Sir. Every Content You Delivered To Us Are Really So Life Changing Content Then Whatever The Topic Is. Such A Big Big Big Value. I Really Happy From Bottom Of A Heart And Staying Motivated. Superbbb.
Following Things/Lesson I Have Learnt From The Podcast And From Some Past Podcast/Content Is,
* In Every Eco-System, It May Be A Natural Or Digital, Each And Everything Are Inter-Connected To Each Other. i.e. One Small Change In The System, The System Also Changed Accordingly And Proportionately To Balance Eco-System And Proportionately We Get Results And Outcomes.
In Digital Eco-System, Products, Skills, Strategies, Results, Outcomes, Finance, Money, Pricing, Learning, Knowledge, HABITS, Sales, Marketing etc. The Parts/Parameters Of The Eco-System.
HABITS Changed AFFECTS To The Other Parts/Parameters Proportionately Because Everything Is Connected To Each Other And Finally The Results Or Outcomes And Vice-Versa.
Purpose Of Change Habits Is To Reach Tribe Members Goals On The Path Of Least Resistance.
We Can Follow Systematic Habits Change By Day Habits, Weekly Habits, Monthly Habits And Quarterly Habits And Continuously Analysis With Outcomes And Change Accordingly With Respect To Desired Outputs.
Thanks And Regards,
Kiran Bhosale
Habits can make or break a person. It’s all about changed behaviours and breaking patterns. It’s about working at a subconscious level.
Mentor helps to a great extent.
Social media , Games etc can become a challenge if not done mindfully. And if used properly can accelerate your growth.
If you are able to engineer your digital ecosystem where you can form positive habits , you can make lot of success stories.
Respect the time the gestation period which it takes to grow and reflect the outcome.
Types of Habits
1) Daily habits
2)Weekly habits
3)Monthly habits
4) Quarterly habits
1) Goals
2) Visualise
3) Affirmations
4) Listen to Strangest Secret and workin on Mindset
1) Inner circle call
2) Q and A for paid members
3) Launching Mini challenges : book reading challenges, Gratitude challenges etc.
4)Focus groups for discussion eg: forming tribes/hives/ houses
1)Showcase events – Double edged sword, what’s happening at higher level
2)Workshops , one or two days
3)Advanced mastermind – Quantum clubs
1) Hackathons ( Game plays with gifts and vouchers for the finishers) – 4 in a year. 9 sessions
For this to work, youneed to have X Factor
It’s not about what you teach but the way you tech!!!
Important Pointers..
1) Way you teach and deliver information. Crack a Punch
2) Way you create an experience with your tribe. Music, interaction.
3) Way your tribe members feel within a community ( support and accountability).
4) Mutual support and respect for each other with Strong Code of Honour. Context set in a strong way.
5)Simplicity of the models. For every concepts.
1) Positive addictions are going to lead to progress.
2) More success stories within your tribe.
3) High customer life time value. Because of the value you deliver. (Digital Fly wheel concept)
4) Loyal life time customers.
Action points
1) Join community
2) Live webinar
Awesome Kiran! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.
August 22, 2021
Essentials for Sustainability and growth in e- learning marketspace
– installing positive habits in members
– effecting behavioral changes
– paving the way for a continuous stream of success stories
????Daily Habits – for daily learning and reprogramming the mind
1. Wiring goals on a daily basis.
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations
4. Listening to The Strangest secret in the world by Earl Nightingale.
5. Dedicated Learning – 90 minutes per day for the first 90 days.
????Weekly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Weekly inner circle calls
2. Dedicated Q&A calls only for paid members.
3. Mini challenges. Example: book reading challenge, gratitude challenge, Badges for finishers
4. Focus groups – segregating members into different hives/tribes/houses, setting the stage for regular meetups and mutual support
????Monthly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Showcase events for members who are considering upgrading their membership to the next level.
2. Workshops for existing members
3. Advanced Masterminds
????Quarterly Habits
1. Quarterly hackathons- Gamifying the process
1. Information delivery style of the coach
2. The experience of the tribe – The customer journey
3. The vibe of the tribe – how they feel about being part of the community
4. Community support
5. The simplicity of models – ease of use.
1. New habits have gestation periods. So allow it to mature and grow.
2. Like leader, like follower. So leader/ coach needs to practice what he preachers.
If implemented the right way, the outcomes will be:
1. The positive addictions will lead to progress
2. This will lead to more and more member success stories
3. Coach feels fulfilled
4. Extremely high customer lifetime value
4. High customer retention – Loyal lifelong customers – as long as you are in this game for them.
Thank you Siddharth Rajsekar, you rock!
August 22, 2021
Essentials for Sustainability and growth in e- learning marketspace
– installing positive habits in members
– effecting behavioral changes
– paving the way for a continuous stream of success stories
????Daily Habits – for daily learning and reprogramming the mind
1. Wiring goals on a daily basis.
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations
4. Listening to The Strangest secret in the world by Earl Nightingale.
5. Dedicated Learning – 90 minutes per day for the first 90 days.
????Weekly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Weekly inner circle calls
2. Dedicated Q&A calls only for paid members.
3. Mini challenges. Example: book reading challenge, gratitude challenge, Badges for finishers
4. Focus groups – segregating members into different hives/tribes/houses, setting the stage for regular meetups and mutual support
????Monthly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Showcase events for members who are considering upgrading their membership to the next level.
2. Workshops for existing members
3. Advanced Masterminds
????Quarterly Habits
1. Quarterly hackathons- Gamifying the process
1. Information delivery style of the coach
2. The experience of the tribe – The customer journey
3. The vibe of the tribe – how they feel about being part of the community
4. Community support
5. The simplicity of models – ease of use.
1. New habits have gestation periods. So allow it to mature and grow.
2. Like leader, like follower. So leader/ coach needs to practice what he preachers.
If implemented the right way, the outcomes will be:
1. The positive addictions will lead to progress
2. This will lead to more and more member success stories
3. Coach feels fulfilled
4. Extremely high customer lifetime value
4. High customer retention – Loyal lifelong customers – as long as you are in this game for them.
Thank you Siddharth Rajsekar, you rock!
Great Takeaways,Preethika! More power to you.
August 22, 2021
Essentials for Sustainability and growth in e- learning marketspace
– installing positive habits in members
– effecting behavioral changes
– paving the way for a continuous stream of success stories
????Daily Habits – for daily learning and reprogramming the mind
1. Writing goals on a daily basis.
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations
4. Listening to The Strangest secret in the world by Earl Nightingale.
5. Dedicated Learning – 90 minutes per day for the first 90 days.
????Weekly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Weekly inner circle calls
2. Dedicated Q&A calls only for paid members.
3. Mini challenges. Example: book reading challenge, gratitude challenge, Badges for finishers
4. Focus groups – segregating members into different hives/tribes/houses, setting the stage for regular meetups and mutual support
????Monthly Habits – members follow the leader
1. Showcase events for members who are considering upgrading their membership to the next level.
2. Workshops for existing members
3. Advanced Masterminds
????Quarterly Habits
1. Quarterly hackathons- Gamifying the process
1. Information delivery style of the coach
2. The experience of the tribe – The customer journey
3. The vibe of the tribe – how they feel about being part of the community
4. Community support
5. The simplicity of models – ease of use.
1. New habits have gestation periods. So allow it to mature and grow.
2. Like leader, like follower. So leader/ coach needs to practice what he preachers.
If implemented the right way, the outcomes will be:
1. The positive addictions will lead to progress
2. This will lead to more and more member success stories
3. Coach feels fulfilled
4. Extremely high customer lifetime value
4. High customer retention – Loyal lifelong customers – as long as you are in this game for them.
Thank you Siddharth Rajsekar, you rock!
Great information sir. I do not able to follow the ILH society until today. I can’t able to get email list of others.
Thanking you.
Topic : How to build habit forming products..
• The more a person repeats at conscious level it helps influencing the subconscious level.
• Educate and change behaviour. Help the student reach his/her goal with least resistance.
• The problem you are solving for them. Help them solve it for themselves going forward. A roadmap may be.
• The coach should themselves have it for themselves. A master can be a long serving master if there is continuous learning.
• Habit changing products can be :
o step by step processes
o Success stories
o Amalgamation with existing routine, They can chose anyone from a list of alternatives whichever suits the day that day.
• Types of Habits
o Daily habits :
Write the goals daily. At least 2 pages. Don’t refer the previous day’s writings
Visualize how it is to achieve the desired goal. Hall of fame, means it is roughly INR 3 lakhs per month. That is a handsome money for whatever one is doing. Impacting people already. The super players also r there.
Affirmations : I can I will I am, doing that already
Listening to the strangest secret of Earl Nightingale
Learning is a daily habit
o Weekly habits
Siddharth does
• Inner circle call -on Thursday
• Dedicated QNA calls
• Launching mini challenges like book reading, writing gratitude
• Focus groups
o 4 hives in diamond groups are in competition
o Members supporting members
Note : diamond membership for members is the ultimate game changer while its an upsell
What can I do at silver level with one course already done and the next one on its way?
What do I do if I have individual clients?
o Monthly habits : Advanced masterminds
o Quarterly habits : Quarterly hackathons
• 5 X Factors
o It’s not about what you teach but the way you teach!!!
o The way you create an experience of education and entertainment – customer experience
o How tribe members feel inside the community- they feel supported, apart from making money. It is way more important than the personal achievement.
o Support to each other in the community. 12k people in the group. Code of honour and value
o Simplicity of your models
o Positive addictions are going to lead to progress.
o More success stories.
o Extremely high customer life time value. (Digital coach flywheel needs to be watched)
o Loyal lifelong customers.
o You are here for their benefit, although it benefits you as well.
Thanks a ton, Sangeeta!! Great to have you in our community.
Thanks Sidz
– Habit forming starts with you
– You are key in creating nuturing habits for your tribe
– Goals, affirmations, code of honour are elements to imbibe in your tribe
– conduct weekly monthly quarterly sessions with your tribe
– always show up for your members make this a primary habit
– your members should feel supported
– be open, receive suggestions comments, keep yourself open to target it makes you human and reduces the thought that you have a one sided agenda.
– it’s not what you teach but how you teach, bring an entertainment factor into your sessions, make it SERIOUS fun.
– weekly calls can have an assignment so that the next week people have something to share and also feel achievement or even breakdown.
– Doing a monthly workshop for members can help them feel they are part of something bigger and perhaps kindle a new purpose or understanding
– your members should feel that that are missing something if they skip your session.
– staying connected thru podcasts and videos or ebooks even though they aren’t live attendees
Awesome Prem!Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
In the podcast Siddhath talks of Habits and its impact on life particularly in the life of adigital coach.
In general We make Habits and then Habits shapes us and our life.
Good Habits support us in achieving desired goals and bad habits distracts away from goal.
Digital coaching needs lots of discipline and systematic execution and needs energy as well
Normally people get into it thinking of making lots of money but slowly and steadily it dawns on them that it needs lots of discipline on the part of the coach. It is not the knowledge to be imparted passively but getting their problems solved. And the problems can’t be solved in the same mindset in which it is created.
So it needs changing Mindset – a kind of Transformation. And it can’t be done on to others without effecting it on self. Gandhiji appropriately said :”Change yourself. You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
It is difficult to break old habit and form new. Earl Nightingale said “New habit is difficult to form and once formed it serves the entire life.”
For habit to form it needs consistent practice with daily, weekly , monthly, quarterly practice day after day till it becomes a part of us. Then it becomes easy to do and becomes routine rituals then translate to passion as well.
In Freedom Business Model Siddharth put that concept built into the system. Daily rituals of journal writing , referring to self goal card and Affirmations helps in creating right Mindset . weekly inner circle, leadership council and Monthly masterminds and qurterly Hackathons creats the discipline of practice and provides motivation and skillset and tool set to complete the triangle of achievement/success.
Simplification and Gamification adds flavor to practice .
Participants are at various stage of their development and with their past baggage and personalities , age and capabilities so the time taken to complete the journey varies . But consistent practice without perturbance will eventfully form their Winning Habit to succeed. “Believe and Succeed” it says.
constant flow of water over the rugged stone takes away the angularity of the stone and convert it to well rounded lovely pebbles.
Right Habit is the key to success and consistent practice with the trust is key to formation of right Habits.
Thanks a ton, Janardan!! Great to have you in our community.
In the podcast Siddhath talks of Habits and its impact on life particularly in the life of digital coach.
In general We make Habits and then Habits shapes us and our life.
Good Habits support us in achieving desired goals and bad habits distracts away from goal.
Digital coaching needs lots of discipline and systematic execution and needs energy as well
Normally people get into it thinking of making lots of money but slowly and steadily it dawns on them that it needs lots of discipline on the part of the coach. It is not the knowledge to be imparted passively but getting their problems solved. And the problems can’t be solved in the same mindset in which it is created.
So it needs changing Mindset – a kind of Transformation. And it can’t be done on to others without effecting it on self. Gandhiji appropriately said :”Change yourself. You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
It is difficult to break old habit and form new. Earl Nightingale said “New habit is difficult to form and once formed it serves the entire life.”
For habbit to form it needs consistent practice with daily, weekly , monthly, quartly practice day after day till it becomes a part of us. Then it becomes easy to do and becomes routine rituals then translate to passion as well.
In Freedom Business Model Siddharth put that concept built into the system. Daily rituals of journal writing , referring to self goal card and Affirmations helps in creating right Mindset . weekly inner circle, leadership council and Monthly masterminds and quarterly Hackathons creates the discipline of practice and provides motivation and skillset and tool set to complete the triangle of achievement/success.
Simplification and Gamification adds flavor to practice .
Participants are at various stage of their development and with their past baggage and personalities , age and capabilities so the time taken to complete the journey varies . But consistent practice without perturbance will eventually form their Winning Habit to succeed. “Believe and Succeed” it says.
constant flow of water over the rugged stone takes away the angularity of the stone and convert it to well rounded lovely pebbles.
Right Habit is the key to success and consistent practice with the trust is key to formation of right Habits.
Awesome Janardan ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.
Great podcast! My learnings are as follows 1.Habit-forming pdts to create behavioral changes
2.when behavior changes, results change ur students to reach their goals on the path of least resistance
4. habit-forming pdts: social media, games, Netflix. Can we design our programs similarly?
5.installing positive habits into your students at different stages:
daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly habits
6.model this behavior as leader coach so that students will follow
7.set the context at the beginning of the program
*a. writing their goals’
*b. visualization
*c. affirmations Learning as a habit
8. Types of Habits
a. Daily: install some daily habits and rituals into your community so that it breaks some patterns
b. weekly habits – inner circle call, dedicated Q&A for paid members, launching mini challenges ( eg. book reading challenge), focus groups ( eg. Hives)
Gamify using levels, badges
c. Monthly habits – Showcase events for upgrading members, advanced masterminds ( eg. quantum group)
d. Quarterly habits: eg. Hackathons
9. X factor: Its not what you teach but the way you teach– 5 components
i). How you crack a punch in your delivery style
ii). Edutainment thereby creating a great customer experience. iii)The way you make your tribe members feel within the community
iv). The mutual respect and support within the community
v). The simplicity of your models
1. Positive addictions lead to progress
2. More success stories in your community
3. Higher lifetime value bcos the customers will want to buy more, bcos of the value they have got with your other products
4. Lifelong customers, Bye Bye money issues– people can sense your energy
Thanks a ton, Anirban!! Great to have you in our community.
Habits can make or break a person, It’s all about changed Behavioural and breaking patterns. It’s about working on a subconscious level.
As a Digital coach the Purpose of change of habit of the students to help them to reach their goals.
Habits has the power to accelerate life either in a positive direction or in a negative direction.
Social media , Games etc. can become a challenge if not used mindfully. And if used properly can accelerate your growth.
First develop all good habits for yourself and then into your students, Daily habits /weekly habits/monthly habits/Quarterly habits.
1. Writing the goals on a daily basis
2. Affirmations to rewire the brain think in the right direction
3. Visualizations on where they want to go.
4. Listening to the strangest secret in the world by Earl Nightingale.
1) Inner circle call
2) Q and A for paid members
3) Launching Mini challenges : book reading challenges.
4)Focus groups for discussion eg: forming tribes/hives/ houses
1)Showcase events – Double edged sword, what’s happening at higher level
2)Workshops , one or two days
3)Advanced mastermind
1) Hackathons ( Game plays with gifts and vouchers for the finishers) – 4 in a year. 9 sessions.
Be open, receive suggestions comments, keep yourself open to tackle it.
Good Habits support us in achieving desired goals and bad habits distracts away from goal.
It’s not what you teach but how you teach, bring an entertainment factor into your sessions.
Weekly calls can have an assignment so that the next week people have something to share and also feel achievement or even breakdown.
Doing a monthly workshop for members can help them feel they are part of something bigger and perhaps kindle a new purpose or understanding.
Awesome dilip !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
Wow Thank you brother.i got my login .I know this , i love your honesty system.our first step give me one more extra percentage hope in you.god bless you SR brother.Thank you for your support.
Thanks Nagendran!
It’s very much important for a digital coach to build habit forming products
If we want to create an impact then its very important to help our students to get results
For them to get results its not just information we deliver which bring then results it’s the behaviour and habits what help them to get results
I have been struggling with my journey when I had no body to guide me to change Habits
The moment I strated installing habits which aligned to get results
Speciality you (sidz) and Internet lifestyle hub is what you focus more on developing as person first
???? Daily Habits
Like Strangest Secret, Goal Card, Watching HOF daily which helps us to complete focus on what we want and where we want to go
???? Weekly Habits
Attending weekly calls helps us to keep track
I like the way you start same things every session which pull us to stay on track
And as a diamond member attending Hives is big exposure to faster out actions and achieving freedom finisher looks like very easy
???? Monthly habits
The diamond show case is very good example of how we can model and take our L1 members to upper level and give more values
???? Quarterly habits
Hackathon is really gamechanger its like a competition we are participating… Every week we have been given us a task
Thank You so much it helps to grow ourselves and our tribe members much faster than ever before
Wow….. Engineer your Habits, and Engineer your Eco system. Lived your podcast once again. Though I myself had written an article on Good Habits which was published at various platforms but this is another level altogether.
Create your story bigger than others.
Highest impact:- only when the internal mindset is functional and updated and upgraded, the new software, new thoughts and ideas are going to work.
Being an Apple lover, digital friendly, I could so relate to it.
Yes, you do create an impact by giving weekly, monthly and quarterly habits demonstration.
Your structure has a subtle way of making an impact.
I am floored by the idea of once a week Q&A session and Nook reading challenge. So very powerful.
Yes, so believe in X factor. It’s not about what you teach but How you teach.
We all must consistently work on creating an experience for our clients.
As you always say, Give Value and then repeat ( more value).
Thank you for creating a shift in every life that you are touching. God bless you.
Topic: Science of Habit Forming Products
1. Habits can make or break a person
2. Role of mentor to change behaviors
3. Change behaviors to Path of Least Resistance, to reach their goal
4. Social media, Gaming, Netflix can be big challenge,
if used properly can accelerate growth
4. Engineer your own knowledge ecosystem
5. Patience towards gestation period for your own digital product.
Installing positive habits at different stages
in your students is powerful.
Types Of Habits
1. Daily Habits
2. Weekly Habits
3. Monthly Habits
4. Quarterly Habits
Daily Habits –
1. Writing Goals
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations
4. Strangest Secret
5. Daily Learning
6. Mindset Working
Updated and Upgrade on a daily basis
Start breaking pattern from your past to present
Weekly Habits
1. Inner Circle Call
2. Dedicated Q&A Call
3. Launching Mini Challenges
eg: book reading challenge, gratitude challenge
4. Focus Groups. eg: HIVES
Monthly Habits
1. Showcase Events, upgrading membership
Like a Double Edge sword pattern
2. Workshop every month
3. Advanced Masterminds
Quarterly Habits
1. Quarterly Hackathon Game plays with gifts and vouchers for the finishers)
X factor: It’s not about what you teach the way you teach
1. Way you teach and deliver information
2. Create and experience with your tribe
3. Tribe Members feel within the community
4. Mutual support and respect for each other
5. Simplicity of the entire eco-system
1. Positive Addiction installed within students leads to progress
2. More Success Stories
3. Extremely high customer value – eg – flywheel of amazon
4. Loyal lifelong customers
5. If you’re in the the game for their benefit
Topic: Science of Habit Forming Products
1. Habits can make or break a person
2. Role of mentor to change behaviors
3. Change behaviors to Path of Least Resistance, to reach their goal
4. Social media, Gaming, Netflix can be big challenge,
if used properly can accelerate growth
4. Engineer your own knowledge ecosystem
5. Patience towards gestation period for your own digital product.
Installing positive habits at different stages
in your students is powerful.
Types Of Habits
1. Daily Habits
2. Weekly Habits
3. Monthly Habits
4. Quarterly Habits
Daily Habits –
1. Writing Goals
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations
4. Strangest Secret
5. Daily Learning
6. Mindset Working
Updated and Upgrade on a daily basis
Start breaking pattern from your past to present
Weekly Habits
1. Inner Circle Call
2. Dedicated Q&A Call
3. Launching Mini Challenges
eg: book reading challenge, gratitude challenge
4. Focus Groups. eg: HIVES
Monthly Habits
1. Showcase Events, upgrading membership
Like a Double Edge sword pattern
2. Workshop every month
3. Advanced Masterminds
Quarterly Habits
1. Quarterly Hackathon Game plays with gifts and vouchers for the finishers)
X factor: It’s not about what you teach the way you teach
1. Way you teach and deliver information
2. Create and experience with your tribe
3. Tribe Members feel within the community
4. Mutual support and respect for each other
5. Simplicity of the entire eco-system
1. Positive Addiction installed within students leads to progress
2. More Success Stories
3. Extremely high customer value – eg – flywheel of amazon
4. Loyal lifelong customers
5. If you’re in the the game for their benefit
The only way to sustain and grow in the crowded market place, booming e-learning industry is to build more success stories in our community. Habit forming products are essential to help our students to deliver such results. Habits can make or break a person. It is more about creating the behavioral changes in our students rather than showcasing the quantum of knowledge we have.
How to engineer a habit forming products to help your students deliver the desired results and help to create an X-Factor for us to be leaders in our niche?
1. Habits make or break a person. Good habits lead to positive results while Bad habits lead to undesired results.
2. As digital coaches it is for us to help in changing the behaviors of our students. It is done by breaking patterns and changing their behaviors at a conscious level consistently that it becomes a subconscious activity over a period of time.
3. When the behaviors change, then the results change and lifestyle changes.
4. The purpose of habits is to help our students to reach their goal in a path of least resistance. Our role as a digital coach is not to give the knowledge and information but to change behaviors that help the students reach their respective goal.
In the real world today, some of the habit forming products in the digital world that are impacting lives are Social Media, Games, Netflix. Some of these habits are negative as people tend to spend more time consuming, like watching reals in Instagram and not focusing on the real world around them. An example is a family of five members sitting at their dinner table each one of them looking into their phone rather than talking to each other and having a family conversation. There are many who are addicted to Netflix and just keep watching them without being productive, these are people who don’t have a goal or a purpose in life.
While there are positives and negatives to these habit forming products, one should be wise in doing what is positive and productive.
As a digital coach and educator, we need to think like Netflix or any Social Media Company think or Gaming Company think. We need to engineer our knowledge ecosystem by installing positive habits into our students at various stages that help us get better results for our students and create more success stories.
Most habits have their gestation period. We need to be consistent in nurturing these habits for us to see the results over a period of time.
If we want to deliver that kind of an impact to our community members, we have to engineer these habits into our curriculum design and break them into four segments.
The four segments are:
1. Daily habits
2. Weekly habits
3. Monthly habits
4. Quarterly habits
We, as a digital coach, need to have habits so that our students will follow us.
Daily habits: Install these habits within the first 3 days of the student coming into the program.
1. Goal writing
2. Visualization of where we want to go.
3. Affirmations & Listening to The Strangest Secret in the World
4. Learning & working on the mindset.
Weekly habits:
1. Inner Circle Call.
2. Dedicated Q & A call.
3. Having Mini Challenges – like a book reading challenge.
4. Having focus groups for discussion on their challenges and supporting each other.
Monthly habits:
1. Showcase events
2. Workshops
3. Advanced mastermind
Quarterly Habits:
1. Quarterly Hackothons. – Help your students achieve their 1st step of their major goal in 90 days using gamification of the process.
For all these habits to work, we as a digital coach, we need to have an X-Factor.
Here are the 5 things which will give the X-Factor:
1. It is not about what we teach, but the way we teach.
2. The way that we create customer experiences (CX) with our community.
3. The way our tribe members (our students) feel within the community.
4. The mutual support and respect our students have for each other.
5. The simplicity in our models that we use in our systems.
When we implement these ideas of habit forming products in our community the outcomes and advantages are:
1. The positive addictions that we install into our students will lead to progress in their life.
2. More and more success stories within our tribe.
3. We will have extremely High Customer Lifetime Value because of the value that we deliver.
4. We will get loyal lifetime customers.
Behaviours have a power to transform someone’s life and destiny.
What’s are our habits decides which way we are going to land. It may be positive as well as negative.
Missing is to indulge people into adopting good habits to prosper in their life and business.
Role of a digital coach is not only to educate and guide people but also to change their behaviours & habits in a positive direction.
Our course should be designed in such a way that the customers should feel like addicted to it with a passion.
For a coach to perform to its best, he/she should change his/her behaviours & habits to get better results from his community.
If we look around in today’s world, some of the habit forming platform are social media like Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. which people love to spend time with.
So a coach should think in the same way as these social media platforms does… The customer got addicted to it but one important difference in your product should be like it changes the life of people for a betterment.
You should allow it to grow or give some time to your tribe to adopt to your way of thinking. Since any kind of change in life takes time. And when the feedback of these new habits come it really amazes you to its deepest root. Since your tribe will show you the results which are even better than you have thought of. It should be started from your Tripwire itself.
You need to make habits for yourself as a digital coach becoz if you do it only then your tribe will follow you in same way.
Set code of honor for your community members about commitment for next 90 days without any shiny objects outside in the market.
Tools are important but building of a mindset is super duper important.
There are 4 type of habits:
1. Daily Habits: Goal Writing, Affirmations, Break some patterns from the past.
2. Weekly Habits: Inner Circle Call, Q&A sessions, Book reading challenge
3. Monthly Habits: Diamond Showcase for those who are considering themselves to upscale, Advance Masterminds (Higher than Diamond members called Quantum Club)
4. Quarterly Habits: Hackathon (whole gamification of process, give the achievers certificate, vouchers as a token of appreciation)
To implement all of the above process there should a ‘X’ factors to it.
1. It’s not what you teach, it the WAY YOU TEACH that matters a lot.
2. You should give a great customer experience in terms of education + entertainment together.
3. The way your tribe member feel within the community. This is the thing which can’t be copied, it has to be felt. Give them a support system to solve their problem and get quick solutions.
4. Mutual respect & support the members have for each other with in the community.
5. Simplicity of your models. A digital coach should simplifies the things for its customers.
What are OUTCOMES of this:
3. CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE. People will be in love with you and your products.
4. LIFELONG CUSTOMERS, you’ll never have a money problem.
Topic : “How To Build Habit-Forming Products That Create More Success Stories”
• Without habit forming products success can’t be achieved.
• people r spending their time in the phone n netflix
• think how social media company thinks
• there are four types of habits which can change anybodys life like daily , weekly , monthly and
quaterly habits …….
Awesome Mukesh. Keep Inspiring!
Behaviours have a power to transform someone’s life and destiny.
What’s are our habits decides which way we are going to land. It may be positive as well as negative.
Missing is to indulge people into adopting good habits to prosper in their life and business.
Role of a digital coach is not only to educate and guide people but also to change their behaviours & habits in a positive direction.
Our course should be designed in such a way that the customers should feel like addicted to it with a passion.
For a coach to perform to its best, he/she should change his/her behaviours & habits to get better results from his community.
If we look around in today’s world, some of the habit forming platform are social media like Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. which people love to spend time with.
So a coach should think in the same way as these social media platforms does… The customer got addicted to it but one important difference in your product should be like it changes the life of people for a betterment.
You should allow it to grow or give some time to your tribe to adopt to your way of thinking. Since any kind of change in life takes time. And when the feedback of these new habits come it really amazes you to its deepest root. Since your tribe will show you the results which are even better than you have thought of. It should be started from your Tripwire itself.
You need to make habits for yourself as a digital coach becoz if you do it only then your tribe will follow you in same way.
Set code of honor for your community members about commitment for next 90 days without any shiny objects outside in the market.
Tools are important but building of a mindset is super duper important.
There are 4 type of habits:
1. Daily Habits: Goal Writing, Affirmations, Break some patterns from the past.
2. Weekly Habits: Inner Circle Call, Q&A sessions, Book reading challenge
3. Monthly Habits: Diamond Showcase for those who are considering themselves to upscale, Advance Masterminds (Higher than Diamond members called Quantum Club)
4. Quarterly Habits: Hackathon (whole gamification of process, give the achievers certificate, vouchers as a token of appreciation)
To implement all of the above process there should a ‘X’ factors to it.
1. It’s not what you teach, it the WAY YOU TEACH that matters a lot.
2. You should give a great customer experience in terms of education + entertainment together.
3. The way your tribe member feel within the community. This is the thing which can’t be copied, it has to be felt. Give them a support system to solve their problem and get quick solutions.
4. Mutual respect & support the members have for each other with in the community.
5. Simplicity of your models. A digital coach should simplifies the things for its customers.
What are OUTCOMES of this:
3. CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE. People will be in love with you and your products.
4. LIFELONG CUSTOMERS, you’ll never have a money problem.
Thanks a ton !! Great to have you in our community.
The only way to sustain and grow in the crowded market place, booming e-learning industry is to build more success stories in our community. Habit forming products are essential to help our students to deliver such results. Habits can make or break a person. It is more about creating the behavioral changes in our students rather than showcasing the quantum of knowledge we have.
How to engineer a habit forming products to help your students deliver the desired results and help to create an X-Factor for us to be leaders in our niche?
1. Habits make or break a person. Good habits lead to positive results while Bad habits lead to undesired results.
2. As digital coaches it is for us to help in changing the behaviors of our students. It is done by breaking patterns and changing their behaviors at a conscious level consistently that it becomes a subconscious activity over a period of time.
3. When the behaviors change, then the results change and lifestyle changes.
4. The purpose of habits is to help our students to reach their goal in a path of least resistance. Our role as a digital coach is not to give the knowledge and information but to change behaviors that help the students reach their respective goal.
In the real world today, some of the habit forming products in the digital world that are impacting lives are Social Media, Games, Netflix. Some of these habits are negative as people tend to spend more time consuming, like watching reals in Instagram and not focusing on the real world around them. An example is a family of five members sitting at their dinner table each one of them looking into their phone rather than talking to each other and having a family conversation. There are many who are addicted to Netflix and just keep watching them without being productive, these are people who don’t have a goal or a purpose in life.
While there are positives and negatives to these habit forming products, one should be wise in doing what is positive and productive.
As a digital coach and educator, we need to think like Netflix or any Social Media Company think or Gaming Company think. We need to engineer our knowledge ecosystem by installing positive habits into our students at various stages that help us get better results for our students and create more success stories.
Most habits have their gestation period. We need to be consistent in nurturing these habits for us to see the results over a period of time.
If we want to deliver that kind of an impact to our community members, we have to engineer these habits into our curriculum design and break them into four segments.
The four segments are:
1. Daily habits
2. Weekly habits
3. Monthly habits
4. Quarterly habits
We, as a digital coach, need to have habits so that our students will follow us.
Daily habits: Install these habits within the first 3 days of the student coming into the program.
1. Goal writing
2. Visualization of where we want to go.
3. Affirmations & Listening to The Strangest Secret in the World
4. Learning & working on the mindset.
Weekly habits:
1. Inner Circle Call.
2. Dedicated Q & A call.
3. Having Mini Challenges – like a book reading challenge.
4. Having focus groups for discussion on their challenges and supporting each other.
Monthly habits:
1. Showcase events
2. Workshops
3. Advanced mastermind
Quarterly Habits:
1. Quarterly Hackothons. – Help your students achieve their 1st step of their major goal in 90 days using gamification of the process.
For all these habits to work, we as a digital coach, we need to have an X-Factor.
Here are the 5 things which will give the X-Factor:
1. It is not about what we teach, but the way we teach.
2. The way that we create customer experiences (CX) with our community.
3. The way our tribe members(our students) feel within the community.
4. The mutual support and respect our students have for each other.
5. The simplicity in our models that we use in our systems.
When we implement these ideas of habit forming products in our community the outcomes and advantages are:
1. The positive addictions that we install into our students will lead to progress in their life.
2. More and more success stories within our tribe.
3. We will have extremely High Customer Lifetime Value because of the value that we deliver.
4. We will get loyal lifetime customers.
Awesome! Great Insights More power to you.Keep Inspiring!
The concept of your deep learning is awesome. I Don’t have any words to explain because each and every things which you taught us it’s very easy to understand, easy to implementing, simple way to learn & teach.
Your support system also very caring others. I have seen alot of so called digital coach, trainer around the circle but I have never seen before like you @sidz, you are awesome.
Yes! I am #ilhdeeplearner and I love to learn anything for my better lifestyle. In this deep learning session; I learned alot of unique things that is:
1. Learning is not only education or educate people. It is an asset to build their own kingdom.
2. Creating value inside for people so that they can trust and stay connected.
3. Keep focusing in One Direction.
4. Strong why?. Why I m here today ask myself.
5. Goals must be clear what I want, what I want to become & where I want to see myself in the next 3 years.
6. Making daily habits and work on it each and every single day.
7. Change behavior inside.
My Mentor Siddharth Rajsekar I would like to request you please keep reading my notes because I want to say something. Basically I’m from kolkata and I am a typical bengali guy. Honestly speaking I’m not as good at English. I am not very well to speak fluently in English so please don’t mind if I written down here anything wrong.
I am also a college dropout, I don’t have any degrees in my life but one thing I have that I know – I love to learn do and teach others. I want to prove myself who am I. Yes I’m not a loser I am a finisher. 3 months to go in this ILH community but still I’m learning, researching and implementing every day. I don’t have any website yet but I can share my Facebook URL. Thank you so much @sidz for your love and support. You are unique, you are genuine, you are the master. ????????#ilhdeeplearner
“The role of the digital coach is to change the behaviors of the people”
Help your community to form habits for the students
Some negative examples of habit-forming products are Facebook, Twitter, gaming, Netflix, etc.
So we have to think like how these companies think?
Install life-changing habits. The habits include daily habits, weekly habits, monthly habits,s, and quarterly habits.
Remember there is a gestation period for any habit formation. The coach has to be a role model and also push them to achieve the habits.
Good Daily habits that Sidz uses are:
Writing daily goals.
Learning daily
Good Weekly Habits of Sidz are a reflection of how the people spent last week and how to help them realize their potential.
One of the best ways to give a weekly is to give people a Mini challenge like” book reading challenge”.
Sidz conducts regular focus group meetings on Thursday 7.30 pm.
He also conducts monthly Workshops
The best quarterly habit is a hackathon
If we can’t imitate Sidz success maybe because we may be missing the “X factor”.
The 5 x-factors points:
The way you teach is more important than what you teach.
Give a wonderful customer experience.
Make sure the people feel well within the community.
Develop good mutual support and respect among group members.
The simplicity of your model is very important for success,
My takeaway: The coach must always put people’s development in his mind. If he focuses on his people’s welfare, they will give him prosperity.
Thank you Sidz. Good Lessons. I always like your high energy level!
What we offer to our customers or clients is to form a good habit and apply it to make lifestyle changes. One popular method to build habits is called the 21/90 rule. The rule is simple enough. Commit and make your clients commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 straight days. After three weeks, pursuing that goal should have become a habit. Once that habit has been established, one continues to do it for another ninety days. If one can keep up something for three weeks and then ninety days, it should become a permanent lifestyle change.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
Let me think what as a coach or mentor I have the goal to achieve: it is simply getting them the result fast or otherwise launching them in a path of least resistance.
The resistances are inside phenomena, but we typically blame it on others.
These resistances are basically limiting beliefs formed in our formative years. They are our reactions to situations and become habits.
Transformation would occur when one gets over those limiting beliefs.
First becoming aware of them and then changing them with a new set of correct habits.
As a coach it is a natural tendency to load them with knowledge and facts, but that will not help unless the old habits are corrected by planting new enabling habits.
It is imperative to bring them into a discipline of following a set of daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly habit-forming action steps- like affirmation, journal writing, setting goals, visualization, physical exercise, mind training exercises, learning courses etc. into daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly action steps.
Once the path becomes clear of obstacles because of good habits, the progress will be faster. The transformation will be easy and results will come thick and fast.
Well said, Janardhan.