If you are someone who has been searching for an answer as to how to fix broken education system and employment system, here are 11 steps. It may not be perfect, but I'm pretty sure that this can create an impact.
In this podcast, you will learn the following:
Please take notes and share your learnings below this post.
I look forward to reading and replying to your comments.
The future is all about rethinking education.
The only way to save our next generation is to start now.
To your freedom,

43 replies to "How To Fix The Broken Education System In 11 Practical Steps"
Sidzs, your thoughts completely resonates with of mine, everyone in family is not broad-minded as you even outside people support broken education system, so I’m helpless,if my spouse had been supportive, I would had been doing the same you are doing for educating your kids, I have been feeling so much unfortunate in that regard, but now as our thoughts completely resonates so let’s see what is possible.
Great Tought
Thanks a ton! Glad to serve you!
Thanks a ton,Deepti! Really appreciate your feedback. More power to you!
Namaste Good Morning Siddharth, I went through this complete postcast, Yes Gurukul System of Learning is right way, I have Life Practical Experience i had a chance to learn in a Gurukul in a Ashram When i was young for 15 months when i was 8 yrs old, I had a good Routine, devloped good habbit, my mind was open it was an awesome experience in my Life a golden movement I want to offer my gratitude to my dear parents for giving a chance to in a Gurukul system again comming back to normal modern education system due to the circumstances i was lost my inner potential & growth
But i started performing well in my modern education after only my Gurukul Learning only.
am sharing my View Let other perents get inspiration and take action. Now am Single but i feel for many parents those who are not taking an Action.
Thank You
with Love & Bliss
Narendranath N Bangalore
Awesome Narendranath! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.
Sidz,i Joined your Silver Program Last June and I am not able to continue further programs, due to my survival mode. But after realising this I made up my lifetime goal is to be a part of your mission and surely From today within 365 days, I will be in your CORE CLUB Interview/Let me throw this open challenge. The reason is this PODCAST opened not only my eyes, but it has also opened up all parts of my body. Proud to be associated with you as a Mentee.
Thanks a ton, Tharun! Your feedback really made my day! :). The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it.Keep Inspiring!
Yes that’s fine with us to conduct various workshops and webinars for the students to make them understand their needs of golden age.
Let’s forget about the current education system . There are many problems with new mindset trainers to explain new technologies and novel buisness success ideas to our students and young working professionals. If we new generation mentors and facilitators are able to make ourselves highly qualified in terms of subject experience and digital marketing services than only we can change our quality of education and buisness success.
Siddharth your community is excellent and you are the chief mentor to help millions. Try to develop our skills as soon as possible.
We really need hand holding for digital marketing mastery skills. Otherwise many of us are ready with the HIGH VIBES and specialized in the subjects of our field.
More power to you.
Highly insightful
Thanks a ton! Glad to serve you!
10 Problems Of The Current Education System-
1. Lack Of Vision For The Future- They are not able to see exactly how fast the world is growing because they are sitting in their own comfortably positions and making decisions based on the paradine they were broughten up. There has to be paradine shift for them to understand what is the future and what does the future holds in term of the world and is the system really catering to that or not.
2. Memorization Based Learnings- But why is memorization even an important thing right now when people can search for whatever they want on Google. Some stuff it is important to memorize like mental math and formulas. Why even put that much of effort to memorize something which is not so important.
3. Lot of outdated topics which have absolutely no revelence in today’s day and age.
4. Even the evaluation system itself is based on marks. No one understands that every child has its own unique talent and abilities.
5. The classroom format it has to be evolve.
6. The teaching style you just can’t be a regular typical blackboard chalk piece kind of teacher. You have to change the way you teach.
7. The whole system is designed around competing with each other without much collaboration.
8. Most institutions do not teach life values. What is really important in life things like money management not taught.
9. So much of donations and different kinds of fees are now happening in the schools.
10. Lack of personalization of topic.
Top 10 Problems In The Employment System-
1. If you look at the employment system right now. Even you look at big companies and typical cooperate world they are mostly profit focused and less mission focused. There are very few companies that know why they do what they do.
2. The rat race continues from education system into the employment system.
3. The hiring process is also very industrial era based. It’s all about systems, qualifications, check points et .
4. People are ending up relearning on the job which means that lot of them would have studied one particular stream of education and when they are in the job they again have to learn everything from the scratch.
5. Because of that they spent 4-5 years learning something and now they are in the job so they end up becoming they get into this whole trap of salary the package and then they realize after few years they are not really fulfilled.
6. EMI Track- Because you are working in some MNC it is easy to get a loan and the overall banking system understands that once you are in it is a trap.
7. Due to all of this stuff it’s environment depleting infrastructure and environment depleting habits. So the overall cooperate world has not been designed to help the environment.
8. The stress and the pressure of performance and the pressure is felt because people are not aligned with their job. They are doing that because they are in the EMI trap and there’s nothing else to do.
9. Lack of innovation there are very few companies that are really innovating and growing but you look at the employees there’s nothing to innovate.
10. Living In Fear- Most people in the cooperate world are living in fear.
11 Steps To Fix The Broken Education And Employment System-
1. You need to rethink the whole aspect of parenting. So if you are a parent right now you need to be open to looking at alternative ways to bringing up your child .
2. Rethink Schooling- It take some amount of courage look at alternate ways to educate your child based on what they really want to do and if you rethink parenting, rethink schooling you have to rethink about the career.
3. The formal education system is not enabled right now for the new jobs of the future.
4. Create digital leaders who are specialized in specific areas.
5. The leaders will start to create their ecosystems they end up becoming micro learning tribes.
6. When more and more ecosystems like this are being created in the world these micro ecosystems start to collaborate with each other.
7. Once these micro ecosystems collaborate as they are doing that these leaders of the tribes have more fulfilled careers.
8. Students will have more fulfilled learning experience.
9. You will able to create more opportunities for growth for your students and mentor.
10. The personal growth starts to impact community growth.
11. Community growth starts to impact economic growth.
Awesome!Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.
This is very sensitive topic Sidz; thanks for doing a podcast on this topic.
Education system is no longer nation building and personal building process; it is a business now. that’s why we have more and more schools popping up everyday with almost no infrastructure. People opening schools in a apartment complex and in a concrete building with just classes. We can’t blame these business owners alone here, they are starting this business because of the demand and people encouraging their kids to study in such schools to score marks and actual learning. as you rightly pointing out, these are 10 problems and we need a solution for each of these problems.
1. Lack of vision for future
2. Memorization
3. Outdated topics/ syllabus
4. Marks/ Evaluation
5. classroom format. students vs teacher
6. teaching style. reading vs explaining. the way they thought – quality of teaching
7. designed around competition/ completion – collaboration
8. Not teaching life Values
9. donations/ fees/ recovery cost of expenses
10. Lack of personalisation
Solution cannot be imposed by governments or policies; it should start with you and me then the governments and policy makers will realize and make those changes.
We need to go back to our traditional way of learning (before Britishers); this is when we will have people like Aryabatta, Brahmgupta and Bhaskaracharya who invented things which are being used even in modern technology.
Most innovations happening outside Bharat now because of this broken system. It is time we need to take action and give proper education to our next generation.
Thanks again for sharing such a useful podcast Sidz.
More power to you.
Rameshwar Amancha
Thanks a ton,Rameshwar !! Great to have you in our community
I am proud to be among your mentorship , first I thank god in showing a person like you , yes nothing is coincidence , everything is god incidence in connecting with you . I agree all the points of you. Education is for living a great life, end of education is character. I am keen in these two statements . This touches and seeds me a lot . Everyone have all the core values from their birth onwards but all get manipulated while they are growing , learning and exposing to the outside world . I too agree, I too lost the fundamental learning in my school and college days . Soul will always tells and directs to the fundamental values , which never hear in these distractions. but inherently, few moral values in myself and catches from others, I used to teach to the students.
Recently in my break period of service around 4-5 years . I learned Best value based education in Sai organization and also by attending the Guru’s training class , in that I gathered the answers for the following questions
* What is value system? why young children should learn the value system?
* How it influences the young children?
*What defines parent role.
*What is the moulding age of the children to preach this system.
*various methods of feeding the education system… , like this so many things I observed , these always melts my heart to an great extent .
Each one of us must use our God given and gathered knowledge in serving others, that is our true purpose of life. These things always running in my mind… how I can serve others in knowledge exchange I am waiting for an opportunity, due to zero income state and I am struck with it. also I want to share this too,” My professor used to say this thing always, when we are talking, there are no jobs.. he used to say do not tell no jobs, jobs are huge but there is no quality teachings in these days. that is the reason for producing non productive learners and getting unemployed. There are lot to say. I end with this now.
Thanking you,
Thanks a ton,Malathi! Really appreciate your feedback. I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable! More to unfold.. 😉
Great Insight Sidz
????Top 10 problems of the current education system are :-
✨First Problem – is the lack of vision of the future
most of the typical educators, they are not able to see exactly how fast the world is going, there is lack of vision for the future because they’re sitting in their own comfortable positions and making decisions based on
✨Second problem – is all memorization based learning.
schools with all kinds of extra stuff that they put there to really look the pro, make the prospect is look really cool,
✨Third Problem – is outdated topics for the evaluation system,
lot’s of outdated topics which have absolutely no relevance in today’s day and age.
✨Four Problem – is the the evaluation system, system based on marks. bucketing kids, an entire batch of kids, and you expect them to do the same things without realizing that each one is unique and each one has their own unique talents and abilities.
✨Five Problem – is the classroom format, the teacher student ratio,
✨Six Problem – is the problem with the teaching style.
it’s not about what you teach is about the way you teach.
It is not because of what they taught, but the way that,
✨Seven Problem – is the competition and collaboration
the whole system is designed around competing with each other and without much collaboration, the very few schools and very few systems that really encourage collaboration.
✨Eighth Problem – is life values are not taught
most people & most institutions do not teach life values
values like, how to manage Money, money management
✨Ninth Problem – is donation & capita fees
capita fees is messing the whole system up and it’s all because the building has been constructed. So there’s so much of outflow that has happened.
So they got to recover the cost, to recover the cost. They need to collect donations, to collect donations. They make the whole admission process,
✨Tenth Problem – is the whole system is a lack of personalization. The lack of personalization of topics.
what is the root will become the fruit in the quality of the roots end up becoming the fruits.
The next phase is even more worse than The problem with the employment system,
because ultimately they have to get into the next system, which has all its energy.
????Top 10 problems of the employment system
✨The 1st problem is profit focused, not mission-focused, It’s easy to write a mission & vision
the employment system right now, the biggest larger corporations and not the typical corporate world, it’s mostly profit focused and less mission focused that are very few companies that know why they do what they do.
✨The 2nd problem is bottom of the employment system is, that the rat race continues from education, from the education system into the informant system.
✨The 3rd problem is the hiring process
hiring process is also very industrial era based. it’s all about systems, processes, qualifications, not multiple checkpoints checklist.
hiring people, not based on their degrees and their qualifications,
but based on their aptitude and their attitudes
✨The 4th problem is then that you implement system is that people are ending up relearning on the job, which means that a lot of them would have studied one particular stream of education to engineering. They went through and then they get into the job. They have to completely start from ground zero because the whole, because they aren’t able to apply what they had learned. They have to learn again.
✨The 5th problem is unfulfilled carriers
four to five years of learning something And when they’re employed and in a job ad. They’re not using any of that knowledge. They had to relearn, ended up becoming, to get into this whole trap. A salary package, they realize after a few years that they’re not really fulfilled. they are entitled to loans. And that puts you in next problem
✨The 6th problem, which is the EMI trap.
working in some MNCs are easy to get a and the overall the guy, the banking system understands that peanut, because once you are in it, it is a trap.
the bigger the company you’re working in or the bigger the rat you are in that system, the bigger, the loan that you take, the more number of years it’s going to take for you to, to service that loan the EMI.
✨The 7th problem is that people are facing pain is due to all of this stuff.
Look at the corporate world, the world of the corporate world has not been designed to help the environment. It is environment depleting infrastructure,
✨The 8th problem is let’s come down to the personal, the stress and the pressure of performance.
✨The 9th problem is lack of innovation
that are very few companies that are really innovating and growing
✨The 10th problem is living in fear. Most people in the corporate world, in the employment world are living in that fear.
????11 Steps solution to fix these two problems of broken education and employment system are interconnected
????Step One is about rethinking the education funnel into the employment funnel.
The first thing is you got to rethink the whole aspect of parenting.
if you are a parent, you need to be open to looking at alternative ways to bringing up your child. get the degree first, Then after that, do whatever you want. This kind of mindset should stop first, because that is an offshoot of the patents in securities, about themselves,
you need to let them be who they are. give them the right infrastructure.
????step Two is rethink schooling, looking at alternate ways to educate your child, based on what they really want to do. and if you’re reading schooling, then you can rethink career paths because schooling is connected to carry your right.
????step third is you’ve got to aware of what and where the world is going and see what skills you can pick up quickly.
????step fourth is solving the problem to create digital leaders.
create digital teachers who are specialized in specific areas that could be teachers or specialized one
????step five is the leaders, They start to build their own ecosystem,
From the industrial era moving to the knowledge era
when these leaders build ecosystems, they end up becoming micro, micro learning tribes.
????step six is When more and more digital leaders create their own ecosystems, these micro ecosystems can start to collaborate with each other.
????step seven is once these micro ecosystems collaborate,
these leaders of the tribes of the district tribes are going to be having more fulfilled carriers
when leaders have fulfilled carriers, then students will have fulfilled learning experiences.
????Step eight is students have more fulfill learning experiences.
what you teach is about, the way you teach it. And when they’re able to teach, using accelerated learning techniques
????step nine You’d be able to create more opportunities for growth for your students. create more opportunities for growth for that particular ecosystem. If an ecosystem, a micro ecosystem or a learning ecosystem is creating a lot of success stories on a particular topic, it’ll start to attract more success, attract more students.
????step ten is to create more opportunities for growth of the mentor of the particular tribe,
When more and more people are getting results in their own personal and professional life,
????finally, step number 11 is community growth, it impacts the overall economy of the world of the country because everybody’s living aligned lives.
the outcome of these 11 steps is to start living in a golden age,
where people and families will start living,
more aligned, happy, and prosperous lives.
Thank You
Thanks a ton Vijay! Your feedback really made my day! :). The more you invest time in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning & you are doing it.Keep Inspiring
Dear Sid
You have not only highlighted but also pinpointed the weaknesses of today’s education system. I am excited to see that my thought process about education system has been exactly mirrored by your talk. Because I am a Teacher for quite a long time and contemplated on education system for long. Current education system needs RADICAL TRANSFORMATION. Employment scenario described by you as well pears through the Truth. I am with you that’s all I can say. Let’s change the world to make it a better place to live and let live.
This situation exist in this world has to be changed.Then only people can work with satisfation with out sacrificing their life.Family life become more meaningful.
Doesn’t get real & insightful about the TRUTH of education & employment system. I’m a speck of it’s daunting experience, though it was a ride with bounty full learning & amazing experience, if the structure was just like you have so well simplified with solutions, life can be so different with just how education, carriers, employment etc is looked at rather how it’s perceived instead of being a part of a mechanical coil called capitalism. Capitalism can be so different & beautiful with SIDZ approach in action. The way SIDZ son is learning is & should be the way forward.
Biggest problem is parents themselves are delusional, all they want from their children to make money. Life doesn’t function that way and only cores aspects of life should be taught in the education system
From 1st till 5th Grade: Teach Physical-Mental-Emotional-Intellectual -Spiritual WellBeing/Thriving
From 5th – 10th Grade: Combination of above + Relationship- Sex Transmutation-Financial-Career-Contribution Thriving should be covered.
Everything else which is important can added on along.
We need to stop teaching our children and start learning from them.
problems in education system-Globe is changing very fast, policy is changing very fast
1. No vision in the traditional education
2.Mugging of all chapters- my son is facing huge pressure. I also feel such a tough syllabus in class four.He cannot understand the computer book . It is really difficult for me to understand.
3.Topics are really outdated
4.Marking system is creating pressure in children mind and suicide is increasing
5.class room pressure – students just study for marks
6.Teaching style is really bad by some teachers
7.students are taught to compete with each other
8.school do not teach life values ,only taught memorizing
9.school is doing business by taking donation
10.there is no personal touch with the students.
I agree with your take on this. It aligns with my personal view as well. I started with parenting & adding financial literacy to my child’s education 10 years ago when I realized that after 30 years of education as a doctor that I was not taught how to have time for my son during the critical periods of brain development.
I was also frustrated with the traditional educational system who don’t support different kinds of learning styles seen in the children that I serve (in a child development specialist who sees children with learning difficulties) & they have so much more to offer.
It will take some time to change things and I’m glad I found people who have the same views as me. I’m glad to be part of your tribe.
Yeah. Sidz. Literally, I wonder to know , how you create every content around your theme ‘To Fix The Broken Education and Employment System’ .
When you say ‘ You Are The Business ‘ . , you mean it.
This podcast is just a media through which you are teaching us how to be our own niche. How to build our character that is compatible with our business. Hats off to you.
Yeah . That’s true that today’s education system is based on
targetd to hunt a job,
whether you love or not , you have to do the work,
relations and life lessons are neglected ,
the youth is simply moving without any bigger purpose,
the only purpose of education what we can see is , get a white collar job, purchase a home and furnishings by taking a loan, then burn yourself to pay off that loan till the end of life.
Very pity. Is our life has such a small and useless meaning.? No one is understanding the bitter truth. Even if they understand, they want to be ONE among the TEN.
A heartfelt THANKS to you Sidz for seriously working on the burning problem. Also, thank you for seeding such a purpose in our mind.
The various 11 solutions which you have provided to fix the problem of broken education and employment system are very useful. The society needs courage to take such a revolutionary steps instead of moving with sheep herd.
Parenting is the most important part. I strongly, support that view. Until parents see their children as money machines or as a kind of investments, they are not going to change. Every parent must understand the power of a child who is unique in nature and provide him /her an environment to blossom.
We have to rethink about schooling. We have to teach them how to learn. In this new age, we must promote innovative thinking, the children must be seeded with a bigger purpose. They should be taught how to get connected with the Universe.
In this digital era, we can create eco systems to reach a large number of people with a short span of time.
Instead of competition, collaboration should be promoted. Children should be taught to collaborate and enrich each other for a purpose that favors the Universe.
An unconditional love for environment should be aroused in the hearts of children. We exist because environment exists.
Everyone must understand, how life and behavior of ONE has impact on UNIVERSE.
Through ILH let us make it a movement to fix the problem of education and employment system.
20 problems, 10 solutions.
Started the podcast 2 hours before and have paused a hundred times to understand and absorb the big mission I am going to be a part of, along with being self-aligned in the first place.
Fullfilled Me+My Mission To Solve One Of The Problems= Fulfilled, Happy And Supremely Evolved Future Students
You have given words and voice to thousands of people struggling with the current education system, encouraging them to bypass the age-old British methedology. It really takes a good amount of courage to do it rather than just talk about it and do nothing.
Kudos to your grit Sidz!
Eye Opener Podcast and amazing analysis on the education system. After going through the above podcast I analyzed and realized the education system we had gone through was outdated.
No degree will help you out unless and until we understand the points you mentioned.
My learnings are as below,
My views on major 10 Problems,
1. Education without Vision should educate based on the future not as per current scenarios. Because the students are future and learnings should also be based on the future instead of past or present.
2. More is based on memorization-based learning. Instead of this system, Montessori-based learning should be encouraged.
3. The topics and concepts we learned are very much outdated. I will give examples of IT education systems where we learn many languages which have not at all existence nowadays.
4. The evolution is based on the market or based on grades where min marks are okay to pass. But there is no evolution that those min marks came by just memorizing or by actually understanding the concepts? The main issue is that we are evaluating everyone with the same criteria. Like we just Fish, Rabit and lion based on their capability to swim.
5. The classroom format is very good. Like in Montessori based system student has to clean their place and maximum classes been done in the file, not in the classroom. Everyone is not comfortable in the class for 5-6 hours a day.
6. The teaching style must be practical and task-oriented. Now many new tools and systems took place for teaching and very one should adopt them. It’s not necessary that what you teach but what matters is How you teach. Other professionals are paid very high compare to teaching professionals. Hence somehow we are also compromising the quality of education.
7. The teaching style is unique with every school. Very few collaboration and tie-ups. Very few schools take such initiative. They should change the model from Competition between students instead of collaborations between students. This will change the whole game.
8. They teach us the formulas of maths & equations of physics. However, they not teaching us the True Values and practical education. Like, how to face failures, how to identify your Niche, how to manage money Etc. Those are some real challenges that everyone should know.
9. Somehow education turns into business. If you have the money you will get admission to a reputed school or else you have to compromise. This whole game is not based on talent but money. This is somehow the bitter truth of our society.
10. Environment and freedom is the other concern. Students are bound to do whatever teach thaught them, they are not free to do act as per their choice. Freedom must be given to the child by which his hidden talent comes out and he or she can explore something new.
Top 10 problems of the employment system based on my experience & this inspiring podcast,
1. They are based on profits. They don’t matter whatever it takes with the employees. “Employees are educated Robots”. They work with the program called “Deadlines or Pressure” without any expectations and by sacrificing their personal life and health.
2. There is always competition and favoritism for promotion and growth. Many times less educated person performs a lot better compare to an educated one but only the educated will get the revert.
3. Hiring is also a stable process nowadays. However, the person presents in the interview becomes the deciding factor for his hiring. I saw many people tell different than their current profile however still they get hired. No practical approach/system towards hiring and the result it the wrong talents get hires.
4. An employee has to stick to the system which the organization has made. Very few companies encourage employees to make their system that is more helpful and empowered.
5. Employees forget their core subject which they taught for 4-6 years of their engineering/MBA or any other subject. They are bound to work under the profile and KPIs give to them and that becomes their lifetime job title and specialization.
6. With the big name of their companies and handsome package, they easily get a loan from any bank. Finally, they are bound to pay their EMI’s and getting into the trap. Even if they want they can not switch the job because of such EMI’s.
7. Infrastructure is also one of the major problems. To be in line with the materialistic world, they have to manage many harmful things as a part of the infrastructure. All companies should be thinking of Eco-friendly infrastructure.
8. Employees are not happy from the Inside, they only show it from outside. Just because of managing life responsibilities they are doing the job. Not with the heart.
9. Very few companies encourage innovation to employees and management levels. This somehow dies the innovation skills of the employee and force them to live with the culture they already have.
10. Living with the fear of losing the job, facing the insult, not getting growth & many more.
Concluding the learning is we all should rethink this entire process of education and employment.
Is going to school is compulsory?
What is the maximum education anyone should take?
Is everyone to follow this 9 to 5 Job pattern after completion of the education?
I believe nothing is compulsory. In the current digital era, anyone can create anything with proper mentorship.
Don’t make your school/college education the reason for your failures. Get educated as and when required and do your best.
Love & Regards,
Shyam Chetwani
My key learnings;
@Education system Problems:
#01-Lack of vision for future
#02-Memory based learning
#03-Outdated topic
#04-EValuation system
#05-Class room format
#06-Teaching style
#07-Competing with marks rather than collaboration
#08-Don’t teach life values, emotions,how to manage money
#09-Donations,captial,clubs,ground fees etc are messing the education system
#10-Lack of personalisation of topic.
@Employment system problems:
#01- Most companies are profits focus rather than vision
#02-Pressure to perform and office politics
#03-Hiring process is multiple checkpoints and simple document oriented
#04-Relearning the whole process and what they learn can’t be done
#05-Unfullfill careers like salary and packages fixed
#06-EMI trap and by taking loans etc
#07-Environment effecting infrastructure
#08-Stress and pressure on performance
#09-Lack of innovation
#10-Living in fear of their job and life.
@Solution to the above 2 problems are:
1. Rethink of whole thing of parenting, schooling, career and parents mindset should be changed because of insecurity of parents and family biased work without understanding of child what he want to do, the organisation are looking for aptitude, attitude and core skill sets.
2. The formal education not updated to modern lifestyle and work, skills to learn according to our job/work and task.
3. Rethink of career paths and where the world is going and update accordingly and improve your skill sets examples are uber, Airbnb, COVID etc.
4. Create digital leaders in their specialized topic and they Do, learn and teach about what they know very well.
5. Bulid their digital eco system by the leaders and learn from one true mentor and follow their advice and build your path wisely
6. Collaboration among digital leaders of different topics within their eco system
7. Leaders have fulfilled careers because this not a job he is on a mission
8. Students have fulfilled learning experience who are mentoring by leaders
9. Create more opportunities for leaders and students as well
10. If there are more success stories of students leads to community growth
11. It will impact the economy and GDP of country and all of them have an aligned life’s and growth.
Thank you ???? Siddharth for this knowledge and MPTY…
Learn from mentor and implementer
Education system is no longer nations building and personal building process. It is a business now. But we cannot blame these business owners alone here, they are starting the business because of demand and people encouraging their kids to study in such schools
Let’s forget about the current education and employment system. There are many problems with the new mindset trainers to explain new technologies and business success ideas to our students and working professional. If we new generation mentors and implementers & facilitators are able to make ourselves highly qualified in terms of subject experience and digital service than, we can change our quality of education and business success.
We really need hand holding for digital mastery skills, otherwise many of us are ready with high, vibes and specialized in the subject of our field
1. Learn of vision in future
They are not able to see exactly how fast the world is growing because they are sitting in their own comfortable position and making decisions based on the paradise they were broughten up. There has to be paradise shift to them to understand what is the future and what does the future holds in terms of world and the system really catering to that or not.
2. Memorization based knowledge
Why the memorization even an important thing right now. When people can search for whatever they want. In some points memorization is helpful like mental math and formulas and same text also. Why even put that much of effort to memorized something which is not important.
3. Lots of inlalevant and out dated topics there which was not relevant in the present age and tine.
4. Evaluation system
No one understand that every child has its own unique talent and abilities
5. Classroom format it has to be upgraded to suit the present age and time
6. Teaching style
Quality of teaching
7. The whole system is designed to increased collaboration system based competition
8. Most Institute do not teach life value
What really important in life things like money management.
9. Donation and capital fee to recover the cost of expenses
10 Lack of personalization in subject
We need to look back to our traditional way of learning (before Britishers) , this is when we will have people like aryabatta, brahmgupta and bhasluaracharya who invented things which are being used even in modern technology
Most innovation happening outside India now because of this broken system. It is the time, we need to take action and give proper education to our next generation
1. Mostly profit focus not vision focus
2. Retraced employment system
Office politics
Rat race
3. Hiring process is era based
It is all about system, processes, qualification not multiple check points, check lists.
Hiring people, not based on their degrees and qualification, it should be on capability
4. Employment system
Education learning is not helpful in employment in some areas it help as theory but not practical experience. It will not deny that if we know theory, then practical will be easy, this needs more practical approach
5. Unfullfill careers
What a learn in schools and college is no value in employment process only theory not practical knowledge
6. Emi trap
Once in trap and overall banking system understands that once you are in it trap working in some multi national companies are easy toget a and the overall the guy, the banking system in it, it is trap
7. Environment
Look at the corporate world, the world of corporate gas not been design to help the environment, it is environment environment depling infrastructure and environment depleting habits
8. Stress in pleasure in performance
People are not aligned with their job
They are in the EMI trap and there is nothing else to do
9 Lack of innovation
They do what they ask to do only
Innovation creates new leaders
There are few companies that are really innovating and growing
10 Living in fear
Most personal working in fear in the corporate work
Office politics
Solution of the problem
These are the eleven steps
1. Rethinking of parenting
If you are a parents right now. You need to be open to looking at alternative ways to bringing up the child
2. Rethinking of schooling
It takes some amount of courage look at alternative ways to educate your child based on what they really want to do
3. Rethinking of career path
The formal education system is not enabled right now for the new jobs of the future
If you are reaching parenting, rethink schoololing, rethinking about the career.
4. Create digital teachers
who are specialized in subject areas
5. Leases who start create eco system
Creating a exo system
Micro learning tribe
6. collaborate each other eco system
When more and more ecosystem like this are being created in the world these micro eco system start to collabirate with each other.
Continued with another post
Dear Sidz,
I am one of those who follow you very meticulously, and I’m very inspired by your work, it’s a simple and very effective teaching method.
I am in the favour of transformative learning rather than today’s information-based learning. It’s of less or no use in practical life.
Gathering some information and knowledge, learning some concepts, and then vomiting it in the form of a written exam to get higher marks and grades?
And in this process schools, colleges, institutes, coaching classes make money by charging heavy fees. Even though the schools are shut down due to Covid, they are charging the same fees to the students.
Some people can afford it, but so many people can’t due to their financial limitations and constraints.
Even though the student is brilliant, no private school, college, or institute gives him or her the privilege to get an education. It feels so heartbreaking.
So, the education system should get transformed in India.
Now let me put some light on the current employment system (which is totally broken)
Hereby, I am sharing my lessons out of 12 years of job experience :
#1. You love the company, but the company doesn’t love you at all.
#2. Love your work, and not the company.
#3. When you are working in Sales/Marketing/Business Development: either you have to perform or perish.
#4. You can never satisfy your boss if you are in sales.
#5. 80-90% of employees resign and/or change their jobs due to non-co-operative and/or worst boss.
#6. It is very difficult to work and survive in any organization when there is bureaucracy and no empowerment.
#7. It is very difficult to be a loyal as well as an efficient employee for any organization.
#8. Doing any job is good to run your family, pay bills, EMIs, and enjoy to some extent, but there is no Money Freedom, and Time Freedom.
#9. Working pay cheque to pay cheque keeps you poor all the time, at any position you work…..and it doesn’t allow you to come out of typical job mentality.
#10. I am not here only to work in a 9-5 job, for making some money, pay rent, bills and die.
My purpose and mission is to empower and enable myself and others to live up to their passions, do what they really love, and start up their own online coaching businesses around that passion…..!!!
7. Digital tribe
Once these micro ecosystem collaborate as they are doing that there leases of the tribe have more fulfill careers
8. Fulfill learning experience
Students will have more fulfill learning experience
9 Create more opportunities for growth of the students and mentors
You will able to create more opportunities for growth for your students and mentors
10 Personal growh starts impact economy and community growth
It really impact personal growth on economy
11. Community grow will impact economy
Dear Sidz,
I am one of those who follow you very meticulously, and I’m very inspired by your work, it’s a simple and very effective teaching method.
I am in the favour of transformative learning rather than today’s information-based learning. It’s of less or no use in practical life.
Gathering some information and knowledge, learning some concepts, and then vomiting it in the form of a written exam to get higher marks and grades? And in this process schools, colleges, institutes, coaching classes make money by charging heavy fees. Even though the schools are shut down due to Covid, they are charging the same fees to the students.
Some people can afford it, but so many people can’t due to their financial limitations and constraints.
Even though the student is brilliant, no private school, college, or institute gives him or her the privilege to get an education. It feels so heartbreaking.
So, the education system should get transformed in India.
Now let me put some light on the current employment system (which is totally broken)
Hereby, I am sharing my lessons out of 12 years of job experience:
#1. You love the company, but the company doesn’t love you at all.
#2. Love your work, and not the company.
#3. When you are working in Sales/Marketing/Business Development: either you have to perform or perish.
#4. You can never satisfy your boss if you are in sales.
#5. 80-90% of employees resign and/or changes their jobs due to non-co-operative and/or worst boss.
#6. It is very difficult to work and survive in any organization when there is bureaucracy and no empowerment.
#7. It is very difficult to be a loyal as well as an efficient employee for any organization.
#8. Doing any job is good to run your family, pay bills, EMIs, and enjoy to some extent, but there is no Money Freedom, and Time Freedom.
#9. Working pay cheque to pay cheque keeps you poor all the time, at any position you work…..and it doesn’t allow you to come out of typical job mentality.
#10. I am not here only to work in a 9-5 job, for making some money, pay rent, bills and die.
My purpose and mission is to empower and enable myself and others to live up to their passions, do what they really love, and start up their own online coaching businesses around that passion…..!!!
#ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #icancoach
Sir..you hold great vision for humanity.I am glad to be part of your community.I truly appreciate the way you are helping people so that they can contribute to better future.Being a teacher It’s a alarming to have gone through all your points.Thanks for sharing them
Education means evolution and transformation. With the existing education system the real transformation is not visible. There is stress, tension, insecurity, pressure, loneliness in student”s life which has affected our community. The existing Education system has totally crashed because humanism has evaded. Parents have handed over the child’s career growth path in the hands of those teachers who have theoretical degrees but lack practical experience of working in specific domain and the result is visible in the form of unemployment which leads to poverty. The philosophy should be ” I TEACH YOU LEARN, YOU TEACH I LEARN”. I will teach you what I know and you teach me what you know. Everyone is unique with unique features. This one philosophy will bring the Education system back on the path of freedom and equality.
Today India is the second largest market for E learning,NITs and IIT
colleges one of the best across the world,why India is still demanding a better education system.The focus is only on theory subject which do not allow the students to look beyond the main subject which he or she choose..only theory does not play a mazor role when comes to implementing the ideas in the real world.student only mug up the formulas and theories without actually understanding .due to huge syllabus and lass time,student only mug up to get marks,teachers only expect student to write expect defination given in books.Logical and analytical thinking is not promoted and students are not encouraged to develop opinions.
Education needs more champions than health and environmental advocates because it is one rising tide that can lift all the boats. Since, education has more room for innovation than any other development sector, there is a unique opportunity for social entrepreneurs. We need to transform curriculum and teaching practices to focus less on rote learning or straightforward calculation and more on relevant skills, like communication, reasoning ability, problem-solving and reasoning ability, and critical and independent thinking. We are under an illusion that our children are digital savvy but more often their knowledge is only screen-deep. If young people are to be empowered citizens, they will need to understand how technology affects every aspect of our life. Greater tech literacy will be essential to ensure that the human implications of the ongoing fourth Industrial Revolution are positive.
We can fix this broken system by giving practical knowledge,remove the outdated Syallabus,and by implementing smart education system all over India,and schools should allowed to provide skill based training,and improving rural education,as we know gaining professional degree is not possible for everybody ,so basic knowledge is must in every field,if someone is interested in learning mobile repairing,handicraft,computer basics ,and digital education,there should be better relation between teacher and students,with the multimedia concept and IT elements we can make our student learn ,better and in modern way.Introducing the concept of E -libraries and make sports compulsory in our education system,school must be encouraged for conceptual learning for better understanding.There should be focus on a classroom participation by the students,project communication,and leadership skills,and extra curricular activities,Teachers are considered as second parents so they should be Better trained .students should be taught technology from early years of their education,We should teach them the purpose of education,students should be taught about the morals of life and inculcated with humanistic values,They should be taught that life is beyond money and sucess is not measured in terms of money,we should implement Gender Neutral education,like engineering,carpentry should be made accessible for women also,and there should be good infrastructure,proper furniture,ayground and best digital libraries and also laboratories,the cost of professional education should be within the reach of deserving students.Rural Areas are digitally I’ll equipped,there should be free computer classes in rural areas and for every women should learn digital knowledge then only out system will change,every parent should be educated,and should remove reservation system.
Great to have you in our community.
:Problems in Broken Education System :-
1. Lack of Vision for the future.
2. Memorization Based Learning.
3. Lots of Outdated Topics.
4. Bucketing Kids
5. Classrooms Format has to Evolve we have look at IIT Students
6. Way of Teaching Style .
7. The whole System is designed in a way were we have to compete with each other.
8. Most of the Institutes never teach everyone the Money System.
9. We have so much of Unrequired DONATIONS
10. Lack of Personalization of Topics.
Problems in Broken Employment System :-
1. Very Profit Focused and Less Mission Focused.
2. The Rat Race Still continues in Employment System.
3. Industrial Era broken Hiring Process
4. Employees Relearning in Job.
5. Unfulfilled Career.
6. EMI Trap in Organization.
7. Environment Depleting Infrastructure of Corporates after Covid19.
8. Stress and Pressure of Employees.
9. Lack of Innovation.
10. Living in fear in Corporate World
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearnerI
First thing first – the current Education and Employment system is out of sync with the present necessities of the present world scenario.
To understand the defects and deficiencies we need to look back into the origin of the present education system. Human civilization has progressed in three waves – nomadic animal-like living (TRIBAL) to settled agrarian lifestyle (HAMLET/ VILLAGE). From agrarian to industrial lifestyle (INDUSTRIAL TOWNS /URBAN SETTLEMENTS). Next is the Internet age of smart working with AI, Machine learning, Robotics, IOT. The shift is from MUSCLE POWER to MONEY POWER to MIND POWER.
The present education system was created to cater to the employment needs of factories and associated offices. Schools were created in the line of factories. The focus was on basic knowledge of mathematics, literature, history, geography and skills needed for factories. Higher studies came in for research needed for Industries and Management studies to manage complex industrial organizations. Education and employment are interconnected as most people get an education to get employment.
In past agrarian communities in India, before the advent of English Rule, boys used to get basic knowledge of math, literature and general knowledge. There was also a strong inculcation of value systems/ethics needed to lead a genuine life in society. The Gurukul study system was replaced with the factory-based school system to produce clerks and skilled workers needed for industrial establishments.
1. Now it is knowledge-society. Blue-collar workers have been replaced with knowledgeable workers and there is hardly any premium on memory. There is perhaps no need to study many things for long years, which you will hardly require in a lifetime. If needed, it can be learned subsequently with ease in this age of the internet.
2. Memorization of subjects and vomiting in the exam is not needed in the age of smartphones and intelligent assistants like Alexa.
3. More than focusing on IQ, it is required to focus on EQ and SQ and Adaptability Quotient. That will be more helpful in career and life.
4. IN the educational institution, there is great stress on competition. In real life and career, it is collaboration and cooperation which deliver results.
5. The entire teaching process is about pushing knowledge. It does not acknowledge the fact that each child is unique and needs support to nurture and extract the uniqueness in him.
6. Basic life management skills like managing money, relationships, ethics, health are not subject matters in the current school curriculum. It needs attention, keeping in view the degradation of human values.
7. The personality development of an individual child is not a focused area. The schools and colleges like the factories are churning out batch after batch of graduates, doctors, engineers, and lawyers without recognizing individual talents and uniqueness.
Education deeply affects employment. As, quality of raw material will affect the quality of product. The leaders in organizations decide employment and use of human resources. Focus on profit, the least concern for the environment and culture and values has created tension and frustration in the working environment.
Lack of awareness has caused the wrong lifestyle in employees. It has resulted in health and relationship issues. Manifestations of BP, Diabetes, and depression at a very young age in working professionals is a result of wrong living. The rise of divorce cases and estranged family relationships indicates abnormal living.
Harmony, sustainability and a mindset of abundance are steadily going down.
It needs a course correction in the present education and employment systems.
Some of the points in that direction would be:
1. Parental Awareness – not to force their aspirations and frustration on their kids. Understand each child is unique and nurture accordingly the inner talent. Instead of social conformity, have the necessary courage to support the kids to blossom in their way. Inculcate the basic human values from early childhood.
2. Education system – to understand individual talent and nurture it. Instead of encouraging memorization and competition, attention needs to be given to co-creation and collaboration. Group activities will inculcate the spirit of teamwork and also build relationships.
3. Schools – to be developed with the spirit of learning rather than memorizing. It needs to provide a culture and atmosphere of self-learning. It should give an atmosphere of assurance to commit mistakes and learn from mistakes rather than developing fears to make mistakes.
4. Teachers – required to extract knowledge from students rather than push it. Emotion, strong values and empathy will be the qualifications needed to be a good teacher. The most knowledgeable people may not be good teachers.
5. Course Work – Subjects and courses developed on micro topics of interest will help in bringing up talents. It will cut down time of learning and create interest in students to learn with interest.
6. RETHINK – Education, course work, topics, method of teaching, career and career path, life skills will lead to fulfilled career and life.
HI Sid,
Thanks for this episode. I align with your goals and I talk about these problems. I love how systematically you have broken them down and how you are working towards it. I realised sometime ago that complaining and ranting about the broken system wont help anyone so I am on a mission to change this which led me to your community. I can achieve this through your guidance and motivation. Collaboration and not competition would take us forward. The whole educational mindset needs to change. If we dont evolve, we will perish.
10 Problems in the Education system
1 Lack of vision for the future-paradigm shift is required as per the future
2 Memorization based learning – which is not required
3 Outdated topics
4 Evaluation system- gauging all students in the same way, everyone is unique
5 classroom format classes are overcrowded(teacher vs student ratio)
6 Teaching style- the way teachers teach is really important
7 System is designed to compete against each other- collaboration is required
8 Most institutions dont teach life values- like relationships, money management
9 Donations, recovering the cost
10 Lack of Personalization- not a competetive zone
Quality of root will end becoming the fruit
Employment system
1 profit focused not mission focused
2 rat race continues from education system to career sytem
3 hiring process is industrial era based
4 people are ending up into relearning in the job system
5 unfulfilled careers initially
6 EMI trap arising out of the 5th problem
7 Environment depleting infrastructure & habits of big organizations
8 Stress & pressure of performance
9 lack of innovation
10 living in fear
The solutions are:
1 Rethink the whole aspect of parenting-let children be who they are
2 Rethink schooling
3 rethink career paths
4 create digital leaders- specialized in different career paths
5 Leaders build their own ecosystems- micro learning tribes specific tribes
6 collaborations of ecosystems
7 leaders will have more fulfilled careers based on missions
8 step 7 will lead to more fulfilled learning experience for student
9 will create opportunities for growth for student as well as mentor
10 personal growth impacts community growth
11 community growth impacts the overall economy of country & the world.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
The more we live an aligned life, in-tune with our innate proclivities, the higher the fulfillingness quotient. The more fulfilled we are, the better will be our offerings of products or services. Unequalled products or services will translate to VALUE for our stakeholders. Value translates to money thereby contributing to economic, social, and biospheric well-being of our human and non-human collective.