Do you want to learn how to build loyal communities online? This is the podcast, I go into the precise steps and strategies for you to build digital communities.

The topics that I cover in this podcast are:

  1. Why is community building important?
  2. What are the differences between offline and online communities?
  3. How to build a community online?
  4. How to craft a mission statement?
  5. Best Tools For Digital Community Building

And by the time you are done with this episode, you will have absolute clarity and conviction to scale up your digital coaching business.

Want To Make $5000 Per Month As A Digital Coach?

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I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    34 replies to "How To Build A Loyal Community With A Mission"

    • Karthik Sundararaman

      #ILHFamily #ILHDeepLearner
      My Takeaways

      Why community building is important?
      1. As leaders of your communities, it is important to consider the business you are in to be a P2P business than a B2B or a B2C
      2. Building a relationship with your customers is a long-term, mutually beneficial game. Do not approach it as a transaction.
      3. The trust that someone had in your while transacting to buy your product needs to be kept and built upon.
      4. The way to keep up the trust & relationship is by having strong processes like accountability, gamification, that creates engagement and results for your customers.
      5. Think of customers who come into your community as a customer for life vs customers for the quarter.
      6. The proof is in the pudding. The ultimate validation of your product is the results that your customers get.

      Online vs Offline communities:
      7. Online communities do not have boundaries unlike in an offline community
      8. Offline communities does create a deep human connection, you can achieve it in online communities as well if you can build your community based on values, and facilitate better

      Creating an online community:
      9. Creating an online community starts with a problem you want to solve. Once you are clear with the problem, you need to know who is facing this problem (your target market), get them into your community, and help solve the problem.
      10. The way to get your target market into your community is through content
      11. Create a home for your community where they can thrive, learn and inspire each other
      12. Through this private community, you can get quality customers whom you can support & serve further

      Crafting a mission statement
      13. A mission statement should be bigger than the creator of the mission himself/herself
      14. Have a goal (a number) in your mind as it is easier for the brain to know what would be needed to reach there
      15. Mission statement should also have the problem that you intend to solve
      16. Clearly mention what method you intend to use to solve this problem as this makes it very clear to the potential customer to determine if it is for them or not.

      Tools for digital community building
      17. Facebook group, Telegram Groups are nice platforms to start with
      18. Mighty Network is a nice private platform to build & nurture your community

    • Jainab Shaikh

      Sir, your thought of fixing the education system is great. I’m 18 and I’ve gone through your introductory video of digital courses and I’m pleased to enter into digital world. But due to this covid-pandemic it’s difficult to pay fees for these courses so could you please help me by allowing to enrol now. I’ll pay fees as soon as I start earning through this. Your concern would help me to start from 0. Thank you sir.

    • Rutu Amaliyar

      Take aways:
      1) build community by being farmer, not hunter in knowledge business. So focus should be in results of students rather than profit!
      2) Digital community has deep connection with no geographic boundaries and no extra insfra structure cost!
      3) identify right target market and welcome them home by building online platform called community with giving them solutions through valuable contents! Relationship with customers begins with sale not ends, so support them and nurture them!
      4). Mission should be bigger than you! It changes pradagm of how people look at you to solve their problems with the methods you have! You play role of leader to driving large Community of people towards goal rather than just selling!
      5) Facebook VIP Group, Telegram group are great for large audience and we can choose what’s app and Almighty group too based on size of audience!

    • Rutu Amaliyar


      Take aways:
      1) build community by being farmer, not hunter in knowledge business. So focus should be in results of students rather than profit!
      2) Digital community has deep connection with no geographic boundaries and no extra insfra structure cost!
      3) identify right target market and welcome them home by building online platform called community with giving them solutions through valuable contents! Relationship with customers begins with sale not ends, so support them and nurture them!
      4). Mission should be bigger than you! It changes pradagm of how people look at you to solve their problems with the methods you have! You play role of leader to driving large Community of people towards goal rather than just selling!
      5) Facebook VIP Group, Telegram group are great for large audience and we can choose what’s app and Almighty group too based on size of audience!

    • Maneesha Bhat

      #ILHFamily #ILHDeepLearner

      “DIGITAL TRIBE BUILDING is the SUPERPOWER in the business”

      1. Why is community building important?

      Community Building is an H2H Model (Heart to Heart.)
      Community Based Business is a heart centered Business where a member would never feel alienated because it has next level
      of accountability and facilitation which is mutually beneficial for the business owner and the community members.
      Community Building is important to stand out from the crowd and cut through environmental, trending, materialistic chaos.
      Community building gets us in the high vibration state of the community environment. Gives you the courage to be you,
      be who you truly are without caring about the vulnerabilities because it’s a HOME away from home.
      A Community based Business gives the owner courage to purge fear and take more risks for the GROWTH of the community because
      there is an increased trust built mutually.
      It’s not a transactional business. It’s a relationship which starts at the time of sale.

      2. Difference between the Online and Offline Community?

      Online business has no geographical boundaries.
      Online Community based Model is a minimum Viable Model in comparison to Offline Business as you don’t have to spend on infrastructure, extra electricity, commutation charges, maintenance charges.
      The connection one can develop through a Face2Fcae conversation leaves a deep impact.
      We can have that same deep, impactful experience in Online Community Based Model as well through
      Weekly meetings, Inner Circle Calls, High Level Accountability, 1:1 Calls, Group Coaching Format Calls, and especially
      Gamifications like Prize Money for Task completion or more visibility and trust-building.
      All these can help members to bond with each other and fast-track their journey.
      Community Building makes members to stay bound together by interpersonal connections and consistent communication through the internal network channel.

      3. How to build a Community Online?

      1. First we need to understand, what PROBLEM we want to solve. The problem should never be basis the trend that the market has or
      due to any other shiny object syndrome. It should come out of our own itch or the experience that we had.
      The niche can always evolve with time but for that to happen, we need to see what we resonate with the most.
      Once we chose the product that we truly love and resonate it, the rest will be taken care of automatically.
      We would love to build products, market and scale and only if we resonate, we will align similar kind of audience.
      2. Second that we gotta figure out is our TG, the target market. Whom do we really want to serve.
      A narrowed down audience with whom we connect emotionally for our reasons (past experiences)
      3. Third step we gotta do is to Create Content for that narrowed down audience with mainly the focus on the problem we are solving.
      It need not be that narrow. But we can share concepts and tactics on social media channels (80%-20%)
      Influence Building helps us to get Visible and your target market gets to KNOW you. Once they KNOW you, they might LIKE you and if
      they like you, they will have TRUST on you.
      Content pieces behave as Content Magnets to attract the right audience to the channels using Pull Marketing.
      4. Fourth step that we need to take is to build a HOME for the leads. We can make Groups on fb, whatsapp, telegram etc. This is to do during the initial phase of lead generation when we have only free leads because for paid members, we need our own platform wherein there is
      no distraction from the outer world or any other shiny dopamine syndrome.
      5. Fifth step is to Nurture what we have without having a single pointed focus on just the numbers. We must see the leads as HUMAN connections rather
      than just a number. Give them more information based upon problems they face.
      6. At this stage, we will have filtered tribe members who really resonate with the mission we have.
      And there, a mutual Relationship is started.

      4. How to craft a mission statement?

      Mission First
      Community Second
      You Third
      A mission statement must be POWERFUL. It should have that abundant power that we don’t even need to sell anything.
      People will just come on their own because of the Long-Term Vision that we have that they also resonate with.
      Your Vibe will Attract Your Tribe.
      A mission statement must always have a tangible number in it. e.g. 100,000 + problem we wish to solve + the method we will use to solve that problem
      Only and Only right audience will attract

      5. Best Tools For Digital Community Building

      For free, we can have – fb groups, telegram gps, whatsapp,
      For Paid We have to have a PRIVATE NETWORK, to avoid any sort of distraction e.g.mighty networks

    • Janardan Kar

      #ILH Family # ILH Deep Learner
      1. There is a tremendous change in Human society ushered by technology and geographical boundaries are vanishing and societies of human beings are created and will be ramped up and accelerated on the basis of similarities of values, beliefs and requirements aided by technology- now digital .
      2. Education is an important aspect of Human Development. And requirement of it is different for different people, even different at different phase / place & position of his life. With this perspective view point education system or method could be broadly divided into two categories :
      A. Impersonal- you have made a course material/a book on a subject. and interested people could purchase or access any way to read it and utilize the knowledge to develop themselves and put that into practice the way they like. The author finished his obligation by putting his knowledge and experience into a course work and done with it. Not a small thing but its effect may not be profound as it is more generic and he does not hand hold to provide solution for individuals. They are supposed to figure out for themselves.
      In nondigital age it was books and all kind of printed materials – printing press (the Paper and physical printing technology)ushered a sea change in the direction of knowledge propagation. And good schools / chain of branded schools fulfilled the personal requirements of individual students. Branded schools employed illuminated teachers and good schools produced brilliant students batch after batch. Again to meet very specific need of dull students or very bright students there was/ is private tuition by extra brilliant teachers who could decode the deficiencies or extra needs to provide it. The issue with post industrial era education is- schools were designed to produce human beings as products to cater to Industrial society- factories . And schools/ professional institutions hand hold up to the out gate of the institution leading to the gate of the factory/ professional institutions.
      In digital age the physical books are replaced by digital books- could be rapidly produced and easily accessed and physical schools is replaced by Digital virtual schools- easy to accessed and entry is easy and fast – pay electronically and access flexibly( Time, place) and they will issue a certificate as that of an university/a school.
      Both are impersonal in their characteristics and they deliver the course as you select/ apply.
      But digital one has the distinct advantage over the conventional
      i. no geographical boundary restrictions.
      ii. flexi-time on both sides – creator/ author and student/utilizer .
      The business is transactional- you pay and product is given as exchange
      B. Personalized/ Relational- this is digital education system but community based . it is not transactional . Money is not the main objective as it is in first one .It is about getting result for the members of the community. It is a hand holding model based on relationship building, constant nurturing of members- guiding, cajoling, supporting them in the path towards the goal. Money comes as the byproduct of the quantity and quality of results produced in the process of creating bigger and better Tribe of successful Members and building collaborative framework of growing together.
      The whole process of this Relational-membership model of Digital Community starts with a profound mission statement , bigger than life (BHAG)to help and support a large mass of members in solving their very specific problem through a well proven method in a defined short time span through a guided intervention-easy actionable step by step reaching target.
      The method includes three things- mind set, skill set and a tool set. and a process of few definite steps( 3-6),in 3 levels -concept to execution to and in a time frame of 3-30- 90 days. Then a continuous updating of every thing in the journey of excellence in a peaceful system driven way. the Buzz word and name of the game is- Focus, Patience, persistence & Perseverance

    • Dhaval Ajitbhai Vora

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      – Relationship business is like farming.
      – Lifetime customers
      – Money becomes by product when you focus on providing values to your community
      – Advantages of online communities : no boundaries, no problem of place, lesser cost
      – How to launch an online course : find out the problem that is being faced by the people and you are able to provide the solution, serve a particular group of people, nurture them with content
      – Your mission should not be highly self centred but it should have the capability to serve milliins.

    • inder jeet Singh ubhi

      Education is an important aspects of human development and requirement of it is different from different people, even different phase, place and position of his life.
      In digital age, the physical books are replaced by digital books. Could be rapidly produced and easily accessed and physical schools us replaced by digital virtual schools and easy to accessed and entry is very easy and fast.
      – Traditional business into relationship business
      – think of customer who come into your community as a customer for life
      – the way to keep up the trust and relationship is by having strong process like accountibility that creates engagement and results for your customer.
      – The truth that someone had in your while transacting to buy your product need to be kept and built upon.
      – grow faster in community building
      – Online communities do not have boundaries unlike in an offline communities
      – offline communities does not create a deep human connection
      – Online communities based on values and facilities batter than offline communities
      – what problem do you want to solve in the market
      – who is your target market
      – The way to get your target market into your communities is through contents
      – create a home for your communities where they can learn and inspire each other
      – Nurture them
      – Support to members
      – Mission large than you
      – Crate a mission statement, mission statement should also have the problem that you intend to solve
      – mission first, community second, me third
      – facebook, telegrams, whatsapp, mytynetworks for digital community building are the best tools

    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      Education is an important aspects of human development and requirement of it is different for different people, even different phases, places, and positions in the life
      In digital age, the physical books are replaced by digital books, could be rapidly produced and easily accessible and physical schools are replaced by digital virtual schools and easy to access and entry is also easy and fast

    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      Comments could not be posted under trying again and again

    • Poonam Patel

      Lovely recap for me for the digital bldg community and diff between online and offline communities.
      From building a community to nurturing them to tools for creating it. The fact that you reiterate the mission… not just about money, make it about helping others.
      Not transaction based but relationship based.

    • Sunil Gupta

      How To Build A Loyal Community With A Mission

      1. Why is community building important?

      – to differentiate in highly competitive market
      – to move to relationship business instead of transaction business
      – understanding Hunting vs farming
      – better hold, trust and long term in relationship business
      – gives customer for life
      – Focus on results for customers/student and money will become a by product

      2. What are the differences between offline and online communities?

      – digital communities have no boundaries from sitting at home
      – give great experience and value, communities can be build and retained for long time
      – online/digital communities requires less resources and time due to no travel and no hotel cost
      – Offline communities have cost and limitation in number of people which can be contacted

      3. How to build a community online?

      – what one problem you want to solve the problem?
      – Be clear who you want to serve? Target market.
      – Start creating content which acts as a magnet which attracts the right people to your community.
      – Bring them to a place which is community home.
      – Nurture them with your valuable content
      – Through this nurturing, you will get better quality customers
      – Once they buy your product, serve them from that point onwards

      4. How to craft a mission statement?

      – mission should be larger than you
      – include some specific number
      – mention the method to solve the problem
      – if the mission resonate with people, they will come automatically to you

      5. Best Tools For Digital Community Building
      – use Facebook group as free
      – telegram group also as free
      – WhatsApp group limited numbers
      – mighty network is a paid tool

      Overall, a precise podcast on community building. Thanks for sharing Sidz.


    • Dr Manjusha Patil

      Hi Siddharth thanks for this amazing stuff!!Proud to be a Diamond of your ILH COMMUNITY .
      1. 3strong core elements of a Community building
      c.RESULT ORIENTED APPROACH. Focus on the results of your community members, money would indeed be a by product. Customers will be attracted to such value based knowledge.

      2. Digi6tal communities are better than offline ones
      c. HASSLE FREE



      IN SHORT


    • B.Jayasree


      Sidz has taught us that as a digital leader, don’t sell courses, sell community. For every member of ILH, the ILH community is a lifeline. ILH members attribute their success to Sidz and the power of the community. We aspire to build similar community in the courses that we offer.

      Human beings are social animals. It gives them a sense of belongingness and security to be part of a tribe or a community. Hence when the community concept was replicated on the digital platform, it was a massive success.

      In my opinion, community building is more important in online scenario than offline. In offline mode, people do come together and meet each other during the program. However, in the digital platform where people are spread across boundaries, it is the community which brings them closer. People learn from each other’s experiences. They are together in the journey.

      I am in the process of setting up my courses. Hence this podcast on community building is of great interest to me. Here are my learnings:

      1. Move from Transactional Business to Relationship Business: During the pandemic, the digital coaching world has seen a boom. The traditional trainers had to convert to digital coaching. Apart from that, thousands of people who lost their job, turned to digital coaching. Many people opted for digital coaching as a side hustle. With these increasing numbers, there is a lot of competition in the market. If one must create their unique positioning, building community is the best option. In transactional business when customers buy the course, they may or may not complete it. They are on their own. If they face any obstacles, they might give up. They may not have access to the mentor or fellow students. Whereas in a community, a relationship is built with the customers. They stay connected lifelong. They learn from each other. There is a support system which handholds them and takes them to the finish line. Transactional Business is a one-off thing. Whereas relationship business provides lifelong support. It is like filling water with buckets Vs building a pipeline. Community (Relationship Business) is building a pipeline. Community also creates a sense of trust among the customers. It gives them the confidence that the mentor and the community is there for them throughout the journey. It’s not a transactional deal where they pay once, and the mentor is inaccessible. Building trust helps in creating a brand. A brand that people would like to be associated with. Nobody wants to be associated with a brand which is not trustworthy. Building community also ensures that you have customers for life. Transactional businesspeople are focused only on numbers. Hence, they keep chasing customers. Whereas relationship businesspeople focus more on getting results for the customers. They engage their customers for lifetime in community
      2. Benefits of building digital communities: Digital communities are not restricted by geography. Entire world is the platform. You don’t need to organize physical events to engage people. Over the digital media members can be engaged. It saves a lot of cost, time, and effort for people. In our ILH community itself, people have found accountability partners and friends for life who are from different parts of the country.
      3. How to form a community: Be clear of the problem you want to solve and the target market you want to serve. Clarity on these two will help you identify the topics for your content creation. Create content around the topics identified and post it on the media where the target market likes to spend time. The target market will read the content. Your content will act as a magnet to get more members from your target market. Direct them all to an exclusive group. The group will have all like minded people. They can network with each other and learn from each other. Share more knowledge and nurture the community members. Initially the members will be non-paid. Once they get results by the nurturing, they will gain trust about you and become paid members. ‘Your relationship with your customer starts at the point of sale. It doesn’t end with the sale.’
      4. How to attract right people to your community: Create a mission which is larger than you. Instead of focusing on earning money, make a mission around helping people. Be a giver rather than a self-centric person. Be specific of the number of people you want to help. As you achieve the number, stretch the goal. Create a system to achieve your mission. Once you create a mission statement which has a specific number of people you want to help, problem you want to solve, using a particular system, instead of you selling it, people will join your movement as they resonate with the mission.
      5. Use platforms like Facebook, telegram, WhatsApp, mighty networks to form your community.

      Thank you for a wonderful podcast.



    • Gita Ramachandran

      For Sid, Community building is very important as it is very close to his heart .
      In this competitive world, to stand apart, we need to move away from a transactional business to a relationship based business in which your customers are for life and are long term .
      In a Transactional Business focus is on Sales, Bottom line and Profit where as in Community based relationship business models focus is on results for his students or customers and money is the by-product .
      Online digital communities are preferred as there are no boundaries of geographical locations, and provides better user experience It is hassle free with less infrastructure, travel, and hotel accommodation costs, unlike In offline communities where one is bogged down with how many to be invited, how many will come, where and how many to be accommodated and so on.
      To build a community online the following steps may be followed
      Choose the problem to be solved and the Target market to be served. Develop content which will act as a magnet like you tube videos and Podcasts to attract the right audience . Bring them to one place, and Nurture them through valuable contents which can solve problems faced by the community. This will ensure customer loyalty. Relationship does not end with a sale rather it begins at point of sale .
      To build a loyal community with a mission, craft a powerful mission statement which will resonate with those who are part of the same community. The Mission should be greater than one self. Decide the Number to be kept , the problem to be solved and the method to be used .
      Various tools like Telegram, Whatsapp, Facebook groups, and Mighty network for paid customers and private community can be used

    • Manissh Ahuuja

      Why is Building Community Important?
      – Focus on relationship business, and not just a transactional business
      – Community enables to build customers for life
      – Communities make you focus on results, breakthroughs, outcomes

      Online v. Offline
      – Global, boundary less communities are possible in online communities
      – Less Infrastructure cost
      – You save time, because relatively less travel time
      – Digital communities can scale faster since offline limitations (like size of the room, number of audience that can be invited are eradicated).

      How to build a community online?
      – Get clarity on the problem you’re going to solve
      – Get clarity on who do you want to help, define your target market
      – Create content magnets
      – Create a common ground for all the people who connect with your content magnets (Facebook Group)
      – Nurture people who become a part of your content magnet group

      Mission Statement
      – Create a Mission that focuses on the number of people (start with 100 thousand)
      – Define the problem you’re going to solve
      – Define the method you’re going use to solve the problem for your community
      – This will easily resonate with your audience, and the people who join your community

      – Facebook group, for your content magnets
      – Telegram group, to broadcast messages
      – WhatsApp groups for 250 people groups. Has better reach is being used extensively worldwide
      – Mighty Networks, for building custom and loyal communities.


    • Shahnaz Hazarika

      Community building is the superpower for better market survival.
      1) Importance of community building :
      -It’s a relationship based model.
      – It shifts from short term transactional approach to long term relationship approach(Basically from hunting to farming)
      -Short term approach ends after sales and long term does not ends after sales.
      2) Community can be built only face to face is myth . This does not serve the present scenerio. Because online community is hasselfree in terms of :
      -place for operation
      – infrastructure cost cut down
      – extend of growth is fast
      -better customer building compared to offline community.
      3) Steps to build a community:
      -Find out the problem you want to solve
      – Decide the right target audience whom you want to serve or solve the problem
      -Create content magnet for the right audience
      -Build a home, community , groups for the above
      -Provide content which nurture your community
      – When you serve better there is quality customer support for life
      4) Mission statement should not be a narrow serving only one’s purpose. Rather it should be bigger and a powerful one which attract community’s purpose as well. Serve as a leader to your community.
      5) Best tools for Digital Community
      -Facebook group
      – Telegram
      – WhatsApp Group
      -Mighty Networks ( for customised audience)

    • Jayanthi Piram

      First of all, Thanks Sidz for giving a crystal clear step by step approach for a “Healthy Digital Community building”

      My Key Take aways:
      1. Why Community Building is needed:

      To sustain with our success footprint in this digital world – which is of High competition today with similar products everywhere. The unique way to stand out from the rest is to have a Community (tribe) which is purely of a Relationship model (Farming) and not a Transactional one.
      Having such customers through relationship is like customers for life.
      This community model, is more of result driven of the end users not a self-profit driven. And while we help the end customers to see the desired results and automatically money becomes the bi-product/

      2. Online Vs Offline

      Offline – Community building – is out of sight now, as face to face only will work has become a myth.
      Online – is very effective as we have no boundaries & can connect across boundaries, and with the very less infra.

      3. How to build the community..

      1. What problem you want to solve in the market
      2. Whom do you want to serve
      3. Start to create content, that becomes the magnet that attract right people
      4. Create a home for them (bring them to the whatsapp, telegram or some online platforms)
      5. Nurture them with more information
      6. Through this Nurturing process, you will get the quality customers
      7. The relationship with the customer begin at the time of sale not ends at the time of sale -a very powerful mantra that has to be inherited by every digital coach.

      4. How to create a mission Statement

      The mission statement should be bigger than self.
      The role for self is like a leader, who has to drive a large community of people towards a bigger mission.
      Earning 10 million in 100 days will not sound that powerful, but saying ” on a mission to empower 100 thousand of young entrepreneurs” will sound so powerful and works like a magnet. People will resonate with this & will get attracted.

      5.Best Tools for Community Building

      1. Facebook, Telegram – for a large group of people to attract with content & broad casting.
      2. Whatsapp – is the effective tool, to start with for minimum of people (250 nos.) as every one is very active in it.

      Thanks Once again Sidz.

    • Vijay Jaiswal

      My Takeaways – “How To Build A Loyal Community With A Mission”


      1. Why is community building important?
      – In this competitive world move towards relationship business instead of transactional business
      – Adopt Farming approach instead of hunting leads
      – hold on your audience, You’ll have better trust in the marketplace and it’s goes long term
      – focus on getting results for your customers/students. And when that becomes the focus, your money will become the byproduct
      – you start to make more profits, you start to see better sales, you start to see repeat customers

      2. Difference between the Online and Offline Community?

      – there are no boundaries, we can have people from anywhere in the world sitting at home
      – can create that deep connection and bond based on where they are
      – able to attract and retain lifelong customers
      – it requires less resources and saves time due to no travel and no hotel cost
      – grow your communities much faster using digital as compared to a typical offline model

      3. How to build a community online?

      – step 1 – what problem you want to solve
      – step 2 – who do you want to serve, who is your target market
      – step 3 – start creating content which will act as magnet, to attract the right target market towards you

      – attract right kind of audience, then you need to bring them to a place online which they can call their home, bring them into various kind of groups, create WhatsApp group or Facebook group or telegram group

      – next step is to nurture through valuable content
      – next step is through the process nurturing, we will get better quality customers
      – once anyone buys your product, you have to support them
      – relationship with your customers has to begin at the point of sale

      4. How to craft a mission statement?

      – mission should be bigger than, larger than you
      – you need to have a number, whether you want to help a thousand people or one million people or 10 million people
      – have the problem that you want to solve and the method that you want to use
      – craft a mission statement that is powerful, it will have a magnetic effect
      – resonate with those who are part of the same mission

      5. Best Tools For Digital Community Building

      FREE Tools
      – use Facebook groups, VIP group on Facebook
      – use telegram group, can have multiple group/member
      – And also WhatsApp groups If you have less than 256 people in groups

      PAID Tools
      – start with Mighty Networks
      – build your own custom communities and private communities

    • Megha Lodha

      My learning from the podcast are:
      1. Community building is important to cut the noise in this competitive world.
      2. You need not become hunter to make a community. It should be nurtured the way a farmer does
      3. Importance of community building:
      a. It’s best for relationship building that truly focus on nourishing it’s members and not just a transaction
      b. We get customers for life.
      c. Its always results based.
      4. Online communities are far better then offline communities because:
      a. People can join you from any location across the globe.
      b. With better access you can retain your customers for long
      c. You can grow it very fast.
      d. Its hassle free
      5. You can build community online by following these steps:
      a. Tell the problem statement ( what problem are you going to solve and by which method)
      b. Very clear target market ( whose problem are you going to solve)
      c. Start creating content related to the problem statement
      d. Create a home for customers and bring them at home
      e. Nurture them through valuable content
      6. Always have mind set relationship does not end at point of sale , it should be build and nourished post sales too.
      7. Craft a mission statement like ” I am on mission to help 1,00,000 people get rid of stress by making them feel alive “.
      Only earning money should not be a mission statement.
      8. Once you achieve 1lac you can increase the target market.
      9. Best tools for creating digital community:
      a. Free Facebook Group
      b. WhatsApp
      c. Telegram
      d. Mighty Network ( Private Community)

    • Prem Erin Alvares

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      – Building a community through farming
      – Nuture the community
      – Builds relationships and trust
      – there are no boundaries
      – Focus on a great experience
      – online communities are more convenient
      – Define the mission of the community
      – who are potential members for the group
      – post magnetic content, they are powerful
      – create a home for these members
      – You must start the journey with the sale, not end it
      – mission should be bigger than you
      – show your leadership for a like minded group
      – mightynetworks is a great tool for communities

    • Vijay Jaiswal

      Awesome insights

    • Vijay Jaiswal

      My Takeaways – “How To Build A Loyal Community With A Mission”
      1. Why is community building important?
      – In this competitive world move towards relationship business instead of transactional business
      – Adopt Farming approach instead of hunting leads
      – hold on your audience, You’ll have better trust in the marketplace and it’s goes long term
      – focus on getting results for your customers/students. And when that becomes the focus, your money will become the byproduct
      – you start to make more profits, you start to see better sales, you start to see repeat customers
      2. Difference between the Online and Offline Community?
      – there are no boundaries, we can have people from anywhere in the world sitting at home
      – can create that deep connection and bond based on where they are
      – able to attract and retain lifelong customers
      – it requires less resources and saves time due to no travel and no hotel cost
      – grow your communities much faster using digital as compared to a typical offline model
      3. How to build a community online?
      – step 1 – what problem you want to solve
      – step 2 – who do you want to serve, who is your target market
      – step 3 – start creating content which will act as magnet, to attract the right target market towards you
      – attract right kind of audience, then you need to bring them to a place online which they can call their home, bring them into various kind of groups, create WhatsApp group or Facebook group or telegram group
      – next step is to nurture through valuable content
      – next step is through the process nurturing, we will get better quality customers
      – once anyone buys your product, you have to support them
      – relationship with your customers has to begin at the point of sale
      4. How to craft a mission statement?
      – mission should be bigger than, larger than you
      – you need to have a number, whether you want to help a thousand people or one million people or 10 million people
      – have the problem that you want to solve and the method that you want to use
      – craft a mission statement that is powerful, it will have a magnetic effect
      – resonate with those who are part of the same mission
      5. Best Tools For Digital Community Building
      FREE Tools
      – use Facebook groups, VIP group on Facebook
      – use telegram group, can have multiple group/member
      – And also WhatsApp groups If you have less than 256 people in groups
      PAID Tools
      – start with Mighty Networks
      – build your own custom communities and private communities

    • Rasal kaiman

      Community Building Importance :
      – Relationship with your customers begins at the time of sale.
      – life long customers.
      – To cut through the competition.
      – Focus will be on results for the customers.
      – To Change transaction business to relationship business.

      Online Community :
      – It is better than offline community.
      – There is no limit for members.
      – There is less infrastructure costs
      – Growing community online is faster than offline model.
      How to Build to community :
      – What is the problem going to solve.
      – who is your target audience.
      – Create contents that act as magnet.
      – Make them feel like home.
      – Nuture customer through valuable content.
      – Through this we can get valuable customers.

      Mission Statement :
      – Larger than you.
      – Have a number.
      – ex To change 1,00,000 people.
      – craft a powerful mission it will create a magnetic effect.
      Best Tools for community Building :
      1. Facebook group
      2. Telegram
      3. MightyNetworks
      4. Whatsapp group

      Thanks for this wonderful podcast !

    • Rasal

      Community Building Importance :
      – Relationship with your customers begins at the time of sale.
      – life long customers.
      – To cut through the competition.
      – Focus will be on results for the customers.
      – To Change transaction business to relationship business.

      Online Community :
      – It is better than offline community.
      – There is no limit for members.
      – There is less infrastructure costs
      – Growing community online is faster than offline model.
      How to Build to community :
      – What is the problem going to solve.
      – who is your target audience.
      – Create contents that act as magnet.
      – Make them feel like home.
      – Nuture customer through valuable content.
      – Through this we can get valuable customers.

      Mission Statement :
      – Larger than you.
      – Have a number.
      – ex To change 1,00,000 people.
      – craft a powerful mission it will create a magnetic effect.
      Best Tools for community Building :
      1. Facebook group
      2. Telegram
      3. MightyNetworks
      4. Whatsapp group

      Thanks for this wonderful podcast !

    • Shakir Hussain

      This podcast was valuable. It clarified one really important thing and that is “Community Building”

      Why is community building important?
      Relationship building is like farming which creates value.
      You will have customers for life.

      Difference b/w offline and online community
      Digital Communities –
      No boundaries. People from anywhere from the world.
      Less infrastructure cost

      How to build a community online
      1. Think of what problem you want to solve
      2. Who you want to solve
      3. Create content that will act as magnet that will attract right people/audience
      4. Then have a place online which they can call HOME. Initially when people are not your paid audience then you can bring them to different groups – WhatsApp group, telegram group, FB group
      5. Nurture through valuable content
      6. While nurturing you will get quality customers. After that support them.

      MISSION should be larger than you. Instead of making $1 million which is self centered, plan to help 1 million to change their lives

      Best place for community building
      FB group, WhatsApp, Telegram

      #ILHFamily #ILHDeepLearner

    • Vijay Jaiswal

      Awesome Insight

    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      My takeaway from the podcast
      Education is an important aspects of human development and requirement of it is different for different people and even different phases, place, and position in life.
      In digital age and time, physical books are replaced by the digital books, could be rapidly produced and easily accessible and physical schools replaced by digital virtual schools and easy to accessed and entry is very easy and fast.
      There us a tremendous change in human society ushered by technology and geographical boundaries are vanishing and policies of human being are credited and will be ramped up and accelerated on the basis of similarities of values, beliefs and requirements aided by technology – now digital
      You have made a course materials / book on the subject and interested people could purchased or access any way to read it and utilized the knowledge to develop themselves and put that into practice the way they like. The author finished his obligation by putting his knowledge and experience into the course work and done with it not a small things, but it’s effective may not be produced as it is more genuine and he does not hand hold to provide solution to individuals. They are supposed to figure out for themselves.
      In nondigital age and time it was books and all kinds of printed materials – printing press. User a see change in the direction of knowledge propagation and good schools / chains of branded schools fulfilled the personal requirements of the individual students. Branded schools employed trained teachers and good schools produced brilliant students batch after batch
      Again to meet very specific heed to dull students or very brite students. There was private tuition by extra brilliant teachers who could decode the deficiencies or extra need of students to provide it. The issue with the post individual era education is schools were designed to products to cater to industrial society, factories and schools, professional institution hand held up to the gate of the institution leading to the gate of factory and professional institution.
      Both are impersonal in their characteristics and they deliver the course as you selected and apply.
      But digital one has the district advantages over the conventional.
      No geographical boundary restriction
      Flexible time on both side creator, author. And student and utilizer
      The business is transactional you pay and product is given as exchange personalized, relational – this is digital education system but community based. It is not transactional. Money is not the main objectives as it is in first one. It is about getting result for the members of the community. It is a hand holding model based on relation building, constant nurturing of members guiding, supporting them in the path towards the goal. Money comes as by products when you focus on providing values to your community. I. e. Quality of the results produced in the process of creating bigger and better tribe of successful members and building collaborate frame work of growing together.

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome, Great Insights! ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.

    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      The whole process of this relational membership model of digital community starts with profound mission statement bigger than life to help and support a large mass of members in solving their very specific problems through a well proven method in a define short time span through a guided intervention easy actionable step by step reaching target.
      The method includes three things mindset, skill set and tool set. Then a continues updating of everything in the journey of excellence in a peaceful system driven away. The buzz word and name of the game is focus, patience, persistence and perseverance

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