Do you want to know what it takes to generate quality leads? After generating over a million leads, I have brought it down to 10 factors. I have done a lot of mistakes and this podcast will help you cut short your learning curve!

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What you will learn in this podcast?

What does it take to attract top quality leads?
What are the top lessons I learnt after attracting over 1 million leads?
How to ensure you have the highest conversion per lead?
siddharth rajsekar

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    37 replies to "10 Lessons I Learnt After Generating Over A Million Leads"

    • Dr.R K Dua

      Thanks Siddhant for such a wonderful insight into lead magnets.10 lessons learnt after million leads


      1. TITLE OF LEAD MAGNET…laser focused to large specific audience orient to specific target market and micro niche, to avoid junk mails.Narrower it is better it is.


      3. OVERALL DESIGN OF LANDING PAGE..color psychology, should resonate with target audience, call to action button, simplified.

      4. PAGE SPEED…faster it loads better it is, as attention span is very less, do page matrix optimization like Gt matrix, google page speed checker.

      5. AD COPY…facebook ad, google advt, content of these ads is very important. talk about pin, story wants the solution and call to action button options and solutions.

      6. ONE MINUTE VIDEO ADS..WITH SAME ..pain solution, story, emotion, call to action. Hit the pain point, give the solution, break the attention earn the credibility, explain benefits and drive them to webinar, ebook

      7. RETARGETING THE CUSTOM AUDIENCES.. promote videos to target market, bring back old audience

      8. FRACTAL TARGETING OF SEGMENTATION…different lead magnets for different audiences, like ebooks, e guides, course, guide on y tube videos etc.

      9. ORGANIC NURTURING…like groups on facebooks, through various lead magnets add people in these groups and nurture them, through YouTube videos, podcast etc attract right quality audiences into email list.

      10. RESULTS YOU HAVE DELIVERED..through reviews, trust pilot testimonials, helps you to have good quality audience in your tribe.

    • Debasmita Basu

      Thank you as always Siddharth for sharing some important information with us-
      Biggest Learning-
      Biggest Challenges faced by the Marketing Authority to face today is to able to get Consistently quality leads coming into their Funnels in System be people running Ads in Facebook and YouTube for getting Organic Leads. To improve to get the quality leads the 10 Points we have to follow-
      1.Choice of Lead Magnet – As Generic types of Lead Magnet will attract Junk Leads . As Siddharth given a nice example of – How to make Video using Top 10 Skills . Means working on the specific Micro Niche can attract right Target Market Audiences.
      2.Hook and Headlines
      3. Overall Design of the Landing page- Search in Google – Color Psychology by Siddharth Rajsekar, to understand the importance of color to attract right Audience.
      4 Page Speed Automation – Use following Tools like GD Matrix, Google Speed Checker.
      5. AD COPY- .Make a Ad Copy for FB , YouTube and other Social Media – with following points to attract better leads – Pain & Solution ,Story and Emotion and call to action .Put a nice and Attractive Introduction.
      6.Increase Quality Leads with one minute Video Ads – Follow the same Templates provided in the earlier point.
      7.Retargetting the Right Audience , who skip the Webinar .
      8. FActual Target or Factual Segmentation
      9. Through Organic Nurturing
      10. Show the Testimonials to attract right Audiences.

      Thank you .

    • Niloy Kundu

      How to generate quality organic leads
      Here is the 10 ways
      1.choice of your lead magnet
      2.hook and the headlines
      3.overall design of my landing page-colour, branding all the factor, it should be clean and simple load speed –
      5.advertise title minute video ad-
      7.retargeting the target audience
      8.fractal segmentation
      9.through organic nurturing
      10.rezults that i deliver

    • Firdous Misgar

      # ILH FAMILY
      10 lessons I Learnt After Generating
      Over A Million Leads
      1 : Choice of your lead magnet.
      2 : To get better quality leads is
      Hook & Headline i:e free webinar,
      Free course, e-book.
      3 : Over all design of your landing page
      Color physiology.
      4 : Page Speed.
      5 : Ads copy pain, Solution, Story, Emotion & Call to action.
      6 : One minute video ads weither it’s
      You tube or Facebook, Solution, Story,
      Emotion, & Call to action, Break the
      Pain point, Hit the Solution.
      7 : Retargetting customer audiences.
      8 : Fractal targeting or Fractal segmentation.
      9 : Organic nurturing.
      10 : Results to Deliver.

    • Pankhuri Omar


      Top 10 lead attraction Factors:

      1. Right Audience for the lead magnet- No matter what type of free content you are offering, if it’s not targeting your ideal customer and is not niched down to your ideal micro-market, it will attract a lot of junk leads. Use your words carefully to get highly converting leads. rather than higher quantity of leads.

      2. Hook and the headline- No matter what type of free content you are offering again, the words should direct them to foresee that their problem will be solved if the get access to your lead magnet. The benefits you offer and the words you use to describe those needs to be very very strong.

      3. Design on landing page- use color psychology to know the aesthetics of color, have consistency in your branding- the buttons design n color, the fonts, make it simple yet effective.

      4. Page Speed- Test your landing page’s speed using google tools or gtmetrix and optimize the page so there there is less waiting time coz today people’s attention span is very less so do not compromise on hosting, image sizes.

      5. Ad copy- WHat are you sharing in the ads- the pain->the solution, the story-> the emotions and a CTA(Call To Action).

      6. 1 minute video ads- Break attention, hit the pain point, talk about the solution, give the solution, talk about who you are, earn the right, tell them the benefits and CTA- The video should not exceed 1 minute.

      7. Retargeting custom audiences for FB Ads-New Video Views Campaign->1000-2000 budget per day->Promote some of your best videos to your target market-> no lead generation->Create custom audience of people who have viewed video for more than 50%->make a separate warmed up custom audience with these leads->push long form video ads to get filtered super quality leads.

      8. Fractal Targeting.Segmentation- Have many ebooks, each targeting separate set of audience with no overlap. can be based on location, using specific tools, websites, brands etc.

      9. Organic nurturing- Drive leads to Facebook groups, YT videos, podcasts, , nurture them with your other lead magnets.

      10. Show your results- Familiarize them with case studies, testimonials and all the amazing results from your community members.

      Best email marketing tool- Convertkit hands down is the best!

      I have to learn 7 and 8!

      On it!

      THankyou Sidz!!


    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      🔥🔥 10 lesson I learnt after generation over 1 millions leads 🔥🔥

      🎯🎯 1⃣choice of lead magnet …. To got to create high quality lead magnet .. The PDF ..the free checklist …the free guide or free video course …has to be really really better quality …..addressing on micro market …micro need …micro problem and one solution … Clear cut

      2⃣ HOOK OR TAG LINE …. I Lt should be able to catch people attention … What is the benefit for them …WIIFM concept … Tittle and hook need to be very very strong


      4⃣ PAGE SPEED … you need to check your page speed … Optimize different element of page images to upload really fast ….

      5⃣ TALK ABOUT PAIN ,SOLUTION ,EMOTION AND CALL TO ACTION IN YOUR ADD COPY …. Your add copy has be story …. Add more emotion from it … No straight froward add….



      8⃣ FRACTAL TARGETTING .. YOU can have different lead magnet… Promoting to different audience …. Segment these audience …. Have multiple of these segment … Specific lead for specific audience

      9⃣ ORGANIC NURTURING…. Through your long from …meaningful content over Facebook Instagram and YouTube ..keep nurturing your audience …they will keep coming back to you


      It all help you to generate high quality leads….


    • Vikram suresh borse

      10 lessons learnt after generating over 1 million leads
      1. Choice of lead magnet
      2.Hook and the headline
      3. Overall design of your landing page
      4. Page speed optimization
      5. Ad copy
      6. 1 minute video ads
      7.Retargetting customed audiences
      8.Factal segmentation
      9. Organic nurturing in facebook groups
      10. Results, Reviews on Trustpilot ,Testimonials, Case sudies _ show through the ads Convertkit_ best tool tried and tested .

    • Neeraj Kumar

      “10 Lessons I Learnt After Generating Over A Million Leads”

      Top Learnings –
      1. Choice of correct Lead Magnet – If your Lead Magnet is not solving anyone’s problem, then you will generate junk leads. Narrow down like top 10 tools etc. Lead Magnet must target specific micro niche.

      2. Hook & Headline – There must be a catchy Headline with the straight forward lead magnet. When the people come to your landing page, there should a hook which should attract the people attention and interest.

      3. Overall Design of Landing Page – The Color Psychology must be there in your landing page which must match your target audience. It must be clean, simple, well designed and catchy.

      4. Page Speed – Attention span of the people is very low so your landing page needs to load very fast (For Page Speed Optimization – Go to GTmetrix, Google Page Speed).

      5. Ads Copy – If you run FB or Google Ads, you have to talk about pain & the solution, Story & the Emotion.

      6. 1 Minute Video Ads – Break Attention, Hit the Pain Points, Give the Solution, Earn the Right, What’s the Benefit.

      7. Retargeting Custom Audiences – Open New Campaign & promote your best videos to the target market, the audience who watched more than 50% of your video, retarget them for super quality leads.

      8. Fractal Targeting – You need to have different lead magnets for different target audience.

      9. Organic Nurturing – Nurture the leads through Organic medium like FB Group, You Tube, Email List, etc.

      10. Results you Deliver – Share Case Studies, Testimonials, Trust pilot Reviews, etc. help to get the right quality leads.


    • Rajiv Bhatia

      Thanks, Sidz for sharing valuable insights !! My learnings from first listening are as under, I am sure I would pick more pearls of wisdom as I listen to it again ..
      1. Lead Magnet Title should be laser pointed to focused micro-niche, micro-market, micro need.
      2. Hook in the headline of e-magnet i.e. the benefit should be clear.
      3. Design of Landing Page -clean, functional, ease of navigation. Selection of Color scheme and its consistency with Brand Colors.
      4. Page Speed must be optimized to load fast, within the average attention span of a visitor.
      5. Ad Copy on FB Ad that is prepared for attracting prospects to the landing page must ensure breaks attention talks about the pain, gives a solution, mention your emotional Story, earn credibility, and call for action.
      6. A minute Video Ads, keep the same template for content, as 5 above,
      7. Retargeting the warmed-up audience.
      8. Fractural Targeting and Segmentation.
      9. Organic Nurturing.
      10. Results you Delivered: Establish your credibility through testimonials, reviews on your social media posts .

    • Samir

      — 10 Ideas to attract better quality leads —

      1. Choice of your lead magnet
      – Title of lead magnet
      – Position of lead magnet
      – Lead magnet should target Specific micro niche to attract quality leads
      2. Hook & Headline
      3. Overall design of your landing page
      4. Page Speed
      – Good Page Speed
      – Page speed optimisation (GTmatrix tool)
      – Good Hosting
      5. Ads Copy
      – Pain
      – Solution
      – Story
      – Emotion
      – Call to action
      6. One minute video ads
      7. Retargeting the custom audiences
      – Target audience who have watched your videos for long period of time
      8. Factual Targeting & Segmentation
      9. Organic Norturing
      10. Results you have delivered


    • Nivedita Brahma

      10 learnings to consistently generate quality leads as a digital marketer–
      1. Choice of Lead Magnet:
      Getting Narrower to micro-niche
      2. The Hook and the Headline:
      Eg Free course as a lead magnet
      Making customers click – How will you benefit?
      The Ultimate Guide series…
      3. Overall design of landing page
      Use of Color psychology – diff colours attract diff audience/choices, simplicity in design and functionality
      4. Page Speed:
      Optimization of loading pages using effective tools- gt matrix, google page speed checker
      5. Ad copy:
      Pain – solution- storyline- appeal to emotion – call to action
      6. One min video ads
      Hit the pain – give solution- break attention-earn credibility- benefits – drive them to webinar

      7. Retargeting customer audiences
      Promote videos to best leads
      Bring back old audience
      8. Fractal targeting/segmentation
      Diff lead magnets for diff set of audiences
      9. Organic nurturing
      Attract right quality audiences into email list
      Nurture the Core community – fb, groups
      10. Building on results
      Displaying your best reviews in your videos.
      Thank you Siddharth.

    • Sumesh Chhabria

      #ILHDeepLearner #ILHFamily

      To Attract Better Leads the 10 steps are –

      1. Choice of our Lead Magnet,

      2. Hook and Headline of our Lead Magnet.

      3. Overall Color psychology of our Landing Page..

      4. Our Page speed. i.e. with GT Matrix.

      5. Ad copy before they come to our landing page by talking of our Pain, Solutions and Call to Action.

      6, One Minute Video Ads – YouTube or Facebook Ads.

      7. Retargeting customer to those people who have consumed.

      8. Fractal Segmentation by hitting specific target markets.

      9. Organic Nurturing in Facebook Groups and YouTube..

      10. Results that we deliver.

    • praful C Varma

      Thanks Sidz for such a beautiful insight below is the takeaway:
      Choice of lead magnet.
      To get better quality lead ,Hook of e- book ,webinar & free course
      Benefit of color based branding
      Page speed optimization.
      Add copy , especially face-book _Pain/story/Emotion /call to action.
      Increase quality of advertisement ,short video_ Pain/story/Emotion /call to action.
      Retargeting target audience .
      Fractal segmentation.
      Organic nurturing .
      result .
      Finally best email marketing tool is convert kit.

    • Vinodkumar Desai

      10 lessons to Attract Better Leads
      1 : Choice of your lead magnet.
      2 : To get better quality leads Hook & Headline
      3 : Overall Color psychology of our Landing Page
      4 : Page Speed optimization.
      5 : Ad copy : Pain – solution- storyline- appeal to emotion – call to action
      6 : One minute video ads : Pain – story – Emotion – call to action
      7 : Re-targeting audiences.
      8 : Fractal segmentation.
      9 : Organic nurturing.
      10 : Results to Deliver.

      Thanks Sidharth Ji for sharing such a valuable information


    • Gomathy Narayanan

      1. Choice of Lead Magnet: The more focused your Lead Magnet, the more quality leads you attract
      DONT: If you are giving away books, or generic lead magnet, don’t leave it for an open market
      DO: Use topics like ‘Top 20 tools’. Create Lead Magnet for your Specific Niche, your Micro audience and your micro niche and your target market and micro need.

      2. Hook and Headline:
      DONT: Steer away from a generic, non-attractive hook
      DO:Benefits from the lead magnet, Be specific and make your titles attractive, that it creates curiosity in your leads and delivers value

      3. Design of your Landing Page:
      DONT: Don’t create lots of flashy colors and confusing design. Keep it simple and easy navigation
      DO: Colors you use, Different colors attract different types of audiences. Colors have a vibe, so choose the right colors. Focus on overall Design, CTA, Benefits, Clean and functional

      4. Page Speed
      DONT: Do not clutter your page with heavy graphics.
      DO: Concentrate on Page Speed optimization. Use gdmetrics, google page speed, Optimize images and copy for better speed

      5. Ad Copy:
      DONT: Do not make a simple ad saying ‘Download the guide’ etc, Tell your leads WHY they should download it. Cover the benefits in your video ad and ad copy
      DO: The Quality of the Copy in the AD plays a vital role. Talk about Pain, Solution, Story, Emotion and CTA

      6. 1 Minute video Ads:
      DO: Break attention, hit the nail on the head. and talk about Pain, Solution, Earn the right, Benefit of the Lead magnet and CTA

      7. Retarget Custom audience:
      1. Create an ad to divert traffic to your Video (~5 minute long)
      2. Collect the leads that have watched over 50% of your content (Warm Leads)
      3. Custom audience – Run seperate ads to these audience. Higher budget and warm up process

      8. Factal Segmentation
      Target different lead magnet target different audience. Segment them by audience location, interest, tool users, so there are no overlap. Higher quality, laser focused audience

      9. Organic Nurturing
      Nurture audience In YouTube video comments, in FB groups/fan pages, Podcasts, and attract to email list.

      10. Deliver Results
      Testimony, Results and Trust Pilot reviews help you stand out.

    • Santosh Acharya

      Thanks, Sidz for sharing the 10 ways to optimize lead generation
      1. Choice Of Your Lead Magnet – While there are a wide choice of lead magnets and a variety of options to create different forms of lead magnet, choosing the right type of lead magnet for the right audience is critical to lead generation.
      2. Hook And Headlines – Hooks and Headlines decide whether the audience will resonate with the problem they are facing.
      3. Overall Design Landing Page – Although the landing page needs to be simple and neat, there are essential components that cannot be missed.
      4. Uptime & Page Speed – Page or Server Availability says that your audience can open your website 24 x 7. Page speed refers to how soon the page loads; stats say that most people close the tab if the page doesn’t load in 3 secs. It becomes extremely critical to invest in better hosting and keeping your design simple and clean.
      5. The Ad Costs – The Ad costs depend on way many factors like the amount of content you produce, the consistency in the headlines on your ad and landing page, your branding colors, your offerings, your message, targeting, and more.
      6. One Minute Video Ad – If you can turn your message into movement in a minute with a specific message, you can influence a whole lot of people.
      7. Retargeting Custom Audience – an advanced form of ad that targets people who had responded to your content or ads in the past. This audience is the cream of your targeting who can be easily converted to customers if you retarget them.
      8. Fractal Segmentation – Segmenting your audience into fractals, is creating a set of campaigns based on need-based segments that have specific needs that need to be met.
      9. Organic Nurturing – is done through content through podcasting, YouTube, Facebook groups, and live videos on FB and Instagram. Once the people come organically into your system, you can use email nurturing to bring them to your webinar.
      10. Results I Deliver – needs to be put out as problem stories, success stories, and stories of transformation so that people can know what’s happening inside the community.
      #ilhdeeplearner # ilhfamily


      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      The primary purpose of digital marketing is attracting and converting. The number of leads is significant but more critical is the quality of leads as that gives a better conversion.
      The best thing to do this:
      1. Creating a powerful Lead Magnet- based on the micro niche and micro topic addressing the real problem.
      2. Use the proper hook or headline addressing pain points.
      3. Attractive Landing page with proper design and colour combinations.
      4. The page should have a page loading speed. So that people can open it fast.
      5. The ad copy is very catchy addressing pain points with solutions and a proper storyline, appealing to customers .
      6. 1 min. videos with the right format – break attention, define a problem, introduction,WIIFM, ETR, Solution, CTA
      7. Retargeting customers
      9. Organic nurturing of leads in the Vip Facebook group.
      10. Building things on Results.


      Hi Sidz,
      I’m am currently part of the hackathon ( my first attempt) and I am fully on track with your podcast schedule. Every episode is loaded with authenticity, value and intention of growth for all your listeners. You are truly a masterful teacher. I hope to continue learning and continue adding value to my own community as well through your guidance. #ilhdeeplearner

    • Sanngita P Gaikkwad

      To attract quality leads:
      1] Choice of lead magnet
      2] Landing page, hook, and headlines are important
      3]Overall design of the landing page
      4] Page speed
      5] Add copy – Facebook add – pain point+ solution + story + emotion +call to action
      6] Quality of leads
      7] Retargeting audience
      8] Factoral magnet – different eBooks
      9] Facebook organic nurturing
      10] Share case studies, and reviews on trust pilot

    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      If we give something specific and solve a problem for a persona, we have narrowed down, and we attract people who are interested in our magnet. We can qualify genuinely interested people as QUALITY leads.

      Ensure that the landing page logistics (page loading speed) are taken care of. It is recommended to invest more effort into weaving crafty AD copies.

      Stratify/segment the LEADS base (based on the level of engagement and interest already demonstrated), aim to personalise (to the extent possible) the LEAD MAGNETS to match the profile of the segmented audience, and resort to RETARGETING. In addition, focus on organic nurturing through social media groups and nudging them to LEAD magnets from there.

      Flash the light on RESULTS already delivered. As visible proof, document testimonials, case studies, reviews, interviews etc and make them accessible to the target audience.

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