Do you think email is dead? It’s far from it. In this podcast, I’m going to share 10 tactics that will ensure your emails are responsive and you are able to get better sales.

In this podcast you will get answers to these questions:

  • Should I buy email lists and send bulk emails?
  • What’s the typical open rates of emails?
  • Why is it important o segment email lists?
  • How to segment email lists based?
  • Why is it important to have multiple lead magnets?
  • What is the difference between conversational and promotional emails?
  • Should you send emails in plain text or in rich media format?
  • Why do emails not land in the main mailbox?
  • How to select the right words for subject line and body copy?
  • How to use the “warm up” technique to increase email open rates?
  • How to structure an autoresponder sequence?
  • Is it important to have multi channel communication besides email?

I hope this podcast has given you deeper insights to help you get more sales and conversions using email marketing.

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Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    32 replies to "Top 10 Email Marketing Tactics To Increase Your Conversions"

    • Lalit Hundalani

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      Email marketing is very crucial for any digital business. It is the foundation of creating your social media presence. Some people think it’s dying or going to die soon, but that’s not the case. Even for signing up on social media email id is required. However, the tactics of using it have changed over the years. What was relevant a few years back may not be relevant today. Owing to the indiscriminate promotional messages by marketers, old mailing strategies don’t work. To avoid mailboxes from cluttering and enhance user experience, Gmail has implemented certain guardrails. Currently, one needs to nurture the audience and add value rather than just sending the promotional emails, which will land up in the spam or promotional folders. The biggest asset for a digital knowledge business is not social media or anything else; it is the mailing list. Other channels supplement your mailing list. The biggest investment you can make is towards building your mailing list. If you nurture it the right way, the people in your mailing list can become your ATM cards, where you just need to reach out with a new product or offering, and they buy, leading to revenue generation.

      The Top 10 email marketing tactics are as under :

      1.Identify the lead type

      The mailing list can be segregated basis the way of capturing the lead and type. Broad classification can be done as-Cold List, Warm List, and Customer List. The cold list comprises leads who have not opted to be part of the mailing list and might include purchased data. One should avoid sending emails to a cold list; it might lead you into legal troubles. Warm leads are the ones who have expressed willingness to connect with you. For warm leads, the open rate is usually-10% to 20. Highest open rate is for the customer list, which varies between-20%-40%. It can be further segregated basis the level of customer journey-basic or advanced. The type of communication to each segment will vary. Hence effective segregation is critical.

      2.Use multiple lead magnets

      Instead of relying on the single lead magnet to capture the leads, it’s better to create multiple lead capturing mechanisms. It broadens the reach and gets leads having diverse needs, which you can cater to.

      Example: Lead magnet of podcast tools, youtube videos, blogs, coaching, etc.

      3.Segment mailing list basis course level and type of lead magnets.

      This requires deeper segregation of the mailing list. Differential communication should go to different segments of customers. Segmenting customer basis the source of lead capturing or lead magnet used and the level of the journey in case of the paid customer. This helps in sending the right communication meant for the relevant segment and better engagement.

      For example, in a webinar-Segregating the customers who stay till the end, leave before closure, leave midway, leave in the beginning, or don’t turn up after registration should be different.

      4.Conversation V/s Promotion

      Write the way you talk. It should be one-to-one messaging. Assume that the customer is sitting right next to you. Imagine the avatar of the customer that will help you in identifying the customer segment and communicate effectively. Always sending a promotional email doesn’t work because there is no connection with the audience.No connection, no trust.No no trust, no action.

      5.Flashy v/s Plain email copy

      Plain mails, without pics, designs work better. People engage more with simple conversational mail. Cut the pomp and show. Write the way you would write to friends on a one-to-one basis.

      6.Make the mails move to the main folder.

      In the first communication, educate your leads to move mails to the main folder. Request them to drag the mail to your main folder from the promotional folder. Ask for a reply or response to the mail. Google will start noticing as conversational mail, not promotion. Request for a reply back at the end of each mail.

      7.Structuring the subject lines and content.

      It’s not the length of mail that matters; what you write is more critical. Create the hook to engage the customer. Avoid promotional content rather than optimize it.

      8.Send mail to customer list first.

      Since the open rate for the customer list is high, hence sending the mail first to customers and then sending the same to warm leads later is better. In Gmail’s eye, it will be a good email communication, and therefore chances of the mail landing in the main folder would be high.

      9.VVVP Method.

      It stands for Value Value Value Pitch. The first email is to pitch, which is about delivering the promised content. Next 3 emails to be value mails and 4th mail to be pitch. Repeat the process for better engagement.

      10.Use mail to develop multichannel communication.

      Ask the leads to join other groups in the second or third mail. That opens multi-channel communication and provides the opportunity to nurture them. For example requesting leads to join FB group, telegram group, etc.

      It’s all about building relationships with the list. To build a relationship, you must engage the lead. To engage, you should have good copywriting skills.
      Once you keep practicing you get better at it.

      In the end, it’s all about delivering value to build trust.

    • Thank you so much Sidz for an Eye opener Tips. Many people told me that Email is no longer relevant and thanks to GOD I never listen to anyone on this . I always focus on building my Email list.
      (*)- Email marketing will never die
      (*) -No Promotion without nurturing
      (*)-Email list is the biggest Asset
      (*)-Use Social Media as a supplement but personal connect will be in Email.
      10 Tips as I could understood
      1- Open Rate :
      There are COLD/WARM/OPT IN/ CUSTOMER List
      Cold: Never , Ever Ever send mail to Cold audience
      Open Rate in OPT IN : 10-20%
      Customer List Open Rate is more than 20%

      2- Improving Email conversation : I should have multiple lead magnet such as ( Podcast/ EBOOK/ WEBINAR/etc)

      3- Segment List: I should segment the list based on the stage of the people ( Such as Buyer has a different segment, Lead has a different segment)

      4- Conversation : I should write an Email based on my Avatar of my ideal customer and imagine I am talking to one on one , rather than addressing to the Group .

      5- No Flashy Image/Promotion/News Letter : Keep it simple and crisp

      6- How to get in Main mail box: (1): Educate people to move from Promotion Tab to Main Tab
      (2) : Ask for Reply and then reply back so that in google eye it will be an important conversation

      7- Subject Line : It should be HOOK, avoid using FREE/MAKE MONEY

      8- Make sure it should go in main box: (HOW?) : First send the mail to internal list / inner circle/ main customer and then the Open rate will be better after that send to the other lead so that it will go in Main Box

      9- VVVP : Value Value Value and then Pitch (First mail should be Pitch and then VVV and then Pitch)

      10- Build multichannel : Use Email list to build other channel such
      as YouTube/ Facebook so that they can be in closed contact.

      Thanks Sidz for an awesome learning, I will follow all of these.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Thank you so much Sidz for an Eye opener Tips. Many people told me that Email is no longer relevant and thanks to GOD I never listen to anyone on this . I always focus on building my Email list.
      (*)- Email marketing will never die
      (*) -No Promotion without nurturing
      (*)-Email list is the biggest Asset
      (*)-Use Social Media as a supplement but personal connect will be in Email.
      10 Tips as I could understood
      1- Open Rate :
      There are COLD/WARM/OPT IN/ CUSTOMER List
      Cold: Never , Ever Ever send mail to Cold audience
      Open Rate in OPT IN : 10-20%
      Customer List Open Rate is more than 20%

      2- Improving Email conversation : I should have multiple lead magnet such as ( Podcast/ EBOOK/ WEBINAR/etc)

      3- Segment List: I should segment the list based on the stage of the people ( Such as Buyer has a different segment, Lead has a different segment)

      4- Conversation : I should write an Email based on my Avatar of my ideal customer and imagine I am talking to one on one , rather than addressing to the Group .

      5- No Flashy Image/Promotion/News Letter : Keep it simple and crisp

      6- How to get in Main mail box: (1): Educate people to move from Promotion Tab to Main Tab
      (2) : Ask for Reply and then reply back so that in google eye it will be an important conversation

      7- Subject Line : It should be HOOK, avoid using FREE/MAKE MONEY

      8- Make sure it should go in main box: (HOW?) : First send the mail to internal list / inner circle/ main customer and then the Open rate will be better after that send to the other lead so that it will go in Main Box

      9- VVVP : Value Value Value and then Pitch (First mail should be Pitch and then VVV and then Pitch)

      10- Build multichannel : Use Email list to build other channel such
      as YouTube/ Facebook so that they can be in closed contact.

      Thanks Sidz for an awesome learning, I will follow all of these.

    • Titus Sam

      These days I was studying personalization as part of my curriculum design in the Freedom Business Model course, so what you have just listed out was so much connecting to what I am also researching.

      So, I felt like this podcast is an added resource for my research.

      These days it’s very hard to find people who actually understand and value the human values in marketing. All are trying hard to succeed, the question that we have to ask ourselves is, isn’t it a must to going back to the basics. We often misunderstand how we dealt with humans before the digital era.
      We were socializing, having the conversation, listening to others, having empathy, building relationships, educating, ensuring awareness, etc.
      But when we landed in the digital space, we are forgetting that we are dealing with the exact same human beings. That’s where we start to fail.
      That’s why our approach needs to be different.

      Email is the best investment because it is where the platform of 1:1 conversation is set up. But what is the use of not utilizing that platform? We treat social media profiles and email in the same manner by perceiving them as mass communication.
      But this is it, If we shouldn’t change our approach, we will be counted as one among the spammers even if we have something valuable to offer.

      #Tactic 1: Differentiating Email List category.

      Warm list – Cold list – Customer list
      All of them are human.
      But why do we have to treat them in different ways based on the list category they are in right now?
      Because all of them are in different stages in the customer journey. So their needs in each stage are different.
      So, by keeping this in mind, we have to write emails based on what they need to hear.

      Warm list: Need educational content.
      Cold list: Need educational + Action-oriented contents.
      Customer list: Need Additional value + Nurturing + Upgrades too.

      #Tactic 2: Have multiple lead magnets

      Even though the entry point to the funnel is a single-window, have multiple ways to bring them to one point which is possible the webinar or the mini-course based on our niche.
      Why multiple lead magnets matter?
      Because here contextual content comes into play.
      The ambiance, mood, preference, learning methods, and even the context in their life they are consuming your content differs.

      Remember, even before they become your product consumers, they are your content consumers.
      So, as a marketer, we need to have empathy towards the content consumers and let the arrow reach the target in its contextually perfect time and method.

      #Tactic 3: Segmentation based on lead magnet and stage of the customer

      This helps us to understand in the backend who is who and how to approach. This tactic is slightly connected to the first tactic mentioned above.
      We call it “Contextual Commerce” when this comes to personalization eCommerce.
      What we have to remember as a marketer is when our leads give their data, they are providing “UNIQUE” data, right?
      So, it’s our moral responsibility to treat them back unique.
      Treat them by knowing them closely.

      #Tactic 4: Way of message

      In my research what I could see about the pattern of human behavior these days, we are bypassing conversation by SMS, messages, emojis, etc.
      The conversation has 2 intentions.
      Communicating a message and relationship building.
      So, what happens is, hence we bypass conversation with SMS and short messages in apps, our need for communication is met. But the need for relationship building stays hungry.

      This is why as a marketer we have to deal with human beings by realizing their human needs of having conversation to build relationships.
      These days, email marketing SAAS provides the platform and tools to execute and scale it, but the question is, as the person who types the message, are we doing our part?

      #Tactic 5: Considering Pain text over Flashy contents.

      Flashy contents attract eyes and people use the brain.
      But plain text with emotion in it attracts the heart.
      Here is comes the classic economic principle comes into play “The price of the product increases when the demand exceeds the supply”
      When the majority of marketers bombards email inboxes with flashy content, there will be a scarcity of simplicity and human touch.
      So the people’s demand for emotional attachment increases, if you can fill that gap by emotional plain text email, people will value your content.

      #Tactic 6: Land in the main email folder.

      Here, we have to bridge the gap between man and machine.
      Humans need interaction and two-way communication.
      And on the other side, the machine (Google and its algorithm) analyses whether there is any two-way interaction that happens in the email delivery.
      Satisfy both at the same time, and land in the main inbox. (Never spam)
      In the email, we can write a sentence by guiding them to drag that email to the main folder.
      And at the same time, we can ask for a reply in the last sentence of the email.
      Have empathy towards humans and be smart towards machines. That’s the key.

      #Tactic 7: Subject line – The door to enter

      It’s not about the length, but it’s about the hook.
      We should think from the reader’s perspective. What is the 1 reason that I should open that email?
      Is it explosive noise of puffed-up words, or the calm whisper of a connecting human?
      Never mislead. Never misrepresent. Handle with care and guide them.
      Use words that have the power to be simple enough to touch the human being.

      #Tactic 8: Test with the customer, copy that and send to the opt-in list

      Your customers are the ones who already trusted you at least once. That’s why they have already transacted with you.
      So, whenever you write a new pattern of email, test it with your existing customer and use the same copy to communicate with cold and warm leads after analyzing its open rates.
      Both of them are human. The question is, have those humans responded to your email?

      Here also, the machine’s role comes into play.
      Algorithms will consider this as a valuable email when your existing customers open it, and when we use that same copy, it pushes the email to the main inbox of the non-customers too.

      #Tactic 9: VVVP

      The email sequence that we can follow is, VVVP.
      (Pitch) – Value, Value, Value, Pitch.
      Start with email confirmation. Provide value consistently and continuously. Educate them. Help them. Understand their needs. Then pitch.
      Why does it matter?
      People buy from people.
      People buy solutions.
      Trust is the most valuable immediate return that we have to aim for. That’s how the human mind works.

      #Tactic 10: Use your email to build multi-channel communication.
      Even though email is the hub of communication, help them to be the beneficiary of the values that you provide across multiple channels.
      Why does it matter?
      The digital space spending time and pattern differ among different people.
      Here also, didn’t you see the need of thinking like a human?

      Summary is:
      It doesn’t matter whether it is B2C or B2B, or B2G, you are dealing with humans.
      Hence you are a human, let’s practice the habit of seeing humans in others with the love and caring point of view.
      Trust is the Immediate Return on Investment.
      So, put extra effort into being human even though you are a human being.

      #ilhdeeplearner #icancoach #youcancoach #ilhfamily

    • Nishigandha Mahajan

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      email marketing is one of the highest converting channels for business in terms of revenues.
      In 2021 and as we move forward we need new point of view towards email marketing to make it work in new world.

      Approach needs to be different. Build an email list. (real asset in the knowledge business besides you)

      1. OPEN RATES:
      It depends on the email lists you have. Segmenting your email list to 3 categories of people is necessary.
      there are 3 kinds of email lists:
      a) cold list: Not advisable, bulk mailing without permission not advisable. around 1% open rate.
      b) warm/optin list: If you are sending newsletter to an optin list, 10 to 20% of open rate is expected. 10% is industry average.
      c) customer list: It gives highest open rates. open rate could be 30 to 40% or even beyond that.
      there can be sub segments under cold list, warm/optin list and customer list.

      Add different angles and target different markets with multiple lead magnets pointing back to the same entry point into your circle. (this will improve email effectiveness)


      Email has to be written in a way that it talks to one person and not to the whole audience.
      Emails have to be conversational rather than promotional.
      Write like how you would speak to that person face to face.
      Embody emotions.
      This increases the potency.
      When there is no precision there is no impact.
      Conversational emails work only when you know your customer avatar.

      Don’t fill your mails with a lot of newsletters, images and designs, etc.
      In today’s world, people started choosing what they want and to help them choose.
      We need to have conversations with them rather advertising to them.
      Make your product, their preferred choice.

      Educate your leads to move your mails to the main folder (do that in first email you send to them after they subscribe).
      Also at the end of the email, ask them to reply to your email so google will recognize the action as conversation; not as promotion and start putting your mail in priority list.

      It’s about the hook that you could bring to the subject line & understanding the target market on deeper level.
      Stay away from junk filter kind of words.
      Body copy should not have any promotional words.
      Subject line and body copy should be to the point without any junk words.

      Send the mail to the customer list first and if more and more people open it, respond back then send the mail to warm/optin list.

      9. VVVP METHOD: Value value value Pitch.
      First email, give them what you promised when they subscribed then second mail value then value then value and Pitch again.
      (Pitch your webinar or whatever you need to pitch and then continue the VVVP cycle)
      #VVVP #valuevaluevaluepitch

      Do not depend just on email.
      Invite them/start to connect them to your other channels like YouTube, Instagram, facebook group, telegram group, etc.
      Keep email as central channel of communication and feed other channels via email.

      Money is not in the list, money is in relation with the list.
      To build the list you need to be good at copywriting, practice writing emails.

    • Thank you so much Sidz for an Eye opener Tips. Many people told me that Email is no longer relevant and thanks to GOD I never listen to anyone on this . I always focus on building my Email list.
      (*)- Email marketing will never die
      (*) -No Promotion without nurturing
      (*)-Email list is the biggest Asset
      (*)-Use Social Media as a supplement but personal connect will be in Email.
      10 Tips as I could understood
      1- Open Rate :
      There are COLD/WARM/OPT IN/ CUSTOMER List
      Cold: Never , Ever Ever send mail to Cold audience
      Open Rate in OPT IN : 10-20%
      Customer List Open Rate is more than 20%

      2- Improving Email conversation : I should have multiple lead magnet such as ( Podcast/ EBOOK/ WEBINAR/etc)

      3- Segment List: I should segment the list based on the stage of the people ( Such as Buyer has a different segment, Lead has a different segment)

      4- Conversation : I should write an Email based on my Avatar of my ideal customer and imagine I am talking to one on one , rather than addressing to the Group .

      5- No Flashy Image/Promotion/News Letter : Keep it simple and crisp

      6- How to get in Main mail box: (1): Educate people to move from Promotion Tab to Main Tab
      (2) : Ask for Reply and then reply back so that in google eye it will be an important conversation

      7- Subject Line : It should be HOOK, avoid using FREE/MAKE MONEY

      8- Make sure it should go in main box: (HOW?) : First send the mail to internal list / inner circle/ main customer and then the Open rate will be better after that send to the other lead so that it will go in Main Box

      9- VVVP : Value Value Value and then Pitch (First mail should be Pitch and then VVV and then Pitch)

      10- Build multichannel : Use Email list to build other channel such
      as YouTube/ Facebook so that they can be in closed contact.

      Thanks Sidz for an awesome learning, I will follow all of these.

    • Mansha Roy

      My Learning From This Podcast Are ‐
      Email marketing will not die. Email is the main communication channel. So if you want to be successful in email marketing from 2021 and beyond you need to first understand that approach needs to be different. Your biggest asset in your business right now is your email list. It is not your social media channel, Instagram handle, youtube channel. All of these are supplementary. If you look at many influencers who are not building an email list they are actually loosing out big time. Because one day the platform comes and tells hi something is wrong e.g Tik Tok.

      10 Tactics For Email Marketing Are ‐
      1. Open Rates ‐ So open rates on email it varies. There are 3 kinds of email list Cold leads , Warm Leads and Customers List. So if you are able to divide your or understand segmenting your email into 3 categories of people . In cold list you should never even go. There are many people who buy emails and load it into system and blast it out to database. Those cases open rates are really bad less than 1%. There is no relationship and no one even opted into that list. Optin list ‐ Someone who has opted into your list whether for webinar or free ebook or newsletter. If you are sending a newsletter to a optin list anywhere from 10- 20% is a good open rate. But the ultimate list whether there is a highest open rates are going to be your customer list. The open rates in this list is 40% and above.

      2. Have Multiple Lead Magnet– Don’t just generate leads or get people into your email marketing system through one channel. Having multiple lead magnets again pointing back to the same entry point to your world that is going to help you improve your email effectiveness.

      3. Segment Your List- When you are able to segment your list based on lead magnet and the stage your lead magnets are coming you will able to have better communication with them. It’s all about segmentation and communication to right segment in the right way. When you are able to approach in this way then email marketing will be so much more potent and powerful than ever before.

      4. Message Your Audience- Your messaging with your email list has to be conversational it cannot always be promotional. So conversational is like when you write an email it has to be talk to be one person. You cannot talk to your audience. Conversational email only works when you are clear about target market. Promotional email is like mass marketing.

      5. Flashy/ Plain Email Copy ‐ Plain email copy gets more attraction compare to using flashy things. No one even looks to flashy things like newsletter, images, design etc. It’s like a flyer. Flyers don’t even work anymore. So go with plain text, cut all the flashy things from email. Keep it simple.

      6. Main Mail Box- You need to first educate your leads or whoever is got operated into your list to move your email to the main folder. Deliver what you promise. Make a mention in a first email that hi just it does not reach the promotional box please drag it into your main email box. Second tactics you can do is that you just write at the end of your email and ask them to reply back to the email.

      7. Structure Your Subject Line- Subject line is not about the length but the hook that you are able to bring about the subject line and also understanding the target market in a deeper level.

      8. Send An Email To Your Customer List First- If more and more customer open that email. Let’s say you have a very high open rate on the email use that same copy of the email and send it to your warm market.

      9. VVVP Method- VVVP stands for value value value pitch. So your first email should be a pitch. Second email could be a value email. Third email value email and fourth email again you can pitch. You can invite them to your webinar.

      10. Build Multi Channel Communication- Do not depend on email. As soon as somebody comes to your email list you can have the first email where you can deliver the goods, second email nurture them a little bit and then invite them to other channels. Facebook Group, Telegram Group or Whatapp Group.


    • Shekar Kunder

      Awesome Podcast thank you sid

    • Dhruv Das Munshi

      Awesome insights. Got the clarity I needed. I am confident, this podcast is going to help millions of novices like me who have entered the digital world at the fag end of their life.

    • Kiran Bhosale

      Awesome. Superbbb.

    • Chandra

      #Deep learner. #you can coach #ILH family
      Building a email list
      No bulk emails
      Ultimate list is customer’s list.
      Webinar lead magnet
      Podcast tools
      Multiple lead magnets
      Segmenting the list and communication in a different way.
      ..Conversational ones are the best
      ..Promotion ones mass ones.
      ..Flyers don’t work anymore
      ..How to get main email
      ..Educate the leads to put them in main one
      .. Google start to recognise as conversational
      ..Hook . Subject line.
      ..Body copy junk should not be there
      ..send email to customer list, if it is opened lots of time
      ..same copy to warm list
      ..Vvvp method
      First should be pitch
      Value value
      Nurture them.
      ..use your email to connect them to other channels of yours.

    • Yogesh Aswar

      What we need when it comes to email marketing is the perception like sid have. thanks for this sid.

    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      My take away from this podcast

      E-mail marketing is very crucial for any digital business. It is the foundation of creating your social media presence. Even for signing anything e mail is required.
      E mail marketing never die, it will remain forever. E mail are the main factor for any type of business
      E mail marketing are the most wanted channel forcpromotion. Email marketing is the biggest digital assets. Build the email list of prosperous customer.
      There are 10 tactics
      1. Open rates of e mail
      There are the three types of e mail list
      Cold list
      The cold list comprises leads who have not opted to he part of the mailing list and might include purchase data. One should avoid sending e mails to cold list. It might be lead you into legal troubles.
      Warm list
      Warm list are those leads who have expressed willingness to connect with you and open rate is 10-20%
      Customer list
      Customer list are those leads who are already your existing customer and open rate is 20-40% It can be further segregated on the basis of level of customer journey whether the customer is basic and advance.
      2.Eail conversation
      Use multiple lead magnet. Instead of relying on the single lead magnet to capture the leads. It is better to create multiple lead capturing mechanism
      3. Segment e mail list
      Segment mailing list on the basis of courses level and type of lead magnet. This requires deeper segregation of the mailing list. Differential communication should go to different segments of customers. Segmenting customer basis the source of lead capturing or lead magnet used and the level of customer journey in the case of paid customer. This helps in sending the right communication meant for the relevant segment and their better engagement.
      4. Conversion v/s promotion
      Your messaging with your email list has to be conversational. Sending the promotional e mail does not work because the customer do not know you very well. There is no connection with the audience. For better results deep connection with the audience is must. Conversational e mail only works, when you are clear about your target market. Creat customer avrar.
      5. Flashy v/s plain text e mail copy
      Plain text e mails without pictures, designs work better. People engage more with simple conversational mail. Flashy e mail like flyer, newsletters do not work anymore.
      6. Main mail box
      Educate your leads, Ask for reply, Request them to drag the mail to your main e mail folder from promotional folder. Deliver what you promise. Google will start noticing as conversational mail not promotion
      7. Subject lines may be short or longer. It is depend upon hook to engage the customer
      8. Send mail to customer list first, open rate is high in the case of customer.
      9 VVVP method
      This is called value, value value pitch method .First email is the pitch ,next 3 e mails to be value e mails
      10. E mail for multiple channel communication
      Ask for leads to join the groups
      It is all about building a relationship

      Thanks sidz

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome, Great Insights! ! I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable.

    • Kishor Gound


    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      Email marketing tactics…..



      for successful email marketing is nurturing is must ….

      If you not building email list …you are loosing big time …..

      Biggest investment you can make to you business is building big email list ….

      Having a email list …itslike having a ginne….. Jaadu????????????

      Segmenting email list in three term …
      Don’t go for cold email list … Or bulk emailing ….

      OPTIN list ….. People who choose to come through your lead gen page ….

      Customer list …… Trip wire or core product customer …..

      You got to have multiple lead gen tools …use different approach …. Target different market …and move them towards main entry point ….

      Segmentation ….communication in right way to right segment …. Lead magnet segment and …customer conversations segment

      Its a ways message to your customer … It has to he conversational… Talking to one person ….
      Embade emotion to your email conversation … Make it informative …. Educational …

      Flyer don’t work for information industry …I mean courses Like us…..

      You need to have more conversation with your customer …..

      Focus how you can go back to main email list of your customer ….

      Make them reply to your mails ….
      Educate them to reply back to your email …
      And you also do reply back to their response ..

      Subject line is important ….

      Send an email to your customer list first ..and if open rate is high…then copy the same thing and send it to your opt-in list …..

      Value value value and pitch …VVVP method ….

      Use multiple channel of communication …. Use email as primary channel …and from there guide them to your other channel ….

      And in last its not about email list …its about the RELATIONSHIP YOU BUILD WITH YOUR CUSTOMER ….



    • Sumana Mukherjee

      HI Sid,
      Thanks so much for this insighful and educational podcast episode. Here aare my learnings :
      Email Marketing Tactics:
      Biggest asset – build and nurture your email list
      1. Email open rates – cold, opted and customer email lists. Never buy cold, 10 to 20 % open rate for opted, above 20 to 40 % on average for customer lists
      2. Generate multiple lead magnets
      3. Segment your email list – lead magnet based or communication channel based
      4. Approaching your customer – talk to one person in the email and make it conversational. Don’t always sell. Be clear about your ICA.
      5. Plain text gets much better traction. Don’t make it a flyer with images. Flyer age is long gone. Don’t make it promotional and flashy.
      6. How do you get to the mail inbox? Educate your leads to move your emails to the main folder. Google will start to notice it as a primary priority conversation and not a promotion.
      7. Subject line – its not about the length, its about the hook. Don’t use promotional words.
      8. First send an email to customer’s list – if it does well and you get good response, send it to opted list.
      9. VVVP – Value Value Value Pitch method
      10. Email as primary channel and then multi-channel communication – create a loop.

      Learnt a lot. Thank you. Gratitude. 🙏

      #ILHFamily #ILHDeepLearner

    • janardan


      The Email marketing is the most effective channel of communication. The social channels may vanish or change their algorithm to block you. They may get banned, also. But the Email list will remain with you for communication with your customers.
      To make this communication channel effective 10 effective tactics to be followed:
      1.The list to be categorized into 3 groups- cold, warm(those who opted in), paid customers. And communication to be done with warm and paid list significantly that will give better conversions.
      2. List to be built from different lead magnets like Ebook, resource guides, free webinars, podcasts, and targeting different markets using different angles.
      3. Leads are to be segmented into different categories and communicated accordingly.
      4. The message is to be conversation like, as if you are speaking to them as a friend individually. While writing, keep the personality of the customer in front of you and have friendly dialogue with him. Write plain and simple sentences. Do not promotional language.
      5. At the end of the message request to drag the message to the main mailbox if it had landed junk mailbox. That will ensure the mail hits their Main box there after.
      6. Do not use flashy language or advertise things. Keep it simple educative and conversational.
      7. The subject line to be brief, simple, and attractive. So also the body text.
      8. Send a Bulk mail and find its response, if it is effective, send it to warm list to have better conversions.
      9. Follow the sequence of Pitch- value-value-value-pitch, value-value-value- pitch to have impact and create better conversion.
      10. Use the email list for multi-channel communication. Email list to be used as primary channel.

    • Dinesh Kumar

      Awesome, as always, Sidz.
      My takeaways:
      E-mail marketing is very crucial for any digital business. It is the foundation of creating your social media presence. Even for signing anything e mail is required.
      E mail marketing never die, it will remain forever. E mail are the main factor for any type of business
      E mail marketing are the most wanted channel for promotion. Email marketing is the biggest digital assets. Build the email list of prosperous customer.
      There are 10 tactics
      1. Open rates of e mail
      There are the three types of e mail list
      Cold list
      The cold list comprises leads who have not opted to he part of the mailing list and might include purchase data. One should avoid sending e mails to cold list. It might be lead you into legal troubles.
      Warm list
      Warm list are those leads who have expressed willingness to connect with you and open rate is 10-20%
      Customer list
      Customer list are those leads who are already your existing customer and open rate is 20-40% It can be further segregated on the basis of level of customer journey whether the customer is basic and advance.
      2.Email conversation
      Use multiple lead magnet. Instead of relying on the single lead magnet to capture the leads. It is better to create multiple lead capturing mechanism
      3. Segment e mail list
      Segment mailing list on the basis of courses level and type of lead magnet. This requires deeper segregation of the mailing list. Differential communication should go to different segments of customers. Segmenting customer basis the source of lead capturing or lead magnet used and the level of customer journey in the case of paid customer. This helps in sending the right communication meant for the relevant segment and their better engagement.
      4. Conversion v/s promotion
      Messaging with your email list has to be conversational. Sending the promotional e mail does not work because the customer do not know you very well. There is no connection with the audience. For better results deep connection with the audience is must. Conversational e mail only works, when you are clear about your target market. Create customer avatar.
      5. Flashy v/s plain text e mail copy
      Plain text e mails without pictures, designs work better. People engage more with simple conversational mail. Flashy e mail like flyer, newsletters do not work anymore.
      6. Main mail box
      Educate your leads, Ask for reply, Request them to drag the mail to your main e mail folder from promotional folder. Deliver what you promise. Google will start noticing as conversational mail not promotion
      7. Subject lines may be short or longer. It is depend upon hook to engage the customer
      8. Send mail to customer list first, open rate is high in the case of customer.
      9 VVVP method
      This is called value, value value pitch method .First email is the pitch ,next 3 e mails to be value e mails
      10. E mail for multiple channel communication
      Ask for leads to join the groups
      It is all about building a relationship

      #ILHFamily #ILHDeepLearner #ILH

    • Vrushali

      1.Conversational email -No Promotional 2. Simple Email- No Flashy 3. VVVP

    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      Great tips, SidZ!

      VVVP —> This reminded me of geometric distribution from probability. The characterisation of the random variable is “The number of failures until the first success”. Until then, keep giving. Add VALUE, Add VALUE, Add VALUE, and the cosmos will intervene and allow you to TAKE!


      Awesome PODcast, lot of value given.

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