Have you ever imagined your business to be like an organism? I do. Our human body has all these systems – Nervous, Respiratory, Digestive, Cardiovascular, Immune, Excretory, Reproductive, Muscular system. Similarly, your Digital Coaching business also has 11 systems.


In this podcast you will learn about:

  • How to look at your digital coaching business like an organism?
  • How your business is very similar to your human body?
  • The 11 different systems that power up a digital business
  • How to use the IPO Model to maximize efficiency?
  • How to apply the 80 / 20 principle to get predictable results?

I hope this podcast has given you deeper insights into helping you scale up your business. If you did, please share your comments below.

Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    69 replies to "11 Systems Of Your Digital Business Organism"

    • Suprita Hirur

      We must take care of our business like how we take care of our body. Every system needs to be healthy.

    • Purna Sarada

      Amazing Sidz.
      #ilhdeeplearner, #ilhfamily

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Thanks a ton,Purna!

        • Darshana

          #bulb on ????????
          wow! great info Sidz, we know before …our business is our baby but I never think about the system in depth.. I just know one system that’s called a platform

    • Asad Raza

      Great analogy Sidz. As we take care of our different body systems for optimal health same is the case with our business. All the different systems should be in top gear for the optimum results in business.

    • Asad Raza

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      Great analogy Sidz . As we take care of our different body systems for optimal health. Same way all the different systems of business must be in top gear for optimum business performance.

    • Titus Sam

      Look at your business, like it is an organism.

      All the systems need to run equally well for the full functioning of the business.

      1. Content marketing system.
      Example: Podcast, youtube, Instagram, Facebook.
      Input: Posting well-researched material
      Digestion: Readers / viewers engaged
      Output: Action taken

      2.Advertising system.
      Example: FB ads, google ads.
      Input: Posting ads
      Digestion: Responses to ad
      Output: Clicking on call to action

      3. Lead generation system.
      Example: Email marketing system
      Input: Attracting leads to the value provided for free & Sign up for more value
      Digestion: Going through the additional values provided as education
      Output: Lead acquiring more value and becoming a customer

      4. Funnel building system.
      Example: ebook, consultation, mini-course
      Input: Posting lead magnet
      Digestion: Desiring more value
      Output: Getting into paid content

      5. Webinar system
      Example: Zoom, Demio, webinar jam,
      Input: Setting up webinar event
      Digestion: Understanding the value provided
      Output: Engaging with the call to action

      6. LMS
      Example: Teachable
      Input: Posting courses
      Digestion: Learning courses
      Output: Working out the knowledge gained and implementing it

      7. Payment gateway system.
      Example: Stipe, PayPal, Instamojo, Razorpay
      Input: Connecting payment gateway with value in return, list building, and funnel
      Digestion: Paying for the content
      Output: Access to pain content

      8. Automation system.
      Example: Zapier
      Input: Connecting multiple tools and systems with Zapier
      Digestion: Zap working
      Output: Automated process running in the background

      9. Reporting system.
      Example: Customized dashboard, inbuild dashboards
      Input: Consolidated figures of multiple factors to measure
      Digestion: Analysing
      Output: Decision making

      10. Customer management system.
      Example: Tagging
      Input: Categorizing each customer
      Digestion: Stage analysis
      Output: Personalized treatments and approaches

      11. Tribe building system.
      Example: Tribe.so / custom made website for tribe interaction
      Input: Setting up profiles and systems to follow and interact
      Digestion: Running events and contents sharing inside the tribe
      Output: Letting the tribe and feedbacks from the tribe being the competitive advantage

      80/20 rule applies in every single stage and component.

      Out of 100 people who sees the input
      -(approx) only 20% will enter into receiving input stage.
      -Out of that 20%, only 20% will go through the digestion stage.
      -Out of that 20%, only 20% will reach the output stage.

      #ILHdeeplearner #youcancoach #icancoach #ILHfamily

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome Titus!Great Insights! More power to you.

      • Fairoza Huq

        great! a clear understanding of your following system is helpful for others
        thank you titus sam

      • Kishore Reddy


      • Nitanjali

        Awesome kudos to your explanation 👏 👍 👌 🙌 😀

      • Dinesh Kumar

        Great capturing, Titus. MPTY

        #ILHdeeplearner #youcancoach #icancoach #ILHfamily

    • Dr. Vineet kumar

      Really nice correlation because the product is my own baby. Need proper nourishment all stage of growth.
      Thanks coach

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable !

        • Radhika

          Its amazing how you made business come to life by the way you describe it. So true that once we start considering work as an organism of its own, we can delve deep into it and see where the roots go. Everything has a way of working and so is every system. The way that shows results works best and is adapted. Learning from you is such!

          #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

    • Joseph

      Wonderful analogy of the human body with Business.

    • Manivachagam, G

      Very good explanation of 11 systems of your Digital Business Organization.. to be kept in mind for any budding entrepreneur… I have learnt them to be passed on to other prospective entrepreneurs. Your models cited are very useful. Thanks a lot.

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable ! More to unfold.. 😉

        • Shweta pandey

          Perfect. Complete guidelines bouquet with each step so well defined and your links to make it simpler and easier.

          Thank you Sidz.

    • Lalit Hundalani

      #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #ilhfamily

      My Take-Aways from this amazing Podcast by Sidz.
      Business is like a human body. The way we have different systems in our body, the same way we have a diverse set of systems in business. All these systems are essential for the healthy growth and functioning of our business. Starting the business is like giving birth to a baby, it needs care and attention like a newborn. Treating business as a living organism and nurturing it the same way is the key to developing and scaling a profitable business

      In a knowledge business, there are 11 systems that need to work well for the proper growth and health of the business. Each system has its relevance and can’t be ignored.
      The 11 Systems are as under :

      1.Content marketing System: It’s about what are you doing to go out in the market and connect with people. It’s about delivering value and creating engagement with the audience
      Examples: Social Media Platforms-You Tube, Podcasts, Instagram, Facebook, etc

      2.Advertising system: It helps in reaching out to prospective clients, who will buy your products.
      Examples: Facebook ads, Google ads, Linked in ads, Instagram ads, etc.

      3.Funnel Building System: It’s about creating the entry point for the prospect. How to attract the clients.
      Examples: Free PDF’s, Free E-Book, Free-Webinar, Free consulting Sessions, etc

      4.Lead Generation System: How to generate the leads and creating a database of the prospective buyers
      Example: Email Marketing System.

      5.Webinar Sales System: The client interaction system for sharing the value and offering products.
      Example: Zoom, Demio, Webinar jam

      6.Learning Management System(LMS): The system for uploading the courses and paid content. It’s the platform where paid members/clients can access the content and learn at their own pace.
      Example: Teachable

      7.Payment Gateway system: Crucial for receiving the payments from clients, once you make a sale.
      Example: Paypal, Instamojo, Razorpay etc.

      8.Automation systems: This is the integrator of all other systems and functions like a nervous system.
      Example: Zapier

      9.Reporting system: This is the system for tracking your business. Helps in tracking the Investment, Expense, Revenue, and overall profitability of the business. Allowing you to focus on only the critical elements, which matter.
      Example: Single dashboard on google drive or separate dashboard for each system

      10.Customer management system: It is meant to take care and engage with customers at different levels of the journey. The tagging and communication to the customers at Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 is different.
      Example: Separate communication to customers at a different level in their journey

      11.Tribe Building system: Nurturing the members, engaging with them, exchanging ideas, and scaling the business.
      Example : Private Social Network-Mighty Network, Facilitators for daily meetups, structure for conducting webinars, meetups, etc

      To ensure sustainability and healthy growth of the business it is essential to apply the knowledge of systems in improving them.

      Next level of thinking: How to use this knowledge to improve the systems?

      1.Every single system should be visualized as Input Process Output (IPO).
      2.Based on the 11 systems shared above, identify the areas where you are currently lacking
      3.To identify the same, check the output for each system
      4.Once the problem area is identified, check the quality of input for the specific system.

      Let’s look at few Illustrations :

      A)Output for content marketing system is the customer engagement with the post/video. If it’s less then check the input, which is the content being shared. Go back to the drawing table, identify what people want, do the proper research, and upload high-quality content so that people are able to find value and engage.

      B)In the case of the Advertising Management System-Low click on ads is output which is linked to the quality of copy writing(Input). Work on input to improvise the output

      C)Sales in the webinar is an output, which is governed by the script, content & flow(Inputs).To generate more sales, check the content and make it really good

      5.Paretos 80-20 principle is applicable in all the systems and decides the final conversion. So expect only 20% outcome(more or less) in each of the systems.This can help you in reverse-engineering the inputs, basis the final outcome expected by you.

      6.Once you are able to visualize, as stated above it is bound to grow, barring the one-off instances of sickness just the way it happens for living beings.

      Following the above process will help in diagnosing the cause of the problem and enable you in curing it. It is akin to a doctor curing us when we fall sick. So, look at the business from the perspective of a doctor. Awareness of what needs to be done will provide the solution to the problem and speed of implementation will decide the recovery.

    • Prakash Karnani

      This podcAst is brilliant . I can’t believe that such a system of marketing and system exists for doing coaching . You are teaching sincerely what ever u are practicing. So it helps u and improves your working too and u get so many creative ideas from others who are your students snd who depend on you to be successful and in this u are sincerely trying that they do be successful .

    • Prakash Karnani

      U are amazing siddharth Rajshekhar , like a genius who is making money yet training all very level of your students clients in a best best way ! U deserve more than a five star rating ! God bless always ! I’m in a silver membership of your freedom course.

    • Mohammed Zahid

      Excellent podcast Sidz, You have used a medical analogy to make it so simple to understand, the rules about the Knowledge business are well explained.I sincerely loved the entire duration of the podcast, a worthy investment of time.Iam extremely cautious with my time management skills ,hence loved the entire episode, great learning.

    • Meet

      This was super awesome, what a wonderful comparison.. My takeaway in 1 sentence is that we need to nurture our business like a child in all the 11 aspects, for the child to grow healthy wealthy. 🙂

    • Sahil Sehgal

      Take care of your business as a living organism.
      Your business idea manifests into setting up a company, which is like giving birth to a child. Once a baby is born that is the time care needs to happen because that is a journey in itself. Similarly, when a business is set up that is when one needs to take care of all the departments to make sure of its proper functioning.
      11 systems that need to work well for a knowledge business specifically:
      1. Content Marketing System
      What are you doing to get more visibility in the marketplace? How do you establish a deeper connection with your audience? Like podcasts, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
      2. Advertising system
      Importance of having Fb ads accounts, google ads account.
      3. Lead generation system
      Management of leads coming your way. For example, an Email marketing system helps in tagging the leads based on their actions and also according to the stage of their customer journey that they are in.
      4. Funnel Building System
      How will you attract that lead? Would you be doing free consultations or free eBooks? Importance of having a lead capture page and a thank you page.
      5. Webinar sales system
      It helps you to get sales. Zoom, Dimeo, and webinar jam are great platforms to conduct webinars.
      6. Learning management system
      Learning areas where you could teach like Teachables
      7. Payment gateway system
      Payment gateways Like Instamojo, Razorpay, PayPal
      8. Automation systems
      Tools like Zapier helps to give access to your courses once the transaction is done.
      9. Reporting systems
      Have dashboards to keep track of what’s going on in your business like for payments, refunds, sales, etc. In other words, simply the data.
      10. Customer management system
      How you manage your paid customers?
      11. Tribe building system
      Are you growing and nurturing your tribes? It does not only mean technology but also how you drive the process like how you conduct your webinars.
      These systems will also help you identify the problem just in case if it’s not working well. Every system will have an input, process, and output.

    • vijay sujanani

      #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #ilhfamily

      Like Human body has multiple systems like cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, immune system and other system, A business also has multiple systems.
      Look at the business like an Organism.
      Take care of it like a living thing.
      An idea manifest to setting up the money.
      Once the company is started that’s the starting point.
      It needs lot of care.
      Each of system needs to work perfectly well for organism to be healthy.
      1) Content marketing system –> what I am doing out there to get more visibility in the marketplace. Podcast system. There is some bond that is created. YouTube, Instagram are other system (organic)
      2) Advertising System –> Google, Facebook Ads accounts.
      3) Lead Generation system –> How do I manage the leads coming into my world and how I will be tagging those. Which email marketing system I am using
      4) Funnel building system –> how I attract the customer, by providing free pdf , free consultation, free webinar all these needs to be built in the funnel.
      5) Webinar Sales system –> Marketing and sales webinar system. Demio is great, WebinarJam is great and other tools.
      6) Learning management system –> sid.co/teachable ($119/Month)
      7) Payment gateway system –> Stripe, PayPal, Instamojo,
      8) Automation system –> Zapier Nervous system it connects entire human body same like Automations to grant and revoke access to systems.
      9) Reporting system –> Google sheets, Facebook Ads Dashboard, Payment processors , Refund , Single Line system, Sales , ROAS , it’s also simplifying what I want to see. I don’t have to see every data. It’s about seeing what’s important and essential. Purpose of data is to help me make better decisions
      10) Customer Management system –> ILH Society, Tagging system different communication
      11) Tribe building system –> Dedicated social network system. It’s just not about technology . It’s also about processes. Meetups is a system. It also means what is the process and how is it being driven.
      In case business is not working well, I need to identify which system is causing the issue just like a doctor identifies the issue with a patient.
      Every system needs to be healthy for the overall system to be healthy.
      There is 80/20 principle(Pareto principle)
      Every system has input, process, output. For every single system.
      If you eat without thinking too much, output is falling sick.
      Cardio vascular system if you live a sedentary life , heart will run into problems
      Content marketing input, process, output,
      research and idea for podcast.
      My learning needs to be top notch to provide great quality input for my content, then once I understand what I learn, I can process it and share it in terms of blog post, podcast, YouTube Video,
      I need to engage, educate people so over a period of time , they want to learn more me and buy from me.
      Kind of Ads I am writing, the copy for it is the input
      Facebook and google reviewing it is the process.
      Output is whether ad cost will go up or go down.
      Same thing with lead generation , input is advertising messaging
      Process is the way people respond to the ad.
      Output is whether they are giving information to become a lead or not.
      Funnel building system . How smooth I am going to have the input, process and output for them to share their information.
      In a Webinar sales system, what I am information I am giving them, what’s the process they are going through, whether they are going to buy my product or not.
      Every system can be viewed having input , process, output, and if outcome is not desirable right now.
      1st step is to identify where the problem is content, advertising, lead generation go into the problem and check input , process, output. Pareto principle applies everywhere 20% of people who register for your Webinar will show up for your Webinar 20% of people who attend the Webinar will end up buying your product , 80% will not.
      20% of people will view the Ad, 20% will click on the Ad, 20% will give their lead information
      Concept of 80 20 rule it could go up and down but it’s the average.
      Key here To look at every single system in terms of input process and output applying 80/20 rule.
      When I am able to visualize my business at this level, I can never go wrong.
      Once I am aware what is not working in my business, it is just a symptom.
      The root problem is something else .
      Root problem can be found using input process and output methodology.
      Taking action with speed. Identifying what is the issue
      Any problem in business can be solved by merely awareness.
      Once you know root level of problem you can fix the problem.
      Treat my business like an organism.
      Business has different system.
      Each system needs to be looked at using input, process, output and look at it and how it is following the pareto principle.

    • Yogitha Ramamoorthy

      Take care of your business like how you would take care of your body: like a living organism! It’s like how you give birth to a child – once the child is born, its not the end of the everything. On the other hand, it is just the beginning! Nourish and take care of your business, similar to nourishing your child. As the child develops its various systems develop, like wise in our business we have 11 systems that need to be developed and nourished.

      1. Content Marketing System:
      Concept: What are you doing to go out there and get more visibility?
      • Establish a deeper connection as a person.
      • Content marketing is more about Value exchange.

      Eg: Social Media. Within content marketing itself, you can create various subdivisions – go deep and create a plan around how you can approach content marketing. – Eg: A boost or organic.

      2. Advertising System:
      Concept: The platform that you can use for advertising.
      Eg: Facebook ads, Google ads are two topmost advertising platforms.

      3. Lead Generation System:
      Concept: It is the platform on how are you going to manage the leads that come into your world?
      Eg: Email Marketing System – Tagging them based on what actions they take or what stage of the customer journey they are in.

      4. Funnel Building System:
      Concept: To Build A Powerful Funnel System. Do understand the entry point of the funnel.
      Eg: Pdf lead magnet, Webinar lead magnet, Capturing leads by a free consultation or a free eBook.
      Funnels also have different sub segments: eg: a lead capture page, a thank you page etc.

      5. Webinar Sales System:
      Concept: A platform to conduct your webinars.
      Eg: Demio : If you are starting off then Demio would be the ideal platform.
      As you develop you can choose a platform like Webinar Jam and other tools

      6. Learning Management System:
      Concept: A platform for your members to learn or to be coached.
      Eg: Teachable: Teachable is a great tool to load your courses.
      Unlimited courses, unlimited students, unlimited certification etc are all a part of the teachable platform.

      7. Payment Gateway System:
      Concept: A platform to receive our money.
      Eg: Stripe, Paypal,
      In India Instamojo and Razor pay would be ideal.

      8. Automation Systems:
      Concept: A platform to automate and integrate systems.
      Eg: Zapier : It integrates all the systems and is a very powerful tool . It is so important that it can be compared to the nervous system of our body.

      9. Reporting System:
      Concept: A platform that reports our work progress, numbers and many other aspects.
      Eg: Basic Dashboard on Google Drive , Google spreadsheets to track all your business numbers which can be automated and connected through zapier.
      Dedicated dashboards like Facebook ads dashboard, Google ads dashboard , Social media dashboards etc
      There are separate Dashboards for payment processors as well.

      10. Customer Management System:
      Concept: A platform to manage and nurture our paid customers
      Eg : Having a own social network

      11. Tribe Building System :
      Concept: Its not just managing customers through technology but its about driving a process

      Every single system needs to be healthy for overall business to be healthy. You need to investigate the input and output process for each system. Every single aspect of your knowledge business can be visualized applying the IPO MODEL- Input, Process, Output. If the output is not at the desirable level, then, find out where the problem is. Once you identify the problem the next step is to go deep into it and check the IPO.

      80/ 20 Principle: – Paretos Principle:

      The key here is to look at every single IPO model applying Paretos principle. In each stage of the system a calculation of 80/20 can be done. Look at your business like a doctor, act with speed, identify what is the issue and measure and analyse from an 80/20 principle – you will get the answers very quickly.
      Any problem in a business can get solved merely having the awareness.! Once you have the awareness you know what buttons to push to solve the problem. And once you know the root level cause of the problem, you do not tend to do the mistake again – thus we can keep our business systems as healthy as our body !

    • Yogitha Ramamoorthy

      #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #ilhfamily

      Take care of your business like how you would take care of your body: like a living organism! It’s like how you give birth to a child – once the child is born, its not the end of the everything. On the other hand, it is just the beginning! Nourish and take care of your business, similar to nourishing your child. As the child develops its various systems develop, like wise in our business we have 11 systems that need to be developed and nourished.
      1. Content Marketing System:
      Concept: What are you doing to go out there and get more visibility?
      • Establish a deeper connection as a person.
      • Content marketing is more about Value exchange.

      Eg: Social Media. Within content marketing itself, you can create various subdivisions – go deep and create a plan around how you can approach content marketing. – Eg: A boost or organic.

      2. Advertising System:
      Concept: The platform that you can use for advertising.
      Eg: Facebook ads, Google ads are two topmost advertising platforms.

      3. Lead Generation System:
      Concept: It is the platform on how are you going to manage the leads that come into your world?
      Eg: Email Marketing System – Tagging them based on what actions they take or what stage of the customer journey they are in.

      4. Funnel Building System:
      Concept: To Build A Powerful Funnel System. Do understand the entry point of the funnel.
      Eg: Pdf lead magnet, Webinar lead magnet, Capturing leads by a free consultation or a free eBook.
      Funnels also have different sub segments: eg: a lead capture page, a thank you page etc.

      5. Webinar Sales System:
      Concept: A platform to conduct your webinars.
      Eg: Demio : If you are starting off then Demio would be the ideal platform.
      As you develop you can choose a platform like Webinar Jam and other tools

      6. Learning Management System:
      Concept: A platform for your members to learn or to be coached.
      Eg: Teachable: Teachable is a great tool to load your courses.
      Unlimited courses, unlimited students, unlimited certification etc are all a part of the teachable platform.

      7. Payment Gateway System:
      Concept: A platform to receive our money.
      Eg: Stripe, Paypal,
      In India Instamojo and Razor pay would be ideal.

      8. Automation Systems:
      Concept: A platform to automate and integrate systems.
      Eg: Zapier : It integrates all the systems and is a very powerful tool . It is so important that it can be compared to the nervous system of our body.

      9. Reporting System:
      Concept: A platform that reports our work progress, numbers and many other aspects.
      Eg: Basic Dashboard on Google Drive , Google spreadsheets to track all your business numbers which can be automated and connected through zapier.
      Dedicated dashboards like Facebook ads dashboard, Google ads dashboard , Social media dashboards etc
      There are separate Dashboards for payment processors as well.

      10. Customer Management System:
      Concept: A platform to manage and nurture our paid customers
      Eg : Having a own social network

      11. Tribe Building System :
      Concept: Its not just managing customers through technology but its about driving a process

      Every single system needs to be healthy for overall business to be healthy. You need to investigate the input and output process for each system. Every single aspect of your knowledge business can be visualized applying the IPO MODEL- Input, Process, Output. If the output is not at the desirable level, then, find out where the problem is. Once you identify the problem the next step is to go deep into it and check the IPO.

      80/ 20 Principle: – Paretos Principle:

      The key here is to look at every single IPO model applying Paretos principle. In each stage of the system a calculation of 80/20 can be done. Look at your business like a doctor, act with speed, identify what is the issue and measure and analyse from an 80/20 principle – you will get the answers very quickly.
      Any problem in a business can get solved merely having the awareness.! Once you have the awareness you know what buttons to push to solve the problem. And once you know the root level cause of the problem, you do not tend to do the mistake again – thus we can keep our business systems as healthy as our body !


      Hi Siddharth,You are teaching sincerely what ever u are practicing. So it helps u and improves your working too and u get so many creative ideas from others who are your students and who depend on you to be successful and in this u are sincerely trying that they do be successful . My takeaways are;

      1. Digital coaching like an organism, treat the business like a new born baby(i.e, initial stage)and take care of it as the same way.

      2. Business is similar to our human body like systems of nervous, respiratory, digestive, immune etc.,in the same way business has content marketing, advertising, funnel building,lead generation systems.

      3. To power up digital business 11 different systems are required,they are;

      A. Content marketing system generated through a podcast, YouTube, facebook, Instagram and getting great insights and create a bond between with them.

      B. Advertising system in form of Facebook, google, youtube ads etc.

      C. Funnel building system to attract a lead offer a free consulting or a workbook and then create thanking page and get the feedback from them.

      D. Lead generation system can be accessed by email marketing list of u had to attract customers for business.

      E. Webinar sales system
      Example: zoom,demio, webinar jam etc. Sidz.co/demio (follow link).

      F. Payment gateway system example: paypal,stripe,insta mojo,razor pay.

      G. Learning management system (LMS) sidz.co/teachable (follow link).

      H. Automation system tool is zapier (which acts like a nervous system of business).

      I. Reporting system for all of google drives like basic, dedicated dashboards are available i.e, simplifying what you see.

      J. Customer management system for members as;
      Sliver- # silver system
      Gold-# gold system
      Diamond-# diamond system i.e, separate system for every level member to communicate with them.

      K. Tribe building system is to create a community of members which are for same vision and mission.

      4. IPO model means input(visitors)100% –process(lead)80%– =output (webinar sales)20% if the output not at desired level identify problem and to rectify it apply IPO model.

      5. 80/20 principle (paretos) apply this to each of your IPO model system within your business. If business not doing well the root problem is something can be identified by applying 11 systems, IPO model, paretos principle.

      Therefore, business like a doctor and take action with speed then identify the issue and analyse paretos principle and get the desired results.

      Thank you Siddharth, for sharing with us a wonderful concept of linking the business with human body.
      #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #icancoach #ilhfamily.

    • Aniket More

      Our Body Works On Multiple Systems, Like That If We Wanted To Scale Up Our Business, We Need Systems In Our Business

      Business Is Like A Baby or Seed – It Will Grow Day By Day And Step By Step

      In Knowledge Business You Need 11 Systems To Grow / Scale Up Your Business And All Of Those Need To Run Equally
      1. Content Marketing System – To Visible In Market Place
      2. Advertising System
      3. Lead Generation System
      4. Funnel Building System
      5. Webinar Sales System
      6. Learning Management System
      7. Payment Getaway System
      8. Automation System
      9. Reporting System
      10. Customer Management System
      11. Tribe Building System

      System Don’t Mean Only The Technology And Tools, Systems Means Driving The Process
      Every System Will Have Input – Process – Output

      Looking At Your Business Like A Doctor – Taking Action With Speed – Identifying The Issue – Analyzing From The 80-20 Prospective = You Will Get Answers Very Easy And Quickly

      #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach #ilhfamily

    • Radhika

      Its amazing how you made business come to life by the way you describe it. So true that once we start considering work as an organism of its own, we can delve deep into it and see where the roots go. Everything has a way of working and so is every system. The way that shows results works best and is adapted. Learning from you is such!

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

    • Roselin Joseph

      Thank you so much oneday digital learning,I’m in system organization so not able to continue connect ,once again thank you sir.

    • Raphael Antony

      Awesome sir

    • Inderjeet Ubhi

      Principals are very motivated to do business which needs support to run the business

    • inder jeet Singh ubhi

      My takeaway from this are follows
      1. Contact marketing system
      – value inside/ exchange
      – comment
      – podcast
      – social media
      2. Advertising business / system
      – advertisement in social media
      – copy writing
      3. Lead generation system
      – e mail marketing system
      4. Funnel building system
      – e-book
      – PDF lead magnet
      5. Webinar sale system
      – tools zoom
      – Demio
      – webinar jam
      6. Learning management system
      – teachable
      7. Payment gateway system
      – tools stripe
      – PayPal
      – instanajo
      8. Your automation system
      – tool zapier
      – integrated other system
      9 reporting system
      – basic system dashboard
      – social media dashboard
      – real time data
      – google drive/ spread sheet
      10 customer management system
      – social network
      11. Tribe building system
      – social network
      – process

      Every business gas ipo model
      I stands for input, p stands for process and o stands for output.
      There are 80/20 rule / principal in the business, these are average figure, it can very from time to time and business to business. Business have different system, awareness of the area of business is important,

      I am using Android phone to listen this podcast

    • Lekkha Harrish

      Wow amazing, it is always a bulb on moment when I connect with you #ilhfamily #diamond member… just upgraded to Diamond and so excited about my journey here on. Thanks

    • Jagan Damodaran

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      BUSINESS should we view as An Organism
      80/20 Principle
      Awarness of the Problem is important to Solve the Business issue
      1.Then you should look Your Business as a Doctor
      2.Taking Action With Speed
      3 Identifying the Issue with IPO Model
      4. Analysising for 80/20 Perspective

    • Siddharth Majumder

      Wonder lesson learned from you. So many criteria I have covered up in this podcast. Thank you so much @sidz. I will give 10 star ⭐

    • Preetha Balakrishnan

      ‘When you make your life SIMPLE, magic will unfold”! Thanks, SIDZ, wonderful message…need to follow this to the T for my business to grow! Realize it and the reasons why …..Thanks again…..Cheers! Preetha

    • Milind

      Thanks Sidz for your genuine efforts to share this deep knowledge to add on values in our business


      #ILH Community# wonderful system & beautifully explained with the baby example…it really made it simple & easy to understand.

    • Rakshitha CV

      Liked the view if looking business as like a body or baby
      Digestive system nervous system and all those
      Treatment to business when it’s going down is like treatment for a body when it’s sick
      Identify root cause and give solution
      We know solution for everything
      Thanks sid

    • Janardan Kar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      Business is like an organism, like the human body.
      Human Body has systems like skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardio vascular, digestive, excretory, immune, endocrine etc. The body to function well we need to keep all these systems well. All these systems process inputs and get the outputs. For better output, the input must be good. The same principle applies for Digital Business also. Digital Business has 11 systems:
      content marketing, Ad. system, funnel building. lead generation, webinar selling, payment management, automation system, Reporting system, customer management system, Tribe building system. Each of these systems have distinct components or subsystems as well.
      Like the body, if business is not working well then some of the systems may not be functioning well. It could be guessed from output or result. 80:20 criteria be applied to check output. About 20% of customers seeing content will click to be leads and 20% of them will show up and 20% of show up may purchase. If the result is less, then the input and the process to be checked for correction.
      For better result better inputs and best processes or systems are prerequisite.

    • Aruna Singh

      Hi, that is like a capsule filled with complete system building and knowledge. Just take care of these systems and you are sorted.

    • Madhura Caitanya Das

      Thank Prabhu for your wonderful seminar, looking forward for further journey.

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