freedom lifestyle

Do you want to know what does it really take to live the freedom lifestyle?

I would like you to read this fully because this will create some internal shifts in you that will fuel your purpose and passions in life.

I'm going to speak my heart out, to let you know what your journey is going to be like... towards freedom. 

Please read every word, reflect on the points and see which areas you need to work on.

First off... I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For reading this blog post.

For stepping on this journey of inspiring others with your knowledge.

For being a digital leader.

While a lot of people get on this journey, most of them fizzle out.

Because of giving up too soon.

The purpose of this post is to reignite that champion that's within you.

So before I get in the details of the journey... 

I want to let you know that you can do this. 

Your past does not equal to your future. 

You can change your destiny.

So let's begin...

Phase 1 - The Glimmer Of Hope

The first phase of this journey is when people see a glimmer of hope of a possibility of an alternate lifestyle by becoming a digital coach. 

The fact that you can travel the world and create a substantial income with your knowledge - that can fuel your desires and lifestyle, is super attractive.

A lifestyle where there is a great degree of contribution to society with one's knowledge and expertise. This inspires people. 

This concept might have inspired you. 

And that's why people buy my courses and get into my community.

The whole aspect of becoming a better person as you grow on this journey is one of the biggest motivators for people to even start.

Phase 2 - The Wow Factor

The next phase of the journey is getting hit by the "wow factor". 

I'm sure you are my customer, you would have got "wowed" by the Freedom Business Model and all the possibilities of automation, digital sales and building a business without any office.

This is where you would have learned all the foundational concepts of funnels, traffic, list building, ecosystems, digital products, evolution of an expert, conversions, tribe building and more.

You also start watching all the other successful people in the "hall of fame" and got inspired. 

You start to feel that if they can do it, you can do it too. 

You got "wowed" in every single direction and you set the intention that you want to really make that 3lacs per month as your first milestone.

Phase 3 - The Grind 

This is where the rubber meets the road. 

While the first two phases were all about inspiration, this phase is all about perspiration. 

You get to work. 

You start implementing all the systems and tools. You start hitting many road blocks in terms of technology, productivity, and resources. 

Some people quit at this stage, where they feel too overwhelmed that there is so much to do, but they're really not good enough. 

All that motivation they got in the previous two phases suddenly turns into demotivation. Maybe this is not for me... the little voice inside starts speaking.

A very small percentage of people persist. 

They do whatever it takes. 

They stick to the process and they get through this grinding phase. 

The phase where they create courses, setup systems, get comfortable with video, and start building their online presence.

I can say that 60% - 80% of people drop off at this grinding phase. 

If success were easy, then everybody would be successful. But this is first milestone one needs to cross.

Phase 4 - The Burnout or Fired-Up 

This is an interesting stage. 

After all things are setup, there is one category of person what gets burned out, and there's another that get's fired up

Both these have to do with "fire". 

The only difference is how they respond to fire (or pressure).

Most people, in spite of setting up everything, they fail in sales conversions. 

They fail in keeping their ads profitable. 

They fail in dealing with all the intricacies of the business operations. 

They get burned out. 

This is entrepreneurship. 

It's not a smooth road. 

It's not as rosy as all those motivational videos project entrepreneurship to be.

Again, I can say that 60% to 80% of people drop off at this stage, because they burn themselves out. And based on my analysis, the main reasons why this happens are:

  • They lack clarity in their bigger vision / goal / purpose
  • They try to become a copycat and not create something original
  • They are looking at this whole thing like a "get-rich-quick" 
  • They do not follow and implement my systems precisely
  • They get distracted by all the "shiny objects" in the online space and they keeping buying other courses that project an "easier way" to succeed in this game. They fall for "shortcuts".

There are no shortcuts. You will only get cuts and bruises when you take that path. 

How I do I know this? 

I been in this game for over a decade. 

And I know exactly what that feeling is like. 

I was in this burned out zone for more than 3 years. 

I had the knowledge and skills - but it did not reflect in my bank. 

My account was dry. 

Now, let's look on the other side... 

There's a small percentage of people that gets "fired up" and they start to make superb progress. 

People respond to their messages. 

Their ad costs are low. 

They are able to get predictable sales. 

Their business is profitable from month 1. 

They have a good cashflow to reinvest back into their business. 

They are not mindlessly changing niches or business models. 

They are sticking to one path. 

One mentor. 

One process. 

And they are digging one deep well from which they can pull out and drink pure water every single day. The water here represents cashflow.

The factors that impact such growth are:

  • They would have worked on themselves deeply
  • They would have dropped their ego and surrendered to a system that's working like magic.
  • They would have taken some time to develop something really unique that their audience resonates with
  • They would have perfected every piece of the implementation steps - influence building, personal branding, lead generation, webinar conversions, tribe building.
  • They would be laser focused on their day to day activities - not distracted by all the shiny objects in the online space.
  • They are always reinvesting into their business and their own personal learning.
  • They are unaffected by their success and are focused on building and improving themselves and their system
  • Their mission is their top most priority. Then comes community. Then comes themselves. 

These are the traits of successful digital coaches. 

But the journey does not end here... it begins here. 🙂

Phase 5 - The Lighthouse

After getting fired up... only then you can be the lighthouse for others. 

Only a very small percentage of people even come to this phase. 

In this phase, their core business functions are all on track. 

They keep improving the systems for scaling on a daily basis, but they are not worried about the ups and downs in ads, markets, and more.

There is stability and scalability in their knowledge business.

It usually takes 2-3 years to come to this stage, after a lot of trial and error.

At this stage, the experts focus on building strategic alliances and partnerships

They start building their brand nationally and globally. 

They start to build their communities by building a second line of leadership. 

They empower their leaders to maintain the code of honour of the tribe. 

They start to think about new initiatives and activities that can inspired and impact more and more people. 

And in spite of all the success, they always remain grounded and stick to the basics - without getting allured by all the shiny objects. 

When there is more money, more fame, and more power, nature will test you once again in various ways. 

This is where one's morals, ethics and values will come into play. 

My mentor says, what's already there inside you accentuates where you are given more name, fame, power and glory

If you have small issues in your personality, it will only get magnified when you are given more money, name and fame. 

That's why it's important to always keep yourself surrounded by people who keep you in check. 

Intention is everything!

People can see through you.

This phase is one step before true freedom. 

Yes, it may seem that this type of person has financial freedom or time freedom, but it's only when this person is able to conquer himself or herself from within and their own flaws, can they move to the level of legendary.

Stage 6 - The Legend

Some of the biggest global leaders in personal development have reached this stage. 

It's because they have stuck to their core message for decades. 

They have impacted millions of people. 

They remain grounded in strong principles. 

And they live a very focused and purposeful lifestyle, where they fuel all the dimensions of their life - not just money.

Name and fame does not get into their head. 

They are cool, whether they have to live in a small place or big luxurious hotels. 

They are unaffected by externals.

They invest their money wisely, without just flashing themselves around in fancy suits or super cars. 

They do not need to prove anything to anyone. 

They live an affluent lifestyle, but in private. 

They have no need to show off their riches. 

In spite of all their riches, they live a very minimalistic and fulfilled life. 

Their level of contribution to the world is on a totally different scale. 

And they do not contribute to get praise from others. 

They do this with the pure mindset to keep giving back. 

They live a lifestyle on strong principles. 

They are spiritually grounded. 

When they face life's challenges, they are able to quickly bounce back, because their spiritual grounding helps them look at the world from a broader perspective - without any attachments to possessions or people.

This is the level of true freedom.

freedom lifestyle

With all honesty, though I have thought about this and written about this, I'm nowhere close to true freedom. I'm always a work-in-progress. And the image you may have about me is not true. 

I'm just a normal person like you. 

It's just due to all the mentors that have shaped me, I have some awareness, but I'm always working on myself.

I just want to thank you for reading this email till this point. 

I wanted to pour my heart to helping you understand what this journey is going to be like.

It's not an easy one.

It's not for everybody.

But I believe that anybody who has that bigger vision has the potential to transform - inside out.

Please share your comments below if this inspired you.

I would like you to start this day afresh.

I would you to think about what are those areas you really need to work on.

I would like you to imagine yourself being a legend in your space 5-10 years from now.

Then it's a life that's truly worth living!

More power to you,

siddharth rajsekar

Want to live the freedom lifestyle?

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    37 replies to "How To Live The Freedom Lifestyle – 6 Phases"

    • Sam J

      Excellent consolidation of all phases and written in very thoughtful way. Thanks for sharing this Sidz. We are on the way of Freedom journey and your such articles always enlightens us with new tactics and methods. Thanks for sharing such value packed content Sidz. I have calendarized 1 hr every day to consistently deep learn your content. While consuming contents, I take notes, then convert that in to action points and make sure to close them. Truely you are contributing to transforming lives of people …. Thanks and keep writing good stuff for us.

    • BUNTY Raju

      This email which u send me from the bottom of your ❤️ it’s just like to blub on for me because I think I need to work on my self continuestionly I need to learn continuestionly because I know when i will start my journey I will face so many challenges I need create my mind strong and Powerful and I have to cleared my vision and goal because with out the clearity I can not achieve my goal but I know if I work under your guidance it will more better for me and my goal for the future challenges I know I just need to follow the system which u teach me and I want to say thank u sir for being my mentor and thank u for the path which u shown me….

    • BUNTY Raju

      Ones again thank u so much for this post sir

    • Santosh Acharya

      Sidz, I am super inspired every time I read your blog or watch your video. I really really from my bottom of my heart want to experience the freedom you explained here, and I can see through it how you speak, teach and your gains.

      I really wanted this piece of content at this time, because I felt, probably this is the time, when things can make U turn, when you already start failing in your journey. May be people I know may quit, saying all this is rubbish, but come what may, I will march ahead of my failures as you always say “Fail Fast Fail Forward”.

      Thank You Sidz.

    • Firdous guffor misgar


    • Inder jeet Singh ubhi

      Excellent presentation of life views

    • DEEPA Bala

      This is truly heart-warming to have someone to push you, to power you for you own prosperity. Own prosperity which we can’t see but Sidz our omniscient mentor sees in us. It is his prodding and pushing us unconditionally , helping us to stand, walk and run which is truly gratifying. Blessed to be in ILH. Hail Sidz.

    • Varshaa Dwivedi

      #ilh family #ILH deeplearner.
      True analysis – special resonance
      ????what’s already there inside you accentuates where you are given more name, fame, power and glory. ♥️
      I am taking time in this phase – They would have taken some time to develop something really unique that their audience resonates with
      ????So yes deeply motivated and truly there. Don’t want to give paper knowledge – going through the experience. Of what must be there. Instead of what is available………
      Awesome. Guidance ????♥️♥️♥️

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome Varshaa !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.

    • Varshaa Dwivedi

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      The flow of whole message is like expansion.

      ???? Legends stuck to their core message for decades.
      Full resonance – and that is what I guess one needs to do before they even begin.
      Unless we figure out our core we can’t give valuable course for people. Heck !!!!! We can’t move.
      ♥️My core message that is LOVE- how to transform it into valuable out put through course that’s what I am experiencing – YES Experiencing….. without that knowledge is not authentic.
      Once more – my gratitude to you.

    • Shruti Chaudhary

      Wow you have described every stage so beautifully. Thank you Sidz

    • Jeffery Allan

      Wow… this is truely powerful and you have in fact summed up not just your journey but the journey of anyone who aspires to be an entrepreneur, particularly a digital coach!

      No wonder you are where you are now ????

      I’m blessed to be part of your community.

      You’ve given a bird’s eye view of how my life and journey is gonna be ????

      And I accept every single word that you’ve written.

      This blog is truely inspirational ????

    • Dr Ram Jawale

      Excellent & nicely explained..

      Thank you so much .

    • Siddhartha Majumder

      Wow wow Wow! You just amazingly explained sidz.
      My honest reaction to your teaching technique : Your way of teaching is very simple, unique & stylish that was so impressive. I just love your teachable coz its really impact in my life.

      Thank you so much again sidz it is worthy.

    • Nickyta Chaurasiya

      Your every sharing makes me feel like you are watching me. I too am stuck on phase 3 the Grind.
      Don’t know. How to keep myself up.
      Instead of clear and right intend I am unable to find direction.
      Aspire to reach the stage of Lighthouse by next 2022.

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Really appreciate your feedback, Nickyta. The more you invest in learning, you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning.
        Keep Inspiring!

    • Firdous guffor misgar



      Felt so awesome reading this.. I too want to contribute and have a minimalist approach

    • Neyamathullah HM

      The different phases you have mentioned are interesting and realistic too. These are blown out from your inner heart through a timebound practical way of testing self and becoming a steadily evolving star by going through many life grinds. Everyone has his or her unique stories to say and inspire self first and then explore the outer possibilities. What you have learned from the mentors are really priceless and you are trying to package a awesome priceless life bundles to everyone in a digital form You have been mentoring by simplifying those hard steps you went through in a practically simplifying approach. Sometimes it makes to move fast and sometimes slowing down. Will evolve shortly by God’s grace in following and implementing your guided steps and consuming my own hard and soft bites to establish myself. Awesome.

    • Vinoth Babu

      Real Game Starts from Phase 3.

      When you create a value for your community and live by these values, They resonate somany times….

      It leads to the next level…

      It is must to move forward without quitting the game…

      Thanks Sidz.
      More Power To You

    • Debasmita Basu

      This really inspired me a lot , and helped me to charge more to concentrate towards the greatness . I am too committed to study .

    • T V Rajan

      Thank you Sidz for your inspirational notes. I hope I can grow under your mentorship.

    • Lalita Devi

      Hello sir

    • Lalita Devi

      Nice sir video

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