Do you want to know the future of content marketing? Is it video or voice? Here’s the answer to your question.

Short-form content is going to be there to entertain and hypnotize the masses. Long-form content will save humanity from delusion. But even within long-form content, there is a special space for “voice”.

What you will learn in this podcast?

  • What’s the biggest problem in the content marketing world?
  • What’s the #1 factor for success?
  • What are the pros and cons of short-form content?
  • What are the pros and cons of long-form content?
  • Is long-form video on YouTube still going to be relevant?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a YouTube strategy?
  • What are the pros and cons of voice, as a medium?
  • Where and how to allocate most of my time as a content marketer?

I hope this podcast has given you deeper insights on how to play the long term game. And I hope you got a small glimpse of what the future holds?

If you found this podcast useful, please share your comments below.

Do you vibe with this content?

Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    73 replies to "What Is The Future Of Content Marketing – Video or Voice?"


      Really Sidz, you are seer … Great !!!

    • Karuna Devulapalli

      Hi Sidz
      This is Karuna Devulapalli
      I foud this podcast super useful, My learnings are we need to grab the market now by doing long-form content podcasts. It is wholesome thing to do.
      Yes, I totally agree with you in short-form content people gets attracted to those rather addicted to those and getting distracted very fast, especially this generation because as you always mention this is young generation are the future pillars of the nation , its like eating snacks and filling their belly, which is not correct.
      If you ask me it is our responsibility to change the world or nation
      by making long-form Podcasts or Long-term vedios with worthful content.
      Thankyou sidz.
      bless you.

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Thank you Karuna! Really appreciate your feedback. Let’s change the world together.

    • Hemant Achamveedu

      The Future of Content { Video / Voice }
      What’s the biggest problem in the content marketing world?
      We have an Over Abudance of sources
      More than you can consume
      One day creates
      An Entire lifetime worth of Consumption
      The worse part is
      We are only getting started
      Spoilt for Choice
      Where to go
      What to Consume
      How to Process
      Having experienced the transition
      First hand
      I can see the
      Future of the Current trend
      We are currently
      Missing the mark
      We need to
      Drive people’s attention
      To fulfil their inner desires
      Towards Consuming your content
      Content that Transforms
      What’s the #1 factor for success?
      Capture the audience attention
      Create an Impact on people’s lives
      Fulfil the goal of consumption
      Make content pieces valuable to your audience
      Algorithm is tuned to promote you
      As long as your audience reciprocates on the parameters
      Algorithm is watching out for
      What are the pros and cons of short-form content?
      high Entertainment
      Low value
      Social networks feed you
      The media that keep you online
      Longer ????
      Creators get a
      Dopamine rush
      We have Mindless Content
      its like Fast Food
      Too much content here
      Is addiction
      People are unable
      To control the desire
      For drawing a line between
      They consume mindlessly
      at the cost of
      Personal health
      Distraction Game
      People are always
      held on a low attention span
      People push these
      conceptions onto the real world
      to the Detriment of
      Social values
      Blissfully Unaware
      Of the TRAP
      What are the pros and cons of long-form content?
      More Effort
      More Research
      Less Viewership
      Creators require Persistence
      To succeed quickly
      To overcome Internal resistance
      To compete against established players
      High Attention Span
      People want to Watch completely
      Mindful Content
      Interested Students
      There is sustained impact
      Journey of Impact
      Serious Audience
      Potential Lifelong Customers
      Is long-form video on YouTube still going to be relevant?
      Stand out as a Creator
      Additional Stream of Income
      Massive Lead Generation Potential
      Sustainable Impact
      Always Discoverable

      The other parts are not yet aligning with me.. I should break my procastination and upload 2 long form content every week.

      Thank you Sidz for being persistent and pushing our evolution forward

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Noble

      Focus is create attention.
      1. Short content is like fast food which spoils mantel health.
      2. Deep long form content deeper span attention but if it is good it adds value. which is Win Win and it creates Impact.
      3. Deep long form content has suitability for life long.

    • Excellent quality information shared!
      My learning snapshots:
      1. Whether video, audio or written, long form content is the way to go
      2. Podcast and YouTube are the two best channels to deliver content
      3. Do not fall prey to the number game of” likes” and “loves” for your content. Create content that will fetch real customers.
      4. Audio vs Video content- podcasting will be in the ruling front in the near future.
      5. Create long form paid content first . Then move on to making short form contents just to bring your tribe to the paid version. This is how you will get real customers and conversions.

      Thank you Sidz. This podcast cleared a lot of cloud from my mind.

    • Rizwana Ahmad

      Plethora of information available online.

      Focus on attention span

      Success mantra:
      Create impact…. Bigger attention span bigger influence
      There are 2 types of contents
      1. Short form: do only if you are make mindful content
      2. Long form:
      Subdivided into
      a. Video
      • firstly create paid content
      • Secondly create public content (free content)

      b. Audio
      • super serious listener
      • huge market
      • no distractions for viewer as no ads

      Long form audio is the future. It’s like we are going back to radio era when people just like to listen while sitting in their lawn or balcony having tea.


      Hi Siddharth
      I joined ILH last Friday and this is the first podcast I heard of yours. I must have this is such an insightful immersion into a topic we talk about so often, and yet it’s misinterpreted.
      My key takeaways from this podcast:
      1. We live in an ‘information-overload’ world. There is huge imbalance in the supply of content and demand of content.
      2. The objective is to grab attention span and ultimately create greater impact in the world of content.
      3. While there are different types of content: Long form, short form, video and voice, the dilemma exists for publishers (the broadcaster or marketer) to balance something that can grab attention and create impact.
      4. On the other hand, there is the viewer/customer who needs something that is interesting, informative and engaging.
      5. The challenge No. 2 is balancing “Attention or impact vs. Form of content”.
      7. The “Form of content” can be either a.) time based “Long format or short format” or b.) format based “Video or. Voice”
      8. Time based formats are all about being ‘Mindless’ or ‘Mindful’. Its like comparing ‘junk food’ vs ‘wholesome, complete food’.
      9. Short format content are bite-sized content that can easily get reach and distribution but it is mindless for the receiver, like an addiction and hence superficial and high chance of distraction.
      10. Long format is wholesome and for serious audiences. It has chance to give more information and create lifelong loyal customers. A good long format content can easily bypass the challenge of cut-through and effort to create.
      11. There was a time when ‘Video content’ was considered the big thing. It still is big and offers huge advantages: It is discoverable on Youtube, it is visual hence sustaining and engaging.
      12. However the next big thing (what Video was some years back) is ‘Voice’. The biggest advantage is the use of one sense (auditory) , hence lesser chance of distraction. There is opportunity to grab attention of the serious listeners with lesser distraction (no ads in between, no next video notifications) and a chance to go deep.
      13. The future clearly lies in Long-form and ‘Voice’ for grabbing attention of serious listeners in an effort of creating impact and success.

      My POV: Having said that, I still feel there is merit in short format and video too. But publishers (marketers, broadcasters) need to be smart and make use of it in the right way so that it doesn’t look superficial.
      Ultimately it all boils to grabbing attention and making an impact. But the future lies with Voice and coupled with ‘Long form’ makes an powerful combination.

      Great insights, Siddharth.
      Look forward to your next podcast.
      Aditya Kilpady


      Hi Siddharth
      I joined ILH last Friday and this is the first podcast I heard of yours. I must have this is such an insightful immersion into a topic we talk about so often, and yet it’s misinterpreted.
      My key takeaways from this podcast:
      1. We live in an ‘information-overload’ world. There is huge imbalance in the supply of content and demand of content.
      2. The objective is to grab attention span and ultimately create greater impact in the world of content.
      3. While there are different types of content: Long form, short form, video and voice, the dilemma exists for publishers (the broadcaster or marketer) to balance something that can grab attention and create impact.
      4. On the other hand, there is the viewer/customer who needs something that is interesting, informative and engaging.
      5. The challenge No. 2 is balancing “Attention or impact vs. Form of content”.
      7. The “Form of content” can be either a.) time based “Long format or short format” or b.) format based “Video or. Voice”
      8. Time based formats are all about being ‘Mindless’ or ‘Mindful’. Its like comparing ‘junk food’ vs ‘wholesome, complete food’.
      9. Short format content are bite-sized content that can easily get reach and distribution but it is mindless for the receiver, like an addiction and hence superficial and high chance of distraction.
      10. Long format is wholesome and for serious audiences. It has chance to give more information and create lifelong loyal customers. A good long format content can easily bypass the challenge of cut-through and effort to create.
      11. There was a time when ‘Video content’ was considered the big thing. It still is big and offers huge advantages: It is discoverable on Youtube, it is visual hence sustaining and engaging.
      12. However the next big thing (what Video was some years back) is ‘Voice’. The biggest advantage is the use of one sense (auditory) , hence lesser chance of distraction. There is opportunity to grab attention of the serious listeners with lesser distraction (no ads in between, no next video notifications) and a chance to go deep.
      13. The future clearly lies in Long-form and ‘Voice’ for grabbing attention of serious listeners in an effort of creating impact and success.

      My POV: Having said that, I still feel there is merit in short format and video too. But publishers (marketers, broadcasters) need to be smart and make use of it in the right way so that it doesn’t look superficial.
      Ultimately it all boils to grabbing attention and making an impact. But the future lies with Voice and coupled with ‘Long form’ makes an powerful combination.

      Great insights, Siddharth.
      Look forward to your next podcast.
      Aditya Kilpady



      Hi Siddharth
      I joined ILH last Friday and this is the first podcast I heard of yours. I must have this is such an insightful immersion into a topic we talk about so often, and yet it’s misinterpreted.
      My key takeaways from this podcast:
      1. We live in an ‘information-overload’ world. There is huge imbalance in the supply of content and demand of content.
      2. The objective is to grab attention span and ultimately create greater impact in the world of content.
      3. While there are different types of content: Long form, short form, video and voice, the dilemma exists for publishers (the broadcaster or marketer) to balance something that can grab attention and create impact.
      4. On the other hand, there is the viewer/customer who needs something that is interesting, informative and engaging.
      5. The challenge No. 2 is balancing “Attention or impact vs. Form of content”.
      7. The “Form of content” can be either a.) time based “Long format or short format” or b.) format based “Video or. Voice”
      8. Time based formats are all about being ‘Mindless’ or ‘Mindful’. Its like comparing ‘junk food’ vs ‘wholesome, complete food’.
      9. Short format content are bite-sized content that can easily get reach and distribution but it is mindless for the receiver, like an addiction and hence superficial and high chance of distraction.
      10. Long format is wholesome and for serious audiences. It has chance to give more information and create lifelong loyal customers. A good long format content can easily bypass the challenge of cut-through and effort to create.
      11. There was a time when ‘Video content’ was considered the big thing. It still is big and offers huge advantages: It is discoverable on Youtube, it is visual hence sustaining and engaging.
      12. However the next big thing (what Video was some years back) is ‘Voice’. The biggest advantage is the use of one sense (auditory) , hence lesser chance of distraction. There is opportunity to grab attention of the serious listeners with lesser distraction (no ads in between, no next video notifications) and a chance to go deep.
      13. The future clearly lies in Long-form and ‘Voice’ for grabbing attention of serious listeners in an effort of creating impact and success.

      My POV: Having said that, I still feel there is merit in short format and video too. But publishers (marketers, broadcasters) need to be smart and make use of it in the right way so that it doesn’t look superficial.
      Ultimately it all boils to grabbing attention and making an impact. But the future lies with Voice and coupled with ‘Long form’ makes a powerful combination.

      Great insights, Siddharth.
      Look forward to your next podcast.
      Aditya Kilpady


      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome ADITYA, great insights! This is just the beginning 🙂 More power to you!

    • Atul Patil

      Hi Sidz
      If we want to start our business we can use this short term format, through shot term format we can capture the market.
      But Short content spoils mantel health, as well as kill your valuable time.

      Podcast and YouTube are the best channels to deliver best content, whoever is serious they can use both channel. Long video need powerful content where people will stay connect till end.

      Audio (podcast) no distractions for viewer as no ads. Listener listen ur audio and do other work simultaneously.
      In Audio we will capture serious listener.

      Atul & Rashmi

    • Mansha Roy

      #ilhfamily, #ilhdeeplearner
      Thanks Sir for diving us in your ocean of knowledge & teaching how to swim in this ocean.
      My learnings from this podcast What Is The Future Of Content Marketing, Video or Voice are–
      1. The problem now is that there is more content that one can ever consume. This is just the beginning of this problem. What is the objective of the content? The objective of the content is attention span of your audience. The more attention span you have the bigger your influence.

      2. When you are able to create an impact with your audience that is the #1 success factor.

      3. Short Form Content – The pros of short form content is whenever you post something on your social media platform you are going to get really high number of views. Social media platform love to promote this kind of content. It keeps people hooked.
      Corns of short form content – This is mindless content. You can have it once in a while but if you are doing this every single day it is going to mess your internal system. Short form content has a place in this game and has a place to keep our mind distracted from the real things. Those people who are consumed by this short form content are going to live in different reality.

      4. Long Form Content ‐ Corns of long form content is more effort is needed to create this content, alot of research is required to create this content and you have much lesser number of downloads & views compare to short form content. Once you are playing the number game in your head without realizing that those 200 people who have seen your long form content they had a deeper attention span with you as compare to short form content.
      Pros of long form content ‐ Long form content is more wholesome, you are going to be attracting serious audience and have potential lifelong customers. People want to dig into your content if they see value in it. It has to be engaging & entertaining. It should take people through a journey where people come out from that and feel impacted.

      5. Long Form Video Content – Pros of long form video content is it can be discovered later. There is a visual impact, it is sustainable, it is really nourishing and people can get alot of value from your content.
      Corns‐ It will take more time to create, you may need to keep repeating yourself multiple times to rank on youtube. YouTube is also getting crowded. The best part is that you can be discovered many many years later from now provided you are able to rank in the right way and you are able to create content in such a way that it is relevant.

      6. Voice – Corns of a podcast long from voice is that there is no instant feel good factor factor like videos. You really need to get on your flow. There has to be practice, structure & you really need to be good at what do you want to speak about.
      Pros of the voice medium is there are super serious listener, huge market that is open out there and you can go deep into your content. In voice there is no distraction, no ads to pop up. The medium of voice is the most powerful of all.


      This is truly deep and it excites any human who is interested to start a something new or old with obviously with new century strategies.

    • Dr.S.UshaRani Sasikumar

      Most useful in realising the different forms in content marketing.For developing effective long form voice content in solo format time is a factor…
      To conduct research on the relevant topic and to gather knowledge,more time is needed…
      Anyway interested to try have an impact with our knowledge transfer, of course with value.

    • Anu

      I guess this is profound, and much needed for the present hour! I have always been wanting to start a podcast, but not sure where to start it from. But I guess after this reassuring podcasts of yours, I guess I am going to go full throttle on it! Txs much!

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        More power to you! Go for it, Anu!

        • Anu

          Txs Sid. Maybe you should start a course on Podcasting for newbies like me!

    • PKSG13

      My learnings are: Audio podcast is the future. It’s will be better
      choice (80%). But, video podcast can be short timed, focussed content would be costlier, success rate 20%
      Thankyou sidz.

    • Anuradha Bansal

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
      My learnings:
      Short form content grabs attention fast but disappears fast too. You have to swim through a crowded marketplace to make your mark. You might succeed in the beginning but it’s not long term. It’s unlikely to fetch you long term gains.
      Long form content takes time to get traction. Your followers might be 10-20% of short form content. But they are your true fans. You will be discoverable years later too.
      In long form content , video space is there for quite sometime hence a bit of crowding has started. This brings into picture the newer long form content “the podcast” “the voice”. There is less competition. It gives more freedom to listener to be “on the go” while consuming content. A major disadvantage is that you don’t get the kick of “likes”, “comments” & ” downloads”.
      Great work Sid!
      Bulb???? on moment

    • Yogesh Kumar


      The problem is content exploding now days and the focus is grab attention of the user.

      The social networks constantly feeding the short term content. But it is useless this is just for entertainment purpose it is not impacting the user and not adding any value to his life.

      People watch and forget about Short form content. They just move from one to another content.

      If you are educator then you shall creat long form content on YouTube and podcast then you can creat short form content to drive traffic to your long form of content.

    • Naresh Malhotra

      Wonderful Advice

    • nazir

      Beautiful and awesome…
      I have been planning to start this but some how it’s getting delayed and delayed. Thanks for Inspiring…

    • Bhakti Ghadge

      Hello Sidz,

      As usual amazing power-packed Podcast. My three takeaways are
      1. Long-form Content is the essence
      2.Deep and thorough platform for value addition and gaining a true client base.
      3.Too much content available, but yes top 5% value would RULE.

      #ilhstudent #lifelonglearner

      Bhakti Ghadge

    • Aniket More

      Humongous Content out there online and this is the beginning of the Problem because this is so much content that no one can consume in their entire life for any one of the topics

      Attention Span = Influence
      Success Factor = Create Impact to Viewer, Listener or Reader

      Short-Form Content
      1. Pros
      a. High Views
      2. Cons
      a. Mindless Content like Fast Food
      b. Can’t differentiate what is real like, who is real friend
      c. This type of content will be lost over time like a news

      Long-Form Content
      The only way to stand out from the other if you do it the right way
      1. Pros
      a. Attracting more serious people
      b. Potential life-long customers
      2. Cons
      a. More effort to create, more research
      b. Lesser no of views, lesser motivation

      Long-Form Video
      Journey – Short Form Content => Long-Form Content => Long Form Paid Content
      1. Pros
      a. Sustainable
      b. A lot of value
      c. Nourishing
      2. Cons
      a. More time to create

      Long-Form Voice (Podcast)
      1. Pros
      a. Super serious listeners
      b. Huge market
      c. No distraction
      d. You can listen with your other work
      2. Cons
      a. No instant feel-good factors in a voice as compared to video
      b. No direct response
      c. Require Skill – Practice, Structure

      80% distracted 20% serious listeners
      Spend time 80% on podcast 20% on YouTube

    • Rahul Madhiwalla

      A good podcast, which not only listed the main forms of content marketing, but analysed it in terms of its effectiveness. I do agree , that in most of the cases long form podcasts could be the new way of building long term influence. It is also a more effective way of transferring knowledge with least distractions.


      Hi sidz,
      This podcast made an bulb on moment for me and it is a Humongous Content out there online and this is the beginning of the Problem because this is so much content that no one can consume in their entire life .
      My key learnings are;
      1. Biggest problem is
      1 day content= Lifetime content acquired in 1800’s, the objective of content is to increase attention span.

      2. Factor for success is to impact on viewer’s who are engaging with us.

      3. Short form content like instagram reels,short videos etc.,
      Pros: a. High number in views and trending videos made.
      Cons: a. It is a mindless content like eating a fast food everyday
      b. Content valid for short time like a newspaper have to updated daily.

      4. Long form content like YouTube videos,long videos
      Pros: a. Attract serious audience and customers
      Cons: a. Require more effect and research
      b. Less views,stuff, downloads and motivation.

      5. Long form video vs Voice
      a. Long form video on YouTube has pros and cons
      Pros: a. First building long term paid content,next public free content on YouTube and lastly short form content.
      Cons: a. More time to create

      6. Voice as a medium
      Pros: a. Voice has no distractions, single sensor medium.
      b. Fulfill the attention span and impact on super serious listeners.
      Cons: a. Podcast/voice has no instant feel good factor like video.

      Out of 100%,80% distracted,20% on their journey and 5% are successful. This 5% are influencing the 95% audience………
      Thanking u sidz, for giving a useful information which will have an impact on our life.

      #ilh family
      #ilh Deep learner

    • Dr. Vineet kumar

      Good contents are always valuable but if it is supposed by voice that create powerful impact.
      Voice create curiosity, attention.

    • Kiran Bhosale

      Hi Siddharth Sir,
      I am Kiran Bhosale, Maharashtra. Sir when I listen to you every time its creates super positive environment around me and what you say is perfectly fit in my mind and heart and I get energies myself. And I strongly believe that you are the person who will definitely change my life. Superbbb. Thank you.
      God Bless You.

    • Saiprasad

      Hello Sidd,
      Another wonderful podcast filled with information.
      Overall you talk about how important is to have a longer relation with your audience through impactful content.
      – This can be achieved through engaging audience attention for a longer time.
      – The short forms of videos are easy too create, but its impact is short term.Useless in long run.
      – Long forms are wholesome, have deep connection with audience.
      – Audience retention is more
      – But at the same time it should not be a boring and very lengthy.
      – Short form creates more noise without value
      – Long term video is more sustainable and searchable
      – it consumes more time to create and ranking is difficult
      – Comapratively Voice

      – voice –
      – Cons – no instant feel good factor
      – no responding/feedbacks

      – Pros – you nee to be pretty good at speaking, need a good structure
      – have super serious listeners
      – Huge market (1000 downloads – top 5 )
      – truth comes from heart
      – No distractions


      – Voice is the powerful in engaging a serious audience for a long time
      – IF you are ABLE TO establish a bond with your listeners- objective of hypnotising the masses aka short term contents is achieved
      – Eg of super podcasters are Joe rogan/Tim Ferriss

      Ultimately your content should create a value to your audience where their retention rate is high even though ranking takes time.

    • Saiprasad Nayak

      Overall the voice is the future of content marketing provided you are able to retain your audience.
      The retention rate should be high and this can be achieved through a consistent content with values which can create an impact
      The short form creates a hype and fizzles out quickly.
      The long form needs more effort in creation but is long lasting.
      Voice –
      – Cons – no instant feel good factor
      – no responding/feedbacks

      – Pros – pretty good at speaking, need a good structure
      – have super serious listeners
      – Huge market (1000 downloads – top 5 )
      – truth comes from heart
      – No distractions

      IF you can establish a bond with your listeners- objective of hypnotising the masses is achieved which is the character of short forms
      – Joe rogan/Tim Ferriss are live eg of super podcasters

    • Rita Behl

      ????????Thanks Sidz Sir,for the crystal clear awesome podcast.Thanking God who introduced us to
      Such caring, knowledge showering mentor always ready to fulfil our empty vessel. ????????‍♀️

    • monica sodhi

      AS always added lot of value and a great experience.

    • Manoj sanghvi

      Sid sir superb knowledge share about content writing.. And more important you do the daily task… And upload content.. And attention to people, coach, entrepreneur, leader, mentor… Thanks Sid sir..

    • Inder Jeet Singh ubhi

      My learning snapshots
      – Podcast and YouTube are the two best channels to deliver content.
      – Don’t fall pray to the number of games of like and loves for your content create that will fetch real customers.
      – Audio VS video contents
      Podcasting will be the ruling front in the present and near future.
      – We live in an information overload world. There is hung imbalance in the supply of content and demands of content.
      – The objective is to grab attention span and ultimately create greater impact in the world of content.
      – While there are different types of content Long form, Short form, Video, the dilemma exit for publishers to balance something that can grab attention and create impact.
      – On the other hand, there is the audience who needs something valuable that is interesting informative and engaging.
      – Time based formats are all aspects being Mindless or Mindful. It’s like comparing junk food VS wholesome complete food.
      – Short format content are bite sized content that can easily get consumed by the audience.
      – Long format is wholesome and far serious audience. It has chance to give more information and create life long loyal customer. A good long format content can easily by pass the challenge of cut through and effort to create.
      – There was a time when video contents was considered the big thing. It is still big end offers hung advantages .
      – The future clearly lies in long form and voice for grabbing attention of serious listeners in an effort of creation impact and success.
      -When you are able to create an impact with the audience that is the #1 success factor.
      – Voice = Cons. of a product long from voice is that there is no instant feel good factor like videos. You really need to get an your flow. There has to be practice, structure and you really need to be good at what do you want to speak out.
      Pros. of the voice medium us there are super serious listeners, hung market that is open out there and you can go deep into your content. In voice there are no distractions, no ads, no pop up. The medium of voice is most powerful video has no impact on the audience if there is no voice in it

      #ILH family,
      #Siddarth raksekhar

    • Inder Jeet Singh ubhi

      My second aspects on this

      Videos are a crucial part of content Marketing strategy and can help you promote your brand effectively. People love to watch them and consume them others forms of content. They also tend to purchase products or services. On watching them and help you reduce the burden from customers team.
      The future of digital marketing Is diffinitely in video advertising by 2024 spending on video advertising is predicted to reach $9.26 billion.
      Reasons for Video advertising is the future of digital marketing
      Videos dominate online content
      Every month 85% of internet users view at least one online video, with 54% of consumers still wanting to see more video content from their favourite brands and business. This is vast market of consumers looking for content, so it’s no surprises why 87% of marketing professionals make use of video advertising.
      Video advertising leads to high engagement.
      In terms of social media engagement there is no competing with video content. The higher your engagement, the more eyes on your product. With video content you’ll have the best chance of your business reaching the most influential audience.
      Videos are shareable
      One of the biggest draws of video content, especially on social media, is that it’s so shareable creating shareable content is a crucial part of any advertising effort service. Consumers can help do the work for you in marketing your brand to others.
      Video advertising drives sales
      Prioritizing video marketing with increase awareness of your brand and pay off when it comes to your bottom line. 73% of consumers claim a brand’s social media presence has influenced their purchasing decision, while 84% of consumers have attributed a brand video to their decisions to purchase a specific product clarity video advertising is financially helpful since 88% of video marketers ate satisfied with the ROI of their social media campaigns.
      Video Humanize your brand
      Video content allows for a much more personal connection than written content. Creating a more personal, emotional connection with your audience helps increases sales and create long term customers plus 83% of video consumers prefers on informal chatty tone in marketing video so it’s a win win situation for your business.
      Leveraging video content to develop this personal connection is a no brained and user generated content is one of the best options. Your customer know your product or service better than anyone. So getting them involved in the video marketing process is invaluable.
      Video advertising doesn’t have to be expensive
      Clearly, video content gives you the most bang for your buck in terms of engagement sharing and brand development. Investing in quality video content doesn’t have to break the bank through many business owners still think of video advertising in terms of television, where a single ad could potentially cost thousands of doller.
      With the beauty of the internet however video advertising doesn’t required nearly as much financial investment as it use to. The main thing to help in mind when using video is that you’re reaching your marketing goals, whether that means growing your social media audience, engaging with existing customers or generating increase sales, video content can be invaluable tool in your marketing Arsenal.
      If you’re looking for an affordable way to make use of video advertising to create a personal connection with your audience user generated content could be your best decision.
      #ILH family
      #ILH deep learner
      #Siddarth raksekhar

    • Chaithanya

      Hi siddharth sir,
      Actually I listened your podcast for the every first time but started to follow your channel in Spotify. Because I read some of your emails, which are super informative and inspiring. So, thank you so much sir to impact our lives.

      But this email hooked to open and listen, since I am also a budding content writer and creator.

      The knowledge I gained are just mind blowing.

      I am seeing an evolution of content journey from text and video to Podcast.

      But my takeaway is whatever form of our content creation, it should initially hook our audience and then make an impact in their life.

      So, quality is cruial rather than quantity.

    • Rims

      Apt. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

    • Pradeep Kumar

      Good one Sidd…. I liked every bit of your podcast and makes sense. I have been mulling about this and your podcast has validated my idea of going in for voice. Thanks so much

    • Ratul prgu


    • CA Bijay Kumar Agarwal


    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      With the problem of PLENTY in the content market out there, the two most important and hard-to-earn currencies today are ATTENTION and TRUST.

      The VOICE format being a single sensory (only hearing) medium has the potential to hold people’s ATTENTION for a long period of time and provide VALUE by allowing them to multitask. As people evolve to become deep listeners, TRUST is built.

      So, LONG FORM VOICE content requires significant research and effort to produce and has a very bright future. Short form content can be used to attract and direct leads to long form public content through to long form paid content.


      Problem is content is exploding now.
      Objective of content is attention span…we have the influence if we can hold our audience’s attention span.
      The success factor is when we are able to create an impact on reader /viewer.
      Different kind of contents:
      Pros of short form content- high numbers as high views, social networks post content which keeps people hooked, while this is great for creator’s as many people consume it, but its con is it is mindless it keeps mind distracted by real things. They live in different reality. It’s a mass market.
      Long Form content- cons are more effort to create it, lesser number of views, but people who watch are the ones with deeper attention span, it is more wholesome you are going to attract a serious audience, you will have life time audience. It should be entertaining also.
      Concept of cutting through the noise- it is the only way to stand out of others if we do it properly.
      Long Form videos- Long form paid content, more time to create, trending stuff ranks higher but will not stand the test of time.
      Podcast is Voice its cons are long term voice no instant feel good factor, response is very low, unless we embed it in some other system. Not easy to get into the flow. Structure is there , practice , need to be good at what you want to say. Its a skill its an art. Pros are some super serious listeners….there is a huge market which is open out there as compared to the video world. There is no distraction in voice no adds, its a single sensory medium. The fact is this is the future as the attention span is more in this medium.

    • Jagannath Vidyala

      This podcast is really useful and thanks for the valuable knowledge.
      Snapshot of my learnings:
      1. We need to grab the attention of the listeners through long-form voice or video.
      2. The best channels are Podcast and YouTube to deliver the content.
      3. Create strong bondage with serious listeners, and get their attention. Not to focus on the number game.
      4. Podcast content shall lead the future.
      5. To get the real conversion, create long-form paid content first. Make short-form content to bring your listeners to the paid version.
      6. If you are able to create bondage with serious listeners, the objective of hypnotizing the masters and getting them to live a quality of life is fulfilled.

      Thank You Sidz. It gave clarity to many of my questions.

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