Do you want to know how to be different from other trainers and coaches in your same niche? Here are some valuable nuggets for you. Listen and share your notes below!
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Are you tired of feeling like just another face in the crowd in your niche? If so, this post is for you! I'm here to share my tips on how to stand out and be different from other trainers and coaches in your field.
First and foremost, it's important to understand that even if there are a million people in your same niche, there is still room for everyone to grow and attract their own unique set of customers. This is because each of us is unique in our own way and our personal vibe will attract our own tribe.
So, how can you differentiate yourself from others in your niche? The key is to narrow down your positioning. Instead of being just another "run-of-the-mill" coach, focus on narrowing down your target market, method, location, and language. For example, instead of being just a health expert, you could be a "yoga specialist for post-pregnancy women in Tamil Nadu". By focusing on a specific market, method, and location, you'll be able to stand out and be in your own "blue ocean".
Another way to stand out is to show your unique personality and heart. People can copy your website, courses, and ads, but they can never copy your intentions and heart. So, let your personality shine through in your brand and marketing. This will help attract customers who are a good fit for you and your business.
In conclusion, to stand out from other trainers and coaches in your niche, focus on narrowing down your positioning, showing your unique personality, and finding your own "blue ocean". Remember, you can never be copied and there is always room for everyone to succeed in their own unique way. So, embrace your individuality and let your light shine!
To your freedom,

192 replies to "How To Be Different From Other Trainers In The Same Niche?"
I am a different trainer from the other trainers since I will add value to my community. I will provide a job readiness as carrier coach with narrow down for Tamil students.
– You are who you are – That’s the difference
– Narrowing down topic and audience help
– Narrow down your method
– Location and Language
– Vernacular language can help you differentiate
– Non duplicatable tactics of nurturing
– Who you are and not your story
1. The intentions and heart of the person aren’t copiable. Our individual uniqueness is more important than concepts or content.
2. Specialisation – Narrow down positioning – target market, method, location & language.
3. Differentiation in delivery – Creating unique experience – Not replicable ways of delivering information and connecting.
***People connect with you!
What a wonderful perspective! Genuity is all it takes to pursue and create a difference. Thanks Sidz.
Part I
Narrorw down on target market
Narrow down on method
Narrow down on your location & language
Part II
Ex: Post pregnancy yoga weight loss specialist for tamil working women
Unique positioning – 1 market, 1 method, 1 location, 1 language
Part III – Being different
What can you do uniquely?
Differentiate yourself and it should be non-duplicatable
Icing on the cake is “Who you are as a person”, your story
thank you for such a crisp take on a very very important subject which i hv been pondering for a while,thank you so much !
how to be different from other trainers?
You can copy anything now me, not my intention
Who you are as a person is important
Our vibe attracts our tribe
Don’t be a run-of-the-mill coach- like a generalist is not going to succeed
So narrow down your positioning- 3 or 4
Niche, methods, location and language
Focus on one language, one method and a specialist market
3 insights
How you deliver your information- like a mind map, music etc.
Focus is giving experience
Give something that is non-replicable
More importantly, it is who you are as a person
Your story is important.
Be more than an information giver. Stand for something.
What is your reason for doing what you are doing?
Thank you Sidz
#ILH #Diamond
There is room for everybody because each one of us are unique. Our vibe attracts our tribe.
Narrow down Target market
People connect with you for your story.. Be vulnerable
Narrow down on your Method to solve their problem
Narrow down on location and language
Be differently in the way you do your sessions which others can’t copy.. The experience you give is different.. Nurture your community in a way(coming from your core) which cannot be duplicated
It is who you are as a person
Our master program’s specialization, creativity, understanding, and delivery method can set it apart.
Incredible insight, Sidz. I appreciate you sharing.
Thanks a ton, Swati!
1).We have to be authentic in what we do and what we preach. 2). Service more than others do. 3).help community people to reach their goals. 4). Be passionate on what you do. You should love yourself.5). Charity begins at home.6) be an hour x ample for others.7). Work more than you do now.8) you have to be branded in your community.9). Attending all the meetings and updating pollster on a day to day basis.10). Attending all the hive meetings.
very powerful You can’t copy me my heart.
01. Narrow down the niche target
02. Narrow down your positioning
03. location geo-targeting vernacular language
04. Do things which easily not replaceable (unique)
05. Who you are (Your Story)
06. why are you doing what we are doing
very useful
Our Vibes attracts our Tribe 🙂
Is it ok for one person copying the other from the same Niche? 🙂
Bulb On : We can copy any thing like websites and course information, but no one can copy me, my intentions
3 methods to be unique :
1. Narrowing down the nich
2. Narrwing down the method
3. Narrowing down the Location and Language
The different ways to be unique where others cannot replicate is the experience what I give to my audience and that will be definitely unique …
Highlight : It is me and not what I teach. 🙂 So my story will be unique
Mind blowing 🙂
Vick-Copy my business-you cannot copy me. room for everybody. Our vibe attracts tribes.
Healer, run of hills. specialization.Narrow target market, method, Refined, location, and language.Blue ocean. The way you deliver your knowledge. eg. music. Non-Duplicate. what you stand for, your unique story.why yuo are doing what you are doing.Mission congruence back story.
Rally a great topic “sidz”
*You can copy others, but you cannot copy him.
* Your Vibe will attract your Tribe.
*Narrow down your target audience, stand out narrow down your location and reginal language.
* Be different from others which others cannot copy you.
* Nurture your tribe and delivery, which no one can copy.
* People stands for you not what you sale. your story is unique and more than that you are unique.
* Always stand for what and why you are doing. backed with mission statement.
Amazing points, Praful!
My top 3 learnings
1. Who am I as a person is important and are Unique from others. My vibe attracts the Tribe.
2. Narrow down my Niche as Yoga Specialist for working professionals to be Energetic and stress free.
3. Location as Hyderabad, micro language as Telugu and English
4. Knowledge Delivery – Differentiate from others and identify the way i deliver the information is very unique which can be non-duplicatable
5. More Vulnerable and transparent, my story is unique from others story.
6. Mission and Back story should be congruent and unique
7. More vibrant I make my community, the more people can take action and transform their lifes.
Thanks for sharing, Pavan!
Take aways –
You can copy everything from outside
But you can’t copy intentions.
Vibe will attract tribe.
Narrow down nice
Narrow down method
Narrow down location and language
1 market, 1 method, 1 location, 1 language.
Become different – do something unique.
People will connect for who I am.
The more open and vulnerable my story more people connect with me.
People go where the party is ON!
Good takeaways, Harshil!
Lessons Learnt:
* My Intention, heart and delivery style cannot be copied, if it comes from the purity of my life.
* Blue Ocean Strategy, narrowing the Market to specialization makes me stand out.
* Things I can authentically do which are not possible to replicate.
* People connect with me for my story and what I stand for.
More power to your intention, Shilpa!
How To Be Different From Other
Trainers In The Same Niche?
Good points, Saumya!
– Doesn’t matter if there are other trainers, all of us are unique.
– Our vibe attracts our tribe.
– Anything run of the mill generalist will be difficult
– by narrowing down your positioning with respect to target market, your method, location and language
– different from other, in the way you deliver, mindmaps, music, community building, that is not replicable, very unique to you, the way you have setup the home setup, the way you deliver
– who you are as a person, people will connect with you for what you stand for, your story is unique, the way you position your story
– people go where the party is on, more vibrant your community,
Thanks for sharing, Harshad!
you can copy everything but not me
1. it does not matter even if 1 million people are there in the same niche.
2. narrow down your niche become specialised
3.narrow down on your location. ocean strategy unique from others – cant replicate is who u r as a person unique person
More power to you!
Narrow down method and market
For what you are standing
Why i am doing what i am doing
vibrant communit -People go where Party is on
Good takeaways, Shambu.
The biggest takeaway was to BE YOURSELF and use your personal talents to give to the community a very personal flavour of things.
This really got me thinking. Thank you Sid.
Couple of great points here, as usual;
1. People can copy your content but no one can copy you! You are unique and tere is ample of space for everyone
2. Narrow down your niche, your segment and your location and language in order to stand out
3. Make a unique style in which you deliver your content
4. Your unique story will attract people who resonate with you1
You can’t copy the intention and heart of a person.
You Should have different specifications from others.
You should have your own story.
You should be more vibrant than others then only people will attract you.
Vickz example: You cant copy me and my intentions
Its not about what you are teaching.
It’s about who you are as a person.
Vibe attracts Tribe
1- Run of the mill (healer): Don’t be generalist.
2- Narrow down your target
3- Location and Language (Blue ocean)
3- Way you deliver the knowledge:
Mind maps, Music, community building- Sidz (It should come from your persona)
4- Icing on cake: Its who you are as person. People will connect to you.
Story of Grandpa:
Proved the world: You don’t need to undergo formal education to be successful.
The more vibrant you can make your community, people will have better experience
Awesome, Maurya!
A great podcast. Here are my notes from this podcast
1. Don’t be a run-of-the-mill coach (General Practioner vs Neurisurgron
2. Narrow down on
a. target market,
b. methods,
c. location/language
Avoid the Red Ocean & Aim to be in the Blue Ocean
3. Be different in your methodology & Be Unique
1. Narrow down your Micro Niche in gender , location , age group & Language
2. Differentiate by Method & Systems
3.. Your vibe attract your tribe
4. My Story
1. No one cannot copy me, my intentions my heart.
2. There is room for everybody because each of is unique
3. Our vibes attract our tribe
4. Run of the mill healer, general practitioner but Neurology.
5. By narrowing down your target market e.g., Health expert for woman
6. I am a Yoga specialist help woman get back normal health after pregnancy
7. Narrow down to your location and local language.
8. Be different in the way of delivery.
9. Do something non duplicatable in your community to nurture them.
10. People will connect with you and not with your knowledge. Be strong with your story.
My Personal intention is as unique as my finger prints in the world because my story is unique. And that makes me stand out from others. My vibes will attract my kind of tribe.
I have to give myself an unique positioning by narrowing down target, methos, location and language.
Most important is my personna. Who I am and what I stand for and what is my integrity… My personna plays a huge part to attract the kind of tribe that I want.
Use your uniqueness to face competition… They cannot match you there!!
People go where the party is ON!! Brilliant line Sid. Thanks for this podcast
Be unique
Narrow down your niche
Find out your original story and drive
make a vibrant community
My Learnings
• Our vibe attract tribe
○ One can copy everything I teach, can’t copy who I am as a person
• Narrow down your => Blue Ocean : Unique positioning
○ Target market
○ Method
○ Location & Language
• Way you deliver
○ Find out what others can’t replicate
• People will connect with you story
○ Purpose
○ Vibe
○ Story
How to be different on the same topic!! How to STAND OUT of the crowd! What a topic Sidz!!!
My Top learnings here:
– Heart and Intentions!
– It does not matter what you team, but its WHO YOU ARE, that matters in your coaching
Generalist vs Specialist
– Narrow down ur positioning
– Narrow down your Market
– Narrow your method
– Narrow your Location and Language
How do you stand out in the way you deliver to your audience:
– How do u deliver the content
– What do you have in your CORE that makes you who you are
– Who are you as a person, and what makes your unique
– People stand with you for WHO YOU ARE
– Be vulnerable! because your story is unique.
– Discover the REASON on WHY you are doing WAT you are doing
Super powerful – This is an INTERNAL gamel!!
Awesome insights. Being unique and transforming yourself to serve the community is the core.
Thanks for sharing this.
You are unique and you have a unique story and that is what attracts others to you.
So, focus on what is that is unique that you can give to your community.
In this age of copying, one fears his matters will be copied. The real fact is there is room for everyone and one needs to seal oneself from the vagaries of copying.
1. Do not be a copycat yourself. All of us learn from someone, some source. Give credit and present it with your style, feeling and understanding.
2. People could copy your subject and method but can’t copy your intention and heart which is unique as your signature. Your vibe will attract your tribe. so, it is needless to be afraid of copying.
3. To seal yourself from fierce competition in Red Ocean, create your own Blue Ocean by:
Narrowing down your Niche
Selecting a Target market
Selecting a specific location
Selecting a language and your unique method.
4. Create a style of your delivery which will differentiate you from others. Your story, vulnerability, the vision and mission you stand for will make your positioning unique.
5. It is not what you teach but how you teach and who you are will attract your tribe to you.
Super Podcast Sidz, I have learnt something deep again today after listening to you and its about rising above the rest. Run of the mill expert wont succeed, stay different and create difference.
Yes, from day 1 I was in search of Blue Ocean … and finally I found it before cracking the topic for my Niche🙏😊
* Ones persona can’t be copied
* each one of us are different
* By narrowing down your niche, your method, more refined
* Narrow down your location and language
* In Blue ocean where no competition
* The way you deliver your webinars
* Diffrentiate yourself unique to you
* It is who you are to connect with you
* Your story is different from others, be life long learner
* Make your community more vibrant and motivated
How To Be Different From Other Trainers In The Same Niche?
1 person copying the other => You can copy my business but You Can Not copy me and my intentions and my heart
How to be Different from others
Run off the mill trainers – being a generalist – not much worth
You stand out by narrowing down your position on the below –
1. Target market
2. Method to solve the problem
3. Location & Language
***Blue Ocean strategy is better than a Red Ocean strategy
Different from others in the way you deliver the knowledge
=> Think about what all you can so unique that others can’t duplicate or replicate it
-> Has to come from your core – ur persona
=> Icing on the cake – It is Who you are as a person.
-> People will connect with you for what you stand for.
-> For your story – more vulnerable u r – people will be connected
Amazing Sidz
Thanks for the insights..
Your Vibes attract your Tribes…
Anybody can copy me but nobody can copy me…
It’s me who will decide my outcome…
Thanks and regards…
#ilh #sidz
You can copy everything about somebody but not his intention, or soul.
Each of them is different. Your vibe will attract your tribe.
Don’t be a copycat but be authentic and a specialist, not a generalist.
Make your niche specific and deep.
make your language and location specific to remain in BLUE OCAEN.
Make things from your core that can’t be replaceable.
People find your vulnerability, Be vulnerable.
Be vulnerable. Be impeccable.
Don’t copy. Be specific add your feelings and own vibe .
Be energetic and confident and empathetic with your student.
Build your tribe with love for them. Solve their problems
nobody can copy you
it is not so much about teaching it is more about who you are as a person
our vibe attracts our tribe
narrow down on target market, method, location & language
it is the experience that you can give
if we can differentiate ourselves and identify the things that you can do to nurture the tribe which are non duplicatable
people connect with you for what you stand for not what you teach & also for your story
It’s not about what you teach, it’s more about who you are as a person that attracts to
It does not matter even if there are 1 million people in the same niche, there is room for everybody because ecan one of us are unique.
2. Narrowing down to one market, method, location and language will make it specialised and unique.
The delivery of information should be unique
Identify the things that are not replicable.
People connect with you on what you stand for not on what you teach.
People connect with your story, the more vulnerable you are the more people connect with you.
Finding the congruence with the back storey.
It was an amazing podcast
Key takeaways
1 People can copy everything , but they cannot copy your , your intentions
2. Your vibe attracts your tribe
3. Narrow down on your niche , target location , target market , language and place to decrease competition
4. Create unique ways of engaging and teaching to the community
5. People buy you as a person they don’t buy what you teach or sell
Good takeaways, Neil!
1. Can’t copy intention,
2. Narrow down niche, location, language
3.Unique teaching method
4. People will connect with you what you stand for you not what you teach
5.People will connect with you for your real story
Awesome, Moorthi!
#ilh #ilhdeeplearners
My Key Understanding:
1. Each Coach is unique in his/her Niche when his/her positioning is unique in the crowd of Coaches.
2. The Coach stands out separate since one cannot copy other’s thinking/Mind/Heart eventhough they can copy the content.
3. Tribe building , Nurturing , Vibrance is the one unique strategy how one coach can be unique from the other.
4. When a Coach presents himself in the Public domain, the message he/she sends out through his own back story will make him stand out Tall from others. His Story cannot be copied by others.This is where the connect happens with the Tribe.
5. The Coach is not replicable when he teaches a topic which holds to the Blue Ocean Strategy.
Good points, Ravi!
Learning about the niche of what I am good at is important, but how to stand out is essential. The below methods would further enhance the path you are aiming at:
1. the target market
2. Method of niche
3. Locational Approach (Language influence)
4. How to be different from others
The tips are excellent and highly beneficial.
Good points, Neyamathullah!
1. There is room for everyone to grow and impact.
“Our Vibe attracts our Tribe”
2. Narrow Down Your Micro Market- Couple Compatibility Coach for Married Couples
3. Narrow Down to One Location, One language , Get into Blue Ocean.
4. Come up with Ideas for my Community which aligns with who I am and which is not replicable or duplicatable.
Thank you for these Immense Deep Learnings . Grateful to you Sidz Ever!!! loving the person I am becoming every single day.
Good takeaways, Dr Sangeeta!
#ilh #deeplearner
You can copy my courses. you can copy my funnels. you can copy my website but
you cannot copy intentions,you cannot copy my heart.
runoff the mill.
By narrowing down to the market, by narrowing down to the method, by narrowing down to the location, by narrowing down to the language.
Non-replicable experience for students.
Everyone has a unique story. BACK STORY congruence to your niche…
Good points, Lavanya!
My Vibe attracts tribe, positioning is important,
Bring out the uniqueness that are in me and through my vulnerable stories, and the person who I am.
Great insights, Meena!
Amazing insights… got more clarity about my niche market today!
Thanks, Sneha!
Thank you, Selma!
My key take aways from this podcast are
1. People care for Who you are as a Person than what you teach
2. You need to be congurent to your MIssion Story and walk the talk related to your purpose
3. Create your Own style of delivery and creating and nurturing your tribe
4. There is always space of any no of Coaches in the same niche as long as we are unique in every aspect of doing business.
5. Create Your own way of teaching and impacting your target audience
Good takeaways, Neminathan!
My learning from this podcast are:
1. For being unique do sub niching
2. Select specific location and specific local language
3. Your Why will be different from others
4. Your unique elements such as using mindmaps and playing music before and after calls can’t be copied
5. Your vibe attracts your tribe
MY learning from this podcast is below
The real building blocks of differentiators in the market place for me are
1. Me , myself – My intentions , My Why , My story and My purpose
2. The narrow target market, method / Vehicle of delivery and Language of delivery
3. My delivery experience to my community – How unique is the learning and delivery experience to my target audience within my program
A pressing topic indeed Sidz. Thank you for discussing the same. And Yes, amidst all the competition what will make us stand out, is our intention, authenticity and commitment to serve other to achieve the vision we have for ourselves and our community.
I’m happy you found this useful, Fatima!
You can copy my website, my content, my courses everything
But you cannot copy my heart m my intention
Who you are as a person, not what you are teaching
Don’t be run of the mill – Dont be a generalist – method
Narrow Down your market – market
Location & language – Be in a blue ocean without much competition , dont be in high competition Red Ocean
How do you deliver your Knowledge
Create an Experience that cannot be replicated
Icing on the cake – who you are as a person
People go where the Party is
More power to you, Prachi!
Learnings :
1. You Can Coach with your Niche
2. You have unique emotional motivated story to share with the audience which makes yourself different from the rest.
3. you should find a micro niche and understand what market needs to make a greater impact.
4. Remember this is the virgin market so being an early bird you have all right to make your niche don’t hesitate to put your educations , experiments, learnings, failures, stories infornt of your audience that will make you super special…!!!
thanks sidz for this episode..
#ilh #hackathon
Neat, crisp points, Sandeep!
You are UNIQUE, no one can copy your intention. That is your super power
Absolutely, Rakhi!
My Key takeaways
1. Your Vibe attracts your tribe”
2. Don’t be a generalist- narrow down the target market, the method, location, and language.
3. Have a unique way of delivering knowledge. Elements of community building.
4. It is who you are as a person that matters, the reason for doing what you are doing, your mission, and congruence to backstory.
5. Make a vibrant community by making people participate and learn from each other. People join where the party is happening.
Awesome, Meera!
Anybody can copy anything but cannot me…
Narrow down the position
Be it.Location.language ,designation .etc.
Always be in Blue Ocean ir unique with others
Unique story of ours to be evalute for better position..
Great takeaways, Madhu!
It is very important to be unique in our coaching business because many coaches are doing the same business in the digital space. Most importantly we may copy a lot from others but the way we speak, the tone of our voice, the way we look, the way we react to a situation, the way we behave will always be unique.
Glad you found this valuable, Rohith!
Take aways:
1. Each one of us are unique beings. Our vibe attracts our tribe.
2. Don’t be a generalist. Specialize in your niche
3. Narrow down on location and language
4. The way you deliver your knowledge matters – make it unique. Personalize your community experience that cannot be replicated. It can only come from your own persona.
5. Every story and every person is different. Your “Why” is what will make you stand out from the rest. Leverage your ‘Why’ to create your success and your students’ success.
These are awesome, Archana!
Powerful words and as we get to live this way for the rest of our lives, we will be able to truly make a difference in the lives of many
– going micro niche – in a way that is true to us
– creating a real world blue ocean
– and attracting who are looking for us, who’s language we already speak because we have been living our life this way…
More power to you, Rahul!
Hey Sidz.
Totally on track in implementing all the 4 pointers you shared in the podcast.
I realised that , our audience can find who we are . when we are adding valuable video and podcast like this.
Awesome, Ravitej!
my take aways
1) Each one of you is unique and there is room for everybody
2) Don’t be generalist ..
3) Narrow down target market, narrow down your method & your location & language
4) use Blue ocean Strategy
5) be different than other the way deliver your knowledge
6) Find of non relocatable way of delivery
7) what matters is who you are as a person and what you stand for
8) Be congruent with you story
Great takeaways!
It’s a eye opener podcast.
To be stand out in the same nich, we have to have specific target audience, specific method and specific location or language.
No one can copy your heart, intentions. You are a unique in the market having blue ocean.
The key is in the intention, Santosh!
1.just awesome.
i am back to community after 1.5 year ,both my parents passed to the other realm .looking forward to working with you and achive the 10 cr per year bracket .
thankyou for being there.
Glad to have you back, Simran!
Who You Are is so important!
My Takeaways:
1. You as being
2. Narrow down your Target Market
3. Narrow down your Niche, Become Specialist, Not Generalist
3.Narrow down your Micro location and Micro Language
4. Unique feature in the way you teach— Community, Mindmap, Music
Good points, Dr Srinivasa!
Differentiation matters.
Swim in the blue ocean.
Good takeaways!
1 percent copy
every thing will copy but dont copy me
who are you
our vibes attractct our tribes
blue ocean stragety
narrow your niche
Awesome, Dr Patil.
Three Simple Steps To Remember For Every Coach, I have learnt from this Valuable PODCAST From My GURU
Step 2:ONE Market, ONE Method, ONE Location & Language
Step 3:Your Mission Congruence with Your Back Story
Great Steps, Raja!
Simple, clear yet extremely powerful!
Thank you, Sonali!
Fantastic stuff. Here are my key takeaways:
1. No one can copy us as a person
2. Narrow down your positioning to stand out
3. Be in a blue ocean where there is no competition
4. Different in way you deliver
5. People connect with you. Its not about what you teach, but who you are.
6. Your story is unique
Good points, Pradeep!
How to be different from others In the same Niche?
My Take Aways.
1. No matter how many people are in my niche, I am unique, and no one can copy my intention and heart.
2. One must distinguish oneself from others by becoming a lion or tiger, which is rare to find, and not a penguin.
3. How to become a tiger of your niche, narrow it down. You may know all things but establish yourself as an expert. Use local language
4. Find out the things which can not be copied easily.
5. Be Authentic.
Awesome. Ruchir!
One person copying the other
1. No one can copy me, my intention or my heart.
Nothing matters even if there are many on my niche, because i am unique.
2. Narrow down target market
Narrow down the method
Narrow down our location and language.
3. Different from others in the way I deliver the knowledge that others cannot easily replicate.
4. People are connected for “what I am” and not for “what I know’.
Mission congruent to back story.
My major learnings:
Each one is unique – our vibes attracts tribe
Narrow down to standout:
1. Target Market
2. Method
3. Location and Language
Different the way you deliver:
1. Other cannot replicate – Come from core
2. Who you are as a person
3. Your Story
4. Mission congruent with story
Great learnings, Kamlesh!
Key learning’s from how to be different from other trainers in the same niche.
Narrow down on niche, demographic, language
Be different in presentation have a unique style.
Icing on the cake is who u are.
Work on engaging your community.
people go where the part is going on.
Good learnings, Mohammad!
How to be different from other trainers in the same niche?
Nobody can copy YOU
We are unique beings
Our vibe attracts our tribe
Run of the mill
Narrowing down your positioning to refine it will help you stand out from others:
1. Target market2. Method to solve the problem3. Micro Location/ Language4. Blue Ocean Strategy
Different from others how you deliver your knowledge and nurture your community in a non replicatable way. Some elements are unique
It is who YOU are as a person
Never Let schooling interfere with your educationYou dont need to have a formal education to be successfulMission congruence with your back story
Vibrant community where encouraged to collaborate with each other.
Good insights, Akshay.
Just awesome. Everytime I listen to your Story, it’s just mesmerizing. The most important point I get here is “Who You Are, And What You Stand For”
More power to you, Amit!
1) Generalization vs Specialization
2) It’s about who we are.
3) Narrowing down either niche or target market.
4) How we deliver our knowledge
Good points, Vishal.
Super valuable and crisp!
my takaways from the podcast are as follows:
how to be different from other trainers and coaches in my niche?
create a unique positioning – specific service for specific audience for creating a specific outcome
my vibe attracts my tribe – who i am as a person, what do i stand for, my unique story
create unique space that has my signature – my personality, values and interests are reflecting in my community
Thank you, Hemant!
It’s not so much about what you teach, it’s about who you are as a person.
Foundational Principle:
1. Our Vibe attracts the tribe.
2. How will be different from different trainers?
Don’t be someone Run off the mill.
Don’t be Generalist become a Specialist.
How to stand out:
1. Narrow down your
a. Target market
b. Method
c. Location and Language
Blue Ocean Strategy + Red Ocean
3. How to be different from other in way of delivering your knowledge
Nurture your community and tribe, and the way you deliver.
a. Mind maps
b. Live sets
c. other samples
4. Who you are as a person.
a. Story
b. Vulnerable
c. Open and Unique and Vibrant
Well presented, Manoj.
The points brought are super awesome and true. The takeaways are:-
1. Don’t try to copy others and creeate courses, be unique to yourself.
2. Don’t worry even if one million coaches are doing in the same niche of yours. You are different no body can copy your intentions
3. Don’t be a Generalist, try to be a specialst in your niche.
4. Narrow down Positining
5. Narrow down Target Market (Audience)
6. Narrow down Method
7. Narrow down Location & Language
8. Connect to your story is unique no story can be same to all.
9. How you deliver your Information matters a lot, be unique.
Awesome insights, Parameshwaran.
You have to be different from each other.
Whatever you do and how you present that depends.
You have a different story and that is inspiration for all
Thanks a ton, Nieekita!
AWESOME PODCAST. My learnings:
1. Select a micro niche, micro target population and micro language. You can select your native language, if you are comfortable and start in your own state.
2. add your own flavour. Your own identical theme or style, using some music or anything specific to you.
3. Your story is unique. Attach your back story to your passion and make you coaching business unique for you.
Good learnings, Priti.
1. You can copy all that I do but uou xannit copy me
2.Narrow down your nice, your method, your target market, your location and language. That’s the Blue Ocean, lots of room for creativity, unique positioning
Awesome, Hetal!
My Key Learnings
1. we do not have to worry about the market when we have true intention and heart in our niche… people can copy my content but can not copy the deep connection I have in my topic.
2. Blue Ocean Strategy – Narrowed target market, method, narrow location, and language is the best way to build the business.
3. Unique Delivery Strategy – The experience you create for your audience is important
because people connect with WHO YOU ARE not for what you teach.
Thank you sidz for the crisp and clear guidance as always ❤
Great learnings, Shalini!
1st part:
Being SPECIFIC and UNIQUE is the key.
1> Being specific with audience
2> Being specific with your niche
3> Being specific with your method
2nd part:
Narrowing down your location and language
Let’s be in the blue ocean…..
3rd part:
Let’s Be as much unduplicatable as possible.
In style, in delivery, in nurturing the community.
The Icing on th cake, is WHO AM I. Every human being is unique, let’s bring the uniqueness in serving people!!
Yes, every human is unique & that’s the beauty of it!
This topic is need for the hour to clear the doubt, what to share , how much to share, when to share.
Make them feel home
Glad you found this useful, Srinivas.
My Learnings from this podcast
Nobody can copy your INTENTIONS & your HEART, You are unique with your MISSION to add value in lives of people. Its about who you are.
Be a specialist in your field , instead of being a GENERALIST. So narrow down your positioning in your niche with these 4 areas
Target Market
Location & Language
Make your DELIVERY different from others, by making it unique. That’s not easy for others to copy.
Great learning and simplest niche clarity
Thankyou Sidz
Great, good insights, Deepmala!
You are who you are, vibes attract tribe
Narrowing down Niche
Design your own method
Location and Language will differ
Nurturing style is different
our mess is the message
Good takeaways, Dr. Suma!
We are unique..vry true but we don’t realise
Vibes attracts Tribe
Run of the Mill
Narrow down is like being a Specialist
Be different to Deliver..
Who you are as a person is very important
Be more Vulnerable
Always Golden Nuggets from You..Sidz
Thank you, Vaisalle!
Yes Sidharth,
It is so UNIQUE to learn from this podcast.
One can achieve Unique Position in digital space by applying your Tips given in this podcasts.
1. Be understand that each one of ou is Unique. God has created us as a Unique one.
2.Narrow down your Positions, Methods.Your Target Market.,Locations and your language.
3.It is important the way of your coaching.
4. People will connect you for what you standsfor, Your unique story,Your mission that connect with people.
Thanks have a wonderful Day.
Great insights, Satish!
Very clear perspective on how we can be different from other trainers in the same niche. The unique problem solving capability of each individual makes a lot of difference. Very rightly said: Our vibe attracts our tribe. Narrowing done the niche and the way of delivering knowledge makes the difference. Identifying things which are non replicatable. Each person’s unique story create a difference .
Thankyou Sidz for such a to the point clarification.
Glad to see you find clarity, Anju!
My learnings form the podcast:
Lesson 1: Many can copy your business but no body can copy you, your intention and your heart.
Lesson 2: Go micro in Market, Method, Location & Language
Lesson 3: Your story is unique & Why you do what you do is more important
It triggers me to think through How deep can I go into my core and align the same to the external messages.
Good learnings, thanks for sharing, Sanghamitra!
The simplest version of the Niche Clarity- and this podcast instils clarity and confidence- SOme points that I have noted is
It does not matter if there are 1 million people in the same niche, our vibe is unique and it attracts your tribe
Blue ocean strategy One market, method, language and location
Differentiate yourself that is non-duplicatable
Home studio Set up
How you deliver the information is unique
The icing on the cake
It is who you are as a person
People connect with who you are as a person
Your story is what people connect with
Whether you are inside a school or outside keep learning and never let schooling interfere with your learning
The story is unique, Mission is congruence with your backstory
People go where the party is on!! Vibrant the community.
The whole game is to keep people together as a community!, and let the party be super duper attractive!
Awesome, Riitu!
The way you teach or coaches should be something that others cannot easily replicate. Something very unique to me. Identify the things you xan do to nurture yoyr tribe, which is non-replicable. It is who you are as a person. Make your community more vibrant. People go where the part is!
Thank you so much, Hetal. Means a lot!
Awesome session. This addressed exactly what was going through my mind in the last few days.
✅️ You are unique. Your vibe will attract your tribe.
✅️ There is abundance in this world for everyone.
✅️ Each one’s story is different. It should be congruent with your niche. That’s what makes you unique.
✅️ Offer something unique to your audience which others can’t easily replicate
Glad you found this valuable, Venicia.
You can copy anythinh but Your originality
Tangible Things: Narrow down your Micro loc…Micro Lang…Micro Market
Find out how you build the community in a unique way which is from your core
Awesome, Vijaykumar!
God has given each one of us a DNA copyright to differentiate. Similarly, we do not have to worry about competition.
People may copy but the idea, the intentions, the purpose, and your background story are what make the difference. People buy people to whom they relate.
Further, you can add your own creative difference in the way you target, the way you market, the way you deliver and the way you are consistent and focused.
Thanks a ton, Deepa.
Mindset Game:
You can copy everything you see, but you cannot copy me and my heart.
3 Secrets:
Everyone is unique
Unique vibe
Generalist – Run of the mill – difficult to be unique – less valuable
Narrowing down your positioning
Narrow down on method
Narrow down on location/language
Blue ocean will be available once narrowed down = Stand out.
How you deliver
Do something which others cannot copy, unique to you.
Experience will be very very different.
Non-duplicatable, your uniqueness – Your own flavor.
The icing on the cake = WHO you are – vulnerable and transparent – Be authentic – Your community/tribe will love you.
A vibrant community, get everyone on track, and nurture the community in a unique style.
Great to have you in our community, Dhananjay!
You cannot copy the intention, heart of oneself. There may Millions of trainers in same niche ,but each one is unique. We can be Different in narrowing down to the market,,methodology,Location & language..
may different from other trainers the way delivering the Knowledge – some may using Mindmaps,unique music of own.Its will be difficult to Duplicate on our own Persona. Community connect with you.what you stands for and not on what teach ,and ur transparency sharing with them .can be Unique,standing from other trainers, congruent to our self stories,different from other trainers. Excellent knowledge sharing ,thanks
Thanks a ton, Shankar!
toays ossome session to one to one call
Thank you!
Absolutely LOVED it and I resonate with your message Sidz.
I must work on MYSELF and my Niche so that:
– I narrow it down, the more specific my niche, the more Reach I have
– Constantly look for ways to create my Blue Ocean. When I truly tap into my Uniqueness, I don’t fear being in a competition because no one else has what I have and vice versa
– My ability to Communicate my message, my style, my delivery, my heart, my Vision, my intention, my outcomes for my students are Unique to me and I need to showcase these appropriately
– The power is in my story and in me. I must allow my story and myself to flow in such a way that people connect with me and feel & get touched by my Truth
Thank you Sidz, this was short and power-packed. God Bless you brother
Thanks a ton, Pallavi. Glad you found this learning journey valuable!
1. Nobody can copy you, you are unique, your vibes attract your tribe.
2. Create a blue ocean strategy by narrowing down your:
a0target market
b) Method
c)location& language
3)Deliver content in a non-duplicatable style (how you teach not what you teach)
4)People connect with what you stand for that is in congruence with your mission
Great insights, Sumitra!
How can you be different
-Be specific for your target market
– Be specific about your method
– Be specific about your language
– Be unique, because you are, don’t try to copy anyone
– Find your “why”
These are good points, Annu.
You can easily make difference you Niche among others by following few steps which are explained in a simplified way in this podcost:-
-No one copy our vibes that create the tribe.
-Narrow down you niche-target market, method & location+language
-How can you be different while nurturing, e.g. method, feel, community building, follow your persona and create own.
Biggest point- you own story with you Niche,
Lesson- keep learning, more vibrant, spiritual, who are you as person, your intention towards you tribe
Thank you Sidz
Hey Sidz, A simple applicable Blue ocean concept for a personal brand was fab. We study blue ocean strategy in MBA and read big big case studies….
Yes , you said it right! Nobody can’t copy me
Last hackthon mission 3 CURRICULUM -) you looked into my eyes and said It’s not a performance it’s a conversation.
It went deep into my heart
Through this podcast it has been clear to me that i should build my foundation to stand out from crowds
Narrow down your Niche
and be in Blue ocean always..
.How can we different from others
What we stand for is most important.
Share your Story always.
Golden Nugget from this podcast :-
1) You can copy everything from outside ,but you can’t copy intentions of anyone.
2) Your Vibe will attract your tribe.
3) Narrow down niche, Narrow down method used, Narrow down location and language: 1 market, 1 method, 1 location, 1 language
4) To become different – do something unique from others. People will connect for who I am ?The more open and vulnerable my story more people connect with me. People go where the party is ON!
5) Add value in people lives.
6) Share your story why we started mission.
#ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
Congruence and transparency of our backstory with our mission makes us vibe very high and surge with positive energy. When we are happy with our own idiosyncratic self, the way we deliver knowledge becomes one of its kind. Our VIBE attracts our TRIBE. People connect with WHAT WE STAND FOR!
Quick tip: Narrow down your niche, target market, target location and language! This would position you in the BLUE OCEAN!
People go where the party is on ! Vibrant community = successful community = ever expanding community !
Thank you Sidz ! Each of your episodes elevates my confidence more and more ! 🤝🙏🏽💚👌👍🎊✌️🙏