Crazy right? I became an Amazon #1 best-selling author even before the launch of my book. In this podcast, I decode the 6 steps that helped me achieve this. It’s not rocket science. It’s just a simple recipe. 

In this podcast you will get answers to these questions:

  • How to reverse engineer a best-seller book launch?
  • Why it’s important to build solid products before you write a book?
  • How to start building a customer base first?
  • How to leverage your customers to solidify your concepts?
  • How to use those concepts to write a “bible” for your micro-niche?
  • The precise system to “drum up” and create a buzz before the launch
  • How to activate your community to contribute to the book?
  • How to activate your tribe to buy your book during pre-launch?
  • How to dominate your micro-niche and become an industry leader?
  • How to keep the momentum going after the launch of your book?

I hope this podcast has given you clarity on how to launch a best-seller!

Did you buy my book yet?

Pick it up on Amazon now

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    27 replies to "How My First Book Hit The Amazon #1 Best-Seller Even Before The Launch Day"

    • Vijay Singh

      1. Build product first

      2. Build customer base

      3. Formulate solid concepts in such a way that book becomes bible in your niche. (1:1)

      4. Build up the book launch:
      Announced to the community about book launch. Feedback, asked questions from community.

      5. Activate your community:
      Ask community to share their experiences. Seeing their names in book is priceless.

      6. Domination:
      Dominate your micro niche. Book launch starts after book launch.

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner


      # ILH family , #ILH deep Learners

      Six steps which will help to hit Amazon best Seller before Launching of the Book

      1.Building your Products , (world class product , getting more and more success stories).
      2.To grow your customer base at least to have 1000 customers)
      3.To formulate and solidify your concepts . once you have the concept you can actually write the books which will become bible for your micro niche (Once you are growing your customer base and doing i21 , then develop solid concepts.)
      4. Drum up and build up your book launch
      5.Activate the community
      6.Logical out come through Domination

      By taking the this step on time bound will help to hit # 1 Amazon best seller in the book category
      # ILH family , #ILH deep Learners

      • Mrs. K. Lalitha Parameshwari

        I posted my comments today afternoon but not displayed above.

    • Suleman Ahmed

      Lessons Learnt

      STEP 1: Focus on building product
      ( Coaching, training, consulting, and collaboration)
      1. World-class books
      2. Create success stories
      ( Record and documented )

      STEP 2: Grow customer-based
      1. Build up to 1000 paid customers
      2. 121 with Customers

      STEP 3: Developed solid concepts
      1. Formulate and solidified the concept
      2. Unquie and come from our self

      STEP 4: Drum it up
      1. Announced to community and influencers
      2. Create a buzz before lunch ​

      STEP 5: Activate the community
      1. Leveraging the community
      2. Activated the community

      STEP 6: Logical outcome
      1. Dominant your micro-niche
      2. Keep the momentum after the launch

      “ All of the smaller things make a big difference”

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Shekar Kunder

      # ILH family #ILH deep Learners #You can coach

      6 Step process to become a best seller on Amazon before you launch the book
      – Develop your product first
      – Grow your customer base to at least 1000 people
      – Solidify your concepts which lead it to become a bible in your micro niche
      – Build up your book launch
      – Activate your community. Ask them to buy before the launch
      – Dominate your micro niche

    • Mansha Roy

      Thanks sir for sharing this knowledgeable podcast with us.
      My Learnings From This Podcast ‐
      1. Focus On Building Products????‍????‐ I did not want to write a book ????prematurely. I want to build world-class courses and world-class products. I want to focus on creating more and more success stories????.
      2. Grow Your Customer Base‐ If you have more than 1000 customers in your paid community. Let’s say you are a coach or author selling your courses or consulting models build a customer base atleast 1000 customers. Doing 121s with all those 1000 customers. This 121s will give you so many insights and so much of clarity and perspective.
      3. Develop Solid Concepts – The book that I have written right now You Can Coach. It is extremely powerful because all of those concepts are the byproducts of all the 121s and the outcome of all the successful interviews I had with my students and after trying and testing multiple other models. You got to formulate and solidify your concepts because once you have these concepts then you can actually write a book which will become a Bible for your micro niche.
      4. Drum It Up– When you take this process when you start to drum it up you will also have more solid concepts because you will have a tribe. Ask your tribe some questions, take feedback this will give you some clarity on what should be there inside the book. The drumming up process was to announce to the community, announce to the students and to other influencers that this is the book I am writing and if you like to be in this book with other legends please give your interview and submit it to me before this date.
      5. Activate My Community ‐ I ask my community members to share their experience in the community. So the importance of having that drumming up your community and telling them you can get featured in my book it also creates a sense of connection with your audience.
      6. Domination ‐ You gonna dominate your micro niche. You gonna become the industry leader and this will open doors to so many other opportunities that will come after this. Even choosing categories for your book is important.


      Your 6 steps to build your book as a #1 Amazon best sellers..
      Are very motivative and interesting.. to build our own brand in this digital world…
      Thank you sidz..

    • Rupam Sharma

      1. Building world class products to serve people with the gifts, Godhead has given to us.
      2. 121 are really important to get inside people’s life’s goals, what they are searching for their lost happiness and how they want to get it back and in the orocess we can dig deep inside people’s problems in order to solve them, in Your words, getting the concepts for creating our courses.
      3. Whenever we write a book after following the concepts, it should be like the Bible of our micro niche so that there cannot be any comparison of that creation and people should be getting the exact benefit which they must even after my physical absence from this world.
      4. The concepts in my book should come from my own thought processes and experiences and that will make it very powerful and appealing to the readers
      5. Another important thing is to have a tribe of our product and taking feedback from your own tribe about the different concepts we want to simply in the boojy can give immense resut, their feedback and suggestions can help immensely to get a very great height in regards to the contents of the book.
      6. And if we can find able and experienced people of our niche and can interview them then we can put forward before them some common questionnaire which are often asked by people and get their answers, it can lot of inside to the readers of the book to get to learn from the experiences of the Greats of our niche.
      7. Very nice point that giving the contact details of the experienced and experts of our niche so that the readers may easily reach to them and get benefitted from all possible ways.
      8. Very important point we have to fix a launch date before writing the book as we think so shall it he done.
      9. If our community members are involved in the publishing of the book, they will definitely be our first buyers and definitely they will reach out to people with our products as they themselves have got benefitted and wants to share it with the whole world.
      10. The book should be best seller book in our micro niche category.
      11. After launching the book, actual marketing starts.., upto international bestseller.
      12. When the group members books before launch date, that can give a huge shift of gear for becoming a bestseller book.
      13. We should be specialist in our micro niche, in that way we can dominate in our category.

    • Maya Talkar

      6 Steps to become #1 best selling author:
      1. Focus on building product. Don’t hurry in writing a book. First create documented success stories.
      2. Grow your customer base. Have at least 1000+ paid customers and 100+ 121s.
      3. Develop the solid concepts. Wait for at least one year. Formulate and solidify your concepts in such a way that your book is like a “Bible” for your micro niche. Loved the analogy of boiling milk.
      4. Drum it up. Build up the book launch. Announce in your community about the book launch to have more solid feedback. Interview top 3-4 leaders in your industry for their feedback. Set the launch date.
      5. Activate your community. Share blurbs from the community members to get featured in the book.
      6. Domination of micro niche. Choosing the category is important.
      Give Pre-launch offer to community members. This will incredibly help increase the sale on the launch day.
      Keep the momentum going after the launch of your book by doing promotions in mainstream media. Continue the process for 6 to 12 months. Actively market the book to reach to be the international best seller.

    • Uday Shenkar

      6 Steps to how we can hit the Amazon #1 best seller:

      – First build products.
      – Its is better not to wright a book prematurely.
      – Build world-class courses and world class products.
      – Focus on creating more and more success stories.
      – Sid has more than 125 documented success stories/interviews.

      – Sid had more than 11,000 customer base in his paid community when he started to write his book and we don’t have to wait for so long.
      – Even if you have more than 1,000 paid customers in our paid community.
      – One to ones with those customers will help here.
      – Sid did at least 500 one to ones in the first 6 months of him launching his business
      – These will give us so many insights, clarity and the right perspective for us to even formulate different types of models.

      – The concepts in book can be the outcome of all the 121s that we do.
      – It can have the outcome of all the successful interviews that we will have with our students.
      – And its after trying and testing multiple models.
      – This book will then become like a bible for our micro-niche
      – When we write a book, people from our digital coaching industry should see no other book other than ours to compare. That should be the intent of writing this book.
      – Have concepts that are unique, that come from our own thought process which can them become so much more powerful.

      – We openly tell our community that we are planning to take a break to write a book. Thus the entire community comes to know about this book even before we start to write our book.
      – Once we start to write the book, we go deeper into the concepts.
      – We ask our tribe some questions, like what do they want to know in the book, take some polls, get some feedback – all of which gives us some clarity as to what is going to be there in our book.
      – Get 22 interviews of the industry leaders.
      – Of these, identify the top 3 leaders and their interviews, it becomes easy to rope in other influencers/other industry leaders. – We reach out to them and give them a simple questionnaire [about 10 questions], and we tell them that this is the book that we are writing, and that if you would like to be in the book with all these other legends, to please fill those questions as your interview and send them back to me by this date and that ends up becoming other chapters in the book.
      – At the end of the chapters of each of the speakers, we have to link them back to their websites.
      – This is a win-win-win for the readers, to the person who is contributing to the book (the influencer) and to us.

      When we would start to write the first word of the book, we can have a particular good date for our book launch. So SET THE LAUNCH DATE AND THEN YOU START TO WRITE THE BOOK.

      – We do this by asking our community members to share “Blurbs”.
      – Put a google form and ask them to share for about 500 words on their experience in the community
      – There should be a team who can take all of that and polish them for the book.
      – The last chapter of the book can be dedicated for these blurbs.
      – The important of drumming-up our community and say that they will get featured in the book will actually build a connection with our audience.
      – Most of the students who contributed their blurbs will be the first ones who would but the book and it would be a very special moment for them – all of these small things will make a difference.
      – Thus this will be like a bible for the sheer volume and for the super value content.

      – We will be dominating our micro-niche. We will become the industry leader.
      – We should be the ONLY ONE SPECIALIST in our micro niche area
      – And this will open doors to so many opportunities that will come after this.
      – Choosing the category also does matters.
      – We would also tell our community members to pre-order the book two days before the launch as it will be available for order now. It will then be like the Gold-rush.
      – This will help to make the book the #1 best seller on the date of launching the book.

      What’s next?
      – We can get featured in various newspapers
      – We can get interviews across other podcasts across India. These podcasts will give us leverage.
      – A book launch doesn’t end with the book launch. This process has to continue for the next 6-12 months, we have got to actively mark it to reach a particular stage of the critical mass when it will start to work its way up to the international best seller and for this the promotion of the book will be necessary.

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Pramila Jain

      1. Build World Class Courses & Products
      Documented Success Stories
      2. Grow Your Customer Base
      Eg: Build a cusotmer base of 1000 nos. minimum
      3. Formulate and Solidify Concepts – Outcome of 121 Session
      finally it will become like the bible for your community
      allow the milk boil for three years
      4. DRUM UP and Build Up your Book Launch
      End Of Feb – Announce it to the community, run polls, get feedback
      22 interviews of industry leaders.
      Easy to rope in influencers and other industry leaders
      Linking it back to the infulencers websites. WIN<WIN<WIN concept
      5.Activate Your Community
      Submission of Blurbs, Students Speak
      6. The Logical Outcome – Domination
      Open door to other opportunities.
      Be a specialist in your Micro Niche

      Diamond Members should sweep the
      top shelf in their categories by 2025 by applying above steps

      Getting featured in newspaper
      Shutouts & Promos in main stream media from PR Agency
      Collaborating with POD CASTERS to get more leverage.
      Work your way up to get to the NO.1 Position and take it globally

      Pre-Order SLOT was open, and finally it hit
      #1Amazon best seller in the book category

      #ILHfamily #ILHdeepLearners #1Amazon

    • Devika Rankhambe

      Congratulations Siddharth Sir for Officially being amazon Best Selling Author…!
      6 Steeps to hit the Amazon Number One Best Seller even before you launch & there is science behind it
      1. Focus on Building Products – Build World Class Products in Courses, coaching, collaborations, build your communities
      Example, Freedom Business Model
      (Don’t write a book pre-maturely)
      Example, I Wanted to focus on creating more & more success Stories, Generated 125 Documented Success Stories, while writing this Book, with more than 125 interviews, was my first focus
      2. To grow your Customer Base – Build a Customer Base of at least 1000 Customers, Do more One to Ones. Once you do one to ones, you’ll develop a solid concepts.
      Example – Firstly I did more than 500 One to Ones, in first six months, that has given me so much of insights into so much of clarity & right perspectives, to formulate different trends of models.
      Once you do one to ones, you’ll develop a solid concepts. You’re going to formulate & solidify your concepts, when you’ve these concepts U can actually write a Book, like a Bible for your micro-niche.

      Step 3 develop Solid concepts to such way that book should become bible for your micro niche
      when I write this Book, I want to write this as a Bible. People from the any other Coaching Industry, shouldn’t have intent to compare this Book.
      For this to happen, you should let the milk boil & when you’re done enough, you’ll get something out of it. So, let the milk boiled for at least 1 Year or 3 Years( In Sir’s Case)
      U can wait for One Year, till You’ve solid Concepts, which are unique, coming from your own thought process, that’s where it becomes so much more powerful.
      One need to model & follow this(Sir’s) path, there’s no need to re-invent in this. This path is really powerful.

      Step no 4 is Drum up & build up Your Book Launch
      How did I develope a Book Launch?
      1In month of Feb, end of Feb , Break for 21 Days
      Entire Community, knew it, When I started writing a Book, I started going Deeper into the Concepts.
      Ask tribe some questions, what you want to write in this Book, get some feedback, Which gives me clarity, about what should be written inside the Book.
      I spend 21 days to writing a Book.
      The entire writing Concepts, I got 22 interviews of Industry Leaders
      I identify the Top 3 industry Leaders interviews, Jack Canfield, Dr. John D Martinee, Blair Singer.3 Big Legends in Space
      Made list of all other industry leaders & made a summary .
      Questionairre : Asked Questions to the Communities & sent it back to me
      That ended Up becoming other Chapters in the Book
      All the interviewers / influencers are linked to their websites, after the interviews.

      Step 4 – You have to drum it up or really build it up
      To announce to the community, students.
      March, apr ,march, I decided June 20th be the day of launch—Father’s Day
      First Set the launch date & then you start.
      Step 5 – Activate my/Ur community
      Ask community members to share views, share 500 words, about their experience inside community, Leveraging community members is possible
      It create sense of connection with your audiances, If your audiences name is inside the book, it’s a special feeling for them. Because, it has 647 page book bible, super value concepts inside

      Step 6 Logical Outcome which is domination, you’re about to dominate your own micro niche.. Ur going to become an industry leader
      This will open the doors to the opportunities that will come after this
      In 2025 we should be shipping swiping the Top sells of Amazon, In every single category possible, Category matters
      My Vision – To make this Book international No 1 Best seller
      Book was available 2 days b4 the launch, so that people can preorder it, so the day on I launch was best seller..!
      That should be the approach & pre-planning & Execution

      Summary :

      Build products, grow customers, develop concepts to such way that book should become bible for your micro niche
      Drum it up, Activate your community
      Put ur flag in the ground & dominate Ur micro niche
      Because U should be the only one who’se the specialist in your micro- niche Area when you launch a Book..
      Get on this path to build a solid product….!

      • Meet Mehta

        Sidz 6 fantastic ways to make his brand new book #YouCanCoach to be the #1 seller on Amazon before the actual launch of the book-
        1. Build Worldclass products- which are nothing but your course, your webinars, etc which will then create success stories and then you dont have to speak, their success will speak for you.
        2. Grow your customer- Grow your community in such a way like seeding in the garden to make it a beautiful one with several flowers and fruits.
        3. Formulate and solidify your concepts- bring your own unique concepts in a way they are isolated in the queue of so manys’.
        4. Drum it Up: Build up the launch and announce it in your community and within your tribe which will bring curiosity in them for the actual launch of the book.
        5. Activate your community- Getting your community engaged and bringing their stories into picture. This will also create a feeling of importance to them.
        6. Logical Outcome- As you dominate your micro-niche, it is going to be the number one.
        Have vision for your community.
        And these things do not stop at the launch. This is an ongoing process for few months more to bring it on the top list of the International seller.

        Concept of launching before the launch is like “Think it to Make it”. And nothing can stop it to be on #1

    • Yashasri

      Build -> Grow -> Develop -> Escalate -> Activate -> Dominate!!

      Such a crisp formula for becoming Amazon best seller! Just loved your insights Sid.

      Power packed statement : Be the only ONE who is a specialist in your micro-niche.

      Golden nugget : Personalise the book so much for the members of your community that they become eager to buy the book even before launch.

      The steps are so clearly mentioned with examples that it allows us to implement the same in our book launching journey. And if we apply these 6 steps diligently, its pretty sure that to become a best seller:
      1. Build product
      2. Grow customers
      3. Develop concepts
      4. Drum it up
      5. Activate your community
      6. Dominate your micro-niche

      Thank you Sidz! God bless you!

    • Suraj Kumar A S

      Sidz has given out wonderful insights and his approach to writing his First Book Hit &how it became The Amazon #1 Best-Seller Even Before The Launch Day.
      My key takeaways and learning from his 6 step approach:-
      1) Build World Class products:-
      ->Before Writing a book Prematurely, focus on building a product & system that works.
      ->Document as many success stories for references.

      2) Build Customer base:-Sidz had an 11K+ customer base in his community.
      ->You can start with just 1K customers, covering our 1-2-1 meetings & interviews. ( in Sidz’s case he has done more than 500+ one-to-one interviews in 6months of launching his business.)
      -> These one-to-one interviews would give all the needs insights, clarity & right perspectives to formulate different approaches & types of business models.

      3) Build Solid Concepts:-
      ->Develope strong concepts by leveraging & understanding the needs through those one-to-one meetings/interviews of your successful students as in what worked for them and what didn’t.
      -> Once these concepts are solidified through the experiences and learnings, we can write a book that would act as BIBLE in your micro-niche, giving no space for other books & competitors to compare with.
      -> Your intent should be to bring out the best quality and your own uniqueness through these learnings & years of persistence ( in sidz’scase he took 3years but if we follow him & his ready-reckoner model then we can do it in One year)

      4) Drum it -up, Create a buzz:-
      -> if you have a community like Sidz then announce in advance, your plans of taking a break to write a book (Sidz declared his plans in 5 months advance about his 21days break & book plans)
      -> This will create awarness in the community before the book launch. This would also provide in acquiring valuable insights, learning & ideas that they want in this book through a series of poll & surveys giving a better clarity on what topics to be included.
      -> Get the interview of top 3-4 industry legends/leaders & then use that as a reference to rope in other major influencers & leaders providing simple questionnaires with 10 questions. And request them to send this before a deadline.
      ->This exercise can be used to create different chapters in the book for each leader, thus linking them back to their websites, making a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, other leaders & customers.
      -> Set the launch dates, announce it & start writing the book with this launch date in mind.

      5) Activate your community:-
      -> Ask your community members to share 500 words of their personal experiences of being in the community as blurps.
      -> This would provide a sense of connection with audiences, as they would be the first to pre-order this book to read their respective names & experience giving them a WoW feeling a sense of belonging.
      -> All these Small Small things make a huge difference.
      -> With this Share of content ( your own story-content, other leaders insights, and with around 40-50 members testimonial content) this simple book would transform itself as a powerful textbook in the industry for a niche. And late it would be considered & referred to as the holy bible because of these powerful contents.

      6) OutCome- Dominating your Niche area:-
      -> Doing & following the 5 steps above you become the industry leader.
      -> Motivate & provide a vision to your community to write a book in their respective category & niches to be the top seller in their categories. They would be using your methods and each book launch & success would a testimonial to your methods & teachings ( choosing category is very important).
      -> Once the book is launched your works begins for the next 4-6 months, work with PR to do some shout-outs, Work with publishers & announce the book available for pre-order to your community.
      -> This would help your book to start selling before the book is launched. (Sidz’sbook was no.1 on amazon on the day it was launched)

      Be the specialist in your topic, industry.
      Get Coached by Sidz, be in his community to get fast-tracked

      #ilhfamily , #ilhdeeplearner , #youcancoach , #icancoach, #amazonno1

    • Shivanand Uplanchwar

      6 Steps to how we can hit the Amazon #1 best seller:

      Every Diamond needs right time circumstances to shine. So to make our book shine like Diamond and become Bible in the field of our micro Niche. We need to follow following steps.

      1. Focus on Building product first:-
      -The world class product help us creat more and more success stories.
      Let’s boil the milk first for the to come out of it

      2. Build customer base
      -Customer base helps us super fine our product with their feedback.
      -121 Super fines the concepts

      3. Formulate solid concepts in such a way that book becomes bible in your niche.

      -There is no meaning having bulky book but having a book which will be course book in your niche.
      – For me it becomes so much easy, I just need to model sidz.

      4. Drum it up
      -Build up the book launch:
      Announced to the community about book writing date and launch date . Get Feedbacks, asked questions from community.

      5. Activate your community:
      Ask community to share their experiences.
      -community also leverage opportunity to have their names in book and it is priceless.

      6. Domination (the logical outcome):
      Dominate your micro niche.
      -Your community is the first to order the book in Pre-launch. Because of feeling it’s effort of community and your expertise.
      It’s pretty sure thatBook launch starts after book launch.
      -now it’s time to market it for long till it takes up it’s stage.

      Loved this podcast because I also waiting to launch my first book for long time. After listening to this podcast I could feel the value my book going to have after I go through the grind of above six steps.

      Thanks for these insights.

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Satheesh Veliyath

      Truly amazed by the sheer strategy adopted by Siddharth. You have really paved the way for a upcoming authorss in the community. Must admit this podcast is like a mini couse on how to become a best seller on Amazon.

      Could recall the Prelaunch buzz and Mega launch event and how it turned out to be a grandoise of an event with so much emotions and excitement. Here are my key learning from the podcast.

      Step 1 : Build solid world class products that are value packed and aimed out at giving the clear direction to the community. Take time and document the success stories and letting the results speak for themselves.

      Step 2 : Grow your customer base to atleast 1000 members. Should have done atleast 500 121s. Use the fedback and insights to improvise the product.

      Step3 : The valuable insights from the 121s should pave the path for developing powerful concepts and solidify them to make a bible out of it over a period of 1 year.

      Step 4 : Drum up the book launch. Make announcemnets to the community and give teasers. I could recall the time when Sidz announce a 21 day break exclusively to write the book. I can only imagine how the interviews with 22 world leaders would be. This would make the content only top notch. the feedback methodology adopted with the industry leaders were also innovative. Creating a win -win situation rather than competition is admirable. most importantly having a end date for the completion and launch of the book is also essential.

      Step 5: Activate and engage with the community .Asking the community for blurbs on how their experience was with the community and making concpets out of it was very thoughtful.This step definetly creates an extreme sense of connection.

      Step 6 : Dominate your micro niche. It is of no surprise that this much preapartion behind the book will definetly serve as a bible to the digital coaches and those who are aspiring to be one. The book and the response will serve as a catapult to various opportunities in the future.

      Last but not least. The book launch is just the beginning. Actively marketing the book for 6 months will pave the path for the book on becoming an international best seller.

      Thank you Sidz for leading us so gracefully
      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Digital NiGo

      Thank you so much Sidz for sharing the 6 steps formula to be a best seller author before launch of the book.

      It shows how open you are to share your success and learning with the community.

      As a deep learner I have noted all the points and definitely implemented it.
      As it is told that your implementation of learning is most important.
      You have cancelled 2 times earlier for book titles, writings and focus on build the solid product & people around your micro niche.
      That’s the best learning for me from this podcast.
      Time taught us the right things which is 3 years for you to come with a strong concept & mindset for writing your 1st book.
      Already have this book with me today received from amazon along with the free gift.. White T-shirt with the writings “I CAN COACH”.

      Last not the least I have also planned to write my 1st book with the experience & learning of my 20 years of journey with the company I have been working with.

      This podcast will be a guideline for me on that journey of my book writing.
      As told you are the only mentor of me and I’m a life long learner to learn & help the society.

      MPTY Sidz.. Once again Congratulations for the best seller author.. ????????

      #digitalNiGo, #ILHFAMILY, #ILHdeeplearner, #Youcancoach

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Thanks a ton! Really appreciate your feedback. I’m glad you found this learning journey valuable! More to unfold.. 😉

    • Namrata Vishwanath

      In this Podcast, Sidz covers in detail How to hit the #1 best selling author status before you even launch the book. For how to write a book you can visit Episode #74 of his Podcast.

      Sidz shares 6 key areas to focus on:

      #1 Build world class products

      #2 Build Community

      Once you hit more than 1000 people you will have deep insights to formulate different kinds of models.

      #3 Formulate and solidify your concepts

      Once you have concepts, it becomes a bible for your micro-niche. Took 3 years to write a book so that he could share unique solid concepts coming from his own thought process.

      #4 Drum it Up

      Pre-launch announced to his community he would be writing a book.
      Interviewed 22 big leaders in the industry including Jack Canfield, Jean De Martini, and Blair Singer.
      Set his launch date.

      #5 Activate Community

      Asked students to write in the book. It created a connection with the audience. Students saw their name inside the book and it was a special feeling for them. They were some of the first to buy the book.

      # 6 Dominate your Micro Niche – you will become the industry leader

      Book had around 300 pages of Sidz content. 300 pages of interviews. It became a textbook. Members of the community are saying it’s the bible of training and coaching. High-value content.

      His vision for the Community: By 2025 every single person in his Leadership Council should be sweeping the top shelf of Amazon Books.

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner #youcancoach


      -Hit bestseller before launching the book.

      1. Focus on building products-
      -Didn’t write the book prematurely
      -Build world-class product
      -Create more success stories

      2.Grow Customer Base-
      -At least more than 1000 customers
      -From 1-2-1 you’ll get insights & clarity, right prospective
      -Develop solid concepts

      3.Formulate & Solidify Your Concepts
      -Once you have solid concepts you can actually write a book that can be ‘BIBLE FOR YOUR MICRO-NICHE’.
      -Let the milk boil. When you’ll do enough you’ll get the perspective.
      -Unique & Come From Own Thought Process

      4. You need to ‘DRUM-IT-UP’ (PRE-FRAME)

      -Openly announced to the community. They subconsciously get a hint about it
      -Ask questions & polls to get more perspective on what should inside the book.
      -Get the BIG-LEADERS into board & interviewed them (Announcing the leaders & influencers; create a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for everyone)
      -Set the launch date & start.

      5. Activate the Community
      – Blobs by community members. (500 words of their experience in your community)
      – Student’s Speaks ( Those who get value from your concepts )
      – Those whose blobs get published; they buy the book first.

      -Become an industry leader
      -Choosing the community matters
      -Featuring on Newspaper
      -Hire PR TEAM to get featured in mainstream media
      -Collaborating with other podcasts across country
      -After launching the work on promotion for 6-12 months. Actively market the book
      -The book launch doesn’t end at the book launch it starts their

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • B.Jayasree


      This is my first deep learner’s post. I am super excited to share my views.

      I listened to the podcast multiple times and introspected on it. There are some ideas which I have already implemented. There are many which I will implement in future as I am building my systems.

      To follow Sidz footsteps, I would like to keep it simple, point shooter style. Here are my learnings:

      1. Always be open to learning.
      2. Learn from the best in the market.
      3. Do not copy ideas.
      4. Take inspiration and adapt them. Give it your own touch in your unique way.
      5. There is no limitation to where u can draw an inspiration from. U can be inspired by a social media platform, to a tech company, to a search engine or even a retail company. Anything can inspire. You just need to keep an open mind.
      6. Study companies who define the market.
      7. Getting customers is not the end. The work begins after you get customers. Serve them. Retain them.
      8. Keep improvising on 3 key processes:
      a. Product Development
      b. Product Enhancement
      c. Customer Experience
      9. Don’t just build a product. Build an ecosystem. Think long term.
      10. Once a customer enters the ecosystem, ensure they find it hard to move out.
      11. Create a world class experience.
      12. Make customers habituated to high standards of service. Once customer is used to such high standards, they will not want to move out of the ecosystem and try other products. Even if they do, it may not meet their expectations.
      13. Raise the bar. Give more than expected. It will ensure customer retention.
      14. Create great quality products. Take help of people who are best in their craft to create the look and feel of your product. Your website, product boxes, videos, podcasts, copywriting, ads everything should be of high quality. Your work is your autograph. As my mentor’s mentor says, ‘Don’t be Cheap on your way to Greatness’.
      15. Be confident of quoting a good price for your products. For e.g. you can keep the L1 affordable and L3 aspirational. Even if people are not able to buy L3 directly, the aspiration will seed in. The moment they have the resources, they will buy L3.
      16. In the ecosystem have products which complement each other. Create bonuses accordingly. Introduce new products which fit in the ecosystem and make it complete. In case there are some products which do not form part of your ecosystem, get the affiliate links. You may earn extra income by recommending those. E.g. You do not have a psychometric test but your customers might want to try one, recommend a third party test and add your affiliate link. Earn your ice-cream money.
      17. Don’t get swayed by market research. Be proactive. Push your boundaries. Innovate and create customer centric products or experience.
      18. Revisit and improvise your products periodically.
      19. Follow simplicity. Simply the way you explain the concepts in your course. Be clear, crisp. One may follow 7Cs of communication to know how to keep things simple.
      20. Create a community. Don’t just sell products sell community. It will retain customers and help them connect to each other.
      21. Gamify the process. Create events, forums where people can learn and grow together.
      22. Create more leaders. Build your council. Empower the council to do activities to engage the community. Community learning and sharing is addictive. People love to be part of a tribe,
      23. Create accountability partners so that the community gets results.
      24. As you grow in the business, create branded merchandise. Create products which people use often in daily life.
      25. Keep adding new products. Keep the customers engaged by introducing new merchandise.
      26. Give away merchandise as gifts in the gamification process.
      27. Create your own search engine. Index your content on the website, videos, blogs, podcasts.
      28. Be the Best
      29. Dominate your micro-niche
      30. Create world class products and community to give world class experience to your customers.

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Awesome Jayasree !Great Insights! More power to you, great to have you in our community.

    • Pragnasankalpa

      Out of all previous mails I liked this mail very valuable, time saving with lot of choices at one shot and finally it made business world shrink in my palms and I felt powerful moving fingers for choice and concluded with a tick mark.
      I always feel that you are a family member.
      This one is an affirmation.
      God bless you Siddharth with lot of strength and deserving ones around you.

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