If you want to make BIG money online and narrow down on your money making niche, then you’ll have to find a BIG problem to solve.
And sometimes narrowing down on your niche can be hard. In this podcast, I go deep into the two ways you can find your niche – based on your INNER PATH and OUTER PATH.
What’s Covered Inside This Episode
- I talk about the top 3 macro niches which people are ready to spend money on.
- I give you clarity on the difference between the INNER PATH to wealth and the OUTER PATH to wealth
- I go deep into the 7 ways to find your niche based on the INNER PATH
- I also share with you the 2 ways to validate your niche based on the OUTER PATH
- At the end, I talk about IKIGAI and how this can help you narrow down faster
Below is a visual representation of what is covered in this podcast, based on the notes that I had made personally for you. I hope you can identify your money making niche by just going thru this.

According to The Balance Small Business, here are the 10 Best-Selling Most Popular Niches to Make Money Online.
- Fitness and Weight Loss
- Health
- Dating and Relationships
- Pets
- Self-Improvement
- Wealth Building Through Investing
- Make Money on the Internet
- Beauty Treatments
- Gadgets and Technology
- Personal Finance
It’s always about the market first and the product second.
How To Know If Your Money Making Niche Is Profitable or Not
To create a profitable business, you first need to find problems your target customers are experiencing, then determine whether you can actually solve them. Here are several things you can do to identify problems in specific niches:
- Have one-on-one conversations or idea-extraction sessions with your target market. Make sure to find or create a framework for asking questions that helps you uncover pain points.
- Peruse forums. Search Quora, or find forums related to your niche, then take a look at the discussions that are taking place. What questions are people asking? What problems do they have?
- Research keywords. Explore different keyword combinations on Google Trends and Google AdWords’ keyword planner. This can help you uncover popular search terms related to pain points.
How to Get Started With Your Money Making Niche
- Go through the list of top 10 best-selling niches. Figure out what piques your interest the most or what meshes with your product idea.
- Explore affiliate networks like Clickbank.com, CJ Affiliate or Amazon for products in those niches. Note the best-selling products in the best-selling niches.
- Check out other online businesses in that niche to see what they’re doing to promote their products, like email marketing, marketing funnels, social media, etc.
- Model your new business on the “winners” you spot out there. Remember that affiliate marketing is a great way to get started with low risk. You could also develop your own products as you grow your business online.
Your Next Logical Step
In order to take this learning to the next level and make the money manifest into your life by narrowing down on your money making niche, I invite you to my next webinar.

In my webinar I will be going deep into the following areas:
- How to encash on this $325 billion e-Learning trend that’s sweeping the world.
- How to become a Digital Leader and Coach within 90 days
- How to INFLUENCE people online using the power of videos
- How to build a 4-STAGE FUNNEL to build your Digital Money Machine
- How to spend just 1-hour a day and make over $10,000 per month in 90 days
All this and more will be covered in my LIVE webinar. Click on the button and register.
My webinars are usually LIVE, as I love to personally connect with people and answer critical questions to help them grow on this journey of FREEDOM.
If you found this podcast useful, please share your comments below and I will personally reply to them.
43 replies to "9 Ways To Discover Your Money Making Niche Thru Your Inner And Outer Path"
Good Morning ????
Thanking you for a wonderful morning Podcast driving my way to Pune/SATARA/Kolhapur
All the time will dwell upon my Niche – 7 pillers / IKIGAI and come out sorted with my passion in different funnels.
How to begin we discuss on Sunday 07.07.2019
Have a wonderful Day ????
Good Diniesh. Contemplate. Focus on one core. I know that you may be a man with multiple disciplines. But true wealth in this game is created by narrowing down on one.
Thank u..
This podcast’s biggest taka away is the sweet spot. It becomes easy to narrow down our niche after knowing the 2 paths , inner n outer path n finding that sweet spot..
Awesome way to find niche..
It’s difficult to understand me because I m civil engineer .
Doesn’t matter what you tag yourself. If you are open to growing and learning… you can create wealth on-demand!
Because I m not from software Field
That’s doesn’t matter. As long as you are constantly learning new things, you will grow!
Very Interesting, I will have to plan to attend couple of those….
Yes Anil. Do that!
Really, the awesome topic for everyone to find the niche-based upon the outer path & inner path. Then massive success waits for everyone.
Love & Respect
Awesome tips.. Could resonate with 4 points completely, 1 Passion, 2 need, 3 purpose 4 influence.. A great way to begin the day
Thanks Prachiti. Go deep and you will be able to truly add value to the world around you.
Hi Sidz ,I’m Rakhi Singh was working as a Principal of CBSE’s ser.sec. private Sch.
After 15th yrs of my expeirence now I’m job less . I was getting 85k remuneration but now it has become tuff to get even 50k .
I was too depressed , When I saw your add on FB nd diceded to follow you . I watched videos of some people who are earning very well bcz of ..Its really very good your serving nd supporting people to earn well without any office ,without any time limits and with freedom nd respect.
I hope the same for me that I shall be got success. Thanks nd all the best.
Hi Rakhi, thanks for your message. It’s great to know that you were a principal and it’s such an important role. However, I’m glad that you also understand that wealth creation is a totally different game! I’d be glad to assist you on this journey of Freedom. Let’s meet LIVE
This is really good sid sir. Actually I m a salaried with 25 thousand rupees per month almost all 75 percent salary will go on the emi. And I have one small start up to but it is really facing lots of problem in it.As I am also a trainer for the farmers .I speak up to how to grow and maintenance the product but atlast I suffer from marketing I’m not able to sell it.
As I’m from a middle class family I have gone through all my situations what farmer is facing with him. Help me to grow my business more with digital sector Sid sir.Thanking you
Jibran.. I can totally understand your situation. I also used to be thinking in the “middle class” mindset. It’s only when I surrendered to a mentor when my life started to change. You cannot expect to grow, without surrender. Stay connected, and let’s meet LIVE in my next webinar.
GM Sidz
I have come into the system just two days ago. Just completed Day#1 inputs. Wish to continue and keep learning.
Hi Sid,
This is really really good to narrow down on niche.
My take away from this podcast is Inner & outer path to select perfect niche.
One of my concern is that, we have printing business & want to promote the same online. Wish to give your suggestion for the same !!!
Hi Shreya, thanks for your message. Well, your printing business is more of a service. But if you have to think in terms of ‘products’ to encash this model.
You always makes me thinking more… Be more, do more and have more. Love the way you explained both the paths… Keep up the great work that you are doing…
Thanks Raakesh! Yes, this is a very powerful principle. If applied you can truly create an impact in the world.
Good morning Sir
it is very need full to me
Good Information
Hi Sidz,
My name is Aneell Nagdev. I am interested to help people who are into Addictions as an addiction recovery counsellor as I was working in rehab last year but since 8 months I am without job now I have made up my mind to start on my own into selling digital products and coaching, I am now become Zero I have hit rock bottom now I am 56 years of age and in my life I have become zero 4 times, I want to become from zero to hero so I think your Freedom masterclass will be helpful to me in achieving my goals.
I am not able to afford now if you can give me a discount or a scholarship or some kind of payment facility I would be grateful to you, hoping for doing the needful.
Thanks, Regards,
Aneell Nagdev.
That’s great Aneell! Save up some money.. and invest when you come into my next webinar.
Hi Sidz,
I work as a market research consultant. Wondering what could be my niche Or product. Your suggestion will be helpful
You are actually not in market research… but you are in the space of “business growth” thru market research. Always think about end goal. You are helping businesses grow by providing them vital data which can help them make key decisions. That’s your niche – “business growth”
Thanks Siddharth for all the information and help.
Sidh..I am an author with 2 books published, Yours is rational advice. No non-sense. Liked it. Looking forward for building a on line business.
amazing inspiring thank you so much
It was really inspiring and broke makes me feel really light and clear headed fir my next step. Action time.
Thank you for sharing so genuinely.
Love and regards.
Thank you sidz, for sharing podcast and help to give clarity via INNER and OUTER.
This format of podcast itself is a wonderful give away of what it contains. It clarifies different aspects of identification of one’s Niche as relevant to inner path or outer path or evolution of smooth integration of both. The clarity and conviction is convincing. Thanks for every thing.
Thanks Nivarthi!
i am a beginner, and i have learnt a lot from Siddharth sir, he is just awesome, I have selected my niche after your podcast, and I am working on it.
Hi sidz
Just completed listening the podcast
Yet to learn more about IKIGAI
Need to still narrow down the Niche
Sofar so good going.
Thank’s Bala! All the best
Hey Sidz ,
It’s alwayz exciting you listen you get so much value , looking forward to get more such value.
Hey Sidz, I m a class 12 student and I m also bit confused in choosing my niche before listening this podcast.
I try many ways to find my niche but I can’t get that perfectly. But now I m clear about my niche.
Thanku very much for this unique ways.
I really appreciate it.
Just do it man. Again thanks.
Hey, Mayank! Your feedback really made my day! 🙂
This is just the beginning 🙂 the more you invest time in learning you will discover newer ways of refining your positioning. Keep Inspiring!