No matter how much marketing you do, ultimately people will buy from you only if they trust you and if they can see that you can solve their problem. In this podcast, I share the 3 pillars of trust.

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siddharth rajsekar
siddharth rajsekar

Free Webinar: Monetize Your Knowledge With AI-Powered Courses, Online Communities, and Automation!

I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    50 replies to "How To Get People To Trust You"

    • Rahul George

      Build communities… really care for them.. they will care you back 💘 🧡

      Be vulnerable and open.. 6th sense of them can spot you a mile away..

      Present the points in a matter of fact to the point manner…

      Trusr Cannot be bought ..
      It’s not ONLY about ads…

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilh

    • Debasmita Basu

      Thank you Siddharth for the topic – 3 Pillars to Building Teust amongst the Customers
      Biggest Takeaways-

      Making great products is the outcome of making great decisions. As product builders, we base decisions on three pillars.

      3 Important Pillars to build trust among the clients-

      1️⃣ Authenticity – Clear with values, be vulnerable

      2️⃣ Logic – Straight with tangible values.

      3️⃣ Empathy – Show How much you care ,build community.

      -👉 Find Your Mission and Stand By It.
      -👉 Project Clear Brand Values.
      – 👉Emphasize Brand and Consumer Storytelling.
      -👉 Be Customer-Centric.
      -👉 Don’t Be Afraid to Be Emotive.


    • Debasmita Basu

      Sorry topo error , it should be Trust

    • Visweswaran Sayee

      How to get people to a trust you?
      Trust can’t be bought. It has to be earned by caring and by being authentic.
      3 pillar of trust:-
      1. Empathy
      2. Strong Logic
      3. Authenticity
      Focus on these 3 pillars to scale big time.
      1. Authentic – One can be either authentic or not authentic, you can’t be in between. Be open and transperent with the audience. The energy will be show up in your talk, behaviour if you are genuine Or not.
      2. Strong Logic – logical talk will help the audience to cater to their logical brain. Clear cut steps. The information has to be based on your experience.
      3. Empathy – people don’t care how much you know, Until they know how much you care.
      We are in people’s business. We should have empathy for everyone. Be genuine in your work and support. We do monetary transaction in lieu of the product/ services that we provide, and when you build a community the connect between you and the audience is . The audience can sense the energy and stick with you for a longer duration

      • Visweswaran Sayee

        We do monetary transaction in lieu of the product/ services that we provide, and when you build a community the connect between you and the audience is more genuine. The audience can sense the energy and stick with you for a longer duration

        Leave a Reply

    • Meenu Chaurasiya

      Empathy ….
      And logic ….

      3 main piller of trust …..

      The piller of authenticity … Walk the talk .. Be vulnerable … Be real … Be ready for them ….

      The piller of logic… Talking logic… Facts and figures … Trace data… Talk with proof …. Data driven logic… Result based teaching … Task to task … Step by step path ….

      help them to go through the journey …
      Help them unstuck …
      Know what they are going through …
      Tell them your are with them ….

      Stand by your vision ..
      Stand for your community ….

      Brand values …
      Customer centric ….


    • Yogesh srinivasaiah

      Take away:

      Walk the talk
      Being real

      2. Strong logic
      Be respucefw to help them to succeed

      Its not about how much you know. The way you serve

    • praful C Varma

      #ILHDeep Lerner

      Trust can not be bought ,it has to be earned . by showing to the people Empathy, Authenticity & Logical .

      Authenticity_ Be vulnerable and open using sixth sense of them can spot you a mile away.

      Strong Logic_ Present the points in a matter of fact to the point manner with tangible values .

      Empathy _Should be for every one ,build community don’t just be transactional and have life time customers.

      Pillars of trust build community. really care for them. they will care you back.

    • Rajiv Bhatia

      Three Pillars of Trust are:
      Present Information with Logic
      People buy from you when they trust you for your knowledge and believe that you are a problem Solver.

    • Ganga Narayan Das

      Win the Trust of the people to scale
      1. Authenticity – Either you are authentic or you are not. Vulnerable, open, true to them
      2. Present information with a strong Logic – Intellectually convinced
      3. Empathy – People don’t care about how much you know, but untill they know how much you care

      Empathy for everyone – Build communities – be there for them for life – not just a transactional deal

    • Reema Noor

      How to get people to trust? #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      Empathy,authenticity and logic
      Exposure is secondary to above mentioned values.
      Walk the talk, lead with value, vulnerable and transparent with clients.

      Present info with strong logic, clear cut stuff, tangible action. Per minute value.

      Ppl do not care about how much u know but they care about how much u care.
      People lover. Build communities. It Should not be only transactional but above that.


    • Firdous Guffor Misgar

      # ILH Deep Learner
      How To Get People To Trust You
      Trust can not be bought it has to be
      Earned by really showing that you care
      For people,. You are authentic & you are
      Able to present your information with a
      Strong logic.
      These are the 3 pillars of trust.
      01 : Authenticity : You either are authentic or not. You can not just wear
      Filters & show people you are something well but in real life you are
      Not living that.
      You got to first walk the talk lead with
      Value & also be vulnerable & open &
      Transparent with your audience. When
      You are in that space you are really
      Connect with them on a deeper level &
      You will be able to perceive it from the
      Using their sick sense. Everybody has
      Sick sense to perceive the people that you are really for them & you are being
      02 :Logic : You have to present information with strong logic and
      Catering to their intellectual side of brain Like clear cut stuff. When you are able to present your information with
      Strong logic & people will see the value
      & they will trust you.
      03 : Empathy : People do not care about how much you know unless they know
      How much you care.
      You need to have empathy for everyone. We are in a people bussiness
      People will sense this that’s why we
      Should build communities people will
      Stick with you as long term customers.

    • Vijay Acharya

      How to get people to trust you?
      Trust cannot be bought by really showing you care for people
      Walk the talk lead with value. Be vulnerable, open & transparent with your audience. You will be connected with an audience.
      Logic- Catering to the Intellectual side of brain. Based on your own experience.
      Empathy-People don’t care about how much you know until they find out how much you care. We need to be people lover. Provide great customer experience.

    • Ravi Kishore

      • Authenticity :
      -Walk the Talk
      -Be Vulnerable
      -Transparent with Audience
      -They will be able to Perceive with your energies
      -Be real
      • Strong Logic
      -Catering to the Intellectual part with various models
      -Pointer shooter style
      -No Beating around the bush
      -Value per minute
      -Tangle Action with what you implemented
      • Empathy
      -People Don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care
      -Empathy on everyone
      -Build Communities to sense your energies then they will be able to stick with us for long time as members

    • snehal dhuri

      #ILHdeeplearner #ilhfamily
      Trust has to be earned. three pillars are as below

      We cant wear filter; walk the talk, be vulnerable and transparent ,lead with value.
      1)Present information with strong Logic
      2)Point shooter type
      3)tangible acts building trust
      Empathy People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care. People Perceive the gap. Don’t be transactional; build communities

    • Sumesh Chhabria

      Empathy, Authenticity and Logic are three important things to get people trust you.

      1. Authenticity – We cant wear filter; walk the talk, be vulnerable and transparent ,lead with value.
      2. Logic – Always Present Information with Strong Logic.
      3.Empathy – How much we Care for People. Be People Lover always because People can Sense our Energy.

      #iLHDeepLearner #ILHfamily

    • Sumeet Arora

      Liked the three elements. Authentic, Empathetic and Logic.

      What are your views about the role of Competency and Consistency in building trust ?

    • Ruby Yogi

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

      Lack of trust can become a crack in building our system. It can be the reason why all efforts into marketing, advertising, and sales will yield only moderate results even if there is 100 percent effort.

      Trust may be viewed to stand upon the following three pillars:

      3 pillars of trust to scale any business
      1. Authenticity: Walk the talk and lead with value. Be vulnerable, open, and transparent with the audience.
      2. Logic: Point-shooter-style presentation of concepts based on own experience enforces trust build up in the audience…
      3. Empathy: People do not care about what you know if you do not care…

      Community building takes care of all these 3 pillars of trust. Community stays for longer… and they become long-term customers due to the trust built.

      People have a sixth sense for sensing trust. Working on these 3 pillars will help with trust building.

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner

    • Girija Sankar

      Trust can not be BOUGHT, it has to be EARNED

      People do not know you until they know how much you care for them
      Build communities… Don’t just sell products and care for your people

      Be vulnerable and open, transparent with your audience.. Your audience can perceive your energy using their 6th sense

      Present the data to cater to the intellectual side of the brain using mindmap, charts. Use strong logic

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilh

    • Ananya Ohdedar

      Key takeaways :

      Trust can not be bought, it has to be earned.

      3 Pillars to earn trust

      1. Empathy :- You should care for people.
      2. Authenticity :- Be authentic. Be vulnerable, be transparent with your audience.
      3. Logic :- You have to present thing with strong logic.

      Take care of these 3 things while you are connecting with your audience and when you are producing any content for your audience to earn their trust.

      #ilh deep learner

    • Flora

      Trust can not be bought but it has to be earned by showing that you really care

      -Pillar of authenticity be transparent to people
      – present information with strong logic, being straight forward when presenting the information, that’s when it will build trust

      – empathy, people don’t care about what you know but how much you care

    • Dr. GN Suma

      How to get people to trust you
      My learnings
      3 Pillars of Trust ):
      1. Authenticity: Walk the talk, Be vulnerable, and be transparent. People can perceive the intention and you are being real, and you are in it for them
      2. Present information with strong logic, catering to the intellectual side of the brain. Like mind maps, presentations, sharing logical information, clear-cut message, no fluff, no beating around the bush, and tangible takeaways.
      3. Empathy: Your intention should not be just to attract clients and get sales. In people’s business, we got to love people. Build communities, instead of just selling courses, high ticket services, booking a call, selling a deal or course. When you build communities, people can sense the energy and stay with you for a longer time.

    • Dr. GN Suma

      How to get people to trust you
      My learnings
      3 Pillars of Trust ):
      1. Authenticity: Walk the talk, Be vulnerable, and be transparent. People can perceive the intention and you are being real, and you are in it for them
      2. Present information with strong logic, catering to the intellectual side of the brain. Like mind maps, presentations, sharing logical information, clear-cut message, no fluff, no beating around the bush, and tangible takeaways.
      3. Empathy: Your intention should not be just to attract clients and get sales. In people’s business, we got to love people. Build communities, instead of just selling courses, high ticket services, booking a call, selling a deal or course. When you build communities, people can sense the energy and stay with you for a longer time.


      HOW TO BUILD TRUST:- with clients, particularly in the Teaching and Coaching business where you deal with people and their problems.
      in the podcast, Siddharth talks about 3 hallmarks of building trust.
      1. Authenticity
      2. Logic
      3. Emotion.
      let us delve deep into it: Let me go backward.
      EMOTION-Trust is a relationship between two entities, in this case, it is between coach and coachee. People buy people first before buying their product. If faith builds between them, then they buy the product or service on that faith. Before buying the product or service they have no actual taste of the product which they will get after the use it for some time. So it is in good faith on the person they buy it. All buying decisions are first emotional decisions, people may give logic but actually, emotions drive them for buying and they justify with logic.
      LOGIC- though the purchasing is done first with emotional content, when using if it falls short of logic, that is when started using if they find it is not serving their purpose then they will feel they have been taken for a ride. So the product or service has to add lots of value and address their problem and provide real solutions. If the user feels wow!, then a long-lasting trust will develop between them.
      so while dealing with them an emotional connection is valuable, while developing products or services one needs to put himself in the shoes of the person to find their pain points to develop the product or service by putting the logical hat on.
      Emotionally feel the person and his pain points – a function of the HEART(right brain, emotional function). Then design a wow! product( better than expected by them), by putting the logical left brain into action.
      3. Authenticity- walk the talk consistently. Impeccability and vulnerability add flavour to the whole dimension. So much so that in case of failure, they don’t doubt the product or service in the first place but instead doubt their capability of using them. It is building a Trusted Brand which people buy with absolute trust with closed eyes.
      To sum up, we can say this is not a transaction( sell and forget) but entering into a long-term RELATIONSHIP> NOT SELLING A PRODUCT BUT REGISTERING A MEMBERSHIP TO A ELITE GROUP/ PLATFORM WITH PROMISING LONG-TERM FUTURE.

    • sridhar kinhal

      TRUST BEGETS TRUST They say . Sixth sense is the Third Eye !!
      if the focus is on closing a deal or clinch a large ticket without the preparatory perquisite , you will get exposed to cracks in the system or will not be able to have long term association.

      The three pillars for TRUST are :

      1. BE AUTHENTIC- you can’t feign authenticity – – either you are or you are not !! , we need to walk the talk , Be vulnerable , open and transparent with your audience . You are Being REAL is very much visible
      2. BE LOGICAL – Give presentation which means what it says – with strong logic
      3. BE EMPATHETICAL – it is not important How much you know but How much you care for them . This actually is like water dripping on the wall – so much visible in our behavior . Any behavior which does not match to being caring- there could be axe falling at any point of business transaction.
      Therefore it is important that we create and build communities and not Do transactions !!
      In Community Networking and the Community psyche – the people can sense your energies and want to associate longtime .


    • Ganesh Rawat

      Thank you Sid for sharing this beautiful concept,how to get trust.
      3 pillars of trust:-
      1. Empathy
      2. Strong Logic
      3. Authenticity
      1. Authentic – One can be either authentic or not authentic, you can’t be in between. Be open and transparent with the audience. The energy will reflect in your talk, and behavior.
      2. Strong Logic – Strong logical will help the audience to trust you more. You are sharing based on your experience.
      3. Empathy – people don’t care how much you know Until they know how much you care.
      We are in the knowledge business. We should have empathy for everyone. Be authentic in your work and support. The audience can sense the energy, observe through their 6th sense and be with you for a lifetime.

    • Kamal Banerjee

      It is true that people can sense or judge us. So become trustworthy one must be genuine, authentic and logical. If we care others then only trust will build up and we can make the world a better place.

    • Porandla Aditya Narayan

      Takeaways from-
      Freedom Business Podcast Jul 31
      We cannot buy trust, it has to be earned.
      3 pillars of trust: Empathy, Authenticity, and Logic.
      People think by exposure in social media they can attain trust, exposure is just one name of the game.
      The more money you put into gaining credibility and trust through exposure, the more the cracks in the system get revealed.
      1st Pillar of trust-
      Pillar Of authenticity: You either are or you are not.
      Walk the talk, lead with value, be vulnerable, open and transparent with your audience.
      Connect with the audience and the audience will perceive it and will get to know that you really are in it for them and that you are being real.
      2nd Pillar of Trust: Pillar of Logic
      Present information with a strong logic.
      Cater to the intellectual side of the brain of your audience, be clear cut and open.
      No fluff, no BS, hit the main points with tangible actions and takeaways.
      You need to present and give value for the time invested by the audience, they should be able to get it and implement the logic right away.
      Present information with logic-based upon your experience with implementation you establish trust and people will know what you are talking about.
      3rd Pillar of Trust: Pillar Of Empathy-
      People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care.
      Don’t be a typical salesperson, the perception of a salesperson is that he/she is there for the sale, to close the deal. Don’t just be empathetic to your customers or potential customers, practice empathy towards everyone.
      This is a people business, you gotta be a people lover and people will see and sense that.
      That is why build communities to establish that connect and convert the customers to a lifetime customer who resonates with your energy and your logic.

    • Modi Daryani

      Trust cannot be brought it has to be earned by showing you are caring to people, you are authentic and present information with great logic
      3 Important Pillars To Build Trust Among People –

      1️⃣ Authenticity – You are authentic or not. First you walk the talk & lead with values, be vulnerable & transparent to the audience. People perceive that energy using their 6th sense.

      2️⃣ Logic – With the help of tools & method, provide clear cut information, no bluff, no beating around the bush.

      3️⃣ Empathy – People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Not just sell product, build community, People sense and they stick with you for long term.


      empathy authenticity & logic are the key elements
      Authenticity-walk the talk lead with value & be vulnerable & be transparent. People can sense.
      Logic- present information with strong logic, create clear cut stuff, no beating around the bush, value per minute should be delivered.
      Empathy- people do not know care how much you know until they know how much you care.

    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      My takeaways interspersed with my thoughts:

      A goody maxim – TRUST has to be earned. It is a non-linear combination of AUTHENTICITY, LOGIC, and EMPATHY.

      I would assign a relatively higher weight to EMPATHY for people gravitate to a business / person /community when they sense that the subject CARES on a deeper level.

      Most of us are left-brained and right-brained in the way we function. To appeal to the left-brain, it is vital that we present our information backed with strong evidence and logic. People need to be able to implement and derive VALUE. On the other hand, being real and authentic would cover for the parameters of people connect, vulnerability, transparency, and creativity thereby adequately appealing to the right-brain.

      A knowledge business is a people business. Build uplifting communities and people will stick around for a long time!

    • Prachi Joshi

      An Experiential Learning Summed up in Words :
      To get people to trust you… first you need to trust yourself. Weed out the self – doubts and make peace with who you are.. The more trust you have of owning up to your own words, ( be it the right or the wrong doings both ) , the more trustworthy you can become.
      Till then, you can get people to trust you. But it will be only temporary. Till until then… keep raising your vibrations one day at a time. One step at time. Moreover, keep building trust one day at a time. And you know what the secret is… by the time you have realised it. You don’t have to build it. You would have already earned it. BE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE TRUSTED FOR….AND TRUST WILL INVARIABLY MAKE IT’S PRESENCE….WITHOUT ANY DOUBT 🙂 On a lighter note, just like a child trusts a mother or a father when they lift him up in the air.. and it is at it’s vulnerable most… Strive to be like that mother or a father. I do… Hope you do too. 🙂

    • Jagannath Vidyala

      This Podcast is very informative, thanks for the valuable information.
      Snapshot of my learnings:
      1. Trust should be earned, it should be authentic, you care for people, and it should be presented with strong logic.
      2. Three Pillars of Trust are Authenticity, Logic, and Empathy.
      2a. Authenticity: Either you are authentic or not. You should walk the talk and lead with value, be vulnerable and open, and be transparent with the audience. You will be able to connect with them and they will be able to perceive with their 6th sense.
      2b. Logic: You have to present information with strong logic, share presentations, mind maps, logical information, and clear-cut steps, which hits the tangible actions and takeaways.
      2c. Empathy: People do not care about how much you know, they only look at how much you care about them. Build community and be closer to people, then they can sense your energy and stay with you longer as lifetime customers.
      3. Create courses considering the three pillars of Trust and build the community and connect with people, Trust automatically follows.

      Thank You Sidz. I am very clear on Trust building.

    • ram narayan singh

      Focus on the three pillars of trust:

      Authenticity: Be genuinely open and transparent with your audience.
      Strong Logic: Provide clear-cut steps and information based on your experience.
      Empathy: Show how much you care for everyone. Building a community creates a stronger connection between you and your audience.
      By embracing empathy, authenticity, and logic, you can build trust and scale your endeavors successfully. Remember, trust cannot be bought; it must be earned through genuine care and authenticity.

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