Do you want to know how I built 7,500,000 YouTube views with a high retention rate and quality audience, this is the podcast for you. In this episode, I get down to the top 10 lessons.
What I'm really proud of is not the number of views or subscribers, but the exceedingly high retention rate that I have on my channel, which is over 9 minutes and 19 seconds!
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What you will learn in this podcast?

37 replies to "10 Lessons I Learnt After Crossing Over 7.5 Million YouTube Views On My Channel"
1. Value for minutes = more views
2. Quality of audio and video is important
3. Authenticity always winsβ€
Thanks Shalini!
Yes , exactly special learning nuggets in a short and precise manner.
Hats off to your spirit sidz. To deliver so much and so fast.
Thanks Anita! Appreciate your feedback
1) Average view duration.
2) Have an engaging presentation style.
3) YouTube is discoverable.
4) Number one metrix for success on YouTube is average view duration.
5) Money In Bank needs to considered with business point of view.
6) Long term consistency beats short term intensity .
7)Long form content is preferred 10 to 15 mins.
8) Engaging presentation styles .
9)Deeper the research simpler the content, value per minute should be real high, audience comes back.
10)Optimize your uploads. Thumbnails, ..etc.
11)Quality of video and audio should be high .
12)Having interactive cues during the video
Comments and call to action .
13)Turn on monetization for your videos .
14)Publishing frequency.
15) Vidiq tool.
16) Do it consistently for 90days.
17) Share YouTube video link as an email blast.
18) Need to have an x Factor.
19) There are three x factor-1) authenticity 2) likability 3) Transparency.
20) 100%Transable in audience.
21) Work on yourself, follow system and ower on tribe to become success in this business.
I can learn many things in this podcast. Thank you Siddharth very much π.
Just awesome learning…. My takeaways…
Metrix of success on you tube is Average view duration
1) Long term consistency beats short term Intensity
2) long form content is the way to go
3) engaging presentation style
4) The deeper research you do on your topic & subject the simpler you cna make it for your audience. Value per minute have to be super high
5) optimize your uploads very well… thumbnail,cards & all that stuff
6) Quality of video & audio production is important.
7) Having interactive cues during the video. Generate interaction during video… to cation
8) Turn on monetization on your video for better reach.
9) publishing frequency… Identify perticular day & time for better view…. Share that link to email list within 24 hrs.
10) need to have an X factor…a) authenticity b) likability – pleasent personality c) Transperancy
# ILH Deep Learner#
Super stuff Ashwini!! Great notes taken.. Keep tuning into my future episodes.
#ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearner
1. Average view duration is the metric to be considered for success on you tubeπ₯
2. Money In Bank needs to considered with business point of view. π₯
3. YouTube videos are discoverable. It doesn’t get lost. π₯
10 secrets to make YouTube work for you:
[ ] Long term consistency beats short term intensity π«
[ ] Long form content is preferred 10 to 15 minsπ«
[ ] Engaging presentation styles π«
[ ] Deeper the research simpler the content, value per minute should be real high, audience comes backπ«
[ ] Optimize your uploads. Thumbnails, ..etcπ«
[ ] Quality of video and audio should be high π«
[ ] Having interactive cues during the video
Comments and call to action π«
[ ] Turn on monetization for your videos π«
[ ] Publishing frequency…π«
β’ Vidiq tool post times
β’ Consistent on day and time
β’ Share your video link to email blast and 24 hrs view is important too.
[ ] X factor
β’ Authenticity be real
β’ Likability
β’ Transparency
Congratulations SIDZ !! For this achievement π€©π€©
As always!! Divya, great notes taken
Congratulations Sidz for achieving this record on your YouTube channel!!!!
Thank you for sharing your experiences in this episode with crisp points.
YouTube is more discoverable than other social media platforms even after 5 or 6 years.
Metrics for success in YT is the Average view duration.
Check whether your efforts are directly relating to your MIB
1. Long term consistency beats short term intensity
2. Long form contents is the way to go (ideal duration is 10 to 15 mins for videos)
3. Have an engaging presentation style
4. Deeper the research you do, simpler you can deliver to your audience. Create an impact within first few secs which gives higher chances for the viewers to come back.
5. Optimise the uploads – thumbnails, tags, description,captions, end screen etc
6. Quality of video and audio production
7. Having interactive cues in the videos enhances your reach and visibility
8. Turn ON monetisation to have better reach
9. Find the best time to post your videos and post consistently
10. Have an x-factor
* Authenticity
Thanks Jaya!! Super shares
Excellent points Sid. Consistency, publishing frequency, interactive cues, were a few to make note of.
Thankyou for making everything so easy for us
Thanks Elizabeth
Excited to learn from your YouTube video making journey.
1) YouTube is more discoverable. Efforts put in video making should reflect in money in the bank (measure of success). Lot term consistency beats short term intensity.
2) long form content is preferred over short term videos
3) have an engaging presentation style
4) deeper research you do on your subject, higher is the value for the audience
5) optimize the videos
6) quality of video and audio should be exceptionally good
7) having interactive cues in the video
8) please turn on monetization in your videos
9) Do it consistently for 90 days
10) You need to have an x Factor, authenticity, be likeable, be transparent.
Well documented notes Deepthi!
Heartiest Congratulations Siddharth, each day you are crossing a great Milestone . Way far to learn and grow . Its an amazing 10 tips you shared .
1. Metrix plays important part in Average View Duration for getting success.
2.Money In Bank needs to considered with business point of view.( Business Venture)
3.Long term consistency beats short term intensity.
4. The duration of the Video should be minimum 10 mins to 15 mins.
5.Engaging presentation style.
6 Deeper the research simpler your content, value per minute should be real high,audience comes back.
7.Optimize your uploads very well, Thumbnails,cards and all the stuffs.
8.Quality of video and audio should be very high .
9.Having Interactive Cues during the Video.Generate Interaction during videos ,comments and call to action.
10. Turn on Monitization on your video for better reach.
Publishing Frequency-
Vidiq Tool post times
Consistent on day and time
Share your video link to email blast and 24 hrs view is important too.
10. XFactor- i) Authenticity be real
ii) Likeability
iii) Transparency
Thank you Debasmita! This podcast challenge is helping me so much!
MO- Mind Open!!
Q.) What will make Youtube work for you:
A.) *Average view Duration!*
Q.) What to really measure as a success factor on YouTube?
A.) MIB- Money in Bank!
My amazing takeaways as I start my influence building Journey with your support Sidz:
1. Long term consistency beats(trumps) short term intensity ~Bruce Lee
2. Go for long form content i.e YT- its searchable, its organizable, its impactful, its sustainable, it’s discoverable
3. Engaging presentation Style that makes viewers wait for-‘ WHat’s coming next and ahead in this video?’
4. The deeper the research you do, the simpler you make it for your audience (value per minute should be high to bring viewers back)
5. Have a checklist to optimize your uploads- all the end cards, upcoming videos, title of video, name of cover etc all should be carefully optimized
6. Video and audio quality high! Don’t compromise here, the investemnt is worth it!
7. Having interactive cues in the middle to qualify for organic youtube suggestion. Ask questions, opinions, suggestions and more importantly value them by replying them back in comments.
8. Turn monetization on for all your videos. VVV IMP for organic reach as well
9. Publishing frequency, day and time to post should be locked in and consistently done for atleast 90 days.
10. X Factor- 1. Authenticity, 2. Like-ability, 3. Transparency
The Journey Begins!
Thank you Pankhuri! Great notes taken.. Keep coming back for more.
the key takeaways are as under :
A) Discoverable.
B) Average view duration :
C) Most important one
MIB money in bank.
10 Lessons
1: Long term consistency beats short term intensity.
2 : Long form content is the way to go.
3 : Do you have a presenting engaging style. Mind Maps.
4 : The deeper research you do the simpler you make for your audience.
5 : Optimise my uploads really well.
6 : The quality of audio & video production really high.
7:Interactive Cues.
8 : Please turn on monetization on your Videos.
9 : Publishing Frequency Video IQ. .
10 : You need to have a X Factor.
A : Authenticity just be real.
B : Likeability .
C : Transparency.
Great to see your comments!
glad to be an ILHians and wising more view average time and more subscribers to you my mentor. all those videos and podcasts are golden nuggets. more power to you always .hats off sidz
here is the 10 takeaways
1) Long term consistency beats short term Intensity
2) long form content is preferred over short term videos
3) engaging presentation style -for night view make some arrangements extra
4) deeper research you do on your topic & subject the simpler you can make it for your audience. Value per minute have to be super high
5) optimize your uploads
6) Quality of video & audio production is very important.
7) Having interactive cues during the video.
8) Turn on monetization on your video for better reach.
9) Do it consistently for 90 days, Identify particular day & time for better view. do an email blast .
10)need to have an X factor, authenticity must be real
Super stuff Niloy!
deepest gratitude to you my mentor !!
Long form content is the way to go.Quality of video & audio production is very important.the more deeper research you do on your topic & subject the simpler you can make it for your tribe
Great Supriya!
12 12 2012 …first YouTube video ..ππ
Slow and steady progress ….
High retention rate…… 9 minutes and some second
Why youtube ….YouTube is search engine ..its discoverable even after 5 6 years … βββ
Important matrix is ….
ππAverage view duration …
ππMoney in the bankπ²π²π² …
1β£ Long term consistency beat …short term intensity ….π π π
2β£ Long form content is the way to go π₯π₯π₯
3β£ Your presentation style … Use mind map keep the attention rate really high πππ
4β£ The deeper research you do … The simpler you can make it for your audience … For example if your value for per minute is super high …people will come back ….ππ
5β£ keep your upload super catchy
6β£ quality of audio and video matters a lot βββ
7β£ having interactive question between conversation …it will increase engagement on your post π
8β£ turn on your monetisation turn on π²π²
9β£ publishing frequency … What is the best time to post … Use tool …every time I share new video …I do email blast for it ..for high 24 hours view points
π 3 rules …. X factor
First … Be authentic
Second ..have a pleasing personality likable
Third … Be real …
Work on your self ….
Follow system …
Leverage the power of supportive community …..
I am grateful for every video I listen …
Thank you
Thanks Meenu!
#ilhfamily __ vikram borse
1.Average view duration is no,1 metric of success on you tube ,
2.Long form content is the way to go .
3.Engaging presentation style _opening loop builds curiosity
4.Deeper the research you do simpler you make it for your audience . to optimize my uploads really well .
6.quality of video n audio production _it matters a lot .
7.having ineractive cues during the video , ask people to share every 3_4 mts , what do they learn ?
8.plz turn on monetization on your videos .
9.publishing frequency
10. Working on x factor_1.authenticity
3_ transparency
Excellent Vikram!
Sir I am very impressed with your business development gif line very strong and sir you and your business grow very strong I am very interested success xited all totally my problem salt you my dreams your hand money incum problem just my money problem understand sir I no my incum tex file no my bank account my name from acaunt help me please sir I not going anywhere my my problem more quickly I am not going Mumbai police and my money incum tex file number please sand me please sir mobile phone number please sir help thanks
Good evening sir I am very happy interested success my life style add my dreams your are great sir Siddharth rajshikhar all’security settings very strong your business development consultant information management time to time step bey step back my all totally forgot about my back from right back mystery I not confirm that my dreams come back from my hand I am my never mind all soo thanks lot built my mind hang I not ajugete d association all totally forgot about understand about nothing by Siddharth rajshikhar sir please my dreams cacsess life my rules and regulations Don t aren’t thanks namaste namaste all’best
Very straight forward and direct messages. Attention span has been reduced drastically.
You Tube – Why?
Measure – Average view time–
Money in the bank — success
1. Long term consistency – beats— short term intensive.
3. Engaging presentation. Mind mapping.
4. Research in depth. Value for the audience. No fluf
5. Quality videos, audio.
6- lot many stuffs….
Thanks Khaleel!
Amazing podcast out there ! i learnt many things in this Podcast .
1) Average view duration matters on your youtube videos
2)Long term consistency
3)Qualty Content
4)explaining with Mind Maps
5) provide a lot of value for your audience by researching in depth
“10 Lessons I Learnt After Crossing Over 7.5 Million YouTube Views On My Channel”
1. Long Term Consistency beats Short Term Intensity – Don’t just post for few days and forget. Post each day, at the same time for longer time, then your videos will get the traction.
2. Long Form Content – Posting anything between 10 to 30 Minutes are ideal duration.
3. Engaging Presentation Styles – Like Mind maps, which will create a curiosity. Keep Attention span high.
4. Deeper Research You Do, The Simpler you make it for your Audience – If your value per minute is Super High then the people will come back to you. Straight Forward, Point Shooter Style.
5. Optimize Your Uploads – Thumbnails, Description, Tags, Cards, Captions, End Screen, etc.
6. Quality of Video & Audio – Quality matters a lot for Videos, Audios, Background.
7. Having Interactive Cues – Generate Interaction in your Videos. Not only speak, also have interaction in Comments.
8. Turn on Monetization on your Videos – You Tube gives a better reach on which the Monetization is turned on, that’s how the Algorithm works.
9. Publishing Frequency – Use tools like VidIQ, which analyze your channels for best time to post as per your audience. When you launch any Video on You Tube, send the link on the emails to the leads also. Engagement within 24 hours will help your videos get better ranking and You Tube will give a push to your Videos as Suggested Videos.
10. Have an X Factor :
a) Authenticity – Be Real. Content should be real, which connects you to the audience.
b) Likeability – You should have a pleasing personality so that people will be able to connect with you.
c) Transparency – Don’t hold anything back. Don’t use You Tube just as marketing medium. Value per minute is so important. When people will see the value, they will come to you.
You need 3 things to be successful in this business :
1. You need to work on Yourself
2. You need to Follow the System
3. You need to Leverage the Power of the Tribe
You Tube is replacing TV & the benefit is that the videos on You Tube are discoverable.
1 long term consistency is much better than long term intensity.
2. Quality – value per minute.
3. Style of presentation.
4. Quality of audio and video.
5. Deep research and simplifying the concept
6. Authenticity.
7. Transparency.
8. Time of Posting – use Vidiq to do that
9. Frequency of publishing.
I have to work on me for transformation. It is who you are that matters in everything you do.