Do you want to get more consistent in content creation? After creating thousands of pieces of content in the last 11 years, I share a few practical tips that will get you up to speed!

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Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    46 replies to "How To Be Consistent In Content Creation?"

    • Rajesh Pandey

      It was wonderful to hear from you about how one can be consistent in delivering contents for social media.

      You always profess to be natural and not let people turn into machines, this is something I love it. Thank you so much for guiding with such a beautiful content.

      • Santosh Pawaskar

        Sidz, Yes, I experienced the same thing. I tried to rigid and maintain the days of posting my podcasts and videos. However, It never happened to maintain the consistency. I liked your trick of accountability partner and rewarding yourself. I will follow this. It will definitely help me to be consistent.šŸ‘šŸ™

    • Vikram suresh borse

      Amazing guidelines Sidz !

    • Dr vineet kumar

      Just awesome
      Consistency is the key with maintaining the quality of contents.
      Thanking you

    • Lavinder kumar

      Thatā€™s tottaly reality on focus, content crreation ,true of exceptation on work really thanks sir for great words & experience

    • Medha Gautam

      The right consumption leads to the right creation!

      Wonderful advice as always Siddharth, thanks a lot this one was really needed šŸ™‚

    • Ram Kumar R

      EXCELLENT SHARING SIDZ..!!! Amazing Simple Steps to be in Consistency in Content Creation..!!! Thank you from My bottom of My Heart.. This is much needed information at the Right time..!!!


      Superb Information and the strategy recommended to generate the passive source of income

    • Jagatjit Virk

      It is a very nice piece of advice Sidz. to be consistent one should have the goal to achieve it and the will to fulfill it. Your intentions may be clear but if you procrastinate and do not take action then the rhythm of consistency will not materialize.

    • Thankappan.K.G

      Be fixed on your Vision and Be flexible to reach there. Be fixed on your goal and be flexible to reach there. This is a valuable piece of knowledge. Also, be consistent and focused on consumption, assimilation, and creation of knowledge.

    • Devanand

      It is a very important content to listen. If you have good intention energy will increase and donā€™t need to bother about consistency. If you have strong Goal it determines everything. Thank you sidz.

    • Pallavi Walia Raj

      Love your Speed of Implementation and Content Creation Sidz. This morning you got the Question from us as a Community and youā€™ve already answered it. Kudos Bro!
      Loved the Be in the Flow part, I write my own scripts for my events and therefore can say that I am a creator myself and Iā€™ve always seen that when Iā€™m too hard on myself, I get thrown off farther. I love practicing being in the Flow.
      I have seen the difference in my ability to focus, sit for longer hours and work without getting distracted because of the Quality stuff Iā€™m putting into my body, mind and spirit (my habits and rituals).
      I am going to strictly follow the bit about cutting out the POP-UPS aka Notifications. My Zone is where I perform best and Iā€™m so glad I heard this Podcast today.
      I know that the stuff I read, research, quality stuff I watch, the more I interact with people helps me find clues for Content Creation.
      Loads of GRATITUDE once again Sidz!

    • Hemant Laheja

      Super fantastic ā€¦ā€¦PODCAST creation on just the most asked topic by the community and definitely the creation part is the creative mindset which inputs we have taken as a further outcome of our own style of impacting othersā€™ live in the universeā€¦thank you so much Sidz.

    • Riddhi Deorah

      I completely agree. Sometimes when the mind doesnā€™t throw ideas it is better to relax so that the ideas start to flow on their own.

      To be consistent it is important to focus on a good mental diet because what we feed our mind also decides how we not just our mind but also our body.

      Finding an accountability partner is a great way to ensure consistency. Planning to find one for my podcasts. Havenā€™t created one in a long time.

      Thank you for sharing these small-value bombs.

    • Ravi Kiraan Vijapurapuu

      #ILH #ILHDeeplearner

      My Perception about content creation and Consistency is as below:
      Content Creation is important in building our Personal brand and deliver Authentic value to our Target Audience.
      It is more about being Authentic in your Content and not just for sake of puttng a content.
      Content should be based on oneā€™s own practical experience and Congruence to the past. Then only the Content delivered to our Audience comes from the Heart. The Content we post should resonate with our Audience real Problems and should solve them.
      It is not about how much likes, comments we get from our Audience for our Content or how big is our Content , but it is more about whether it solved their problems in the real time. Hence Content is the Real King.

      When it comes to consistency in creating the content, always make sure it is delivered in such a way that it is more about the how good we are in solving our Audience Problems in a crisp and easy to understand it.
      Consistency doesnt mean that we get ourselves bruised by hectic schedules of content posting but in a manner which is of a specific intent of delivering value to our audience.

      Consistency of our Content should send a message of how good and reliable we are in Serving our Community at the best of our Knowledge and time, Credibility and Trust.
      Consistency can be obtained only when adhere to a set of Principles, Accountability to what we want to deliver. To achieve this we need to set our Goals and action plan in that direction as to how best is our delivery style and nature and Type of Content .

      The Type and format of Content we post is very important factor in deciding the consistency of our content Delivery. Hence it is very important that we first establish a base standard for our content Formats which inturn helps in establishing our Brand as well.

    • Akshatha S Kamath

      Consistency is the key. Adding Value is a true game changer in any business. Thank you for the micro-learning Sidz. Gratitude & Love..šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø.

    • Archana Seth

      Rigidity cannot bring out juice of creativity.
      It good be be flexible at the same time when we start enjoy the process and get good feedback from audience ,l feel we are automatically driven to create more content to help people .The consistent them comes effortlessly.
      Thank you Siddharth that brings so much clarity.It not about name and fame itā€™s about what can l do for my audience more so that they get results.

    • Siva Subramanian K

      Consistency depends on mood and mindset.
      When we do it with right intention, we can achieve our goal.
      whatever we put in our mind will be processed and delivered.
      If we plan to do something beneficial to society, it will give back in terms of gratitude and encourage us to do morešŸŽ‰šŸ˜Š
      Very useful content to boost our mindšŸ˜

    • Sadiya Zakir

      Amazing Siddharth.
      Thank you for your valuable advice.

      Sadiya Zakir.

    • Vinay D Bajaj

      Pursue flow and not consistency, wow. Flow creates amazing content that comes as a download from the super conscious mind. I was actually beating myself up for not having created a youtube video for 3 weeks, now i understand that I must look at the inputs and figure out why i have not been doing it. I will go easy on myself at the same time will try to be more in flow so that I can create super helpful content. Thank you Sidz.

    • Sapna

      VERY SIMPLE and straightforward content information .My key takeways r its ok if ur not consistent sometimes as we all r human beings . But our focus should not be deviated .

    • chandra Sekhara Rao Vullikanti

      Creativity is the resultant of consistency. Flow of expression is possible consistency.Creativity is thinking a new, differently, applying and synthesising fresh and new which thrills, engages. enthrolls your audience to enjoy the Joy of learning. For creativity enthusism, zeal, vigour, vibrance, synergy and experiment and explore the possiblities to invent new ways, methods, materials, and testing that gives the audience kick of achievemet.

    • Neyamathullah HM

      Thanks for your podcast. It shows your way of doing things learned over some time. You are charged and helping others also to be set. Input, process and output of our best intention help to smoothly sail a ship of mind turbulence is a great boon. Success is counted based on the result, not only on busy doing things. Awesome Sidz. Recharging with positive notes is always warranted. Thanks again for your input.

    • Gita Ramachandran

      How to be consistent on content creation

      It is more of being in the flow and not being very rigid and hard on yourself for posting

      Content creation is all about Creativity which happens when you are in the flow and not when you try to force it down. This generally depends on the Inputs you provide to yourself to get the energy.

      Just like the food that is required for your body, Brain also requires high value information to be to be consumed and assimilated to create unique content based on your perspective , which will result in the flow for content creation
      The process of creating content will be smoother if you are in your focused mode, without being distracted,

      The next requirement is of being accountable to an AP who will prod you to be consistent about your commitment to content creation. Reward yourself when you become consistent without being hard on yourself

      The idea is to be fixed on your vision and mission and be clear about your intention which should all be about creating value and solving the problem of your consumer

      • Janardan Kar

        Gitajee, very nicely captured the essence.

    • Suman

      A like how power packed this episode is in just 6 minutes!

    • Janardan Kar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearners
      My take from the podcast:

      1. Content creation is a creative activity that needs energy, passion and dedication.
      2. A person to be in a creative zone has to manage energy input and environment to work. Proper food, water intake and sleep/rest to have the right physical shape to focus on creative work.
      He needs to work in a peaceful place and an environment where he can work in a large chunk of time without distraction.
      3. For creating a quality content, first one has to do research on the subject, contemplate on the ideas, digest and assimilate them.
      Thereafter express it with own experience and style to create interest.
      4. The idea behind creating content would be to solve problems, adding value, and based on evergreen principles. Then it will be relevant in time for people. As a thumb rule, 80% needs to be of this kind.
      5. Creativity is an emotional activity and sometimes it comes, sometimes not. It does not want to follow discipline. But consistency asks for discipline.
      Building that discipline in this creative work requires planning and an accountability system.
      You commit to an accountability partner about your plan and stick to it. He holds you accountable by checking periodically with you about your commitment.
      6. Remaining motivated is an essential element in the execution system. It would be built in by rewarding self for completing tasks on time.
      Above all, never get hard-on yourself, and donā€™t feel guilty if you fail. But have perseverance and be fixed on goal while remaining flexible on strategy.

    • Dinesh Kumar

      #ilhfamily #ilhdeeplearners
      My takeaways from the podcast:

      1. Content creation is a creative activity that needs energy, passion and dedication.
      2. A person to be in a creative zone has to manage energy input and environment to work. Proper food, water intake and sleep/rest to have the right physical shape to focus on creative work.
      He needs to work in a peaceful place and an environment where he can work in a large chunk of time without distraction.
      3. For creating a quality content, first one has to do research on the subject, contemplate on the ideas, digest and assimilate them.
      Thereafter express it with own experience and style to create interest.
      4. Creativity is an emotional activity and sometimes it comes, sometimes not. It does not want to follow discipline. But consistency asks for discipline.
      Building that discipline in this creative work requires planning and an accountability system.
      You commit to an accountability partner about your plan and stick to it. He holds you accountable by checking periodically with you about your commitment.
      5. Remaining motivated is an essential element in the execution system.Reward yourselves for completing tasks on time.
      Donā€™t go too hard on yourself, and don’t feel guilty if you fail. But have perseverance and be fixed on goal while remaining flexible on strategy.


      Consistency in business or content creation
      1. be in the flow donā€™t be rigid, we are humans afterall.
      2. what inputs are you taking matters-food, information, our company etc
      3 digestion of information ie assimilation of what we take in
      4 create a framework- remove distractions & allocate specific time of the day to do the task
      5 have an accountability partner, also reward yourself when work is done
      intention matters most.

    • Parikshit Sreedhar

      #ilhdeeplearner #ilhfamily

      My takeaways interspersed with my thoughts:

      Creation stems from CREATIVITY. In my opinion, schedules, deadlines, targets, discipline etc are antithetical to CREATIVITY. Content creation is a message from the cosmos and we act as a conduit.

      To create, we would need to be aware of our energies. This largely is a function of our habitual inputs (what we eat, what we drink, how well do we sleep) and information inputs (what information do we consume and assimilate).

      Consistency can be achieved by being in a state of FLOW. Some days, we might vibe very high and create content effortlessly while on some we might be low on energy levels and might not want to create. It is important to acknowledge this and our humanhood and not be harsh on ourselves.

      It would help heaps to seek an accountability partner who can push us to ACTION. Set up a reward system for the ACTIONS taken.

      Be fixed on the VISION but flexible on how you get there!

      Aim to create content to drive VALUE!

    • Prachi Joshi

      Words by Rumi.. When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety ; If I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me , and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. This is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.

      Yes, this is content creation for me. Though backed by your intentions, efforts, past experiences, ideas, etc. In that spur of a moment, when it happens. It just happens. It’s palpable. And it makes you most fulfilled . And I want to call it “the dawn of inspiration.”
      And the good part is, you can sense it, when you have hit a six, when a four , when a single or you have totally messed up and just got your wicket out. This is not to prove anyone but for yourself. To shake hands with it. Because that brings the faith and satisfaction. Else, a sense of incompleteness remains. Like something is missing. Like the salt or the sugar or the spice that is missing from your favourite dish. Like the fruit that we plucked, before it was totally ripe. Like the train that left , before we reached the station. And many more…
      So, we don’t create.. It happens ! It just happens !!!
      In Sync, creativity happens !!! I wrote the first time I listened to you Sir in a live online session…
      And , I am totally in sync with these podcasts. Yes, I am flawed with the other actions in the hackathon . But, this space brings me the utmost joy. And I am loving every bit of it. Thank you for these valuable learning’s. Thank you very much.

    • Shantini N

      First, thank you for your valuable insights on the topic that concerns many in this field. I feel good to learn from these.

      What did I understand about consistency?

      1. When we do content creation, one needs to understand that flow is more important than rigidity. We focus on the flow and being in the zone regularly.

      2. It is important to permit yourself a little deviation from the set time as creative energy cannot be forced.

      3. We must understand that we are human and can have situations of highs and lows of creativity.

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