If you are just a knowledge giver and not a great marketer, then I’m sorry to say that the impact you create in this world will be very limited.

In this podcast, I go deep into explaining why it’s important for every single coach, teacher, expert and knowledge giver to become great at marketing.

What’s In This Episode

First I talk about the difference between a typical teacher and a marketer.

You see, typical teachers only give information.

But a marketer is someone who uses information to get people to take action, and converts that into a result.

According to the learning pyramid, you’ll see that the best way to learn is to teach.

5 Attributes of a Great Marketer

  1. Gives Information Based On What The Audience Really Needs
  2. Uses A Lot Of Stories To Establish Deeper Philosophical Points
  3. Is Able To Tap Into The Emotions Of Their Audiences
  4. Is Able To Get More People To Take Action
  5. Is Able To Convert That Into A Monetary Result

In this podcast, I go deep into these attributes and I explain why you must become a great marketer to create a greater impact in the society.

Gone are the days where teachers are just the ones who teach in school. In fact, I wrote an article recently on why choose homeschooling over factory-line education.

Teachers of the new age are the ones who walk the talk… who are really doing stuff as they research on them.

And when you are someone who is an implementor-teacher, it will have a bigger impact on your students. As they say…walk the talk!

Great teachers of the past like Jesus & Buddha were actually great marketers

5 Reasons Why You Should Become A Great Marketer

  1. Information vs Transformation – You will not just give information, but you will be able to transform people with your knowledge.
  2. People Who Pay Money Pay Attention – Stop giving your knowledge away for FREE. Yes, do free sessions but always charge a tuition fee for your structured learning process. Because people who pay money, pay attention. People who pay attention, take action. People who take action, get results. So it’s your moral responsibility to get people to pay you. Don’t be shy about it.
  3. Financial Stability Will Inspire You To Do More – When you have a good bank account and financial stability, it will inspire you to be able to expand yourself and your knowledge more and more. When you have a happy spouse who has all the things they need, then you can work without any mental friction.
  4. Create A Ripple Effect – If you don’t do this… then who will? When you become great at marketing, then you can truly create a ripple effect in this world. You will be able to inspire and impact so many more people than you can ever imagine.
  5. Leave Your Legacy – By becoming a great marketer, you will be able to leave a great legacy for yourself, well after you are gone from this planet. With the limited time that you have, please make this a priority.


Great teachers are great marketers.

And if you are just a teacher or coach now but are not good at marketing, then it’s time to wake up!

I’m doing a webinar shortly where I will be deconstructing my precise system on how I went from ZERO to making over $100,000 selling my digital courses.

The world needs you more than you can imagine.

Stop wasting your time.

Let’s connect LIVE if you want to learn how to make your wisdom go viral, and create an impact in thousands of lives.

Set the intentions that you will be an amazing marketer in the next 90 days… and you will.

Please share your comments below if you found this podcast inspiring.

Sidz is a college drop-out, "musician turned digital geek", a spiritually grounded minimalist, father of 2, and husband of a loving wife. He founded the Internet Lifestyle Hub in 2018 to fix the education and employment system for good. Currently, he is helping over 30,000+ coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge. He’s an international best-selling author of the book You Can Coach and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live a lifestyle of freedom!

    43 replies to "Why It’s Important For Every Teacher To Become A Great Marketer?"

    • Mukesh Kureel

      Awesome stuff Sid…Never thought from this perspective. Have been into L&D domain for quite some. Power of story telling and influencing is phenomenal. Thanks for reiterating. And ofcourse, money as a transaction for the knowledge. Profound. Thanks for sharing. I am already in your inner circle.
      Keep Growing…

      Regards, Mukesh Kureel

    • vandana

      Great insight of a MBA and coaching combination.
      Thank you Sidz…u really can transform lives…

    • Dr Pradeep

      Highly Inspirational, showing the right path& real transformer Hero.
      I deeply wish you very happy, Healthy & Brightest present & future forever.

    • Syed Mutasim

      Hi Sidz, Thanks for the Insights. How can I create a fine line between giving away free and charging people as a Life Coach?

      The biggest take away is “Every Single Teacher must be Rich” & “Stop Doing anything where I am just giving Information”



      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Hi Syed, do webinars for free and give value. But always charge people for your courses and consulting. People who pay money pay attention. People who pay attention, take action. And those people are the ones who get results. So don’t give anything away for free. It loses it’s value.

    • Rajinder Soni

      It was awesome hearing you again Sidz. The information you have provided in the podcast and the content is really worth. Based on all the knowledge provided by you, I took action today and started building my online writing business model. Thank you for always being an inspiration. You are the guy I resonate to and you are the one who has brought this millionaire concept to India where you are not talking about any get rich quick schemes but you are providing valuable information which is really worth in the online and offline market. I wish you good luck and much thanks for listening to the secret tape. I am doing it daily.

    • Very informative.
      For me, the biggest takeaway was… If you are into teaching, you might as well do it the sensible and most productive way, both for you as well as others.
      Thank you, dear.

    • Seema Bhutada

      Great insight Sidz! Loved the way you have brought down the concept to 5 main points! I am learning a lot!

    • MARIA

      Hi Sid, today you completely dissolved my guilt about charging fees to my students, for sharing my knowledge and experience. I still need lots of courage to overcome my apprehension, so, will listen to your podcast over and over again till I am on fire. Thanks a lot

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Amazing Maria!! You are now going to start making a lot of money because of this internal shift!

    • Vijay Yadav

      Very nice ????

    • Indu Nandakumar

      Thankyou Sidz, You are amazing. Love your intentions, valuable and simple to understand content and attitude to make a mark in society. I am learning so much. A Big thanks to you. I have added you to my Mentor list now 🙂

      • Siddharth Rajsekar

        Thanks Indu.. appreciate your feedback. Glad to be your mentor in the digital world!! May you take this knowledge and impact more people.

    • Dr.N.Jeyaseelan

      Really nice inputs. Thanks Mr.Siddharth

    • Shanthi

      really a revelation been an educator all my life never saw the connection with being a Marketer until now

    • Meena Shah

      Enjoyed listening to the podcast. Definitely got me thinking. I am a typical teacher who believes in giving knowledge as a service. I realize now the importance of money and marketing. I must learn to market.
      I look forward to your webinar.

    • Vijayashree

      What podcast mind blowing
      Amazing..the 3 rd attribute of tezcher can be great marketer by tapping to the emotion which your audience wants was the key inspiration.. movethem emotionally and try solving there problems
      Whoah.. you solved burning problem Of telling stories and have emotional connect with people.. ton thanks for this podcast..iam already in your inner circle of ILH community will surely share with others..

    • Papiya

      Information –> Implement –> Teach –> Need –> Structure –> Stories –> Emotions –> Market –> Charge –> Attention –> Action –> Results –> Inspire –> Transform –> Impact –> Ripples –> Legacy –> Responsibility –> Stability –> Expand –> Limited time –> Walk the Talk ????

    • Neelima

      Listened to the podcast for the first time. Thanks Siddharth for emphasizing the need for teachers to be entrepreneurs and so great marketers too????
      I’m glad to experience how the framework for teaching and coaching is evolving for the better. Whether it’s webinar or classroom, the same template for teaching works. Depending on the basics of KSA ( Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) a course is designed. However, as the training is being imparted, the course objectives and audience feedback of expectations shall form a closed loop for the training to evolve. This is truly embodied in your Freedom’ courses, so the same scaled and is still getting better. This is a complete contrast to the classical teaching framework.
      Thanks for being my digital coach!
      Have a blessed day????

    • Ruchir Thakkar

      Hari Om, Thank you very much, Siddharth for sharing your thoughts. I totally resonate with you. Love and Om.

    • Vivek Khandelwal

      Hey Sid…this was a lovely podcast…the differences expressed by you and the journey that yoy have taken to showcase why a teacher needs to be a great marketer is truly fundamental and core …as we get deeper and deeper into the digital era! Keep inspiring…

    • Nisha

      Hi Sidz .
      Its amazing to always hear from you. An being a teacher, a knowledge giver and seeker I feel it had a great impact in my heart and brain, this pandemic has given a big blow to the temperament of teachers. Nobody is concern about them and their life is becoming pathetic day by day. Now it’s time for them to think about themselves and rule this digital world. And I feel u r doing an excellent contribution for those category of people who were once respected to some other level. PTY.

    • Sampada Y

      Wow. This is a huge paradigm shift!
      “It’s your responsibility to be rich. Because if you’re rich, only then you can do more. ” Will always remind myself of this. Thank you Sidz!

    • Sashibhusan Pati

      Without paying, people don’t become serious.


    • Coach Shweta (Pandey)

      Amazing value, awesome music and beautiful presentation.

      I loved the part of Emotional connection with audience. Address their emotional turmoil.
      Moving your audience emotionally.
      Feel their emotions and then move them
      Get them into taking actions

      Evoke response from audience
      Now convert that response into monetary results. Yes, it’s important to charge as a coach I have faced this challenge. People do not take action unless they pay for it.
      Plus money does inspire you and give you an opportunity to expand.

      Money =Attention =Action=Results

      Power of marketing can not be denied. That’s why I chose my passion of Personal brand coaching. That’s my way of teaching them how to create a Legacy.

      Dalai Lama is a great marketer in current times.

      Teachers and teaching has been overly underplayed in our times. It’s time to revive the legacy of great teachers of this Country and world in totality.

      Thank you Sid for being that teacher and igniting that fire. God Bless you.

    • Rajani KS

      Dear sidz,

      A very insightful podcast. Here are my learnings.

      Teachers are leaders, whatever we are today is because of our teachers.

      It is important for every teacher to be a great marketer.

      It is important to promote your knowledge not just knowledge givers.

      Teacher lecture, write notes, give knowledge and want us to absorb the knowledge. But most students find it boring. And that is one of the least efficient way of transferring knowledge. The learning pyramid on google is indicative of it

      Learn do and teach at the same time- golden Triangle of success.

      Teacher is one who gives knowledge and they expect students to just follow the instructions. The schooling system has been designed like this.

      Marketer is somebody who gives knowledge, makes one take action based on that knowledge and convert that knowledge in to result. Result can be money, breakthrough in their life, result can be for themselves or for students.

      Jesus’s pure intent created a movement and today christianity is a movement. Shreeram Prabhupada, Mohammad, Buddha are great teachers and great marketers. They have produced results.

      Attributes of a great marketer

      1.Information is given based on what the audience really needs, not on scripts. Only then teaching becomes creative, enjoyable and receptive.

      2. Uses a lots os stories to drive home a philosophical point. Facts tell, stories sell. Jesus narrated parables, Shrimad Bhagavatham is a story. That drives home a philosophical points and gives students a purpose of life.
      3. Able to tap into the emotions of their audience. Great marketers touch the emotional chord, emotional turmoil, they have a mind, sixth sense that can track what the audience wants, and what can move them emotionally.
      4. Able to get people to take action. The effectiveness of a great speech or training, is driving people to take action. It could be any format, if the students are going to take then one is a great marketer. A marketer evokes a response in the audience to take action.
      5. Able to convert their knowledge into a result- could be monetary or any result that benefits. Those who pay money are serious, they take action and they become teachers too subsequently. So it is your moral responsibility to drive home an action. May be some sessions can be free, but you will have to have end monetary results. You wont be able to give knowledge, inspire and expand, if you are financially stuck. Financial stability will make you think more and make you your creative best.

      Information vs transformation
      Marketer with the skills of a teacher will help transformation. He or she can transform people’s lives.

      It will create a ripple effect, when knowledge is given, you make money and create a freedom for yourself.

      If you do not take this seriously, who else will do it

      Teachers can leave their legacy and that makes a huge difference ny impacting people’s life.

      Every single teacher at marketeing and it is the moral responsibility of every teacher to be rich.

    • Rajani KS


      The podcast on Why teachers must be great marketers is mind blowing. Thanks sidz. Here are my learnings.

      Teachers are leaders, whatever we are today is because of our teachers.

      It is important for every teacher to be a great marketer.

      It is important to promote your knowledge not just knowledge givers.

      Teacher lecture, write notes, give knowledge and want us to absorb the knowledge. But most students find it boring. And that is one of the least efficient way of transferring knowledge. The learning pyramid on google is indicative of it

      Learn do and teach at the same time- golden Triangle of success.

      Teacher is one who gives knowledge and they expect students to just follow the instructions. The schooling system has been designed like this.

      Marketer is somebody who gives knowledge, makes one take action based on that knowledge and convert that knowledge in to result. Result can be money, breakthrough in their life, result can be for themselves or for students.

      Jesus’s pure intent created a movement and today christianity is a movement. Shreeram Prabhupada, Mohammad, Buddha are great teachers and great marketers. They have produced results.

      Attributes of a great marketer

      1.Information is given based on what the audience really needs, not on scripts. Only then teaching becomes creative, enjoyable and receptive.

      2. Uses a lots os stories to drive home a philosophical point. Facts tell, stories sell. Jesus narrated parables, Shrimad Bhagavatham is a story. That drives home a philosophical points and gives students a purpose of life.
      3. Able to tap into the emotions of their audience. Great marketers touch the emotional chord, emotional turmoil, they have a mind, sixth sense that can track what the audience wants, and what can move them emotionally.
      4. Able to get people to take action. The effectiveness of a great speech or training, is driving people to take action. It could be any format, if the students are going to take then one is a great marketer. A marketer evokes a response in the audience to take action.
      5. Able to convert their knowledge into a result- could be monetary or any result that benefits. Those who pay money are serious, they take action and they become teachers too subsequently. So it is your moral responsibility to drive home an action. May be some sessions can be free, but you will have to have end monetary results. You wont be able to give knowledge, inspire and expand, if you are financially stuck. Financial stability will make you think more and make you your creative best.

      Information vs transformation
      Marketer with the skills of a teacher will help transformation. He or she can transform people’s lives.

      It will create a ripple effect, when knowledge is given, you make money and create a freedom for yourself.

      If you do not take this seriously, who else will do it

      Teachers can leave their legacy and that makes a huge difference ny impacting people’s life.

      Every single teacher at marketeing and it is the moral responsibility of every teacher to be rich.

    • Rita Behl

      ???????????? Thanks sir, for your very precious and crystal clear podcast. If we all can pass it on the world will look unique.✍????‍♀️

    • Hargovind Kamdikar

      Hon., Sidz,
      Today I learnt so many things. I always invested money in my internal and external development and I have learnt from well-known trainers but when I join your tribe my emotional connection said this is the real man/ teacher I thank God you are my mentor.
      I learn – do – teach.

    • Mansha Roy

      ????????Thanks sir for sharing this knowledgeable podcast –
      My Learnings From This Podcast-

      Teachers are leaders they lead the society. The most powerful way to learn is to teach that same knowledge. The golden triangle of success is to learn do and teach.

      Attributes Of A Great Marketer-

      1. A great marketer gives information based on what the audience really need.

      2. A great marketer uses a lot of stories to establish deeper philosophical points. Facts tell but stories sell.

      3. They are able to tap into the emotions of their audience. Having the six sense to know what the audience really want.

      4. A great marketer is to be able to get people to take action. Create impact on your audience that after leaving the room they take immediate action.

      5. A great marketer is able to convert there knowledge into a result.

      Why it is important for every teacher to become a great marketer?

      1. Information v.s Transformation-
      A teacher gives information. A marketer with the power of a teacher with the knowledge you have you can create transformation in people’s lives.

      2. People who pay money they pay attention people who pay attention take action people who take action get results. So it’s your responsibility to charge money for the knowledge you have.

      3. Financial stability will inspire you to do more. If you have financial freedom in your life this will inspire you to do more in your knowledge business. With financial freedom you will start to think more and do more.

      4. Start to create ripple effect- You will be inspiring a lot of people with the knowledge you have those people who are going and taking action start to create ripple effect on this planet.

      5. Leave your legacy- By becoming a great marketer you will be able to leave a legacy on this planet. Your message will carry on and inspire so many people on this planet.


    • Prasanth G


      Being part of ILH, me a core marketing person met few amazing teachers on the platform, we are indeed making ripples. The more value we adding the better we are earning.

    • Satish Shaw

      this podcast is really amazing . my takeaways are as below
      Teachers are basically leaders. Just like Jesus he philosphy is still followed
      Great marketers are able to read the mind of people/audience
      Marketers uses lot of stories as a deep philosiphical theory


      Happy Guru pournami to everyone, it’s really awesome stuff on this auspicious day thank you Siddharth for sharing with us. And finally great teachers are great marketers.
      1. Learn,Do,Teach(L,D,T)
      2. Typical teacher one who gives the knowledge i.e, Learning only
      3. Marketer makes people acquire knowledge and take action and convert that into result (i.e, L,D,T)
      4. Attributes of great marketer are;
      1. Audience oriented knowledge
      2. Facts tell and stories sell
      3. Read the audience’s emotions
      4. Audience take action immediately
      5. End with Monetary results
      5. Why is it important for every teacher to become a great marketer??
      Solution: —
      1. Transform the lives through ur knowledge not by information
      2. Charge the people for your knowledge
      3. You can have financial stability by think more and do more by your knowledge
      4. Your are unique, and the knowledge spreading by you creates a better society
      5. You can create an true impact of “LEGACY”

    • Satish Trimukhe

      Happy Guru Pornima Sidz..

      Teachers Are Leaders who Transform Society towards a better life for everyone. I am in your Internet Lifestyle Hub and trying to start a knowledge business.

      Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa was Guru of Swami Vivekananda who transform the rich value of Hinduism into the world…

      In this Podcast, you change my Paradigm about Marketers.. Charged knowledge is more effective on part of implementation than free knowledge. I treat Marketers are the persons who sells their products..But now I realized that Marketers do more and inspire people to achieve their end goals. Marketing skill is an essential part of great Teachers and it is also important for creating Legacy.

      Thanks a lot.

    • B Jayasree


      In today’s world all of us need to be good marketers. There were times when MBA specializations were considered as separate pockets. There was a belief that one need not know about other specializations. But soon people have realized that every leader needs to know a little bit of Marketing, HR, Finance. You need to sell your ideas to your team; you need to manage people and you need to ensure your team is profitable for the organization.

      Teachers are Leaders. Hence, every teacher also must be good marketer. Teachers seed in thoughts in the minds of the next generation. To seed those thoughts well, you need to be a good marketer.

      Marketing is about understanding the market, assessing its potential, communicating the features of the product in an attractive manner for the consumers, taking their feedback and improving on the product. They need to be creative to package the product, so it catches the attention of the consumer. Marketing is about coming up with creative ideas to market a product.

      Teachers also need to follow the same principles. They need to understand their market (students), they need to assess their potential (level of knowledge/ level of intelligence ), communicating the features of the product in an attractive manner (make the subject interesting and engaging for the students), taking their feedback (ask them questions, interact with them, take their feedback if they are understanding the subject or not) and improving on the product (come up with new or engaging ways to teach the subject . They need to teach the subject in a way that it catches the attention of the student.

      Simply teaching what’s there in the textbook is not enough. It will not promote overall growth of the student. Teaching in that manner would only promote rote learning. Whereas if the same subject is taught in a way that the student gets inspired to take some action and thus achieve results, is when it is fruitful.

      Like a marketer who can influence someone to buy the product, which is the result, a teacher must use knowledge to influence the student to take action and achieve results. These results could be marks, admission to an institute of their choice, choosing a career or making money.

      All great spiritual leaders are great marketers. They have been successful in leading the way for millions of people to a common mission.

      Attributes of a Great Marketer:
      1. Give information based on what audience really needs: Teach the subject in a way that the students like. Give examples, show practical application. Identify their learning needs and modalities.
      2. Use Storytelling: Stories make things come alive. They attract the attention of everyone. They engage and impact people.Great marketers use storytelling to connect with people. Teachers need to do the same. Use stories to drive down concepts, principles, and application. The Bible, Gita, Quran all have stories in it. Even grandparents use stories to instill life lessons in kids.
      3. Tap into the emotion of the audience: Connect emotionally to have a long-lasting impact. Human beings are emotional people. A great marketer reads the mind of the people. Similarly, a teacher must understand the pulse of the students.
      4. Get people to take action: The effectiveness of a good marketing initiative is to get people to take the desired action. Similarly, a teacher should not only give knowledge, but also make the students apply that knowledge in different walks of life. evoke a response.
      5. Covert the knowledge into result: As mentioned above, a good marketing campaign results in the people taking the desired action. The action will lead to results. The results could be making money, increased customer satisfaction, brand loyalty. Similarly, a teacher must get results for the students. The knowledge the teacher is imparting to the students could be from any field. All that matters at the end is did it produce results? The purpose of learning is to use the knowledge for some kind of result. If the knowledge imparted does not produce results, it will not serve the purpose.
      6. A teacher needs to be a great marketer for one more important reason. That is to be comfortable asking for money. Teaching is a noble profession but that does not mean that you do only service and not charge money. The ones who pay money, pay more attention to the course. It also helps the teachers to run their own family. If there is no money, there will be many tensions and problems to be solved which will take away the attention of the teacher from the core teaching. Hence, a teacher needs to be comfortable asking for money.

      Why is it important for a Teacher to be a great Marketer?
      1. A teacher with great marketing skills can create transformation in people’s lives. They can create transformation by getting them to take action and get results.
      2. Charge People Money: If you really feel that you are adding value to your students, then you will not hesitate to charge money for it. You know you will over deliver value in comparison to that money. Its your livelihood. Earn money, contribute value, make people take action and help them get results.
      3. Be Financial Stress Free to do more: To add value to the students, you need to be updated. You need to come up with good ideas. For one to be creative and come up with good ideas, add value to others, they need to be stress free. If you are free of financial stress (by being comfortable charging money for your services) you will have more time and the right state of mind to be creative and bring out your uniqueness.
      4. Create a ripple effect: Teachers a nation-builders. Their teachings will have a ripple effect on the students, their future, their family, society, and nation at large.
      5. Create a legacy: Your teachings will stay with the students. They will grow up to be responsible citizens and serve the nation. Through the students, the teachers will create a legacy. To get more people involved in the legacy, you need to be a great marketer.
      Hence every single teacher has to be a great marketer.



    • Janardan Kar

      Here is a podcast of my mentor who speaks of the importance of a Great Teacher . The salient Points which I decipher from the podcast with my veneer of experience, are: 1.Present Conventional Teaching system is hardly producing great inspiring teachers to impart contextual knowledge which is much different from the information pushed by teachers in schools and colleges with an objective of creating industrial/factory workers, a legacy of Industrial revolution a 20th. century creation. And from my more than four decade long work experience I can safely say the large percentage of products coming out of institutes are not very passionate in their work but take it as an arena to earn money, fame and power(either or/and, which in themselves are not wrong) . But without passion/ love for the work , attitude of serving people/society, they don’t get fulfillment in spite of achievements in external world(monetary Wealth- which money can buy, Fame- which is a product of external achievements, Power- outcome of position in organization).AND LOOK AT THE CONVENTIONAL TEACHERS THEY DO NOT ENJOY OR COMMAND AN IOTA OF THE RESPECT OF WISE SAGES – GURUS OF RISHI CULTURE OF INDIA, THE PHILOSOPHERS -BHARADWAJ, PATANJALI, KAPIL ,JAIMINI; ARISTOLE, PLATO, SOCRATES, TOLSTOY OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC WESTERN WORLD, SPIRITUAL MASTERS- GAUTAM BUDDHA, JESUS,PROPHET MOHHAMED, ADI SHANKAR, ACHARYA RAMANUJ RAMAKRISHNA PARAMHANSHA, VIVEKANAND, YOGANANDA,NANAK, KABIR, PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA, AUROBINDA,RAVINDRANATH , PRABHUPAD, MAHESH YOGI, SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR,RISHI PRABHAKAR, SADGURU OF ANCIENT AND MODERN INDIA-COMMANDED IN THEIR TIME .AND LOOK AT THE TRIBES OF WISE , LARGER THAN LIFE DISCIPLES THEY CREATED WHO USHERED GREAT TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOCIETY. 2. These great teachers were true leaders , imparted transformative knowledge through stories so that complex wisdom became simple to understand and kept their disciples hooked. These visionary teachers/guru of ancient times were looked after by the ruler class for their worldly comforts and as such they used to lead a clutter-free simple life. Their product- the disciples were their advertisement/ marketing pitch/the lead magnets.
      3. As it is said the basic principles remain always simple and unaltered. Today also the same principle will work out well for imparting transformative knowledge . Strategy and Tactics to change to adapt the present Socio-Politico-Economic situation in society. Technology has been the tool and it would be evolving faster but principle will remain unchanged- the context will remain same but content will evolve with time . True TEACHERS will remain the LEADERS but keeping in view the present scenario they have also to do their marketing and generate enough resources to sustain the effort and perpetuate the legacy through their Tribes. In Rishi culture of education their Tribe was known as Gotra and though the camphor of the system has evaporated but our gotra reminds us our rich heritage. Time has come to revive the spirit in the new world to create new efficient and effective tribes of spirited education system .

    • Janardan Kar

      #ILH deep learner
      Here is a podcast of my mentor who speaks of the importance of a Great Teacher . The salient Points which I decipher from the podcast with my veneer of experience, are: 1.Present Conventional Teaching system is hardly producing great inspiring teachers to impart contextual knowledge which is much different from the information pushed by teachers in schools and colleges with an objective of creating industrial/factory workers, a legacy of Industrial revolution a 20th. century creation. And from my more than four decade long work experience I can safely say the large percentage of products coming out of institutes are not very passionate in their work but take it as an arena to earn money, fame and power(either or/and, which in themselves are not wrong) . But without passion/ love for the work , attitude of serving people/society, they don’t get fulfillment in spite of achievements in external world(monetary Wealth- which money can buy, Fame- which is a product of external achievements, Power- outcome of position in organization).AND LOOK AT THE CONVENTIONAL TEACHERS THEY DO NOT ENJOY OR COMMAND AN IOTA OF THE RESPECT OF WISE SAGES – GURUS OF RISHI CULTURE OF INDIA, THE PHILOSOPHERS -BHARADWAJ, PATANJALI, KAPIL ,JAIMINI; ARISTOLE, PLATO, SOCRATES, TOLSTOY OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC WESTERN WORLD, SPIRITUAL MASTERS- GAUTAM BUDDHA, JESUS,PROPHET MOHHAMED, ADI SHANKAR, ACHARYA RAMANUJ RAMAKRISHNA PARAMHANSHA, VIVEKANAND, YOGANANDA,NANAK, KABIR, PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA, AUROBINDA,RAVINDRANATH , PRABHUPAD, MAHESH YOGI, SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR,RISHI PRABHAKAR, SADGURU OF ANCIENT AND MODERN INDIA-COMMANDED IN THEIR TIME .AND LOOK AT THE TRIBES OF WISE , LARGER THAN LIFE DISCIPLES THEY CREATED WHO USHERED GREAT TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOCIETY. 2. These great teachers were true leaders , imparted transformative knowledge through stories so that complex wisdom became simple to understand and kept their disciples hooked. These visionary teachers/guru of ancient times were looked after by the ruler class for their worldly comforts and as such they used to lead a clutter-free simple life. Their product- the disciples were their advertisement/ marketing pitch/the lead magnets.
      3. As it is said the basic principles remain always simple and unaltered. Today also the same principle will work out well for imparting transformative knowledge . Strategy and Tactics to change to adapt the present Socio-Politico-Economic situation in society. Technology has been the tool and it would be evolving faster but principle will remain unchanged- the context will remain same but content will evolve with time . True TEACHERS will remain the LEADERS but keeping in view the present scenario they have also to do their marketing and generate enough resources to sustain the effort and perpetuate the legacy through their Tribes. In Rishi culture of education their Tribe was known as Gotra and though the camphor of the system has evaporated but our gotra reminds us our rich heritage. Time has come to revive the spirit in the new world to create new efficient and effective tribes of spirited education system .

    • Satis kumbhar

      Convert knowledge into money.People who pay money pay attention,who give attention takes action ,those who take action give results and results make u a successful person..So bottom line is to learn relearn and implement..awesome takeaway sidz

    • inder jeet Singh ubhi

      My takeaway from this podcast

      Difference between typical teachers and a marketer

      Teachers are leaders whatever we are today is hecause of our teachers
      Tropical teachers gives knowledge ,but a marketer is someone who use knowledge to get ripple to take action and convert into result.
      Marketer teach and take action in the area of knowledge and money
      Power of marketing cannot be denied
      It is important for every teacher to be a great marketer.
      Learn do and teach at the same time golden triangle of success

      Gone are the days where teachers are just the ones who teach in school. Teachers of the new age are who walk and talk. Who are really doing stuff as they research on them and when you are someone who is an implementer teacher. It will have a bigger impact on your students


      1. A great marketers gives the information based on what the audience needs. They do not follow with the script.
      2. A great marketer uses lot of stories to the deeper philosophical points.
      3 A great marketer able to tape into emotion of audience
      4. A great marketer able to get more people to take action.
      5.A great marketer converts their knowledge into results that can benefits also

      There are the four type of class are there

      Why the teacher will be marketer
      Information v/s transformation people lives through knowledge.
      1. Teacher will not just give information but teacher will be able to transform people with their knowledge. Jesus’s pure intent created a movement, shreeram, prabhupada, kabir, Mohammed, Buddha, Nanak, are great teachers and great marketers. They have produced results
      2. The people who paid money they take actions
      Stop giving your knowledge away for free session, but always charge a tuition fee for your structured leading process, because people who pay money and then they pay attention. People who pay attention, take action. This is not always true. Some people pay money but not take action, due to laziness. It is depend upon the person to person and their intention, interest, situation of the person. Some people do not have money, but wants to take action, if the opportunity given to them, they grow faster then the person who pay. People who take action, get results so it’s your moral responsibility to get people pay you, don’t be shy about it.
      3. This will inspire more
      Financial stability will inspire you to do more
      When you have a great bank account and financial stability, it will inspire you to be able to expend yourself and your knowledge more and more. When you have a happy spouse who has all the things they need, then you can work without any mental friction

      4. Ripple effect on plant
      When you become great at marketing, then you can truly create ripple effect in this world, you will be able to inspire and impact so many people then you can even manage

      5. Leave your legacy

      By becoming a great marketer you will be able to leave a great legacy for yourself well after you are gone from the planet with the limited time that you have please mark this a priority

    • S.Visweswaran

      Thank You Siddharth Rajsekar ji,
      My take from this podcast is A teacher is a leader and he also has the duty to transfer the knowledge to his sishyas and thereby “CEATE A LEGACY” and “CREATE A RIPPLE EFFECT”.
      You are a great soul. Your energy says it all.

    • Dr D Srinivas Rao

      My Biggest Lesson: Teachers deserve to be RICH.

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