Do you feel that some invisible anchors are stopping you from making progress? This podcast will give you a perspective.

The Invisible Anchors

Have you ever found yourself stuck, despite having all the knowledge, skills, and good intentions to move forward in your business and life? In this powerful podcast, we delve into the six invisible anchors that might be holding you back on your journey to free-flowing progress. Join me as we explore the internal and subtle aspects that can shape your reality and learn how to break free from these constraints.

Unveiling the First Anchor: Beliefs About Money
The first invisible anchor we tackle is your beliefs about money. Dive deep into your money blueprint and question the internal dialogues that may be hindering your financial growth. Shifting these beliefs can transform your life and open the door to new opportunities. Ask yourself, "Why do I want money?" and trace it back to its roots to make peace and move forward.

Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
Your beliefs about yourself play a pivotal role in your progress. Many individuals striving for a flashy lifestyle may be compensating for childhood feelings of inadequacy. Discover the importance of self-love and the power of believing in yourself without comparing to others. Let go of the need for external validation and embrace your unique worth.

Transforming Envy into Appreciation
Your beliefs about other successful people can act as another anchor. Shift from envy and jealousy to genuine appreciation for others' success. Embrace the mindset that allows you to become someone you admire, rather than someone you despise. Learn to celebrate success, understanding that it's not a limited resource.

Healing Family Dynamics: Father and Mother Figures
Your relationship with father and mother figures can unconsciously set financial limitations. Explore the impact of your upbringing on your financial aspirations. Break free from subconscious constraints by recognizing and challenging preconceived notions. Grant yourself permission to surpass the financial achievements of your parental figures.

Confronting Childhood Wounds
Wounds from childhood, whether related to relationships or health, can create patterns that persist into adulthood. Shift your perspective on these wounds, seeing them as opportunities for growth rather than limitations. Awareness, acceptance, and action are key to breaking free from these invisible anchors.

The Influence of Past Lives
Explore the possibility of karmic baggage from past lives affecting your current situation. While it may be challenging to identify, the acknowledgment of this influence is a crucial step in overcoming these hidden barriers.

Overcoming the Anchors: Steps to Freedom

To overcome these invisible anchors, follow three essential steps: awareness, acceptance, and action. Cultivate inner connection and intuitive awareness to understand the lessons you need to learn. Find brilliance in every situation through acceptance, allowing for healing and transformation. Finally, take purposeful action without fixating on immediate results, trusting in the gradual process of breaking free.

Conclusion: Embracing Self-Love for Lasting Impact
In the concluding part of this podcast, we emphasize the transformative power of self-love. By practicing self-care, appreciation, and approval, you can build a strong self-concept that propels you toward your goals. Remember, true self-love is the foundation for creating a lasting impact in the world.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and liberation, share your insights below, and let's support each other in breaking free from these invisible anchors. Stay tuned for the next episode, and let's unleash our true potential together!

siddharth rajsekar

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I’m Sidz – a college drop-out, musician turned digital geek, and founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub. Since 2018, I’ve helped over 30,000 coaches, teachers, and experts digitize their knowledge and build vibrant learning communities. As the author of You Can Coach, my mission is to help 1,000,000 people break free from outdated systems and live a life of freedom, purpose, and impact. Ready to create your own thriving community? Let’s make it happen! 🚀

    37 replies to "6 Invisible Anchors That Keep You Stuck"


      Very powerful Podcast indeed ! We all need to review our belief systems to understand the invisible anchors. Our past lives and karmas decide our destiny. Review your childhood to find what is still influencing and holding you back. The childhood wounds need to be healed NOW. It is very very important to LOVE YOURSELF ! Very important to have a clarity that the past experiences in our lives have taught us lessons for our better destiny. Let us start with SELF CARE , SELF APPRECIATION . Focus on sincere prayers for betterment of society, great services to offer solutions for humanity and charity are the pillars to change the BELIEF SYSTEMS. Self awareness through inner connections by meditation , no comparisons , accepting self as a unique creation of GOD and positive actions for unlimited avenues will guarantee success. Money is needed today for happiness of your family.


      Truly resonating with this podcast…
      Healing the wounds of childhood
      Improving relationship with parents
      Self love
      Appreciation for self
      Spending time with self and serving the purpose of life
      And also the awareness that leads us to transformation 😀

    • Mumtaz Shanavaz

      Really an I opener. The value of self love…. most people don’t know. This is indeed a valuable podcast that will definitely be helpful to lots of people struggling with their stuck personality. It has once again reiterated my approach and vision about relationships and the world at large. Thank you so much Sid!!!!

    • Maurya SN

      1. Self-love , Care & acceptance is key in personal development .

      2. Have powerful self awareness , consciousness in decision and actions are key.

    • Sadhana Naik

      Great to start my morning with this impactful podcast. The key anchors that holds one down, though common, yet become very important to realise, accept and release. This come with self-introspection. Start with loving oneself and self-belief which can come with self-care, self-appreciatiin and self-approval.
      Prayers, Service to society and charity are the foundation!! ❤😍

    • Rachel jadhav

      Internal game to go forward,

      1.Money belifs 💰💰💰💰
      2. Belifs about yourself☺️☺️☺️ make a peace b in love with ur self
      3. Ur belifs about other being successfully…u have not evolved to appreciate others u cannot be someone who u dispise
      4. Ur relationship with ur father figures.
      5. Wounds from childhood 👩‍❤️‍👩
      6. Wounds from past.. true inner connection
      7. Brilliance in every situation
      8. Action ….taking action with out worry
      9 acceptance 😌 ✨️
      10 pray n worship, service and charity
      Self love self care ✨️ 💕 ❤️ 💛 😌 💓 ✨️ self appreciation self approval

    • Rachel jadhav

      U made it today as well sidzz ….
      Kudos 👏 💐 🥳 🎊 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    • DigitalNeel07

      Literally this made my day thoughts. “Awareness comes with inner connections”

    • praful C Varma

      This is a very powerful podcast and the following are my takeaways:
      #Review beliefs, childhood impact, and past experiences that shape destiny.
      #Address childhood wounds, practice self-love, and self-care for personal growth.
      #Self-awareness, meditation, and positive actions pave the way for success #Focus on prayers, serving society, and charity to transform beliefs.
      #Acknowledge the importance of financial stability for family happiness.
      Acknowledgment: Understanding and healing childhood wounds resonate deeply.
      Self-development: Self-love, care, and self-awareness are vital for personal growth.
      Impactful Podcast creation will help to recognize and release emotional anchors is key to progress.
      These discussions stress self-care, self-awareness, and healing past wounds as crucial for personal growth and transformation.

    • Gautham Murthy

      Hi Siddharth pr, thank you so much for your insights. I understand the perspective you’ve shared, and I recognize where I might be hindering my financial progress. I find myself drawn towards KC (only you would understand this :)), and when I hear others caution against a materialistic life, it creates a mental block for me. I’m unsure how to navigate this. I already contribute a percentage of my income to the temple and maintain a regular chanting practice. I believe your guidance could shed some light on this matter. Thank you.

    • Manjunath Nadagoud

      #ILH Family

      Here are my key takeaways:

      1. Your belief about money – Look for limiting belief
      2. Belief about money, health should be introspected
      3. When you are able to shift your belief, you can shift your life
      4. Keep question yourself why you need money?
      5. Go back to the root and identify the desire coming from
      6. Belief about yourself
      7. Don’t fill your vacuum with flash ways from what you didn’t had in childhood
      8. Be in love with yourself. Believe in who you are.
      9. Your belief with other successful people – appreciated other success
      10. Relationship with your father and mother figures – Have awareness with the conversations
      11. Give yourself the power to step into and be there
      12. Wounds from childhood – pattern has to be broken
      13. Health – take a healthy habit
      14. Change the perspective of it or continue with the same pattern
      15. Wounds from past life
      16. Awareness through inner connection
      17. Acceptance shift the perspective
      18. Brilliance in every negative situation you automatically heal
      19. Perform Action – don’t worry about results
      20. Never be able to create a impact in this world. If you can’t love yourself

    • Ramkrishna

      Great pdc for healing self and univers

    • Preeti Agarwal

      Self love : if we do not have this, we won’t be able to create an impact.

      For Self love: we gotto practice Self care, Self appreciation & Self approval.

      Past life baggage can be cleared by service, prayers & charity.

      Past life baggage is one of the other anchors that stops us from moving forward.

    • Kiran Ravi Srivastava

      Prayer 🤲 surrender 🙏 and charity 💕 Self love and Self Care ❣️
      Very insightful. Thanks sidz 🔥

    • Rahoul Srivastav

      Disempowering belief gets anchored to you from past experiences or memories.
      These anchored beliefs influence our current and future.
      It’s so subtle and sometimes we are not even aware of it.
      To move ahead and be successful we need to heal these wounds.
      We can do this by:-
      -Caring for self
      -Have a strong self-concept.

    • Rahoul Srivastav

      Certain beliefs are disempowering and that reflects in our decisions, behavior and experiences. gets anchored to you from past experiences or memories.
      These anchored beliefs influence our current and future.
      It’s so subtle and sometimes we are not even aware of it.
      To move ahead and be successful we need to heal these wounds.
      We can do this by:-
      -Caring for self
      -Have a strong self-concept.

    • Loretta Sridhar

      My internal barriers
      Shift beliefs to see change.
      What is my belief in money?
      Who do I think I am
      Your belief of other’s success
      Your relationship with others – parents
      Wounds of the past
      wounds of the past life

      How do I overcome these anchors

      Step 1 :Awareness- Inner connection with God and you.
      Step 2 : Acceptance : Seeing the blessing in every incident of your life
      Step 3 : Action : To see the change
      Everyday : Suurender
      Prayer, Charity and Service
      Self love helps you to impact lives
      Care for self
      Appreciate yourself for who you are
      Self Care – Self Appreciation – Self Approval demonstrates Self Love

    • Nitin Gole

      Valuable lessons learned today, in this podcast. “The Invisible Anchors that keep you stuck.”

      1. Your own belief of money/health/relationships, shift your belief
      Ask the question 5 times why you need money.
      2. Your beliefs about yourself/Childhood beliefs. believe in yourself, love yourself.
      3. Your beliefs about other successful people.
      4. Your relationship with your father/mother.
      5. Wounds from your childhood, relationship issues, health issues.
      6. wounds from past life.

      how do you overcome these anchors.
      1. Awareness, inner connection, intuition.
      2. Acceptance.
      3. Action, taking action without result, spend every single day in surrender prayer, service to others, charity.

      Very powerful lesson,
      You won’t be able to create the impact in the world, if you don’t love yourself.
      Self care, self appreciation.

      Thank you!!!


    • Shilpa

      Very useful

    • Sangeeta Naik

      Awareness, acceptance and action takes care of stagnation.

    • Ananth

      Six invisible anchors

      1. Unveiling the First Anchor: Beliefs About Money
      2. Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
      3. Transforming Envy into Appreciation
      4. Healing Family Dynamics: Father and Mother Figures
      5. Confronting Childhood Wounds
      6. The Influence of Past Lives

    • Rakesh Mahalley

      6 invisible anchors ⚓️ that keep you stuck as follows:

      ➡️ your own beliefs about money 💰 🤑 💸.
      When you will be able to shift your belief you can shift your life 🙌. Ask yourself why you want money ? . Go back to your root so that you can find your correct answer.

      ➡️ Your beliefs about yourself.
      Most people living flashy lives in reality it is just opposite to it. To remove this anchor just believe in yourself, love ❤️ yourself.

      ➡️ Your beliefs related to other successful people .
      When you see someone successful and you feal jealous of them then this is also an anchor ⚓️. Never despise others unconsciously.

      ➡️ Your relationships with father figures or mother figures.
      If you have bad relationships with your father or mother & you have that grudge inside you. So , again it is an anchor ⚓️ as you are not sync with that person who have bring you in the world. So try to change the perception what you want to be.

      ➡️ Your wounds from your childhood.
      If something has happened in childhood the pattern continues rest of the life. So need to break this pattern. Try to change the perception.

      ➡️ Carrying bagde from past life .

      Now , how to overcome this anchors ⚓️ are as follows:

      ➡️ Awareness:
      It comes through inner connection with yourself and your creator. More you exercise your inner connection you will get more guidance.

      ➡️ Acceptance:
      Find brilliance in every negative situation.

      ➡️ Action 🎬
      Take actions without worrying 😟 about the reaction.

      Prayer, service and charity make more awareness and will help to bring more changes in all aspects.
      💫The most important lesson is thst You will never be able to create an impact on others unless you love yourself. ❤️ 😃


      What a wonderful step-by-step problem analysis and it’s solution you said.. Lots of thanks.
      Valuable lessons learned today, in this podcast.

      “The Invisible Anchors that keep you stuck.”

      1. Your own belief of money/health/relationships, shift your belief
      Ask the question 5 times why you need money.
      2. Your beliefs about yourself/Childhood beliefs. believe in yourself, love yourself.
      3. Your beliefs about other successful people.
      4. Your relationship with your father/mother.
      5. Wounds from your childhood, relationship issues, health issues.
      6. wounds from past life.

      how do you overcome these anchors.

      1. Awareness, inner connection, intuition.
      2. Acceptance.
      3. Action, taking action without result, spend every single day in surrender prayer, service to others, charity.

      Very powerful lesson,
      You won’t be able to create the impact in the world, if you don’t love yourself.
      Self-care, self-appreciation.

      Thank you!!!


    • Lakshmi Nanduri

      Issues and Challenges:
      Struggling to progress in business and life despite knowledge and skills.
      Deep-rooted beliefs about money hindering financial growth.
      Self-limiting beliefs and the need for external validation.
      Envy towards successful people, affecting personal growth.
      Unconscious financial limitations set by parental relationships.
      Childhood wounds creating negative adult patterns.
      Potential influence of past lives or karmic baggage on current situations.
      Solutions to Handle:
      Reexamining and transforming beliefs about money.
      Embracing self-love and believing in personal worth.
      Shifting from envy to appreciation of others’ successes.
      Overcoming financial limitations imposed by family dynamics.
      Viewing childhood wounds as opportunities for growth.
      Acknowledging and addressing the influence of past lives.
      Following a three-step process of awareness, acceptance, and action.
      Practicing self-care

    • Lakshmi Nanduri

      Issues and Challenges:
      Struggling to progress in business and life despite knowledge and skills.
      Deep-rooted beliefs about money hindering financial growth.
      Self-limiting beliefs and the need for external validation.
      Envy towards successful people, affecting personal growth.
      Unconscious financial limitations set by parental relationships.
      Childhood wounds creating negative adult patterns.
      Potential influence of past lives or karmic baggage on current situations.
      Solutions to Handle:
      Reexamining and transforming beliefs about money.
      Embracing self-love and believing in personal worth.
      Shifting from envy to appreciation of others’ successes.
      Overcoming financial limitations imposed by family dynamics.
      Viewing childhood wounds as opportunities for growth.
      Acknowledging and addressing the influence of past lives.
      Following a three-step process of awareness, acceptance, and action.
      Practicing introspection and self-care is essential

    • Vijaya Parvathareddy

      One’s belief system influences life in lot of ways
      1. Beliefs About Money
      2. Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
      3. Transforming Envy into Appreciation
      4. Healing Family Dynamics: Father and Mother Figures
      5. Confronting Childhood Wounds
      6. The Influence of Past Lives
      Accept yourself the way you are and start growing and receive your goals.
      Take 100% responsibility for the current situation in life. Change, adapt and work towards your goals.

    • Pradeep Hariharan

      Thank you Sidz, I listened to this multiple times. This is very profound and has gone deep. I never thought I had to look inside to bring change.

    • Suma

      Beautifully put together. Notice that constant voice that is running in your mind that talking to you. Ask yourself the deeper meaningful questions to understand from where it is stemming from. Reframe it and take action by submitting yourself to the power that is guiding you throughout. Take action without focusing on the result. Love, approve and appreciate yourself without looking for validation from anyone and take action. You will see your world shifting and unfolding to new dimensions.


        The invisible internal resistances: anchors holding back growth.
        1. Beliefs about money-childhood subconscious inner beliefs. Health, Relationship etc. also- ask why 5 layers- go to roots to getover.
        2. Self belief- childhood subconscious- self love don’t compare with others.
        3. Hatred for people whom you despise- be conscious and get over.. Make peace.
        4. Relationship with Parents-Analyse get peace with those bad feelings.
        5. Wounds from childhood- contemplate and get peace with.
        6. Wounds from previous lives – Karmik baggages- do meditate, pray, accept things, awareness. Serve People.
        7.Self love- self care-self acceptance- self approval-self concept




      Great podcast! Belief systems are the anchors which keep us stuck – it’s a new perspective. I think many of us can relate it with ourselves. Self belief on money, jealousy, own belief system on relationships, childhood wounds & past karmic impressions all have its impact. The answer to all the anchors are so aptly explained as self love being the answer. Awesome!!! Podcast.

    • Sarita Shetty

      My reflections ~
      1. Money/health beliefs that are not supporting me shift it.
      2. Self love
      3. My belief about others. Evolve myself to appreciate others. See the goodness.
      4. My relationship with my parent figures. Let go. Unconsciously don’t want to exceed parent figure. Let go. Peace.
      5. Wounds from Childhood. Become aware and choose to heal. Change the perspective of it.
      6. Wounds from past life.

      Steps to level up
      Awareness. Inner connection with myself and my creator. Question what service may I serve.
      Acceptance. Accept, hesl n move ahead.
      Action. Taking action without expecting results. Enjoy the process. Results will take care of itself.

      3 magical elements

      1. SELF care
      2. Self appreciate for who you are
      3. Self approval. Not seeking the approval of others

      Thank you, Siddharth!!!

    • Tanveen

      I am going to share this in my community 😍😍😍😍😍

    • Sofiya

      I could not listen to it because it got stuck. But finally I was able to listen to it . Nice podcast . Self luv is very important if we self luv ourselves then we would contribute more to our family to the environment to our friends . We will be more giving . If we self luv ourselves gof wi ll be very happy with as we our taking care of what he has given us. Make sense right

    • Sofiya

      I could not listen to it because it got stuck. But finally I was able to listen to it . Nice podcast . Self luv is very important if we self luv ourselves then we would contribute more to our family to the environment to our friends . We will be more giving . If we self luv ourselves god will be very happy with us as we our taking care of what he has given us. Make sense right

    • Tanveen

      Yesterday I had listened to this podcast , I loved the message so much that I wanted to share it with others…today I conducted a session on the topic…only 5 people attended the session but I was happy that I took the initiative to share the message

    • Chidanand

      Many insights into the beliefs which we are holding all along our life, have been broken down to reveal the myths about them.

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